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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Authorial voice in radio news : a framework for the linguistic and pragmatic analysis of 'objective' discourse representation

Mitchell, Philip January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Balance and bias in Radio Four's 'Today' programme during the 1997 General Election campaign

Starkey, Guy January 2001 (has links)
This research considered aspects of balance and bias in radio broadcasting, focusing on thirty-nine editions of the Today programme (Radio Four) during the last general election campaign period. The rationale for such a selection was that during a campaign, broadcasters are under the greatest obligation, both morally and legally, to ensure overall 'balance' in their coverage. In Chapter One, a literature survey compares different perspectives on balance and bias, both professional and academic, and relates them to public controversies about political coverage in the period preceding the election. In Chapter Two, the survey extends to interviewing techniques and the presence of confrontation in political interviews. Both chapters set Today in a wider context. Chapter Three considers the research methodology. Attention is paid to the potential for reflexivity in such an analysis, and the possibility of textual readings being distorted through additional hermeneutic layers. During the campaign period, a self-selected but coincidentally representative group of listeners provided both quantitative and qualitative feedback via an original questionnaire. This is reported in Chapter Four as producing some interesting conclusions about audience reading of radio texts and perceptions of balance and bias. These data were compared with readings by a party political monitor whose role during the campaign was to analyse political coverage on Today. Chapters Five and Six present a detailed textual analysis, by both quantitative and qualitative means, of the programmes themselves. Emphasis is placed on the objective rather than the subjective, determining common points of reference and comparing like elements. Finally, a number of specific conclusions are reached, about the conduct of the programme makers themselves and about more general practices in political coverage by broadcasters.

Ústavní záruky nestrannosti soudců a její sociální konotace / Constitutional guarantees of Impartiality of Judges and its Social connotations

Žižko, Igor January 2014 (has links)
Modern society is based on respect for the individual and at the same time it has created the institute of justice under which parties, in the interest of maintaining social cohesion, should resolve their disputes using the system of applying rights. The task of the judiciary is therefore to be an impartial arbiter, which is an absolute criterion for the acceptance of authoritativeness of this body, or more precisely the functionality and signification of this institute within the social contract. Only an unbiased judge can be the only guarantee for the nemo iudex in causa sua principles to be observed. The European Convention imposes on the states - members of the Council of Europe such legal conditions which guarantee every country the right for their affairs to be discussed fairly, in public and in a reasonable time limit by an independent and impartial court established by law which will decide about their civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charges raised against them. The Constitutional Order of the Czech Republic guarantees everybody the right to a fair trial conducted in accordance with the law before an impartial judge. Constitutional guarantees of fair legal proceedings before an impartial judge are supplemented with legal rules of the sub constitutional law. Yet, it is the...

Bias challenges in international arbitration: the need for a 'real danger' test

Sam.Luttrell@aar.com.au, Samuel Ross Luttrell January 2008 (has links)
No Abstract

The Lack Of Diversity On The Bench In Florida's State Courts

Wells, Verlinda 01 January 2004 (has links)
Diversity in the judiciary is essential to ensure impartiality, public confidence, and the perception that all members of society are represented on the bench. Minorities and women are significantly underrepresented as judges in Florida in proportion to their numbers in the general population. Because we live in an increasingly global world, diversity is best described when people of different races, colors, ethnicity and genders work to develop a mutual respect for each other. It was important to use diversity in this research because it required recognition, understanding, and acceptance of the special contribution that each member of a group can make. The documentation review method was used to measure the data collected in this research. The advantages for using this method were first, to obtain comprehensive and historical information that already exists and secondly, to obtain data which demonstrates few biases about the information. I used correlation as a non-experimental, description method because the variables are not directly manipulated, as they would be if used in an experimental method. This method of research is really more of a mathematical technique for summarizing data. This study was designed to determine the degree and direction of relationship between two or more variables or measures of behavior. Diversity in 2004 judicial appointments is a high priority in Florida's present administration. Their goal is to have a judicial system composed of judges who reflect the people they serve. Since judges have so much influence over the lives of people of the state, it is important that all Floridians perceive the judiciary legitimate. Having a diverse judiciary serves the goal. The Bush/Jennings team appointed; 1) the first African American woman, Judge Peggy Quince to the Florida Supreme Court (with the agreement of Governor Lawton Chiles); 2) minorities to 53 judicial positions including the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero to the Supreme Court; 3) 26 African American, 26 Hispanics, 1 other); 4) women to 66 judicial position; and, 5) the first Haitian-American judge, Judge Fred Seraphin to the Miami Dade County Court. The judicial system has an obligation to provide equal opportunity to the extent that females, minorities, and people of color have the temperament, the legal educational background, the skills, and the abilities necessary to sit on Florida's bench. The legal profession also has an obligation to encourage more minorities and women to consider a career in law. The governor's most recent selections indicate that he is serious about improving diversity on the Florida bench.

