Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incidentes"" "subject:"acidentes""
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Implementación del coaching en el programa de Seguridad Basado en el Comportamiento (SBC) para la reducción de incidentes/accidentes en el transporte de materiales peligrosos en la empresa Cargo Transport S.A.C.Gómez Silva, Brahayan Adrián, Sánchez Ormeño, Roberto Antonio 15 January 2022 (has links)
El transporte de carga por medio terrestre es una de las actividades con altos números de accidentes e incidentes en la actualidad debido a los diversos factores que influyen en esta tarea. Si a esto se le añade el transporte de materiales peligrosos como los hidrocarburos (combustible), explosivos y lubricantes la probabilidad de que se maximice el evento es elevado y perjudicial para todos los actores externos e internos de la actividad. En el Perú existen leyes y normativas que regulan el transporte de materiales peligrosos, así como también el cumplimiento total de cada una de estas. Por ello, que las empresas brindan las capacitaciones y condiciones a los trabajadores que desempeñan esta labor, sin embargo, existe un factor elemental para evitar la ocurrencia de accidentes/incidentes la cual está arraigada al comportamiento del trabajador; así como también a la motivación y concientización de realizar sus actividades de forma segura.
En este contexto, el presente trabajo de investigación plantea la implementación del Coaching en el Programa de Seguridad Basada en el Comportamiento (SBC) para disminuir los accidentes e incidentes, así como también para aumentar las conductas seguras de los trabajadores dentro de una empresa de transporte de materiales peligrosos. Este proyecto ejecutará el diseño y la aplicación del Coaching en el área de operaciones que se encuentra relacionada directamente al transporte de los materiales peligrosos. / Freight transportation by land is one of the activities with high numbers of accidents and incidents today due to the various factors that influence this task. If to this is added the transport of hazardous materials such as hydrocarbons (fuel), explosives and lubricants, the probability that the event will be maximized is high and detrimental to all the external and internal actors of the activity. In Peru there are laws and regulations that regulate the transport of hazardous materials, as well as the full compliance with each of these. Therefore, the companies provide training and conditions to workers who perform this work, however, there is an elementary factor to avoid the occurrence of accidents / incidents which is rooted in the behavior of the worker; as well as the motivation and awareness to carry out their activities safely.
In this context, this research work proposes the implementation of Coaching in the Behavior Based Safety Program (SBC) to reduce accidents and incidents, as well as to increase the safe behaviors of workers within a transportation company of hazardous materials. This project will execute the design and application of Coaching in the area of operations that will be directly related to the transport of hazardous materials. / Tesis
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[pt] O transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos é a principal atividade econômica geradora de acidentes ambientais no Brasil. No modal rodoviário, durante o carregamento, o deslocamento e a descarga há combinações de fatores adversos à operação prescritas em normas que representam riscos de incidentes e
acidentes que, a cada ano, aumentam suas estatísticas nas estradas brasileiras. Esta pesquisa identificou pontos de controle aplicados nos locais de partida, onde ocorrem os carregamentos, operados por condutores de veículos que transportam etanol com vistas à prevenção de acidentes durante o transporte da carga. A partir da revisão de leis, decretos e normas, e considerando o percurso entre os estados
do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, o transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi estudado sob o ponto de vista da teoria de prevenção de acidentes de Haddon e modelos de acidentes do Abiquim, programa Olho Vivo nas Estradas. Por meio de entrevistas com funcionários de distribuidoras de combustíveis, a pesquisa identificou práticas correntes utilizadas por motoristas de caminhões para a checagem das condições gerais dos veículos nos pontos de partida com vistas ao atendimento de normas, legislações e procedimentos de segurança das empresas. Os motoristas revelaram que os acidentes ocorridos nas estradas ou até mesmo nas áreas urbanas não ocorrem por falhas de inspeção no ponto de partida, mas sim devido a imprudência de outros condutores que não respeitam as leis de trânsito. / [en] Since 2015, resulting from industrial expansion and driven by exports and cargo distribution and storage logistics in Brazil, road transport has grown significantly. Among the products that had increased volumes are chemicals that, by their nature, present risks when handled and transported. This increase in
demand for cargo transportation was higher in road transport when compared to other modes of transport, such as waterway and rail. The Fig. 1 presents the configuration of the different modal of dangerous cargo
transportation in 2015.
