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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möjligheter och hinder vid implementering av StegVis 1 : En enkätundersökning riktad till StegVis-utbildade pedagoger i förskolan/skolan i norra Örebro län

Öhlund, Veronica, Wiklund, Erika January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Forskningen kring implementeringsprocesser inom folkhälsoområdet är fortfarande relativt begränsad. Implementering handlar om att få en ny metod eller ett nytt program att användas i ordinarie verksamhet som en ordinarie metod. Betydelsen av implementering är att förverkliga och genomföra, men också att det som görs får den verkan och den effekt som avses och önskas. För att slutresultatet av en ny metod ska bli bra är det av största vikt att implementeringen fungerar. Det spelar ingen roll hur väl fungerande metoden är, om den inte lyckas förankras i verksamheten.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheter och hinder vid implementering av ett program för socialt och emotionellt lärande, StegVis, bland barn i åldrarna fyra till sex år i förskolan/skolan.</p><p>Metod: På uppdrag av folkhälsoteamet i norra Örebro län genomfördes en utvärdering av implementeringen av programmet i de fyra kommunerna Lindesberg, Nora, Hällefors och Ljusnarsberg. Undersökningen riktade sig till samtliga pedagoger i dessa fyra kommuner som fullföljt utbildningen i StegVis 1, sammantaget 182 stycken. Eftersom önskan var att nå ett större antal pedagoger valdes en kvantitativ metod med kvalitativa inslag. Datainsamling skedde genom postenkäter. Insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS och den kvalitativa analysmetoden meningskoncentrering.</p><p>Resultat: Totalt var svarsfrekvensen 37% vilket innebar en för låg svarsfrekvens för generalisering av resultatet. 72% av respondenterna arbetade på en förskola/skola som vid svarstillfället använde sig av StegVis 1 i verksamheten. Sammantaget hade ungefär 90% av respondenterna arbetat på en förskola/skola som vid något tillfälle sedan fullföljd utbildning hade använt sig av StegVis 1 i verksamheten. Av de respondenter som deltagit i undersökningen var majoriteten nöjd med StegVis som program. De flesta angav att det praktiska införandet har fungerat bra och programföljsamheten var relativt hög med några få undantag. Faktorer som möjliggjort implementeringen av StegVis 1 är behov av socialt och emotionellt lärande, positiva attityder, stöd från ledning, synliga effekter av programmet, tillgång till lokaler, flexibilitet samt bestämda tider för utförande. Faktorer som visat sig hindra implementeringen av StegVis 1 är problem med gruppsammansättning, brist på stöd från kollegor, brist på tid till planering och utförande samt lokalbrist.</p><p>Diskussion/slutsatser: Resultatet har kopplats till tidigare forskning och de tendenser som iakttagits stämmer väl överens med tidigare teorier och modeller. StegVis indikeras vara relevant som program då behovet av socialt och emotionellt lärande i förskolan/skolan verkar finnas, vilket i ett inledningsskede möjliggör implementeringsprocessen. Vidare tenderar andra underlättande implementeringsfaktorer vara olika viktiga beroende på var i implementeringsprocessen programmet befinner sig. Programföljsamheten är överlag god, men hade antagligen gynnats av tydligare mål och riktlinjer för programmet i de olika verksamheterna. En uppföljnings-, utbytesträff hade kunnat vara värdefull för att underlätta utvecklingen av goda färdigheter i programmet hos pedagogerna.</p><p>Framtida forskning: Ett förslag för framtida forskning kan vara att lägga mer fokus på dem som av någon anledning slutar använda programmet och orsaker till detta. Denna studie kan även fungera som underlag för, samt underlätta framtida studier och då framförallt med avseende på metod och metoddiskussion som kan bidra till att uppnå bättre kontroll över undersökningen i liknande studier.</p><p> </p> / <p>Background: The research of implementation processes in the public health area is still relatively limited. Implementation concerns the procedure of putting into action a new method or program into an organization’s internal, everyday operation. Implementation encompasses the realization of, and the carrying through of, for example a program, but an important aspect is also that the implementation has the desired effect. To make sure that the result of a method in practice will be positive, it is of greatest importance that the implementation works. It does not matter how well the method works, if it does not have the support of the organization.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine possibilities and obstacles of implementation of a program in social and emotional learning, Second Step, among 4-6 year olds in preschool/school. Method: On assignment from the public health team in the counties in northern Örebro, an evaluation of the implementation of the program in the four municipalities Lindesberg, Nora, Hällefors and Ljusnarsberg was performed. The sample consisted of all educationalists that had completed the Second Step 1 training, a total of 182 individuals. A quantitative approach was chosen, as the idea was to reach a greater number of educationalists. Data was collected through a questionnaire and analyzed with the help of SPSS and a simple kind of content analysis.</p><p>Result: The reply frequency was 37%, which is too low for a generalization of the result. 72% of the respondents worked at a preschool/school that at the time used Second Step 1 in the organization. All in all, about 90% of the respondents had worked at a preschool/school that had used Second Step 1 in the organization at some point. Most of the respondents were pleased with Second Step as a program. The majority of the respondents stated that the practical introduction of Second Step had functioned well and the fidelity was relatively high with a few exceptions. Factors that have made the implementation of Second Step possible is need for social and emotional learning, positive attitudes, leader support, visible effects of the program, access to premises, flexibility and settled times. Factors that have proven to be obstacles for the implementation of Second Step are problems with the group composition, lack of support from colleagues,lack of access to premises and lack of time to plan and perform.</p><p>Discussion/conclusions: Theresult has been put in relation to earlier research and the discovered tendencies correspond well with earlier theories and models. Second Step indicates to be relevant as a program, though the need of social and emotional learning in preschool/school seems to exist, which at an early stage makes the implementation possible. Other facilitating implementation factors tend to vary in importance depending on where in the process the program is. Overall, the fidelity is satisfactory, but it would probably have been more beneficial with clearer goals and guidelines for the program in the organizations. An evaluating exchange meeting could have been valuable to facilitate the program skill development among the educationalists.</p><p>Future research: One example for future studies can be to put more focus on those who stop using the program and reasons for this. This study may also be a basis for, and facilitate, future studies, especially considering the method and discussion of the method which can contribute to improve control over the survey in similar studies.</p>

