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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formation of Aminosilane and Thiol Monolayers on Semiconductor Surfaces and Bulk Wet Etching of III--V Semiconductors

Jain, Rahul January 2012 (has links)
Continuous scaling down of the dimensions of electronic devices has made present day computers more powerful. In the front end of line, the minimum lateral dimensions in a transistor have shrunk from 45 nm in 2007 to 22 nm currently, and the gate oxide film thickness is two to three monolayers. This reduction in dimensions makes surface preparation an increasingly important part of the device fabrication process. The atoms or molecules that terminate surfaces function as passivation layers, diffusion barriers, and nucleation layers. In the back end of line, metal layers are deposited to connect transistors. We demonstrate a reproducible process that deposits a monolayer of aminopropyltrimethoxysilane molecules less than one nanometer thick on a silicon dioxide surface. The monolayer contains a high density of amine groups that can be used to deposit Pd and Ni and subsequently Co and Cu to serve as the nucleation layer in an electroless metal deposition process. Because of the shrinking device dimensions, there is a need to find new transistor channel materials that have high electron mobilities along with narrow band gaps to reduce power consumption. Compound III--V channel materials are candidates to enable increased performance and reduced power consumption at the current scaled geometries. But many challenges remain for such high mobility materials to be realized in high volume manufacturing. For instance, low defect density (1E7 /cm²) III--V and Ge on Si is the most fundamental issue to overcome before high mobility materials become practical. Unlike Si, dry etching of III-V semiconductor surfaces is believed to be difficult and uncontrollable. Therefore, new wet etching chemistries are needed. Si has been known to passivate by etching in hydrofluoric acid, but similar treatments on III--Vs are known to temporarily hydrogen passivate the surfaces. However, any subsequent exposure to the ambient reoxidizes the surface, resulting in a chemically unstable and high defect density interface. This work compares old and new wet etching chemistries and investigates new methods of passivating the III--V semiconductors.

Croissance de NFs d'InP sur silicium par épitaxie par jets moléculaires en mode VLS

Naji, Khalid 18 November 2010 (has links)
Les nanofils (NFs) semiconducteurs suscitent un intérêt croissant depuis ces dix dernières années, aussi bien pour leurs propriétés fondamentales que pour leurs applications potentielles dans de nombreux domaines (électronique, optoélectronique, photonique, photovoltaïque, …). Par exemple, grâce à leur aptitude à relaxer des contraintes, ils présentent une nouvelle voie pour l’intégration monolithique des matériaux semiconducteurs III-V sur le substrat de Silicium. C’est dans ce contexte que s’est déroulée cette thèse axée sur la croissance de NFs d’InP sur Silicium par la technique d’épitaxie EJM en mode VLS (pour Vapeur-Liquide-Solide). Nous avons étudié les mécanismes de croissance VLS de ces NFs et comparé nos résultats expérimentaux à des modèles théoriques. Nous avons plus particulièrement décrit la forme, la direction de croissance, la nature des facettes et les propriétés structurales des NFs d’InP, en fonction des conditions de croissance, en particulier du rapport V/III. Nous avons aussi étudié la croissance de NFs d’InP sur une surface de SrTiO3 qui vise à l’obtention de NFs verticaux sur Si(001). Nous avons enfin abordé d’autres aspects nécessaires pour l’intégration de tels NFs dans des composants actifs, comme la croissance d’héterostructures axiale, le dopage ou encore la localisation spatiale de ces NFs. / Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) have seen an increasing interest for the last ten years either for the study of their fundamental properties or for their high potential for applications in the field of microelectronics (high speed transistor) and optoelectronics (LED, LASER photovoltaics) For instance, thanks to their specific mode for lattice-mismatch relaxation, IIIVNWs can be grown on foreign substrates such as Si for monolithic integration with keeping a high crystalline quality. This PhD thesis has been oriented towards the growth and characterization of InP naowires on Si by VLS assisted MBE technique. We have studied growth mechanisms as a function of growth parameters, more specifically the effect of V/IIIBEP ratio, and have compared experimental results to theoretical predictions on growth kinetics. We also have studied the growth of InP NWs on SrTiO3 substrates in order to favor the vertical growth on Si (001). For technological applications, we have performed doping, growth of core-shell heterostructures experiments. We also tried selective epitaxy for thesurface localisation of NWs.

