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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’intégration des corridors dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement internationales : analyse de cas africains / The integration of corridors into international supply chains : analysis of African cases

Pelletier, Jean-François 12 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les corridors et leur capacité relative à s'intégrer dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement internationales. Pour illustrer l'analyse, elle repose sur la réalisation d'études de cas portant sur la performance de corridors africains reliant le Tchad et le Niger aux marchés internationaux. Les chaînes d'approvisionnement sont des systèmes qui relient les organisations entre elles à travers des flux physiques et informationnels. Pour pouvoir les intégrer, toute entité doit être en mesure d'y contribuer en y apportant une valeur. Cette valeur permet aux chaînes d'approvisionnement d'atteindre un certain niveau de performance vis-à-vis leurs concurrents. En principe, elles cherchent donc à améliorer leurs performances et ceci passe par un certain nombre de stratégies dont la mise en œuvre dépend, entre autres, d'une circulation fluide d'information de qualité, d'un haut degré de fiabilité dans les processus logistiques et d'une collaboration effective entre les acteurs de la chaîne. En ce qui concerne les corridors, il s'agit également de systèmes qui relient les organisations entre elles. Mais contrairement aux chaînes d'approvisionnement, ils sont davantage territorialisés et ils forment des réseaux à travers lesquels les flux physiques et informationnels circulent. Leur valeur pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement est donc étroitement liée à la mobilité des biens, des personnes et des informations. Les corridors sont dotés de capacités qui leur confèrent plus ou moins de valeur selon les besoins relatifs des chaînes d'approvisionnement. Grâce à une matrice d'étalonnage construite à partir des besoins des chaînes d'approvisionnement, des capacités des corridors et des informations disponibles, les travaux entourant cette thèse tentent d'évaluer quels corridors sont susceptibles de mieux répondre aux besoins de certaines chaînes d'approvisionnement. Dans la mesure où à la fois les corridors et les chaînes d'approvisionnement sont des systèmes et considérant que l'évaluation de la performance ne peut faire abstraction d'éléments contextuels pour lesquels des indicateurs n'apportent que des réponses partielles, le processus d'étalonnage est complété par des études de cas qui permettent de mieux comprendre la performance relative. En conclusion, les travaux de cette thèse démontrent que les spécificités de chaque chaîne d'approvisionnement et des corridors empruntés ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une application universelle d'indicateurs de performance. Afin de bien appréhender l'intégration relative des corridors, il est nécessaire de pondérer les indicateurs en fonction des besoins précis de chaque chaîne d'approvisionnement. Par ailleurs, même si les corridors traditionnellement utilisés pour relier le Tchad et le Niger devraient maintenir leurs avantages dans un avenir rapproché, le potentiel d'amélioration sur l'ensemble des corridors est tel que la situation pourrait changer de façon significative à moyen et long termes. C'est notamment le cas pour les flux en provenance de / vers l'Asie qui augmentent rapidement à l'échelle africaine / This work considers corridors and their relative capability to integrate international supply chains. To illustrate the analysis, it is based on case studies pertaining to the performance of some African corridors linking Chad and Niger to global markets. Supply chains are systems that link organisations between them through physical and informational flows. To integrate them, it is necessary to contribute by providing value. This value enables supply chains to reach a given level of performance. Supply chains thus try to reach higher levels of performance through a certain number of strategies such as a seamless flow of information, a high degree of reliability in logistical processes and cooperation between stakeholders of the supply chain. Corridors are also systems that link organisation but they are more territorialized and form networks through which physical and informational flows circulate. Their value for supply chains is thus closely linked to the mobility of goods, persons and information. Corridors have capacities which provide them with more or less value according to the specific requirements of individual supply chains. With a benchmarking matrix built according to supply chain requirements, corridor capacities and available information, the work underlying this thesis tries to evaluate which corridors are susceptible of better answering to the specific need of certain supply chains. Given that both corridors and supply chains are systems and that the evaluation of performance cannot override contextual elements for which indicators only provide partial answers, the benchmarking process is completed by case studies that enable a better understanding of the relative performance. In conclusion, the work undertaken in this thesis demonstrates that the specificities of each supply chain and corridor cannot be objectively evaluated through the application of a universal benchmarking process based on performance indicators. To evaluate the relative integration of corridors, it is necessary to weigh the indicators according to the specific requirements of each supply chain. Moreover, even if the corridors traditionally used to link Chad and Niger should maintain their advantage in the short term, the potential for improvement on all the corridors analysed are such that this situation could significantly change in the medium and long terms. This is notably the case for flows to/from Asia which are growing rapidly at the African scale

