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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réception d’ A la recherche du temps perdu en France, de 1913 jusqu’en 1954 / The Reception of À la recherche du temps perdu from 1913 to 1954 in France

Woo, Tomoko Boongja 08 March 2011 (has links)
La réception À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust est très connue et reste pourtant obscure dans le détail. Ce travail en deux tomes dégage différents aspects de la réception de l’œuvre en France depuis la parution du premier tome [Du côté de chez Swann] jusqu’à la veille de la publication de la première édition de la Pléiade.Le tome I est la partie d’analyse. Après un premier chapitre de réflexion, cette thèse retrace les réactions provoquées par chaque tome du roman durant la période de 1913 à1928, en réunissant dans un chapitre des articles et ouvrages de critique concernant la problématique de la personnalité, avant d’aboutir à l’analyse de l’époque postérieure au dernier tome du roman.Le tome II constitue une bibliographie chronologique contenant 2.100 titres d’articles et d’ouvrages relatifs à Proust et à ses œuvres publiés pendant l’époque étudiée ainsi que deux index [des titres de périodiques et des auteurs] / The reception of Proust’s novel, À la recherche du temps perdu [The Search forLost Time] is at the same time very well-known and obscure in its details. This work intwo volumes studies various aspects of the reception of the novel in France from thepublication of Swann’s Way [Du Côté de chez Swann] to the eve of the publication of itsfirst edition in the Pléiade collection in 1954.The first volume contains an analysis of the reception. After an introductory chapterthis thesis presents the reactions to the various parts of the novel as they appearedbetween 1913 and 1928 while a specific chapter is devoted to the various criticalreactions to the problem of the literary personality and another one to the periodfollowing the publication of the last part of the novel.The second volume contains a chronological bibliography mentioning 2,100 titresof articles and other works dealing with Proust and his work published during the periodconcerned as well as two indexes [one of periodicals and the other of authors]

A Succession of Loves, of Writing, and of Memory: Reverberations of Deleuze and Guattari Across In Search of Lost Time

Hoven, Dylan 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The theoretical oeuvre of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari often looks to In Search of Lost Time as a work that exemplifies or inspires their concepts. These chapters draw on their work regarding Marcel Proust as a conceptual basis for understanding The Search. Even so, their work on Proust is neither an exhaustive study of his novel nor a totalizing application of their philosophy. As a result, this study focuses on the successive loves of The Search as an element of the novel whose analysis is facilitated by the work of Deleuze and Guattari while not being a topic that they dedicate great focus to. By framing these successive loves in terms of their relationship to writing, to time, and to the positioning of the novel's narrator, we can trace novel connections not just in Proust's work, but also in the conceptual frame that Deleuze and Guattari have constructed in order to facilitate these inquiries.

