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En existens inom fyra väggar : En litteraturöversikt kring patienters upplevelser av isolering vid MRSA / An existence within four walls : A literature review about patients' experiences of being in isolation because of MRSALindström, Kerstin, Fjällström, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: MRSA är en multiresistent bakterie som har utvecklat resistens mot antibiotika. Med en ökad spridning så är MRSA ett folkhälsoproblem på global nivå då bakterien orsakar ökad sjuklighet och dödlighet. Att bära på MRSA har en stor påverkan på livet då det ger stigmatiserande känslor och emotionella konsekvenser. MRSA är en smittsam och allmänfarlig sjukdom och måste enligt lag vårdas utifrån vårdhygieniska riktlinjer i isolering för att förhindra smittspridning. Sjuksköterskans roll i det förebyggande arbetet mot smittspridning är att anpassa vårdmiljön efter patientens behov samt vara en förebild för resterande personal i vårdlaget. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa patienters upplevelser av isolering vid MRSA. Metod: Litteraturöversikten är genomförd enligt Friberg (2012). Resultatet bygger på elva vårdvetenskapliga artiklar varav åtta kvalitativa, två kvantitativa och en med mixad metod. De vårdvetenskapliga artiklarnas resultat analyserades och sammanställdes utifrån likheter och skillnader. Resultat: I resultatet så framkom det fyra huvudteman: Inom fyra väggar, Interaktionens innebörd vid isolering, Betydelsen av god information och Isoleringsrutiner skapar barriärer i vården. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Dahlberg (2014) och Dahlberg och Segestens (2010) vårdvetenskapliga tolkning av begreppet livsvärld och med relevant forskning som styrker att patienters upplevelse påverkas av miljön, möjlighet till interaktion, brist på information och isoleringsrutiner. Begreppet livsvärld tillsammans med konsensusbegreppet hälsa appliceras på resultatet i diskussionen.
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The impact noise is a challenge to builders and designers because of the difficulty in the interruption of vibrations due to the rigidity of the connections between the structural elements. Many previous researches aimed at the development of methods to diminish its effects and among them the floating floor , constituted by the interposition of an elastic material between the flagstone and the final covering of the floor, has presented significant advantages in presenting a solution still in the project phase. The introduction of new materials in the market made it possible the development of this study, whose objectives were to measure and to compare the performance of these materials as isolators, as well as to determine the relative advantage to the cost/benefit criterion in the construction of systems with porcelanate and plated melamínico wooden final coverings, and the utilization of glass wool, recycled blankets of rubber (E.V.A. residues) and high density Styrofoam and polyethylene blanket as resilient materials. The experiments carried out at the Thermo-acoustic laboratory (LaTA) in the university, according to the methodology suggested by ISO 140/VI and VIII (except the specifications as to the size of the samples that were tested with 1m ²) and ISO 717-2, permitted the classification of the tested materials in terms of their performance while impact noise acoustic isolators, and the market research made it possible to establish a hierarchy in the cost/benefit aspect. / O ruído de impacto é um desafio para construtores e projetistas pela dificuldade que se encontra para a interrupção das vibrações decorrentes da rigidez dos vínculos entre os elementos estruturais. Diversos estudos científicos visaram o desenvolvimento de métodos para amenizar seus efeitos, dos quais o piso flutuante , composto pela interposição de material elástico entre a laje e o revestimento final, tem apresentado vantagens significativas porque apresenta a solução ainda na fase do projeto. O surgimento de novos materiais no mercado ensejou a realização deste trabalho que teve como objetivo medir e comparar o desempenho desses materiais como isolantes, além de determinar a vantagem relativa no critério custo/benefício, na montagem de sistemas com revestimentos finais de porcelanato e laminado melamínico de madeira, e a utilização de lã de vidro, mantas de borracha reciclada (resíduos de E.V.A.), isopor de alta densidade e manta de polietileno como materiais resilientes. Os ensaios realizados no Laboratório de Termo-Acústica (LaTA) da UFSM de acordo com a metodologia preconizada pelas ISO 140/VI e VIII (exceto as especificações quanto ao tamanho das amostras que foram testadas com 1m²) e ISO 717-2 permitiram escalonar os materiais testados quanto aos seus desempenhos como isolantes acústicos ao ruído de impacto e a pesquisa mercadológica possibilitou determinar uma hierarquização no aspecto custo/benefício.