Reasons for love, reasons of love

Van Fossen, Joel Andrew 17 September 2024 (has links)
Would it be irrational of you to love an inanimate object? Or would it be misguided to dedicate yourself to a random stranger on the street as opposed to, say, your partner or your child? I take it that such attitudes and actions are irrational. In this dissertation, I explore what considerations provide love with a rational basis. I call these considerations reasons for love. These are the reasons that make love make sense. I argue that the valuable qualities of the beloved are reasons for love. Moreover, I argue that to give a complete account of such reasons, one must reflect on the nature and value of love. In Chapter One, I argue that love’s nature includes valuing a relationship with the beloved and valuing them as a bearer of valuable qualities. In these ways, love is a unique way of engaging with a person’s value, and love’s relational component distinguishes it from other pro-attitudes, like respect or admiration. In Chapter Two, I argue that love, like knowledge, virtue, pleasure, and achievement, is non-instrumentally good for the person in love. Moreover, love is a virtue because it is the right kind of response to the valuable qualities of another person. In Chapter Three, I refine the qualities view by arguing that such qualities do not need to be maximally valuable. Instead, love is grounded in qualities that are good enough. Finally, in Chapter Four, I explore reasons of love, which are reasons for actions that justify the special treatment we reserve for those whom we love. Reasons of love are often treated as a problem for moral theory because morality demands impartiality, and love demands partiality. I address this problem by defending an altruistic, as opposed to impartialist, view of morality. On the altruistic view, facts about an individual’s personal identity can be the ground for morally right actions. I make this case by considering self-sacrifice’s central role in both morality and love.

Vliv médií na soudní rozhodování v případech dopravní kriminality / The impact of media on judicial determination in cases of traffic crimes

Klouda, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Media influence over court rulings in traffic crime cases The aim of this thesis is to analyze the way media report about traffic crimes and provide a comparison between cases that attracted media attention and cases that didn't. The author investigates the possibility that courts are influenced in thein decision making by the general public, the opinion of which is shaped mostly by mass media outlets which unfortunately often release speculations as proven facts. To demonstrate the possibility of media influence to the reader, the author compares similar cases and shows how different the court ruling was when the case wasn't a subject of attention of mass media. Part of this analysis consists of a letter to the judge who presided over one of such cases, the incident on D1 motorway in 2010. The conclusion is that there's potential for such influence, but it's impossible to be absolutely certain that it already exists. The threat of such influence will, however, grow over time as new technologies are introduced, that make it very easy to spread information and consume it. In a newly forming information society, the ability to influence anything ranging from minor court battles to elections is considerably increased and poses a potential threat to the impartiality of courts, which is vital to a modern...

