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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude thermodynamique de l'initiation de la traduction et de l'élongation chez Escherichia coli / Thermodynamic study of the translation initiation and elongation in Escherichia coli

Meyer, Benoît 26 September 2016 (has links)
La traduction est un processus itératif réalisé par le ribosome. Chez Escherichia coli, le ribosome est composé d’une grande sous-unité 50S et d’une petite sous-unité 30S (S correspondant au coefficient de sédimentation). La traduction débute par la mise en place d’une interaction entre le codon d’initiation de l’ARNm et l’anticodon de l’ARNt initiateur. Cette interaction, finement régulée par les facteurs d’initiations IF1, IF2 et IF3, conduit à la formation du complexe d’initiation 30S (30SIC). Par titration calorimétrique isotherme (ITC), nous avons disséqué la thermodynamique de l’ensemble des voies possibles de formation du 30SIC. Sur la base des affinités mesurées, il a été possible d’en déduire un ordre d’assemblage préférentiel. Par cryo-microscopie électronique, nous avons ensuite essayé d’obtenir la structure de ce complexe à haute résolution. La fixation du 50S représente la dernière étape de l’initiation. Par ITC, nous avons cherché à en déterminer les paramètres thermodynamiques, puis nous avons poursuivi avec l’élongation en commençant par étudier l’incorporation d’un aminoacyl-ARNt. Enfin, la réalisation d’une étude comparative par ITC de trois antibiotiques capables de se fixer au tunnel de sortie du peptide, nous a permis d’identifier les forces moléculaires mises en jeu lors de leur interaction avec le ribosome. / Translation is an iterative process achieved by the ribosomal machinery. In Escherichia coli, the ribosome is composed of a large 50S subunit and a small 30S subunit (S being the sedimentation coefficient). Translation begins with the establishment of the interaction between the mRNA codon and the initiator tRNA anticodon. This interaction, under the control of initiation factors IF1, IF2 and IF3, leads to the formation of the 30S initiation complex (30SIC). Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we explored the thermodynamic landscape of all possible pathways for 30SIC formation. Based on affinities derived from ITC, we propose a preferred assembly pathway. Using cryo-electron microscopy, this knowledge was used to obtain high-resolution structures of 30SIC intermediates. Binding of the 50S is the last step for initiation. Using ITC, thermodynamic parameters were derived followed by the incorporation of an aminoacyl-tRNA. Lastly, we realized, using ITC, a comparative study of three antibiotics binding to the nascent peptide exit tunnel of the ribosome. This study leads us to determine the molecular forces involved in their interaction with the ribosome.

Conception de ligands à vocation thérapeutique : combinaison d'approches multidisciplinaires pour comprendre les interactions intermoléculaires / Design of therapeutic compounds : Combination of multidisciplinary approaches to get deeper insight into intermolecular interactions

