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Informationssäkerhet inom kommuners administrativa verksamhet / Information Security in Swedish Municipalities’ administrative activitiesLind, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Informationssäkerhet handlar om att skydda viktig information oavsett format för att garantera dess konfidentialitet, integritet och tillgänglighet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur informationssäkerhet hanteras av kommuner, med fokus på den administrativa verksamheten. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer som har genomförts i ett urval av Skaraborgs kommuner. Resultaten visar att kommunerna har ett tillräckligt skydd för flera områden men också att det finns områden med brister främst relaterade till rutiner, efterlevnad och utbildning där kommunerna med fördel kan arbeta efter tillgängliga standarder. Som en del av arbetet presenteras även ett antal förbättringsförslag bland annat relaterade till utbildning av användare och ansvariga, som kan användas av kommunerna. Möjliga framtida arbeten inom området är främst relaterade till att ytterligare undersöka informationssäkerheten men det finns också möjligheter att utveckla och anpassa existerande verktyg för kommunal verksamhet.
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Gestão de segurança da informação - uma proposta para potencializar a efetividade da segurança da informação em ambiente de pesquisa científica / Information security management a proposal to improve the effectiveness of information security in the scientific research environmentAlexandria, João Carlos Soares de 30 November 2009 (has links)
O aumento crescente da interconectividade no ambiente de negócio, aliado à dependência cada vez maior dos sistemas de informação nas organizações, faz da gestão da segurança da informação uma importante ferramenta de governança corporativa. A segurança da informação tem o objetivo de salvaguardar a efetividade das transações e, por conseguinte, a própria continuidade do negócio. As ameaças à informação vão desde ataques hackers, fraudes eletrônicas, espionagem e vandalismo; a incêndio, interrupção de energia elétrica e falhas humanas. Segurança da informação é obtida a partir da implementação de um conjunto de controles, incluindo-se dentre outros, políticas, processos, procedimentos, estruturas organizacionais, software e hardware, o que exige uma gestão contínua e uma estrutura administrativa bem estabelecida para fazer frente aos seus desafios. O presente trabalho procurou investigar as razões relacionadas às dificuldades que muitas organizações enfrentam para a estruturação da segurança da informação. Muitas delas se limitam a adotarem medidas pontuais e inconsistentes com a realidade em que vivem. O mercado conta com um arcabouço legal e normativo para a implementação da segurança da informação NBR ISO/IEC 27002, Lei Americana Sarbanes-Oxley, acordo de capital da Basiléia, regulamentações das agências regulatórias (ANATEL, ANVISA e CVM). As pesquisas de mercado mostram que a implementação da segurança da informação está concentrada em instituições de grande porte e de segmentos específicos da economia como, por exemplo, bancário-financeiro e telecomunicação. Entretanto, a segurança da informação faz-se necessária em qualquer organização que utilize sistema de informação nos seus processos de trabalho, independentemente do porte ou do setor econômico de atuação. A situação da segurança da informação no setor governamental do Brasil, e dentro deste, nas instituições de pesquisas científicas é considerada preocupante, de acordo com o Tribunal de Contas da União. Este trabalho apresenta um método de diagnóstico e avaliação da segurança da informação, aplicado na forma de levantamento de dados, que tem a intenção de servir de ponto de partida para fomentar uma discussão interna visando à estruturação da segurança da informação na organização. O referido método é destinado em especial àquelas organizações que não se enquadram no perfil das empresas atingidas pelas leis e regulamentos existentes, mas que necessitam igualmente protegerem seus ativos de informação para o bom e fiel cumprimento de seus objetivos e metas de negócio. / The increase of the connectivity in the business environment, combined with the growing dependency of information systems, has become the information security management an important governance tool. Information security has as main goal to protect the business transactions in order to work normally. In this way, It will be safeguarding the business continuity. The threats of information come from hackers attacks, electronic frauds and spying, as well as fire, electrical energy interruption and humans fault. Information security is made by implementation of a set of controls, including of the others politics, processes, procedures, organizational structures, software and hardware, which require a continuous management and a well established structure to be able to face such challenges. This work tried to search the reasons why the organizations have difficulties to make a practice of information security management. Many of them just limit to adopt points measures, sometimes they are not consistent with their realities. The market counts on enough quantity of standards and regulations related to information security issues, for example, ISO/IEC 27002, American Sarbanes-Oxley act, Basel capital accord, regulations from regulatory agency (such as the Brazilians ones ANATEL, ANVISA and CVM). The market researches have showed that the information security implementation is concentrated on a well-defined group of organization mainly formed by large companies and from specifics sectors of economy, for example, financial and telecommunication. However, information security must be done by all organizations that use information systems to carry out their activities, independently of its size or economic area that it belongs. The situation of information security in the governmental sector of Brazil, and inside its research institutions, is considered worrying by the Brazilian Court of Accounts (TCU). This research work presents an assessment and diagnostic proposal of information security, applied in the form of a data survey, which intend to be a tool that can be used as a starting point to foment debates about information security concerns into organization. This can lead them to a well-structured information security implementation. The referred proposal is specially addressed to those organizations that do not have the profile that put them among those companies which are forced to follow some law or regulation. But in the same way they need to protect their information assets to reach their goals and their business objectives.
