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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UAB „Baltijos Pramogų Informacija“ integruotos rinkodaros komunikacijos strategijos kūrimas / Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Development at UAB "Baltijos Pramogų Informacija"

Matuzas, Šarūnas 25 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas Sukurti įmonės “Baltijos Pramogų Informacija” integruotos rinkodaros komunikacijos strategiją. Darbo uždaviniai - Situacijos analizės metu įvertinti įmonės vykdomą išorinę komunikaciją; - Empiriškai įvertinti esamų bei potencialių klientų požiūrį į eb.lt duomenų bazę, nustatyti aktualiausias duomenų bazių savybes bei išsiaiškinti priemones, kuriomis būtų galima lengviausiai pasiekti esamus bei potencialius klientus; - Remiantis situacijos analize bei empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, parengti UAB „Baltijos Pramogų Informacija“ integruotos rinkodaros komunikacijos strategiją. / Work goal To develop integrated marketing communication strategy at UAB “Baltijos Pramogų Informacija”; Work objectives - Evaluate company’s communication; - Empirically evaluate customers’ point of views towards eb.lt database, most important database features and identify most effective ways for reaching customers. - Develop intergrated marketing communication strategy based on situation and empirical analysis.

The NA-KD Truth About Influencer Marketing : Exploring influencer marketing through integrated marketing communication and the influencer’s role in strengthening a brand

Dalstam, Malin, Nordlöf, Hedvig, Holmgren, Daniella January 2018 (has links)
Problem: The nature of marketing communications is changing as a result of the rise and development of social media. In response to this advancement, the way in which companies communicate with their target audience has shifted. Consumers today attain greater control in terms of receiving and influencing a message. Companies may need to gain an understanding on how various marketing communication tools can be integrated and utilized instead of primarily using one marketing communication tool for the purpose of optimizing the impact of persuasive communication. However, a company’s attempt to control brand related discussions on social media can be executed through the use of influencer marketing. The use of influencers is expanding within the fashion industry but the recognition of influencers being a part of a company’s modernized marketing strategy is low. This causes the researchers inquiry to explore this further.    Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to explore how a company within the fashion industry can use influencer marketing as a part of their integrated marketing communication and how a company can use an influencer to strengthen its brand in view of its brand identity. The study targets the fashion industry in Sweden.    Methodology: In order to fulfil the purpose of the study and to answer the two research questions, a qualitative research approach together with a multi-method approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews and qualitative email questionnaires were used in the empirical data collection process. The selected participants obtained high knowledge in the field of influencer marketing as well as knowledge within the fashion industry. The participants were selected through convenience sampling.    Conclusion: The empirical study showed that influencer marketing can be used as a part of a company’s IMC by integrating the influencer with the six marketing communication tools. Furthermore, influencer marketing can be incorporated into a company’s IMC as a tool used to partially control eWOM to a desired target audience by speaking positively about a product, service and brand. An influencer can strengthen a brand through laying a foundation for a brand identity and a brand image to cooperate as a unit. It was further found that the influencer should be integrated internally within a brand identity for the purpose of externally communicating the brand identity to the company’s desired target audience. A conceptual model was developed by the researchers with the intention of providing a comprehensive illustration of the answers to the research questions.

Nonprofit Leader External Communication Strategies to Attract New Donors

Albarino, Laurie Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
Approximately 64% of nonprofit leaders struggle to connect with supporters through fund initiatives alone, and 59% of nonprofit leaders lack the marketing communication capability to attract new donors. Fundraising is vital to nonprofit organizations' sustainability and essential for successfully attracting new donors. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore effective external communication strategies used by 3 southern California nonprofits through the conceptual lens of the integrated marketing communications theory. Data were gathered using semistructured interviews, a review of organizational documents and online databases, and the Baldrige Excellence Framework. The data were analyzed using Yin's 5-step process. The two key themes that emerged were process strengths and process opportunities. The results of this study could contribute to positive social change by helping organizations strengthen external communications strategies to increase new donors and financial capital to achieve mission goals.

