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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencia do envelhecimento na microestrutura e propriedades mecanicas do aço inoxidavel ISO 5832-9 / The effect of aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ISO 5832-9 stainless steel

Sokei, Celso Riyoitsi 24 July 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Itamar Ferreira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T13:09:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sokei_CelsoRiyoitsi_D.pdf: 11316346 bytes, checksum: e932c9fcdcf157d83d6b6c0ab1189e49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Neste trabalho foram estudados os efeitos de tratamentos térmicos de envelhecimento em temperaturas de 600 a 1200°C, por uma hora, e em temperaturas de 600 a 900oC, por 4 e 24 horas, após a deformação plástica a frio em 20%, por tração, na microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas do aço inoxidável austenítico ISO 5832-9, utilizado para a fabricação de implantes ortopédicos. Foram estudadas as propriedades mecânicas dureza Vickers e tenacidade obtida por meio do ensaio de impacto Charpy instrumentado. Após os ensaios de tenacidade, partes dos corpos de provas foram cortadas para preparação de amostras para análise metalográfica - por microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microanálise por espectrometria de energia dispersiva (EDS) e difração de Raios-X - e as superfícies de fratura foram utilizadas para a análise fratográfica. Os corpos de provas para análise por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foram preparados de barras de diâmetro de 3mm tratados por envelhecimento entre 600 e 900oC, por 24 horas. Os resultados mostraram que o material na condição como recebido, ou seja, na condição solubilizado, apresentou propriedades mecânicas dentro dos requisitos da norma ISO 5832-9. O material tratado nas temperaturas de 800 e 900°C apresentou diminuição da tenacidade à fratura em comparação ao material na condição como recebido. Essa diminuição foi atribuída à precipitação da fase Qui (?), que ocorreu mais intensamente nessas duas temperaturas. Após o envelhecimento, a condição que proporcionou níveis mais elevados de dureza e de tenacidade à fratura foi a envelhecida a 600ºC, pois, nesta temperatura a quantidade da fase ? é menor. As fases intermetálicas, como as fases Qui (?) e Z, puderam ser observadas por meio de microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura, sendo que a fase Z foi observada em todas as temperaturas de ensaio. Além disso, foram observados também nitretos de cromo, nas temperaturas de 600 a 900oC, e nitreto de cobre-nióbio e a fase Qui, a partir da temperatura de 700oC, por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão / Abstract: In this work was studied the effects of aging treatment carried out in temperatures from 600 to 1200°C, for 1 hour, and from 600 to 900oC, for 4 and 24 hours, after cold deformation of 20%, in tension, on the microstructure and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel ISO 5832-9, which main application is like biomaterial due to its biological and mechanical properties. Vickers hardness and fracture toughness measured by instrumented Charpy - have been used to determine the mechanical properties. After the fracture toughness testing, specimens have been used for metallographic studies carried by - optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, EDS microanalysis, and X-Ray diffraction - and fracture surface analysis. Samples of 3 mm in diameter, treated by aging between 600 and 900oC for 24 hours, have been used for transmission electron microscopy analysis. The results showed that as received condition (solubilized) has presented mechanical properties in accordance with the ISO 5832-9 standard. Age treatments in temperatures of 800 and 900°C have presented decrease of the fracture toughness in comparison to as received condition. This behaviour was attributed to the Chi phase (?) precipitation, that happened more intensely in these two temperatures. Comparatively, the best mechanical condition was aging at 600 ºC, because in this temperature the amount of the ? phase was smaller. The intermetallics phases such as ? and Z phase could be observed by optical microscopy, and Z phase have been observed in all samples. Besides, the transmission electronic microscope analysis showed the presence of chromium nitride at the temperatures from 600 to 900oC, niobium-chromium nitride and the Chi phase from 700oC / Doutorado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Precipitação de fase de laves no aço inoxidável superferrítico 28%Cr-4%Ni-2%Mo-Nb. / Laves phase precipitation in a 28%Cr-4%Ni-2%Mo-Nb superferritic stainless steel.