Rouanet Mehouas, Cécile 16 December 2015 (has links)
Les mécanismes de reconnaissance moléculaire sont à la base de nombreuses fonction biologiques essentielles (transduction du signal, régulation de l’expression génique, stimulation du système immunitaire,...). La compréhension des phénomènes physiques et chimiques à la base de ces phénomènes est fondamentale pour de nombreuses applications telles que la conception de médicaments, le développement d’outils diagnostiques ou tout autre procédé biotechnologique. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié de manière extensive l’interaction entre la métalloélastase du macrophage (MMP-12) et le RXP470.1, un inhibiteur puissant et sélectif. En combinant des approches de cristallographie, de microcalorimétrie (ITC) et des tests enzymatiques, nous avons pu quantifier l’importance énergétique du transfert d’un seul proton suite à la liaison du RXP470.1, et mettre en lumière l’importance des contributions entropiques. Ainsi, la protonation du Glu219, un résidu catalytique, permet de compenser une enthalpie de liaison intrinsèque défavorable. Cette protonation est rendue possible par le large shift de pKa que subit le Glu219 en réponse à la liaison du RXP470.1 (pKalibre = 5.7 ± 0.1 / pKalié = 10 ± 0.04). Enfin, cette étude est la première, à notre connaissance, ayant combiné données d’affinité, thermodynamiques et structurales pour aborder le rôle du groupe chélatant. Nous avons ainsi étudié deux analogues du RXP470.1 variant seulement par la nature de leur pince à zinc. Ces modifications se traduisent par un effet marqué sur les profils d’affinité et de sélectivité ainsi que sur la signature énergétique des composés étudiés. L’étude des facteurs B, associés à l’analyse des structures cristallographiques, de ces inhibiteurs en complexe avec la MMP-12, suggère que des différences mineures de structures peuvent engendrer des variations de mobilité importantes au niveau des résidus impliqués dans l’interaction inhibiteur - enzyme. Ces différences trouvent leur origine dans un positionnement très légèrement différent du groupe chélatant par rapport au zinc.Pris dans leur ensemble, ces résultats pointent la nécessité de combiner un ensemble d’approches expérimentales pour décrire la complexité des interactions protéine/ligand. Ces associations doivent permettre d’évaluer le potentiel de méthodes théoriques capables de décrire des systèmes complexes. / Protein-ligand recognition mechanisms are essential to many fundamental biological functions such as signal transduction, gene regulation or stimulation of the immune system. Understanding the physical and chemical phenomenon upon protein-ligand binding is essential for many practical applications such as drug design, ligand based diagnostic tools and any other study based on biotechnology. In this study, we extensively explored the interaction between human macrophage metallo elastase MMP-12 and RXP470.1, a potent and selective inhibitor. By combining high resolution X-ray crystallography, FRET based enzyme assays and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, we were able to highlight the importance of entropic contributions and to quantify the importance of a single proton transfer upon RXP470.1 binding. We show, here, how the protonation of Glu219 upon RXP470.1 binding rescues an otherwise unfavourable binding enthalpy. This protonation is made possible by the large pKa shift Glu219 undergoes as RXP470 enters MMP12h To our knowledge, this study is also the first to address the zinc binding group effect from affinity, thermodynamlc and structural data. We tested two RXP470 analogues, which only differ by their zinc-binding group. We show that this, apparently minor, change has great consequences regarding their affinity profiles and thermodynamic signatures. In addition, the analysis of the b factors, associated to the X-ray structures of these compounds in complex with MMP-12, suggests that small modifications of the zinc binding group might imply important mobility variations of the residues involved in the protein-ligand interaction. These modifications are initiated by a small shift of the zinc binding groups positioning in the active site.Taken together, these results point toward the necessity to combine several experimental approaches to describe the complexity of protein-ligand interactions. These associations should allow the evaluation of new theoretical methods able to describe complex systems.

Phosphorylcholine based amphiphilic polymers for the solubilization of integral membrane proteins

Diab, Charbel January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Etudes theoriques et experimentales de la neuroglobine humaine / Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the human Neuroglobin