Integration of Digital Communication in B2B Companies : A qualitative case study of Company X

Sandberg, Emelie, Öhling, Anna January 2017 (has links)
In communication and marketing there have been a shift from a transaction focus with emphasis on persuasion to a relationship focus referred to as a two-way communication with increased interactivity. Traditional companies are challenged to understand how their business can take advantage and adapt to the digital changes and opportunities when it comes to communication and building relationships and gain the ability to anticipate and deliver what customers expect them to. B2B companies have a slower adaption to digital media and digital changes compared to B2C companies and when it comes to digital channels there is many opportunities to discover. B2B companies still feel dependent on traditional communication when it comes to building relationships but the digital trend pressure companies to get involved and keep up digitally. The constantly expanding digital landscape force B2B companies to find a way to utilize digital platforms and channels in order to create strong digital relationships with retailer and audience The purpose of this study is to investigate and gain an understanding how B2B wholesalers communicate and build digital relationships with retailers. A qualitative method is used featuring a single-case study with Company X a B2B firm operating in the wholesale trade business as a producer and a wholesaler. Data used in the study is collected from semi-structured interviews with employees from the sales and marketing department. Digital marketing is one of the most emerging tools within communication, that B2B businesses not yet use to its full potential but are eager to discover the opportunities and advantages B2C companies adapted for a long time. B2B businesses use digital tools to support and strengthen the communication and relationship with retailers however findings reveal traditional tools is still the prefered communication method in B2B. Our findings suggest how there are still qualities lacking in digital communication that can only be achieved through traditional communication with psychical meetings. Empirical suggestion on how a B2B company can adopt techniques from B2C and apply it in a B2B context.

Applying the guidelines: a quantitative content analysis of a state agency’s external communication

Ray, Jennifer January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Communications and Agricultural Education / Lauri M. Baker / The purpose of this study was to identify how K-State Research and Extension (KSRE) has established and maintained its brand through external communication with target audiences. The three research objectives were to determine the extent to which, 1) branding guidelines were followed, 2) calls to action were provided, and 3) key audiences were targeted. A quantitative content analysis was conducted to assess a representative sample of all communication KSRE state employees published within one year, November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013. The Social Exchange Theory (SET) served as the framework and research objectives were based on the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The study found the correct name of the organization appeared in only 56.6 % (n= 611) of units; appearances of images, graphics, and the official slogan were also minimal. Primarily, the study identified a need for increased specification and clarity in the guidelines in order to promote increased consistency. This study serves as a benchmark for future measurement, a basis for recommended changes, and a call for other state extension agencies to examine communication in similar studies. The researcher recommends the organization makes substantial edits and additions to the branding guidelines, provides employees with training, and implements a regular evaluation of communication efforts to monitor brand representation and communication effectiveness. Additionally, the researcher addresses the need for an IMC model specific to extension, to help communicators implement more strategic and measurable efforts.

媒體與博物館合作特展之整合行銷傳播策略─以羅浮宮埃及文物珍藏展為例 / Allied strategy of integrated marketing communication in exhibitions

