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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-Excited Oscillations of the Impinging Planar Jet

Arthurs, David 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis experimentally investigates the geometry of a high-speed subsonic planar jet impinging orthogonally on a large, rigid plate at some distance downstream. This geometry has been found to be liable to the production of intense narrowband acoustic tones produced by self-excited flow oscillations for a range of impingement ratio, Mach number and nozzle thickness. Self-excited flows and acoustic tones were found to be generated in two distinct flow regimes: a linear regime occurring at relatively low Mach number, and a fluid-resonant regime occurring at higher Mach numbers. The linear regime has been found to generate acoustic tones exhibiting relatively low pressure amplitudes with frequencies which scale approximately linearly with increasing Mach number, and is produced by a traditional feedback mechanism, whereas tones within the fluid-resonant regime are produced by coupling between the unstable hydrodynamic modes of the jet and trapped acoustic modes occurring between the nozzle and the plate, and produce tones at significantly larger amplitudes. Coupling with these trapped acoustic modes was found to dominate the self-excited response of the system in the fluid-resonant regime, with the frequencies of these acoustic modes determining the unstable mode of the jet being excited, and with the impingement ratio of the flow having only minor effects related to the convection speed. Phase-locked PIV measurements have revealed that self-excited flow oscillations in the fluid-resonant regime are produced by a series of five anti-symmetric modes of the jet, along with a single symmetric mode occurring for small impingement ratios. The behavior of large coherent flow structures forming in the flow has been investigated and quantified, and this information has been used to develop a new feedback model, which can be used to accurately predict the self-excited flow oscillation of the jet.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Mélange d'un scalaire dans un jet turbulent : influence d'un obstacle. / Scalar mixing in turbulent jets : influence of an obstacle

Ducasse, Marie laure 12 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude s'intéresse aux risques associés à la formation d'une ATmosphère EXplosive (ATEX) née d'une fuite d'hydrogène et de sa dispersion dans l'air ambiant. La fuite a été modélisée par un jet turbulent à densité variable libre, impactant sur une sphère de diamètre 20mm ou sur une plaque plane. Dans un premier temps, les champs de vitesses et de concentration ont été obtenus expérimentalement en proche sortie grâce à des mesures de Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) et de Fluorescence Induite par Plan Laser sur l'acétone (PLIF). La turbulence et le mélange ont été caractérisés pour le cas d'un jet libre ou en présence d'un obstacle. A partir de ces mesures, la structure générale de l'écoulement a été étudiée à partir des champs moyens et fluctuants par comparaison avec les données de la bibliographie. Puis, les données issues des fluctuations ont été analysées statistiquement par l'étude des fonctions de densité de probabilité du scalaire. Ces travaux se sont poursuivis avec la mise en relation des résultats expérimentaux avec ceux obtenues par des simulations numériques DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) utilisant la méthode Boltzmann sur Réseau (LBM) d'un scalaire passif dans un jet d'air. Cette étude a permis de recueillir et d'analyser des données supplémentaires sur le mélange d'un jet à masse volumique variable libre ou impactant. Ces données sont directement applicables à la maitrise des risques liés aux fuites d'hydrogène. / This study examines the risks associated with the formation of an explosive atmosphere from a hydrogen leak and its dispersion into the air. We considered the leak as a turbulent jet with density variable, free and impinging a $20,mm$ diameter sphere or a flat plate. Firstly, velocity and scalar fields have been measured experimentally in the near field through Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and acetone Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). Turbulence and mixing have been defined in the case of free jet and impinging jet. From this measurements, the flow structure has been presented from the mean and fluctuating flow measurements by comparison with literature data. Next, the fluctuation scalar fields are studied with the probability density function method. Finally, a comparison has been conducted between the experiments and direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulence based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for passive scalar in air jet. This study is gathering and analyzing data on the mixing of jet with density variable, free and impinging jet. Such data is directly useful to identify and control risks incurred due to hydrogen leak.