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Gestão de segurança da informação - uma proposta para potencializar a efetividade da segurança da informação em ambiente de pesquisa científica / Information security management a proposal to improve the effectiveness of information security in the scientific research environmentJoão Carlos Soares de Alexandria 30 November 2009 (has links)
O aumento crescente da interconectividade no ambiente de negócio, aliado à dependência cada vez maior dos sistemas de informação nas organizações, faz da gestão da segurança da informação uma importante ferramenta de governança corporativa. A segurança da informação tem o objetivo de salvaguardar a efetividade das transações e, por conseguinte, a própria continuidade do negócio. As ameaças à informação vão desde ataques hackers, fraudes eletrônicas, espionagem e vandalismo; a incêndio, interrupção de energia elétrica e falhas humanas. Segurança da informação é obtida a partir da implementação de um conjunto de controles, incluindo-se dentre outros, políticas, processos, procedimentos, estruturas organizacionais, software e hardware, o que exige uma gestão contínua e uma estrutura administrativa bem estabelecida para fazer frente aos seus desafios. O presente trabalho procurou investigar as razões relacionadas às dificuldades que muitas organizações enfrentam para a estruturação da segurança da informação. Muitas delas se limitam a adotarem medidas pontuais e inconsistentes com a realidade em que vivem. O mercado conta com um arcabouço legal e normativo para a implementação da segurança da informação NBR ISO/IEC 27002, Lei Americana Sarbanes-Oxley, acordo de capital da Basiléia, regulamentações das agências regulatórias (ANATEL, ANVISA e CVM). As pesquisas de mercado mostram que a implementação da segurança da informação está concentrada em instituições de grande porte e de segmentos específicos da economia como, por exemplo, bancário-financeiro e telecomunicação. Entretanto, a segurança da informação faz-se necessária em qualquer organização que utilize sistema de informação nos seus processos de trabalho, independentemente do porte ou do setor econômico de atuação. A situação da segurança da informação no setor governamental do Brasil, e dentro deste, nas instituições de pesquisas científicas é considerada preocupante, de acordo com o Tribunal de Contas da União. Este trabalho apresenta um método de diagnóstico e avaliação da segurança da informação, aplicado na forma de levantamento de dados, que tem a intenção de servir de ponto de partida para fomentar uma discussão interna visando à estruturação da segurança da informação na organização. O referido método é destinado em especial àquelas organizações que não se enquadram no perfil das empresas atingidas pelas leis e regulamentos existentes, mas que necessitam igualmente protegerem seus ativos de informação para o bom e fiel cumprimento de seus objetivos e metas de negócio. / The increase of the connectivity in the business environment, combined with the growing dependency of information systems, has become the information security management an important governance tool. Information security has as main goal to protect the business transactions in order to work normally. In this way, It will be safeguarding the business continuity. The threats of information come from hackers attacks, electronic frauds and spying, as well as fire, electrical energy interruption and humans fault. Information security is made by implementation of a set of controls, including of the others politics, processes, procedures, organizational structures, software and hardware, which require a continuous management and a well established structure to be able to face such challenges. This work tried to search the reasons why the organizations have difficulties to make a practice of information security management. Many of them just limit to adopt points measures, sometimes they are not consistent with their realities. The market counts on enough quantity of standards and regulations related to information security issues, for example, ISO/IEC 27002, American Sarbanes-Oxley act, Basel capital accord, regulations from regulatory agency (such as the Brazilians ones ANATEL, ANVISA and CVM). The market researches have showed that the information security implementation is concentrated on a well-defined group of organization mainly formed by large companies and from specifics sectors of economy, for example, financial and telecommunication. However, information security must be done by all organizations that use information systems to carry out their activities, independently of its size or economic area that it belongs. The situation of information security in the governmental sector of Brazil, and inside its research institutions, is considered worrying by the Brazilian Court of Accounts (TCU). This research work presents an assessment and diagnostic proposal of information security, applied in the form of a data survey, which intend to be a tool that can be used as a starting point to foment debates about information security concerns into organization. This can lead them to a well-structured information security implementation. The referred proposal is specially addressed to those organizations that do not have the profile that put them among those companies which are forced to follow some law or regulation. But in the same way they need to protect their information assets to reach their goals and their business objectives.
