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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arquivo público do estado do Amazonas: da missão à ação.

Feitosa, Maria Lenir Oran Fonseca 21 July 1997 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-22T17:55:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maria Lenir Oran Fonseca Feitosa.pdf: 669905 bytes, checksum: 3654a626e9b42abbc23f1dedaeb3563b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-29T21:59:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maria Lenir Oran Fonseca Feitosa.pdf: 669905 bytes, checksum: 3654a626e9b42abbc23f1dedaeb3563b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-29T22:03:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maria Lenir Oran Fonseca Feitosa.pdf: 669905 bytes, checksum: 3654a626e9b42abbc23f1dedaeb3563b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-29T22:03:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Maria Lenir Oran Fonseca Feitosa.pdf: 669905 bytes, checksum: 3654a626e9b42abbc23f1dedaeb3563b (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997-07-21 / An organizational policy for the State of Amazonas Public Archive Department is proposed having as framework the methodology employed by the National Archive: that of fund identification. It shows the evolution of the concept of public archive by reflecting the transformation of the modern state from the French revolution on to these days. The conclusions obtained thorugh data collection have disclosed the difficulties the users face in their search for information. Remedial steps are then established involving at the same time administrative fields and archivistic services under ali their facets and levels. / Presente trabalho propõe uma política organizacional para o Departamento de Arquivo Público do Estado do Amazonas, a partir da metodologia usada pelo Arquivo Nacional: da identificação de fundos. Mostra a evolução do conceito de arquivo público, refletindo as transformações do Estado Moderno desde a Revolução Francesa até os dias atuais. As conclusões obtidas através do levantamento de dados evidenciam as dificuldades que os usuários têm na busca da informação. A partir daí são estabelecidas medidas saneadoras que envolvem paralelamente os campos administrativos e serviços arquivísticos, sob todas as suas facetas e níveis.