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Modélisation du comportement thermique à long terme des panneaux isolants sous vide : (PIV) / Modelling of long-term thermal behaviour of vacuum insulation panels : (VIP)Batard, Antoine 14 February 2017 (has links)
On peut distinguer deux familles d'isolants thermiques pour le bâtiment : les isolants dits traditionnels et les super-isolants qui se caractérisent par un pouvoir isolant plus performant qu'une simple lame d'air immobile (25 mW/m/K). Les Panneaux Isolants sous Vide (PIV) font partie de cette seconde catégorie. Un PIV n'est pas un matériau homogène, mais un système constitué d'un matériau de cœur mis sous vide et enfermé dans une enveloppe. La performance thermique du PIV repose sur la structure nano-poreuse du matériau de cœur et du vide primaire maintenu par l'enveloppe qui possède une très faible perméabilité aux gaz. Alors que les isolants traditionnels ont des conductivités thermiques allant de 21 mW/m/K pour la mousse polyuréthane à 50 mW/m/K pour les laines les moins performantes, celle des PIV est d'environ 4 mW/m/K à l'état neuf. Cependant, comme tout isolant, leur performance se dégrade dans le temps. Cette diminution de conductivité thermique est davantage préjudiciable pour les PIV à cause de leur très bonne performance initiale et de leur coût encore élevé. Il convient donc d'étudier l'évolution de leur performance thermique sur l'ensemble de leur durée de vie dans le bâtiment, c'est à dire 50 ans. Pour cela la modélisation a été choisie comme outil car l'expérimentation ne peut satisfaire ces durées d'étude. L'étude du comportement thermique des PIV passe par différents axes de recherches intervenant à différentes échelles.Le premier concerne les mécanismes de transferts des gaz à travers les enveloppes des PIV, aussi appelés complexes barrières. L'enjeu est d'améliorer notre compréhension sur les relations qui existent entre les propriétés morphologiques des complexes barrières et les phénomènes de diffusion de la vapeur d'eau et de l'air sec à travers les différentes couches de matériaux qui constituent ces complexes barrières. Les résultats obtenus ne permettent pas encore de proposer un modèle de diffusion juste à cette échelle, mais mettent en avant certaines tendances et mécanismes physiques qui ouvrent de nouvelles pistes d'exploration.Le deuxième axe de recherche s'intéresse au comportement hygro-thermique à l'échelle des panneaux. Un modèle numérique de PIV a été développé afin de prendre en compte ses propriétés géométriques, thermiques et hydriques dans le calcul la performance thermique globale du panneau. Le modèle intègre le vieillissement du matériau de cœur par la modification de son isotherme de sorption à la vapeur d'eau. Des PIV fabriqués avec différents types de matériaux de cœur sont étudiés dans différentes conditions constantes en température et humidité. Les résultats des simulations permettent de mieux comprendre l'évolution de la conductivité thermique des PIV, d'analyser leur comportement global et de déterminer les principales caractéristiques qui sont déterminantes pour améliorer leur performance.Enfin, la troisième partie des travaux de recherche est consacrée au développement d'une méthode d'analyse de la performance des PIV en conditions réelles d'installation dans un bâtiment, dans différent climats français et plusieurs applications d'isolation. L'objectif est tout d'abord de déterminer les sollicitations réelles auxquelles sont soumis les PIV mis en œuvre, et ensuite de simuler leur comportement thermique à long terme afin de prédire leur performance moyenne. Les résultats donnent des températures et humidités qui sont très variables selon les climats, les systèmes d'isolation et les saisons de l'année, mais celles-ci restent finalement relativement modérées. La performance thermique moyenne des PIV sur 50 ans dépend très peu des applications, mais plus des climats et encore plus du type de silice qui constitue leur matériau de cœur. Contrairement à ce que laissent supposer les essais à court terme, les silices hydrophobes sont les plus favorables. Selon les applications et les climats, la conductivité thermique moyenne des PIV peut varier entre 4,7 et 7,3 mW/m/K. / Two types of thermal insulation materials exist for building application: the conventional insulation and the super-insulation materials which is characterized by an insulating performance higher than that of a simple layer of still air 25 mW/m/K). Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) belong to the second category. VIP is not a homogeneous material, but a product consisting of a core material maintained under vacuum by an envelope. The thermal performance of VIP is based on the nanoporous property of the core material and on the vacuum maintained by the envelope which has a very high gas barrier properties. While conventional insulation material has a thermal conductivity values from 21 mW/m/K for polyurethane foams to 50 mW/m/K for the worst wools, that of new VIPs is around 4 mW/m/K. Nevertheless, like every insulation materials, their performance degrades over time. This increase of thermal conductivity is even more detrimental for VIPs because of their very high initial performance and of their high cost. It is therefore important to study their thermal performance evolution over all their service-life in building, over 50 years. In order to manage this, modelling has been chosen, because experiments cannot be realised over such long periods. Studying the thermal performance of VIPs is going through different research topics which take place at different scales.The first one concerns the gas transfer mechanisms through the VIPs’ envelope, also called barrier complexes. The challenge is to improve our understanding of the relationship between the barrier complexes morphological properties and the water vapour and dry air diffusion phenomena through the different layers of materials which compose these barrier complexes. The results do not allow to provide a correct model at this scale, but put forward some trends and physical mechanisms that open up new avenues of exploration.The second research topic is focused on the hygro-thermal behaviour at panels’ scale. A numerical model of VIP has been developed in order to take into account its geometric, thermal and hygric properties in the global thermal performance calculation of the panel. The model integrates the ageing process of the core material by moving its water vapour sorption isotherm. VIPs made with different types of core material has been studied in different constant conditions of temperature and humidity. Simulation results allow to better understand the thermal conductivity evolution of VIPs, to analyse their global behaviour and to determine the main characteristics which are relevant to improve their performance.Then, the third part of the research studies is dedicated to the development of a method which allows to analyse the VIPs’ performance in real conditions of installation in building, in different French climate conditions and several insulation applications. The aim is first to determine the real solicitations imposed on VIP, and then to simulate their long-term thermal performance in order to predict their mean performance. Results show a large dispersion of solicitations submitted to VIPs according to the climate conditions and insulation systems. Temperatures and humidities are highly variable according to the seasons, but finally remain relatively moderate. It is turns out that the mean thermal performance of VIPs over 50 years differs little from applications, but more from climate conditions and even more from the type of silica used for the core material. Contrary to what the short term tests would suggest, hydrophobic silicas are most favourable. The mean thermal conductivity of VIPs can varies between 4.7 and 7.3 mW/m/K.
