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Omställningsstudiestödet : Hur implementeras det av omställningsorganisationers frontbyråkrater? / Omställningsstudiestödet : How is it implemented by street-level bureaucrats of transition organizations?Sändare, Helena, Hagman, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till ökad kunskap kring implementering av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). I studien särskiljs implementeringsobjekt och implementeringsprocess i syfte att undersöka huruvida implementeringsobjektets egenskaper främjar eller hämmar implementeringsprocessen. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med rådgivare, även kallade frontbyråkrater, inom svenska omställningsorganisationer som arbetar med omställningsstudiestödet. Vid analysen av det empiriska materialet används Vedungs (2016) påverkansfaktorer i implementeringsprocesser i kombination med Lundquists (1992) tre förutsättningar för lyckade implementeringar. Studiens resultat visar att en central del av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd är svårtolkad på grund av att den är otydligt formulerad. Otydligheten ligger i avvägningen mellan individens behov och arbetsmarknadens behov. Implementeringsprocessen tycks dock inte hämmas av otydligheten. Studien bidrar med ökad förståelse för faktorer som påverkar implementering av nationell policy. Denna kunskap är relevant för alla yrkesgrupper som i sitt arbete har att förhålla sig till nya lagar, förordningar och föreskrifter. Vidare bidrar studien med sex förslag till framtida forskning inom det aktuella området. / The purpose of the study is to contribute to increased knowledge regarding the implementation of the law on omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). In the study, implementation object and implementation process are distinguished to investigate whether the characteristics of the implementation object promote or inhibit the implementation process. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with advisors, also called street-level bureaucrats, within Swedish transition organizations that work with omställningsstudiestödet. In the analysis of the empirical material, a combination of Vedung's (2016) influencing factors in implementation processes and Lundquist's (1992) three prerequisites for successful implementations are used. The study's results show that a central part of the law on omställningsstudiestöd is difficult to interpret because it is unclearly worded. The ambiguity lies in the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the labor market. However, the implementation process does not seem to be hampered by the lack of clarity. The study contributes with increased understanding of factors that influence the implementation of national policy. This knowledge is relevant for all professional groups that in their work must deal with new laws, ordinances and regulations. Furthermore, the study contributes six proposals for further research in the relevant area.
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Obchodní dům - stavebně technologický projekt / Department store - Building Technology ProjectBláhová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on building technology solutions for the construction department store. The front of the main entrance, designed for base personnel has two floors; the rest designed for the sale is single-storey. The building is designed as a reinforced concrete skeleton hall. Roofing is solved by a flat roof consisting of sales of reinforced concrete beams with a slope of 3 %, with the roofing sheet ALKORPLAN. The two-storey part of the roof is again dealt with a flat roof, consisting of ceiling panels and concrete catchment slope of 2 %, the roofing sheet ALKORPLAN. External walls are designed sandwich panels KINGSPAN. Walls and ceilings are dealt with plasterboard. The floors are made of linoleum and ceramic tiles. The building is equipped with aluminum windows, interior doors are made of wood. Outdoor and entrance doors are made from aluminum. This thesis addresses the implementation of technology, organization of construction, time demands, costs to implement the object, control over the implementation – KZP, coordination situation, and instructions for use of the building after its handover to the owner.
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