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Effect of Lockup Agreements on Buyout Backed Initial Public OfferingsHeffernan, Grant B 01 January 2011 (has links)
Using a sample of 279 buyout backed firms, I examined the effect of lockup agreements on the firm’s stock returns. I found there to be a negative .8 percent cumulative abnormal return for the three-day period surrounding lockup expiration. Consistent with my hypothesis the CAR for the three-day period surrounding lockup expiration was less negative for buyout backed IPOs compared to venture capital backed IPOs. In addition, I found there to be an abnormal 24.24 percent increase in trading volume for the three days surrounding lockup expiration.
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The Effects of Industry on Cross-Border and Domestic IPO UnderpricingHirano, Emily K N 01 January 2011 (has links)
Increasing numbers of foreign firms are holding cross-border IPOs in attempts to raise capital in markets outside of their home nation. Within the United States cross-border IPOs consistently experience greater amounts of underpricing than domestic IPOs. This paper examines the effects of SIC industry classifications on cross-border and domestic IPO underpricing from 2004-2010. Analysis demonstrates that in various industries, SIC classification has a significant impact upon underpricing in comparison to other industries. While in other industries, significance is solely exhibited through the differing impacts of domestic and cross-border IPOs, within the industry itself, upon underpricing. The most significant industry effect is seen in high-technology industries which display a significant impact on underpricing on both the inter-industry and intra-industry level.
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To trust or not to trust? : En kvantitativ studie om relationen mellan social tillit och börsintroduktionerSkantz, Isabelle, Flatås, Monica January 2011 (has links)
En fråga som förr eller senare dyker upp i växande företag är beslutet om en introduktion på börsen ska genomföras eller inte och statistik visar på att antalet börsintroduktioner skiljer sig markant mellan olika länder. Tidigare forskning på vad som kan förklara dessa internationella skillnader är relativt begränsad och finns endast i en liten omfattning. Social tillit har visat sig vara viktigt i samhället och en bidragande orsak till att flera ekonomiska och sociala mål uppnås. Flertalet forskare har i sina studier kommit till slutsatsen att social tillit är positivt relaterat till ekonomisk tillväxt. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar graden av börsintroduktioner i ett land, med speciellt fokus på social tillit. Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som skapar en aktiv marknad för börsintroduktioner. Detta studeras genom en undersökning av 31 olika länder under en tidsperiod som sträcker sig från 1988-2005. Vid genomförandet av studien har en kvantitativ forskningsansats tillämpats. Detta har gjorts genom en positivistisk kunskapssyn och med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Problemformuleringen har undersökts empiriskt samtidigt som tidigare teorier inom ämnet har studerats. Studiens resultat visar på ett signifikant negativt samband mellan social tillit och antalet genomförda börsintroduktioner i ett land. Detta kan bero på att en hög nivå av social tillit innebär att företag har lättare att få tillgång till krediter och därmed inte behöver äntra den publika marknaden för att få tillgång till kapital. / One question that sooner or later turn up in a growing business is the decision whether an introduction on the stock exchange will be implemented or not, and statistics show that the number of IPOs differs markedly between countries. Previous research on what might explain these international differences are relatively limited and is only available to a small extent. Social trust has been shown to be important in the community and a contributor to several economic and social objectives. Most researchers has come to the conclusion that social trust is positively related to economic growth. The overall aim of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the degree of initial public offerings in a country, with special focus on social trust. The study aims to increase the understanding of what factors that creates an active market for IPOs. This is studied through a survey of 31 different countries over a period stretching from 1988 to 2005. In implementing the study, a quantitative approach has been applied. This has been done through a positivistic research strategy and with a deductive approach. The problem formulation has been studied empirically, while previous theories on the subject have been studied. The results show a significant negative correlation between social trust and the number of completed IPOs in a country. This may be due to a high level of social trust which means that companies have easier access to credit and therefore they do not have to enter the public market to get further capital.
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Organizational resources, industry membership, and firm performance: the role of capability formation and use in value creation for IPO-stage new venturesHolcomb, Timothy R. 02 June 2009 (has links)
A widely held belief is that resource constraints and industry conditions pose
severe threats to the performance of entrepreneurial firms. While previous research links
resources controlled by these firms to different performance outcomes, extant research
on organizational performance often assumes away contextual differences in the
allocation of scarce resources by firms to develop and leverage different organizational
capabilities. Further, no research has explored the performance implications of resource
use, especially for new ventures.
