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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika nelegální migrace a možnosti jejího řešení / The issue of illegal migration and various approaches to its solution

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of illegal migration in the Czech Republic and various approaches to its solution. First of all, it provides a complex survey of the problem. It views the problem in the context of international migration, labor migration and the legislative framework of the Czech Republic, as regards its relation to foreigners. The goal is to compare and evaluate individual possibilities of dealing with illegal migration from the point of view of governmental and non-governmental institutions, and to propose an optimal solution. The thesis presents indepth interviews with representatives of seven different institutions. It turns out that particular solutions of illegal migration can not be separated, rather they must be viewed in the context of all other solutions. The priorities of the fight with illegal migration are the following: cooperation with countries of origin, enlightenment of both, potential immigrants as well as their potential employers, getting rid of ``push{\crqq} factors in countries of origin, and elimination of the main ``pull{\crqq} factor which is the possibility of getting an illegal job in the target country. The main output of my thesis research is pinpointing recommendations and conclusions which should be considered when looking for an optimal solution to the issue of illegal migration. I also present a few hypotheses for further research. When looking for an optimal solution the crucial task is played by the high-quality discussion on both levels, the professional as well as the public one. I suppose that this work has enhanced such discussion, furthermore, it can enhance such debate in the future too.

Vliv legální a nelegální migrace na vnitřní bezpečnost České republiky a krizové řízení / The Influence of Both Legal and Illegal Migration on the Internal Security of the Czech Republic and the Crisis Management

HAVEL, David January 2010 (has links)
The issue associated with the migration of foreigners, with the positive and negative aspects that inevitably bring, is a phenomenon that can not be left unnoticed by the authorities, regardless of whether they are migrants residing at the territory of the Czech Republic legally or illegally. Especially nowadays, when most countries are in the global economic crisis, it is the issue that deserves proper attention (with due regard for the possible impacts on the internal security of the Czech Republic, the economy, the social sphere and the citizens´ behaviour). The Czech Republic is aware of the risks associated with the high flow of immigrants. As a proof of that is, that this area has been evaluated as one of the possible non-military threats (or crisis situations) and as such it was defined in the crisis planning as a part of the Plan called {\clq},The Migration Wave of a Large Extent`` drawn by the National Security Council. This work on the topic of The Influence of Both Legal and Illegal Migration on the Internal Security of the Czech Republic and the Crisis Management contains an interpretation of the basic concepts and the development trends in the field of migration in the theoretical part and it also defines the authorities resposinble for solving of the individual issues related to the migration of foreigners. The practical part contains a situational analysis of the presence of foreigners in the South-Bohemian Region compared with the Czech Republic and also the rate of criminal activities committed by foreigners also compared with the Czech Republic as a whole. The research was conducted between the years of 2003 and 2009.

Nelegální migrace a Česká republika po roce 1989 z pohledu bezpečnostních složek státu / Illegal Migration and the Czech Republic after 1989 from the Police Forces Point of View

MAN, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
In this disertation I deal with the problem of illegal migration in our country after the year 1989 from the Police forces point of view. I try to compare streams of migration from the historical aspect {--} which is represented by beginning or fall of iron curtain and evaluace the situation after the entry to the European Union. Next I want to analyze the phenomenon of illegal migration in the frame of graduate spreading of the Schengen Area a I try to resume stats of the illegal migration from The Czech Statistical Office and Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. That is way I want to refer to that illegal migrants we can allure to the final state by legal way when we use unitary and synoptical imigration laws and cooperation with the third countries.

Zamestnávanie cudzincov v Českej republike / Employment of immigrants in the Czech Republic

Kušmírek, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The content of this study is the issue of labor force immigration and employment of immigrants in Czech Republic. Thesis is based on economic theory and description of current legislation including the expected development, which are supported by analyses based on data from the Czech statistic agency and respective ministries. The main goal of the thesis is to refute the prejudices of negative consequences of immigration, especially economic migration, and to assess the situation of employment of immigrants in terms of all stakeholders, ie state as the creator of the legislative environment within which labor contract can be concluded, employers, both in terms of legal obligations concerning employment of immigrants as well as possibilities of employment of such group and at last, but not least, the thesis focuses on immigrants themselves, who are undoubtedly the most vulnerable group.