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Kartlägga informationssäkerhetsnivån i kommunala grundskolorCarlsson, David January 2015 (has links)
Informationssäkerhet spelar en viktig roll i dagens samhälle och organisationer.Informationssäkerhet handlar om hur information i flera olika format kan skyddas. Det ärviktigt att kunna säkerställa att information behåller riktighet, integritet, konfidentialitet ochspårbarhet. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att kartlägga informationssäkerhetsnivån ikommunala grundskolor. För att få fram grundskolornas informationssäkerhetsnivå kommeren kvalitativ studie med intervjuer ligga till grund. Tre kommuner i Skaraborg har deltagit istudien. Resultaten från studien visar att det finns säkerhetsbrister hos de kommunalagrundskolorna. I det administrativa delen av informationssäkerhet finns de främsta bristernahos grundskolorna. Kommunerna visar även att de uppfyller många riktlinjer fråninternationella standarder.
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Utvärdering av gapanalys för informationssäkerhet / Evaluation of a gap analysis for information securitySörensen, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Informationssäkerhet innebär att skydda informationstillgångar avseende tillgänglighet, konfidentialitet, integritet och spårbarhet. För att hantera informationssäkerhet inom en verksamhet kan ett LIS (ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet) införas. MSB (Myndigheten för samhällskydd och beredskap) förvaltar ett metodstöd för att införa ett LIS och i detta metodstöd finns en gapanalys med inriktning mot informationssäkerhet. Denna gapanalys syftar till att kartlägga det nuvarande läget för informationssäkerhet inom organisationer för att jämföra detta mot den befintliga standarden ISO/IEC 27002. Problemet med denna gapanalys är att den är generiskt utformad för att passa de flesta organisationer och därför görs en undersökning för att undersöka hur denna gapanalys kan anpassas samt förbättras mot kommunal verksamhet. En anpassning innebär att delar kan tas bort från gapanalysen vilket skulle effektivisera informationssäkerhetsarbetet mot kommunal verksamhet. I förbättringsaspekten undersöks det hur väl gapanalysen förstås av den som ska delta i informationssäkerhetsarbetet. Utvärderingen har skett med kapitlet styrning av åtkomst ur gapanalysen, vilket avser hur åtkomsten hanteras till viktiga tillgångar som till exempel databaser innehållande känslig information. Denna rapport visar om en anpassning mot kommunal verksamhet kan göras gällande den gapanalys som MSB förvaltar samt visar möjliga förbättringsområden. För att få svar på undersökningens fråga användes intervjuer som metod.
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Návrh zavedení bezpečnostních opatření v souladu s ISMS pro společnost / Implementation of ISMS security countermeasures proposal for a companyVyhňák, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the proposal of introduction security countermeasures in accordance with the information security management system for the company. The theoretical part is defined in the first part of the thesis. The next part introduces the company, describes the current state of security and analysis security countermeasures with the help of supporting material. The last part includes the proposal to introduce new security countermeasures. The thesis includes risk analysis, design of selected security countermeasures including the implementation procedure with a time schedule and economic evaluation.