Etude des transferts thermiques par batteries de jets pour la trempe du verre

Wannassi, Manel 16 July 2013 (has links)
La trempe à l’air est largement utilisée dans les procédés de production de verre de sécurité. L’obtention d’une distribution de contraintes adéquate requiert un refroidissement intense et homogène à la fois, et ces deux propriétés sont difficiles à obtenir sur la courte durée de la trempe. Les batteries de jets utilisées dans la plupart des systèmes de trempe produisent un refroidissement adéquat mais souffrent d’inhomogénéité, à l’origine de défauts de trempe et de casse durant le processus.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer des nouvelles configurations qui améliorent l’homogénéité du refroidissement en préservant son intensité. L’approche choisie consiste à implanter des jets rotatifs dans les réseaux de manière à accentuer le mélange des jets avant impact. Les études ont été menées principalement par simulation numérique, corroborées par des visualisations par enduit gras sur un banc d’essai dédié, conçu et réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse.La première phase a été consacrée à la conception des générateurs de jets rotatifs et à l’étude de leur dynamique en mode isolé. Le développement d’une structure tourbillonnaire se formant à l’entrée de chaque lobe du dispositif de mise en rotation a été mis en évidence. L’interaction des jets rotatifs dans le réseau de refroidissement constitue la deuxième phase. Il apparait que la structure cellulaire du schéma d’impact n’est que marginalement perturbée par les jets rotatifs et que la présence de ces derniers n’influe que peu sur la dynamique de l’écoulement. Enfin, la modélisation détaillée des transferts de chaleur sur la plaque d’impact montre que les jets rotatifs ne contribuent que faiblement au refroidissement, mais que l’interférence avec le réseau de jets simples augmente légèrement le transfert de chaleur local au niveau de leur impact. Sans avoir obtenu les résultats escomptés, cette thèse a toutefois montré la complexité du système et le couplage fort entre les phases d’alimentation et d’évacuation de l’air de refroidissement. / Air quenching is widely applied in security glass manufacturing processes. Proper residual stresses distribution requires strong and homogeneous cooling and both are difficult to achieve over the very short time of the tempering process. Jet arrays used in most processes provide with sufficient cooling but suffer from inherent inhomogeneity, leading to quality loss of the glass product and, in extreme cases, to unacceptable breaking numbers during production.The objective of the present study is to investigate ways to improve cooling homogeneity while maintaining efficiency. For this purpose, swirling jets are located inside the jet arrays to enhance jet mixing prior to impingement. Numerical simulation is performed, corroborated by oil flow visualization and a dedicated test bench has been designed and set up within the frame of this thesis.The first part was concerned with the design of swirlers and their dynamic behaviour in standalone mode. It has been shown that a vortex is forming at the inlet of each swirl compartment. Inserting the swirlers within jet arrays constitutes the seconf phase. It turns out that the cellular structure of the impingement pattern is only marginally affected by the swirlers, which have a weak influence on the flow dynamics. Last, the detailed heat transfer modeling on the impingement surface shows that the swirlers themselves do barely contribute to the overall cooling, while the coupling with the simple jet array slightly improves the local heat transfer close to the impingement area. Although the expected outcome was not achieved, this thesis showed the flow complexity as well as the strong coupling between the feeding and the exhaust phases experienced by the cooling air.

Unsteady gas flows and particle dynamics in the shock layer formed by the impingement of a supersonic two-phase jet onto a plate / Instationäre Strömungen und die Dynamik von Partikeln in der Stoßschicht beim Aufprall eines zweiphasigen Überschallfreistrahls auf eine Platte

Klinkov, Konstantin 10 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Étude expérimentale des couplages entre la dynamique d’un jet qui heurte une plaque fendue et l’émission sonore générée / Experimental study of coupling between the dynamics of a jet impinging a slotted plate and the noise generated

Assoum, Hassan 11 December 2013 (has links)
Un jet heurtant une plaque fendue peut générer, dans certaines configurations, des nuisances sonores. En effet, l’interaction de l’écoulement et de l’obstacle au niveau de la fente, sous certaines conditions, donne naissance à une perturbation remontant l’écoulement et pouvant contrôler son détachement à sa naissance. La perturbation produite par cette boucle de rétroaction optimise le transfert d’énergie du champ aérodynamique du jet vers le champ acoustique rayonné. Afin d’appréhender la dynamique tourbillonnaire, d’analyser les couplages entre cette dernière et les émissions sonores générées et de mieux comprendre les phénomènes responsables de ces nuisances, un dispositif expérimental basé sur de la métrologie laser a été réalisé. Ce système permet, d’une part, la génération de l’écoulement et la maitrise de ses paramètres (confinement, vitesse, forme,…) et d’autre part, la réalisation de plans lasers et de mesures par imagerie de particules (PIV). Ainsi le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit concerne les couplages qui existent entre la dynamique de l’écoulement heurtant une plaque fendue et les champs acoustiques générés. Les mesures de champs cinématiques d’un jet plan heurtant une plaque fendue par Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) sont réalisées simultanément avec des mesures de champs acoustiques. Après avoir caractérisé les écoulements étudiés, on présente par des graphes spatio-temporels, les corrélations entre les signaux acoustiques et les vitesses de l’écoulement depuis la sortie du jet jusqu’à son arrivée à la plaque fendue. Ces corrélations sont calculées de deux manières : à partir de signaux bruts dans un premier temps, puis, dans un second temps, avec une méthode de pré-blanchiment (terme anglo-saxon : ‘’pre-whitening’’). Cette méthode vise à mettre en exergue l’existence d’une instabilité globale du jet qui existe dans les signaux analysés. Cette instabilité est importante pour la boucle de rétroaction des sons auto-entretenus, mais quasiment masquée devant les phénomènes principaux dominants (tourbillons primaires) dans le calcul des inter-corrélations. / Self-sustaining sounds related to aero-acoustic coupling occurs in impinging jets when a feedback loop is present between the jet exit and a slotted plate: the downstream-convected coherent structures and upstream-propagating pressure waves generated by the impingement of the coherent structures on the plate are phase locked at the nozzle exit. The upstream-propagating waves excite the thin shear layer near the nozzle lip and result in periodic coherent structures. The period is determined by the convection speed of the coherent structures and the distance between the nozzle and the plate. Simultaneous measurements of the velocity fields and the acoustic waves in a plane jet impinging a slotted plate were performed using time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) and a microphone. A better understanding of the flow physics and the aero-acoustic coupling are obtained thanks to spatio-temporal cross-correlations between the transverse velocity and the acoustic signals. Cross-correlations are calculated using two different methods: classical analysis of the original signals and by developing a pre-whitening technique. The latter method is useful for analyzing small random signals superimposed on a high amplitude pure tone.