Sadisme filial et vocation littéraire chez Marcel Proust

Bégin Marchand, Jasmine 02 1900 (has links)
Dans la Recherche du temps perdu, toute relation filiale est une relation où le fils fait inévitablement souffrir sa mère en commettant, selon Proust, une forme de parricide. La lecture des œuvres pré-Recherche de l’auteur, telles la nouvelle « La confession d’une jeune fille » et l’article « Sentiments filiaux d’un parricide » permettent de comprendre cette relation ambigüe, au cœur de laquelle se trouve l’amour incommensurable que ressent le fils pour le parent, un amour si intense qu’il en est étouffant. Dans ces conditions, le parent en vient à symboliser aux yeux de l’enfant la Loi contre laquelle il doit se rebeller à coup de gestes de cruauté. Le fils, s’il est de ceux qui peuvent soutenir la vue de leurs crimes, entre alors dans un cercle vicieux : par sa cruauté, il tue – symboliquement ou réellement – le parent aimé et il en jouit. Suite à ce sadisme, il ressent une insupportable culpabilité qui le mène à une dévotion masochiste encore plus grande pour son parent. Or, par le personnage du narrateur de la Recherche du temps perdu, Proust démontre que la seule manière de se libérer de cette douloureuse culpabilité, c’est l’Art. Le crime ultime qu’est la création excuse les actes de cruauté antérieurs et les justifie même. C’est la seule manière de transformer la souffrance vécue (issue entre autres de la culpabilité d’avoir pris plaisir à faire souffrir un parent aimé) en idées universelles, en œuvre d’art. / In A la recherche du temps perdu, every filial relationship is one where the son inevitably causes his mother suffering by committing, according to Proust, a form of parricide. The writings of Marcel Proust before la Recherche, such as the short story “A young girl’s confession” and the newspaper article “Filial sentiments of a parricide”, allow us to understand this ambiguous relationship, at the heart of which we can find the unmeasured love that the son feels for his parent, a love so intense that it soon becomes suffocating. Under these conditions, the parent comes to symbolize to the child “the moral Law” against which he must rebel, choosing cruelty as his weapon. The son, if he is one of those who can stand the sight of their own crimes, enters then in a vicious cycle: with his daily acts of cruelty, he kills – symbolically or in genuinely – the beloved parent, and he enjoys it. Following this act of sadism, he feels an unbearable guilt that leads him to an even greater masochistic devotion for his parent. Yet, through the character of the narrator of la Recherche, Proust demonstrates that there is indeed one way to free oneself from this painful guilt, and it is through Art. Creation, the ultimate crime, excuses and even justifies any previous acts of cruelty. It is the only way of transforming suffering (resulting among other things, from the guilt of having enjoyed causing a beloved parent any kind of suffering) into universal ideas, into art.

Em torno da gênese de uma personagem proustiana: tia Léonie no caminho da descoberta de uma vocação / Around a Proustian character: Léonies way in the discovery of a vocation

Santos, Liliane Silva dos 05 September 2014 (has links)
NO ROMANCE DE MARCEL PROUST Em busca do tempo perdidodesfilam ante os olhos do leitorum compêndio de seres enigmáticos, fragmentários, que oferecem em si, ao longo da obra, uma gama de novas imagens e possibilidades. Desse complexo conjunto de seres imprevisíveis, há um caso particular de uma personagem secundária. Figuraaparentemente dentro da narrativa como um ser anedótico, apenas para compor um ambiente cômico, pueril dentro de Combray, a cidadezinha prosaica de infância do herói do romance: a tia Léonie. O objetivo do trabalho que apresentamos não é somente analisar esse ser aparentemente risório, a eterna doente de Combray. Sobretudo, pretende-se mostrar dentro dopróprio romance proustiano que Léonie, como os tantos personagens desse trajeto rumo à descoberta da verdadeira vocação do herói, também colocará sua pequena pedra na composição monumental da obra por vir, pois, ao seu modo, também contribuirá para a composição daquele que renunciará à vida, se reservando apenas o essencial, para compor seu romance. / IN THE NOVEL OF MARCEL PROUST\'S \"In Search of Lost Time\", parade before the reader\'s eyes, a compendium of enigmatic, fragmentary beings, offering itself, throughout the work, a range of new images and possibilities. In this complex set of unpredictable beings, there is a particular case of a secondary character, apparently figuring in the narrative as being anecdotal, just to make a comic, childlike environment in Combray, the prosaic town of the novel heros childhood: Aunt Léonie. The objective of the present work is not only to analyze this seemingly be risorius, \"the eternal sick of Combray.\" Above all, it presents in the Proustian novel itself that Léonie, as so many characters that path towards the discovery of the true vocation of the hero, also put your little stone in monumental composition of the work to come, for, in his own way, also contribute for the composition that he would resign to life, reserve to itself only the essentials, in order to compose his novel.