Étude et passivation des défauts introduits par la gravure de vias sur cellule photovoltaïque triple jonction

De Lafontaine, Mathieu January 2016 (has links)
Malgré l'augmentation constante de l'efficacité des cellules photovoltaïques multi-jonctions destinées au photovoltaïque concentré, des pertes de performances subsistent à haute concentration solaire. Elles sont principalement causées par un ombrage excessif dû aux métallisations ou par effet Joule à cause de la résistance série. Une des solutions à ce problème est de reporter le contact métallique en face avant sur la face arrière grâce à des vias métallisés et isolés électriquement. Avec cette architecture, les pertes dues à l'effet Joule et à l'ombrage seront limitées et des gains en efficacité sont attendus. Toutefois, l'intégration de vias sur des cellules photovoltaïques triple jonction favorise la recombinaison électron-trou en surface et peut provoquer une perte de performances de ces dispositifs. Ce mémoire présente les travaux de recherche effectués visant à étudier précisément cette problématique ainsi qu'à proposer des solutions pour limiter ces pertes. L'objectif est d'évaluer les pertes de performances de cellules photovoltaïques triple jonction suite à l'intégration de vias. Dans un second temps, l'objectif secondaire vise à limiter les pertes grâce à des traitements de passivation. Les résultats et solutions qu'apporte ce projet représentent une étape clé dans la réalisation de cette nouvelle architecture de contact électrique pour cellules photovoltaïques. En effet, les conclusions de ce projet de recherche permettent de valider la possibilité d'obtenir des gains en efficacité grâce à cette architecture. De plus, les procédés de microfabrication présentés dans ce projet de recherche proposent des solutions afin d'intégrer des vias sur ces hétérostructures tout en limitant les pertes en performances.

Studies of magnetoresistance and Hall sensors in semiconductors

Wipatawit, Praphaphan January 2006 (has links)
The design, fabrication and performance of an Extraordinary Magnetoresistance (EMR) and a Vertical Mesa Hall Sensor (VMHS) are studied. EMR devices have been fabricated from a 2DEG InAs/GaSb structures which exhibit a low carrier density and high mobility that achieve the best performance. The general electrical magneto-transport properties are given. The experiments investigate mainly different metallic patterns, which are Rectangular, Triangular and Tip pattern between 4-300 K. Probe configurations and the enhancement of relative size of metallic patterns are described. EMR effect is due to current deflection around the metal-semiconductor interface. The results are metallic pattern dependent. Using finite element analysis, good agreement between experimental and theoretical results was found. The best performance sensor is a symmetrical metallic Tip pattern. It is enhanced by the length of the Tip’s point and the large metallic area. This pattern when combines with an asymmetrical probe configuration, exhibits the highest EMR of 900% at –0.275T measured by inner probes and the best sensitivity of 54Ω/T at room temperature. The second study presents in-plane Hall effect sensors made from InSb. A simple device geometry has been used in which current flows in a plane perpendicular to the device surface. Device sensitivity depends on its geometry and a series of different contacts are used to investigate the geometry of the current flow distribution. The structures produced are only sensitive to the presence of one in-plane field component, and they also demonstrate good angular selectivity. Multi-electrodes were used to investigate biasing current from both mesa and substrate condition. We are able to examine the Hall voltage as a function of contact positions and also to create multiple VMHS. Offset reduction of devices has been achieved by moving the ground contacts to re-balance the current distribution under the mesa surface.

Investigation of Surface Properties for Ga- and N-polar GaN using Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques

Ferguson, Josephus Daniel, III 26 April 2013 (has links)
Because the surface plays an important role in the electrical and optical properties of GaN devices, an improved understanding of surface effects should help optimize device performance. In this work, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and related techniques have been used to characterize three unique sets of n-type GaN samples. The sample sets comprised freestanding bulk GaN with Ga polar and N polar surfaces, epitaxial GaN films with laterally patterned Ga- and N-polar regions on a common surface, and truncated, hexagonal GaN microstructures containing Ga-polar mesas and semipolar facets. Morphology studies revealed that bulk Ga-polar surfaces treated with a chemical-mechanical polish (CMP) were the flattest of the entire set, with rms values of only 0.4 nm. Conducting AFM (CAFM) indicated unexpected insulating behavior for N-polar GaN bulk samples, but showed expected forward and reverse-bias conduction for periodically patterned GaN samples. Using scanning Kelvin probe microscopy, these same patterned samples demonstrated surface potential differences between the two polarities of up to 0.5 eV, where N-polar showed the expected higher surface potential. An HCl cleaning procedure used to remove the surface oxide decreased this difference between the two regions by 0.2 eV. It is possible to locally inject surface charge and measure the resulting change in surface potential using CAFM in conjunction with SKPM. After injecting electrons using a 10 V applied voltage between sample and tip, the patterned polarity samples reveal that the N-polar regions become significantly more negatively charged as compared to Ga-polar regions, with up to a 2 eV difference between charged and uncharged N polar regions. This result suggests that the N-polar regions have a thicker surface oxide that effectively stores charge. Removal of this oxide layer using HCl results in significantly decreased surface charging behavior. A phenomenological model was then developed to fit the discharging behavior of N-polar GaN with good agreement to experimental data. Surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements obtained using SKPM further support the presence of a thicker surface oxide for N polar GaN based on steady state and restoration SPV behaviors. Scanning probe microscopy techniques have therefore been used to effectively discriminate between the surface morphological and electrical behaviors of Ga- vs. N-polar GaN.

Étude théorique des propriétés structurales et électroniques de l'alliage GaAsN

Madini, Nassima January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Etude et optimisation de dispositifs à base de matériaux faibles gap pour applications hautes fréquences et ultra faible consommation / Study and optimization of narrow band gap material based devices for high frequencies applications and ultra low power consumption

Noudeviwa, Albert M. D. 19 October 2011 (has links)
L’avènement des technologies itinérantes s’est accompagné de l’accroissement des besoins en autonomie des appareils électroniques mobiles. De plus la forte densité d’intégration des dispositifs conduit aux limites de dissipation thermique des systèmes de refroidissement classiques. Ainsi dans cette thèse le régime de fonctionnement bas Vds a été investigué dans les HEMTs à base de matériaux faibles gaps afin de réduire les puissances consommées. Cette étude est réalisée à 300K et 77K. Concernant les HEMTs à base d’antimoine des performances records ont été publiées à 300K (fT = 144GHz à 100mV pour Lg=120nm). En termes de performances en bruit à la fois pour les HEMTs industriels étudiés et les HEMTs à base d’antimoine à 30GHz et Vds=100mV un NFmin autour de 1.6dB et un Gass de l’ordre de 6dB sont atteints pour des puissances dissipées inférieures à 10mW/mm. Enfin des dimensionnements d’amplificateurs faibles bruit ont été réalisé afin d’évaluer la potentielle réalisation d’une électronique basse consommation à température ambiante et cryogénique. Ces dimensionnements ont permis d’obtenir à 100mV de tension drain un NF autour de 1,7dB pour un gain associé avoisinant 6dB avec une puissance dissipée inférieure à 6mW/mm à température ambiante et à basse température (77K) la valeur de NF est autour de 0,6dB pour un gain associé supérieur à 7dB. / Advent of itinerant technologies was done with the autonomy needs increase in the mobile electronics devices. In addition the high devices integration density leads to the thermal dissipation limits of the classic cooling systems. Thus in this thesis the low Vds operation mode is investigated in narrow band gap materials based HEMTs in order to reduce the power consumption. This study is done at room temperature (300K) and at cryogenic temperature (77K). Concerning antimonide based HEMTs, record performances was published at 300K (fT = 144GHz à 100mV for Lg=120nm). In terms of noise performances both of industrial studied HEMTs and antimonide based HEMTs present at 30GHz and Vds=100mV NFmin value around 1.6dB and Gass around 6dB for power dissipation lower than 10mW/mm. Finally low noise amplifier (LNA) design is done in order to evaluate the potential use of those devices in low power consumption electronics at room and cryogenic temperature. Those designs allowed to obtain at Vds=100mV NF value around 1.7dB and Gass around 6dB with power dissipation lower than 6mW/mm at room temperature and at cryogenic temperature NF value around 0,6dB for Gass value higher than 7dB.

