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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of juvenile culture techniques and testing of potential biomarkers of environmental stress in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)

Beaty, Braven B. 05 October 2007 (has links)
The freshwater mussel fauna of the Clinch River in Southwest Virginia has declined in recent decades, principally due to habitat degradation from poor land-use patterns and pollutants. A study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of using river water in a flow-through culture system to rear juvenile freshwater mussels. The culture method placed juvenile mussels, confined in small dishes, into oval troughs supplied with untreated river water. Two of three years produced acceptable survival rates of 27% and 19% to an age of 90 days or greater. The third year yielded very low survival rates of less than 3%, demonstrating that failures in culture production can occur. Growth rates of juveniles in the culture system using river water were almost double those in laboratory culture systems, provided that juveniles were placed in the oval troughs during June. Otherwise, growth was comparable to that attained in laboratory culture systems. / Ph. D.

Wind-induced Vibration Control of Tall Timber Buildings : Improving the dynamic response of a 22-storey timber building

Al Haddad, Aiham Emil January 2016 (has links)
Plans for construction of the tallest residential timber building has driven the Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), Linnaeus University, Växjö and more than ten interested companies to determine an appropriate design for the structure. This thesis presents a part of ongoing research regarding wind-induced vibration control to meet serviceability limit state (SLS) requirements. A parametric study was conducted on a 22-storey timber building with a CLT shear wall system utilizing mass, stiffness and damping as the main parameters in the dynamic domain. Results were assessed according to the Swedish Annex EKS 10 and Eurocode against ISO 10137 and ISO 6897 requirements. Increasing mass, stiffness and/or damping has a favorable impact. Combination scenarios present potential solutions for suppressing wind-induced vibrations as a result of higher efficiency in low-increased levels of mass and damping.

CASUALTY REINSURANCE EXPOSURE RATING / Casualty reinsurance exposure rating

Těšínská, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is a development of ILF curves that can be used in the insurance industry when pricing general third party liability on the Czech market. Based on available data there are first estimated size of loss distribution functions used for following generating process. From generated data the increased limit factors are estimated and with a usage of Riebesell's parameterization ILF curves are derived. A substantial part of the thesis is a compilation of literature and the expansion of the statistical approach for estimating fair ILFs based on these data. Besides, the basis for the curves derivation are chapters describing basic theoretical knowledge in the field of reinsurance - in particular, the description of the basic types of reinsurance contracts, as well as the most common methods of a pricing. There is the whole mechanism of curves derivation described; their own use is then demonstrated with the example based on pseudoreal data.

From Wall Street to Norrmalmstorg : The Subprime Crisis in a Kindleberger framework and how it affected Swedish banks

Aunes, Mattias, Luhr, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>This thesis examines the subprime crisis in a Kindleberger framework as well as how the major banks in Sweden were affected. The thesis ties different events to the framework of Kindleberger and follows the stages he sees in a financial crisis, from the origination of the crisis due to speculation to suggested structural changes in the financial market. The effects upon Swedish banks are followed through the crisis and the effects upon the banks. Conclusions drawn are that the Kindleberger model is applicable to the subprime crisis in terms of components and not always chronologically. Swedish banks have regarding the magnitude of the crisis faired well, the problems causing the crisis are related to Moral hazard problems, regulators and rating institution.</p><p> </p>

Selbsttests und peer-reviewed Wikis zur Förderung von Anwendungs- und Analysefähigkeit in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Gleiß, Anne 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Unterschiedliche (lern-)kulturelle Hintergründe und Bachelorabschlüsse der Studierenden führen zu einem heterogenen Kursgefüge und zu großen Niveauunterschieden bei den Vorkenntnissen. Dem hohen Bedarf an individueller Förderung und der Notwendigkeit, die Wirksamkeit von Übungsaufgaben als Klausurvorbereitung zu erhöhen, kann mit dem Einsatz von E-Learning-Angeboten begegnet werden. Im hier vorgestellten Lehr-Lern-Projekt lag der Schwerpunkt auf der Erstellung eines Wikis als Lösungsskizze einer ehemaligen Klausur.