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Isolamento microbiano na biodegradação de resíduos de curtumesAgustini, Caroline Borges January 2014 (has links)
Os resíduos do processo de curtumes e a crescente importância da geração de energia a partir de fontes renováveis fazem com que seja necessário estudar formas de biodegradação dos resíduos produzidos pela indústria coureira e gerar energia a partir disso. Os resíduos sólidos produzidos pelos curtumes contêm cromo e costumam ser dispostos em aterros industriais perigosos. O biogás com alto teor de metano é o produto dessa decomposição, através de digestão anaeróbia. A partir desses conceitos, esse trabalho propõe realizar ensaios de biodegradação com lodo, proveniente de uma estação de tratamento de efluentes de curtumes, e com farelo de couro wet-blue (couro curtido ao cromo) em biorreatores de bancada. O objetivo principal foi isolar, quantificar e identificar os microrganismos que apresentam potencial de produzir biogás com alto teor de metano. Ainda, a forma de armazenamento prévio do lodo adicionado também foi analisada. Primeiramente, incubou-se o lodo com farelo de couro wet-blue em biorreatores de bancada (dez ensaios de biodegradação divididos em duas montagens) e análises de quantificação e de qualificação do biogás gerado foram feitas. Depois, realizou-se a coleta de alíquotas da biomassa gerada nos biorreatores em diferentes fases do crescimento. O isolamento da biomassa coletada foi conduzido em frascos tipo penicilina com meio de cultura propício para o crescimento de arqueas metanogênicas, onde era possível a incubação em atmosfera anaeróbia. A partir dos crescimentos dos microrganismos, realizaram-se testes de contagem, isolamento, coloração de Gram, além de novos testes de coleta de biomassa dos próprios frascos. Como resultado, a influência do armazenamento prévio do lodo na biodegradação deste com farelo de couro wet-blue ainda não foi totalmente elucidada. Os microrganismos isolados não eram arqueas metanogênicas. Realizou-se a contagem de microrganismos, em dois ensaios de biodegradação que tiveram sua biomassa coletada. O primeiro biorreator analisado (biorreator 4) apresentou 1,90 x 109 e 4,45 x 106 UFC/mL para o sólido precipitado e para o líquido sobrenadante, respectivamente. O segundo biorreator analisado (biorreator 7) apresentou 1,35 x 109 e 1,09 x 109 UFC/mL para o sólido precipitado sem e com adição de lodo ao meio de cultivo antes da autoclavagem, respectivamente, e 9,10 x 106 e 8,30 x 106 UFC/mL para o líquido sobrenadante sem e com adição de lodo ao meio de cultivo antes da autoclavagem, respectivamente. Foi detectado metano apenas nos frascos que continham alíquotas de biomassa provenientes dos biorreatores que estavam pouco diluídos, provenientes da coleta em fase final de produção de biogás, com quantidades elevadas de microrganismos. O percentual de metano encontrado nesses frascos variou entre 25,75 e 53,66% e foi detectado após a terceira semana de incubação. A homogeneização do lodo se mostrou um fator de grande influência na biodegradação. A técnica de isolamento com a utilização de frascos de penicilina mostrou-se adequada para a quantificação de microrganismos metanogênicos presentes nos ensaios de biodegradação, mas ainda não adequada para o isolamento das arqueas metanogênicas. / The tanning process waste and the increasing importance of energy generation from renewable sources make the study of alternative biodegradation ways of the waste produced by leather industry and the generation of power from it a necessity. The solid residues produced by tanneries contain chromium and are usually disposed in hazardous industrial landfills. Biogas with high methane content is the product of this decomposition by anaerobic digestion. Based on these concepts, this study proposes to perform biodegradation tests with sludge, from a tannery effluent treatment plant, and with wet-blue (leather tanned with chromium) shavings in bench bioreactors. The main objective was to isolate, quantify and identify microorganisms with potential to produce biogas with high methane content. Further, the prior storage form of the added sludge was also analyzed. First, the sludge and the wet-blue shavings were incubated in bench bioreactors (ten biodegradation tests divided into two assemblies) and quantification and qualification analysis of the generated biogas were made. Later, biomass aliquots generated in the bioreactors were collected at different growth stages. The collected biomass isolation was conducted in penicillin type injectable vial filled with culture medium propitious for methanogenic archaea growth, where it was possible to incubate in anaerobic atmosphere. From microorganisms’ growth, test of counting, depletion, Gram stain and other biomass collection of the vials themselves were carried out. As a result, the prior sludge storage influence on biodegradation tests of sludge with wet-blue shavings was not yet fully elucidated. Isolated microorganisms were not methanogenic archaea. The microorganism counting was held in two biodegradation tests with collected biomass. The first bioreactor analyzed (bioreactor 4) showed 1,90 x 109 and 4,45 x 106 CFU/mL for the precipitated solid and the supernatant liquid, respectively. The second bioreactor analyzed (bioreactor 7) showed 1,35 x 109 and 1,09 x 109 for the precipitated solid without and with added sludge in the culture medium before autoclaving, respectively, and 9,10 x 106 and 8,30 x 106 CFU/mL for the supernatant liquid without and with added sludge in the culture medium before autoclaving, respectively. Methane was only detected in vials containing collected biomass aliquots from final stages of biogas production bioreactors that were bit diluted and had high amounts of microorganisms. The percentage of methane found in these vials ranged between 25,75 and 53,66% and was detected after three weeks of incubation. The sludge homogenization proved to be a great influence factor on biodegradation. The isolation technique with penicillin type injectable vial proved to be appropriate for methanogenic microorganisms’ quantification in biodegradation tests, although it is not fully understood for the methanogenic archaea isolation.