(Ne)legální migrace a role účelových sňatků při získání pobytových oprávnění státních příslušníků třetích zemí na území Česka se zaměřením na česko-muslimské sňatky / (Il)legal migration and the role of marriages of conveniece when gaining residence permit for third-country members in the Czech Republic focusing on Czech-Muslim marriages

Davidová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Migration offers a spectrum of illegal channels through which migrants enter their target countries. Marriages of convenience are one of these ways. Specifically this means marrying a foreigner who has no residence status or has a lower one than their partner they are marrying. Their partner may be the citizen of their target country or also a foreigner, however, having a higher residence status. People entering such marriages misuse the marriage institute in order to obtain a legal residence in the given country. The objective of the diploma thesis is thus illegal migration through marriages between nationals coming from third countries of the Muslim world and people living in the area of the Czech Republic. Subsequently, foreigners obtain the status of a family member, of an EU citizen, and together with that the right of a free residence and movement within the EU. The general aim of the research was to compare two categories of these foreigners who were looking for the entry into the Czech Republic based on a short-term visa. One category consisted of visa applicants who succeeded in their applications, and those whose applications were refused due to a detected circumvention of the immigration law in the form of a marriages of convenience. Both groups were compared based on chosen indicators...

Stůj, ruce vzhůru! Tady Pohraniční stráž. Kdo tam? / Halt, hands up! Here is the border patrols. Who goes there?

POLÁK, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my diploma paper is to approximate the period of the divided world in the area of Novohradské hory in South Bohemian region in the twentieth century. The paper is based on many unpublished archive materials, scientific literature and mainly on many interviews with the personal observers living in this area. At first, I try to capture general events at the Bohemian {--} Austrian state boundary from the eldest time to the present. Next chapters deals with the problems of locating border patrols, the lives of members of the Frontier police and the attendance of local people at security of the state boundary. Based on the unpublished materials, the paper introduces destinies of the detained people and the dead who tried to cross the state boundary illegaly. I would also like to mention the main illegal groups of the III. anticommunist revolt, which were operating in the Budweis region, and also the agents of foreign intelligence services. Generally, I try to capture destinies of not only direct victims of the Iron Curtain {--} who were in fact vulnerable runners, but also destinies of soldiers executing compulsory millitary services, who were unfortunatelly forced to execute their national duty {--} to protect the state boundaries of totalitarian regime.

La Libye au carrefour de l'Afrique et de l'Europe : étude sur les migrations clandestines de la Libye vers l'Europe : analyses, enjeux et perspectives / Libya at the crossroads of Africa and Europe : study on illegal migration from Libya to Europe : analysis, issues and perspectives