O caso do diletante: a personagem de Charles Swann e a unidade do romance Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust / Charles Swann´s diletantisme: the unity of Proust´s novel through an analysis of Charles Swann´s character in \'In Search of Lost Time\'

Almeida, Alexandre Bebiano de 11 June 2008 (has links)
Pesquisa de teoria literária sobre o romance Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust. Tem como objetivo refletir sobre a unidade do romance Em busca do tempo perdido, por meio de uma análise da personagem de Charles Swann. Este trabalho principia pelo levantamento do projeto global do ciclo romanesco, a partir de um trecho d´A Prisioneira em que o narrador-protagonista estabelece dois tipos de unidade para a obra de arte: uma lógica e outra vital. O segundo capítulo expõe as dificuldades que esse projeto coloca: como criar uma obra artística que seja viva e aberta, ao mesmo tempo que coesa e íntegra? A resposta é encontrada nos vasos comunicantes, nas transversalidades capazes de dar ao ciclo romanesco, não uma unidade lógica, mas vital. O terceiro capítulo analisa um dos nós, um dos pontos para o qual convergem essas transversalidades: a personagem de Charles Swann. Por meio da reconstituição desta personagem, são discutidos aqui alguns temas importantes para o romance: a formação do artista, assim como a relação entre a arte e a vida. Vemos em seguida que, em contraponto a Swann, cuja trajetória é vista como uma vocação artística frustrada, a expressão do romance proustiano busca condensar as experiências de um indivíduo para se tornar escritor. Finalmente, o excerto reflete sobre o caráter realista do romance: tendo por base um ensaio de Antonio Candido, \"Realismo (via Marcel Proust)\", e levando em conta um acontecimento-chave para o escritor francês, analisamos aqui o papel desempenhado pelo caso Dreyfus na narrativa. A hipótese mais geral desta pesquisa é a de que certos temas, representados pela personagem do diletante Charles Swann e por seu engajamento no caso Dreyfus, tornam difícil o acabamento do romance e lhe dão uma forma crítica, polêmica, viva. Esta não retira sua unidade da perspectiva de um artista profissional, cujo ofício participa da divisão do trabalho e do conhecimento de nossa sociedade; mas vincula-se à percepção de um diletante, cujo ponto de vista conserva algo de maravilhoso e mágico para as criações artísticas, como se a arte oferecesse mais do que obras e fosse capaz de ensinar a ler a vida. Lembramos neste sentido que a narrativa proustiana, desde seu começo até seu final, acompanha o ponto de vista não de um artista formado, mas de um apaixonado pelo universo artístico: o protagonista que deseja criar uma obra de arte e a imagina capaz de organizar a vida à imagem de sua complexidade. / A literary theory research on Marcel Proust´s novel In Search of Lost Time. The objective is to discuss the unity of Proust´s novel through an analysis of Charles Swann´s character. The first chapter of this work is a survey of the novel\'s global project, taking a passage of The Captive as a starting point, where the novel\'s narrator identifies two kinds of unity for the work of art, a logical one and a vital one. We remind then some difficulties that this project brings along with it: how can we create a work of art which is open and live, as well as coherent and complete? The answer is found in the communicant vases, in the transversalities able to provide the novel with a vital unity, not a logical one. In the third chapter, we analyse one of the points into which these transversalities converge: Charles Swann´s character. By a reconstitution of this character, we discuss certain important motifs of Proust´s novel: the education of the artist, as well as the relationship between art and life. In comparison with Swann, who represents a frustrated artist, we recognize that Proust´s literary expression seeks to condense someone\'s experiences to become a writer in the actual society. Finally, in the last part, we study the realistic aspects of the novel, based on Candido´s essay, \"Realism (according to Proust)\", and, taking into account an important political experience for the writer, we review the role of Dreyfus\'s Affair in the narrative. The general hypothesis of this research is that some themes, represented by Charles Swann´s diletantisme and his political engagement at the Affair, make it difficult to finish the novel and also give it a critical, polemical and live form. This form does not take its unity from a professional artist´s perspective, which participates in the division of the work and knowledge of our society, but from the dilettante condition, which point of view preserves something magical and wonderful for the artistic creations, as if art could give more than artworks and teach to read life. In this sense, we remind that Proust´s novel follows the point of view of a passionate for arts rather than a professional writer: the hero who wants to create a work of art and who believes it capable to organize the world at its complexity.