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Are older individuals who live alone in Sweden at increased risk of vulnerability? : An investigation of personal and community factorsNystedt, Jennie January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: In Sweden today a third of all those 60+ live alone and the absolute number will continue to increase because of the aging population. The aim of this thesis was to identify if the subgroup, older individuals living alone, might be more disadvantaged in regard to the four key sources to vulnerability suggested by Mechanic and Tanner (2007): Poverty and low socioeconomic status, personal functions, low social network and lack of support, and physical location. Gender differences were also investigated. Method: Data was from the Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD) collected in 2014. The total sample in this thesis includes 987 individuals with an age between 70-105. To estimate the current living conditions in regard to vulnerability among the subgroup, five dimensions of vulnerability were analyzed with multiple logistic and linear regressions. Results: More disadvantages are found for those men and women living alone in all domains, except in social activity for women where living arrangement made no difference. Significant gender differences can be seen in depressive symptoms and social activity, but not for financial insecurity, mobility problems or living in a disorganized local community. Conclusion: Men and women living alone are more disadvantaged compared to those living with a partner, according to the four key sources to vulnerability. With this deeper insight it is possible to obtain a greater understanding in where policies to support and strengthen this subgroup should be placed.
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Exploring the explorers : studying the mood, mental health, cognition and the lived experience of extreme environments in a small isolated team confined to an Arctic research stationTemp, Anna Gesine Marie January 2018 (has links)
Background: The human ability to adapt to extreme environments is fascinating. Research into this adaptation has been lacking in Arctic isolated teams because it has concentrated on Antarctic teams. The hazards of the poles often confine the researchers indoors with their colleagues, reducing their privacy. This deployment also limits their contact with loved ones at home. Subsequently, over the course of polar night, rates of anxiety, depression, irritability and sleep disturbance increase (Suedfeld & Palinkas, 2008). Often, the teams complain of cognitive impairments. The High Arctic’s distinctive feature is the polar bear. The presence of bears requires Arctic research station teams to handle fire arms for their personal safety. It also means that fire arms – which are highly restricted in the Antarctic – are ever-present and easily accessible at Arctic stations. This poses a unique psychological challenge for these teams which has not been well-researched. Methodology: This thesis is an original contribution to science in that it employs a mixed-methods approach combining phenomenological interviews, cognitive testing and mental health assessment via questionnaires with a team spending a year at the Polish Polar Station, Hornsund, Svalbard. The participants were ten of the eleven winter team members who spent the year between July 2015 and June 2016 at Hornsund (“Explorers”) and an age-/gender-/education-matched control group (“Controls”). They filled in the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised and the Profile of Mood States-Brief Version in July, September, January, April and June of that year. Cognitive testing was completed in September, January and June; it comprised the Figural Learning and Memory Test, the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART), the elevator tasks of the Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) and the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices. The interviews took place at the same time as the cognitive testing. Results: The results showed that the most stressful time reported in the questionnaires was April 2016, just after the winter isolation had ended and the sun had risen again. The Explorers reported little subjective complaints about their cognition but they performed near-ceiling on the TEA while scoring far below their Controls on the SART. This implies a dichotomy between sustained attention and inhibition in the Explorers. Their lived experiences were shaped by a struggle to adapt to the other team members rather than by struggling to adapt to the hazardous environment. The environment was perceived as awe-inspiring. Over time, the Explorers shifted their view of the team from informal colleagues to a family which they did not choose to be a member of and then, to friends. Unanimously, other people were seen as the most difficult aspect of the mission. Conclusions: This thesis provides unique insight into a non-Anglo-Saxon Arctic wintering team: the conclusions suggest that participants should receive social training to get along better and be emotionally prepared. The findings can be implemented by my research partner, the Institute of Geophysics (Warsaw) to better select and prepare their future expeditions to Hornsund. Some of the insights such as the nature of the interpersonal stressors may be applicable to space missions.