林宜標, Lin, I Piao Unknown Date (has links)
國內的文化大型特展,從1990年代開始蓬勃發展,一般為期三個月的大型特展需要投入大量的人力、經費及宣傳等資源才有成功機會;而原本是博物館的專業策展,隨著公立博物館的策展經費不足、大量的宣傳需求等因素,台灣的大型特展發展產生了媒體參與的特殊現象;平面報紙集團挾著豐沛的資金及宣傳工具兩大資源,逐漸投入大型特展的運作之中,其中就以聯合報系及中時報系最具代表。 媒體與博物館的合作,造就了國內這十餘年來,有機會引進全世界知名的藝術品及古文明,不少特展的參觀者更達到數十萬人,原本不去博物館的民眾受看展風潮感染而走進博物館,但此現象引發許多研究討論,認為媒體插手大型特展,大多以商業考量的負面論述。 本研究就以聯合報系在2000年至2004年間,在國內舉辦四大古文明展之「羅浮宫埃及文物珍藏展」為例,探討媒體與博物館合作大型特展,各自的思考模式,以及展覽的整合行銷操作模式,藉以闡述媒體的參與,對於博物館、社會大眾、參觀者及展覽本身,是否都是弊多於利? 本研究試圖尋找以下問題的解答: 一、 無論對博物館和媒體而言,大型特展所欲達成的目標,不外是吸引參展人潮及提升正面形象這兩點,而透過整合行銷傳播,是否真能達成上述兩個目標? 二、 當整合行銷傳播之標的物為藝文性展覽時,如何透過整合行銷傳播策略,將短期的展覽塑造為品牌,以及將這種難以量化及具體化的產品傳達給消費者。 三、 大型特展經常被批評為假文化之名,行商業之實的利益做法,透過整合行銷傳播,是否有可能達到經濟收益、參觀者效益、以及社會大眾效益的三贏局面? 研究結果顯示: 一、 在吸引人潮方面,透過參與媒體大量的宣傳、較活潑的行銷操作手法,確實能帶動更多人參觀特展,從近十餘年來國內創人數紀錄的特展都有媒體參與即可証明;提昇正面形象部分,經常舉辦大型特展的博物館及媒體受到民眾較大的關注及認識,也因此建立「大型特展」品牌權威,即可印証。 二、 古文明特展本身就有強烈的文化特性,加上民眾從小在課本中就會接觸古文明歷史,無形中累積了特展的品牌印象,加上媒體大量的整合行銷策略,自然能達到事半功倍的效果。 三、 大型特展動輒超過數千萬元以上的經費,以目前政府編列給博物館的預算根本無法支應;而媒體本身則是營利單位,在現實環境與媒體特性的綜合下產生博物館與媒體合作模式,造就大型特展得以舉辦、透過媒體專業的整合行銷達到宣傳效果,吸引民眾走入博物館,所以應是經濟效益、參觀者效益及社會大眾效益三者利多於弊的三贏局面。 本研究全文共分為五章,第一章為緒論,有研究動機、研究背景、研究問題、研究架構、研究問題與限制;第二章文獻探討,討論「大型特展」、「博物館行銷」、「媒體與博物館合作」之狀況、國內外「整合行銷傳播」之理論;第三章為研究方法,採個案研究法、深度訪談法及次級資料分析法,並佐以研究流程圖說明。 第四章為個案分析,以聯合報系「羅浮宮埃及文物珍藏展」台北場為分析對象; 第五章為結論與建議,綜合前述個案之資料整理、分析探討之後,除了總結對本研究問題的解答,並分別提出對媒體方和博物館方的建議,以及未來研究建議。 / The large-scaled cultural exhibition market in Taiwan has enjoyed a boom since the 1990’s. Successful mega exhibitions lasting three months in average require the investment of large amount of manpower, funds and promotion. Usually, the public museums own the know-how to plan and execute cultural exhibitions. However, public museums in Taiwan have failed to hold these events due to the lack of budget and channels of promotion. One specific phenomenon has appeared -the media involvement. Print media with two advantages- sufficient funds and promotion tools, have gradually devoted themselves into the mega cultural exhibition market. Among all the media, United Daily News Group (Udngroup) and China Times Group are the most well- known. The cooperation between the print media and museums created the chance to bring the world famous artistic master pieces and the legacies of ancient civilizations to the general public in Taiwan. Many of these exhibitions attracted several hundred thousands of people. It has been found that many people who do not fit the profile of “museum-goers” had been influenced by the popularity of some cultural exhibitions and were willing to-join the events. However, many relevant researches had judged that the investments of the media on the cultural exhibitions are mostly based on commercial considerations. By the case of “The Ancient Egyptian Art from Musée du Louvre” exhibition holding by Udngroup in National Science and Technology museum from 2000 to 2004, this research illustrates the thinking pattern of the organizers and the integrated marketing operation. Furthermore, this research elaborates whether the involvement of the media has more pros than cons to the museums, the general public, visitors, and the exhibition itself. Following are questions of this research : 1. For the organizers (museums or the media), the major objective of holding mega cultural exhibitions is to attract visitors and build up positive images. The question is whether those two objectives can be actually achieved by the operation of integrated marketing communication. 