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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management : A Qualitative Study of How Manufacturing Companies Can Implement AI to Improve Supply Chain Management

Norgren, Alva, Janzon Hägglund, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), is transforming society and changing fundamental beliefs about money, value judgments, and enterprise implications. AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, serving as an exceptional advisor and an omniscient informant. While AI offers great potential to tackle serious global issues, such as climate change, food security, and healthcare, there are also potential hazards and ethical concerns that require careful consideration.  The manufacturing industry is grappling with the complexities of improving efficiency, but there is hope in the form of AI. The industry's intricate nature, with variations and interactions among system members, presents challenges in streamlining processes. However, the rapid transformation brought about by new technologies like AI offers opportunities to enhance competitiveness and efficiency. AI can automate operations, optimise production processes, and provide valuable insights that humans may struggle to generate alone. By implementing AI in supply chain management (SCM), companies can mitigate risks and reduce errors, delays, and wastage. AI can also contribute to predictive maintenance, minimising downtime and costly repairs, while process optimization can streamline operations and maximise productivity. Embracing AI in the manufacturing sector holds immense potential for increased productivity, profitability, and overall success. It is crucial to develop specific knowledge and understanding about AI to ensure effective implementation and high-quality decision-making in the future.  Providing guidance for the future of AI is crucial, as it holds the promise of solving significant problems and driving innovation. However, its implementation can also present challenges for companies. Accurate forecasting and understanding the implications of AI are essential for navigating this landscape. The successful usage of AI hinges on effective implementation, particularly in complex environments like the supply chain (SC). Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to provide insights and deeper knowledge on how integrating AI into SCM can enhance its operations. By using a qualitative method and the grounded theory in order to analyse the data collection, we have discovered how the implementation of AI can improve SCM as well as its drawbacks. The implementation of AI has the potential to revolutionise production processes, streamline operations, and improve decision-making and forecasting, leading to increased prosperity and cost savings for companies. However, it is important to acknowledge and address several challenges and considerations to ensure the successful implementation of AI. Mainly, the implementation of AI comes at the cost of complex integration, time consuming strategizing and costly investments into the system.  Our results highlight the importance for companies to not only implement AI, but integrate it, in order for successful utilisation. Unlike prior research, this study highlights the dynamic nature and variations in SCM operations and the challenges practitioners encounter. In addition, the study confirms previous findings on the positive impacts of AI, such as enhanced productivity, cost reduction, and improved decision-making. However, it emphasises the significant costs and time commitments involved in implementing AI, creating decision-making obstacles for companies. This underscores the importance of thoroughly evaluating the anticipated benefits of AI in relation to the initial investment and time constraints.

Omställningsstudiestödet : Hur implementeras det av omställningsorganisationers frontbyråkrater? / Omställningsstudiestödet : How is it implemented by street-level bureaucrats of transition organizations?

Sändare, Helena, Hagman, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till ökad kunskap kring implementering av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). I studien särskiljs implementeringsobjekt och implementeringsprocess i syfte att undersöka huruvida implementeringsobjektets egenskaper främjar eller hämmar implementeringsprocessen. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med rådgivare, även kallade frontbyråkrater, inom svenska omställningsorganisationer som arbetar med omställningsstudiestödet. Vid analysen av det empiriska materialet används Vedungs (2016) påverkansfaktorer i implementeringsprocesser i kombination med Lundquists (1992) tre förutsättningar för lyckade implementeringar. Studiens resultat visar att en central del av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd är svårtolkad på grund av att den är otydligt formulerad. Otydligheten ligger i avvägningen mellan individens behov och arbetsmarknadens behov. Implementeringsprocessen tycks dock inte hämmas av otydligheten. Studien bidrar med ökad förståelse för faktorer som påverkar implementering av nationell policy. Denna kunskap är relevant för alla yrkesgrupper som i sitt arbete har att förhålla sig till nya lagar, förordningar och föreskrifter. Vidare bidrar studien med sex förslag till framtida forskning inom det aktuella området. / The purpose of the study is to contribute to increased knowledge regarding the implementation of the law on omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). In the study, implementation object and implementation process are distinguished to investigate whether the characteristics of the implementation object promote or inhibit the implementation process. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with advisors, also called street-level bureaucrats, within Swedish transition organizations that work with omställningsstudiestödet. In the analysis of the empirical material, a combination of Vedung's (2016) influencing factors in implementation processes and Lundquist's (1992) three prerequisites for successful implementations are used. The study's results show that a central part of the law on omställningsstudiestöd is difficult to interpret because it is unclearly worded. The ambiguity lies in the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the labor market. However, the implementation process does not seem to be hampered by the lack of clarity. The study contributes with increased understanding of factors that influence the implementation of national policy. This knowledge is relevant for all professional groups that in their work must deal with new laws, ordinances and regulations. Furthermore, the study contributes six proposals for further research in the relevant area.

