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Procesní analýza přípravy televizní reportáže, srovnání procesů v největších televizích v ČR / Process analysis of television report creation and comparision of the process in three largest televisions in Czech RepublicČervenková, Marie January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je srovnání procesů výroby reportáže v celoplošně vysílajících televizích v České republice a IT podporou procesů. Je sestaven obecný procesní model. Srovnávána byla i část IS/IT, kterou redaktor využívá pro tvorbu reportáže. Cílem práce bylo zjistit odlišnosti v procesech a IS/IT a čím jsou odlišnosti způsobeny a jaký mají vliv na práci redaktora. V práci je řešen i vliv procesů na kvalitu reportáží a čím je kvalita určena. Výsledkem jsou návrhy na změny, které by měli vést k větší efektivitě práce. Součástí práce je přehled možností vzniku desinformace v procesu výroby reportáže.
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Vývojové tendence ve využití informačních a komunikačních technologií v účetnictví / Development trends of information and comunication technology used in accountingPourová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The content of the thesis is a complex overview of development of ICT used in accounting since its beginning to the present. The thesis is devided into four chapters: General accounting forms and techniques and their development, Impacts of ICT on accounting, Modern approaches of accounting and Possible ways of further development.
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Návrh koncepce IS/ICT pro Junák ČR / Information strategy draft for Junák CZPelcl, Ladislav January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is creating a draft of an information strategy for Junák -- Association Scouts and Guides CZ. The organization is a Czech NGO, focused on education of children and young people. For both these main activities and also administrative, economical and other areas, it uses IS/ICT resources. Mainly due to a lack of coordination in their past development, in many fields these don't allow the organization to work efficiently and use the current potential of IS/ICT. This leads to diminishing of the organization's competitiveness. The thesis tries to bring such a strategy, that the organization could use even in the case it needs to be modified accordingly to its priorities. The thesis tries to reach the creation of the draft through a number of steps. Following the brief description of the organization, the thesis introduces basic terms and attitudes towards the IS/ICT governance. In order to identify both weaknesses and future potential, it thoroughly describes and analyzes the current IS/ICT projects currently in use in the organization. With partial use of the "potential of improvement" method, it states reasonable degree of efficiency improvement in various key activities. Great amount of focus is being spent on proposals of new projects, that could lead the organization to efficiency or raising its competitiveness through making the most of current trends in IS/ICT. Major projects are put together out of the proposals as well as the method of their evaluation in relation to the strategic priorities of the organization. Finally, the information strategy is defined. Author's main contribution is in his capability to point out new solutions which could help to improve non-optimal processes in a way, that makes use of current potential of IS/ICT. Using his experience from both the organization itself and the IS/ICT field, he tries to create modern, tailor-made information strategy.
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Metody hodnocení variant outsourcingu IS/ICT / Methods to Assess IS/ICT Outsourcing ModelsKlimeš, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis "Methods to Assess IS/ICT Outsourcing Models" focuses mainly on an assessment and selection process of suitable IS/ICT outsourcing models. First, IS/ICT outsourcing concept is explained and its advantages as well as disadvantages are described. Second, IS/ICT outsourcing models (primarily classified by outsourcing subject) and their characteristics are described. Third, existing methods to assess and subsequently select suitable IS/ICT outsourcing models are analysed. Main goal of the thesis is to confront the existing methods with a process used in real-life IS/ICT outsourcing project and then to give recommendations for methods improvement. To achieve that goal the existing methods are compared with a process used in the real-life outsourcing project. Based on positively perceived parts of the existing methods as well as on flaws identified, an own method to assess and select IS/ICT outsourcing models is designed. The following methods are used when writing the thesis: logical/historical method, description, analysis and synthesis. Main contribution of the thesis to the topic is a design of the own method aiming at improvements to the existing methods so that it is as usable as possible in practice. This is achieved through a design of tools supporting crucial steps of the designed method. The fact that the author is member of a project team working on the real-life IS/ICT outsourcing project facilitates a contribution achievement too.
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Vliv IS/ICT na fungování a strukturu organizace / Impact of IS/ICT on operation and structure of organizationHubáček, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The main goal of this master thesis is to prove by historical analysis the importance of implementation of information systems and information and communication technologies to companies and to show positives and negatives of these changes in an organization. Every single change in a company has its impact on company`s processes which is reflected by changes in organization`s structure and operation. The basic hypothesis of this work is to confirm that information systems and information and communication technologies significantly affect organizational structure and operation, change it and have a positive impact on it.