Akilha, Ateib Mohamed Ali 28 October 2011 (has links)
La Libye est une zone clé sur les chemins de la migration entre Afrique et Europe. Si les Libyens ne constituent pas un peuple de migrants, leur territoire, lui, est un lieu de transit fondamental pour les migrations, notamment clandestines, des Africains de toutes origines vers l’Europe, surtout depuis que le Détroit de Gibraltar est étroitement contrôlé. Cette thèse s’interroge sur le phénomène de la migration illégale dans cet espace. Elle tente d’appréhender ce phénomène en relation avec la situation internationale de la Libye, et donc l’évolution sur une période qui couvre l’avant-embargo, l’embargo, et l’après embargo. L’immigration clandestine est un processus complexe qui a des origines aussi nombreuses que diverses, et dont les conséquences se font sentir aussi bien sur les migrants que sur les pays d’origine, de destination et de transit. Ainsi la Libye, pays de transit, considère t-elle désormais tous les enjeux diplomatiques qui se jouent à travers le passage des migrants africains sur son sol. Ses positions sur la scène internationale depuis la création de la Jamahiriya influencent ce facteur stratégique, tout comme elles sont influencées par lui. Au carrefour de la construction euro-méditerranéenne, la Libye sait user de sa situation de zone tampon, notamment dans ses relations avec l’Italie, qui elle-même fait le pont entre l’Union européenne et la Jamahiriya. C’est ainsi que la Libye négocie son implication dans les traités internationaux du type de l’Union pour la Méditerranée. Mais ses décisions politiques dépendent également des politiques de migration européennes, notamment du processus d’externalisation de la question migratoire. En raison de sa situation si spécifique, c’est à ce pays ouvert sur la Méditerranée de peser sur la mise en œuvre de politiques qui dépassent le simple aspect sécuritaire, qui permettent que tous les acteurs de ces vastes mouvements sortent gagnants de ces fluctuations qui sont désormais inéluctables. / Libya is a key area of migration between Africa and Europe. If the Libyans are not considered as migrant population, their territory, it is a fundamental transit point particularly for illegal migrants. The Africans from all origins take this way to Europe because of the enforced control of the Strait of Gibraltar. This thesis examines the phenomenon of illegal migration in this region. It reviews this phenomenon in relation to the international situation of Libya and it’s evolution over the pre-embargo, the embargo and post-embargo period. Illegal immigration is a very complex process that has numerous and various causes. It has many consequences on the migrants, both in countries of origin, transit and destination. This situation raises an important question. Thus is Libya, a transit country in the area, taking into consideration all diplomatic issues that rise from the passing of African migrants on its territory? The political positions of Libya on the international scene have a mutual strategic influence since the creation of the Libyan Jamahiriya. At the crossroads of Euro-Mediterranean point, Libya takes advantage of its position as a buffer; especially in its relations with Italy, which itself is the bridge between the European Union and Libya. This is how Libya negotiates its involvement in international treats such as the Union for the Mediterranean. But the political decisions of Libya depend also on European migration policies, particularly the process of outsourcing of migration issue. Because of its specific location, this country bordered by the Mediterranean must have a direct impact on the policies that go beyond this security aspect. These policies must allow all actors of these vast movements to overcome these fluctuations that are now inevitable.

Migračná kríza v Európe a implikácie vyplývajúce pre štát blahobytu: Švédsko / The migration crisis in Europe and subsequent implications for Swedish welfare state

Lacková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
In general, migration is one of the most important global challenges. The topic of regulating migration flows came to the fore in relation to the current Europe's migration, or more precisely, refugee crisis. It has been described as the most massive migrant's crisis since the WW2. Unprecedented influx of immigrants and refugees in 2015 resulted in that even the best prepared European countries, such as Sweden, have reached a tipping point with regard to respect EU standards related to reception and processing of asylum applications. Master thesis covered two main analyses - the relevance of the refugee crisis in the EU in regards to the Swedish welfare state and the subsequent implications arising from the refugee crisis for the Swedish welfare state.