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

Air-Assited Atomization Strategies For High Viscosity Fuels

Mohan, Avulapati Madan 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Atomization of fuel is an important pre-requisite for efficient combustion in devices such as gas turbines, liquid propellant rocket engines, internal combustion engines and incinerators. The overall objective of the present work is to explore air-assisted atomization strategies for high viscosity fuels and liquids. Air-assisted atomization is a twin-fluid atomization method in which energy of the gas is used to assist the atomization of liquids. Broadly, three categories of air-assisted injection, i.e., effervescent, impinging jet and pre-filming air-blast are studied. Laser-based diagnostics are used to characterize the spray structure in terms of cone angle, penetration and drop size distribution. A backlit direct imaging method is used to study the macroscopic spray characteristics such as spray structure and spray cone angle while the microscopic characteristics are measured using the Particle/droplet imaging analysis (PDIA) technique. Effervescent atomization is a technique in which a small amount of gas is injected into the liquid at high pressure in the form of bubbles. Upon injection, the two-phase mixture expands rapidly and shatters the liquid into droplets and ligaments. Effervescent spray characteristics of viscous fuels such as Jatropha and Pongamia pure plant oils and diesel are studied. Measurements are made at various gas-to-liquid ratios (GLRs) and injection pressures. A Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) of the order of 20 µm is achieved at an injection pressure of 10 bar and GLR of 0.2 with viscous fuels. An image-based method is proposed and applied to evaluate the unsteadiness in the spray. A map indicating steady/unsteady regime of operation has been generated. An optically accessible injector tip is developed which has enabled visualization of the two-phase flow structure inside the exit orifice of the atomizer. An important contribution of the present work is the correlation of the two-phase flow regime in the orifice with the external spray structure. For viscous fuels, the spray is observed to be steady only in the annular two-phase flow regime. Unexpanded gas bubbles observed in the liquid core even at an injection pressure of 10 bar indicate that the bubbly flow regime may not be beneficial for high viscosity oils. A novel method of external mixing twin-fluid atomization is developed. In this method, two identical liquid jets impinging at an angle are atomized using a gas jet. The effect of liquid viscosity (1 cP to 39 cP) and surface tension (22 mN/m to 72 mN/m) on this mode of atomization is studied by using water-glycerol and water-ethanol mixtures, respectively. An SMD of the order of 40 µm is achieved for a viscosity of 39 cP at a GLR of 0.13 at a liquid pressure of 8 bar and gas pressure of 5 bar. It is observed that the effect of liquid properties is minimal at high GLRs where the liquid jets are broken before the impingement as in the prompt atomization mode. Finally, a pre-filming air-blast technique is explored for transient spray applications. An SMD of 22 µm is obtained with diesel at liquid and gas pressures as low as 10 bar and 8.5 bar, respectively. With this technique, an SMD of 44 µm is achieved for Jatropha oil having a viscosity 10 times higher than that of diesel.

Vliv omezujících stěn na proudění z ventilační vyústky / Influence of boundary walls on the flow from the ventilation outlet

Molčan, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this work is to experimentally assess the influence of limiting walls of Škoda Octavia 3 automobile cabin to the air jet flowing from the right-front situated automotive vent which is part of a car dashboard. The experiment is performed by the smoke visualization method. There is a single construction option measured for an experiment. The setup of the vanes direction and the air flow rate are modified for this option. The experiment is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the visualization of the free air flow is conducted. In the second phase, exit plates are constructed and consequently, the visualization of the wall-jet flow is conducted. The results of both are compared to each other. The results imply that the influence of the surrounding surfaces must be taken into account with the increasing flow rate for the vanes set in the direction of upper-right, middle-right, and middle-middle. There is a direct interaction between the flow and exit plates (the flow impact, the Coanda effect). The free flow does not contain the information about the mutual interaction between the flow and the exit plates, as it is in the case of the wall-jet flow. In the case of the wall-jet flow, the opening of the flow takes place due to the effect of the impact and the subsequential suction caused by the Coanda effect. The exit plates substituting the car dashboard and the front window contribute to the prevention of the air intake from surrounding space and consequently to earlier flow opening from the vent. The present work also contains the measurement methodology and the image evaluation, the comparison with previous free flow measurements (70% match) and the comparison to the measurement of hot-wire anemometry method.

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