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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da troca do metilfenidato de liberação imediata para o metilfenidato de liberação prolongada no transtorno de déficit de atenção / hiperatividade

Maia, Carlos Renato Moreira January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: O metilfenidato de liberação imediata (MFD-LI) é um psicofármaco receitado mundialmente para o tratamento do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH). Embora eficaz, o MFD-LI está associado a problemas de adesão ao tratamento, uma vez que os pacientes necessitam ingerir os comprimidos várias vezes ao dia. O Spheroidal Oral Drug Absorption System (SODAS™) é uma formulação de metilfenidato de liberação prolongada (MFD-LP) que mimetiza a administração de MFD-LI duas vezes ao dia, e que apresenta menor flutuação nos níveis séricos. Nesta formulação, cinqüenta por cento dos grânulos com revestimento para liberação entérica são liberados aproximadamente 4 horas após a administração, proporcionando um perfil de ação semelhante a duas tomadas ao dia do MFD-LI. O MFD SODAS™ libera de imediato 50% do medicamento, proporcionando um rápido início de ação quando comparado ao sistema de liberação OROS®. Poucos estudos avaliaram a troca do MFD-LI para o MFD-LP, sendo que desses, apenas crianças e adolescentes foram avaliados, e nenhum verificou os preditores de insatisfação da troca do MFD-LI para o MFD-LP. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os sintomas de TDAH, ou preditores de insatisfação e/ou desistência do tratamento naqueles pacientes clinicamente estáveis que fizeram a troca do MDF-LI para o MFD SODAS™. Método: Os critérios de inclusão foram: diagnóstico de TDAH de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV, e estabilidade de sintomas com o uso do MFD-LI. Os critérios de exclusão foram: condição clínica coexistente que pudesse impedir a prescrição de MFD SODAS™; diagnóstico de abuso ou dependência de álcool e/ou drogas de abuso; diagnóstico prévio de retardo mental moderado; tratamento psicoterápico concomitante. Este é um ensaio clínico aberto realizado em oito semanas. Os pacientes foram designados a receber doses de MFD SODAS™ de acordo com a dose de MFD-LI previamente estabelecida. A eficácia foi avaliada através das escalas SNAP-IV e CGI-S, e eventos adversos através da Barkley's Side Effect Rating Scale (SERS). Foi solicitado aos participantes que classificassem sua satisfação com o tratamento através de uma escala Likert de 5 pontos. Também foram avaliados os seguintes potenciais preditores de resposta: sexo, idade, etnia, nível socioeconômico, comorbidades, subtipos de TDAH, resultados das escalas SNAP-IV e SERS no baseline, tempo de tratamento, tratamento farmacológico concomitante, dose de MFD-LI prévia ao início do estudo e a existência de pausa do tratamento nos finais de semana. Resultados: A partir de uma amostra total de 207 crianças, adolescentes e adultos (provenientes do ambulatório adulto e infantil de transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre) foi possível contatar 133 pacientes, os quais sessenta e dois pacientes foram elegíveis a participar do estudo, e 47 completaram as oito semanas de tratamento. Não se encontrou diferença significativa no escore total do SNAP-IV durante o protocolo - baseline, semana 4 e 8 [F(1, 51,26) =0,012; p=0,913]. Ao todo, 46 (74,2%) dos pacientes relataram estar satisfeitos com o novo tratamento, 16 (25,8%) estavam insatisfeitos ou saíram do protocolo. Nas análises univariadas, foi detectada uma tendência para a associação entre etnia e insatisfação (p=0.05). Não se encontrou uma diferença significativa nos escores da SERS durante o ensaio clínico [F(1, 111,49) =0,748; p=0,389]. Em onze eventos adversos ocorreram ao menos 5% em alguma das avaliações (baseline, 4ª ou 8ª semana). Um adulto, que apresentava uma doença cardiovascular previamente ao estudo, apresentou um acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico (AVCH) após a quarta semana de tratamento, evoluindo ao óbito após três semanas. Conclusão: Poucos estudos abordaram os sintomas de TDAH após a troca do MFD-LI para qualquer formulação de MFD-LP, e nenhum estudo prévio foi conduzido em populações de países em desenvolvimento ou em amostras com adultos. A taxa de satisfação encontrada (74,2%) na troca do MFD-LI para MFD SODAS™ possivelmente reflete a conveniência da dose única diária deste MFD-LP, como já especulado em estudos prévios. Não foram identificados fatores preditores de insatisfação. O número médio de efeitos colaterais pode ser considerado alto, mas isso pode ser o resultado do uso de uma escala de avaliação adequada, diferentemente do relato