Os novos indicadores educacionais brasileiros: um estudo sobre a Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo / The new Brazilian educational indicators: a study about the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo

Costa, Viviane Aparecida 16 May 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa toma como objeto de estudo o desempenho escolar nos anos iniciais da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo. Com base em indicadores educacionais disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP), reunimos uma ampla gama de informações sobre as 549 escolas municipais de São Paulo. Como revelaram inúmeras pesquisas, nacionais e internacionais, o desempenho escolar apresenta uma forte associação com o nível socioeconômico das famílias. Sem negligenciar esta dimensão do desempenho escolar, a hipótese trabalhada nesta pesquisa dizia respeito ao peso de outros fatores, descritos na literatura como efeito-escola e efeito-professor. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, procedemos à coleta das estatísticas e examinamos a distribuição dos novos indicadores educacionais (INEP, 2014) na Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo. Em seguida, recorremos a uma Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), visando produzir uma representação, à uma só vez, multidimensional e sintética do conjunto das escolas municipais de São Paulo. Como esperado, os resultados evidenciaram, no primeiro eixo, uma correlação entre desempenho escolar e nível socioeconômico das famílias. A segunda componente principal expressa uma correlação que traz à tona a importância dos novos indicadores educacionais para a compreensão dos resultados escolares. As demais componentes principais revelam a contribuição de fatores propriamente escolares para a explicação do êxito escolar / This research takes as its object of study school performance in the early years of the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo. Based on educational indicators provided by the National Institute of Education Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), we gathered a wide range of information about 549 municipal schools from São Paulo. As evidenced by numerous, national and international researches, school performance has a strong association with the socioeconomic level of families. Without neglecting this dimension of school performance, the hypothesis worked on in this research related to the weight from other factors, described in the literature as \"school-effect\" and \"teacher-effect\". In the first step of the research, we proceeded to collect statistics and examined the distribution of the new educational indicators (INEP, 2014) on the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo. Then, we referred to a Principal Components Analysis (PCA), aiming to produce a multidimensional and synthetic representation from all municipal schools in São Paulo. As expected, the results showed, on the first axis, a correlation between school performance and socioeconomic level from families. The second major component expresses a correlation that brings to light the importance of the new educational indicators for the school outcomes understanding. The other main components reveal the contribution of school-based factors for the school success explanation

Controlling jako součást podnikového informačního systému / Controlling as a part of business information system

GLASEROVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with controlling as a part of business information system of the company. In the theoretical part the meaning of controlling, relations between controller and manager, aims and functions of controlling and its operational and strategic tools are explained. Practical part is focused on specification of the selected company, department of controlling and used information systems of the selected company. The main part is devoted to the evaluation of the main tools of operational controlling of the company such as calculation system, budgetary accounting and analyses of variances. Within strategic tools the competitive analyses, PEST and SWOT analyses and branch analyses are performed. In the last chapter the key performance indicators are introduced, whose observation is recommended to the selected company. The conclusion summarizes results and suggestions, which could help the company to improve the current state of controlling but the economic situation of the company itself too.

