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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacto das mudanças do apoio do SEBRAE/SP para o ecossistema de inovação: um estudo de caso com incubadoras de empresas do estado de São Paulo / Impact of support policy changes of SEBRAE/SP in the innovation ecossystem: a case study in business incubators in São Paulo state

Rantin, Eduardo Tadeu 09 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a realizar uma análise da mudança recente no ecossistema de inovação e seus reflexos no movimento de incubação de empresas no estado de São Paulo. Foi realizado estudo do cenário das incubadoras de empresas no Estado de São Paulo analisando, quantitativamente, dois momentos de comparação intertemporal e os efeitos que essas mudanças representaram no desenvolvimento de empresas que se utilizaram da inovação como estratégia competitiva. As informações quantitativas relativas às incubadoras e suas empresas foram tratadas com a aplicação de métodos estatísticos multivariados tais como a técnica Fatorial em Componentes Principais e a de Agrupamento (cluster). Ao final, busca-se contribuir para a discussão do estado da arte neste campo de conhecimento, frente às mudanças de ambiente negocial que ocasionaram um novo paradigma de funcionamento para as incubadoras e empresas, em função das ameaças e oportunidades experimentadas no passado recente. / The present work aims at analyzing recent changes in the innovation ecosystem and how these changes affected business incubators in the State of São Paulo. Studies were made to analyze, quantitatively, two time periods that were compared to check the effects of these changes in the development of companies that used innovation as a competitive strategy. The quantitative data related to the business incubators were be dealt with applying multivariate statistical methods, like Fatorial and Cluster techniques. Concisely, the goal of this work is contributing to the discussion about the state of the art in this knowledge field, considering changes in the business environment that resulted in a new paradigm of work for the business incubators because of threats and opportunities experienced in the recent past.

A produção tecnológica em incubadoras de empresas / The technological production in business incubators

Domingues, Leonardo de Lucas da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Trata-se de uma análise, com base no contexto atual, sobre como a ênfase na cultura do empreendedorismo pode influenciar as decisões na produção tecnológica em duas incubadoras de empresas de uma universidade pública do Rio Grande do Sul. Como etapa preliminar, também se avalia de que forma gestores e cientistas-empreendedores envolvidos com essa produção se posicionam perante a relação entre tecnologia e sociedade e se identifica quais questões pautam as escolhas e os direcionamentos da prática tecnológica utilizada pelas empresas incubadas e de que forma tal processo interfere na formatação final do que é produzido. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa, sendo o campo amostral composto por 10 agentes (4 gestores e 6 cientistasempreendedores) escolhidos por serem considerados responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico nas incubadoras e nas empresas. Para examinar essas questões, discute-se: uma noção teórica da tecnologia como produção social; os modelos teóricos sobre a relação tecnologia e sociedade propostos por Andrew Feenberg (1991, 2002, 2003); além das aproximações entre a cultura empresarial e a produção científica, formando o que Javier Echeverría (2003a, 2003b) chama de tecnociência. Faz-se, também, um apanhado bibliográfico sobre os temas conectados ao empreendedorismo e às incubadoras de empresas. A análise dos dados mostra que nos estabelecimentos pesquisados existem especificidades em cada uma das incubadoras no que diz respeito à produção tecnológica; há maior número de percepções instrumentalistas, seguidas de deterministas, quando o assunto é a relação entre tecnologia e sociedade (tal fato indicou uma falta de compreensão reflexiva sobre como os âmbitos socioeconômicos, políticos e culturais interferem na formatação da produção tecnológica); ao mesmo tempo, nota-se, nas questões que pautam as escolhas e os direcionamentos da produção tecnológica, maior ênfase em decisões vinculadas a aspectos econômicos e políticos, respectivamente; a cultura do empreendedorismo influência significativamente as práticas tecnológicas e transforma a visão de mundo dos cientistas-empreendedores, incidindo nos interesses e decisões sobre a formatação final dos produtos e/ou serviços. / This is an analysis of how the emphasis on the culture of entrepreneurship can influence decisions in the technological production in two incubators at a public university in the brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. As a preliminary step, in this dissertation I also evaluate how managers and entrepreneurs-scientists involved in this production assume a position on behalf of the relationship between technology and society. In this work I also identify issues which guided the choices and the direction of technological practice used by incubated companies and how this process formats the production. This is a qualitative research, and the field sample consists of 10 agents (4 managers and 6 entrepreneurs-scientist) chosen because they are considered responsible for technological development in incubators and firms. To examine these issues I discuss the following topics: a theoretical notion of technology as social production; the theoretical models on the relationship technology and society proposed by Andrew Feenberg (1991, 2002, 2003); and the approach between entrepreneurial and scientific culture, resulting in what Javier Echeverría (2003a, 2003b) calls technoscience. This dissertation is also an overview of the literature on the issues connected to entrepreneurship and business incubators. Data analysis shows that in the surveyed establishments there are peculiarities in each of the incubators in relation to technological production; the majority of the perceptions about the relationship between technology and society are instrumentalist and deterministic (which indicated a lack of reflexive understanding about how the social, economic, political and cultural spheres interfere in the formatting of the technological production); at the same time, there is, in the issues that govern the choices and direction of technological production, greater emphasis on decisions related to economic and political aspects, respectively; the entrepreneurial culture influences significantly the technological practices and transforms the world view of entrepreneurs-scientist, taking part on the interests and decisions on the final format of the products or services.