Imparcialidade dos árbitros / The impartiality of the arbitrators

Elias, Carlos Eduardo Stefen 16 June 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo superar as diversas noções genéricas a respeito da imparcialidade do árbitro e assim atribuir-lhe um conceito próprio, estabelecido a partir do reconhecimento da vital importância do exercício da influência das partes na relação jurídica processual. O estudo parte da premissa de que todas as experiências pretéritas do árbitro (como as de qualquer indivíduo) constituem condição necessária para que este forme pré-conceitos e assim conheça e decida um conflito e que, por isso, tais experiências e conceitos pretéritos sempre existem e sempre influenciam o julgador. Também é premissa de análise o ambiente institucional em que a arbitragem se desenvolve e no qual os profissionais buscam auferir capital simbólico que lhes possibilite êxito nas nomeações para a função de árbitro. Essas premissas impedem que se aprove a noção genérica da imparcialidade como equidistância, ausência de interesse próprio na solução do litígio ou ausência de outras influências no convencimento do árbitro além dos argumentos lançados pelas partes no litígio, e impõem o reconhecimento de um conteúdo apoiado na inexistência de barreira à influência que os argumentos das partes exercerão na decisão do árbitro (a despeito, portanto, de quaisquer outras influências às quais o julgador como todo indivíduo está sujeito). A identificação de um conteúdo para a imparcialidade é, todavia, insuficiente para a solução de problemas práticos, razão pela qual o presente estudo sugere sua operacionalização por norma concreta extraída de regras vinculantes que imponham um comportamento (art. 14, caput, da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira) ou um estado de coisas (art. 13, § 6º da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira) que atenda a certas premissas de estrutura e de conteúdo. As premissas de estrutura têm como finalidade garantir a coerência e coesão sistemáticas da norma concreta, ao passo que as premissas de conteúdo (extraídas de casos reais) buscam a coerência interna da norma, ou seja, a coerência entre o juízo hipotético-normativo e o juízo sobre o evento fático subjacente. Essas premissas são examinadas à luz do ambiente institucional no qual a arbitragem se desenvolve, caracterizado principalmente pela interdependência e contínuo contato entre profissionais, a constante troca de papéis a que tais profissionais se sujeitam (ora como árbitros, ora como advogados) e a assimetria de informação. Propostos um conteúdo e um método de operacionalizá-lo para a solução de casos concretos, o presente estudo procura desatrelar a imparcialidade e seus efeitos da noção geral de independência do árbitro, sem apelar para a imprecisa dicotomia subjetividade-objetividade. Reconhece, ainda, que do árbitro são demandadas posturas diferentes daquelas preconizadas aos juízes, razão pela qual a aplicação de regras equiparativas (tal como o art. 14, caput, da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira), além de não esgotar todas as hipóteses de ataque à imparcialidade, deve ser precedida de diversas adaptações. Reconhece, também, o sentido e o alcance do binômio ciência-aceitação na prática arbitral. Por fim, o estudo trata da diversa natureza entre o dever de revelação e a imparcialidade impostos ao árbitro, de cujas violações derivam consequências também distintas. / The present study aims to overcome several general notions concerning the impartiality of the arbitrator and thus gives it a proper concept, drawn from the recognition of the vital importance of parties to exercise influence on the procedural legal relationship. The study assumes that all past experiences of the adjudicator (as any individual) constitute a necessary condition for him to create pre-conceptions and so understand and decide a conflict - and that therefore these experiences and past concepts always influence the adjudicator. The institutional environment in which the arbitration is developed and in which practitioners seek to derive symbolic capital that enables them to succeed in the nominations for the role of arbitrator is also a premise of analysis. This premise prevents from approving the generic notion of impartiality as \"equidistance\", \"the absence of self-interest in the outcome of the case\" or \"the absence of other influences in the convincing process of the adjudicator beyond the arguments submitted by the parties in dispute\", and requires the recognition of content based on the \"absence of barriers to the influence that the arguments of the parties shall exercise on the arbitrator\'s decision\" (regardless of any other influences to which the judge as any individual is exposed). Identifying content for impartiality is, however, insufficient for the solution of actual problems, and due to that, the study suggests its operation by a norm extracted from binding rules imposing conduct (art. 14, caput of Brazilian Arbitration Law) or a state of affairs (art. 13, § 6 of the Brazilian Arbitration Law) that meets certain premise of structure and content. The premise of structure is designed to provide systematic consistency and cohesion of the norm, and the premise of content (drawn from actual cases) seeks internal consistency of the standard, i.e., the consistency between the description of the event anticipated in the norm and the description of the underlying factual event. This premise is examined in the light of the institutional environment in which the arbitration is developed, mainly characterized by interdependence and continuous contact between professionals, the constant exchange of roles among such professionals (either as arbitrators or as lawyers) and information asymmetry. Proposed both a content and a method to operationalize it for the solution of actual cases, this study seeks to release fairness and its effects from the general notion of independence of the arbitrator, without resorting to imprecise objectivity-subjectivity dichotomy. It also recognizes that the institutional environment requires postures from the arbitrators that differ substantially from those required from judges; due to this reason, the application of rules that apparently prescribe the same standards or behaviors for both (such as art. 14, caput, the Brazilian Arbitration Law) does not fill all the hypothesis capable of menacing the impartiality and must be preceded by various adaptations. It also recognizes the meaning and scope of the binomial information-acceptance in arbitral practice. Finally, the study addresses the diverse nature of the duty of disclosure and impartiality imposed on the arbitrator, whose respective violations also imply different consequences.