Unidade e fragmento: uma leitura da composição proustiana a partir dos cadernos 53 e 55 de Albertine / Unity and fragment: a reading of the Proustian composition using exercise books 53 and 55 of Albertine as a starting point

Silva, Carla Cavalcanti e 08 March 2010 (has links)
Embora o romance Em busca do tempo perdido seja incontestavelmente uma obra inacabada, não se trata, entretanto, de uma obra incompleta. Seu fechamento circular, promovido pelo diálogo entre o primeiro e último volumes, foi tema de grande parte da crítica proustiana. Com relação à sua composição, seu processo escritural passou por diversas mudanças e a construção, equiparada à execução de uma catedral, poderia igualmente ser caracterizada pela colagem, montagem ou costura dos fragmentos textuais esboçados nos setenta e cinco cadernos de rascunho. A busca pela unidade em meio a essa profusão de textos levou o escritor à atividade incessante de releitura e reescritura e, consequentemente, ao inacabamento da obra. O trabalho que ora apresentamos tem por objetivo o estudo dessa composição, a partir da leitura e análise dos cadernos 53 e 55, ambos consagrados à elaboração da história de Albertine. / Although the novel In Search of Lost Time is certainly unfinished, it is not an incomplete work. Its round ending, promoted by the dialogue between the first and last volumes, was the subject of much Proustian criticism. With respect to its composition, its writing process has gone through many changes and the construction, equivalent to the execution of a cathedral, could also be characterized by the process of montage or the stitching of textual fragments contained in Prousts seventy-five exercise books. The search for unity amongst this profusion of texts has led the writer to the ceaseless activity of rereading and rewriting and thus to the incompleteness of the work. The analysis presented here is aimed at studying this composition, having the reading and the analysis of exercise books 53 and 55, both related to the elaboration of the story of Albertine, as a starting point.

Sadisme filial et vocation littéraire chez Marcel Proust

Bégin Marchand, Jasmine 02 1900 (has links)
Dans la Recherche du temps perdu, toute relation filiale est une relation où le fils fait inévitablement souffrir sa mère en commettant, selon Proust, une forme de parricide. La lecture des œuvres pré-Recherche de l’auteur, telles la nouvelle « La confession d’une jeune fille » et l’article « Sentiments filiaux d’un parricide » permettent de comprendre cette relation ambigüe, au cœur de laquelle se trouve l’amour incommensurable que ressent le fils pour le parent, un amour si intense qu’il en est étouffant. Dans ces conditions, le parent en vient à symboliser aux yeux de l’enfant la Loi contre laquelle il doit se rebeller à coup de gestes de cruauté. Le fils, s’il est de ceux qui peuvent soutenir la vue de leurs crimes, entre alors dans un cercle vicieux : par sa cruauté, il tue – symboliquement ou réellement – le parent aimé et il en jouit. Suite à ce sadisme, il ressent une insupportable culpabilité qui le mène à une dévotion masochiste encore plus grande pour son parent. Or, par le personnage du narrateur de la Recherche du temps perdu, Proust démontre que la seule manière de se libérer de cette douloureuse culpabilité, c’est l’Art. Le crime ultime qu’est la création excuse les actes de cruauté antérieurs et les justifie même. C’est la seule manière de transformer la souffrance vécue (issue entre autres de la culpabilité d’avoir pris plaisir à faire souffrir un parent aimé) en idées universelles, en œuvre d’art. / In A la recherche du temps perdu, every filial relationship is one where the son inevitably causes his mother suffering by committing, according to Proust, a form of parricide. The writings of Marcel Proust before la Recherche, such as the short story “A young girl’s confession” and the newspaper article “Filial sentiments of a parricide”, allow us to understand this ambiguous relationship, at the heart of which we can find the unmeasured love that the son feels for his parent, a love so intense that it soon becomes suffocating. Under these conditions, the parent comes to symbolize to the child “the moral Law” against which he must rebel, choosing cruelty as his weapon. The son, if he is one of those who can stand the sight of their own crimes, enters then in a vicious cycle: with his daily acts of cruelty, he kills – symbolically or in genuinely – the beloved parent, and he enjoys it. Following this act of sadism, he feels an unbearable guilt that leads him to an even greater masochistic devotion for his parent. Yet, through the character of the narrator of la Recherche, Proust demonstrates that there is indeed one way to free oneself from this painful guilt, and it is through Art. Creation, the ultimate crime, excuses and even justifies any previous acts of cruelty. It is the only way of transforming suffering (resulting among other things, from the guilt of having enjoyed causing a beloved parent any kind of suffering) into universal ideas, into art.