Thiago Fontoura de Andrade 06 December 2006 (has links)
Estudos anteriores de precipitação, em outros aços superferríticos, constataram a ocorrência de precipitação das fases sigma, qui, de Laves e até de austenita, que no posterior resfriamento pode se transformar em martensita. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi estudar a precipitação de fases de Laves no aço inoxidável superferrítico X 1 CrNiMoNb 28 4 2 (Werkstoff-Nr. 1.4575). Para isto foram utilizadas algumas técnicas complementares de análise microestrutural, tais como microscopia óptica, eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e eletrônica de transmissão (MET). A composição química das fases foi estudada por análise de raios X por dispersão de energia tanto no MEV como no MET. A estrutura cristalina das fases foi estudada por difração de elétrons em área selecionada no MET. A fase que se precipita em maior quantidade no aço 1.4575 é a fase sigma. No entanto, também foram identificadas de maneira inequívoca, nos contornos de grãos, após envelhecimento a 850 ºC, pequenas quantidades de fase de Laves do tipo MgZn2, com estrutura hexagonal compacta e composição química (Fe,Cr,Ni)2(Nb,Mo,Si). O crescimento da fase de Laves é inibido pelo envolvimento da fase sigma, que também precipita nos contornos de grãos, mas em maior quantidade. Não foram detectadas as presenças das fases qui e austenita na temperatura estudada. / Previous precipitation studies in other superferritic stainless steels observed the occurrence of precipitations of sigma, chi and Laves phases and even of austenite, which on subsequent cooling may transform into martensite. The main objective of the present work was to study the Laves phase precipitation in a X 1 CrNiMoNb 28 4 2 (Werkstoff- Nr. 1.4575) superferritic stainless steel. Therefore, several complementary techniques have been employed such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The chemical composition of the phases has been studied using X-ray energy dispersive analysis both in SEM and TEM. Crystal structure of the phases has been analyzed using selected area electron diffraction in the TEM. The phase that precipitates in larger quantity in the 1.4575 steel is the sigma phase. However, it has been identified, in an unequivocal manner, on grain boundaries, after aging at 850 ºC, small quantities of Laves phase of the MgZn2 type, with a compact hexagonal structure and a chemical composition of (Fe,Cr,Ni)2(Nb,Mo,Si). Growth of the Laves phases is inhibited through the involvement of the sigma phase, which precipitates in higher quantities on grain boundaries. No chi and austenite phases have been detected in the studied temperature.

Eletrocatálise em regime oscilatório: eletro-oxidação de moléculas orgânicas pequenas em eletrodos bimetálicos de platina / Electrocatalysis under Oscillatory Regim: Electro-oxidation of Small Organic Molecules on Modifiers Platinum Electrodes