The purpose of this study is to bring capabilities to the foreground in the
examination of organizational performance for new ventures following an initial public
offering (IPO). Building from resource-based theory and contingency theory, I examine
the indirect (through capability formation and use) effects that occur within the ‘black
box’ between resources and performance for a sample of entrepreneurial firms
undertaking an IPO. New theory is offered to explain the formation and performance
outcomes of two configurations of organizational capabilities: market-managing capabilities and market-creating capabilities. Human capital is considered, bringing
agency into theory explaining capability formation and use. Further, I consider how
underlying routines allow resources to be managed for greater value across different
industries—conditions that make resources valuable in some contexts and not in others.
I find that resource endowments at IPO affect the formation and use of
organizational capabilities and that this relationship varies across different industry
contexts. Further, I find support for the indirect effect of resources on performance
outcomes through capability formation and use. More specifically, I find that
adjustments to the configuration of organizational capabilities affect performance
prospects over time. Results confirm that capability configurations compete for scarce
resources, necessitating tradeoffs in allocation decisions between them. I also find that
industry conditions moderate this relationship.
By employing an integrative, multidisciplinary approach, this dissertation
extends research on the performance effects of resource endowments and capability
formation and use for entrepreneurial firms. Further, it contributes to growing research
on IPO firms in strategic management and entrepreneurship, especially theoretical and
empirical research examining the different firm and industry conditions that affect
organizational performance during the period following a firm’s transition into the
public arena.
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Inside ownership beyond the IPO: the evidence from Taiwan¡¦s MarketKang, Hua-hsiang 18 July 2007 (has links)
This study examines the changes in the inside ownership structure of companies after undergoes initial public offering in Taiwan. After initial public offering, the company¡¦s shares are in public possession while inside shareholders only possess part of its shares. To maximize their own interests, inside shareholders¡¦ ownership policies may vary due to different factors. Literature review shows that after IPOs the inside shareholders¡¦ share tends to be dropping but previous research focuses mostly on the changes in operating performance and ownership structure after IPOs. DeMarzo and Urosevic (2006) believe that the changes in inside ownership structure are due mainly to the trade-off between monitoring incentives and diversification. My study aims at companies which undergoes IPOs in Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation or at GreTai Securities Market between Jan. 1st 1998 and Dec. 31st 2000. The article investigates how such factors as, corporate value, corporate risks, inside/outside shareholders¡¦ risk tolerance and the ownership structure of companies which undergoes IPOs, have effects on inside shareholders¡¦ share-holding adjustment speed, long-term share holding equivalence level as well as the long-term share holding differences between inside/outside stockholders and little investors. My findings substantiate my assumption that risk factors and monitoring incentives do have effects on the shareholders¡¦ ownership policies and that factors mentioned above do have different effects on the inside ownership structure of IPO companies. The more inside stockholders avert risks, the higher the share-holding adjustment speed becomes. In contrast, the more share inside shareholders possess during IPO, the lower the speed. Inside shareholders¡¦ optimal ownership policies are positively relevant to the corporate value and negatively relevant to corporate risks. They are also positively relevant to the risk aversion of investors. The degree of risk aversion on the part of both investors and inside shareholders also influences ownership structures of various shareholders.
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Hong Kong-the Equity Marker outside Mainland China: from Taiwan Corporation¡¦s PerspectiveHuei-chuan Fan, Melody 15 July 2008 (has links)
In recent decade, Taiwan Business involvement in China is one of the key factors for China¡¦s gearing economic development, under the inevitable economic globalization. Taiwan enterprises play an important role in international division of labor for most of them possess competitive advantages including expertise in international trading and strict control on cost which in turn helps facilitating the rapid growth in the Greater China economic region.
China is experiencing large amplitude of economic acceleration fed by the huge internal demand triggers off an investment boom from within and from the outside world. Many Taiwan enterprises encounter difficulties in financing through banks in China, while headquarters in Taiwan are also bounded by the stated law that Taiwan investment in China cannot exceed a maximum of 40%. In 2004, CEPA was signed between Mainland China and Hong Kong. This provides a solution for Taiwan enterprises to finance through Hong Kong¡¦s capital market and brings about the Mainland China business to be more internationalized.
Since then, Hong Kong becomes a channel for Mainland China enterprises to finance themselves internationally. As a result, Mainland China not only attracts tremendous cash flows globally, it also enhances its market scale through favorable transaction and P/E rate. Simultaneously, more and more Mainland China and Taiwan enterprises are listed in the Hong Kong stock market.
The decision to choose a right place to list a company has deep and profound influence. Every enterprise conserves its strategic correctness by every means, when such decision is to be made. Yet, the operation of a capital market is clearly a complex and the difficulties are further intensified by numerous mediating and intermediating factors. Therefore, it is significant for Taiwan enterprises to achieve an optimum that may well synchronize with its long term business development and business operation strategy within its macro business web.