2. When promoting intangible products, such as short-term exhibitions, it is essential to transfer the non-quantitative and intangible cultural concept into certain “brand image” in order to communicate with consumers more effectively. This research illustrates how to manage this process by using integrated marketing communication strategies. 3. Mega exhibitions are usually criticized because organizers tend to focus more on commercial benefits than cultural values. This research attempts to assess that via integrated marketing communication, whether it is possible to benefit organizers with financial earnings, visitors with cultural satisfactions, and the general public as a whole at the same time and create an all-win situation. Following are findings of this research : 1. In terms of attracting more visitors, to promote intensively by the media with more lively marketing strategies is proved effective. The evidence is that successful exhibitions in past decades were all involved with the media. In terms of building positive images, organizations holding exhibitions frequently have set up the strong brand authorities due to the recognition of the general public. 2. Strong cultural features of ancient civilizations, plus people’s basic knowledge deriving from the education since their childhood have made it easier to promote cultural events. With the markup of the intensive promotion of the media, brand images of exhibitions are built up quickly. 3. The plan and execution of mega cultural exhibitions frequently require large amount of funds, usually more the ten million NT dollars. The budget distributed by the government to the museum can’t afford to hold these exhibitions. The media are profitable organizations with sufficient funds and the know-how in marketing and promotions. The cooperation pattern between museums and the media have resulted in more successful events with numerous visitors. It can be concluded that this pattern has created the all-win situation which has benefited organizers with financial earnings, visitors with cultural satisfactions, and the general public as a whole at the same time. This research paper includes five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, demonstrating the research motivation, research background, questions, structure, and limitations. The second chapter is the literature review collecting and critically analyzing the theories relevant to “mega exhibitions”, “museums marketing”, “cooperation between the media and the museums”, and the international and domestic researches on integrated marketing communication. The third chapter is the research methodology. This research adopts research methods including case study, interview, and secondary data analysis. Important concepts are also demonstrated with clear flow charts. The forth chapter is the case study in depth. The chosen topic is “The Ancient Egyptian Art from Musée du Louvre” exhibition holding by Udngroup in Taipei. The fifth chapter includes the conclusions and recommendations. This chapter presents the findings of the research and recommendations to organizers- both the media and the museum, and the future researcher. Keywords: Cultural exhibitions, integrated marketing, media, museum.