Tvorba a aplikace ekonomicko-finančního systému umožňujícího hodnocení zdravotnických zařízení poskytujících ambulantní a lůžkovou péči / Creation and application of economically-financial system for evaluation of medical facilities providing outpatient and bed care

MOUČKOVÁ, Jiřina January 2019 (has links)
The paper is focused on comparison of individual methods enabling evaluation of health care facilities and selection of the most suitable method with respect to the evaluation objective. The aim of the evaluation is to compare health care facilities by the indicators that can affect patient satisfaction. A financially sound hospital has enough resources to invest in new medical technology and equipment, it can afford to adequately pay quality health care staff and thereby influence treatment success and patient satisfaction. The partial objective is to select appropriate financial indicators for evaluation, as well as a method for comparing and ranking hospitals. The most suitable method of evaluation was the point method with the determination of weights and the definition of the required range of indicators. I proceed according to this method also in the current evaluation, with the alteration of indicators.

Leis de escala aplicadas para os municípios brasileiros. / Scaling laws applied to brazilian municipalities.

Daniel, Marcelo Nakano 14 February 2019 (has links)
Leis de escala aplicadas a cidades ja foram identificadas para diversos contextos ao redor do mundo e sua validade defendida por diversos autores. A invariância em escala e as relações de crescimento superlinear, linear e sublinear foram observadas considerando-se a relac~ao entre diversos indicadores (sociais, econômicos, infraestrutura) e o tamanho das cidades. Nesta pesquisa foi avaliada a aplicação das leis de escala para as cidades brasileiras em relação a 14 indicadores dos Censos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) que se alinham com indicadores da Norma ISO 37120:2017. As leis de escala foram avaliadas para esses indicadores em relac~ao ao tamanho populacional das cidades brasileiras por meio do levantamento e processamento dos dados disponíveis. Não foi possível confirmar a generalidade da aplicação dessas leis, sendo apontadas as suas limitações. / Scaling laws applied to cities have already been identied for diverse contexts around the world and their validity defended by several authors. The scale invariance and the superlinear, linear and sublinear growth behaviors were observed considering the relationship between several indicators (social, economic, infrastructure) and the size of the cities. This research evaluated the applicability of the scaling laws for Brazilian cities relative to 14 indicators from Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) Censuses that are aligned with indicators proposed by ISO 37120: 2017 norm. The scaling laws were evaluated for these indicators in relation to the population size of Brazilian cities through the collection and processing of available data. It was not possible to conrm the generality of the application of these laws, and their limitations were pointed out.

Trajetória de regeneração em fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual degradado submetido ao corte de trepadeiras e a plantios de restauração ecológica / Regeneration trajectory in a degraded semideciduous seasonal forest fragment submitted to lianas cutting and ecological restoration plantations