En nollvision för suicid : - En implementeringsanalys av nollvisionen för suicid i Region Värmland / Implementation of suicide prevention strategies : - A case study of implementation in Region Värmland

Olsson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the issues concerning the implementation of the “Suicide Zero” policy  adopted  by  Region  Värmland  in  2015.  The  findings  of  this  study  showcase  the problematic  gap  between  policy,  implementation  and  the  actual  preventative  measures  for those  in  need.  Through  an  in-depth  analysis  of  the  implementation  process,  this  study illustrates how the preventative measures were influences by the political decisions made and how the process itself, long and bureaucratic both in a national an regional level, complicates the  understanding  of  who  is  responsible  for  what  in  the  political  arena  in  which  decisions were made. Keywords: implementation, ”Suicide Zero” policy, Region Värmland, implementation process

IMPLEMENTERING AV BARNKONVENTIONEN PÅ BARNAVÅRDSCENTRALER : En kvalitativ jämförande studie om implementeringsprocessen av barnkonventionen som lag i Stockholm och Värmlands region / Implementation of Convention on the Rights of the Child

Vahdani, Sara, Mellqvist, Petra January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether, and in such cases how, children's rights have been strengthened by the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a law in Sweden. The study also aims to analyze the similarities and differences between the Värmland and Stockholm regions. The main questions that will be answered are as follows:  - To what extent have child healthcare centers in each region adapted their activities since the enforcement of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as law?- To what extent are there resources for the implementation of the new law in child healthcare centers?- What level of knowledge is there about the new law (and what is considered to be the children's best interests) in child healthcare centers?- Is it possible to explain on the basis of implementation theory (want, can, and understand) the extent to which child healthcare centers have adapted their work and activities to accommodate the new law? This study is a qualitative case study using a common theoretical framework, in which we have chosen to interview care staff at child healthcare centers. The study chose the interviewees as they represent the final stage of policy implementation in the political governance chain. The analysis shows that the staff agreed that it is positive that the convention has been given a higher status since being enforced as a law. The result shows that the experience of implementing the new law differed between regions. Whether the newly enforced law strengthens the child's rights is, however, still difficult to assess as some interviewees find it difficult to interpret whether or not to refer to the Convention in certain contexts. This can be problematic, especially in situations with no open dialogue about the healthcare center’s' working methods and approach. This can result in a lack of practice when applying strategic methods (based on the legal principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) that aim to protect the rights of the child.

Innovation i stadsutvecklingsprojekt : En studie om implementeringen av en innovation i Norra Djurgårdsstaden / Innovation in Urban Development Projects : A Study of the Implementation of an Innovation at Stockholm Royal Seaport

