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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Manufacturing System Development in the Context of Concurrent Engineering

Aganovic, Dario January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents an extension of the contemporaryengineering design theory towards a unified view onsimultaneous development of products and manufacturing systems,i.e. concurrent engineering.</p><p>The traditional engineering design theory explains therealization of a product design as a development of productstructure from four perspectives: technical process, function,technical solution, and physical embodiment. This thesisextends the engineering design theory with a set of definitionsand universal statements. These definitions and universalstatements describe manufacturing systems from same fourperspectives. In that context they also describe therelationship between a product and its manufacturing system.The thesis contributes to the creation of a single theoreticalsystem based on an integration of theories from two engineeringdesign schools, the WDK and the Axiomatic Design. WDKtheoriesare in this new context utilized for qualitative synthesis ofthe developed artifacts, while the Axiomatic Design is utilizedfor structuring and analyzing the corresponding quantitativeparameters.</p><p>The definitions and universal statements describe thedevelopment structures for productsand manufacturing systems.This description is utilized for definition of a system fordevelopment of these structures, i.e. (i) a stage-gate-basedmanufacturing system development process, (ii) a developmentmethodology toolbox, and (iii) an information managementframework consisted of an information model harmonized with thesystems engineering data management standard STEP AP 233.</p><p>The research has been carried out in a close collaborationwith Swedish manufacturing industry. The utilized researchmethodology is the hypothetic- deductive method, with casestudy as an observation method.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Concurrent Engineering, Engineering Design,Development Methods and Tools, Manufacturing System,Information Management.</p>

Informationshantering och kunskapsöverföring mellan svenska och kinesiska företag : en fältundersökning i Kina /

Andersson, Tony. Wennberg, Elvira. January 2008 (has links)
Magisterdisputats. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

Information management and the biological warfare threat

Martinez, Antonio, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2002. / Title from title screen (viewed June 18, 2003). Includes bibliographical references.

City Information Model - CIM : Benefits with an integrated city information model in the area of technical aspects

Salminen, Anna, Hägglöf, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
An important part for projects, organizations etc. is to have a good system of how to manage information so that it´s constantly updated, accurate and available for all affected operators. Current degree project is performed on behalf of the IT-company Eurostep AB who has developed a software named Share-A-space for information management and they are now interested to see if there are any demands for Share-A-space in the field of urban development. During the degree project, a model was built using Share-A-space and the model is called CIM (City Information Model). The objective with the degree project was to investigate how information is managed today at the Administration of Urban Development, Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, at Eskilstuna municipality and if CIM would facilitate their work. A deeper investigation was made to locate where processes can be more efficient and how functions that CIM contains would be helpful. The degree project contains a literature study, a case study and a result where the literature study contains an environment monitoring, today’s visions of a future coherent digital work approach within municipalities and procedures for urban development. The case study contains information how Eskilstuna municipality is managing information, it also contains a description of how the model was built. The result contain information of how the model operates and the responds from interviews performed after a presentation of the model at the municipality. This degree project concludes that CIM in some ways definitely could be a valid alternative in the municipal work. The municipality didn’t see any benefits by having access to all technical information regarding all specific objects in the city. Processes would on the other hand, become more efficient and CIM would be a helpful tool in planning processes and contribute to make the municipal work more transparent. There were functions in CIM, especially the function to “travel in time”, that was considered extra useful for the employees at the municipality when planning the city but also for private residence to receive a greater understanding of future plans. To implement CIM would, on the other hand, be a resource demanding process which the municipality can´t perform at the moment without receiving financial support.

Merge in Transit, a distribution method in the industrial environment

Gattolin, Elena January 2008 (has links)
In a fast moving environment and in a globalized market, companies are searching efficient distribution methods that enable broad product assortment, lower level of inventories, shorter customer order fulfilment, lower transportation costs in order to achieve a more efficient procurement process and a improved customer service. This paper will focus on a new solution in supply chain design to solve these trade-offs between management cost cutting and higher customer level within markets characterized by an increasing globalisation. Merge in transit (MIT) distribution method allows companies to reduce inventory and transportation costs while guaranteeing a high customer perceived service level. It is a new technique in which goods shipped from several supply locations are consolidated into one final customer delivery. The company needs to coordinate shipments so that they arrive simultaneously and goods can be bundled and shipped immediately to the final customer for arrival on due date. Economical benefits and drawbacks will be investigated from a supply chain prospective.