The diffusion of a balanced scorecard in a divisionalized firm : Adoption and implementation in a practical context

Wenisch, Simone January 2004 (has links)
Diffusion studies are commonly associated with the dissemination of innovations across legally and economically independent organizational units. Suggesting a new perspective on the existing diffusion literature, this thesis argues that diffusion of innovations is a relevant issue to study also on a (formally) micro–level of investigation. Based on this reasoning, this thesis examines how and why a contemporary management accounting tool diffuses within a group of organizations belonging to a common corporate group. The concept in focus is the Balanced Scorecard. A high number of adopters worldwide combined with a shortage of empirically grounded scientific studies dealing with the practical Scorecard application make it a relevant tool to study. Against this background, this thesis also aims to enhance our knowledge on what it means to adopt and to maintain a Balanced Scorecard in practice. To address these aims, this study presents the results of an in-depth case study of a large-sized multinational firm. The empirical data describes a five-year BSC adoption and implementation process in five business divisions; all of them active in the communications business. Diffusion of innovations studies, supplemented by management accounting implementation studies form a first part of the theoretical framework developed. In an effort to create an even richer understanding of the data, a network perspective is additionally applied in a second analytical step. The findings of this thesis indicate that applying theory of diffusion on a micro–level requires using a process-approach of study. Under this pre-condition, the study portrays the intra-firm Balanced Scorecard diffusion as a complex process—unpredictable in its nature and highly dependent on groups of individuals and their interests. The Balanced Scorecard is identified as a management fashion. Confirming experiences made with established management accounting tools, organizational resistance prolongs its implementation process. Parts of this resistance are identified as being related to the Scorecard concept itself, while others appear to be non-specific to the tool examined.