Avaliação da gestão das atividades inovativas no âmbito das incubadoras de empresas em Manaus-AM

Araújo, Maria Goretti Falcão de 06 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:10:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Goretti Falcao de Araujo.pdf: 1815153 bytes, checksum: 8b0fc23e85820ae12bcf118f4e6dd5bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper deals with a study on the evaluation of innovative activities of business incubators in Manaus and with the creation of an environment that fosters innovation management companies, seeking greater competitiveness. It is based on the evolution of the innovation theory from the Schumpeter postulates reflected in major evaluation models of the innovation process, as manuals Oslo and Bogotá, among others, and PINTEC - Technological Innovation Research. The method used for the study is the multiple cases study and the data collection instrument is field research by questionnaire, unstructured interview and document analysis, with managers and incubated companies. Based on the findings obtained from the survey, it was found that incubators are similar in the management of the majority of the innovative activities. However, time factor and laboratory use are the factors that stood out the differences between them. There was a need to create mechanisms to monitor the enterprises in order to detect their specific needs to manage the innovative activities, thus, accelerating the innovative process of the incubated enterprises, such as training, consulting, interactions with institutions and research centers, access to markets, support the preparation of projects for access to foment publishing, greater access to laboratories and therefore accelerate the innovation process of companies incubated. / O presente trabalho trata da realização de um estudo sobre a avaliação das atividades inovativas das incubadoras de empresas, em Manaus, na criação de um ambiente que favoreça a gestão da inovação das empresas, na busca de maior competitividade. Baseia-se na evolução da teoria da inovação, desde os postulados de Shumpeter, refletida em importantes modelos de avaliação do processo inovativo como os Manuais de Oslo e Bogotá, entre outros. O método utilizado é um estudo de múltiplos casos e o instrumento de obtenção de dados é de pesquisa de campo por meio de questionário, baseado na Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica PINTEC, entrevista não estruturada e análise de documentos, referentes ao estudo, com gestores e empresas incubadas. Com base nas conclusões obtidas com a pesquisa, verificou-se que as incubadoras são similares na gestão da maioria das atividades inovativas. Entretanto, os fatores tempo de criação da incubadora e uso de laboratório pelas empresas, no estudo de novas descobertas, são os que mais se destacaram nas diferenças entre elas. Observou-se uma necessidade de criar mecanismos de acompanhamento das empresas a fim de detectar suas necessidades específicas para realizar a gestão das atividades inovativas, tais como: capacitações e treinamentos específicos, consultorias, interações com Instituições e Centros de Pesquisa, acesso a mercados, apoio na elaboração de projetos para acesso a editais de fomento, maior acesso a laboratórios e, por conseguinte, acelerar o processo inovativo das empresas incubadas.