'The Emperor's New Clothes' Recordkeeping in a New Context

Kallberg, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines if and how information capture and documentation practices and the function of the public archive are changing in relation to archival concepts in contemporary administrative settings, as a result of e-government strategic development. The study aims for a holistic approach from the beginning of the life of the records to their long-term preservation. This research is situated in Sweden where the recordkeeping legislation takes a holistic approach: records management is understood as a dimension of the archival function and therefore records managers have not been recognised as a professional group, however recordkeeping practice involves two occupational groups: registrars and archivists. Swedish recordkeeping legislation is based on long administrative traditions in which the public right of free access to official documents is fundamental. Registration of official documents is important as the means of facilitating the citizens´ right to free access information and registrars are primarily responsible for this process, including classification. Archivists manage the full range of recordkeeping tasks, acting not only as custodians of repositories but also strategic experts on recordkeeping as well as auditing on behalf of the archival authority.  The archive legally consists of all the ‘official documents’ created or received in the organisation. This is an explorative and documented case study that used several local government bodies (municipalities) for the data collection by document analysis and interviews. Swedish municipalities are particularly interesting because they are autonomous in relation to the national government, with complex organisational structures consisting of several politically controlled committees and administrative departments that implement political decisions and provide services to the public. The National Archives does not have any supervisory role or monitoring function over local governments, but it does publish guidelines on recordkeeping. Nevertheless, the municipalities are controlled to a large extent by the implemented policies decided at national level by the Government and Parliament. Therefore, national initiatives regarding e-government have impacted on the municipalities’ recordkeeping. A theoretical lens combining archival science and theory of professions has been chosen to analyse the observed changes in practice. The thesis analyses the issue of recordkeeping awareness in three arenas: the legal arena; the political arena; and the workplace arena in the light of the records continuum model. The research findings demonstrate a gap between the legal and workplace arenas caused by lack of recordkeeping awareness primarily within the political arena. Despite the holistic view of keeping archives expressed in the recordkeeping legislation, observed practice appears closer to a life cycle model than proactive continuum thinking and planning.  A lack of recordkeeping legislation awareness in the wider organisation is potentially leading to a division between records management and archives management, jeopardising the continuum approach. Consequently registrars may in the future become more like records managers and archivists may be losing part of their professional jurisdiction. There is a strong focus on business benefits to the organisation rather than the wider view of democratic values and cultural heritage. As a result: archivists seem to suffer a lack of resources as well as skills in order to carry out their responsibilities. The future role of archival authorities such as the National Archives is unclear. / Just nu pågår en omdaning av den offentliga förvaltningskostymen för att möta politiska mål vad gäller utveckling av den offentliga sektorn med stöd av informationsteknologi. Denna avhandling undersöker konsekvenserna av en sådan ambition genom att använda den nuvarande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftning som en referenspunkt i syfte att undersöka vad, varför och hur implementeringen sker. I Sverige utgör de allmänna handlingarna myndighetens arkiv och skall enligt rådande arkivlagsstiftning vårdas och förvaltas så att de tillgodoser behov rörande