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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


D'AMORE, ANTONIO 11 May 2010 (has links)
La tesi analizza l'evoluzione storico normativa del rapporto di pubblico impiego concentrando l'attenzione sul trattamento economico, principalmente quello accessorio, esaminando le principali vicende della contrattazione collettiva in conseguenza della c.d. privatizzazione. / Analyses how salaries in the public sector are composed: one part is fixed and the other is variable. The variable element is an innovation from 1993, and may be linked to "payment by results".

LA SICUREZZA DEL LAVORO ALLA LUCE DEL D.LGS. N 81/2008: I MODELLI DI RESPONSABILITA' PENALE E LA RESPONSABILITA' CIVILE DEI SOGGETTI GARANTI / Health and safety law according to Legislative Decree n. 81/2008: legal guarantors' criminal and civil liability.

MANZO, GIORGIANA 08 April 2011 (has links)
La tesi analizza la materia della sicurezza sul lavoro sotto il profilo della responsabilità penale e civile. Allo studio dei principi costituzionali di riferimento (art. 32 Cost e 41 Cost), dei D.P.R. degli Anni ’50, dell’art. 9 St. Lav., del D. Lgs. n. 81/2008, segue l’analisi del quadro sanzionatorio previsto in caso di violazione della normativa prevenzionale ed in caso di infortunio. In materia di sicurezza sul lavoro le tipologie di reati sono tre: le fattispecie omissive, regolate dal combinato disposto dell’art. 40, cpv.,cp e degli artt. 589cp e 590cp; i reati previsti dalla disciplina codicistica (art.437 cp e art. 451 cp); i reati contravvenzionali (D. Lgs. n. 81/08). Si approfondisce quindi il “modello legale” delle responsabilità, contenuto nel D. Lgs. n. 81/2008 ed articolato nella quadripartizione dell’obbligo di sicurezza tra soggetti muniti di una specifica qualifica (datore di lavoro, dirigente, preposto e lavoratore); parallelamente, si analizza il “modello negoziale”, che si perfeziona con la delega di funzioni, approfondita alla luce delle caratteristiche richieste dalla giurisprudenza ed in forza dei requisiti previsti dal D. Lgs. n. 81/08. Si procede quindi ad un’analisi dei risvolti civilistici della violazione dell’obbligo di sicurezza, soffermandosi sugli effetti del trasferimento di funzioni in questo ambito. / The thesis analyses the field of health and safety legislation, in terms of criminal and civil liability. The study starts with a focus on constitutional principles of reference (article 32 and article 41), Decrees of Fifties, article 9 of Labour Law, Legislative Decree n. 81/2008; then the analysis follows the framework in case of violation of H&S legislation and in case of injury. In H&S field there are three types of crimes: “negative” crimes, governed by the provisions of article 40 of Criminal Code, and articles 589 and 590 of Criminal Code; crimes provided by Criminal Code (art.437 and art. 451); crimes called “contravvenzioni” (Legislative Decree n. 81/08). Then the thesis analyses the "legal model" of the liability set in Legislative Decree n. 81/2008 and articulated in a four-part safety obligation among subjects that have a specific status (employer, manager, “preposto”, employee); similarly, the study focuses on the delegation of tasks, regarding to the characteristics required by law cases and in accordance with the requirements of Legislative Decree n. 81/08. Then the thesis focuses on the consequences of violation of H&S legislation, regarding to the effects of the transfer of functions.


MORO, GABRIELE 18 February 2008 (has links)
Stante il previgente contenuto dell'art. 117 Cost., le regioni a statuto ordinario non erano titolari di alcuna specifica competenza in materie attinenti al diritto del lavoro ad eccezione della formazione professionale. Si assiste successivamente ad un rafforzamento delle istanze regionali che interessano tematiche e settori direttamente riferibili all'area del diritto del lavoro e scatenando interrogativi e dibattiti sull'ammissibilità una differenziazione delle regole su base territoriale. La compattezza storica del diritto del lavoro è messa in discussione come la sua dimensione nazionale, complici rilevanti fenomeni di mutamento istituzionale (in particolare la legge costituzionale 1/99 ma soprattutto la riforma del Titolo V che affida alla competenza concorrente Stato-Regioni la materia “tutela e sicurezza del lavoro”). Invece, una differenziazione delle regole su base territoriale viene sostenuta limitatamente alla gestione di funzioni amministrative, emergendo la preoccupazione di una pericolosa frantumazione territoriale delle regole in termini di competizione al ribasso delle discipline, con inevitabili ricadute sul principio di eguaglianza. Lo stesso legislatore nella riforma del mercato del lavoro abbraccia la logica accentratrice. Le tendenze centrifughe trovano poi un costante avversario nella giurisprudenza della Consulta, stabilmente protesa verso un sostanziale ridimensionamento delle competenze regionali, seppur tramite l'ausilio di argomentazioni e principi non sempre del tutto condivisibili.