A inova??o e aprendizado coletivo: intera??o e coopera??o de empresas de base tecnol?gica em incubadoras de empresas

Meirelles, Durval Corr?a 06 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Durval Coorea Meirelles.pdf: 3028184 bytes, checksum: 35a420a4844eaaee93b18ed55bc4b28c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-06 / This thesis looks for to identify, the process of innovation through the collective learning and the results gotten for nine companies of technological base, installed in three Incubators located in Rio De Janeiro. The study it involved field research, with application of together questionnaire to the incubators companies, standing out the on aspects to the innovation, cooperation and learning. The used questionnaire searched to identify the institutional drawings, the learning forms, interaction and cooperation enter the different integrant actors of the incubator and its relation with the university, and the result presented under the form of products and innovative services. The theoretical referential was elaborated on the basis of national and international bibliography, especially in the considered authors neo- Schumpeterian, passing for the institutionalists, that are analyzing the enterprise moment to the light of the new technological paradigms and its impacts in the organizations. Authors are distinguished who work the on aspects to the university/company partnership, the technological innovation, entrepreneurship, collective learning for interaction, productive arrangements, nets of knowledge and incubators of companies. The study he looked for to go deep itself on the processes of technological and organizationais changes. He had as objective the inquiry on as if he gives to the process of collective learning for interaction university-company and cooperation company-company and looked for to evaluate the results gotten for the incubates companies, through the creation of products or new processes. It left of the hypothesis of that the development of products or of innovative processes in the companies of technological base it to a large extent occurs for the process of collective learning that occurs in the incubator, through the relations of the companies with the university, of the interaction and cooperation between them and the localization of the incubator in the outskirts of the university. / Esta tese procura identificar, o processo de inova??o atrav?s do aprendizado coletivo e os resultados obtidos por nove empresas de base tecnol?gica, instaladas em tr?s Incubadoras localizadas no Rio de Janeiro. O estudo envolveu pesquisa de campo, com aplica??o de question?rio junto ?s empresas incubadoras, ressaltando os aspectos ligados ? inova??o, coopera??o e aprendizado. O question?rio utilizado buscou identificar os desenhos institucionais, as formas de aprendizado, intera??o e coopera??o entre os diferentes atores integrantes da incubadora e sua rela??o com a universidade, e o resultado apresentado sob a forma de produtos e servi?os inovadores. O referencial te?rico foi elaborado com base em bibliografia nacional e internacional, especialmente nos autores considerados neoschumpeterianos, passando pelos institucionalistas, que est?o analisando o momento empresarial ? luz dos novos paradigmas tecnol?gicos e seus impactos nas organiza??es. Destacam-se autores que trabalhem os aspectos ligados ? parceria universidade/empresa, a inova??o tecnol?gica, empreendedorismo, aprendizagem coletiva por intera??o, arranjos produtivos, redes de conhecimento e incubadoras de empresas. O estudo procurou se aprofundar sobre os processos de mudan?as tecnol?gicas e organizacionais. Teve como objetivos a investiga??o sobre o processo de aprendizado coletivo por intera??o universidade-empresa e coopera??o empresa-empresa e procurou avaliar os resultados obtidos pelas empresas incubadas, atrav?s da cria??o de produtos ou processos novos. Partiu da hip?tese de que o desenvolvimento de produtos ou de processos inovadores nas empresas de base tecnol?gica ocorre em grande parte pelo processo de aprendizado coletivo que ocorre na incubadora, atrav?s das rela??es das empresas com a universidade, da intera??o e coopera??o entre elas e a localiza??o da incubadora nos arredores da universidade.