Saeed, Ismail, Ahmed, Yusuf January 2021 (has links)
Förvaltningen av städer är en mångfacetterad uppgift och framtiden för med sig stora utmaningar i takt med den växande urbaniseringen och klimatförändringarna. Detta kräver att städer är innovativa och kreativa för att effektivt kunna hantera kommande utmaningar. Implementering av innovationer i städer och offentliga organisationer kan se lovande ut på papper men vara utmanade att genomföra i praktiken. Studier visar att organisationer, privat som offentligt, allt som oftast kämpar för att implementera innovationer eller misslyckas helt med att skörda de förväntade nyttorna med den antagna innovationen. I denna rapport har därför en närmare studie på implementeringen av en innovation i stadsutvecklingsprojektet Norra Djurgårdstaden genomförts med syftet att utreda hur innovationer implementeras i ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Vidare syftar studien även till att utreda vilka förutsättningar som möjliggör en lyckad implementering samt de utmaningar som uppstår i samband med implementeringsprocessen. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara forskningsfrågorna har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med de individer som var direkt involverade i implementeringen och användningen av innovationen. Studiens konceptuella ramverk bygger främst på litteraturstudier inom problemområdet och en implementeringsmodell som bryter ner implementeringen av innovationer i byggprojekt i sex olika faser. En tematisk analys av resultatet utifrån litteraturstudien och implementeringsmodellen gav underlag till studiens slutsatser. Studien mynnar ut i att implementeringen av innovationer i stadsutvecklingsprojekt startar med identifieringen av en tydlig vision av innovationen och målen som ska uppnås med tillämpningen av innovationen. Vidare ska innovationen och de förväntade målen överensstämma med projektets- och/eller organisationens övergripande mål för att motivera avsättningen av resurser för vidare utredning. Organisationen behöver demonstrera sitt engagemang under hela implementeringsprocessen. Inför tillämpningen av innovationen ska organisationen förbereda sig genom att bl. a erhålla de resurser och tillstånd som krävs för tillämpningen. Efter en period av justering och anpassning av innovationen för att få en så effektiv användning som möjlig så ska slutligen en efterhandsutvärdering genomföras där de förväntade nyttorna jämförs mot de faktiska resultaten. Framgångsfaktorerna som identifierades under innovationsimplementeringen var bland annat kompetensen inom projektgruppen, engagerat ledarskap med ett högt initiativtagande, etappvis arbetsgång med långsiktig planering och ett bibehållet engagemang genom hela processen. De utmaningar som uppstod under innovationsimplementeringen var bland annat arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, juridiska påtryckningar från tredje man, långa och byråkratiska processer samt information – och kunskapsbrist hos slutanvändare. / The management of cities is a multifaceted task and the future brings with it great challenges along with the growing urbanization and climate change. Therefore there is a need for innovative and creative cities to be able to effectively deal with the coming challenges. Implementing innovations in cities and public organizations might seem promising in principle but can become challenging to accomplish in practice. Studies illustrate that organizations, both private and public, very often struggle with implementing innovations or fail to reap the expected benefits of the adopted innovations. This paper therefore conducts a study of the implementation of an innovation in the urban development project Stockholm Royal Seaport, with the aim of studying how innovations are implemented in urban development projects. This paper further aims to identify the enabling conditions that facilitate successful implementations of innovation aswell as the barriers that arise during the implementation process. A qualitative research method has been used to be able to fulfill the aim of this paper and to answer the research questions. Semi-structured interviews has been conducted with individuals who were directly involved with the implementation and use of the innovation. The conceptual framework that this paper is based upon consists of a literature review of the chosen research area and an implementation model that breaks down the implementation of innovation in construction projects into six different phases. A thematic analysis of the empirics based on the literature review and the implementation model provided the basis for the conclusions presented in this paper. The study establishes that the implementation of innovation in urban development projects starts with the identification of a clear vision of the innovation and the benefits that are expected to be obtained by implementing the innovation. Furthermore, the innovation and the expected benefits should be aligned with the projects and/or the organizations overarching goals in order to motivate the allocation of resources for further investigation. The organization needs to demonstrate its commitment throughout the implementation process. The organization also needs to prepare for the implementation of the innovation by obtaining the needed resources and permits. After the necessary modifications and adjustments of the innovation are completed to ensure maximal efficiency, a post-use evaluation should be conducted where the expected benefits are compared to the actual outcome. The enabling conditions that were identified during the implementation of the innovation included the competence within the project group, commited leadership with high initiative, a gradual work progress with long term planning and a sustained commitment throughout the entire process. The barriers that were identified during the implementation of the innovation included high work load and lack of time, legal pressure from third party, long and bureaucratic processes as well as lack of information and knowledge amongst end-users.