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Etude de l'origine des décharges partielles sur les substrats céramiques enrobés / Study of the origin of partial discharges on ceramic coated substratesVu, Thi Anh Tho 13 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude du phénomène de décharges partielles dans les matériaux isolants utilisés en électronique de puissance. En utilisant des méthodes de détection électrique et optique, le mécanisme de décharge partielle sur des substrats d'AlN dans l'huile silicone a été étudié sur un grand nombre d'échantillons. La variation de la nature du substrat (AlN, Al2O3 et composite verre/époxy) et du matériau d'encapsulation (huile silicone, huile de colza, huile minérale de transformateur, liquide d'imprégnant du condensateur Jarylec et Ugilec) met en évidence l'origine des décharges partielles de l'ensemble substrat – encapsulant. Les décharges partielles sur les substrats céramiques frittés ne dépendent pas du passivant, et se produisent dans le volume du substrat. L'évolution temporelle de la lumière émise dans les liquides en configuration pointe – plan et sur le substrat dans différents liquides montre que l'émission de lumière est un phénomène très complexe influencé par de nombreux paramètres : électroluminescence du solide, de l'encapsulant, décharges partielles, absorption des matériaux. Le phénomène d'électroluminescence du liquide est activé par une illumination extérieure. Les mesures de spectroscopie diélectrique haute tension n'apportent pas d'information supplémentaire sur le phénomène de décharges partielles, car les pertes correspondantes sont très faibles. / This work concerns the study of partial discharge phenomena on insulating materials used in power electronics. Using electrical and optical detection methods, the mechanism of partial discharges on AlN substrates in silicon oil is studied with a large number of samples. Changing the nature of substrates (AlN, and Al2O3 composite glass/epoxy) and of encapsulating materials (silicone oil, rapeseed oil, mineral transformer oil, capacitor impregnating liquids Jarylec and Ugilec) provides a number of conclusions about the origin of partial discharges on embedded substrates. Partial discharges on sintered ceramic substrates do not depend on the encapsulating material nature, but on the nature of the substrates themselves. The temporal evolution of light emitted by the liquid in a point - plane configuration, and on embedded substrates shows that the light during emission is a very complex phenomenon influenced by many parameters: electroluminescence of the solid, of the encapsulating material, partial discharges, and light absorption of materials. The electroluminescence of the liquid is activated by external light. Measurements of high voltage dielectric spectroscopy are also performed, but no additional information on partial discharges is obtained since corresponding losses are very low.