Nickson Perini 10 February 2015 (has links)
A auto-organização é uma das principais características de sistemas naturais. Os fenômenos auto-organizados podem emergir em sistemas suficientemente afastados do equilíbrio termodinâmico. A não-linearidade intrínseca aos sistemas eletroquímicos, permite inúmeros exemplos de comportamento complexo, sendo, grande parte, em eletrocatálise. Apesar do considerável progresso no entendimento dos aspectos mecanísticos da eletro-oxidação oscilatória de moléculas orgânicas pequenas, aparentemente não existe nenhum estudo sistemático do impacto de modificadores superficiais na dinâmica oscilatória. Nesta tese de doutorado, a eletro-oxidação oscilatória do ácido fórmico em bimetálicos de platina, com estanho ou bismuto, é comparada com aquela obtida em platina policristalina. A modificação da superfície afeta drasticamente a dinâmica oscilatória. As oscilações auto-organizadas de potencial foram usadas como sonda para a atividade eletrocatalítica dos eletrodos bimetálicos de platina. Em intermetálicos ordenados de platina e estanho, a velocidade de envenenamento diminui significativamente, o que retarda a desativação da superfície e promove oscilações de longa duração, sem precedentes, com estabilização de mais de 2200 ciclos. Isto corresponde a 30-40 vezes mais estável com relação ao eletrodo de platina. A presença de estanho na superfície do eletrodo tem grande impacto na produção de CO2, como observado em experimentos, modelagem e simulações numéricas, com aumento na velocidade das etapas produtoras de CO2. Com as informações adicionais obtidas em regime oscilatório, frente os experimentos em estado estacionário, foi possível estimar o efeito catalítico dos modificadores como estanho ou bismuto em eletrodos de platina, bem como, alguns aspectos mecanísticos da eletro-oxidação de formaldeído, ácido fórmico, metanol e etanol. / The self-organization is one of the most important features of nature. The self-organization phenomenon can emerge in sufficiently far from thermodynamic equilibrium systems. The non-linearity laws of the electrochemistry systems, allows several examples of complex behavior, most of them in electrocatalysis. Despite the considerable progress in understanding of the mechanistic aspects of the oscillatory electro-oxidation of C1 molecules, there is a apparently no systematic studies concerning the impact of surfaces modifiers on the oscillations dynamics. In this doctoral thesis the electro-oxidation of formic acid on platinum bimetallic electrodes, with tin and bismuth, was compared to that observed on polycrystalline platinum electrodes. Overall, the obtained results were very reproducible, robust and allowed a detailed analysis on the correlation between the catalytic activity and the oscillation dynamics. The modified surfaces promote drastic effect on the oscillatory dynamics. The self-organized oscillations were used as a probe to the electrocatalytic activity of bimetallic electrodes. In ordered intermetallic electrodes of the platinum and tin, the rate of surface poisoning significantly decrease, which slow the surface deactivation and promotes long-lasting oscillations, unprecedented stabilization of more than 2200 oscillatory cycles. This corresponds to 30-40 fold stabilization with respect to the behavior of platinum electrodes. The adsorbed tin affects the reaction pathways that produce CO2, as observed in experiments, modeling and numerical simulations. Further information obtained in oscillatory regime permitted the estimative of the catalytic effect of the surface modifiers, such as tin and bismuth, and some mechanistic aspects of the electro-oxidation of formaldehyde, formic acid, methanol and ethanol.

Maîtrise des interfaces hétérogènes lors d'une opération de soudo-brasage : application au couple aluminium - magnésium / Mastering of dissimilar interfaces by braze welding process : application for aluminium - magnesium couple

Toma, Cristian Marius 29 October 2012 (has links)
Les travaux concernent l'étude de l’assemblage dissimilaire d’alliages d'aluminium (Al4043, Al5356) et de magnésium (RZ5, AZ31) par les procédés CMT et laser. La méthode des plans d'expériences statistiques a été mise en oeuvre afin d'analyser les effets des paramètres opératoires de soudage et la nature chimique des substrats et des fils d’apport. Les effets chimiques, thermomécaniques et énergétiques ont été étudiés dans l'objectif de contrôler et de diminuer l’épaisseur de la couche intermétallique formée entre la zone fondue et le métal de base et considérée comme critique pour la fissuration. La microstructure a été caractérisée par microscopie optique, MEB, EDS, rayons X, dureté et nano-indentation.La rupture dans la couche d’interface est liée à la formation de composés intermétalliques (Al3Mg2, Al12Mg17), d'une dureté jusqu’à 350 HV0,025, ainsi qu'à l'épaisseur de la couche et des éléments d'alliage. Le RZ5 a été assemblé avec succès avec le fil d’apport Al4043 par les deux procédés CMT et laser.Suite à l’analyse systématique des résultats, qui montre un meilleur comportement d’Al4043/RZ5 qui contient du zirconium, l'ajout de cet élément dans la zone fondue a permis de montrer une amélioration de la qualité des joints par effet sur la microstructure.Pour l’assemblage laser, une modification des conditions des vitesses de refroidissement par un pompage thermique plus rapide par l’utilisation d’un support de plaques de cuivre a induit une modification des couches d'interface et montre tout l'intérêt de maîtriser les conditions opératoires. Par ailleurs, une vibration ultrasonore des substrats a été testée pour modifier la formation des zones problématiques / This work concern a study of the dissimilar joining of aluminium (Al4043, Al5356) and magnesium (RZ5, AZ31) by CMT and laser welding process. The method of statistical design of experiments has been implemented in order to analyse the effects of the technological welding parameters and the chemical nature of the base and filler metal. The chemical, thermo-mechanical and energetic effect were studied with the aim to control and decrease the thickness of the intermetallic layer formed between the melted zone and the base metal and considered to be critical to cracking. The microstructure was studied by optical and SEM microscopy, EDS, X-ray, hardness and nanoindentation.The fracture produced in the interface layer has been related to the intermetallic compounds (Al3Mg2 and Al12Mg17), with a hardness up to 350 HV0.025, as well of the thickness of the interface layer and to the alloying composition. The RZ5 as base metal was successfully joined with the Al4043 welding wire, in both CMT and laser process.According to the systematically analyse, who shows a better welding ability of the couples Al4043/RZ5, which contains zirconium, by the adding of this element in the molten metal the welding ability improvement was showed.For the laser joining, a modification of the cooling condition by a accelerate thermal cycle, by using a copper support for the base metal was induce a modification of the interface layer, showing the interest of mastering the technical condition. Moreover, a ultrasonically vibration of the base metal was tested in attempting to modify the formation of the problematical zones