Sistemas de gestão empresarial : compreendendo o processo de implementação e identificando o drifting através da interação de atores

Canepa, Paola Carmen Valenzuela January 2010 (has links)
Existem diversas pesquisas que tratam o assunto do processo de implementação dos Sistemas de Gestão Empresarial (SGE) no setor empresarial. A maioria delas focalizada no planejamento e o controle do gerenciamento no contexto formativo e abrangente que as envolve. Contudo, ainda existe uma lacuna ao estudar o processo de implementação nas pequenas e médias empresas que tenham orientação empreendedora. Devido ao fato de que estas empresas encontram-se num ambiente descontrolado, evidenciando saídas de rumo diante qualquer planejamento (drifting), tornam-se interessante os estudos de caso neste setor. Sendo assim, compreender como acontece o processo de implementação de um SGE e quais são as práticas que podem ser executadas para promover sua utilização sucedida é o foco deste trabalho de pesquisa. Para tanto foram utilizados os conceitos teóricos trazidos pelo trabalho de Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) em conjunto com a abordagem da Teoria do Ator- Rede (TAR) proposta pelo Latour (2005), Callon (1998) e Law (1992). O trabalho mostra a forma de utilização da TAR, evidencia os conceitos trazidos pelo Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) e propõe práticas para promover a utilização dos SGE para a fornecedora do estudo. Além disso, demonstra a necessidade de fazer mais pesquisas, no setor empresarial objeto deste estudo, uma vez que este tipo de empresa não aplica as melhores práticas mostradas nas diversas pesquisas apresentadas na literatura. Assim também, sugere-se a continuação deste estudo analisando outros atores que introduzam o ambiente tecnológico, econômico e social desse setor para poder identificar outros motivos pelos quais os atores executaram e fizeram as escolhas relatadas, pois com a TAR estudou-se a interação entre os atores envolvidos no processo de implementação do SGE, apresentando uma descrição de como foi construído esse processo. / There are several researches that deal with the matter of ERP implementation process on enterprise sector. Most of them focused on planning management control on overarching formative context that involves them. However, there is still a gap when a study is made on implementation for small and medium sized companies with entrepreneur orientation. Because these companies are settled in a non-controlled environment, noticing miss-routing upon any planning (drifting), it is interesting to have case studies in this sector. Thus, understanding how ERP implementation process is made and which are the procedures that can be applied to promote a succeed utilization is the focus of this research work. For this, it has been used theorical concepts brought by the work of Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) and the theorical approach of actor-network theory (ANT) proposed by Latour (2005), Callon (1998) and Law (1992). This work has shown the utilization of the ANT, it has evidenced the concepts brought by Ciborra (2002, 2000, and 1999) and suggests practices to promote the utilization of ERP for the supplier followed on this study. Besides, it is suggested to continue this study by introducing actors that represents the technological, economical and social environment of the studied sector to identify others reasons for actors’ options, once with the ANT was shown the interaction between the actors during the implementation process as a description of how the process was constructed as a result of this interaction.

Descentralizar, concentrar ou pactuar? Desenhos e estágios de implementação do Sistema Único de Segurança Pública em municípios da Bahia e de Pernambuco