Imparcialidade dos árbitros / The impartiality of the arbitrators

Carlos Eduardo Stefen Elias 16 June 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo superar as diversas noções genéricas a respeito da imparcialidade do árbitro e assim atribuir-lhe um conceito próprio, estabelecido a partir do reconhecimento da vital importância do exercício da influência das partes na relação jurídica processual. O estudo parte da premissa de que todas as experiências pretéritas do árbitro (como as de qualquer indivíduo) constituem condição necessária para que este forme pré-conceitos e assim conheça e decida um conflito e que, por isso, tais experiências e conceitos pretéritos sempre existem e sempre influenciam o julgador. Também é premissa de análise o ambiente institucional em que a arbitragem se desenvolve e no qual os profissionais buscam auferir capital simbólico que lhes possibilite êxito nas nomeações para a função de árbitro. Essas premissas impedem que se aprove a noção genérica da imparcialidade como equidistância, ausência de interesse próprio na solução do litígio ou ausência de outras influências no convencimento do árbitro além dos argumentos lançados pelas partes no litígio, e impõem o reconhecimento de um conteúdo apoiado na inexistência de barreira à influência que os argumentos das partes exercerão na decisão do árbitro (a despeito, portanto, de quaisquer outras influências às quais o julgador como todo indivíduo está sujeito). A identificação de um conteúdo para a imparcialidade é, todavia, insuficiente para a solução de problemas práticos, razão pela qual o presente estudo sugere sua operacionalização por norma concreta extraída de regras vinculantes que imponham um comportamento (art. 14, caput, da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira) ou um estado de coisas (art. 13, § 6º da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira) que atenda a certas premissas de estrutura e de conteúdo. As premissas de estrutura têm como finalidade garantir a coerência e coesão sistemáticas da norma concreta, ao passo que as premissas de conteúdo (extraídas de casos reais) buscam a coerência interna da norma, ou seja, a coerência entre o juízo hipotético-normativo e o juízo sobre o evento fático subjacente. Essas premissas são examinadas à luz do ambiente institucional no qual a arbitragem se desenvolve, caracterizado principalmente pela interdependência e contínuo contato entre profissionais, a constante troca de papéis a que tais profissionais se sujeitam (ora como árbitros, ora como advogados) e a assimetria de informação. Propostos um conteúdo e um método de operacionalizá-lo para a solução de casos concretos, o presente estudo procura desatrelar a imparcialidade e seus efeitos da noção geral de independência do árbitro, sem apelar para a imprecisa dicotomia subjetividade-objetividade. Reconhece, ainda, que do árbitro são demandadas posturas diferentes daquelas preconizadas aos juízes, razão pela qual a aplicação de regras equiparativas (tal como o art. 14, caput, da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira), além de não esgotar todas as hipóteses de ataque à imparcialidade, deve ser precedida de diversas adaptações. Reconhece, também, o sentido e o alcance do binômio ciência-aceitação na prática arbitral. Por fim, o estudo trata da diversa natureza entre o dever de revelação e a imparcialidade impostos ao árbitro, de cujas violações derivam consequências também distintas. / The present study aims to overcome several general notions concerning the impartiality of the arbitrator and thus gives it a proper concept, drawn from the recognition of the vital importance of parties to exercise influence on the procedural legal relationship. The study assumes that all past experiences of the adjudicator (as any individual) constitute a necessary condition for him to create pre-conceptions and so understand and decide a conflict - and that therefore these experiences and past concepts always influence the adjudicator. The institutional environment in which the