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Řešení SAP pro utilitní společnosti / SAP Products for Utility CompaniesŠafránek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
SAP IS-U is de-facto industry standard for customer information systems for utility companies through Europe -- used in electricity, gas, district heating and water utilities industry. These core modules are needed for invoicing tasks and most classical day-to-day scenarios: * IS-U BF Basic Functions * IS-U MD Master Data * IS-U DM Device Management * IS-U BI-IN Billing Invoicing * FI-CA Contract Accounts Especially for large customers in electricity and gas industry, IS-U EDM Energy Data Management is used for management of interval reading consumption and profiles. As utility industry evolves through market liberalization, unbundling processes are covered by IS-U IDE Intercompany Data Exchange (with PI Process Integration as and integration platform). Additionally, IS-U Work Management can be used to connect IS-U processes with PM Plant Maintenance functionality of SAP ERP and service department processes can be covered through two different products: * IS-U CS Customer Service - Older solution, less robust but fully integrated and easier for implementation * SAP CRM -- Stand-alone product, more robust, full featured solution My diploma theses can be used as a brief introduction into the world of IS-U and I also tried to answer these two additional questions: * Common processes that are not covered by IS-U * Comparison of ASAP and MMDIS methodology
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Analýza a návrh řešení specifického CRM pro vybranou společnost / Analysis and solution proposition of a specific CRM for selected companyGolík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the process of CRM tool implementation project from project plan to the selection of an appropriate solution. The project is a result of cooperation with specific company. The main goal is to offer a solution of a software tool for managing relationship with business partners of company wholesale, more effective managing and controlling of wholesale representatives. The final solution is a result of consultations with company management, company wholesale representatives and representatives of CRM vendors. The benefit of this thesis is a solution of CRM tool, which is capable to solve actual problems and fulfill company requirements. The benefit is also a documented initial analysis and a process of selecting CRM tool in wholesale company. So the thesis could be used as basis for selection of CRM tool in other wholesale companies. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part enlightens the topic of CRM. The practical part, which prevails in the text, consists of a project plan initial analysis, CRM market analysis and analysis of specific CRM tools.
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Analýza dalšího rozvoje studijního informačního systému na VŠE / The analysis of further development of study information system of University of Economics in PragueMynařík, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the study information systems used in Czech universities. The biggest part concerns the development of information system used in the University of Economics Prague. The goal of this thesis is to propose a way of a new development of this system, based on the analysis of other systems and to support it with the opinions of a representative sample of University of Economics students. The thesis itself is divided into 3 main parts. The first part shows the 4 most used study systems. Each system is analyzed from different viewpoints and its specifics are stressed. The analysis are made from interviews of the system developers and also web presentations of each subject. Each application solutions are compared with each other. The second part is devoted to the development of the information system of the University of Economics Prague. The author of this thesis expresses his opinion of the information system and proposes a recommendation concerning new functions and possibilities. The proposals are based on the experiences of other students of study information systems, or of the developer himself. All proposals are now in the third part introduced through the questionnaire to students of all other faculties of University of Economics Prague, where they themselves can express their opinions to proposed innovations or to the system in general. The results of the questionnaire are interpreted both in words and graphically.
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Nástroje ujištění v oblasti IT a jejich praktická realizace / Assurance tools in the the IT area and their practical implementationHodulák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on emphasizing the need of the assurance tools in IT area. The mentioned theme has expanded in recent years thanks to the increasing complexity of systems, the IT processes and the constant growth of regulatory requirements concerning integrity and security of data on the one hand, and thanks to the constant claims on IT in order to provide a real value to the organisation.
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Metodika pro výběr a nasazení CASE nástrojůHradecká, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this master’s thesis is to develop a methodology for CASE tool selection. This work consists of two parts. The first part is about software engineering, methodologies for IS development and its categorization, CASE tools and meta-modeling. The rest of the part is about methodological framework and current situation on the CASE tools market. The second part contains the methodology for selection of CASE tool. It is an open methodology and it offers a set of recommendations and procedures that are derived from best practices gathered from available resources and other similar methodologies. The main idea of this work is to devise a methodology for the CASE tools selection. The selection process is divided into several different segments that are analyzed in detail. The methodology distinguishes between both situations when the company either owns an existing CASE technology or it does not use CASE technology yet. The methodology suggests intensive internal communication during the selection and emphasizes the involvement of future users in the process. It is important to increase chance for smooth implementation and successful acceptance of the CASE in the company. The importance of considering differences in structure, character and the scope of projects, requirements for project management and maturity level of processes during the CASE tool selection process is highlighted.
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