Santos, Ísis Gomes dos January 2010 (has links)
135fls. / Submitted by Hozana Azevedo (hazevedo@ufba.br) on 2013-06-13T17:33:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Isis Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 1078876 bytes, checksum: e01d5f087d7808c0f05ff1bb6e5d304d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná(dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-06-25T17:48:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Isis Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 1078876 bytes, checksum: e01d5f087d7808c0f05ff1bb6e5d304d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-25T17:48:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isis Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 1078876 bytes, checksum: e01d5f087d7808c0f05ff1bb6e5d304d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / CNPq / Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar como a política federal do Sistema Único de Segurança Pública está sendo implementada em municípios do Nordeste e, por sua vez, como as políticas dos Governos Locais convergem para este processo de implementação. Um segundo objetivo foi analisar quais fatores podem auxiliar a compreensão da existência de estágios diferenciados de implantação nos municípios selecionados, destacando os constrangimentos e incentivos relacionados a estes. Para seleção dos casos estudados, utilizaram-se dados da Pesquisa de Informações Básicas Municipais – CENSO MUNIC/IBGE, tendo sido selecionada uma amostra censitária de dez municípios nos estados da Bahia e de Pernambuco. Nestes contextos, foram explorados aspectos relativos aos processos e mecanismos de implementação do SUSP e de outras políticas públicas e iniciativas locais de prevenção à criminalidade e violência, tanto entre segmentos dos governos subnacionais, como da sociedade civil organizada. Por alcançarem maior interface com o SUSP, as políticas municipais (Guardas Municipais, Planos Municipais, Fundos Municipais e Conselhos Municipais/Comunitários) foram estudadas de forma mais incisiva, por meio da coleta primária de dados qualitativos, buscando-se aprofundar a compreensão do fenômeno em análise. Considerando que a implementação da política nacional do SUSP presume a descentralização de poderes, competências e atribuições, mas, em contrapartida, exige o estabelecimento de relações cooperativas e complementares entre níveis de governo, a fundamentação teórica das análises empíricas desta pesquisa buscou, notadamente, contribuições na literatura sobre implementação de políticas públicas e nos estudos sobre descentralização política e relações intergovernamentais, a fim de dar conta de compreender quais instituições afetam comportamentos e decisões no processo de implementação da política em análise. Os achados indicaram que embora apresente incentivos universais, o SUSP se encontra em estágio mais institucionalizado nos municípios de Pernambuco do que nos municípios da Bahia, permitindo concluir que a implementação da política analisada envolve um arranjo de relações que varia segundo a interação entre os desenhos das políticas municipais pré-existentes e as seguintes variáveis: o caráter de execução da política estadual de segurança pública nos municípios; o acesso ao conhecimento técnico e científico sobre as políticas de prevenção; as articulações estabelecidas entre o nível municipal e federal; e, sobremaneira, os contextos de governança intermunicipal. Conclui-se, ainda, que a implantação do SUSP potencializa-se em situações que envolvem um desenho robusto de relações entre governos locais circunscritos num mesmo território e que, em tais contextos, as burocracias da área e a intervenção da União jogam papel determinante na implementação da política federal. This thesis has been carried out with the aim of identifying how the federal policy of the Unified Public Safety System (SUSP) is being implemented in Northeast municipalities and, in turn, how the policies of the Local Governments converge to this implementation process. A second aim has been to examine which variables may help understand the existence of different stages of implementation in the selected municipalities, highlighting the associated constraints and incentives. Data from the Municipal Basic Information Survey- CENSUS MUNIC / IBGE- has been used in selecting the studied cases and a sample census of ten municipalities in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco has been selected. In those contexts, aspects of the processes and mechanisms for implementing the SUSP and other public policies and local initiatives to prevent crime and violence have been explored, both among segments from subnational governments and from the organized civil society. Municipal politics (Municipal Guards, Municipal Projects, Municipal Funds and Municipal/Community Councils), for achieving greater interface with the SUSP, have been studied most deeply through the primary collection of qualitative data, aiming to deepen the understanding of the phenomenon under review. The theoretical foundation of the empirical analysis has searched contributions, notably, in the literature on implementation of public policies and in the studies on political decentralization and intergovernmental relations, aiming to understand which polity affect behaviors and decisions in the process of implementing the policy under review, considering that the implementation of the national policy for the SUSP presupposes the decentralization of powers, functions and duties, but in contrast, requires the establishment of cooperative and complementary relations among levels of government. The findings have indicated that the SUSP, although showing universal incentives, is found to be in a more institutionalized stage in the municipalities of Pernambuco rather than in those of Bahia, allowing the conclusion that the analyzed policy implementation involves an arrangement of relationships which varies according to the interaction among the designs of pre-existing local policies and the following variables: the character of implementation of state policy for public safety in the municipalities, the access to technical and scientific knowledge on prevention policies, the links established between the federal and municipal levels and, above all, the contexts of municipal governance. One can also conclude that the implementation of the SUSP gains strength in situations involving a robust design of relationships between local governments circumscribed within the same territory and that, in such contexts, the bureaucracies of the area and the intervention of Federal Government play a decisive role in implementing the federal policy. / Salvador