This research is going to study the Hong Kong stock market from past bibliographies and documents. In addition, by implementing comparative research method, this research is going to compare the Hong Kong and Taiwan stock markets in various areas:
1)The history and the structure of the securities markets in Hong Kong and Taiwan
2)The condition of securities transaction in Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited and Taiwan Stock Exchange
3)The condition of Taiwan enterprises becoming a listed company in Hong Kong and Taiwan
4)The underwriting system of IPO in Hong Kong and Taiwan
Through collective discussion, this paper will induce crucial factors affecting Taiwan enterprises to choose a place for public offering. The result was that large scale Taiwan enterprises prioritized international capital involvement as the most important factor while small and medium size Taiwan enterprises emphasized on the ability to finance and to re-finance.
To apply, this research also includes case studies on three Taiwan enterprises list in Hong Kong, ranging in different scales. The case study will investigate why these enterprises chose Hong Kong for public offering and what were the factors concerned.
The conclusion and suggestions provided by this research would serve as a reference for Taiwan enterprises to choose a right place for public offering; it is also a reference for the newly commenced Taiwan Government Administration to improve the economy, with the hope to create a favorable investing environment to pull back Taiwan or other enterprises to be listed in Taiwan.
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Vad händer med aktiepriset efter en nyintroduktion? : En kvantitativ analys av nyintroduktionerna på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2000 och 2005.Lindstein, Hanna, Öh, Linnea January 2006 (has links)
En börsintroduktion innebär att företag erbjuds en marknadsplats för handel av företagets aktier. I denna uppsats undersöks vad som händer med en aktie då den har introducerats på börsen. Undersökningen baseras främst på två kvantitativa undersökningar, varav den första är en eventstudie som undersöker effekten av hur en specifik händelse påverkar ett företags värde. Den andra undersökningen består i att med hjälp av företagens prospekt granska företagens bakomliggande motiv för en nyintroduktion. Studien fokuserar specifikt på Stockholmsbörsen och på alla företag som nyintroducerats på börsens A- och O-listor mellan åren 2000 och 2005. Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att uppmärksamma aktiers svängningar i samband med och efter en nyintroduktion samt att undersöka vilket samband det har med prissättningen av aktierna och bakomliggande motiv för introduktionen. Vi har undersökt avvikelseavkastningen vid tre olika tillfällen för att se hur aktien har utvecklats efter introduktionen. Motivundersökningen gjordes för att kunna sammanställa en regressionsanalys som beskriver sambandet mellan motiven och avvikelseavkastningen, för att försöka hitta anledningar till avvikelseavkastningens resultat. Vi kontrollerar även eventstudien genom att undersöka underprissättningen av aktierna i samband med nyintroduktionen. Enligt tidigare studier tycks råda ett särskilt mönster vid börsintroduktioner, vilket våra resultat bekräftar. Resultaten visar att företags aktier går upp väldigt mycket kring nyintroduktioner främst pga. underprissättning, för att sedan på sikt sjunka. Undersökningen ger inga entydiga förklaringar till detta men vi har hittat möjliga sådana utifrån litteraturen. I vårt resultat ser vi inget speciellt samband mellan företagens motiv till börsintroduktionerna och avvikelseavkastningen. Men man kan ändå se tendenser till att det har gått bättre för företag med vissa motiv t ex. motivet att få tillgång till kapital för att kunna investera i forskning och utveckling. Man kan även se mönstret att en klar majoritet av företagen med högst initial avvikelseavkastning och företagen med en initial underavkastning har sjunkit betydligt efter tre månader.
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Three essays on initial public offeringsJin, Chuntai 10 April 2014 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays. In the first essay, we attempt to answer the following three questions about the new capital raised in IPOs: Why do some IPO companies raise a lot of new capital while some others don’t? Where do the IPO companies use the new capital they raise in IPOs? How does the use of new capital affect the operating performance of IPO companies? We find that companies with higher R&D spending, higher capital expenditure, lower working capital and more long term debt tend to raise more capital in IPOs. These firms also spend more on R&D and capital expenditure. The more new capital firms raise in IPOs, the lower sales growth rate they have. However, firms spending a higher proportion of new capital on R&D seem to have higher sales growth rate.