Måltidspedagogik i förskolan Reflektioner från nyckelpersoner inom förskolan i Uddevalla kommun

Andersson, Johanna, Hansson Persson, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Många barn i Sverige tillbringar mycket tid i förskolan och äter därför flera av dagens mål inom verksamheten. Barnens matvanor och preferenser har visat sig vara avgörande för framtida matvanor och tillhörande hälsa. Måltidspedagogik har tillämpats som ett arbetssätt i Uddevallas kommunala förskolor för att använda maten som verktyg i den pedagogiska verksamheten. Syfte: Att undersöka möjligheter och hinder för att införa måltidspedagogik i förskolan i Uddevalla kommun samt hur resultatet av ändrat arbetssätt upplevs av nyckelpersoner. Material och metod: Individuella kvalitativa intervjuer samt en fokusgrupp har gjorts med nyckelpersoner inom de kommunala förskolorna. Intervjuerna ljudupptogs för att sedan transkriberas och analyseras genom det kvalitativa analysprogrammet MAXQDA. Som struktur vid analysen av insamlad data används Kingdons PSA-modell för att tolka implementeringsprocessen. Resultat och slutsatser: Resultatet visar att nyckelpersonerna upplever implementering av måltidspedagogik som positivt. Det är ett enkelt och lustfyllt arbetssätt som skapar ett gemensamt förhållningssätt kring mat och måltid för både vuxna och barn i förskolan värld. Flera faktorer samspelade för att en förändring av arbetssätt skulle kunna ske. Dock krävs fler studier för att fastställa om processen kan ske på samma sätt i andra kommuner. / Introduction: Today, many children spend a lot of their time in preschool and therefore consume several of their daily meals outside the home. Food habits and preference for special foods have been shown to be of significant importance for children's eating habits and their future health. In Uddevalla municipality, meal education has been a way to incorporate food as an important tool in the preschools' daily pedagogical situation. Objective: To analyze possibilities and obstacles for the implementation of meal education in preschool in Uddevalla Municipality and how the results of changed practices are experienced by key individuals. Materials and methods: Individual qualitative interviews together with a focus group were conducted with key persons from the municipal preschools. The recorded interviews were thereafter transcribed and analyzed by qualitative analysis program MAXQDA. Kingdon's PSA model was used as a structure to construe the implementation process of meal education. Results and conclusion: The result shows that key persons experience the implementation of meal education as positive. It is an easy and pleasurable approach that creates a united attitude around food and meal for both adults and children in the preschool world. Several factors interact so that a change in work method could take place. However, more studies are required to determine whether the process can be done in the same way in other municipalities.

Implementing strategy? Don't forget the middle managers : Strategy implementation from a middle management perspective

Johansson, Emily, Svensson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Business strategy in itself is a well-known concept in today’s academic literature and extensive research on strategy formulation can easily be found. Strategy implementation on the other hand has not been researched to the same extent. This seems to be contradictory when one takes into consideration that effective and efficient strategy implementation has been proven to have an incredibly large impact on the success of any firm, company or organisation. Furthermore, no strategy will be beneficial for a company if it cannot be implemented. Adding to the complexity of this situation, middle management has long been disregarded concerning the strategy process or even thought to be detrimental. However, in recent years there has been a shift and research has started to recognise the importance of middle managers. The thesis aims to provide a deeper understanding of how middle management actively operates when implementing strategy. By doing so the thesis may be of value for middle managers and companies working with strategy, by increasing awareness about middle management’s influence on the strategy implementation process.  This thesis is partially exploratory and partially descriptive with a qualitative and deductive nature. In order to answer the purpose, a research strategy of case studies was used where empirical data was collected from interviews held with six different middle managers.  An implementation process model that described the different phases of strategy execution and supporting activities surrounding implementation was created. The developed implementation framework had its foundation in previous research concerning strategy implementation from an organisational perspective. The data that was collected from the middle managers was then analysed and compared to the model. By modifying the implementation process model using the information received from the middle managers a verified implementation process model was created which takes into account the middle management perspective.   The most important findings suggest that middle managers are important for the implementation process. An implementation process model from a middle management perspective has been developed which presents the phases of execution and what impact middle managers have during the course of the implementation. The findings further suggest that middle management can increase the successfulness of a strategy if allowed influence from start to finish. / Strategier i sig självt är ett välkänt område i dagens akademiska litteratur och man kan enkelt hitta utförlig forskning om strategi formulering. Implementeringen av strategier är däremot inte ett lika populärt forskningsområde. Detta är något motsägelsefullt när man tar hänsyn till att en effektiv implementering av strategi har visat sig ha en väldigt stor påverkan på företags framgång. Dessutom kan ingen strategi vara fördelaktig för ett företag om strategin ej kan implementeras. För att öka komplexiteten av detta har mellanchefer länge blivit förbisedda eller till och med ansetts vara skadliga för strategi processen. Dock håller detta på att ändras och mellanchefer börjar mer och mer anses som viktiga. Denna uppsats försöker skapa en djupare förståelse för hur mellanchefer aktivt arbetar när implementering av strategier sker. Genom detta kan uppsatsen vara av värde för mellanchefer och företag som arbetar med strategier genom att bidra med en ökad medvetenhet om mellanchefers påverkan på implementeringsprocessen.  Uppsatsen var delvis explorativ och delvis deskriptiv med ett kvalitativ och deduktiv tillvägagångssätt. Fallstudier användes där data samlades in via intervjuer med sex olika mellanchefer.  En modell som beskriver implementeringsprocessens olika faser och stödjande faktor skapades. Modellen var baserad på tidigare forskning om implementering av strategier från ett företagsperspektiv. Data som samlades in från mellancheferna var sedan analyserad och jämnförd med modellen. Genom att anpassa modellen med informationen från mellancheferna en verifierad implementeringsprocess utifrån ett mellanchefsperspektiv skapades.  Det viktigaste resultatet antyder att mellanchefer är viktiga för implementering av strategier. Implementeringsmodellen ur ett mellanchefsperspektiv presenterar faser av utförandet av strategi och effekten mellanchefer har under implementeringsprocessen. Resultaten antyder även att mellanchefer kan öka strategiers sannolikhet för framgång om de har möjlighet att bidra från stat till slut.