Sistemas de gestão empresarial : compreendendo o processo de implementação e identificando o drifting através da interação de atores

Canepa, Paola Carmen Valenzuela January 2010 (has links)
Existem diversas pesquisas que tratam o assunto do processo de implementação dos Sistemas de Gestão Empresarial (SGE) no setor empresarial. A maioria delas focalizada no planejamento e o controle do gerenciamento no contexto formativo e abrangente que as envolve. Contudo, ainda existe uma lacuna ao estudar o processo de implementação nas pequenas e médias empresas que tenham orientação empreendedora. Devido ao fato de que estas empresas encontram-se num ambiente descontrolado, evidenciando saídas de rumo diante qualquer planejamento (drifting), tornam-se interessante os estudos de caso neste setor. Sendo assim, compreender como acontece o processo de implementação de um SGE e quais são as práticas que podem ser executadas para promover sua utilização sucedida é o foco deste trabalho de pesquisa. Para tanto foram utilizados os conceitos teóricos trazidos pelo trabalho de Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) em conjunto com a abordagem da Teoria do Ator- Rede (TAR) proposta pelo Latour (2005), Callon (1998) e Law (1992). O trabalho mostra a forma de utilização da TAR, evidencia os conceitos trazidos pelo Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) e propõe práticas para promover a utilização dos SGE para a fornecedora do estudo. Além disso, demonstra a necessidade de fazer mais pesquisas, no setor empresarial objeto deste estudo, uma vez que este tipo de empresa não aplica as melhores práticas mostradas nas diversas pesquisas apresentadas na literatura. Assim também, sugere-se a continuação deste estudo analisando outros atores que introduzam o ambiente tecnológico, econômico e social desse setor para poder identificar outros motivos pelos quais os atores executaram e fizeram as escolhas relatadas, pois com a TAR estudou-se a interação entre os atores envolvidos no processo de implementação do SGE, apresentando uma descrição de como foi construído esse processo. / There are several researches that deal with the matter of ERP implementation process on enterprise sector. Most of them focused on planning management control on overarching formative context that involves them. However, there is still a gap when a study is made on implementation for small and medium sized companies with entrepreneur orientation. Because these companies are settled in a non-controlled environment, noticing miss-routing upon any planning (drifting), it is interesting to have case studies in this sector. Thus, understanding how ERP implementation process is made and which are the procedures that can be applied to promote a succeed utilization is the focus of this research work. For this, it has been used theorical concepts brought by the work of Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) and the theorical approach of actor-network theory (ANT) proposed by Latour (2005), Callon (1998) and Law (1992). This work has shown the utilization of the ANT, it has evidenced the concepts brought by Ciborra (2002, 2000, and 1999) and suggests practices to promote the utilization of ERP for the supplier followed on this study. Besides, it is suggested to continue this study by introducing actors that represents the technological, economical and social environment of the studied sector to identify others reasons for actors’ options, once with the ANT was shown the interaction between the actors during the implementation process as a description of how the process was constructed as a result of this interaction.

Le processus d'implantation d'une innovation managériale : le cas de l'Animation à Intervalle Court dans la société Schneider Electric / Management innovation implementation process : Short Management Interval at Schneider Electric company