Assis, Laís Santos de 09 May 2019 (has links)
Apesar da importância, a restauração dos remanescentes florestais degradados em paisagens fragmentadas ainda carece de avanços técnico-científicos para que seja incluída na agenda da restauração ecológica. Atualmente, não existem métodos de restauração comprovados, e nem protocolos de avaliação e monitoramento da regeneração natural e da restauração ecológica em fragmentos florestais degradados. Na Floresta Estacional Semidecidual degradada é comum, em áreas de clareiras e com efeito de borda, a hiperabundância de algumas espécies de trepadeiras, que sufocam árvores, inibindo a regeneração de outras espécies. Nessas áreas, o corte de trepadeiras e o plantio de mudas de espécies arbóreas têm sido propostos como técnicas de restauração, entretanto, carecem de investigação quanto à sua eficácia ao longo do tempo. Do mesmo modo, pouco sabemos se de fato essa restauração se faz necessária, pois pouco sabemos se e como as áreas degradadas e sem cobertura de dossel se recuperam ao longo do tempo. A fim de analisar a efetividade do corte de trepadeiras e de plantios de árvores nativas sobre a regeneração da comunidade arbórea em fragmentos florestais degradados, avaliamos a trajetória de cobertura de dossel em um período de 22 anos, e de indicadores ecológicos de restauração florestal em uma cronossequência de 16 anos, em um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual localizado na Mata de Santa Genebra, Campinas-SP. Para a avaliação da trajetória de cobertura de dossel, fotografias aéreas de 1994, 2005 e 2016 foram analisadas visualmente e suas clareiras vetorizadas manualmente, permitindo inferir se áreas de clareira se recuperaram ao logo do tempo e se a recuperação do dossel se deu de modo mais efetivo em áreas de borda submetidas a práticas de restauração. O percentual de áreas sem dossel arbóreo (clareiras e áreas cobertas por trepadeiras) aumentou ao longo dos anos, indo de 2,95% em 1994 a 10,71% em 2016. Boa parte das áreas se recupera naturalmente ao longo do tempo, sem interferência, mas outras clareiras surgem, em área maior, elevando as áreas sem dossel arbóreo. Nas bordas, o dossel se restabeleceu em 58,3% das áreas abandonadas e em 85,6% das áreas submetidas à restauração florestal, sugerindo que as práticas de restauração aceleram o restabelecimento do dossel. O corte de trepadeiras e o plantio de mudas de espécies arbóreas reduziram a infestação da copa das árvores por trepadeiras e aumentaram a riqueza e a área basal de árvores nativas ao longo do tempo. Além disso, todas as áreas submetidas às práticas de restauração florestal, independentemente da idade, apresentaram menor densidade e área basal de trepadeiras do que bordas degradadas. Por outro lado, a densidade de regenerantes arbóreos nativos é bastante inferior à densidade encontrada nas bordas conservadas usadas como referências, mesmo na restauração com 16 anos, sugerindo que embora as práticas de restauração florestal melhorem aspectos da estrutura e riqueza das bordas florestais degradadas, para alguns indicadores as áreas em restauração ainda não se equivalem às bordas conservadas. / Despite its importance, the restoration of degraded forest remnants in fragmented landscapes still lacks technical and scientific advances to be included in the agenda of ecological restoration. Currently, there are no consolidated restoration methods, nor protocols for evaluation and monitoring of natural regeneration and ecological restoration in degraded forest fragments. In the degraded Seasonal Semideciduous Forest of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, some lianas became dominant, especially in treefall gaps and forest edges, suffocating trees and inhibiting the regeneration of other species. In these areas, lianas cutting and tree seedling plantings have been proposed as restoration techniques. However, we lack investigation on the effectiveness over time of those techniques. Besides, we even do not know if the restoration of degraded forest areas is indeed necessary, as we know little if and how degraded areas without canopy cover recover over time. Thus, in order to analyze the effectiveness of lianas cutting and tree seedling plantings on the regeneration of the tree community in degraded forest fragments, we evaluated the canopy cover trajectory over a period of 22 years. In addition, we evaluated ecological indicators in a 16-year chronosequence of forest restoration, in a degraded Semidecidual Seasonal Forest located in Campinas-SP, southeastern Brazil. For the assessment of the canopy cover trajectory, aerial photographs of 1994, 2005 and 2016 were visually analyzed and their canopy gaps manually vectored, allowing inferring if gaps areas recovered over time and if the canopy recovery occurred more effective in edge submitted to forest restoration practices. The percentage of areas without tree canopy (gaps and areas covered by lianas) has increased over the years, going from 2.95% in 1994 to 10.71% in 2016. Most of the areas recover naturally over time without human interference, but other gaps arised, and in a larger area, raising the areas without tree canopy. At the edges, tree canopy was reestablished in 58.3% of the abandoned areas and in 85.6% of the areas undergoing forest restoration, suggesting that restoration practices accelerate tree canopy restoration. Cutting tree and planting tree seedlings reduced treetop infestation by lianas, and increased tree richness and basal area over time. In addition, all areas submitted to forest restoration practices, regardless of age, presented lower lianas density and basal area than degraded forest edges. On the other hand, the density of trees in the natural regeneration is well below the density found on conserved edges used as references, even in the 16-year-old restoration. Our results suggest that although forest restoration practices improve the structure and richness of degraded forest edges, some indicators in the restoration areas are still far from being similar to the levels found in conserved edges.