espontâneo do evento adverso. Não foi possível encontrar uma relação direta entre os efeitos do MFD SODAS™ e a morte por AVCH ocorrida em um dos sujeitos da amostra. Entretanto, o evento cardiovascular ocorrido sugere extrema cautela ao medicar pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares, conforme proposto pelo FDA. Os achados desse estudo sugerem que o MFD SODAS™ possui eficácia e perfil de eventos adversos similares ao MFD-LI. / Introduction: Immediate-release methylphenidate (MPH-IR) is a pharmacological treatment prescribed worldwide for patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The MPH-IR, although highly efficacious, need to be used more than once a day, and consequently might be associated with poor adherence. The Spheroidal Oral Drug Absorption System (SODAS™) is one type of MPH-ER (Extended-release methylphenidate) that mimics the twice-daily administration of MPH-immediate release, but presents less peak and trough fluctuations. This formulation allows the immediate release of 50% of the drug, providing a rapid onset if compared with OROS® formulation. Few studies have evaluated specifically the switching from MPH-IR to MPH-ER. All previous studies accessed only children and adolescents; none evaluated switching to MPH SODAS™ and no predictors of treatment dissatisfaction were mentioned. Objectives: The present study aims to assess ADHD symptoms for 08 weeks after switching from MPH-IR to MPH SODAS™ in clinically stable patients, and to identify predictors of dissatisfaction with MPH SODAS™, and/ or withdrawal from the protocol. Method: The inclusion criteria were: ADHD diagnosis according to the DSM-IV criteria and clinical stability with MPH-IR. The exclusion criteria were: a clinically coexisting medical condition interfering with the administration of MPH SODAS™; previous diagnosis of alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence; previous diagnosis of moderate mental retardation; concomitant psychotherapy. This is an 8-week open clinical trial. Patients were assigned to doses of MPH SODAS™ according to their pre-study dose of MPH-IR. Assessment of efficacy and side effects was performed by means of the SNAP-IV, CGI-S, Barkley's Side Effect Rating Scale (SERS). Subjects were also asked to report their satisfaction with the treatment in a 5-point Likert scale. We also evaluated the following potential predictors of treatment response: sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, comorbidities, baseline scores on the SNAP-IV, and SERS, length of treatment, concomitant treatment, previous prescribed dose of MPH-IR, and pause of treatment on weekends. Results: From a total sample of 207 children, adolescents and adults (enrolled from the ADHD outpatient clinic at both Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre) we were able to re-contact 133 patients, where sixty-two patients were eligible to the clinical trial, and 47 completed the 08 weeks of treatment. There was no significant change in the total score of the SNAP-IV during the protocol – baseline, week 4 and 8 [F(1, 51.26)=0.012; p=0.913]. Overall, 46 (74.2%) patients had reported to be satisfied with the new treatment, and 16 (25.8%) were dissatisfied or withdrew from the protocol. In univariate analyses, only ethnicity (p=0.05) were associated with dissatisfaction. No significant change in the SERS score was found during the protocol [F(1, 111.49)=0.748; p=0.389]. Eleven adverse events occurring in at least 5% of the group in any assessment (baseline, 04 or 08 weeks) were observed according to SERS. One adult, with previous cardiovascular disease, presented a hemorrhagic cerebral vascular accident (CVA) after the forth week assessment, resulting in her obit. Conclusion: There is a scarcity of research assessing the switch from MPH-IR to different forms of MPH-ER, and none across the life cycle or in populations from developing countries. The 74.2% of satisfaction with the new treatment may reflect the convenience of the once-a-day dosing of the MPH SODAS™. No predictor of dissatisfaction/withdrawal from the trial was found. The number of adverse events reported during the protocol could be considered high, but this can be the result of the use of an appropriate assessment scale, rather than monitoring only by spontaneous report. It was not possible to find a direc relationship between the MPH SODAS™ and death from a CVA occurred in one of the subjects. However, the cardiovascular event found during the trial, suggest extreme caution when medicating patients with cardiovascular diseases as recently proposed by the FDA. Findings from this study suggest that MPH SODAS™ has similar efficacy and adverse event profile than MPH-IR.

