Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ikonografie"" "subject:"lkonografie""
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Zvířata v katedrále. Architektonická skulptura zvířat a fantaskních tvorů parléřovské huti v katedrále sv. Víta, jejich symbolika a ikonografie. / The animals in the cathedral. Architectonical sculpture of animals and fantastical creatures by parlerian lodge in the St. Vitus Cathedral, their symbols and iconography.Urbanová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
This Master Thesis "The animals in the cathedral. Architectural sculpture of animals and fantastical creatures by parlerian lodge in the St. Vitus Cathedral, their symbols and iconography" looks into the architectural sculpture of animal's motifs and motifs of fantastical Creatures. The goal of this work is to summarize recent aspects of research about this theme, explain in more detail individually motifs of animal's and their Iconography and their meaning for Cathedral of St. Vitus. Also this thesis want to explain how could this special animal's motifs fit into the places, where are they have been situated. Their Iconography is taken with larger perspective, by literature's reception from antique over czech medieval age. Concerning animals and fantastic Creatures in the southern vestibule - pelican and phoenix; an owl in the Crown Chamber; gryphon and fight between cat and dog in the inner triforium; an eagle, an unicorn, a horse with bird's legs, a phoenix, a pelican, a stag, a lion, a gryphon, a lioness, a bear, a "cat" and three chimera in the outer triforium; a lion, a dog, a dragon and an eagle in buttresses and at least a dragon and a goat on the Big Tower. Keywords Cathedral st. Vitus, animal's motifs, symbols, iconography, architektonical sculpture, sculptures, console, relief, gothic...
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Architektonická skulptura chrámu Matky Boží před Týnem na Starém městě pražském v lucemburském období / Architectural sculpture of Church of Our Lady before Týn in Prague Old Town in Luxembourg periodPeroutková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis looks into the analysis of iconography of the northern lateral portal of the Church of Our Lady before Týn. For this purpose this thesis summarizes the most important historiographical, Artististic Science and source literature related to this relic. Based on researched iconographic analysis this thesis aids to propose all possible solutions iconographic programme which could have been intended for this thesis. Based on the evaluation of literature, sources and on the formal analysis principal the objective of this thesis is to specify significantly problematic dating range (approximately from mid. 13th century up to late 1450) to shorter period of possible origin of the artwork there are also evaluated all available restauration reports and construction historical surveys related to the inspected relic.
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Obraz Jana Husa v české raněnovověké literatuře / The Image of Jan Hus in the Early Modern Czech LiteratureHejdová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The work The Image of Jan Hus in the Early Modern Czech Literature tries to map different ways of description of this Czech preacher in selected literary texts from 15th to 18th century, to capture the changes which his image underwent. The chosen authors come from different countries and use different languages, represent different environments, social classes and opinion groups, they also have different education and religion. Individual literary works were assessedby means of comparing the key episodes that are either repeated in the texts, or the author intentionally did not use them. To understand the image of Jan Hus as a whole, also contemporary iconography was taken into account , which in some cases has been taken from other literary texts than those which were compared, so that the image of Hus whereas complete as possible. The comparison of the texts and iconography showed, how accurate the observation of the described scheme was and how the image of Jan Hus was gradually changing. The combination of written and iconographic material from specific time intervals allowed us to observe the gradual change of conceptions of the personality of Jan Hus and events connected with him, because the authors represent the opinion of their ethnic group and time. The image of Jan Hus is therefore very...
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Skladování obilí ve starověkém Egyptě (2600-1650 př.n.l.).Typologie a socioekonomické implikace / Grain Storage in Ancient Egypt (2600-1650 BC). Typology and socio-economic implicationsBardoňová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, research on the field of ancient Egyptian economy in its earliest historical forms has grown quickly. Despite previous efforts in the last decades, the nature of the ancient Egyptian economic system has not yet been satisfactorily defined. Ancient Egypt had, like the majority of preindustrial societies, a pre-eminently agrarian economy. Amongst the agricultural products acquired from the Egyptian land, cereals stood out due to their economic significance. Grain and cereal-based products, such as bread and beer, were used as a medium of exchange and a basis for wages. The aforementioned importance of cereals must have made their management and storage a matter of priority. The storage of food staples is always of utmost importance as it is a key component of food distribution, which is an important means of executing power and accomplishing the goals by specific actors in a system (Paulette 2013: 106). Despite the significance of grain storage for the understanding of socio-economic and power relations in a given society, no comprehensive macro-study on grain storage in ancient Egypt has been undertaken. Thus, the main goal of this work is to obtain a new multi-faceted picture of grain storage in ancient Egypt. More precisely, the study focuses on an extensive historical span...
