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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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À la rencontre du temps institutionnel de l’enseignement supérieur algérien. Entre autonomie et dépendance, une histoire de l’« entre-deux » : Entre le tout et le rien, peut-on habiter « le milieu » ? / Institutional time of algerian higher education. Between autonomy and dependence,a history of between : Between everything and nothing, can we live 'the middle'?

Ahmed Bacha, Zohra 14 June 2019 (has links)
En dehors des sentiers battus, sous la perspective singulière de l’« entre-deux », la présente thèse cherche précisément à comprendre le développement de la politique éducative et de l’enseignement supérieur algérien, entre autonomie et dépendance (entre-deux) relatives aux injonctions extérieures. Il est question de discuter de la manière dont l’enseignement supérieur s’est fabriqué au travers de son histoire, de discuter le poids du passé sur le présent en identifiant les influences provenant des régimes, événements et composantes venus de pays du Moyen-Orient, de la France et de la Russie, ayant, in fine, marqué la politique éducative algérienne. Une politique qui n’a pas réussi à trouver son point d’ancrage et qui est de ce fait toujours à la recherche de repères au détriment de la qualité globale de la formation en Algérie.Alors que la période coloniale est derrière nous, il existe toujours dans la société algérienne un sentiment de dépendance à l’égard de la métropole et de ses nombreuses pratiques, réminiscence d’un passé difficile à oublier. La pratique du français sur le territoire et dans le milieu enseignant (en particulier) joue en partie un rôle clé dans cet état des faits. Le passé est donc fortement ancré dans les esprits, bien qu’il existe une volonté émancipatriceforte des individus qui sont à la recherche de leurs racines et d’une modernité algérienne. Et, on constate aussi que la société algérienne est plurielle à bien des égards.Les références au passé dans le milieu de l’éducation possèdent une grande influence sur les actions menées, parfois au détriment des vérités du terrain très complexes dans le cas algérien. Cet enseignement supérieur, dans une Algérie plurielle, souffre ainsi d’un « entredeux » à la fois à l’échelle politique, institutionnelle et individuelle (ceux qui font les lois, ceux qui les mettent en place et ceux qui doivent les vivre au quotidien). Autrement dit, cestrois niveaux semblent figés entre une volonté et un besoin important d’autonomie et une dépendance qui peut être perçue comme légitime. Il y a pourtant des évolutions qui s’opèrent sur le terrain. Positives, elles marquent un tournant attendu dans le paysage éducatif algérien.Les enseignants sont effectivement en attente de formations pour à la fois améliorer la qualité globale des pratiques et garantir sur le long terme un plus grand professionnalisme. In Fine, c’est l’ensemble de la société qui bénéficierait d’un système éducatif moderne et propre aux besoins et attentes des Algériens. Sous le prisme de la formation continue et de la validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE), deux objets de débats actuels dans la société algérienne, j’aborderai les difficultés rencontrées dans le déploiement, la gestion et l’organisation de dispositifs de formation dansle pays. Toutefois, il ne s’agit pas de traiter simplement de la formation continue des enseignants, à partir de leur témoignage (recueillis au fil de ma recherche), mais de s’en servir tels des agents sociaux et marqueurs d’une histoire exprimant le rapport entre le politique, l’institutionnel et l’individuel. Il est également question de mettre en évidence la façon dont les influences venues d’ailleurs sont mises en œuvre par ces trois niveaux.Pour ce faire, une enquête qualitativeréalisée sur la base d’entretiens semi-directifs approfondis, une approche originale utilisant le courant biographique, m’a permis de récolter des témoignages essentiels à notre compréhension du phénomène traité dans la thèse. Sans oublier l’approche quantitative, utile à la préparation de ma recherche en amont, cette enquête a été menée auprès de plus de 63 personnes issues d’horizons différents et apportant ainsi ànotre étude la profondeur nécessaire.« Entre-deux », Enseignement supérieur, politique éducative, Algérie, France, Formation continue, VAE, Temporalité. / Off the beaten track, under the singular perspective of the "in-between", the present thesis seeks precisely to understand the development of Algerian educational policy and higher education, between autonomy and dependence (in-between) relative to external injunctions. It discusses how higher education has been built through its history, discussing the weight of the past over the present by identifying influences from regimes, events and components from Middle Eastern countries, France and Russia, having, ultimately, marked the Algerian educational policy that has failed to find its anchor and is therefore always looking for benchmarks to the detriment of the overall quality of education in Algeria.While the colonial period is behind us, there is still in Algerian society a feeling of dependence on the metropolis and its many practices, reminiscent of a past difficult to forget. The practice of French on the territory and in the teaching environment (in particular) plays a key role in this state of affairs. The past is therefore firmly rooted in people's minds, although there is a strong emancipatory will of individuals who are searching for their roots and an Algerian modernity. And, we should also note that the Algerian society is plural in many ways. At the social, cultural, but also political levels, it is characterized by multiple influences, the most prominent of which are Maghrebi, Oriental and French. This plurality has made it difficult for successive regimes to position themselves singularly in many sectors of activity, often promoting inadequate projects.References to the past in the field of education have a great influence on the actions taken, sometimes to the detriment of very complex truths of the Algerian case. This higher education, in a plural Algeria, thus also suffers from an "in-between" at the political, institutional and individual levels (those who make the laws, those who put them in place and those who work with them on a daily basis). In other words, these three levels seem to be frozen between a will and an important need for autonomy and a dependence that can be perceived as legitimate.Under the prism of the continuous training and the validation of acquired experience (VAE), two objects of current debates in the Algerian society, I will tackle the difficulties met in the deployment, the management and the organization of training devices in the country. However, it is not a matter of simply dealing with the continuous training of teachers, based on their testimony (collected during my research), but using it as social agents and markers of a history expressing relationship between the political, the institutional and the individual. It is also a question of highlighting how the influences coming from elsewhere are implemented by these three levels.To do this, a qualitative survey conducted on the basis of in-depth semi-structured interviews, an original approach using the biographical current, allowed me to collect testimonies essential to our understanding of the phenomenon treated in my thesis. Not to mention the quantitative approach, useful for the preparation of my research upstream, this survey was conducted with 63 people from different backgrounds and thus bringing to our study the necessary depth."In-Between", Higher Education, Educational Policy, Algeria, France, Continuing Education, VAE, Temporality.