'The Emperor's New Clothes' Recordkeeping in a New Context

Kallberg, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines if and how information capture and documentation practices and the function of the public archive are changing in relation to archival concepts in contemporary administrative settings, as a result of e-government strategic development. The study aims for a holistic approach from the beginning of the life of the records to their long-term preservation. This research is situated in Sweden where the recordkeeping legislation takes a holistic approach: records management is understood as a dimension of the archival function and therefore records managers have not been recognised as a professional group, however recordkeeping practice involves two occupational groups: registrars and archivists. Swedish recordkeeping legislation is based on long administrative traditions in which the public right of free access to official documents is fundamental. Registration of official documents is important as the means of facilitating the citizens´ right to free access information and registrars are primarily responsible for this process, including classification. Archivists manage the full range of recordkeeping tasks, acting not only as custodians of repositories but also strategic experts on recordkeeping as well as auditing on behalf of the archival authority.  The archive legally consists of all the ‘official documents’ created or received in the organisation. This is an explorative and documented case study that used several local government bodies (municipalities) for the data collection by document analysis and interviews. Swedish municipalities are particularly interesting because they are autonomous in relation to the national government, with complex organisational structures consisting of several politically controlled committees and administrative departments that implement political decisions and provide services to the public. The National Archives does not have any supervisory role or monitoring function over local governments, but it does publish guidelines on recordkeeping. Nevertheless, the municipalities are controlled to a large extent by the implemented policies decided at national level by the Government and Parliament. Therefore, national initiatives regarding e-government have impacted on the municipalities’ recordkeeping. A theoretical lens combining archival science and theory of professions has been chosen to analyse the observed changes in practice. The thesis analyses the issue of recordkeeping awareness in three arenas: the legal arena; the political arena; and the workplace arena in the light of the records continuum model. The research findings demonstrate a gap between the legal and workplace arenas caused by lack of recordkeeping awareness primarily within the political arena. Despite the holistic view of keeping archives expressed in the recordkeeping legislation, observed practice appears closer to a life cycle model than proactive continuum thinking and planning.  A lack of recordkeeping legislation awareness in the wider organisation is potentially leading to a division between records management and archives management, jeopardising the continuum approach. Consequently registrars may in the future become more like records managers and archivists may be losing part of their professional jurisdiction. There is a strong focus on business benefits to the organisation rather than the wider view of democratic values and cultural heritage. As a result: archivists seem to suffer a lack of resources as well as skills in order to carry out their responsibilities. The future role of archival authorities such as the National Archives is unclear. / Just nu pågår en omdaning av den offentliga förvaltningskostymen för att möta politiska mål vad gäller utveckling av den offentliga sektorn med stöd av informationsteknologi. Denna avhandling undersöker konsekvenserna av en sådan ambition genom att använda den nuvarande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftning som en referenspunkt i syfte att undersöka vad, varför och hur implementeringen sker. I Sverige utgör de allmänna handlingarna myndighetens arkiv och skall enligt rådande arkivlagsstiftning vårdas och förvaltas så att de tillgodoser behov rörande offentlighetsinsyn, rättskipning, förvaltning och forskningen. Det finns en lång förvaltningstradition och reglering kring registrering av allmänna handlingar relaterat till offentlighetsinsynen. Myndigheternas arkiv är per definition en del av det nationella kulturarvet. Allmänna handlingar är teknikoberoende, vilket medför att oavsett om handlingarna är pappersbundna eller digitala omfattas dessa av samma regelverk. Avhandlingen söker besvara frågan: Hur medvetna är offentliga organisationer om vikten av att hantera sina allmänna handlingar i det pågående e-förvaltningsarbetet på ett sådant sätt att de uppfyller kraven i offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen samt hur påverkas arkivariers och registratorers professionella status (positioner och arbetsutövning) inom organisationerna? Vidare analyseras relationen mellan nya strategiska initiativ avseende informationsfångst och arkivlagstiftningen. Avhandlingen förenar arkivvetenskap och professionsteori. En teoretisk analysmodell har skapats för analys av tre arenor: den legala, den politiska och arbetsplatsarenan vad gäller medvetenheten om de legala kraven gällande offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Förändringar avseende styrnings- och kontrollsystem på legal och politisk arena kan få konsekvenser, dels för synen på vad som definieras som arkiv, dels för professionerna (arkivarier och registratorer) på arbetsplatsarenan. Om professionerna minskar jurisdiktionen, dvs. länken mellan professionen och arbetet, riskerar de att bli marginaliserade. Avhandlingen baseras på fallstudier i svenska kommuner. Kommuner utgör till följd av den kommunala självstyrelsen inkluderande arkivorganisationen och mångfacetterande och komplexa organisationsstruktur intressanta studieobjekt. Datainsamlingen har skett via analys av dokument och intervjuer. Forskningsresultatet tyder på att det råder ett gap mellan den legala och verkställande arenan beroende på att de legala kraven inte beaktas tillräckligt på den politiska arenan, vilket i sin tur kan få konsekvenser för arkivets roll i samhället, inte minst när det gäller rättssäkerhet och demokrati. Arkivarier och registratorer finns företrädesvis representerade i hanteringen av traditionell arkiv- och dokumenthantering. Resurser liksom kompetens saknas dock när det gäller att arbeta strategiskt med e-förvaltningsfrågor. Omedvetenhet på politisk och verkställighetsnivå om vikten av att arbeta proaktivt med arkivfrågor resulterar i att professionerna exkluderas. Tillsyn kan ses som ett verktyg för att bibehålla och ytterligare stärka arkivariernas professionella jurisdiktion samt att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet i organisationerna. Fokus för e-förvaltningsutvecklingen har främst legat på verksamhetsnytta med betoning på den interna verksamhetsutvecklingen i organisationen, samt relationen till den enskilde medborgaren. Nya möjligheter att fånga och använda information väcker dock frågor kring informationens legala status i relation till offentlighets- och arkivlagstiftningen. Att strategiskt verka för offentlighetsinsyn och säkra informationen i ett vidare perspektiv som en del av ett kulturarv tycks inte ha samma dignitet. Arkivmyndigheternas framtida roll är oklar. Avhandlingen bidrar med ny kunskap om relationen e-förvaltningen och arkiv- och informationshantering ur ett praktiskt, legalt och arkivvetenskapligt perspektiv. Avhandlingen kan därför vara praktiskt användbar på politisk och verkställighetsnivå när det gäller att öka medvetenheten om dessa frågor i offentlig sektor. Avhandlingen bidrar även till teoriutveckling inom den arkivvetenskapliga forskningen genom kombinationen av det teoretiska ramverket med arkivteori och professionsteori. / <p>The result presented derives from four years of research conducted within the Centre of Digital Information Management (CEDIF) at Mid Sweden University. During this time I have been involved in two research projects; the CEDIF project and the GOINFO project. Without funding, this research had not been possible. Therefore, I would like to thank EU Objective 2, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland, Härnösand Municipality, Sundsvall Municipality and Mid Sweden University – who all funded this research.</p> / CEDIF / GOINFO