Epitaxy of boron phosphide on AIN, 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC and ZrB₂ substrates

Padavala, Balabalaji January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemical Engineering / James H. Edgar / The semiconductor boron phosphide (BP) has many outstanding features making it attractive for developing various electronic devices, including neutron detectors. In order to improve the efficiency of these devices, BP must have high crystal quality along with the best possible electrical properties. This research is focused on growing high quality crystalline BP films on a variety of superior substrates like AIN, 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC and ZrB₂ by chemical vapor deposition. In particular, the influence of various parameters such as temperature, reactant flow rates, and substrate type and its crystalline orientation on the properties of BP films were studied in detail. Twin-free BP films were produced by depositing on off-axis 4H-SiC(0001) substrate tilted 4° toward [1-100] and crystal symmetry matched zincblende 3C-SiC. BP crystalline quality improved at higher deposition temperature (1200°C) when deposited on AlN, 4H-SiC, whereas increased strain in 3C-SiC and increased boron segregation in ZrB₂ at higher temperatures limited the best deposition temperature to below 1200°C. In addition, higher flow ratios of PH₃ to B₂H₆ resulted in smoother films and improved quality of BP on all substrates. The FWHM of the Raman peak (6.1 cm⁻¹), XRD BP(111) peak FWHM (0.18°) and peak ratios of BP(111)/(200) = 5157 and BP(111)/(220) = 7226 measured on AlN/sapphire were the best values reported in the literature for BP epitaxial films. The undoped films on AlN/sapphire were n-type with a highest electron mobility of 37.8 cm²/V·s and a lowest carrier concentration of 3.15x1018 cm⁻ᶟ. Raman imaging had lower values of FWHM (4.8 cm⁻¹) and a standard deviation (0.56 cm⁻¹) for BP films on AlN/sapphire compared to 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC substrates. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy revealed residual tensile strain in BP on 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC, ZrB₂/4H-SiC, bulk AlN substrates while compressive strain was evident on AlN/sapphire and bulk ZrB₂ substrates. Among the substrates studied, AlN/sapphire proved to be the best choice for BP epitaxy, even though it did not eliminate rotational twinning in BP. The substrates investigated in this work were found to be viable for BP epitaxy and show promising potential for further enhancement of BP properties.

Segregação de índio em cristais Ga1-xInxSb dopados com telúrio obtidos pelo método Bridgman vertical