Giuliani, Philippe 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet d'exposer et d'analyser le processus de mise en oeuvre d'une innovation managériale dans un cadre intra-organisationnel. Elle s'attache à décrire de façon détaillée et exhaustive l'ensemble des actions mises en oeuvre par l'entreprise afin d'implanter durablement et avec succès une innovation managériale majeure : l'Animation à Intervalle Court (AIC). Notre recherche a également pour objectif de mettre en lumière les freins et les facteurs clefs de succès spécifiques au processus de mise en oeuvre de l'innovation managériale. Nos résultats tendent à montrer que plus l'innovation managériale est radicale, plus elle pourra être mise en oeuvre avec succès dans l’entreprise. Notre contribution porte également sur la démonstration de l'efficacité de l'innovation managériale ainsi que sur l’analyse du mode de relation qu'entretien l'innovation managériale avec les autres catégories d'innovations et leur impact sur la performance de l'entreprise. / This research aims to analyze and describe the implementation process of a management innovation in organizational context. It seeks to explain in detailed way all the actions developed by the company in a way to implement successfully and with a long lasting time a radical management innovation called : Short Management Interval. Our research aims to highlight the key factors success and the organizational constraints of management innovation implementation process. Our results demonstrate that the more radical the management innovation is, the more it will be implemented successfully. Our research contributes to demonstrate the positive effect of management innovation for the firm performance.

Proces implementace systému hodnocení pracovníků v renomované české pojišťovací společnosti / The implementation process of the employees’ appraisal system of renowned Czech insurance company

Svobodová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
Employees' appraisal belongs to the active instruments of human resource management and performance. Its importance in the management of today's companies grows constantly with the increasing role of human capital in the intellectualization process. Appraisal is becoming an important way of achieving and maintaining the policy of high performance, productivity and competitiveness. The object of this thesis is a renowned Czech insurance company, which in the context of streamlining its processes and systems decided to change the employees' appraisal system. The aim of this thesis is to map out the implementation process of this new form of the appraisal system. The company will gain feedback on the overall course of the implementation and will be able to avoid some deficiencies defined during the process in future. At the same time this thesis can provide the company with some optimizing recommendations, which the company can use in the future revision of its appraisal system.

Reform and change in police education: Examining the variations in the top-down and bottom-up structures in the process of implementation.

Kapti, Alican 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the variations in the practice of implementation in different implementation structures using the case of police education reforms that were undertaken by the Turkish National Police (TNP) in 2001 and 2003. Differentiations and similarities in the top-down and bottom-up structures while practicing the process of implementation were investigated in this study. First, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the process of implementation and structure of implementation. Second, the study introduces TNP education reforms and explains the reasons for the reform. Third, a quantitative approach is used to measure the success of the TNP educational reforms. Specifically, multiple regression analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc tests are used to clarify if police performance in the TNP has improved since the reforms. Fourth, the study uses a qualitative approach to find out how features associated with top-down or bottom up approaches were involved in the process of implementation of the educational reforms. Finally, based upon the views of the participants in the qualitative analysis, the study examines the variations in the practice of implementation between decision makers and the street level bureaucrats.

Implementace ERP systému ve firmě a jeho propojení s E-shopem / ERP system implementation in the company and its connection with E-shop

Konečný, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The Master thesis deals with the analyzing of the actual metodology of information system (thereinafter IS) implementation and the creation of a new more effective methodology that would prevent the repetition of the indentified deficiency. Despite the diversity of individual customers and their requests concerning the IS implementation and modification, it is necessary to apply the procedural approach during the generation of projects. The implementation methodolgy is thus defined by the description of the particular processes of IS implementation.

Återvinning, återanvändning eller LCA? : en kvalitativ studie inom den svenska textilindustrin / Recycle, reuse or LCA? : a qualitative study within the swedish textile industry