Blurring the Disconnect: [Inter]positioning Place within a Struggling Context

Luttmann, Eric 18 November 2008 (has links)
Downtown Tampa, a struggling city core, will continue to struggle as it holds no true identity to its relationship with important surrounding context, as well as within itself. Evidence in the lack of inhabitable, urban spaces with the scale and comfort to support integral human activity on a day-to-day basis has resulted in the absence of a city center within downtown. One lost opportunity for downtown is its disconnection with the University of Tampa, one that could result in an activated edge condition. As UT appears vertically congruous with downtown, it has no relationship as it is separated from it by the river. The key to blurring the edge at this instance could be aided through an inhabitable, urban space activated by the neighboring student population, as well as individuals working within downtown. The site I have chosen is the existing Curtis Hixon Park and Kiley Gardens, directly across from the University, providing a wonderful opportunity to blur the disconnect. It is also situated amidst forces from all directions, including the central business district and residential areas within downtown's nucleus, thus creating an inter[positioned] quality within the site. One issue to deal with on the site is determining the manner in which the project meets the two main edges, downtown and the Hillsborough River. One source that will become a major infl uence on the concept will be that of Peter Eisenman's text "Blurred Zones: Investigations of the Interstitial." This text will allow me to understand another contemporary architect's ideas of that of the in-between. Thus, site conditions and modern culture will intertwine in the creation of an urban landscape situated within a struggling context to serve the public as a destination within downtown Tampa.