Kognitivní omezení a behaviorální zkreslení v kontextu oceňování aktiv / Cognitive Limitations and Behavioral Biases in the Asset Pricing Context

Chavchanidze, Giorgi January 2021 (has links)
Cognitive Limitations and Behavioral Biases In The Asset Pricing Context MAER Thesis Asbtract Giorgi Chavchanidze I incorporate behavioral and bounded rationality elements into a single asset-pricing frame- work by setting up a two-period consumption-based portfolio selection problem in which a representative agent has biased priors, does not observe the current state and thus has in- complete information about future state probabilities. He forms posterior beliefs using signals that he selects according to the rational inattention discrete choice framework of Matějka and McKay (2015), where the precision of the beliefs depend intuitively on the priors and the cost of information λ. In the case of log-utility, the optimal portfolio is a convex combination of the N portfolios the investor would have selected in each of the N states if they were fully observable, where the weights reflect the subjective posterior likelihood of time-zero states. The posterior beliefs are induced by parsimonious reweighing of priors, where the weights depend on λ, discount factor β and the relative entropies of the future state distributions induced by different time-zero states. Using a two-state example, I demonstrate how the cost of information and biases can be jointly analyzed in this framework and discuss implied...

Detekce nepozornosti pilotů / Detection of Pilot Inattention

Novotný, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the issue of pilot inattention and proposes a design of a system for detecting inattention of general aviation pilots. Inattention belongs to one of the human-caused errors that currently contribute to the most common causes of aviation accidents. The theoretical part deals with the definition of inattention, compares different aviation categories based on flight rules, and contains a search of detection methods. The practical part of the work deals with the selection of suitable sensors, data collection, and implementation of detection algorithms. In this thesis, two different approaches were chosen. The first implementing machine learning using the RUSBoost classifier, which detects states of attention and distraction. The second approach represents the design of a system for detecting pilot inattention based on a set of rules specified in the CLIPS expert system.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a response to traumatic stress

Graumann, Esther 07 May 2007 (has links)
The subject of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Ritalin as a method of treatment, has received a lot of media attention in recent years as it appears to be the most “popular” diagnosis for children who are difficult, who struggle to pay attention and who are impulsive and hyperactive. Some medical professionals are of the opinion that incidences of the disorder are increasing, while others believe that the disorder is being misdiagnosed. There is a significant overlap in the symptoms of ADHD and those of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In South Africa, where many children are exposed to traumatic stimuli on a regular and ongoing basis, health care professionals cannot afford to overlook the possibility that children exhibiting symptoms of ADHD may, in fact, be traumatised. However, when examining the criteria for PTSD we find that the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV) does not adequately describe the differences between adult and childhood PTSD and also does not adequately account for children who may be in an almost continuous state of traumatic stress. Since there is increasing evidence of the interaction between mind/emotions and body, it is plausible that the emotions of children with ADHD play an important role in their condition, particularly if the child has suffered traumatic stress. The researcher believes that children who experience continuous traumatic stress may develop maladaptive responses which may eventually become traits, and that ADHD may be one such response. The goal of this exploratory study was to gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of a few children (case studies) who have been diagnosed with ADHD and who are in the middle childhood phase of development. The first objective was to gather knowledge regarding ADHD, traumatic stress, biological responses to trauma and to describe middle childhood and gestalt play therapy. In the empirical study, gestalt play therapy techniques were used to assess whether children with ADHD had suffered traumatic stress (particularly the loss of safety and security) prior to the diagnosis and whether they are able to express their thoughts and emotions appropriately. Since the study was qualitative, the researcher made use of observation and unstructured interviews (including play therapy sessions) to obtain background information from the parents and to explore the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of children with ADHD from their perspective. This study falls under applied research, undertaken with a view to creating preventative measures and improving interventions for children with ADHD and children who have suffered traumatic stress. The final objective of the study was to draw conclusions and make recommendations in order to promote awareness of the likelihood of traumatic stress in children with ADHD in South Africa. The researcher concluded that the respondents in this study have indeed suffered traumatic stress in the form of loss of safety and security, related to an inadequate bond with a responsive, nurturing caregiver. In addition, they have difficulty expressing their thoughts and emotions. / Dissertation (Magister Socialis Diligentiae (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