Klein, Cândida Cristina January 2016 (has links)
Os compostos semicondutores ternários, dentre eles o Ga1-xInxSb, têm sido objeto de interesse de pesquisadores e da indústria microeletrônica devido à possibilidade de ajuste da constante de rede, assim como a correspondente modificação da banda proibida de energia e do intervalo de emissão e absorção óptica, com a variação da fração molar de x. A flexibilidade destas propriedades estruturais torna este composto apropriado como substratos para epitaxias de outros compostos ternários e quaternários, na formação de mono e heterojunções. A maneira mais econômica para obtenção de substratos de materiais semicondutores é através do crescimento de cristais a partir da fase líquida. Porém, os parâmetros que regem a obtenção de lingotes de Ga1-xInxSb com qualidade comercial, a partir da fase líquida, ainda não estão bem definidos. O índio tende a segregar para o líquido, pois seu coeficiente de segregação é menor que a unidade (k < 1), resultando num perfil composicional variado ao longo do lingote. Como os binários GaSb e InSb apresentam configurações de defeitos intrínsecos que originam condutividades de tipos opostos, tipo p e tipo n, respectivamente, a mudança na composição da liga, durante o crescimento, provavelmente resulta na modificação da concentração de cada um destes defeitos. A dopagem com telúrio consiste numa alternativa para minimizar a segregação do índio e diminuir a densidade dos defeitos pontuais, melhorando a qualidade estrutural de cristais de Ga1-xInxSb obtidos através do método Bridgman convencional. Desta forma foram crescidos cristais ternários Ga1-xInxSb, com e sem agitação do líquido durante a síntese, com fração molar inicial de índio de 10% e 20%, alguns deles dopados com 1020 átomos/cm3 de telúrio, pelo método Bridgman vertical. A caracterização estrutural em termos de formação de defeitos lineares, interfaciais e volumétricos foi realizada através de imagens obtidas por microscopia óptica, eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. A homogeneidade composicional e distribuição de fases foi avaliada através de medidas de espectroscopia por dispersão de energia. Medidas de resistividade e efeito Hall foram utilizadas para a caracterização elétrica, enquanto que a transmitância óptica e a banda proibida de energia foram avaliadas por espectrometria FTIR. Os padrões de difração obtidos através da microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foram utilizados para avaliar a cristalinidade das amostras e determinar o parâmetro de rede. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o telúrio atua de forma compensatória, minimizando a segregação de índio e contribuindo para a homogeneidade composicional e redução de defeitos, principalmente de discordâncias. Além disso, altera a condutividade do Ga1-xInxSb para tipo n, mesmo em frações molares de In inferiores a x = 0,5, diminuindo o número de cargas positivas na rede atribuídas aos defeitos tipo GaSb e VGaGaSb e, desta forma, aumenta a concentração de portadores de carga e reduz a resistividade. Na condição de alta dopagem, reduz a transmitância óptica no infravermelho e aumenta a banda proibida de energia através do efeito Burstein-Moss. A avaliação de cristais de Ga1-xInxSb, dopados e não dopados, crescidos pelo método Bridgman convencional contribuiu para o entendimento do comportamento de dopantes em compostos semicondutores ternários. / Ternary compound semiconductors, including Ga1-xInxSb, have been subject of interest of researchers and microelectronics industry because of the possibility of adjusting the lattice constant, as well as the corresponding modification in the band gap energy, and in the optical absorption and emission range, by varying the mole fraction x. The flexibility of their structural properties makes this compound suitable as substrates for epitaxy of other ternary and quaternary compounds, in the formation of mono- and heterojunctions. The most economical way to obtain semiconductor substrates is by crystal growth from the liquid phase. However, the parameters governing the outcoming of Ga1-xInxSb ingots with commercial quality, from liquid phase, are not well defined. Indium tends to segregate to the liquid, since its segregation coefficient is less than the unity (k < 1), resulting in a varied compositional profile along the ingot. As the binary GaSb and InSb have intrinsic defects configurations that originate opposite conductivities, type p and type n, respectively, the change in the alloy composition, while growing, probably results in a modification of the concentration on each of these defects. Doping with tellurium is an alternative to minimize the indium segregation and decrease the density of point defects, therefore improving the structural quality of Ga1-xInxSb crystals obtained through the conventional Bridgman method. Thus, ternary Ga1-xInxSb crystals were grown by vertical Bridgman method with and without stirring the melt during the synthesis, with 10% and 20% initial molar fraction of indium and some of them were tellurium-doped at 1020 atoms/cm3. The structural characterization regarding linear, interfacial, and volumetric defects formation was performed by using images obtained through optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The compositional homogeneity and phase distribution was assessed by energy-dispersive spectroscopy measurements. Resistivity and Hall Effect measurements were used for the electrical characterization, while the optical transmittance and the band gap energy were examined by FTIR spectroscopy. Diffraction patterns obtained by transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate the crystallinity of the samples and determine the lattice parameter. The results indicate that tellurium acts in a compensatory way, minimizing indium segregation and contributing to the compositional homogeneity and defect reduction, especially in dislocations. In addition, it changes the conductivity of Ga1-xInxSb to n-type, even in mole fraction of In lower than x = 0.5, reducing the number of positive charges on the network assigned to GaSb and VGaGaSb defects, thus increasing the concentration of charge carriers and reducing the resistivity. In high doping condition, it reduces the optical transmittance in the infrared region and increases the energy of the band gap by the Burstein-Moss Effect. The evaluation of Ga1-xInxSb crystals, doped and undoped, grown by the conventional Bridgman method contributed to the understanding of dopants behavior in ternary compound semiconductors.

Theory of optical and magnetic properties of deep centers in semiconductors

Viccaro, Maria Helena de Azambuja January 1982 (has links)
The present work is concerned with the theory of optical and magnetic properties of deeo centers in various III-V semiconductors.

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