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Poslední obrazy / Last PaintingsŠiklová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation thesis Last Paintings deals with the issue of the last works of the authors at the end of the work. This question represents a complexly unexplored topic in the field of Czech art history. Last paintings are often so different from the previous work. So they may in specific cases give rise to a discussion: Have we include them or better give them to brackets in the artist's work as an excess and not too much deal with? Rather the second alternative is happening. In a wide range of possible focus, the work focuses on last works of modern and contemporary art history. Because such a group or category of art within the Czech art history has not yet been considered, it focus on Czech authorship. The selected iconic world's last works are presented for comparison at the end in a quick overview. Given the topic of the departure of a man from this world, tis work outlines the cultural anthropological bases, their symbolism, it reflects the iconography of last paintings. It offers options for categories, which appear to be diversified, permeating, and beeing rather as auxiliary matter. The main weight of the work is based on selected case studies of individual authors. On the basis of case studies with the implied support of analytical psychology, the last paintings appear as a guide to...
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Třeboňský archivář Antonín Markus a historik umění Zdeněk Wirth - rozbor a výběrová edice vzájemné korespondence / Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondenceHOMEROVÁ, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
As it is obvious from the title of the graduate work "Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence, the authoress primary intended to prepare the analysis and elaboration of the edition of the unique epistular collection, which covers almost a half of century of the mutual friendship and cooperation of the two important representatives of the Czech cultural scene of the first and the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The editated correspondence is a part of the personal inheritances of the both mentioned men which is saved in the State region archive in Třeboň (Antonín Markus) and in the Institute of the history of art of the Academy of sciences of the Czech republic (Zdeněk Wirth).The first part of the diploma work brings the general essay on the correspondence as an object of the scientist´s interest and the survey of the authors of the certain works on the edition analysis of correspondence of the various personalities. Next chapter introduces the used sources and special literature which the authoress used. The life stories of Antonín Markus, the longtime archivist of the Třeboň Schwarzenberg´s archive, and Zdeněk Wirth, our eminent arthistorian and organizator of the monument preservation, are presented in the individual biographies. Next part of the work shows the analysis of the correspondence from the view of the condition and amount, kind of communication, frequence of answering and the outer look of the individual documents, which is ensembled with the topic analysis of it´s content. The commented selected edition is followed by the editing notice and the name index. Other part brings of course the list of sources and used literature. The end of the diploma work includes the visual enclosures which suitably enrich the written part.
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Laberinto / LaberintoSkopalová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Laberinto is a type of book-form game, invented by Andrea Ghisi, and first printed in 1607. A second version was printed in 1616 and includes all the characters of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna, with the addition of a new series of ten cards (following the logic of composition of the tarocchi). Another two versions of Laberinto (printed in 1607 and 1610) contain none of the Mantegna tarocchi characters. The rules of the game are based on the art of mathematical combinations. The aim of the game is to move through a visual labyrinth and discover which figure the opponent has in mind. The focus of this work will be on the 1616 version; my intention is to describe the problematic of the repetition of the original game concept a century and a half later, examining the conditions under which players used the allegorical field of the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi, and under which the cosmological meaning was secularized and the new series of ten cards added.
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Náhrobní mříž v českých zemích v období raného novověku. Mříž a hrobový prostor 1550-1740 / Sepulchral Ironwork in Early Modern Bohemia. Ironwork and Sepulchral Environment between 1550-1740Gandalovičová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The text deals with various types of ironwork from ca 1550-1740, which we can encounter in sepulchral spaces in Bohemia. The text includes notable examples of individual types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments in Bohemia and even Central Europe, especially when the works were inspired by Bohemian examples. The main research subject matter of the dissertation is a typological group of ironwork that defined the space around a tombstone or mausoleum freely situated in a sacred environment, e.g. the most important cited work - the ironwork surrounding the Royal Mausoleum in Prague, or the ironwork surrounding the Cenotaph of Maxmilian I located in the Court Church of Innsbruck. Other types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments are mentioned complementarily, such as ironwork closing off interior chapels, freely standing ironwork, and ironwork protecting sepulchral niches. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Commedia del Conflitto / Der Körper als Medium des ProtesthandelnsNeuber, Michael 17 April 2018 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Fragestellung, wie es möglich ist, dass der Körper durch bestimmte Erscheinungen und Handlungen zur Ressource visueller Kommunikation im Protest wird, leistet die vorliegende Dissertation zwei innovative Forschungsbeiträge: Zum einen wird die Rolle des Körpers in der Interaktionsordnung kollektiven Handelns theoretisch aufgearbeitet. Damit werden zwei miteinander verwobene Lücken im Bereich der Protest- und Bewegungsforschung adressiert: Die unzureichende Auseinandersetzung mit visuellen Aspekten der Aktivität sozialer Bewegungen und die, trotz einiger Aufmerksamkeit für soziale Inszenierung, weitgehende Ausblendung der Rolle des Körpers bei der Betrachtung von Bewegungshandeln. Zum anderen wird auf Grundlage der theoretischen Erkenntnisse eine Methodologie entwickelt, die sich besonders für die Erforschung von Körperlichkeit in Verbindung mit den Interaktionsdynamiken im Protest eignet. Den Körper operationalisiere ich als Visualisierungsmedium im Konzept des Bild-Körpers mit Anleihen bei der Bild- und Drama-Theorie. Die empirische Analyse von Videomaterial zu den Anti-Castor-Protesten in der Region Wendland (Deutschland) des Jahres 2008 zeigte, dass der Körper als Symbolträger in Mikrodramen - kurzen dramatischen Interaktionsfolgen - in Erscheinung tritt, über die der Protest selbst zum mobilisierenden Ereignis wird. Durch Mikrodramen werden die Akteure unmittelbar mit den Narrativen und Master-Frames des Protests verbunden. Der sonst rhetorische Konflikt zwischen Aktivisten und Protestadressaten wird physisch manifest in Zeit und Raum. Die Verkörperung normativ geladener Konstellationen von antagonistischen Charakteren ist dabei ein wesentliches Moment. Die notwendige Spannung wird durch die Kompositionen der Bild-Körper vor allem im Sinnbild der Grenzverletzung konstruiert, worin der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Körpers eine Verbindung zu den emotionalen Konstruktionen der Würde und des Anstands herstellen. / By asking how the human body becomes a crucial resource of visual communication in protest, this research advances scholarship in two main ways. First, I theorize the role of the body in terms of its appearances and actions, and in relation to collective action. Despite some scholarship attending to performative politics, this inquiry addresses several gaps in the theorizing about social movements such as the visual and embodied aspects of protest. Second, to anchor my theorization of the socially and physically situated body, I develop a methodology for researching corporality in association with protest interaction dynamics. I identify and conceptualize the body as a medium of visualization, which I call the pictorial body. Linking the pictorial body concept to the interface between scripts, narratives, and genres (SNG complex) lends the analyses to accounts of visual and dramaturgical theory. Empirically, I use original video data of the 2008 Anti-Castor protest campaign in Germany's Wendland. Findings show that the pictorial body is a primary carrier of symbolism in protest micro-dramas - short dramatic interaction episodes between challengers, targets, and third parties. As the most proximate medium, corporeal mobilizing experience - the call for action - can be treated as an outcome of protest action rather than only as a precondition. I argue that the embodied nature of micro-dramas during protest directly connects actors to movement narratives and master frames by making physically manifest in both space and time what is otherwise a rhetorical conflict. The embodiment of normatively framed constellations of antagonist characters is essential to this. More specifically, a conflictual relationship was crafted primarily by the composition of pictorial bodies in images of border violations, in which the attack and defense of the body connects to the emotionalizing constructs of dignity and decency.
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Ikonografiese studie van Ou Nabye-Oosterse ivoor gedurende die Ystertydperk, 1200 v.C. - 538 v. C.Grobler, Estelle Cornelia 02 1900 (has links)
Die Bybel is die boek wat die meeste gelees word en tog is dit moeilik om die leefwêreld van daardie era te verstaan. My doel is om ’n nuwe blik te gee op ’n paar Ou-Testamentiese simbole. Die ontdekking van ivoorobjekte in die middel negentiende eeu in Nimrud se paleise het tot groot opwinding gelei, aangesien dit met die literatuur ooreenstem. Die ivoorstukke het ’n “verhaal” kom vertel. Deur die streke se kuns te bestudeer kan ons ’n prentjie vorm van die kuns wat in die Ystertydperk in Mesopotamië en Palestina se paleise en welaf huise voorgekom het. Die ikonografie word ontrafel deur ’n paar ivoorstukke te “lees.” Ikonografie is die beskrywing en verklaring van beelde wat op bepaalde onderwerpe betrekking het. Sekere beelde kom herhaaldelik voor in Mesopotamië. In dié studie word hoofsaaklik die Gevleuelde Wesens, die Boom van Lewe, die Gevleuelde Sonskyf asook Rosette beskryf. / The Bible is widely read but it is difficult to understand the world and culture of the era that it is set in. It is my aim to provide new insight into a few Old Testament verses with their symbolic meaning. When ivory was discovered at Nimrud the discovery elicited huge excitement. The ivory pieces came to tell a story. Through studying the art of the different cultures a picture begins to appear of the palaces and homes of the wealthy in the Levant. The iconography could be “read.” Iconography is the science of interpreting the message the art wants to convey to the viewer. A few images are repeatedly showing up in the Levant during the Iron Age. In this study I am focusing mainly on The Tree of Life, the Winged Disc, the Rosette and Winged Spiritual Beings. I am attempting to discern the meaning behind these images. / Biblical & Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ou Nabye-Oosterse Studies)
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