Il sindacato come organizzazione

CIAMPI, SONIA 26 March 2009 (has links)
Il lavoro, dopo una ricostruzione storica del fenomeno sindacale, è incentrato sull'analisi degli elementi costitutivi della fattispecie sindacale nonchè sull'analisi dello spazio ricoperto dalla contrattazione collettiva alla luce delle più recenti riforme in materia. / The work, further to the historical reconstruction of the trade unions, is focused on the analysis of the constituent elements of a trade union, as well as on the analysis of the position of collective bargaining in the light of the recent law reforms in regard.

LICENZIAMENTI COLLETTIVI E TECNICHE DI CONTROLLO DEL POTERE DATORIALE / Collective redundancies and metodologies of control of the employer's power

GHITTI, CARLA 13 March 2015 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema delle tecniche di controllo del potere datoriale nelle procedure di riduzione del personale, con l’intento di verificare se la legge n. 92/2012 (c.d. Riforma Fornero) abbia inciso sul controllo individuale-giudiziale e su quello collettivo-sindacale. Nel primo capitolo si illustrano le ragioni per cui la verifica giudiziale sulla giustificazione dei licenziamenti collettivi, già doverosa alla luce della legge n. 223 del 1991, rimanga essenziale nel quadro della riforma Fornero, pur in considerazione dell'impatto provocato dal nuovo regime sanzionatorio sulle concrete modalità di attuazione di questo accertamento. Nel secondo capitolo si dimostra perché, sebbene la legge sembri diretta a valorizzare il ruolo del sindacato nella procedura (attribuendo grande rilievo all'accordo sindacale raggiunto nel corso dell'esame congiunto) in realtà riduca fortemente gli spazi di negoziazione collettiva determinando un complessivo indebolimento del ruolo delle oo.ss. a danno dell’effettività del controllo sindacale. Nel terzo capitolo si analizzano gli aspetti più rilevanti della verifica sindacale e giudiziale sui criteri di scelta, che rappresentano uno degli aspetti più delicati della disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi per la loro diretta ricaduta sulla posizione dei singoli. In conclusione si afferma che solo la piena realizzazione dei due modelli di tutela (individuale e collettiva), in una visione che considera il controllo giudiziale e quello sindacale complementari e non alternativi, sia in grado di assicurare il livello di protezione dei lavoratori voluto dal legislatore del 1991. / The thesis concerns collective redundancies and focuses on the limits that the law and the collective bargaining put to the employer's powers, with specific regard to employer's discretionary during the redundancy procedure, in order to verify whether the law 92/2012 (known as Fornero Reform), affected the judge's control and the trade union. In the first chapter we can find the reasons investigating if the judgemental control over the substantive fairness of collective dismissals, which was already due following the law n. 223/1991, still remains essential in the Fornero reform. In the second chapter it is clarified why, although the reform seems to enhance the role of the trade union in the procedure, in fact it reduces the possibilities of collective bargaining and, as a consequence it weakens the trade union control. The third and last chapter analyzes the most relevant aspects of the criteria to select employees for redundancy from both sides either either judicial and from the trade union side. In the end it is considered that only though a double vision, judicial and union, it is possible to grant a fair protection to the workers as planned from the legislator of 1991.

Il finanziamento della previdenza: strumento o presupposto della protezione sociale? / IL FINANZIAMENTO DELLA PREVIDENZA: STRUMENTO O PRESUPPOSTO DELLA PROTEZIONE SOCIALE?