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Informationssäkerhet i organisationer - Utvärdering av Folktandvårdens informationssäkerhet inom Region Jönköpings län / Information security in organizations- Evaluation of Folktandvården's information security within Region Jönköping CountyAl-Botani, Nidaa January 2015 (has links)
Information är idag en värdefull resurs i organisationer som blir mer och mer beroende av sina informationssystem. Information utsätts för olika hot och den behöver skyddas för att organisationer effektivt ska kunna driva sin verksamhet. Ett systematiskt informationssäkerhetsarbete hjälper organisationer att uppnå och upprätthålla en tillräcklig nivå av informationssäkerhet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur informationssäkerhet hanteras inom organisationer i allmänhet i nuläget. En fallstudie har genomförts på Folktandvården, Region Jönköpings län för att undersöka hur Folktandvårdens medarbetare hanterar informationssäkerheten. Dessutom syftar studien till att utvärdera medvetenhet om informationssäkerhet hos medarbetarna på Folktandvården och att presentera förslag på hur hanteringen av personuppgifter kan förbättras i organisationer. Blandade tekniker har använts för att samla information. Litteraturstudier inom området informationssäkerhet har genomförts. Empirisk data har samlats in genom en enkätundersökning, intervjuer och skriftliga frågor som har skickats via e-post till utvalda ansvariga som jobbar specifikt med frågor som berör informationssäkerhet inom Folktandvården. Denna studie använder de svenska standarderna SS-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 och SS-ISO/IEC 27002:2014 för att utvärdera informationssäkerhet på Folktandvården, Region Jönköpings län samt att få en bild av hur informationssäkerhet hanteras inom organisationer. Organisationer kan upprätthålla säkerhet i sin informationshantering genom att tillämpa ett ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet (LIS) som bevarar konfidentialitet, riktighet (integritet) och tillgänglighet av information. Informationssäkerhetsarbetet och införandet av LIS skiljer sig mellan organisationer eftersom de kan påverkas av organisationens behov och mål, storlek och struktur. Fallstudiens resultat visar att Folktandvården, Region Jönköpings län genomför en aktiv hantering av informationssäkerhet. Folktandvården klarar de flesta kraven som ställdes i standarderna. Däremot föreslås det i studien att fler utbildningsprogram ordnas för att öka medvetenheten kring informationssäkerhet. Dessa utbildningsprogram bör uppdateras regelbundet för att det fortsätter att vara i linje med organisatoriska policy och rutiner. Det rekommenderas även att organisationen utför informationsklassning fullt ut enligt den modellen som Folktandvården har. Dessutom rekommenderas att utveckla planeringen av kontinuitet för informationssäkerhet. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att medarbetarna är medvetna om hur de hanterar informationssäkerhetsincidenter och upplever att systemen är tillgängliga för de behöriga. Flera av de förslag som presenterades av denna studie har hörsammats och kommer att leda till vidare arbete inom Folktandvården. Organisationers personuppgifter bör skyddas genom att tillämpa regler enligt gällande författningar. En ansvarig person i organisationen bör ge vägledning till de anställda om sitt ansvar för hantering av personuppgifter. / Information today is a valuable resource for organizations which become more and more dependent on their information systems. Information subject to various threats and the need to be protected in order that organizations can effectively run their business. A systematic information security helps organizations to achieve and maintain a sufficient level of information security. The study aims to investigate how information is managed within organizations in general. A case study has been performed in Folktandvården (the Public Dental Service), Region Jönköping County to investigate how the organization handle information security. In addition, the study aims to evaluate awareness of information security among employees at the business and to present proposals on how to improve handling of personal data. Mixed techniques have been used to gather information. Literature studies in the field of information security has been implemented. The empirical data collected through a questionnaire, interviews and written questions sent by e-mail to managers in Folktandvården. This study uses the standards SS-ISO / IEC 27001:2014 and SS-ISO / IEC 27002:2014 to evaluate the information in Folktandvården, Region Jönköping County and to get a picture of how information is managed within organizations. Organizations can maintain the security of their information by implementing an information security management system (ISMS) that preserves the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Information security and ISMS application differs between organizations, which could be affected by the organization's needs and goals, size and structure. Case study results show that Folktandvården, Region Jönköping County implements an active management of information. The organization manages most of the specifications in the standards. However this study proposes to organize more training programs for information security awareness. These programs should be updated regularly in order to continue to be in line with organizational policies and procedures. It is recommended that the organization performs information classification fully in accordance with the model it has. Additionally, it is recommended to develop the planning of continuity for information. The results from the questionnaire show that the employees are aware of how they handle information security incidents and they think that the systems are available for authorized access. Several of the proposals presented by this study have been heeded and will lead to further work in Folktandvården. Organizations' personal information should be protected by applying the rules in accordance with applicable regulations. A responsible person in the organization should provide guidance to employees about their responsibility for the handling of personal data.