Proposta de metodologia para a avaliação das Comunicações Integradas de Marketing : uma abordagem focada na gestão baseada em valor / A method for the evaluation of the Integrated Marketing Communications: a value-based marketing approach

Guissoni, Leandro Angotti 18 December 2009 (has links)
As chamadas variáveis controláveis de marketing, envolvendo o portfólio de produtos, preços, canais de distribuição, comunicações e força de vendas, podem ter o desempenho avaliado por meio da utilização de diversos indicadores atribuíveis a cada uma delas, estabelecendo-se uma relação entre os seus resultados com ativos de marketing, como valor de cliente e brand equity, posição de mercado, posição financeira e valor da empresa. No tocante ao programa de comunicação, especificamente, a atuação de seus profissionais é desafiadora em termos de demonstrar a coerência e justificar o orçamento necessário para realizarem suas ações e, a partir dos investimentos nessas ações, conseguirem proporcionar bons resultados em vendas, participação de mercado e, sobretudo, geração de valor para as empresas onde trabalham. Considerando a premissa de que a avaliação de desempenho deve ser realizada por meio de um processo estruturado e, a partir da revisão de relevantes pesquisas existentes sobre o tema, foi desenvolvido um método gerencial organizado em cinco etapas para que as indústrias fabricantes de bens de consumos possam fazer a mensuração, avaliação e apresentação dos resultados obtidos, em termos de vendas e de geração de valor, atribuíveis ao programa de comunicação de marketing. As etapas são compostas por: (i) organização das informações do plano de comunicação utilizado pela empresa; (ii) seleção de indicadores e classificação das metas; (iii) purificação dos resultados atribuíveis à comunicação de marketing; (iv) cálculo e análise dos indicadores de desempenho em comunicação; e (v) classificação e análise de resultados. Objetivando abordar a aplicação do método de maneira completa, foram propostos 30 templates, contendo indicadores, instruções e exemplos de preenchimentos. A pesquisa de campo, exploratória, ocorreu envolvendo entrevistas em profundidade, as quais permitiram validar e incrementar o estudo junto a alguns especialistas da área de marketing, finanças, comunicações, planejamento estratégico. Após as entrevistas, o método (processo) final foi proposto permitindo às indústrias avaliarem os resultados alcançados a partir da execução das estratégias de comunicação, relacionando-os à gestão baseada em valor nas organizações. / The so called marketing controllable variables, which involve product portfolio, prices, distribution channels, communication and sales forces can have their performance evaluated by using many indicators attributable to each of them, establishing a relation between their results and marketing assets, such as costumer lifetime value and brand equity, marketing and financial position and company value. Regarding specifically the communication program, the work of its professionals is challenging in terms of showing the consistency of the necessary budget for them to accomplish their activities and, by investing in these activities, to achieve good results as far as sales, market share and, above all, value generation for the companies where they work. Considering that the performance evaluation must be done through a structured process, and based on a review of existing research on the subject, a managing method was organized in five stages in order to create conditions for the consumption goods manufactures to evaluate the metrics, assessment and to disclose the results in terms of sales and value generation attributable to the marketing communication program. The stages are composed by: (i) to organize the information of the companys communication plan; (ii) to select the performance indicators and to classify the goals; (iii) to purify the results attributable only to the marketing communication activities; (iv) to evaluate and analyze the indicators of communication performance; and (v) to classify and analyze the results. Aiming at approaching the method application, 30 templates have been proposed containing indicators, instructions and examples for filling in. The exploratory ground research involved in depth interviews which allowed validating the study among some marketing, corporate finance, communication and strategic planning experts. After the interviews the final method was proposed allowing the manufactures to evaluate the results achieved with the execution of the communication strategies, relating these results to the value-based management within the companies.

Attitudes Toward and Effectiveness of the Cause-Related Marketing Initiatives in the Polish Culture

Kaczkowska, Beata A. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The study examines attitudes toward and effectiveness of cause-related marketing initiatives in Poland. As the results indicate, the factors, which lead to the popularity and effectiveness of the cause-related marketing initiatives in the United States and the United Kingdom, lack in the Polish culture. Even though CRM is popular in Poland, it does not influence the purchase decisions. Poles do not have any expectations toward businesses in the area of corporate social responsibility. They believe that the government should take the responsibility for solving social issues, and value only the functional dimensions of the products, because their emotional needs are fully satisfied by their families, friends and religion.

Research of Intergrated Marketing Communication on Cultural and Creative Prducts- Take Anping Sword-Lion Square as An Example

Wang, Yueh-fen 29 July 2010 (has links)
Abstract Culture Creative Products have created economical value for cultural industries; they are the vehicle to pass on the cultural connotations, moreover, the integrated marketing communication are the best way to push culture creative products to achieve synergy. The marketer not only must develop good products, offer best service, set reasonable price, choose appropriate channels, but also must make all kinds of effective communication with the customers, wholesalers, and general public through all kinds of communication tools. There are various communication tools with different advantages and disadvantages and characteristics, one of the main purposes of this research is how marketers apply different communication tools under different circumstances to get the most effective integration so as to give the customers precise and consistent information and to achieve the maximum marketing communication effects. This research has taken Anping Sword-Lion Square as object to investigate the application of the marketing communication tools on culture creative products; also, through the in-depth interview with professionals and the first-hand data collected from marketing communication tools on the past with the theory and steps of integrated marketing communication: IMC to find out that there had no overall marketing plan and marketing steps, neither the target audiences. After many years of operation, they not only did not strengthen up the existed relationships with the customers on execution of marketing, but also ignored the unlimited effects of Internet on marketing promotion as well as the impact of developing the potential customers, nor did they set up the budget and the assessment of communication effects afterwards. Therefore, this study has aimed at the various finding on above to offer the following suggestions to Anping Sword-Lion Square: 1. To integrate all kinds of communication tools to strengthen up information integration and consistency. 2. To make sure the target audience and the market. 3. To establish a financial budget. 4. The marketing personnel must get involved in IMC. 5. To build up the customer awareness value and to create product differentiation and brand image. As for the future research direction, it is hoped to promote the Anping Sword-Lion as a symbol of guardian of Taiwan to cover a wider and diversified range of study. To achieve the goal, it not only must increase the visibility on international market, but also to coordinate between the tourism and culture creative industries, and to integrate them with all kinds of marketing communication tools to get the consistency and clear synergy.