Acid Sulfate Soils and Metal Accumulation in Sediments in Rosån Catchment, Northern Sweden / Sura Sulfatjordar och Ackumulation av Metaller i Sediment Från Rosåns Avrinningsområde, Norra Sverige

Lindström, Carola January 2017 (has links)
Global environmental concerns arise when marine deposits with fine-grained iron sulfide-rich sediments (FeS and FeS2), now situated above sea level, oxidize from anthropogenic lowering of the groundwater table. The oxidation of iron sulfides decreases the soil pH and the acidic environment of these Acid Sulfate Soils (AS) soils increase weathering and mobilization of metals into adjacent watercourses, lakes and estuaries. Low pH and enhanced concentrations of metals are known to influence water quality negatively, causing fish kills and reduced aquatic diversity. Sulfide rich sediments were deposited in the Baltic Sea after the last glaciation and are now abundantly found along the coasts of for example the Bothnian Bay as a result of isostatic rebound. Recent studies from Finland have stated associations between leached (AS) soils and increased concentrations of metals in estuary sediments, thus the effects are likely to be similar in Sweden. With financial support from the Interreg Nord project “Ecological restoration in coastal river basins in the Bothnian Bay” in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), sediments from three lakes and two estuarine sites in the Rosån catchment in Norrbotten county, northern Sweden, were sampled and analyzed with fpXRF, ICP-MS and LOI methods. Elemental concentrations and organic contents were compared to establish accumulation trends over time and relationships between metal concentrations in recently deposited sediments and potential influence from previously sampled (AS) soils. Correlations in time, to anthropogenic activity, such as ditching were also considered. A primary allover trend with increasing concentrations of Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Cupper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Zinc (Zn), was noticed in a majority of the lake and estuary sediment samples. With some site variation, also two discrete peaks at different depth, were found in the upper 20 to 30 cm of the sampled sediments. Significant correlations to organic matter were also found for a considerable amount of the elements. Soil samples from (AS) soils in areas related to Rosån show pH values as low as 2.62 and oxidation depths down to 170 cm. Substantial elemental depletion in the oxidized zone suggest increased weathering, leaching and mobilization of Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, REE, Zn and to some extent As, Cu, Fe and Pb from the soil, as a consequence of the acidic environment. A relationship between (AS) soils and increased metal concentrations is therefore likely. The sedimentation rate of roughly 0.2 cm/year was calculated from the separation age of the lakes and the sediment depth to an interpreted transition from more marine environment to lake settings. Consequently the distinct peaks of increased metal concentrations are thus suggested to be related to anthropogenic activities as for example improved drainage methods after the Second World War, but proper dating of the sediments is needed to establish any certain correlations. / På senare tid har man uppmärksammat de miljöproblem som uppstår när finkorniga sediment, innehållande järnsulfider, oxiderar på grund av mänsklig påverkan, t ex. dikning, eller annan typ av aktivitet som sänker grundvattennivån. När järnsulfiderna oxiderar bildas svavelsyra som gör att pH- värdet i marken blir väldigt lågt. Den sura miljön i dessa så kallade sura sulfatjordar, gör i sin tur att mineraler i marken vittrar fortare med påföljden att både surt vatten och ökade mängder metaller, sprids till närliggande vattendrag, sjöar och hav. Lågt pH och höga halter av metaller i vatten påverkar även vattenkvalitén negativt och har rapporterats orsaka fiskdöd och minskad akvatisk mångfald. Sura sulfatjordar är globalt förekommande och återfinns bland annat längs Bottenvikens kuster. De har kunnat bildas genom att sulfidhaltiga sediment, som avsattes i Östersjön efter den senaste istiden, nu befinner sig ovan havsnivån på grund av landhöjningen. I Finland har man i flera studier sett ett samband mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta kustsediment och man kan anta att liknande förhållande gäller även i Sverige. Med finansiellt stöd från EU-projektet “Kustmynnande Vattendrag i Bottenviken-Metodutveckling och Ekologisk Restaurering” (Interreg Nord) genom Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) och i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten, har bottensediment från tre sjöar och två fjärdar i Rosåns avrinningsområde i Norrbotten provtagits och analyserats. För att fastställa hur koncentrationerna har förändrats över tiden har metallhalterna i de nyligen avsatta sedimenten jämförts med koncentrationerna i äldre sediment. Även jordprofiler från sura sulfatjordar i området har studerats för att kunna utvärdera ett ev. samband mellan urlakade ämnen i jordarna och ökade halter i sedimenten. Granskning av hur långt metallerna transporteras i systemet har gjorts, liksom försök att hitta kopplingar i tiden till mänsklig påverkan som t.ex. dikning. I de översta sedimenten kan man, förutom en generellt ökande trend av aluminium (Al), arsenik (As), kadmium (Cd), kobolt (Co), koppar (Cu), järn (Fe), mangan (Mn), nickel, (Ni) bly (Pb), sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE) och zink (Zn), också se tydliga toppar med ökade halter av dessa ämnen på minst två specifika djup. De sura sulfatjordarna, som uppmätte pH-värden ner till 2,62, visade tecken på urlakning av Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, REE, Zn och till viss del också As, Cu, Fe och Pb, varpå en trolig relation mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta sediment kan fastställas. En uppskattning av ackumulationshastigheten, som gjordes utifrån när de provtagna sjöarna skiljdes från havet, och sedimentdjupet som visar övergången från hav till sjö, visar att de observerade topparna av ökade metallkoncentrationer i sedimenten skulle kunna vara förknippade med dikning i början av 1900-talet och efter andra världskriget. För en säker bestämning av sambandet till specifika händelser behövs dock en riktig datering.