Bocahut, Anthony 07 October 2011 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de mettre en relation les propriétés structurale, dynamique et fonctionnelle de la forme humaine d’une nouvelle protéine découverte dans le cerveau des vertébrés en 2000 : la Neuroglobine. Dans un premier temps, j’ai réalisé une étude théorique dans laquelle un mécanisme à deux voies menant à la forme pentacoordinée avec cystéines oxydées a été mis en avant. A travers ce mécanisme, un conformère de la Neuroglobine au sein duquel le groupe prosthétique hème a basculé au cœur de la structure protéique a été déterminé. A partir des structures de ce mécanisme, une étude sur la diffusion de petits ligands au sein des cavités internes de la protéine à l’aide de la méthode de métadynamique a mis en évidence que la formation du pont disufure intramoléculaire favorisait la poche de ligation. De plus un certain nombre de voies de sortie pour les ligands a pu être obtenu. Pour compléter ce premier aspect de la thèse, une étude des propriétés mécaniques, communes avec les autres globines, a montré l’importance de quatre résidus centraux, dit mécaniquement sensibles, qui régulent les canaux d’accès aux différentes poches internes de la protéine, appelé phénomène de respiration. Dans un second temps, je me suis intéressé à l’interaction de la Neuroglobine avec un petit ligand via une étude expérimentale par ITC. La première conclusion importante est que la cinétique de ligation est plus importante lorsque le pont disulfure est formé. De plus j’ai observé une diminution de la cinétique lors du passage Wild Type vers C120S puis réaugmentation de la cinétique lors du passage C120S vers C46G/C55S/C120. Afin de comprendre ce phénomène, une simulation de la Neuroglobine triplement mutée a été réalisée au cours de laquelle un réseau de deux liaisons hydrogènes a été mis en avant. Ce réseau change considérablement les voies d’entrée/sortie pour les ligands. Ainsi la mutation 120 ferme une/ou plusieurs voies de sortie alors que la mutation 46 ouvre la voie naturelle des globines. Le changement observé étant important, une étude par RMN de Ngb TM et WT cystéines réduites a montré qu’il y avait une différence de structure entre ces formes pas seulement au niveau des points de mutation mais sur l’ensemble de la structure. Ces nouveaux résultats mettent ainsi en évidence le rôle important des trois cystéines chez la Neuroglobine humaine. / In this PhD work, I tried to link together the different structural, dynamic and fonctional properties of a new human protein discovered in the mamals brain in 2000: the Neuroglobin. First of all, I established a new two ways mecanism in order to get the pentacoodinated oxydized cysteins state using theoritical method. One of this mecanism’s conformer shows an important heme sliding inside of the proteic structure. Furthermore with help of metadynamic method, I studied the small ligand diffusion and migration in the internal cavity network. I showed the higher ligand affinity when the disulfide bridge is bond and we proposed an important number of exit pathways. Then we developed a method to understand the mechanical properties of the globins and we found four residues mechanically sensitive which form together a control access pathway between internal cavities, called breath phenomenon. Secondly I used ITC method in order to characterize the interaction between the Neuroglobin and a small ligand. From this experiment we highlighted that the kinetic ligation is faster when the disulfide bridge is formed. Then I noticed a relative decrease of the velocity when the mutation C120S is operated followed by a relative increase of the velocity for the triple mutation C46G/C55S/C120 compared to the Wild Type data. To understand these results, I performed a molecular simulation of the triple mutation Neuroglobin form. During this trajectory, I discovered a structure with a two hydrogen bonds network, which significantly changes the ligand entry/exit pathways. The 120 mutation closes one/several exit pathways while the 46 mutation opens the natural globin exit pathway. Because of the considerable structural change observed in the triple mutation Neuroglobin form, I decided to produce NMR results. These last points reveal a relative structure difference between the Wild Type oxidized cysteins form and the triple mutation form not only on the mutation points but also on the global structure. All these new results highlight the essential role of the three cysteins in the human Neuroglobin.