Microstructural control of Al alloys using intrinsic oxides

Verma, Akash January 2015 (has links)
Currently, there is not enough information available on the effect of inclusions on extrusion alloys. Theoretical calculations in the past demonstrated the probable role of oxides in Fe-intermetallic phase selection (Cao et al., 03). However, no concrete evidence can be found in the literature to support this argument. This study investigates the role of in-situ oxides in intermetallic phase selection. Various Mg oxides (spinel and MgO) were formed in-situ by adding different levels of Mg. A special intermetallic extraction process was used for 3D analysis. SEM, EDS and XRD analysis were used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Dry and wet surfaces of the oxide bi-films were observed with the wet surfaces highly associated with MgO and spinel particles. MgO particles had spherical morphology and there average diameter was observed to be in the range 200nm-400nm, whereas spinel particles had octahedral morphology with average length of the side in the range 1-2&mu;m. MgO was found in locations which appear to be the most probable nucleation points of &alpha;-AlFeSi intermetallics and Mg<sub>2</sub>Si. These results provide a new and more distinctive perspective on the actual morphology of Fe-rich intermetallics and Mg oxides than the ones that exist in the literature. It also provides direct evidence of the role of inclusions (oxides) in intermetallic phase nucleation. This information can be utilised to improve the surface properties in 6xxx extrusion alloys.

Hodnocení homogenity ingotů slitiny Ni-Ti metodou DSC / DSC evaluation of homogenity of Ni-Ti alloys ingots

Kuběnová, Monika January 2009 (has links)
Alloy NiTi with nearequiatomic composition of nickel and titan belongs to a group of metal materials with a shape memory effect (Shape memory alloys). NiTi alloys are a guite attractive materials not only as practical shape memory alloys with hight strenght and ductility but also as those exhibiting unique physical properties. The production of these matrerials is complying with chemical composition. Final charakteristics of alloy are influenced by these bounderies and also by mechanical-heat treatment. This work deal with DSC evaluation of homogenity of ingot structure of NiTi alloy containing 50,8 at.% Ni. The alloy was melted in Y2O3 cricible. In the end the results of DSC method are compared to the microstructure of alloy obtained by SEM and TEM methods.

Studium vakancí v Fe-Al slitinách / Investigation of vacancies in Fe-Al alloys

Lukáč, František January 2015 (has links)
Title: Investigation of vacancies in Fe-Al alloys Author: RNDr. František Lukáč Department: Department of Low Temperature Physics Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Jakub Čížek, Ph.D., Department of Low Temperature Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Abstract: Fe-Al alloys exhibit relatively high vacancy concentrations, which significantly influence the mechanical properties of these alloys. Positron annihi- lation spectroscopy was employed for investigations of vacancies in this work and the vacancy concentrations in Fe-Al alloys were determined by positron lifetime spectroscopy and measurements of positron diffusion length of implanted mono- genergetic positrons. The correlation of hardness with the vacancy concentration was characterized by determination of the vacancy hardening coefficient in Fe- Al alloys. The thermal evolutions of hardness and the vacancy concentration were compared during the annealing of the Fe-Al alloys with various composi- tions. Coincidence Doppler broadening of annihilation peak was employed for determination of the chemical composition of quenched-in vacancies in Fe-Al al- loys. Increased concentration of Al atoms in surrounding vacancies in Fe-Al alloys was related to the attractive interaction between the Al atoms and the vacancy. Quantum mechanical ab initio calculations were...