In the second essay, we examine the relation between IPO valuation and offering size. Using a sample of 3,885 IPOs from the US, we find that IPO firms with larger offering size have lower valuation. Both primary share offering and secondary share offering are negatively related to IPO firm valuation. The valuation measures are positively related to the levels of capital expenditure and R&D before IPO, lending support to explanations based on Jensen (1986)’s free cash flow hypothesis. We also find evidence consistent with negative signals from larger secondary share offering size. Results of tests about long run IPO stock performance do not support the hypothesis that IPO stock demand curve is downward sloping.
In the third essay, we examine how analysts react to IPO offering size. We find that analysts predict lower long-term growth rates for IPOs with larger offering size. The sizes of both primary and secondary offering are negatively related to long-term growth rate forecasts. We find evidence that the free cash flow effect may be related to the negative relation between primary offering size and growth forecast.
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The Cost of Going Bulge: A Comparative Analysis of Bulge Bracket and Non-Bulge Bracket Banks and their Impact on IPO UnderpricingYee, Eric Michael 01 January 2014 (has links)
This paper examines the role of investment banks in initial public offerings. More specifically, we uncover whether or not bulge bracket banks, on average, more or less underprice IPOs than non-bulge bracket counterparts. Three different models are utilized to uncover the determinants of underpricing, with an emphasis on deal mechanics and quantitative measures of the going public firm.
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Introduktionskurs, underprissättning och institutionellt ägande : samband mellan prissättning och ägande vid en börsintroduktion / Offer price, underpricingand institutional owners : the relationship between pricing and ownership in an IPOAbrahamson, Martin, Skoghage, Göran January 2008 (has links)
Who would not like a profit of more then 95 % in a day? Investors in Sweden had thatopportunity, if they had bought a certain stock on the primary market and sold it on the firsttradable day at the Stock Exchange. Most of that profit fell into the hands of institutionalinvestors. The reason for this extraordinary profit was the underpricing of that specific stockduring its initial public offering (IPO).Our report aims to analyze the relationship between offer price, underpricing and theownership structure of stocks. Our investigation is based on all IPO’s on the Stockholm stockexchange during the years between 2000 and 2005. Through our analysis we have found factssaying that companies can determine their ownership structure by setting their introductionprice high or low. A high offer price will have more institutional investors than if the price islow. On the other hand the high offer price will also create a greater underpricing which leadsto a higher initial return and greater transformation of wealth between old and new shareholders. / Vilken investerare skulle tacka nej till en positiv avkastning motsvarande drygt 95 % under enbörsdag? Den möjligheten fanns för investerare som köpte aktier i ”nya” bolag och såldedensamma under introduktionsdagen på Stockholmsbörsen. Underprissättningen av aktier iSverige är normalt inte så stor, men trots det kan vinster göras genom investeringar i företagsom kommer att introduceras på börsen. Mellan åren 2000 och 2005 noterades 116 nya bolagpå Stockholmsbörsen. Av dessa nya bolag var 30 stycken faktiska börsintroduktioner, vilkadärmed ingår i undersökningen. Bland de introducerade bolagen var den genomsnittligainitiala avkastningen + 3,43 %. Skillnaden mellan aktien med högst och den med lägst initialavkastning var under perioden 165,38 procentenheter och introduktionskursen varierademellan 7,50 och 161 kronor per aktie.Undersökningen fokuserar på sambandet mellan introduktionskurs och underprissättningkopplat till ägarstruktur vid börsintroducerande företag och de efterföljande arton månadernaefter introduktion. Syftet är att analysera dels introduktionskursens påverkan påintroduktionsrabatt och ägarstruktur, och dels samband mellan ägarstruktur ochunderprissättning vid börsintroduktion. Genom att undersöka samtliga börsintroduktioner påStockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2000 och 2005 har undersökningen skapat en bild av dessasamband. Då ingen tidigare känd studie undersökt hur introduktionskurs och underprissättningpåverkar ägarstrukturen vid en börsintroduktion samt tiden därefter, anser vi därför dennauppsats vara unik.Vi har med vår undersökning kommit fram till att det finns ett samband mellanintroduktionskurs, underprissättning och andelen institutionellt ägande. Debörsintroducerande företagen kan påverka ägarstrukturen och därmed också påverka hur storandel av den välfärdsöverföring som uppstår vid en börsintroduktion som skall fördelas tillprivata investerare respektive institutionella ägare. Vår undersökning visar att ägarstrukturenpåverkas i första hand genom det pris som fastställts på primärmarknaden. Vi förklararsambandet mellan introduktionskurs och ägarstruktur med att en hög introduktionskurs ger enrelativt hög andel institutionellt ägande. Vår undersökning visar även att samma antagandenger en hög introduktionsrabatt.
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