Trois essais sur la migration internationale / Essays on international migration

Bah, Tijan L. 03 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs qui agissent sur la décision de migrer des individus. Dans le chapitre 1, nous montrons qu’au Portugal, les immigrés occupent souvent des postes pour lesquels ils sont surqualifiés, et que cette non-adéquation entre profils et emplois occupés influence la sélection dans la migration. Les phénomènes de surqualification, plus marqués chez les individus les plus qualifiés, entrainent une sélection négative des migrants, tandis qu’une bonne adéquation entre profils et emplois conduit à une sélection positive.Dans le chapitre 2, nous tirons profit d’une expérimentation sur le terrain pour comprendre comment les décisions de migrer illégalement vers l’Europe des jeunes gambiens sont influencées par l’information qu’ils ont sur les risques associés à cette mobilité. Nous montrons d’abord que les participants au jeu surestiment à la fois le risque de périr en route et la probabilité d’obtenir un statut légal en Europe. Nos résultats suggèrent par ailleurs que la décision de migrer illégalement est influencée par l’une et l’autre probabilité. Informer les candidats au départ sur les risques réels encourus pourrait ainsi les aider à prendre des décisions en connaissance de cause et contribuerait peut-être à sauver des vies. Dans le chapitre 3, nous examinons les liens entre structure familiale et migration, en étudiant l’influence du type d’union des mères sur le comportement migratoire de leurs enfants. Nous trouvons que les enfants nés de mères en union polygame sont plus enclins à migrer vers l’étranger. Nous expliquons ce résultat par la rivalité fraternelle qui en découle. / The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the drivers of international migration. In Chapter 1, we document that immigrants in Portugal face a high incidence of occupational-skill mismatch, and show how it affects the selection into migration. We find that the incidence of over-education leads to negative selection while correct occupational-skill matches lead to positive selection. In Chapter 2, we rely on a lab-in-the-field experiment to understand the willingness to migrate illegally of young males aged 15 to 25 in The Gambia. We first show that potential migrants overestimate both the risk of dying en route to Europe, and the probability of obtaining legal residency status. The experimental results suggestthat the willingness to migrate illegally is affected by information on the chances of dying en route and of obtaining a legal residence permit. Providing providing potential migrants with official numbers on both probabilities thus affect their likelihood of migrating. This has the potential to help migrants make informed decisions and perhaps save lives. In Chapter 3, we investigate the impact of family structure on international migration decisions. We find that children of mothers in polygynous unions are more likely to migrate internationally. We provide further evidence suggesting that this result is due to sibling rivalry: having full- or half-siblings in migration increases the likelihood of migrating. Our evidence suggests that co-wives’ rivalry as documented elsewhere trickles down to children’s rivalry in migration, suggesting that while neglected in the literature, family structure is crucial to understanding migration.

Reintegration of illegal migration returnees in Omo Nada District, Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Fojo Gudina Abshula 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English with appendices in Afaan Oromoo (Oromo language) / Despite the imperative of reintegration assistance for returnees of illegal migration, which will enable them to become independent and productive members of the community, the reintegration needs and experiences of returned illegal migrants are neglected in academic studies. The objectives of the study were to explore the socio-contextual factors that gave rise to the illegal migration of the study participants; their illegal migration abuse and exploitation experiences; the reintegration needs they sought after return; and the responses of relevant stakeholders to meet the reintegration needs of the returnees and help them reintegrate into the community. To this end, I conducted a qualitative study in Omo Nada district in 2017. I collected the data by means of indepth interviews, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. I used thematic analysis to analyze the findings. The study revealed that the decision to migrate ‘illegally’ was the result of numerous drivers: poverty, unemployment, political discrimination, family pressure, and absence of legal means, the influence of brokers and smugglers, and socio-cultural and religious factors. The returned migrants experienced various types of abuse and exploitation, including physical abuse, economic, labour and sexual exploitation both on the migration journey and at the place of destination. The long periods of isolation some experienced also resulted in the disintegration of their families. Participants identified the need for support in the form of health services, counselling, housing, employment, skills training, finances, loans and social support from relevant stakeholders such as family, the community, the government and non-governmental organizations. Despite the many needs identified, the relevant bodies provided very little reintegration support. Due to this, the returnees were not able to reintegrate into their communities. Returning to the premigration conditions which drove them to migrate ‘illegally' in the first place, with no hope of any reintegration assistance, led some returnees to re-migrate illegally. Reintegration is a key aspect for return migration. Therefore, to be sustainable and for the reintegration process to be successful it must be widely supported. The consequences of illegal migration and reintegration support must be taken seriously and supported by the government in all its aspects. Government agencies such as the Labour and Social Affairs Office must be capacitated to provide the necessary assistance and supports to effect sustainable integration. / Sociology / Ph. D. (Sociology)

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