Zkřehnutí TiAl intermetalik indukované oxidací povrchu / Embrittlement of TiAl intermetalics induced by surface oxidation

Fukátková, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
This work aimed to study the effect of surface oxidation of TiAl intermetallic alloys, its fracture behavior and study the formation and stability of picked coatings that could prevent these phenomena. ?-TiAl alloy (Ti46Al7Nb) was examined by three different coatings (AlCr, AlCrN and AlCrNAg). Firstly, it was carried out short-term exposure to high temperature in an inert atmosphere for all coatings. Secondly, there were experiments of cyclic exposure to high temperature in normal atmosphere and isothermal high-temperature exposure in a normal atmosphere. During high-temperature experiments in normal atmosphere mass gain was measured and it was monitored a surface texture. Finally, the most promising coatings were chosen, and those were evaluated in bending strength.

Úprava oxidačních vlastností TiAl intermetalik přetavováním povrchu v řízené atmosféře / Oxidation behavior adjustment for TiAl intermetallics by controled atmosphere surface remelting

Prehradná, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Rešerše se zabývá teorií technologického způsobu zpracování materiálů, tzv. povrchového tavení. V první části rešerše je popsána samotná technologie a základní parametry ovlivňující proces tavení. Ve druhé části je uvedeno srování dvou základních typů laserů, a to Nd:YAG a CO2 laser. CO2 laser byl použit v případě našeho experimentu. Třetí část se zabývá vlastnostmi TiAl intermetalických slitin, především jejich fázemi -TiAl a -Ti3Al. Na závěr teoretické části je zmíněna oxidace TiAl intermetalických slitin. Experimentální část je věnována přetavování povrchu slitiny Ti-46Al-0,7Cr-0,1Si-7Nb-0,2Ni, a to v ochranné atmosféře dusíku. Tato část obsahuje výsledky několika experimentů, na jejichž základě bylo nutné stanovit potřebné parametry pro požadovaný proces tavení. Posledním krokem experimentu byla snaha o zvýšení hmotnosti vzorků v důsledku následné oxidace.

Interdiffusion Study Of Mg-aa6061 System

Fu, Mian 01 January 2013 (has links)
Magnesium (Mg) is a light-weight metal that has extraordinary physical and chemical properties for many potential applications in automobile, military, and electronics. Aluminum alloys, because of its light-weight, high strength and corrosion resistance have a wide range of commercial applications. Given these two, sometime competing, alloy systems, there are now many applications where the metallurgical compatibility of Mg- and Al-alloys are required for engineering applications. One such case is the development of diffusion barrier for U-Mo metallic fuel in Al-alloy cladding, where Mg, with its complete immiscibility with U and Mo is being considered as the diffusion barrier. While negligible diffusional interaction between Mg and U-Mo alloys have been reported, diffusional interaction between the Mg and Al-alloy cladding has not been investigated. In this study, solid-to-solid diffusion couples were assembled using discs of pure Mg (99.999 %) and AA6061 Al-alloy. After preparation, Mg was diffusion bonded to AA6061 in sealed quartz capsule at 300°, 350°, and 400°C for 720, 360, and 240 hours, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was used to inspect the interdiffusion zone, while phase identification was performed using X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. One specific phase that exists in the binary Mg-Al system, labeled “ε” was observed and characterized by transmission electron microscopy. From the preceding data, the growth rates as well as interdiffusion coefficients of the intermetallic phases were extracted and compared to previous investigations using pure Mg and Al.

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