Applying Organic Compounds as Indicators in Innovative Monitoring Strategies

Warner, Wiebke 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Parent Described Pain Cues in Nonverbal Children with Intellectual Disability: Deriving Patterns of Pain Responses and Potential Implications

Solodiuk, Jean C. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Callista Roy / Assessing pain in nonverbal children with intellectual disability (ID) is challenging. These children are at risk for having pain from complex medical conditions and treatments for these conditions (Breau, Camfield, McGrath, Finley, 2004). Compounding this, their pain cues are often misunderstood, given that they are nonverbal and limited by their physical abilities. Although, pain assessment tools for this population exist, there is a need for tools appropriate for a range of exhibited pain expressions. The general purpose of this study was to examine the words that parents of children with ID use to describe their child's pain responses in order to improve pain recognition and management. Specifically, the aims were to: 1) Identify common pain responses; 2) Examine the relationship between type of pain response and demographic characteristics; 3) Compare common pain responses to cues in the literature. A non-directed summative content analysis identified patterns in 335 parent described pain responses of 50 nonverbal children with ID ages 6-18 years. The relationships between type of pain response and selected demographic factors were examined. Then pain responses were compared to items of pain tools for this population. Seven distinct categories of pain expression were identified in the content analysis. The greatest percentage of pain cues were within the categories of vocalization (39.4%), social behavior (21.8%) and facial expressions (16%). Four categories: vocalization, social behavior, muscle tone and activity level included opposite responses to pain. Significant relationships between type of parent described pain expression and 1) pain severity; 2) causes of ID and; 3) the gender of the child found that type of pain expression changes with severity; that patients with seizure disorders expressed pain with vocal pain expression; and that females expressed pain with more social pain expression while males expressed with more vocalizations. The results support published evidence that parents can articulate their child's pain responses. The study also provides evidence of: 1) opposite pain responses within general categories of pain; 2) a significant relationship between type of pain responses and severity of pain, cause of ID and child gender and; 3) the comprehensiveness of pain assessment tools vary greatly. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.

Diversification des ressources du réseau d’eau non potable parisien : contribution à une gestion durable des ressources en eau / Diversification of the resources of the Parisian water network : contribution to sustainable management of water resources