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Developing Motion Platform Dynamics for Studying Biomechanical Responses During Exercise for Human Spaceflight ApplicationsLostroscio, Kaitlin 15 March 2018 (has links)
In future human spaceflight missions, with prolonged exposure to microgravity, resistive and aerobic exercises will be countermeasures for bone loss, muscle loss, and decreased aerobic capacity. Two of the exercises of interest are squats and rowing. The cyclic forces produced during these exercises are at relatively low frequencies which are likely to excite structural resonances of space vehicles. Vibration Isolation Systems (VIS) are being designed to be paired with future exploration exercise devices in order to prevent these cyclic exercise forces from impacting the space vehicle. The VIS may be configured such that a platform supports the human and exercise device. There is limited knowledge about the interaction between a human exercising and a dynamic platform. This research sought to fill part of the knowledge gap and study how the force inputs to the platform change as well as how exercise form was affected.
For this research, a system which can produce dynamic responses similar to those of a prospective VIS platform was used. This system is the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) (Motekforce Link, Amsterdam, Netherlands). Simplified sinusoidal responses were implemented in a single degree of freedom, vertical (heave) motion, and also in multi-degree of freedom, heave and pitch motion. Human subject testing was conducted using four subjects with exercise experience. The subjects completed squats and rows, while standing, in both static (platform not moving) and dynamic (with platform moving) conditions. Subjects aimed to synchronize with platform motion, at the appropriate phase. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected via force plate measurements and motion capture, respectively. Testing was completed with several predetermined frequencies for platform motion, but also at each subject’s baseline frequency, which was the measured, comfortable exercise rate for the subject.
Data were processed and arranged in a presentable format. Results showed attenuation of the vertical component of forces between the comparable frequency static and dynamic platform conditions, as expected, for most subjects in the squat exercise. This was seen only in the heave with pitch condition during rows for most subjects. Results also showed increasing amplitude of forces as frequency increased, which was also expected. Knee angle range of motion was well maintained between static and dynamic conditions. These results suggest that conditions desirable for both VIS and exercise are possible. Further testing and extended analysis at additional amplitudes, frequencies, and degrees of freedom are of interest and warrant further study.
This work contributed knowledge and data regarding the forces involved and human kinematics produced while exercising with platform motion. These data can further be used as inputs and requirements for VIS design work, VIS and human biomechanical modeling, and exercise countermeasure development. This work achieved the objectives of establishing an appropriate test environment and developing platform dynamics in which human-VIS interaction could be studied. It also acted as a proof-of-concept for future testing which can be conducted to answer new questions relating to dynamic platform motion effects on human activity.
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Detekce skrytých přenašečů dědičné katarakty u psů pomocí PCR / PCR-based detection of hidden carriers of cataracts in dogsFARKOVÁ, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The hereditary cataract is one of the most common eye disease in dogs. The expansion of this disease in the Staffordshire bullterrier breed has been so massive that in the Czech Republic was introduced the rule of mandatory testing of at least one of a breeding pair. This is a degenerative disease of the lens causing total blindness of the affected animal within three years. Since some time ago there are no more dogs affected by the disease in the Czech Republic, there are however still hidden carriers which need to be discovered to the complete extinction of the disease in the genome. The goal of this study was to test simple ways of collecting biological samples, try them in practice and to verify whether they are suitable for the DNA isolation and also to test an alternative method of molecular detection of this disease. In total there have been 23 buccal swabs collected from male and female Staffordshire Bullterrier examples. The detection of the hidden carriers of the hereditary cataract was carried out by PCR analysis with specific primers. The obtained amplicons were detected by both gel and chip electrophoresis and by using fragment analysis. This detection of the carriers was based on the presence of two amplicons (heterozygotes). I came to conclusion that to detect hidden carriers it is neccessary to use the fragment analysis because of the difference of only one base in the reference section of DNA. Neither gel nor chip electrophoresis does provide sufficiently high resolution and it is not possible to detect two fragments that differ only by one bp. As the most appropriate sampling method I have chosen the buccal smear by cytological brush followed by isolating the DNA by Chelex with purification of the sample subsequently.