The Pulsed Employee Survey : A multifaceted transformation of an institutionalized practice from formal policy to intended outcome.

Wallensten Jönsson, Otto, Linderoth, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Based on the limited outcomes and often failed implementation processes of annual employee surveys a new phenomenon for collecting people data has risen; the pulsed employee survey. This survey and its continuous way of measuring are by many providers and consultants stated to be an important tool that increases employee engagement. The phenomenon of the pulsed employee survey has so far received limited academic attention, despite its growing importance as a potential institutionalized practice. Therefore, this study aims at broadening the understanding of the phenomenon of the pulsed employee survey. How is it transformed into organizations during an implementation process and can the process be seen as coupled or decoupled from the institutionalized practice? Further, what explains the potential coupling or decoupling? To investigate this, a model based on decoupling theories by Bromley & Powell(2012) has been used through a qualitative case study. The result shows that, even though the surveys are implemented into the organizations, means-ends decoupling can be found, whichmay be explained by the complexity of what is measured as well as the multifaceted expectations and perceptions at different organizational levels.

Human capital resources, human resource management policies, and employee perceptions : an investigation of young professionals in the banking sector of Pakistan

Saqib, Syed Imran January 2018 (has links)
Situated within the human resource management and performance (HRM-P) link literature, this thesis explores the 'black box' of the mechanisms that link HRM practices and performance. By doing so, it sheds light on how and why HRM practices can lead to superior firm performance. Heeding calls for more nuanced and contextual work on understanding this link, this study uses qualitative responses from 79 industry experts, HR/senior managers, and young professionals, as well as artefacts and documents, to analyse the causal mechanisms that connect HRM policies, aimed at human capital resource (HCR) accumulation, to employee outcomes in five banking organizations in Pakistan. Using the strength of HR process conceptualization and the process model of HR, the thesis looks at the entire chain that connects intended, actual, and perceived HR policies to understand why HR managers' and young professionals' perceptions of both the content and the process of HR implementation varies, and how this is connected with the employee outcomes of turnover intentions and job satisfaction. The first set of findings reveals that there is considerable difference in how the quality of the content of HR systems is perceived from the point of view of young professionals in comparison with HR practitioners. Young professionals have strong negative perceptions of HR policies related to their long-term career development, which is explained in part by the incongruence and the lack of focus of HR on the goal of HCR accumulation. The second set of findings show that there are several processual factors that help to explain these varying perceptions, which dilute the implementation of HR practices. The analysis reveals that the competency of HR departments, the role of line managers, elements of the Pakistani culture, and the role of top management shape the quality of the HR system that is implemented. Connecting this to employee outcomes, the analysis reveals that the link between HR and performance is not straightforward; this helps to explain the moderate statistical effects noted in the extant HRM-P link research. Employee reactions are more related to their personal circumstances and other organizational factors rather than HR factors. The third set of findings expands the analysis to individual contexts of the five banks, further revealing that the mission of the organization, the presence of a strong HR leader, external economic factors, and the historical legacy of the organisation also shapes employee perceptions and, thus the effectiveness of HR policies and their implementation. The thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the HRM-P link literature by revealing that the competitive advantage that stems, in part, from the actions of HR departments derives from how well they navigate the various processual factors that can impede HR system implementation. It makes a methodological contribution by responding to calls for more in-depth qualitative research on the phenomenon, by using a specific segment of employees within the under-represented context of Pakistan. It makes a practical contribution by highlighting that many western prescriptions, such as talent management and bell curves, may be less effective if prevailing cultural constraints are not accounted for, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Existing HRM-P link studies have not adequately considered these contextual and cultural factors in their analyses.