台灣地區縣史館轉型為公共檔案館可行性之研究 / The Study of Institutes of County History Transforming into Public Archives

黃雅珮, Huang, Ya Pei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內有些縣市已由地方政府成立縣史館來典藏地方文史資料,如能將與公共檔案館性質相近的縣史館所擁有之文史資源蒐集的範圍擴充為公共檔案館的功能,並在地方上建立公共檔案館,讓公共檔案館不僅徵集地方政府單位的檔案,也為地方上典藏珍貴史料,並能促進檔案業務由上至下的完整制度,也可幫助檔案資源的有效管理與利用,更能提升社會大眾的檔案使用率。 本研究希望藉由台灣地區縣史館保存歷史檔案資料之情形,加以分析歸納,進而探討台灣地區縣史館對於公共檔案館設立的幫助,期盼各界對於公共檔案館之價值能有更多的認識與討論,讓這些寶貴的檔案資產可以得到應有的保存及重視;並透過深度訪談縣史館相關人員了解業務概況,以及訪談機關檔案人員和專家學者對於此議題的看法蒐集相關資料。 研究結果顯示,如台灣地區縣史館轉型為公共檔案館,將能幫助國家以及地方檔案區分典藏,有利於檔案的管理制度;公共檔案館也能發揮縣史館的功能,幫助保存地方歷史,典藏地方上的私人檔案,利用檔案編寫地方志,以及能利用檔案管理人員的專業背景,讓檔案檢選流程更順暢以及處理檔案的相關作業,更能仿效國外的檔案利用教育課程,讓檔案真正融入學生的課程中。 由研究結果歸納建議,檔案主管機關需明確訂定地方檔案規範;加強各縣市建立公共檔案館的意識;在地方上建置公共檔案館,除了地方縣市政府編列預算外,也能尋求企業團體之補助或與相關單位合作;未來建置公共檔案館,應徵集地方文獻與私人檔案,以保留完整的地方史料;最後,公共檔案館應屬於地方縣政府之下的組織單位,由縣市政府統籌。 / In recent years, there are many institutes of county history to collecting local history materials in Taiwan, if the institutes of county history can transform into public archives which not only can help the government archives acquisition but also can conserve the valuable history materials. Besides, building the public archives in Taiwan can help archives to organize well, and can increase the rate of people using and understanding of archival materials. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation of the institutes of county history in Taiwan, in order to explore whether the institutes of county history can contribute to build the public archives in Taiwan, and hope that more and more people can understand the value of the public archives. The study undertakes the analysis of the data with the interviewing method. By means of interviewing people who work in archival agency, institutes of county history and scholars, so as to better explore the thoughts and ideas of the aforementioned people. The research results indicate that building the public archives can help national archives and local archives preserve in different repositories which will benefit the archival management. Public archives can have the same job function with the institutes of the county history, and preserve private papers, and archivists can use archives to write the local history. Archivists can use their professional background to make the archival inspection and selection process more smoothly. Archivists can design archival education courses to increase students’ awareness of archival and improve their using and understanding of archival materials. Hence, the study offers suggestions for the future development of public archives in Taiwan as follows: First, National Archives Administration should publicize related policies for local archives in the future. Second, strengthen the city and county building awareness of public archives. Third, Building public archives, in addition to enlisting the budget from city and county government and it can seek assistance or cooperation with the business community or relevant units. Fourth, public archives should preserve not only local but also private archives to retain the full local history in the future. Last, public archives should belong to the local government.