O caso do diletante: a personagem de Charles Swann e a unidade do romance Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust / Charles Swann´s diletantisme: the unity of Proust´s novel through an analysis of Charles Swann´s character in \'In Search of Lost Time\'

Alexandre Bebiano de Almeida 11 June 2008 (has links)
Pesquisa de teoria literária sobre o romance Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust. Tem como objetivo refletir sobre a unidade do romance Em busca do tempo perdido, por meio de uma análise da personagem de Charles Swann. Este trabalho principia pelo levantamento do projeto global do ciclo romanesco, a partir de um trecho d´A Prisioneira em que o narrador-protagonista estabelece dois tipos de unidade para a obra de arte: uma lógica e outra vital. O segundo capítulo expõe as dificuldades que esse projeto coloca: como criar uma obra artística que seja viva e aberta, ao mesmo tempo que coesa e íntegra? A resposta é encontrada nos vasos comunicantes, nas transversalidades capazes de dar ao ciclo romanesco, não uma unidade lógica, mas vital. O terceiro capítulo analisa um dos nós, um dos pontos para o qual convergem essas transversalidades: a personagem de Charles Swann. Por meio da reconstituição desta personagem, são discutidos aqui alguns temas importantes para o romance: a formação do artista, assim como a relação entre a arte e a vida. Vemos em seguida que, em contraponto a Swann, cuja trajetória é vista como uma vocação artística frustrada, a expressão do romance proustiano busca condensar as experiências de um indivíduo para se tornar escritor. Finalmente, o excerto reflete sobre o caráter realista do romance: tendo por base um ensaio de Antonio Candido, \"Realismo (via Marcel Proust)\", e levando em conta um acontecimento-chave para o escritor francês, analisamos aqui o papel desempenhado pelo caso Dreyfus na narrativa. A hipótese mais geral desta pesquisa é a de que certos temas, representados pela personagem do diletante Charles Swann e por seu engajamento no caso Dreyfus, tornam difícil o acabamento do romance e lhe dão uma forma crítica, polêmica, viva. Esta não retira sua unidade da perspectiva de um artista profissional, cujo ofício participa da divisão do trabalho e do conhecimento de nossa sociedade; mas vincula-se à percepção de um diletante, cujo ponto de vista conserva algo de maravilhoso e mágico para as criações artísticas, como se a arte oferecesse mais do que obras e fosse capaz de ensinar a ler a vida. Lembramos neste sentido que a narrativa proustiana, desde seu começo até seu final, acompanha o ponto de vista não de um artista formado, mas de um apaixonado pelo universo artístico: o protagonista que deseja criar uma obra de arte e a imagina capaz de organizar a vida à imagem de sua complexidade. / A literary theory research on Marcel Proust´s novel In Search of Lost Time. The objective is to discuss the unity of Proust´s novel through an analysis of Charles Swann´s character. The first chapter of this work is a survey of the novel\'s global project, taking a passage of The Captive as a starting point, where the novel\'s narrator identifies two kinds of unity for the work of art, a logical one and a vital one. We remind then some difficulties that this project brings along with it: how can we create a work of art which is open and live, as well as coherent and complete? The answer is found in the communicant vases, in the transversalities able to provide the novel with a vital unity, not a logical one. In the third chapter, we analyse one of the points into which these transversalities converge: Charles Swann´s character. By a reconstitution of this character, we discuss certain important motifs of Proust´s novel: the education of the artist, as well as the relationship between art and life. In comparison with Swann, who represents a frustrated artist, we recognize that Proust´s literary expression seeks to condense someone\'s experiences to become a writer in the actual society. Finally, in the last part, we study the realistic aspects of the novel, based on Candido´s essay, \"Realism (according to Proust)\", and, taking into account an important political experience for the writer, we review the role of Dreyfus\'s Affair in the narrative. The general hypothesis of this research is that some themes, represented by Charles Swann´s diletantisme and his political engagement at the Affair, make it difficult to finish the novel and also give it a critical, polemical and live form. This form does not take its unity from a professional artist´s perspective, which participates in the division of the work and knowledge of our society, but from the dilettante condition, which point of view preserves something magical and wonderful for the artistic creations, as if art could give more than artworks and teach to read life. In this sense, we remind that Proust´s novel follows the point of view of a passionate for arts rather than a professional writer: the hero who wants to create a work of art and who believes it capable to organize the world at its complexity.