arbitration is developed and in which practitioners seek to derive symbolic capital that enables them to succeed in the nominations for the role of arbitrator is also a premise of analysis. This premise prevents from approving the generic notion of impartiality as \"equidistance\", \"the absence of self-interest in the outcome of the case\" or \"the absence of other influences in the convincing process of the adjudicator beyond the arguments submitted by the parties in dispute\", and requires the recognition of content based on the \"absence of barriers to the influence that the arguments of the parties shall exercise on the arbitrator\'s decision\" (regardless of any other influences to which the judge as any individual is exposed). Identifying content for impartiality is, however, insufficient for the solution of actual problems, and due to that, the study suggests its operation by a norm extracted from binding rules imposing conduct (art. 14, caput of Brazilian Arbitration Law) or a state of affairs (art. 13, § 6 of the Brazilian Arbitration Law) that meets certain premise of structure and content. The premise of structure is designed to provide systematic consistency and cohesion of the norm, and the premise of content (drawn from actual cases) seeks internal consistency of the standard, i.e., the consistency between the description of the event anticipated in the norm and the description of the underlying factual event. This premise is examined in the light of the institutional environment in which the arbitration is developed, mainly characterized by interdependence and continuous contact between professionals, the constant exchange of roles among such professionals (either as arbitrators or as lawyers) and information asymmetry. Proposed both a content and a method to operationalize it for the solution of actual cases, this study seeks to release fairness and its effects from the general notion of independence of the arbitrator, without resorting to imprecise objectivity-subjectivity dichotomy. It also recognizes that the institutional environment requires postures from the arbitrators that differ substantially from those required from judges; due to this reason, the application of rules that apparently prescribe the same standards or behaviors for both (such as art. 14, caput, the Brazilian Arbitration Law) does not fill all the hypothesis capable of menacing the impartiality and must be preceded by various adaptations. It also recognizes the meaning and scope of the binomial information-acceptance in arbitral practice. Finally, the study addresses the diverse nature of the duty of disclosure and impartiality imposed on the arbitrator, whose respective violations also imply different consequences.

Revision - hur uppnås god kvalitet i små revisionsbyråer? / Audit - how to achieve good quality in small audit firms?

Adolfsson, Angelica, Anter, Merve, Anter, Fasla January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:  </strong>Syftet med studien är att belysa och analysera hur revisorn arbetar för att eliminera risken för att göra väsentliga fel i årsredovisningen. Studien ska även beskriva och skapa förståelse för Revisorsnämndens och små revisionsbyråers arbete och ställningstagande till kvalitetssäkring.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Utifrån ett<strong> </strong>hermeneutiskt synsätt och med en kvalitativ metod utfördes personliga intervjuer med tre små revisionsbyråer och Revisorsnämnden. Vid val av informanter tillämpades ett strategiskt urval. I studien har en abduktiv ansats använts. </p><p><strong>Slutsatser: </strong>Åtaganden för att god kvalitet ska uppnås i revisionen är revisionsprocessen, rotation på revisionsuppdrag vart sjunde år, tillämpning av analysmodell och etiska normer, FAR SRS:s kvalitetskontroller, internt kontrollsystem och kvalitetssäkring från RN.</p> / Revisionskvalitet, kvalitetssäkring, etik, moral, trovärdighet, självständighet, oberoende, objektivitet, opartiskhet

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