Ett hjälpmedel för att kategorisera bevarandestatusen av torp / A categorizing tool for categorizing the conservationstatus of settlement remains

Edlund, Maja January 2017 (has links)
With a Categorizing tool for conservation of settlement remains we can, through better instructions, reduce the damages made to settlement remains in conjunction with forestmeasures.The purpose of this study was to create a categorizing tool for the conservation status of settlement remains. The categorization tool will be used to select specific remains for increased management. Interviews were conducted with the County administrative board in Östergötland, Board of Forestry (Skogsstyrelsen) and Holmen skog. Pre-field studies both with Skogsstyrelsen and Holmen skog were also conducted. A field study was conducted where totally 20 different areas of settlement remains were visited and used to create the tool. All settlement remains were located in Östergötland. The data collected showed that the largest amount of monuments were located close to a road and were relatively easy to access. The categorizing tool was made in collaboration with Holmen skog and was tested together with a representative from the company with the outcome as an approved categorizing tool for the demands of the company.

Alternativas para aumento de capacidade de um terminal portuário de minério de ferro. / Alternatives to increase capacity of a iron ore port terminal.

Zampirolli, Joyce Milanez 15 August 2016 (has links)
O crescimento da demanda por minério de ferro e a necessidade de melhoria nos terminais portuários, forçaram os portos a pensar e criar alternativas que refletissem em aumento de capacidade. Assim como os portos, as cidades ao redor dos terminais cresceram e avançaram sobre o território portuário, dificultando e até mesmo impedindo expansões físicas. Pensar e recriar conceitos que envolvam melhorias em todo o sistema produtivo é ter um olhar inovador para o processo e oferecer soluções que permitam aumento de capacidade, utilizando os recursos já existentes. No âmbito de se avaliar tais alternativas, foi utilizado um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos que possibilitou testar cenários de aumento de capacidade sem que para isso houvesse a necessidade de interferência na estrutura física, mas sim no tipo de produto movimentado e em mudanças nas atuais variáveis do sistema. / The iron ore demand and the need for improvement at the terminals forced the ports think and create alternatives that reflected in the incensement of capacity. In addiction with this growth, the cities around the terminals have grown and start to break into the port territory, making physical expansions hard to implement. To think and recreate concepts involving improvements throughout the production system is to have an innovative look at the process and offer solutions to increase capacity, using the existing resources. In the context of evaluating such alternatives, it was used a discrete events simulation model that enabled testing scenarios of capacity increase without interference in the physical structure, but in the quantity of different products types in the terminal and also changings in the system variables.

The application of selected invertebrates as indicators of ecosystem change due to veld fires / K.M. Botha

Botha, Kirstin Margret January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M. Environmental Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

From Wall Street to Norrmalmstorg : The Subprime Crisis in a Kindleberger framework and how it affected Swedish banks

Aunes, Mattias, Luhr, Erik January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the subprime crisis in a Kindleberger framework as well as how the major banks in Sweden were affected. The thesis ties different events to the framework of Kindleberger and follows the stages he sees in a financial crisis, from the origination of the crisis due to speculation to suggested structural changes in the financial market. The effects upon Swedish banks are followed through the crisis and the effects upon the banks. Conclusions drawn are that the Kindleberger model is applicable to the subprime crisis in terms of components and not always chronologically. Swedish banks have regarding the magnitude of the crisis faired well, the problems causing the crisis are related to Moral hazard problems, regulators and rating institution.

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