Determinação da afinidade e assinatura termodinâmica de inibidores da cruzaína por calorimetria de titulação isotérmica / Determination of Thermodynamic Profile and Binding Constant of Cruzain Inhibitors using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Prokopczyk, Igor Muccilo 22 July 2016 (has links)
A enzima cruzaína é um alvo validado e promissor para a descoberta de agentes tripanossomicidas. A validação desta enzima estimulou o desenvolvimento de vários inibidores ao longo dos últimos vinte anos. A descoberta de novos compostos, provenientes de classes químicas distintas, mais seguros e eficazes representa uma importante contribuição para o desenvolvimento da quimioterapia da doença de Chagas. Dentre essas classes, encontram-se as dipeptidil-nitrilas, que apresentam alta potência contra a cruzaína e são conhecidamente inibidores covalente-reversíveis. Estudos de afinidade através de Calorimetria de Titulação Isotérmica (ITC) são fundamentais na compreensão de sistemas bioquímicos e viabilizam a determinação dos parâmetros termodinâmicos. A ITC possibilita determinar com precisão e acurácia os valores de Kd(1/Ka), ΔH,ΔG,ΔS e ΔCp e com esses parâmetros pode-se traçar facilmente o perfil termodinâmico dos ligantes. No presente trabalho, a enzima selvagem cruzaína bem como sua forma mutante C25S foram preparadas e, pela primeira vez, foi realizado o estudo de afinidade através da ITC para 16 dipeptidil-nitrilas usadas como inibidores da cruzaína. O perfil termodinâmico (TP) foi obtido e observado como entálpico-dirigido com compensação entrópica desfavorável. A fatoração da energia livre ( ΔG) de interação foi usada para avaliar os efeitos causados pelas substituições em P1, P2 e P3 na energética, sugerindo uma correlação direta entre a afinidade e a otimização entálpica/entrópica. As substituições avaliadas promoveram um aumento de 10 a 20 vezes na afinidade da cruzaína pelo inibidor. Estudos em diferentes tampões foram realizados para a determinação da influência do efeito de ionização na afinidade. Foi determinado o valor de ΔCp do complexo cruzaína-Neq0409 e a relação de ΔHITC com ΔHvH. O Neq0569 foi testado contra a proteína mutante C25A, tendo sido observada inversão da assinatura que passou a ser entropicamente dirigida. Além disso, uma redução de 176 vezes na afinidade foi observada, demonstrando a importância da ligação covalente-reversível para o aumento da afinidade. / The enzyme cruzain is a validated and promising target for the discovery of trypanocidal agents. The validation of this enzyme has stimulated the development of several inhibitors over the past twenty years. The discovery of new compounds from different chemical classes, which are safer and more effective is an important contribution to the development of chemotherapy of Chagas disease. Among known classes are the dipeptidyl nitriles that exhibit high cruzain affinity and are known to be covalent-reversible inhibitors. Molecular optimization requires a rigorous assessment of physicochemical properties, including the thermodynamic characterization of molecular forces that govern cruzain-inhibitor interactions. Affinity studies through Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) are fundamental in understanding biochemical systems and enable the determination of thermodynamic parameters. The ITC tool provides the determination of Kd values (1/Ka), ΔH, ΔG, ΔS and ΔCp accurately and precisely. These parameters can easily be used to draw the thermodynamic profile of ligands. In this study, the wild type cruzain enzyme and its mutant form C25S were prepared and, for the first time by the best of our knowledge, the study was conducted by ITC for 16 dipeptidyl nitriles used as inhibitors of cruzain enzyme, which is a hydrolase. The thermodynamic profile (TP) was obtained and observed to be enthalpy-driven with unfavorable entropic compensation. The free energy factorization (ΔG) interaction was used to evaluate the effects caused by substitutions in P1, P2 and P3 in energy, thereby suggesting a direct correlation between the affinity and the enthalpy/entropy optimization. Substitutions made possible to observe an increase of 10 to 20 times higher than the affinity for previous cruzain inhibitors. Studies on different buffers were performed to determine the influence of ionizing effect on affinity. The ΔCp value was determined for cruzain-Neq0409 complex and its ΔHITC relationship with ΔHvH was also evaluated. Neq0569 was tested against the mutant protein C25A, having been observed reversal of the signature which became entropy driven. Furthermore, a reduction of 176-fold in the affinity was observed, demonstrating the importance of covalent-reversible binding to increase affinity.

Exploring supramolecular Interactions in hybrid materials / Exploration des interactions supramoléculaires dans les matériaux hybrides

Del Rosso, Maria Girolama 06 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail visait à explorer les interactions supramoléculaires comme un outil dans les domaines de la chimie hôte-invité, les nanomatériaux et les nanotechnologies en général, afin de parvenir à des objectifs différents. D'abord, une interaction classique hôte-invité a été étudiée, au moyen d'une technique innovante telle que l'ITC, puis nous avons exploité les interactions supramoléculaires afin de maitriser la production de graphène exfolié en phase liquide, en mettant un accent particulier sur l'amélioration de la qualité et la quantité du matériau produit. Enfin, nous avons étendu l'utilisation de la chimie supramoléculaire à un dispositif réel par la fonctionnalisation des électrodes d'or avec des molécules photochromiques, ouvrant alors la voie à des dispositifs organiques multifonctionnels, pouvant être contrôlés par la lumière. / This work was aimed at exploring supramolecular interactions as a tool in the fields of host-guest chemistry, nanomaterials and in general nanotechnology, in order to achieve different goals. First, a classical host-guest interaction was studied by means of the ITC technique, then we exploited supramolecular interactions in order to harness the production of liquid-phase exfoliated graphene, with a particular focus on improving the quality and quantity of material produced. Finally, we extended the use of supramolecular chemistry to a real device by functionalization of gold electrodes with photochromic molecules, hence paving the way towards multifunctional organic devices and in prospective to graphene based light-controlled multifunctional devices.