Differentiation Between the pH Effect and the Bicarbonate Ion Effect in Causing Lime-Induced Chlorosis

Petersen, Hyrum Del Var 01 May 1963 (has links)
Lime-induced chlorosis has been recognized for many years as a problem where plants are grown on calcareous soils. There are many factors associated with and influencing this form of iron chlorosis and because of this it has been very difficult to determine the relationship between the factors and chlorosis. There are high concentrations of bicarbonate in calcareous soils. Because of this high concentration, it was believed that the presence of the bicarbonate ion was causing chlorosis. It has been proposed that the pH of the growth medium was the causitive factor of lime-induced chlorosis. Most calcareous soils have a pH range around 8.0. At this pH the solubility of iron is very low, and it was believed that chlorosis was a result of iron being insoluble at a high pH. Iron chlorosis has been induced in plants by increasing the phosphorus concentration in the growth medium. Iron phosphates have a low solubility and it was believed that the available iron was precipitated by the phosphates. The interference of metals such as calcium, nickel, cobalt, zinc, and copper appears to be a factor affecting the absorption of iron by plants. It was thought that an interfering ion (Ni, Co, Ca, Zn) may interfere with the translocation of iron in the malic or malonic acid complexes (Tiffin and Brown, 1962).

Mbangu eka tsalwa ra i vutomi hi C.M. Lubisi na ra xona hi xihi? hi D.R. Maluleke

Shirelele, T. I. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) --University of Limpopo, 2011 / This study is to conduct a detailed study of milieu in a number of Xitsonga novels in I Vutomi by Lubis CM and Xona hi Xihi? by DR Maluleke. This study also emphasizes on how the characters are depicted in rural areas and urban places. Lubisi and Maluleke are able to enlighten the community about the importance of establishing the distinct relationship between space and time. The first chapter is a general introduction that outlines and provides background of the study. Milieu as well as its manifestation in I Vutomi and Xona hi Xihi? is discussed in the second chapter. The third chapter deals with characterization. In the fourth chapter, the main theme of the novels is critically examined. The fifth chapter is a brief overview of the first four chapters. It also summarizes the findings of the research and provides recommendations.

A Study of the Equilibria Between Bentonite and the Various Replacing Agents in Alcoholic and Water Solutions

Fletcher, Joel E. 01 May 1937 (has links)
Investigators in soils have long recognized the importance of the colloidal fraction of soil, and also the almost inseparable problem of replaceable bases. It is generally accepted that the replaceable base fraction of a colloid controls to a large degree the physical properties exhibited by it. Volumes of work have been written on the problem of controlling the reactions of this fraction and on studies of the properties exhibited by it when it is saturated with various cations. Each worker has proceeded in his own individual way or followed the example set by some previous worker with specific modifications.

Axisymmetric Finite Element Modeling of Adhesive Joint Between a Laminated Composite and Metal Cylinder

Talbot, Casey A. 01 December 2011 (has links)
In order to incorporate fiber-reinforced composite materials in space structures, adhesive joining techniques are required. Because analytical models have a hard time capturing the complex stress state inherent to adhesively joining dissimilar materials, a different modeling technique was deemed necessary. A two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element model capable of capturing the three-dimensional stress state of cylindrical adhesive joints was developed. In order to rigorously validate the model, testing was undergone to ensure the model accurately predicted joint displacements. Displacement data was acquired via an Epsilon axial extensometer. Load data was taken simultaneously via the load cell incorporated in the Tinius Olsen tensile test machine used. The measured force vs. displacement data was found to agree with the model’s predicted displacement for a given load. Displacement data was also taken, again with the extensometer, as the joints were rapidly cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. It was found that the joints behave much like laminated plates in that after the first several cycles they “settle down”. The term “settle down”, in this context, means that after the first several cycles the displacements of the joints when placed from a room temperature environment to a cryogenic environment become consistent and smooth. This result allows for the joints to be modeled. The finite element model was shown to accurately predict the settled down displacement given the prescribed temperature change. The joints were also shown to maintain structural integrity post thermal cycling. Transient temperature tensile tests were performed until sample failure. One result with major design implication coming from this test was that the material properties do not change significantly enough over the temperature range tested to affect the joint’s behavior. The same properties used in the room temperature model were used to model the measured data of the transient temperature data and were found to match satisfactorily. Having validated that the developed axisymmetric finite element model accurately predicts cylindrical joint displacement fields, the model becomes an invaluable tool in design. The model can now be used in confidence, in conjunction with design requirements for a specific joint, to reduce the maximum displacements below any specified operating requirements.