Contribuição das incubadoras tecnológicas na internacionalização das empresas incubadas

Machado, Raquel Engelman January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como propósito verificar como as incubadoras tecnológicas brasileiras contribuem para a internacionalização das empresas incubadas na percepção dos gestores das incubadoras. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva com 40 incubadoras tecnológicas brasileiras (50% da população) e que atenderam aos seguintes critérios: estar em efetiva operação há um tempo superior a dois anos e com pelo menos uma empresa graduada. . A partir das entrevistas, identificou-se que 40% das incubadoras da amostra possuem programa formal voltado para a internacionalização das incubadas e 60% das têm empresas que iniciaram processo de internacionalização. A pesquisa forneceu indicações de ações e serviços que são efetivos na internacionalização das empresas. As ações e serviços que se mostraram mais relevantes à internacionalização das empresas foram: utilização de critérios de seleção como orientação internacional dos empreendedores; tolerância dos empreendedores ao risco; pró-atividade dos empreendedores; experiência dos empreendedores no setor; produtos e serviços inovadores; diferenciais e recursos únicos; proporcionar capacitação em gestão de tecnologia e inovação, gestão mercadológica, gestão da qualidade, gestão de distribuição e logística, e sobre o mercado externo; proporcionar às empresas incubadas participação em programas formais de internacionalização; consultorias, assessorias ou serviços de importação e exportação; de transferência internacional de tecnologia; divulgação dos projetos e produtos das empresas incubadas no exterior; identificação e prospecção de negócios e parceiros no mercado externo; acesso das empresas incubadas a recursos para exportação, investimentos estrangeiros e capital de risco; proporcionar às empresas incubadas fortalecimento e ampliação das redes internacionais com outras empresas, parceiros, associações e redes de incubação, instituições de ensino e centros de pesquisa internacionais; participação da incubadora em redes nacionais e internacionais e possuir equipe, assessores e consultores com redes internacionais de relacionamentos de negócios. / This study aimed to see how, in the perception of their managers, technology incubators in Brazil contribute to the internationalization of incubated firms. To this end, we performed a descriptive study of 40 technology incubators in Brazil (50% of the population) who met the following criteria: being in effective operation for a period longer than two years with at least one graduated company. The interviews showed that 40% of the incubators in the sample have formal programs focused on the internationalization of the companies within the incubator and 60% have companies that have begun the process of internationalization. The survey provided indications of what actions and services are effective in the internationalization of enterprises. The actions and services that were found to be most relevant to the internationalization of enterprises were: internally; the use of a selection criteria by entrepreneurs as an international guide, the entrepreneurs’ risk tolerance, the proactivity of entrepreneurs, the experience of the entrepreneurs in the industry, innovative products and services, unique differentials and features, to provide training in technology management and innovation, marketing management, quality management, distribution and logistics management; and regarding the external market; to provide incubated companies the opportunity to participate in formal internationalization programs, import and export consultancy or advisory services, international technology transfer, dissemination of projects and products of the incubated companies abroad, identification and prospecting of business and partners in foreign markets, access of the incubated companies to resources such as export financing, foreign investment and venture capital, to provide incubated companies expansion through international networks with other business partners, associations and incubation networks, educational institutions and international research centers, participation of the incubated company in national and international networks and having staff, advisors and consultants with international business network relationships.

Technology Based Business Incubators: Living Laboratories For Entrepreneurial Students