O lugar da ciência na classificação dos documentos do Archivo Público do Império (1838-1889)

Neves, Joana Asseff 29 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2018-03-07T13:11:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Joana Asseff Neves.pdf: 2319718 bytes, checksum: d616f64384e655e52263cd2878377c87 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-07T13:11:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joana Asseff Neves.pdf: 2319718 bytes, checksum: d616f64384e655e52263cd2878377c87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation aims to verify the place of science in the classification of the documentation stored in the Public Archive of the Empire of Brazil. The period from 1838 to 1889 was established from the time of its founding until the time of the Republic. From the relevant legislation (laws, decrees, regulations, etc.) and the reports of the Ministry of the Empire, a historical survey was carried out of the Archivo, highlighting the main events of the period. Thus, to understand the classification of documentation, we analyzed the regulations of 1838, 1860 and 1876, pointing out the incidence of terms related to science; we tried to identify documents related to science deposited in the Archive and its classification; and compared with other classifications that somehow were in dialogue with the one held at the institution. In this way, we believe can understand the place of science in the classification of documents stored in the Archive during the Empire of Brazil / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar o lugar da ciência na classificação da documentação armazenada no Archivo Publico do Império do Brasil. O recorte temporal estabelecido abrange desde sua fundação até o advento da República; portanto, o período entre 1838 e 1889. A partir da legislação concernente (leis, decretos, regulamentos, etc.) e dos relatórios do Ministério do Império foi realizado o levantamento histórico do Archivo, destacando os principais acontecimentos do período. Assim, para compreensão de como era feita a classificação da documentação, analisamos os regulamentos de 1838, 1860 e 1876 apontando a incidência de termos relacionados à ciência; procuramos identificar documentos relativos à ciência depositados no Archivo e sua classificação; e realizamos uma comparação com outras classificações que, de certa forma, dialogavam com a realizada na instituição. Dessa maneira, acreditamos poder entender o lugar da ciência na classificação dos documentos armazenados no Archivo durante o Império do Brasil

“Archive-se!” História, documentos e memória arquivística no Ceará (1835-1934)