Intercultural competence in young language learners: a case study

Moloney, Robyn Anne January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Education / With the heightened profile of language learning in a global community, language education is exploring a new model of intercultural language learning. The goal of intercultural language learning is to produce language users equipped with explicit skills in understanding connections and differences between their own culture and the culture of the target language. The research literature suggests that language learners’ resulting intercultural competence will encompass a range of characteristics. There have been few empirical studies, however, to provide illustration of intercultural competence, in order to assist teachers’ understanding of desired outcomes and student development. This case study investigates the characteristics of intercultural competence in young language learners in one Australian primary school. The learners have been engaged in an immersion language program for up to eight years, in one of three languages: French, German or Japanese. The study also investigates the behaviours and understandings in their language teachers which may facilitate the development of learners’ intercultural competence. It explores in summary what may be the nature of intercultural competence in the case study language learners. The study is relevant to research of both intercultural language learning and of immersion language classrooms. Using a case study design, the study incorporates qualitative data in the form of student focus group interviews, teacher interviews, and classroom observations. Data were collected at the case study school, in Sydney, Australia, over a school semester, and involved 49 Year 6 students and four teachers. Results of the study suggest a number of indicators of the case study students’ development in intercultural competence – that is, through understanding of language culture and identity. The student is and sees him or herself as a purposeful interactive communicator. The student understands the target language itself to be the vehicle of the target culture, and often displays metalinguistic curiosity and skills. Some students are able to critically reflect on their (multiple) linguistic and cultural memberships, and to negotiate their identity as a non-native language user. The study found that teachers provide a model of interculturality to their students. The teachers’ interculturality is enacted in their relationships and pedagogical choices, in their design of experiential learning tasks, and their facilitation of linguistic and cultural connections for their students. The study also found that the nature of the immersion language classroom itself facilitates intercultural competence in students. The study provides a case study illustration of intercultural competence in language learners which is relevant to research in intercultural language learning, immersion pedagogy and the emerging related pedagogy of content-based language learning.

The invisible view: Betwixt and between

Latimer, Christine January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the idea of a liminal space, as being dreamlike, suspended in time and physically unlocatable. It questions and exploits the boundary between abstraction and figuration in painting. This investigation has been considered from a subjective viewpoint allowing a distancing of space to illuminate new perceptions and experiences through the language of painting. The project has sought to explore the relationship between the natural world and seeing, to deepen and emphasize the other worldliness of an in-between space. This third space has been evoked by a process of abstracting pictorial content, juxtaposition of elements, colour and composition. The thesis is constituted of practice-based 80%, accompanied by an exegesis 20%.

