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Är du och din elbil skyddade vid laddning via laddstolpe?Brettmar, Astrid, Alfredsson, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Det råder inga tvivel om att fordonsindustrin har förändrats och påverkats av konsumenternas ökade intresse och medvetande om miljöpåverkan. Under de senaste åren har mängden elbilar ökat vilket leder till fler attacker utförs. Därför behöver användarna och tillverkarna bli medvetna om eventuella risker. Undersökningen har genomförts i syfte att kartlägga brister i kommunikationen i laddningsprocessen för elbilar. Den personliga integriteten har blivit allt mer viktig i samhället och bör därför appliceras även på laddningsprocessen. Detta mynnar ut i frågor gällande möjligheten att avlyssna eller manipulera kommunikationen, säkerhetsbrister och deras risk att utnyttjas samt hur tillämpning av ISO 15118 påverkar framtiden inom laddning. Med hjälp av en jämförelse av OCPP protokollet och ISO 15118 standarden har brister presenterats i förhållande till olika säkerhetskrav. För att få en mer nyanserad bild av området har det utförts tre intervjuer med nyckelpersoner från branschen. Jämförelsen har lett fram till ett resultat som består av likheter och skillnader i säkerhetskrav, tekniska implementationer såsom plug \& charge, autocharge, HLC och TLS. För att tydliggöra säkerhetskraven för OCPP och ISO har use-case scenarion formulerats. Det råder delade meningar om huruvida ISO standarden är formulerad på ett acceptabelt sätt. Trots att ISO standarden är säkrare på grund av dess avancerade kryptografiska metoder erbjuder den inte skydd mot samtliga attacker. En standard garanterar inte att alla leverantörer eftersträvar den i samma utsträckning då det finns utrymme för tolkning. Därför är det viktigt att de samarbetar och jobbar mot samma mål i sin utveckling.
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Is your electric vehicle plotting against you? : An investigation of the ISO 15118 standard and current security implementationsBerg, Anthon, Svantesson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Electric vehicles are revolutionizing the way we travel. Climate change and policies worldwide are pushing the vehicle market towards a more sustainable future through electric vehicles. However, can these solutions be considered safe and secure? Because of the entirely new attack vector that is charging, many new security concerns are present in this new type of vehicle that did not exist in combustion engine vehicles. Here, a literature study of the current situation surrounding electric vehicle charging and the ISO 15118 standard is presented. In addition to this, a risk analysis of currently implemented solutions for electric vehicle charging is also presented. The purpose is to unveil what weaknesses that are present in modern electric vehicle communication standards and how secure electric vehicles on the road today really are. The results indicate that there are vulnerabilities present in electric vehicles today that require radical improvements to the charging security to provide a safer way of traveling for the future. A list of proposed countermeasures to found vulnerabilities as well as verification methods are also presented as part of this paper. The comprehensive study presented here acts as an excellent foundation for future projects but also for organizations to address critical areas within charging security.
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Test System for Charging Communication of Use Cases based on Different StandardsPatel, Jinal Vishnubhai 25 January 2022 (has links)
To charge an all types of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is the most primary part of the electrical vehicle industry. Nowadays charging communication between vehicle and
charging station becoming more and more popular. Automotive industries are trying to charge vehicles in minimal time and also the secured one. In the charging
communication scenario, current is flowing through the charging station to the EV through electric line and normally communication between them takes place with
the help of Controller Area Network (CAN), Wi-Fi and Powerline Communication (PLC) etc. There are two types of charging communication available in the current
industry: High level and Low level communication for Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC). Low Level Communication (LLC) uses only Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) signals to transmit data, which is analog signals. On the other hand, High level Communication (HLC) provides digital and IP network
based communication. These both types also support many different standards for communication. For example, ISO 15118, IEC 61851, DIN 70121 and many more.
These standards have the message sequences for the flow of charging and also their implementation.
The goal of this thesis is the development of low cost EVSE test system, which has the PLC technology with up to 10 Mbps data rate and two different standards for
charging communication with HLC. This thesis proposes an implementation between a communication controller or SECC of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
side and Signal Level Attenuation Characterization (SLAC) in PLC modem. SLAC functionality helps to overcome the problem of crosstalk while charging. In this
work, there will be a test system with SECC and PWM generator, some resistors to identify proper lock mechanism between charging cable and vehicle inlet, the ISO
15118 and IEC 61851 for PWM signals. Implementation of SECC will be in JAVA language and each message executed in XML script language. Our examination
shows this approach very remarkable low cost AC based test system with digital communication system, which can help to test direct or virtual EV or HiL system.
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