Fernandes, Ana Carla Sabino January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-01T21:19:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 02.pdf: 10050848 bytes, checksum: 0bc4f9337d278124eedb787af8b00443 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-01T21:19:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 02.pdf: 10050848 bytes, checksum: 0bc4f9337d278124eedb787af8b00443 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese aborda a trajetória histórica da formação arquivística no Ceará, com a instituição do Arquivo da Secretaria do Governo da Província do Ceará (1835) e com a criação do Arquivo Público do Estado do Ceará (1932). Analiso as práticas de acumulação documentária e as operações de arquivamentos impetrados pelos presidentes de província e experimentados pelos empregados públicos que trabalhavam na Secretaria e/ou no Arquivo do governo provincial. Ou seja, o sistema de funcionamento desse tipo de Arquivo diante da necessidade em significar, através da teoria arquivística, da diplomática e do direito público, o documento de arquivo como prova e testemunho dos processos de governabilidade do Império brasileiro, incluindo as ações de recolhimento de documentos na província do Ceará pelo Arquivo Público do Império (1838), e dos fazeres políticos do poder Executivo da Corte no Rio de Janeiro e da Província do Ceará. Estabelecendo, para tanto, intenso diálogo com as orientações históricas, políticas e arquivísticas de Eusébio de Sousa (1883-1947), diretor do Arquivo Público do Estado do Ceará entre 1932-1942, destacadamente os feitos e os rumos que dataram e legalizaram a tradição arquivística e o Arquivo no Ceará a partir de 1932, sob influência dos estudos históricos do Instituto Histórico, Geográfico e Antropológico do Ceará (1887) e dos paradigmas que regiam os Arquivos Públicos no século XX enquanto “lugar” da memória e do documento histórico. O referencial teórico desse trabalho está pautado em obras e conceitos da história social da memória e da história cultural, especialmente, nos vínculos de significância entre a operação histórica e a memória arquivística no estabelecimento da relação entre a história, o arquivo e o documento. As fontes pesquisadas foram, em maioria, fundos documentais do e sobre o Arquivo Público, Relatórios de Presidentes de Província e Legislação Provincial e do Estado do Ceará. / This thesis discusses the historical trajectory of the archivistical formation in Ceará, with the institution of the Archive of the Secretariat of the Province of Ceará Government (1835) and the creation of the Public Archives of the State of Ceará (1932). I analyze the practices of documentary accumulation and the archiving operations filed by the provincial presidents and experienced by the public employees who worked in the Secretariat and / or in the Archive of the provincial government. That is, the operating system of this type of Archive on the need for meaning, through archivistical theory, the diplomatic and public law, the archive file as evidence and testimony of the processes of governance of the Brazilian Empire, including the actions of gathering documents in the province of Ceará by the Public Archives of Empire (1838) and political doings of the executive power of the court in Rio de Janeiro and the Province of Ceará. Establishing, for both, intense dialogue with the historical guidelines, policies and archival of Eusebio de Sousa (1883-1947), director of the Public Archives of the State of Ceará between 1932-1942, notably those achievements and the directions that have dated and legalized the archival tradition and the Archive in Ceará from 1932, under the influence of historical studies of the Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Institute of Ceará (1887) and the paradigms that governed the Public Archives in the twentieth century as a "place" of memory and historical document. The theoretical framework of this investigation is guided by researches and concepts of the social history of memory and cultural history, especially the linkages of significance between historical and archivistical memory in establishing the relationship between history, archive and document. The sources were, in most cases, the documentary funds of/about the Public Archives, Reports of Presidents of the Province and Provincial Legislation and the State of Ceará. / Esta tesis enfoca la trayectoria histórica de la formación archivística en el Ceará, con la institución del Archivo de la Secretaría del Gobierno de la Provincia del Ceará (1835) e con la creación del Archivo Público del Estado del Ceará (1932). Analizo las prácticas de acumulación documental y las operaciones de archivamientos requeridos por los presidentes de provincia y experimentados por los trabajadores oficiales que trabajaban en la Secretaria y/o en el Archivo del Gobierno Provincial. O sea, el sistema de funcionamiento de ese tipo de Archivo delante de la necesidad en significar, a través de la teoría archivística, de la diplomática y del derecho público, el documento del archivo como prueba y testimonio de los procesos de gobernabilidad del Imperio brasileño, incluyendo las acciones de recogimiento de documentos en la Provincia del Ceará por el Archivo Público del Imperio (1838) y de los haceres políticos del poder Ejecutivo de la Corte en el Rio de Janeiro y de la Provincia del Ceará. Estableciendo, con esa finalidad, intenso diálogo con las orientaciones históricas, políticas y archivísticas de Eusébio de Sousa (1883-1947), director del Archivo Público del Estado del Ceará entre 1932-1942, destacadamente los hechos y los rumbos que fecharan y legalizaran la tradición archivística y el Archivo en el Ceará a partir del 1932, sob influencia de los estudios históricos del Instituto Histórico, Geográfico y Antropológico del Ceará (1887) y de los paradigmas que regían los Archivos Públicos en el siglo XX como “lugar” de memoria y del documento histórico. El referencial teórico de ese trabajo esta basado en obras y conceptos de la historia social de la memoria y de la historia cultural, especialmente, en los vínculos de significancia entre la operación histórica y la memoria archivística en el establecimiento de la relación entre la historia, el archivo y el documento. Las fuentes investigadas fueron, en su mayoría, fondos documentales del y sobre el Archivo Público, Informes de Presidentes de Provincia y Legislación Provincial y del Estado del Ceará.

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