ROCCO, FRANCESCA 16 April 2018 (has links)
Il presente lavoro si pone come obiettivo quello di dimostrare in quali termini la scelta delle modalità di finanziamento del sistema di previdenza pubblica ha una diretta incidenza sull'adeguatezza delle prestazioni sociali. La questione ha uno stretto collegamento con la conformazione giuridica dei diritti sociali nelle Costituzioni contemporanee. Tale natura comporta che i diritti sociali, configurati nella loro variegata e costante espansione, siano esigibili e giustiziabili. Il loro riconoscimento non dovrebbe essere condizionato dal costo della prestazione. Tuttavia, la grave crisi economica che ha attraversato l’Italia ed altri paesi europei negli ultimi anni, ha indotto anche nella giurisprudenza costituzionale domestica, nonché nelle politiche di austerity a carattere recessivo, particolari cautele nell’adottare decisioni che producessero costi incontrollabili e non sostenibili. L’esigenza di una simile riflessione nasce dai recenti accadimenti che hanno visto protagonista il sistema pensionistico italiano, tra cui si annovera l’ennesima manovra di innalzamento dell’età pensionabile operata dalla Riforma Monti/Fornero, cui sono seguite misure di salvaguardia per singole categorie di lavoratori al fine di trovare un temporaneo rimedio all’impasse creata dai c.d. “esodati”. Tutto questo ha imposto un interrogativo sull’efficacia di simili provvedimenti normativi che apportano modifiche all’assetto precedente per far fronte a esigenze di liquidità delle amministrazioni pubbliche previdenziali. / This work aims to demonstrate how the choice of methods of financing the public pension system has a direct impact on the adequacy of social benefits. The topic has a close connection with the legal conformation of social rights in contemporary Constitutions. Such a nature implies that social rights, considered within their variegated and constant expansion, are payable and can be executed. Their recognition should not be conditioned by the cost of the benefit. However, economic crisis that Italy and other European countries have faced during the last years has led domestic constitutional jurisprudence, as well as austerity policies, to adopt with particular caution decisions that would have produced uncontrollable and unsustainable costs. The need to reflect about the topic at hand arises from the recent events affecting the Italian pension system, among which there is the umpteenth decision to raise the retirement age operated by the Monti/Fornero Government. Subsequently, the same Government had to adopt safeguard measures for individual categories of workers to find a temporary remedy for the impasse created by the so-called "Esodati" category. All this has forced a question about the effectiveness of similar regulatory measures that make changes to the structure with the only purpose to meet the need of liquidity of public welfare administrations.

Il lavoro marittimo nell’era della globalizzazione e della digitalizzazione

Faggioni, Camilla 17 April 2023 (has links)
The thesis concerns maritime labour and its recent challenges from an international law perspective. The purpose of the work is twofold. First, it analyses how maritime labour has changed in most recent years. In particular, the work discusses the impact on maritime labour of two recent phenomena, namely globalisation and digitalisation. As far as the former is concerned, the thesis outlines that globalisation has given rise to flags of convenience and open registries, which have led to a marked deterioration in living conditions on board. As far as the latter is concerned, it is shown that digitalisation has made crews less and less numerous, although at the same time increasingly qualified and competent. Second, the study investigates whether the current international legal framework is adequate to cope with the changes described above, or whether it should be modified – and, if so, in which sense. Specifically, the research examines the main Conventions, bilateral agreements as well as voluntary or self-regulatory instruments. In addition, the study takes into account international collective bargaining, which is relevant because the maritime sector is highly unionised, and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has made a great effort over the years to get global shipowners to guarantee minimum conditions for seafarers. This research has an innovative and original approach. Maritime labour law is a rather neglected branch of legal studies. Only few researchers have investigated this subject. In particular, an organic study on this topic still represents a desideratum in Italy. This work intends to fill this gap, providing an Italian point of view on maritime labour law. In fact, even though the issue transcends national borders by its very nature, the transposition of international legal instruments at domestic level can vary greatly from state to state. In addition, the maritime sector is usually studied from an economic perspective, rather than from a labour law perspective. For example, most publications about flags of convenience focus on the distortion of competition. This research shifts the approach and looks at the phenomenon from the workers’ point of view. Such an approach is relevant for seafarers and for the entire sector, since taking the human factor into account is crucial for the sustainable development of the field.

Economic Security for the Working Poor? Trade-Linked Labor Standards, Workers' Rights, and the Politics of Representation of Bangladesh's Garment Workers

Hossain, Jakir January 2012 (has links)
Labor standards have been introduced in both developed and developing countries with the presumption that there is synergy at work in the relationship of labor standards and workers’ rights. Standards translate into workers’ rights, and enhance workers’ economic security. The question I address in this dissertation is whether the inherent link in the nexus makes the transformation towards workers’ economic security possible, and what factors do shape standards to transform into rights, and in turn, influence economic security. Focusing on the forms of labor standards, I argue that the choice of instruments and the transformation process determine whether the link automatically creates synergy, or produces tensions /conflicts. The dissertation shows that synergistic or conflicting relationship depends upon the internal dynamics of the institutional mechanisms, and myriad of interest groups through which workers’ interests are (mis)represented. Taking labor standards installation in Bangladesh and the concomitant transformation mechanisms for the increasingly globalized garment sector workers as a case in point, I claim that the issue of workers’ economic security has been lost in the whirlpool of standards, rights, and representation. This study shows that labor standards in Bangladesh installed through three routes— rights legislation, rights conditionality, and corporate codes—have hardly translated into workers’ rights, and these provisions largely have failed to promote the workers’ economic security. The failure to transform labor standards into workers’ rights and workers’ economic security is best explained by the lack of adequate and effective representation of the working poor by the various interest groups. I argue that the inability of the institutional mechanisms to address the needs of the working poor is due to acts of omission and/or commission by both the state and non-state actors. The ‘standards-rights-economic security’ nexus can only work for an equitable outcome for workers if there are adequate and effective forms of workers’ representation in the institutional mechanisms. The politics of representation drives the outcome of the nexus.