Sistemas de gestão empresarial : compreendendo o processo de implementação e identificando o drifting através da interação de atores

Canepa, Paola Carmen Valenzuela January 2010 (has links)
Existem diversas pesquisas que tratam o assunto do processo de implementação dos Sistemas de Gestão Empresarial (SGE) no setor empresarial. A maioria delas focalizada no planejamento e o controle do gerenciamento no contexto formativo e abrangente que as envolve. Contudo, ainda existe uma lacuna ao estudar o processo de implementação nas pequenas e médias empresas que tenham orientação empreendedora. Devido ao fato de que estas empresas encontram-se num ambiente descontrolado, evidenciando saídas de rumo diante qualquer planejamento (drifting), tornam-se interessante os estudos de caso neste setor. Sendo assim, compreender como acontece o processo de implementação de um SGE e quais são as práticas que podem ser executadas para promover sua utilização sucedida é o foco deste trabalho de pesquisa. Para tanto foram utilizados os conceitos teóricos trazidos pelo trabalho de Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) em conjunto com a abordagem da Teoria do Ator- Rede (TAR) proposta pelo Latour (2005), Callon (1998) e Law (1992). O trabalho mostra a forma de utilização da TAR, evidencia os conceitos trazidos pelo Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) e propõe práticas para promover a utilização dos SGE para a fornecedora do estudo. Além disso, demonstra a necessidade de fazer mais pesquisas, no setor empresarial objeto deste estudo, uma vez que este tipo de empresa não aplica as melhores práticas mostradas nas diversas pesquisas apresentadas na literatura. Assim também, sugere-se a continuação deste estudo analisando outros atores que introduzam o ambiente tecnológico, econômico e social desse setor para poder identificar outros motivos pelos quais os atores executaram e fizeram as escolhas relatadas, pois com a TAR estudou-se a interação entre os atores envolvidos no processo de implementação do SGE, apresentando uma descrição de como foi construído esse processo. / There are several researches that deal with the matter of ERP implementation process on enterprise sector. Most of them focused on planning management control on overarching formative context that involves them. However, there is still a gap when a study is made on implementation for small and medium sized companies with entrepreneur orientation. Because these companies are settled in a non-controlled environment, noticing miss-routing upon any planning (drifting), it is interesting to have case studies in this sector. Thus, understanding how ERP implementation process is made and which are the procedures that can be applied to promote a succeed utilization is the focus of this research work. For this, it has been used theorical concepts brought by the work of Ciborra (2002, 2000, 1999) and the theorical approach of actor-network theory (ANT) proposed by Latour (2005), Callon (1998) and Law (1992). This work has shown the utilization of the ANT, it has evidenced the concepts brought by Ciborra (2002, 2000, and 1999) and suggests practices to promote the utilization of ERP for the supplier followed on this study. Besides, it is suggested to continue this study by introducing actors that represents the technological, economical and social environment of the studied sector to identify others reasons for actors’ options, once with the ANT was shown the interaction between the actors during the implementation process as a description of how the process was constructed as a result of this interaction.

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