Phosphorylcholine based amphiphilic polymers for the solubilization of integral membrane proteins

Diab, Charbel January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Determinação da afinidade e assinatura termodinâmica de inibidores da cruzaína por calorimetria de titulação isotérmica / Determination of Thermodynamic Profile and Binding Constant of Cruzain Inhibitors using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Igor Muccilo Prokopczyk 22 July 2016 (has links)
A enzima cruzaína é um alvo validado e promissor para a descoberta de agentes tripanossomicidas. A validação desta enzima estimulou o desenvolvimento de vários inibidores ao longo dos últimos vinte anos. A descoberta de novos compostos, provenientes de classes químicas distintas, mais seguros e eficazes representa uma importante contribuição para o desenvolvimento da quimioterapia da doença de Chagas. Dentre essas classes, encontram-se as dipeptidil-nitrilas, que apresentam alta potência contra a cruzaína e são conhecidamente inibidores covalente-reversíveis. Estudos de afinidade através de Calorimetria de Titulação Isotérmica (ITC) são fundamentais na compreensão de sistemas bioquímicos e viabilizam a determinação dos parâmetros termodinâmicos. A ITC possibilita determinar com precisão e acurácia os valores de Kd(1/Ka), ΔH,ΔG,ΔS e ΔCp e com esses parâmetros pode-se traçar facilmente o perfil termodinâmico dos ligantes. No presente trabalho, a enzima selvagem cruzaína bem como sua forma mutante C25S foram preparadas e, pela primeira vez, foi realizado o estudo de afinidade através da ITC para 16 dipeptidil-nitrilas usadas como inibidores da cruzaína. O perfil termodinâmico (TP) foi obtido e observado como entálpico-dirigido com compensação entrópica desfavorável. A fatoração da energia livre ( ΔG) de interação foi usada para avaliar os efeitos causados pelas substituições em P1, P2 e P3 na energética, sugerindo uma correlação direta entre a afinidade e a otimização entálpica/entrópica. As substituições avaliadas promoveram um aumento de 10 a 20 vezes na afinidade da cruzaína pelo inibidor. Estudos em diferentes tampões foram realizados para a determinação da influência do efeito de ionização na afinidade. Foi determinado o valor de ΔCp do complexo cruzaína-Neq0409 e a relação de ΔHITC com ΔHvH. O Neq0569 foi testado contra a proteína mutante C25A, tendo sido observada inversão da assinatura que passou a ser entropicamente dirigida. Além disso, uma redução de 176 vezes na afinidade foi observada, demonstrando a importância da ligação covalente-reversível para o aumento da afinidade. / The enzyme cruzain is a validated and promising target for the discovery of trypanocidal agents. The validation of this enzyme has stimulated the development of several inhibitors over the past twenty years. The discovery of new compounds from different chemical classes, which are safer and more effective is an important contribution to the development of chemotherapy of Chagas disease. Among known classes are the dipeptidyl nitriles that exhibit high cruzain affinity and are known to be covalent-reversible inhibitors. Molecular optimization requires a rigorous assessment of physicochemical properties, including the thermodynamic characterization of molecular forces that govern cruzain-inhibitor interactions. Affinity studies through Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) are fundamental in understanding biochemical systems and enable the determination of thermodynamic parameters. The ITC tool provides the determination of Kd values (1/Ka), ΔH, ΔG, ΔS and ΔCp accurately and precisely. These parameters can easily be used to draw the thermodynamic profile of ligands. In this study, the wild type cruzain enzyme and its mutant form C25S were prepared and, for the first time by the best of our knowledge, the study was conducted by ITC for 16 dipeptidyl nitriles used as inhibitors of cruzain enzyme, which is a hydrolase. The thermodynamic profile (TP) was obtained and observed to be enthalpy-driven with unfavorable entropic compensation. The free energy factorization (ΔG) interaction was used to evaluate the effects caused by substitutions in P1, P2 and P3 in energy, thereby suggesting a direct correlation between the affinity and the enthalpy/entropy optimization. Substitutions made possible to observe an increase of 10 to 20 times higher than the affinity for previous cruzain inhibitors. Studies on different buffers were performed to determine the influence of ionizing effect on affinity. The ΔCp value was determined for cruzain-Neq0409 complex and its ΔHITC relationship with ΔHvH was also evaluated. Neq0569 was tested against the mutant protein C25A, having been observed reversal of the signature which became entropy driven. Furthermore, a reduction of 176-fold in the affinity was observed, demonstrating the importance of covalent-reversible binding to increase affinity.

Désunis dans l'adversité : le lobbying des consommateurs américains pendant le conflit du bois d'oeuvre

Descôteaux, David January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Association des protéines du liquide séminal bovin aux membranes lipidiques par titrage calorimétrique isotherme, microscopie de fluorescence et la technique des monocouches

Courtemanche, Lesley January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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