La formazione professionale continua tra responsabilizzazione dell'impresa e individualizzazione dei percorsi professionali. Lezioni dal modello francese.

Merlo, Giulia 01 October 2019 (has links)
This research aims to explore the most relevant legal tools developed to support the access of people, already active in the labour market, to vocational training measures; focusing on the protective role they may play both in the individual employment relationship and in the labour market. Regarding the first thematic core, the research will point out that current flexible productive structures require continuous realignment process of workers’ professional capital vis-a-vis the organizational needs. As far as the labour market dimension is concerned, according to the most recent theoretical perspectives, it is highlighted how training tools can assume an essential function in the dimension of professional security when projected towards the preventive protection of employment transitions. Starting from these premises, this research investigates possible regulatory answers to empower employers in order to maintain their workers professionalism, as well as to guarantee the employment security dimension. 2 In order to identify the most pertinent regulatory solutions, different approaches and instruments are analysed. In particular, the French and Italian legal systems are compared. These systems have adopted extremely different approaches to vocational training: in France the development of a complete and organic continuing training framework has been one of the absolute priorities in the field of social legislation, while in Italy, at the moment, there is no structured and unitary discipline on the matter. In particular, the comparative analysis reveals that in the French legal system, both the needs of adapting professional skills to organizational changes, and the "preventive" protection of employment transitions have found suitable regulatory responses. They have been provided through the provision of a complex system of employers’ duties, as well as by forecasting specific tools allowing direct and individual access to training measures. To the contrary, the Italian legal framework lacks clear requirements designed to empower companies with regard to the adaptation or development of the human capital of their workforce Furthermore, the Italian legal system does not provide for an individual right to training, which would allow workers to independently access training, on the basis of a personal and conscious prospect of professional development.


PETTINELLI, ROBERTO 22 May 2017 (has links)
L’opera analizza l’evoluzione dei metodi di gestione del dissenso collettivo e, in particolare, si propone di offrire una ricostruzione sistematica delle basi normative e degli effetti applicativi, attuali e potenziali, del principio di maggioranza nell’ambito delle relazioni sindacali. Ciò soprattutto alla luce del fatto che, nei casi di periodica interruzione dell’unità di azione dei maggiori sindacati confederali, la «rivoluzione maggioritaria», già sperimentata nel pubblico impiego, è spesso indicata, e non a caso accolta dai recenti accordi interconfederali, come la fondamentale soluzione alle conflittualità di sistema. Ma in che rapporto sono democrazia sindacale e regola maggioritaria? Nei quattro capitoli, con approccio storico-ricostruttivo, la risposta viene fornita attraverso lo studio del fondamento e dei limiti del principio di maggioranza sia in ambito associativo sia nell’evoluzione delle relazioni sindacali, con il traguardo di giungere all’analisi delle previsioni del Testo Unico del 10 gennaio 2014 e dell’art. 8 del d.l. 138/2011 (conv. in l. n. 148/2011). Nel capitolo conclusivo, infine, vengono discussi le sfide ed i problemi concreti che la possibile adozione legislativa della regola di maggioranza potrebbe comportare. / The work analyzes the evolution of the management of the trade union’s dissent and, in particular, it aims to offer a systematic reconstruction of the normative and an analysis of the majority principle in the context of labor relations, considering their current and potential effects. This especially because, in cases of periodic interruption of the action of the major trade union federations, the “major revolution” - already been adopted in the public sector – is often referred as the fundamental solution to conflicts; that’s why it is accepted by the recent inter-confederation agreements. But what is the relation between the union democracy and the majority rule? The answer is provided in the four chapters of the work, with the historical and reconstructive approach, through the study of the grounds and the limits of the majority principle both in its associated field and in the evolution of labor relations, with the goal of reaching the analysis of “Testo Unico del 10 gennaio 2014” and art. 8, d.l. 138/2011 (l. n. 148/2011)”. Finally, in the last chapter, we are going to discuss, in case of a trade union law, the challenges and the concrete problems that the possible adoption of the majority rule could provide.

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