Em torno da gênese de uma personagem proustiana: tia Léonie no caminho da descoberta de uma vocação / Around a Proustian character: Léonies way in the discovery of a vocation

Liliane Silva dos Santos 05 September 2014 (has links)
NO ROMANCE DE MARCEL PROUST Em busca do tempo perdidodesfilam ante os olhos do leitorum compêndio de seres enigmáticos, fragmentários, que oferecem em si, ao longo da obra, uma gama de novas imagens e possibilidades. Desse complexo conjunto de seres imprevisíveis, há um caso particular de uma personagem secundária. Figuraaparentemente dentro da narrativa como um ser anedótico, apenas para compor um ambiente cômico, pueril dentro de Combray, a cidadezinha prosaica de infância do herói do romance: a tia Léonie. O objetivo do trabalho que apresentamos não é somente analisar esse ser aparentemente risório, a eterna doente de Combray. Sobretudo, pretende-se mostrar dentro dopróprio romance proustiano que Léonie, como os tantos personagens desse trajeto rumo à descoberta da verdadeira vocação do herói, também colocará sua pequena pedra na composição monumental da obra por vir, pois, ao seu modo, também contribuirá para a composição daquele que renunciará à vida, se reservando apenas o essencial, para compor seu romance. / IN THE NOVEL OF MARCEL PROUST\'S \"In Search of Lost Time\", parade before the reader\'s eyes, a compendium of enigmatic, fragmentary beings, offering itself, throughout the work, a range of new images and possibilities. In this complex set of unpredictable beings, there is a particular case of a secondary character, apparently figuring in the narrative as being anecdotal, just to make a comic, childlike environment in Combray, the prosaic town of the novel heros childhood: Aunt Léonie. The objective of the present work is not only to analyze this seemingly be risorius, \"the eternal sick of Combray.\" Above all, it presents in the Proustian novel itself that Léonie, as so many characters that path towards the discovery of the true vocation of the hero, also put your little stone in monumental composition of the work to come, for, in his own way, also contribute for the composition that he would resign to life, reserve to itself only the essentials, in order to compose his novel.

Otevřené dílo? Swannova láska a její filmové zpracování (1984) / The Open Work? Swann in love and its film adaptation (1984)

Bőhmová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
(in English): Our thesis is titled The Open Work? Swann in love and it's film adaptation. Our primary aim is not only to summarize the most famous theories about the openness of the work but also to apply these theories directly to the book Swann in love and subsequent comparison of the literary and film adaptation of the story. We have divided the thesis into three chapters. The first one is methodological overview. In our thesis we will deal with several phenomena from the field of literary science. We will be interested mainly in the character of the reader and the author and the different roles attributed to them by different theories. We will look closely at the differences between the empiric and model reader and the author, deal with the openness of the work, the difference between the subjects of the author, the narrator and the main characters, and we will also look into the theory of fictional worlds. We chose the work of Umberto Eco as a theoretical basis, but we also draw some ideas from the work of other literary theorists. In the second chapter, these theories will be applied to the specific passages of the book Swann in love. Let's get into the fictional world of Swan's love and watch the surroundings. We will try to conclude what the reader of this work should be, what mistaken...

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