Proposta de metodologia para a avaliação das Comunicações Integradas de Marketing : uma abordagem focada na gestão baseada em valor / A method for the evaluation of the Integrated Marketing Communications: a value-based marketing approach

Leandro Angotti Guissoni 18 December 2009 (has links)
As chamadas variáveis controláveis de marketing, envolvendo o portfólio de produtos, preços, canais de distribuição, comunicações e força de vendas, podem ter o desempenho avaliado por meio da utilização de diversos indicadores atribuíveis a cada uma delas, estabelecendo-se uma relação entre os seus resultados com ativos de marketing, como valor de cliente e brand equity, posição de mercado, posição financeira e valor da empresa. No tocante ao programa de comunicação, especificamente, a atuação de seus profissionais é desafiadora em termos de demonstrar a coerência e justificar o orçamento necessário para realizarem suas ações e, a partir dos investimentos nessas ações, conseguirem proporcionar bons resultados em vendas, participação de mercado e, sobretudo, geração de valor para as empresas onde trabalham. Considerando a premissa de que a avaliação de desempenho deve ser realizada por meio de um processo estruturado e, a partir da revisão de relevantes pesquisas existentes sobre o tema, foi desenvolvido um método gerencial organizado em cinco etapas para que as indústrias fabricantes de bens de consumos possam fazer a mensuração, avaliação e apresentação dos resultados obtidos, em termos de vendas e de geração de valor, atribuíveis ao programa de comunicação de marketing. As etapas são compostas por: (i) organização das informações do plano de comunicação utilizado pela empresa; (ii) seleção de indicadores e classificação das metas; (iii) purificação dos resultados atribuíveis à comunicação de marketing; (iv) cálculo e análise dos indicadores de desempenho em comunicação; e (v) classificação e análise de resultados. Objetivando abordar a aplicação do método de maneira completa, foram propostos 30 templates, contendo indicadores, instruções e exemplos de preenchimentos. A pesquisa de campo, exploratória, ocorreu envolvendo entrevistas em profundidade, as quais permitiram validar e incrementar o estudo junto a alguns especialistas da área de marketing, finanças, comunicações, planejamento estratégico. Após as entrevistas, o método (processo) final foi proposto permitindo às indústrias avaliarem os resultados alcançados a partir da execução das estratégias de comunicação, relacionando-os à gestão baseada em valor nas organizações. / The so called marketing controllable variables, which involve product portfolio, prices, distribution channels, communication and sales forces can have their performance evaluated by using many indicators attributable to each of them, establishing a relation between their results and marketing assets, such as costumer lifetime value and brand equity, marketing and financial position and company value. Regarding specifically the communication program, the work of its professionals is challenging in terms of showing the consistency of the necessary budget for them to accomplish their activities and, by investing in these activities, to achieve good results as far as sales, market share and, above all, value generation for the companies where they work. Considering that the performance evaluation must be done through a structured process, and based on a review of existing research on the subject, a managing method was organized in five stages in order to create conditions for the consumption goods manufactures to evaluate the metrics, assessment and to disclose the results in terms of sales and value generation attributable to the marketing communication program. The stages are composed by: (i) to organize the information of the companys communication plan; (ii) to select the performance indicators and to classify the goals; (iii) to purify the results attributable only to the marketing communication activities; (iv) to evaluate and analyze the indicators of communication performance; and (v) to classify and analyze the results. Aiming at approaching the method application, 30 templates have been proposed containing indicators, instructions and examples for filling in. The exploratory ground research involved in depth interviews which allowed validating the study among some marketing, corporate finance, communication and strategic planning experts. After the interviews the final method was proposed allowing the manufactures to evaluate the results achieved with the execution of the communication strategies, relating these results to the value-based management within the companies.

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