Kollberg Stolt, Paulina, Padron, Melinda, Knutsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har textilindustrin bevittnat en ökad medvetenhet gällandehållbarhet. Redan 2010 nämner Karl-Johan Persson, före detta VD för H&amp;M, att hållbarhet är en naturlig del av att göra affärer i en globaliserad värld (H&amp;M 2010). Trots att detta uttalades redan för ett decennium sedan, kan det än idag ifrågasättas ifall textilindustrin verkligen har utvecklat någon realistisk lösning. Allt fler så kallade "hållbara affärsmodeller “tillkommer inom modebranschen, men tyvärr kan ordet "hållbarhet" ibland användas som ett generellt container begrepp utan att betona de faktiska aspekterna som hållbarhet inkluderar(Van Weele 2014). Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka svenskaproduktutvecklande företag och analysera dess bakomliggande motiv, implementeringsprocesser och genererade effekter som kan ses vid användning avhållbarhetsaktiviteterna återvinning (recycle), återanvändning (reuse) och Life CycleAssessment (LCA). Följaktligen ämnar studien till att skapa en djupare förståelse för länken mellan företags existerande affärsmodell och valda hållbarhetsaktiviter. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats, där studiens empiriska information samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med svenskaproduktutvecklande företag. Avsikten är således att forma sammanhängande tolkningar av studiens insamlade data för att därigenom skapa ett resultat som kan användas praktiskt i vidare studier och aktiviteter inom området. Studiens resultatet tyder på att företagens motiv kan kategoriseras inom de tre fundamentenligt modellen Triple Bottom Line; (1) ekonomiskt, (2) socialt och (3) miljömässigt. Ytterligare kategorisering sågs för (4) motiv avseende varumärke. Vidare kan det konstaterasatt olika hållbarhetsaktiviteter kräver olika implementeringar, samt att inga stora åtgärder i dagsläget har skett inom företagens befintliga affärsmodeller under implementering. Följaktligen, efter implementering av vald hållbarhetsaktivitet, har ekonomiska, sociala, miljömässiga samt effekter avseende varumärket uppstått. Vidare visar studien att hållbarhetsaktiviteter eventuellt bör implementeras och prioriteras olika utifrån verksambransch. Det är därmed av rekommendation för praktiker inom arbets- och sportbranschen att fokusera på LCA, då studiens empiri har konstaterat att återvinning och återanvändning inte är lämplig för dessa produktkategorier. Det kan även rekommenderas att modebranschen prioriterar återanvändning före återvinning. Dels på grund av att återvunna plagg ofta har en kortare livscykel beroende på sämre kvalitet, men även på grund av att det är en meravancerad hållbarhetsaktivitet i jämförelse med återanvändning. Slutligen kan denna studiedra kopplingen att det blir betydligt viktigare att utföra en LCA på produkter som ej kan återanvändas eller återvinnas. / In recent decades, the textile industry has witnessed an increased awareness of sustainability. Already in 2010, Karl-Johan Persson, former CEO of H&amp;M, mentioned that sustainability is a natural part of doing business in a globalized world (H&amp;M 2010). Although this was stated a decade ago, it can still be questioned today if the textile industry has really developed any realistic solution. More and more so-called "sustainable business models" are emerging within the industry, but unfortunately the word "sustainability" can sometimes be used as a general container concept without emphasizing the actual aspects that sustainability includes(Van Weele 2014). The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate Swedish product development companies and analyze its underlying motives, implementation processes and generated effects that can be seen when using the sustainability activities recycling, reuse and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Accordingly, the study aims to create a deeper understanding of the link between existing business models and selected sustainability activities, which is required in previous research. To answer the study's research questions, a qualitative research strategy was applied, in which the study's empirical information was collected through various semi-structured interviews with Swedish product development companies. The intention is therefore to try to implement coherent interpretations of the study's collected data, in order to obtain a result that can be practically used in further studies and activities in the field. According to the study's results, the companies' motives can be categorized into the three foundations according to the Triple Bottom Line model; (1) economically, (2) socially and(3) environmentally. Further categorization was seen for (4) trademark motifs. Furthermore, it can be noted that different sustainability activities require different implementations, and that no major measures have been taken within the companies' existing business models during implementation. After implementation of a chosen sustainability activity, economic, social, and environmental effects regarding the brand have arisen. Finally, the study considers that sustainability activities should be implemented and prioritized differently based on industry. It is therefore a recommendation for practitioners in the work and sports industry to focus on LCA, as the study's empirical findings have found that recycling and reuse are not suitable for these product categories. Furthermore, it is recommended that the fashion industry prioritize reuse before recycling. Partly because recycled garments often have a shorter life cycle due to poorer quality, but also because it is a more advanced sustainability activity compared to reuse. As a result, this study can draw the link that it becomes significantly more important to perform a LCA on products that cannot be reused or recycled. The thesis will be given in Swedish.

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