Couplage dégradation chimique - comportement en compression du béton

Nguyen, Viet-Hung 04 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse se situe dans le contexte du comportement à long terme des bétons dans les stockages de déchets nucléaires. L'objectif est de modéliser le comportement couplé en compression<br />avec la dégradation chimique. Dans la première partie, une campagne d'essai est effectuée où la cinétique de lixiviation chimique et les propriétés mécaniques ainsi que le comportement couplé du béton sont mis en vidence. Une méthode de lixiviation accélérée est choisie qui permet de dégrader rapidement les<br />éprouvettes. Dans la deuxime partie, le couplage chimie - mécanique est décrit. D'une part une approche simplifiée de la lixiviation du calcium est utilisée. En tenant compte de la présence des granulats, une approche par homogénéisation utilisant<br />un développement asymptotique est présentée. Elle permet de décrire la tortuosité due à la morphologie, la fraction volumique des granulats ainsi qu'à la disposition des granulats.<br />D'autre part, plusieurs modélisations mécaniques peuvent rendre compte du comportement mécanique du béton après lixiviation. Le modèle élastoplastique endommageable permet notamment de retrouver<br />les déformations permanentes observées dans les essais. La résolution du problème non linéaire est réalisée dans le contexte de la méthode des éléments finis. Les simulations numériques sont comparées avec les résultats expérimentaux et montrent un bon<br />accord. Enfin un exemple d'application au cas d'un tunnel de stockage est présenté.

Det är varmt och skitigt men innerst inne trivs vi : En kulturstudie i ett industriföretag

Hellmer, Ida January 2008 (has links)
<p>Aim: Culture exists in every organization, whether you actively work with it or not. Old cultures often carry traditions and are hard to change. The purpose of this thesis is to describe Gävle Galvan from an organizational point of view and also to investigate the culture from a gender point of view.</p><p>Method: The thesis is written with a qualitative and narrative approach. I have taken part in three person’s stories through interviews and thereby created picture of their everyday work on Gävle Galvan. It’s hard to describe a company’s culture and I have, with help from the stories and my own observations, tried to give an as balanced picture as possible. The interviews and my observations, together with organizational theoretical concepts, create my story of the company.</p><p>Conclusions: This study is confirmed by Schein’s theory; it’s difficult to change old behaviours and traditions, what Schein calls assumptions. Gävle Galvan characterizes by its history and how it’s always been. What once was created has been well kept and led to an assumption. The culture has a couple of culture carrier who have been in the organization for many decades. These persons are often respected because they have a long experience of the profession and they will not accept new co-workers that don’t share their norms and values. The forced habits make it hard for Gävle Galvan to adjust their activities in terms of equality between the sexes. Traditions contribute to generalize the female sex and the profit of having both women and men in an organization doesn’t come thru.</p> / <p>Syfte: Kultur är något som finns i organisationer, oavsett om ett aktivt kulturarbete sker eller inte. Äldre kulturer bär ofta med sig traditioner och har en djupt rotad kultur som är svår att förändra. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva Gävle Galvan ur organisationsteoretiska begrepp samt se på organisationen och dess kultur ur ett genusperspektiv.</p><p>Metod: Uppsatsen är skriven ur en kvalitativ, berättande ansats. Jag har tagit del av tre personers berättelser genom att ställa intervjufrågor och därmed fått en bild av deras vardag på Gävle Galvan. Det är svårt att beskriva ett företags kultur och jag har med hjälp av dessa tre personer och mina egna iakttagelser på plats försökt få en nyanserad bild av Gävle Galvan. Intervjuberättelserna och iakttagelser blir med hjälp organisationsteoretiska begrepp min berättelse om företaget.</p><p>Slutsats: Studien bekräftas av Scheins teori, det är svårt att ändra djupt rotade beteende och traditioner alltså det Schein kallar antaganden. Gävle Galvan präglas av dess historia och hur det alltid har varit. Det som en gång skapats har vårdats och sjunkit in till förgivet-tagna-antagande. Kulturen har några kulturbärare som arbetat i organisationen i många decennier, dessa personer är ofta respekterade eftersom de har lång erfarenhet av yrket och stöter bort människor som inte delar samma normer och värderingar. Dessa vana mönster gör de även svårt för Gävle Galvan att anpassa verksamheten ur ett jämställt perspektiv. Traditionerna bidrar till en generalisering av kvinnor och vinsterna med en jämställd arbetsplats lyfts inte fram.</p>

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