offentlighetsinsyn, rättskipning, förvaltning och forskningen. Det finns en lång förvaltningstradition och reglering kring registrering av allmänna handlingar relaterat till offentlighetsinsynen. Myndigheternas arkiv är per definition en del av det nationella kulturarvet. Allmänna handlingar är teknikoberoende, vilket medför att oavsett om handlingarna är pappersbundna eller digitala omfattas dessa av samma regelverk. Avhandlingen söker besvara frågan: Hur medvetna är offentliga organisationer om vikten av att hantera sina allmänna handlingar i det pågående e-förvaltningsarbetet på ett sådant sätt att de uppfyller kraven i offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen samt hur påverkas arkivariers och registratorers professionella status (positioner och arbetsutövning) inom organisationerna? Vidare analyseras relationen mellan nya strategiska initiativ avseende informationsfångst och arkivlagstiftningen. Avhandlingen förenar arkivvetenskap och professionsteori. En teoretisk analysmodell har skapats för analys av tre arenor: den legala, den politiska och arbetsplatsarenan vad gäller medvetenheten om de legala kraven gällande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Förändringar avseende styrnings- och kontrollsystem på legal och politisk arena kan få konsekvenser, dels för synen på vad som definieras som arkiv, dels för professionerna (arkivarier och registratorer) på arbetsplatsarenan. Om professionerna minskar jurisdiktionen, dvs. länken mellan professionen och arbetet, riskerar de att bli marginaliserade. Avhandlingen baseras på fallstudier i svenska kommuner. Kommuner utgör till följd av den kommunala självstyrelsen inkluderande arkivorganisationen och mångfacetterande och komplexa organisationsstruktur intressanta studieobjekt. Datainsamlingen har skett via analys av dokument och intervjuer. Forskningsresultatet tyder på att det råder ett gap mellan den legala och verkställande arenan beroende på att de legala kraven inte beaktas tillräckligt på den politiska arenan, vilket i sin tur kan få konsekvenser för arkivets roll i samhället, inte minst när det gäller rättssäkerhet och demokrati. Arkivarier och registratorer finns företrädesvis representerade i hanteringen av traditionell arkiv- och dokumenthantering. Resurser liksom kompetens saknas dock när det gäller att arbeta strategiskt med e-förvaltningsfrågor. Omedvetenhet på politisk och verkställighetsnivå om vikten av att arbeta proaktivt med arkivfrågor resulterar i att professionerna exkluderas. Tillsyn kan ses som ett verktyg för att bibehålla och ytterligare stärka arkivariernas professionella jurisdiktion samt att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet i organisationerna. Fokus för e-förvaltningsutvecklingen har främst legat på verksamhetsnytta med betoning på den interna verksamhetsutvecklingen i organisationen, samt relationen till den enskilde medborgaren. Nya möjligheter att fånga och använda information väcker dock frågor kring informationens legala status i relation till offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Att strategiskt verka för offentlighetsinsyn och säkra informationen i ett vidare perspektiv som en del av ett kulturarv tycks inte ha samma dignitet. Arkivmyndigheternas framtida roll är oklar. Avhandlingen bidrar med ny kunskap om relationen e-förvaltningen och arkiv- och informationshantering ur ett praktiskt, legalt och arkivvetenskapligt perspektiv. Avhandlingen kan därför vara praktiskt användbar på politisk och verkställighetsnivå när det gäller att öka medvetenheten om dessa frågor i offentlig sektor. Avhandlingen bidrar även till teoriutveckling inom den arkivvetenskapliga forskningen genom kombinationen av det teoretiska ramverket med arkivteori och professionsteori. / <p>The result presented derives from four years of research conducted within the Centre of Digital Information Management (CEDIF) at Mid Sweden University. During this time I have been involved in two research projects; the CEDIF project and the GOINFO project. Without funding, this research had not been possible. Therefore, I would like to thank EU Objective 2, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland, Härnösand Municipality, Sundsvall Municipality and Mid Sweden University – who all funded this research.</p> / CEDIF / GOINFO