The central auditory processing and continuous performance of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the medicated and non-medicated state

Campbell, Nicole Githa 30 September 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (DPhil (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / DPhil / Unrestricted

An investigation of behaviour management strategies on learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the classroom

Wulfsohn, Renee 12 1900 (has links)
Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) traditionally display disruptive and other associated negative behaviour in the classroom setting. Behaviour management strategies utilised by the teacher in the school environment can assist in reducing this type of behaviour that impacts negatively upon their academic performance. This research study develops and investigates the effectiveness of a programme of practical behaviour management strategies designed to reduce disruptive behaviour of learners with ADHD in the classroom. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Psychology)

An assessment battery for the diagnosis and evaluation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Hotz, Trevor Leon 06 1900 (has links)
Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Le rôle des symptômes d'hyperactivité- impulsivité dans la performance à une tâche de pointage manuel : quel rôle pour l'inattention?

Noué, Patrick 05 1900 (has links)
L'intégralité de ce projet a été réalisé à l'aide de logiciels sous licence libre. / Une évaluation du nombre de symptômes d'hyperactivité-impulsivité et d'inattention a été faite sur 277 jumeaux au moyen d'une entrevue semi-structurée administré aux parents, basée sur une échelle validée et communément admise, et une tâche de pointage a été demandée à chacun d'eux. La tâche de pointage a été effectuée avec chaque main successivement vers une cible dont la position à 135° ou à 45° était déterminée aléatoirement. Les tracés ont été classés en trois catégories selon le type de la première correction volontaire qu'ils présentaient sur leurs profils cinématiques : absence de correction, correction de position, correction dynamique. Ce projet veut caractériser la relation entre le taux de chaque type de correction et le nombre de symptômes de TDAH chez une population d'enfants ne répondant majoritairement pas à un diagnostic clinique de TDAH. Il a été montré que la présence de corrections de position était fréquemment corrélée à la présence de symptômes d'hyperactivité-impulsivité, mais pas, ou rarement, de symptômes d'inattention. D'autre part, il a été aussi remarqué que le taux de correction augmentait significativement lorsque le mouvement de pointage était effectué de la main gauche, sans égard à la dominance manuelle du sujet. Le premier résultat n'était pas attendu, étant donné la littérature relativement épaisse montrant un lien entre l'inattention et les problèmes de coordination motrice. Le second résultat, par contre, laisse entendre que la différenciation fonctionnelle hémisphérique d'un point de vue de contrôle attentionnel, ou de la motricité de la main gauche, serait affectée par le TDAH. / Symptoms linked to ADHD were assessed on 277 twins according to the commonly recognized dimensions formed by hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention. A semi-structured interview administered to parents was used for the assessment. Subjects were asked to perform a pointing task. Left and right hands were tested in turn, and to reach a target placed either at 135° or 45°. Order of appearance was randomly determined. All traces were categorized according to the first voluntary correction as shown in their kinematic profiles : no correction, position correction, and dynamic correction. This project proposes to characterize the link between each correction type frequency and hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention symptoms. The population studied was mostly subclinical and did not reach ADHD diagnosis criteria. Position corrections were shown to be correlated quite reliably to hyperactivity- impulsivity symptoms, but not to inattention symptoms. Deficits were most reliably linked with left hand use. The first result was unexpected considering abundant literature confirming the link between inattention and fine motor deficits, but the second one is more in line with a less exploited hypothesis stating that hemispherical functional differentiation related to control of the hand, or control of attention is affected by ADHD.