Trinh, Bich-Thuy 28 September 2017 (has links)
A l’échelle d’une agglomération, réfléchir à une gestion durable de l’eau amène à s’interroger sur les liens entre les usages et les ressources : quelle qualité de l’eau est nécessaire pour quels usages ? Le contexte parisien est un terrain propice pour mener ce type de réflexion, grâce à l’existence d’un RENP, datant de la fin du XIXe siècle. Alimenté par les eaux sommairement traitées de la Seine (20%) et du canal de l’Ourcq (80%), ce réseau sert principalement aux usages municipaux : nettoyage des trottoirs, curage des égouts, arrosage des espaces verts et alimentation des lacs artificiels. Un modèle alternatif de gestion de l’eau à l’échelle parisienne devient aujourd’hui possible grâce à la décision de la Ville de Paris en mars 2012 de maintenir et de réhabiliter son RENP. Cette décision a été confirmée par l’approbation par le Conseil de Paris en septembre 2015 du schéma directeur des usages et du réseau d’eau non potable de Paris, pour la période 2015-2020. L’entreprise publique Eau de Paris, responsable du service de l’eau à Paris, a pour mission de mettre en œuvre les décisions et les orientations de ce schéma directeur. Dans une logique de moindre pression sur la ressource naturelle, une évolution possible de la gestion du RENP est la diversification de ses ressources. Les ressources potentielles considérées sont les eaux d’exhaure, les eaux usées traitées, les eaux de pluie et les eaux de piscine. La recherche vise à étudier la question suivante : Comment et à quelle conditions l’alimentation du RENP peut être gérée de manière durable sur le territoire parisien ? Pour ce faire, on réalise d’abord un état des lieux de la situation actuelle, puis on identifie les ressources potentielles et les enjeux associés. Puis deux approches sont menées. La première approche consiste à définir plusieurs choix de répartition des ressources du RENP, appelés scenarii. Les scénarii sont évalués et comparés grâce à la construction d’indicateurs de performance. La deuxième approche consiste à caractériser les positions des acteurs par rapport à la diversification des ressources du RENP. La caractérisation des positions est réalisée grâce à la conduite d’entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats des deux approches sont enfin discutés. Les résultats de la recherche permettront de reposer la question du lien entre usages et qualité des eaux requise. Elle permettra de mettre en lumière les freins et les leviers pour la valorisation des ressources alternatives à l’eau potable. Enfin, elle alimentera les réflexions sur le statut même de l’eau potable dans un contexte de gestion durable de la ressource / At the scale of a city, a sustainable water management raises questions about the links between uses and resources: what water quality is needed for what purpose? The Parisian context is a favourable ground for conducting such type of reflection thanks to the existence of a non-potable water network (RENP) dating from the late nineteenth century. The network is currently supplied by summarily filtrated water from the Seine river (20%) and the canal de l’Ourcql (80%). It is mainly used for municipal purposes: Parisian streets and sewers cleaning, water supply of artificial lakes and green areas watering. An alternative model of water management at Parisian scale is today possible thanks to the decision of the City of Paris in March 2012 to maintain and rehabilitate its RENP. This decision has been confirmed by the approval by the Council of Paris in September 2015 of the master plan of the RENP and its uses (“Schéma directeur des usages et du réseau d’eau non potable de Paris”) for the period of 2015-2020. The public company Eau de Paris, responsible for the water service in Paris, is mandated to implement the decisions and orientations of the master plan. In the context of pressure reduction on natural resources, one potential evolution of the RENP management is its resources diversification. The considered potential resources are mine water, treated wastewater, rain water and swimming pool water. The research raises the following question: How and under what conditions can the RENP supply be sustainably managed on the Parisian territory? In order to answer this question, one first carries out a description of the current situation, then one identifies the potential resources and the associated risen questions. Two approaches are proposed afterwards. The first approach involves the definition of several choices of RENP resource repartition, called scenarii. These scenarii are assessed and compared through performance indicators. The second approach consists of the characterization of the actors’ positions regarding the RENP resource diversification. The characterization of the positions is achieved through conducting semi-structured interviews. Results of both approaches are finally discussed.The results of the research will enable to re-examine the question of the relationship between the water uses and the required water quality. It will highlight the brakes and levers for the valorization of alternative resources to drinking water. It will enrich the reflections on the status of drinking water in the context of sustainable water management

Sezónní pravděpodobnostní hydrologické předpovědi / Seasonal probabilistic hydrological forecasting

Šípek, Václav January 2014 (has links)
Seasonal hydrological forecasts represent a very current topic, especially in the context of extreme hydrological events that have taken place at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. These events are represented by large scale floods and long lasting periods of drought. This has led to a need for the effective water management strategies. These management strategies have to be able to efficiently distribute water resources both in the space and time. Seasonal hydrological forecasting systems constitute an essential part of water management strategies, as they enable the runoff estimation in a sufficient advance. This thesis deals with the seasonal hydrological forecasting system with a one month lead. The aim of this study is to apply three forecasting methods using an experimental watershed in the Czech Republic. The first method is represented by the reference climatology approach, the latter by the well-tested Ensemble Streamflow Prediction system (ESP), and the last by its newly proposed modification. This modification (modified ESP - mESP) is based on the restriction of input data established on their relations to the large scale climatological variables and patters. The first part of the thesis is focused on the investigation of possible relations among hydrometeorological...

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