Frančizes prekybos tinklo užsakymų valdymo informacinė sistema / Orders management information system for retail franchise network

Pap, Pavel 17 January 2006 (has links)
Information management systems give an opportunity for business to optimize there processes, minimize costs and save resources. In nowadays these systems help to stay on the market and be competitive with other participants. The objective of this job is to analyze and project(design) orders management system for the network of retail stores associated by franchise and has a central administrative unit which holds all the franchise rights and managing all activities. System has such general abilities: 1. Generate an order using prognosis algorithm. 2. Edit an order. 3. Coordinate order with receiver (member of the franchise network). 4. Prepare order for execution (goods picking, gathering, loading, shipment). Full system was installed at the administrative unit allowing all other members to use order coordination ability.

Aeropalinologinės informacijos poreikis: vartotojų nuomonės analizė / Requirement of aeropalynological information: users' opinion analysis

Gutauskaitė, Vitalija 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuotos duomenų, informacijos ir žinių sąvokos, nusakant šių informacijos brandos lygmenų sąveiką, aptartos aeropalinologinės informacijos pritaikomumo skirtingoms informacijos sklaidos priemonėms galimybės, išanalizuoti informacijos vadybos procesai teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektais, apžvelgta aeropalinologinės informacijos sklaidos patirtis Europoje ir Lietuvoje. Atskleistas vartotojų poreikis aeropalinologinei informacijai ir įvardinti labiausiai vartotojams priimtini šios informacijos sklaidos būdai. Patvirtinta pirma autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad patogiausias būdas vartotojams gauti aeropalinologinę informaciją yra specializuotas puslapis internete. Nepatvirtinta antra autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad alergiški žmonės, turėdami savalaikę informaciją apie žiedadulkių koncentracijos prognozes, gali apriboti žiedadulkių sukeliamą neigiamą poveikį ir sumažinti išlaidas sveikatos apsaugai. 2007 m. gruodį autorės straipsnis „Analysis of diurnal variation of airborne pollen in the atmosphere“ publikuotas leidinyje „Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis. Cross–Border Cooperation in Researches of Biological Diversity“ (ISI Master Journal List). 2008 m. rugpjūčio 12 d. – 16 d. Suomijoje vykusioje „The 4th European Symposium on Aerobiology“ konferencijoje pristatytas parengtas pranešimas tema „Spread of aerobiological information in Lithuania: what we offer and what they expect?“. 2009 m. balandžio 2 d. autorė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this master work the concept of data, information and knowledge, describing the interaction of the information maturity levels, were analysed, applications of the aeropalynological information for different information spreading tools were discussed, theoretical and practical aspects of information management processes were analysed, the experience of aeropalynological information spread in Europe and Lithuania was overlooked. Users' requirement for the aeropalynological information was disclosed and most acceptable ways of receiving this information were identified. The first hypothesis of this master work, the most convenient way to obtain aeropalynological information is a specialized web site, was approved. The second hypothesis, allergic people, who has timely information about forecast of pollen concentration and are able to limit the negative impact caused by pollen and reduce the costs of health care, was not approved. Author's article „Analysis of diurnal variation of airborne pollen in the atmosphere“ was published in „Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis. Cross–Border Cooperation in Researches of Biological Diversity” (ISI Master Journal List) in December, 2007. „The 4th European Symposium on Aerobiology“ took place in Finland on 12–16 of August, 2008. Report „Spread of aerobiological information in Lithuania: what we offer and what they expect?“ was presented. Author participated in the 12th Conference of Young Scientists „Science – future of Lithuania“... [to full text]

Aplinkos monitoringo informacijos valdymas Raseinių rajono savivaldybės administracijoje / Environmental monitoring information management in Raseiniai district municipality administration

Jacevičiūtė, Justina 19 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe nagrinėjamas aplinkos monitoringo informacijos valdymas Raseinių rajono savivaldybės administracijoje. Darbe analizuojami aplinkos monitoringo uždaviniai, samprata, vykdymas ir kontrolė, aplinkos monitoringo objektai Raseinių rajono savivaldybėje. Nagrinėjama, kokiais būdais atlikto monitoringo informacija pateikiama visuomenei. / Environmental monitoring information management in Raseiniai district municipality administration is studied in the final work. Environmental monitoring definition, goals, implementation, control and objects in Raseiniai district municipality are analyzed. Also the ways monitoring information is presented for public are examined.


Rothfus, Melissa A. 29 July 2013 (has links)
Is public health policy based on scholarly evidence? With the manifold variables that policy makers must consider, is evidence-based policy even realistic? While strategies exist to translate research into policy, a need to understand better how that can play out in real-life remains. Using interviews from informants occupying a range of positions, and considering the atmosphere created by media reports, this study examines the case of smoking privileges at East Coast Forensic Hospital. After a patient committed murder while on leave, apparently to smoke, public pressure over public safety, a relative lack of relevant scholarship, ethical considerations, and the divergent voices of stakeholders created challenging circumstances for policy makers. Through the use of case study methodology, this project identifies the kinds of information that are employed in the creation or modification of policy and offers insights concerning how the influences exerted on policy makers determine how information is employed.

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