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Um corpo que abriga uma vida e um vírus: o significado da maternidade para mães soropositivas para HIVSilva, Renata Moreira da January 2012 (has links)
111f. / Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-07-18T12:49:04Z
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(2 CD) (2X) Dissertação Renata Moreira da Silva.pdf: 2278509 bytes, checksum: 15b3860e0c1cd65c5e48ab28fc642afb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / FAPESB / O estudo dos processos afetivos na psicologia é de grande importância e tem sido objeto de atenção crescente, em particular entre os pesquisadores na área da Psicologia Cultural. A maternidade e a soropositividade são contextos nos quais rupturas e transições ocorrem de forma impactante na vida dos indivíduos, contribuindo para a ocorrência de uma importante variedade de reações emocionalmente orientadas. O objetivo geral desse estudo foi analisar o significado da maternidade para mães soropositivas para HIV. Os objetivos específicos, por sua vez, foram (a) analisar os processos envolvidos na garantia de continuidade do self em condições de ruptura de mães soropositivas para HIV, e (b) caracterizar os recursos simbólicos disponíveis ou criados pelas mulheres que experienciam a maternidade sendo soropositivas para HIV. Para atingir os objetivos, foi realizado um estudo de casos, através de narrativas de histórias de vida com dez mães soropositivas para HIV, entrevistadas no CEDAP, na cidade de Salvador/Bahia. As entrevistas realizadas foram transcritas e submetidas à análise de entrevista narrativa. O conceito desenvolvido nesse estudo, o Ciclo de Isolamento, detalhou como ocorre o processo de retirada dos contextos de interação social, que envolve custo emocional e pode estar associado a processos de depressão. A existência de uma rede social de suporte mostrou-se como condição fundamental para uma melhor qualidade de vida na vivência da maternidade. As experiências de enfrentamento perante as dificuldades - seja a dor da descoberta do HIV, da traição, da impossibilidade da amamentação ou dos episódios de discriminação – são bastante diversificadas, a depender da presença ou ausência de outros importantes ao lado dessas mulheres. A participação da família na vida dessas mulheres é imprescindível para o seu bem estar e para seu fortalecimento físico, emocional, mental e social. O Ciclo de Isolamento é relevante enquanto construto teórico capaz de especificar processos em curso quando a pessoa experiência situações socialmente estigmatizadas e tem implicações para a prática profissional em diversas áreas. Destaque-se sua utilidade potencial para o planejamento de ações na promoção de saúde pública.
The study of affective processes in psychology is of great importance and has been the subject of increasing attention, particularly among researchers in the field of Cultural Psychology. Motherhood and seropositivity are contexts in which ruptures and transitions are striking in the lives of individuals, contributing to the occurrence of a variety of important reactions emotionally oriented. The general objective of this study was to analyze the meaning of motherhood for mothers infected with HIV. The specific objectives, in turn, were (a) analyze the processes involved in ensuring continuity of the self in terms of disruption to mothers seropositive for HIV, and (b) to characterize the symbolic resources available or created by women who are experiencing motherhood seropositive for HIV. To achieve the goals, we performed a case study, through narratives of life histories with ten HIV seropositive mothers, interviewed in the CEDAP, the city of Salvador / Bahia. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed for narrative interview. The concept developed in this study, the Isolation Cycle, detailed process of withdrawal of the contexts of social interaction, which involves emotional cost and can be associated with cases of depression. The existence of a network of social support proved to be a prerequisite for a better quality of life in the experience of motherhood. The experiences of coping with the difficulties - the pain of the discovery of HIV, betrayal, or the impossibility of breastfeeding episodes of discrimination - are quite diverse, depending on the presence or absence of important others alongside these women. Family participation in the lives of these women is essential to their well being and strengthening their physical, emotional, mental and social. The Isolation Cycle is relevant as theoretical construct able to specify processes in progress when the person experiences situations socially stigmatized and has implications for professional practice in various areas. Stand out from its potential usefulness for planning actions to promote public health. / Salvador
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