Le rôle des symptômes d'hyperactivité- impulsivité dans la performance à une tâche de pointage manuel : quel rôle pour l'inattention?

Noué, Patrick 05 1900 (has links)
Une évaluation du nombre de symptômes d'hyperactivité-impulsivité et d'inattention a été faite sur 277 jumeaux au moyen d'une entrevue semi-structurée administré aux parents, basée sur une échelle validée et communément admise, et une tâche de pointage a été demandée à chacun d'eux. La tâche de pointage a été effectuée avec chaque main successivement vers une cible dont la position à 135° ou à 45° était déterminée aléatoirement. Les tracés ont été classés en trois catégories selon le type de la première correction volontaire qu'ils présentaient sur leurs profils cinématiques : absence de correction, correction de position, correction dynamique. Ce projet veut caractériser la relation entre le taux de chaque type de correction et le nombre de symptômes de TDAH chez une population d'enfants ne répondant majoritairement pas à un diagnostic clinique de TDAH. Il a été montré que la présence de corrections de position était fréquemment corrélée à la présence de symptômes d'hyperactivité-impulsivité, mais pas, ou rarement, de symptômes d'inattention. D'autre part, il a été aussi remarqué que le taux de correction augmentait significativement lorsque le mouvement de pointage était effectué de la main gauche, sans égard à la dominance manuelle du sujet. Le premier résultat n'était pas attendu, étant donné la littérature relativement épaisse montrant un lien entre l'inattention et les problèmes de coordination motrice. Le second résultat, par contre, laisse entendre que la différenciation fonctionnelle hémisphérique d'un point de vue de contrôle attentionnel, ou de la motricité de la main gauche, serait affectée par le TDAH. / Symptoms linked to ADHD were assessed on 277 twins according to the commonly recognized dimensions formed by hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention. A semi-structured interview administered to parents was used for the assessment. Subjects were asked to perform a pointing task. Left and right hands were tested in turn, and to reach a target placed either at 135° or 45°. Order of appearance was randomly determined. All traces were categorized according to the first voluntary correction as shown in their kinematic profiles : no correction, position correction, and dynamic correction. This project proposes to characterize the link between each correction type frequency and hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention symptoms. The population studied was mostly subclinical and did not reach ADHD diagnosis criteria. Position corrections were shown to be correlated quite reliably to hyperactivity- impulsivity symptoms, but not to inattention symptoms. Deficits were most reliably linked with left hand use. The first result was unexpected considering abundant literature confirming the link between inattention and fine motor deficits, but the second one is more in line with a less exploited hypothesis stating that hemispherical functional differentiation related to control of the hand, or control of attention is affected by ADHD. / L'intégralité de ce projet a été réalisé à l'aide de logiciels sous licence libre.

Living SMART : an Internet course for adults with ADHD

Moëll, Birger January 2013 (has links)
ADHD affects executive functions and pharmacological treatment is the most common intervention. Medication is ineffective for some and psychosocial interventions are scarcely available. CBT that teaches organizational skills for managing ADHD-symptoms has shown promising results. Smartphones can help individuals perform executive tasks such as planning and organization and they could be efficacious as a support tool for ADHD patients. The current study is a RCT that compares an online course (n=29) based on previously effective CBT treatments for ADHD to a wait-list control (n=29). The intervention focused on teaching the use of an online calendar and smartphone apps. The intervention brought significant improvement (p < 0.001) to participants regarding ADHD symptoms and 38% of participants were considered clinically significantly improved. This indicates that online treatments using IT-tools for ADHD is effective and that smartphones can be used as a tool for aiding individuals with impairments in executive functions.

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