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La liaison du contentieux / The link of contentiousIl, Léa 11 December 2012 (has links)
Si l’expression liaison du contentieux est communément utilisée en jurisprudence administrative, dans les manuels et ouvrages de contentieux administratif, c’est pour être confondue avec la règle de la décision administrative préalable. Or, la liaison du contentieux est plus vaste que cette dernière, elle renvoie à une réalité différente qui reste à découvrir. L’étude pratique de la liaison du contentieux révèle qu’elle est dans l’intérêt des parties à l’instance et qu’elle est l’instrument de travail du juge car sans elle, le litige ne peut être réglé. Et comme le litige est avant tout l’affaire des parties à l’instance, ce sont elles qui devront lier le contentieux. Le juge, destinataire de la liaison du contentieux, va intervenir dans sa réalisation alors qu’il restait initialement à l’extérieur de celle-ci. L’analyse juridique de la liaison du contentieux montre qu’elle exerce en parallèle, et ce à tous les niveaux du procès, une emprise forte sur la matière litigieuse qu’elle délimite. Le contentieux, qui se lie devant les premiers juges du fond, se cristallise en effet après l’expiration du délai de recours avant d’être rendu totalement immuable à la clôture de l’instruction. Le litige, tel qu’il a été lié, est « transféré » dans les instances dérivées pour être, éventuellement, rejugé. La liaison du contentieux se poursuit alors devant le juge d’appel et de cassation mais tout en assurant au litige son unicité. / If expression link of contentious is commonly used in administrative case law, in manuals and books of administrative contentious, it is to be confused with the rule of administrative decision. But the link of contentious is vaster than this last, it returns in a different reality which remains to discover. The practical study of link of contentious reveals that it is in interest of litigants and that itis the working instrument of the judge because without it, litigation cannot be settled out of court. And as litigation is before the affair of litigants, it is them who will have to link contentious. The judge, addressee of the link of contentious, is going to play a part of link of contentious’srealization while he resided outside this one initially. The juridical analysis of the link of contentious shows that it exercises in the same time a strong hold, at all the law suit, over the litigation which it delimits. In effect, the contentious, which linked in front of the first investigation magistrates, is crystallized after the expiry of the deadline of submission for a legal settlement before being completely irremovable at the close of investigation of the case. Litigation, such as it was linked, is possibly “transferred” in other proceedings to be re-judged. The link of contentious continues then in front of the judge of appeal and cassation but while ensuring to the litigation his uniqueness.
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La question litigieuse en matière contractuelle. Essai sur le traitement procédural du droit des contrats / The litigious questions in contractual matters. Essay on the procedural treatment of contract lawReverchon-Billot, Morgane 09 July 2015 (has links)
La question litigieuse en matière contractuelle correspond aux sanctions du contrat que les parties, à la suite d'un différend, décident d'introduire dans le procès civil. Le concept se présente comme un trait d'union entre le droit des contrats et la procédure civile : il offre ainsi une vision processualiste des sanctions du contrat, qu'il replace dans le contexte du procès civil, doublée d'une perspective contractualiste de la procédure civile, celle-ci étant chargée de la réalisation des droits substantiels des parties. La question litigieuse s'avère un instrument utile pour préciser la nature des sanctions du contrat que les parties peuvent solliciter ensemble et celles pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'opérer un choix (en les hiérarchisant éventuellement par le mécanisme du subsidiaire). L'intérêt est également de spécifier le régime de l'évolution de la question litigieuse tout au long de l'instance. L'analyse révèle ainsi dans quelle mesure les parties peuvent la modifier en première instance, en appel, ou encore devant la Cour de cassation. De surcroît, lorsqu'un nouveau procès est entamé par un contractant, il faut s'assurer que la question nouvellement posée n'est pas identique à la précédente. Le concept encadre enfin les pouvoirs du juge appelé à trancher un litige relatif au contrat : il permet de savoir de quelle manière le juge peut ajouter ou substituer une sanction à celle choisie par les parties, et s'il dispose, à cet égard, d'un pouvoir ou d'un devoir d'y procéder. De la sorte, l'étude de la question litigieuse concourt à améliorer le traitement procédural du droit des contrats. / The litigious question in contractual matters corresponds to the contractual sanctions that the parties enter into in a civil trial. It is the link between contract law and a civil proceeding: it offers a procedural vision of the contractual sanctions because they are analyzed in terms of their implementation by the civil trial, it also allows to have a contractualist's perspective about the procedural civil law inasmuch as the comprehension of the litigious question is based on a study of contract sanctions.On the one hand, the litigious question concept is used to specify which are the contractual sanctions that the parties have the right to solicit together and the sanctions between which it is necessary to choose (potentially by using a subsidiary claim). On the other hand, it also allows to define the rules of its evolution on the parties' or the judge's initiative. The study of the litigious question reveals to what extent the parties can change the question in the first instance, in appeal or before the Supreme Court. One of them can call a new trial as well; it should be checked that the new litigious question is not the same as the precedent one. Likewise, the concept frames the authority of the judge before which the sanction is requested. It clarifies especially how to proceed to add or substitute another penalty for that chosen by the parties, and if it is a faculty or an obligation. The study of the litigious question thus contributes to improve the procedural treatment of contractual law.
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