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Melhores práticas para implantar política de segurança da informação e comunicação em instituições federais de ensino superiorRIOS, Orlivaldo Kléber Lima 30 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-08-31T19:26:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / O Tribunal de Contas da União, por meio da Secretaria de Fiscalização de TI, publicou, em 2015, por meio do Acórdão 3117/2014-TCU-Plenário, o quadro crítico em que se encontravam os órgãos da Administração Pública Federal, direta e indireta, concernente aos processos de segurança da informação, onde apenas 51% daqueles órgãos utilizavam integralmente a Política de Segurança da Informação. Considerando que há recomendações e orientações do Governo Federal para a institucionalização da Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação em todos seus órgãos, essa pesquisa buscou identificar o cenário em que se encontram as Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, quanto à existência e às práticas utilizadas para implantação de Política de Segurança da Informação, considerando que tais instituições estão inseridas nesse panorama de fiscalização do Tribunal de Contas da União. Como objetivo de pesquisa, buscou-se a elaboração de um guia de melhores práticas para implantação e revisão de Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação nas Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior. Como metodologia foram utilizadas as abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, empregando procedimentos bibliográficos, com o uso da revisão sistemática, e o levantamento de campo com aplicação de questionário Survey. Ao final da pesquisa, percebeu-se que o fator humano é a maior criticidade para o sucesso da implantação da Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação, principalmente a participação da Alta Gestão, entretanto, a elaboração do guia promoverá ações estratégicas nos processos de segurança da informação das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, quanto à implantação e revisão de Política de Segurança da Informação e Comunicação. / The Court of Auditors of Unity, IT Supervisory Office, published in 2015, through Decision 3117/2014 - TCU-Plenary, the critical situation in which they found the agencies of the Federal Public Administration Office, both direct as indirectly, concerning the information security processes, where only 51% of those agencies fully used the Security Policy information. Whereas there are recommendations and guidelines of the Federal Government for the institutionalization of the Information and Communication Security Policy in all its agencies, this research sought to identify the scenario where the Federal Institutions of Higher Education are, regarding the existence and the practices adopted in the implementation of information security policy, considering that such institutions are inserted in this prospect of the Brazilian Federal Accountability Office surveillance. In this research we aimed to formulate the a Guide for the best practices to the implementation and revision of Information Security Policy in Federal Institutions of Higher Education. It were used both quantitative and qualitative approaches, employing, employing bibliographic procedures, with the use of a systematic review and also a field survey. At the end of this research it was realized that the human factor is the most critical aspect for the successful implementation of Security Policy information, especially the participation of the High Management. However, the formulation of a guidance will promote strategic actions in the information security processes of Federal Institutions of Higher Education, towards the implementation and revision of Information and Communication Security Policy.
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Návrh na zavedení nutných oblastí ISMS na základní škole / The Proposal for Implementation of Essential ISMS Sections at the Primary SchoolKryštof, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with the information security on a specific primary school. In the first and second part of this thesis there is an endeavor to provide basic theoretical starting points about ISMS issues, and to get an overview about the current state of the information security at the primary school. This is followed by the practical part where there is the proposal of suitable security steps and recommendation for solution of the most important tasks from the ICT management security perspective.
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Analysis of information security risks and protection management requirements for enterprise networksSaleh, Mohamed Saad Morsy January 2011 (has links)
With widespread of harmful attacks against enterprises' electronic services, information security readiness of these enterprises is becoming of increasing importance for establishing the required safe environment for such services. Various approaches are proposed to manage enterprise information security risks and to assess its information security readiness. These approaches are, however, not adequate to manage information security risks, as all required information security components of its structural and procedural dimensions have not considered. In addition, current assessment approaches lack numerical indicators in assessing enterprise information security readiness. Furthermore, there is no standard approach for analysing cost versus benefit in selecting recommended protection measures. This thesis aims at contributing to the knowledge by developing comprehensive Enterprise Information Security Risk Management (EISRM) framework that integrates typical approaches for information security risk management, and incorporates main components of key risk management methodologies. In addition, for supporting phases of the proposed EISRM framework, analytical models for enterprise information security readiness assessment and cost-benefit analysis are developed. The practical evaluation, using the proposed enterprise information security readiness assessment model has been performed depending on a developed investigation form that used to investigate nine enterprises inside Saudi Arabia. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in assessing and comparing enterprises information security readiness at all levels of the model, using numerical indicators and graphical representations. The EISRM framework and the analytical models presented in this research can be used by enterprises as single point of reference for assessing and cost effectively improving their information security readiness.
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