Czuchry, Andrew, Clark, W. Andrew 20 June 2004 (has links)
Those teaching entrepreneurship to engineering and technology students are faced with the challenge of converting theory into learning opportunities that provide real-world-practical experience. Although the literature stresses the need for experiential learning through group and field projects and case studies, the potential of capitalizing on technology-based business incubators as living laboratories has not been fully utilized. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a conceptual framework for closing this gap. This framework is based upon our experience working with graduate student teams on projects with the Oak Ridge National Laboratories Center for Entrepreneurial Growth and East Tennessee State University’s (ETSU’s) Innovation Laboratory. Both are high-technology business incubators striving to commercialize technology developed in university or government laboratories. High-technology business incubators present an excellent experiential learning opportunity for engineering and technology students faced with the challenge of translating theory to practice. Our experience, gained through personal observation and via a benchmarking study conducted in 2002, indicates that incubators routinely utilize MBA students as at-large business counselors for the fledgling technology based businesses. In addition, businesses founded by university professors tend to attract recently matriculated technology graduate students, many of which served as advisees of the founding professor, as new hires in these startup ventures. However, the use of technology business incubators as training ground for engineering and technology students seeking entrepreneurial business opportunities has not been fully exploited. New technology business ventures generally have strong research experience and intellectual property but little marketing and management experience. These businesses, many of which are cutting-edge technology, present the entrepreneurial student with “real world vision” in seeing hurdles these new technology ventures must face and overcome. We have found that diverse student teams comprised of graduate students majoring in technology, business, digital media and medicine offer unique solutions to problems and insight into opportunities for technology businesses. This paper presents a practical step-by-step conceptual framework for using technology-based business incubators as living laboratories for students studying entrepreneurial leadership. Lessons learned are underscored to suggest mitigation practices to avoid potential problems such as patenting issues, disclosure of confidential information, and liability.

University Managed Technology Business Incubators: Asset or Liability?

Clark, W. Andrew, Czuchry, Andrew J., Hales, James A. 15 January 2004 (has links)
University managed technology-based business incubators (UMTIs) have become increasingly popular. Some universities are forming private corporations and are encouraging professors/researchers to commercialize intellectual property (IP) based upon research conducted in their laboratories. The UMTI provides the infrastructure, access to high-tech laboratories, libraries, students and faculty, and a coalition of like-minded entrepreneurs. Universities face uncertainties when establishing UMTIs and need to minimize risk while maximizing benefits. This paper discusses results of a benchmarking study of eleven technology incubators and their risk mitigation policies. Experience with technology transfer and use of the UMTI as a living laboratory for students is presented.

Percepción de los Factores Básicos de las Incubadoras y su relación en los emprendimientos de las Universidades Privadas en Lima Metropolitana, año 2018

Caraza Lozano, Yanira Katherin, Rime Bravo, Lucero Geraldine 18 June 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación de tesis tiene como objetivo determinar la relación de los factores básicos de las incubadoras en los emprendimientos de las universidades privadas en Lima Metropolitana, año 2018, por ello durante la investigación se realizó un acercamiento a las incubadoras de negocios y a sus equipos para conocer los factores básicos y entender cómo se realizaban los programas de incubación; además, de obtener información sobre los factores de los emprendimientos. El trabajo de investigación se encuentra dividido en cinco capítulos que son: Capítulo 1. Marco teórico, se realiza una investigación a través de fuentes secundarias donde se desarrollan conceptos de las incubadoras de negocios, antecedentes, definiciones, servicios, ventajas, tipos, factores y dimensiones; de igual forma se estudió la variable emprendimiento y la relación entre ambas variables; asimismo, un análisis del sector universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana. Capítulo 2. Plan de investigación, se formula la situación problemática de la tesis, el problema principal, problemas específicos, objetivo general y objetivos específicos, la hipótesis inicial e hipótesis específicos. Capítulo 3. Metodología de investigación se definió la población, la muestra para las investigaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas. Capítulo 4. Desarrollo de Investigación, donde se realizó la investigación a través de la entrevista a profundidad y el cuestionario. Capítulo 5. Análisis de Resultados, se realiza el análisis de los instrumentos. Concluyendo con la validación de la hipótesis general y específicas en base a los resultados obtenidos. / The objective of this thesis research is to determine the relationship of the basic factors of the incubators in the ventures of the private universities in Metropolitan Lima, 2018, so during the investigation an approach was made to the business incubators and their teams to know the basic factors and understand how the incubation programs were carried out; in addition, to obtain information about the factors of the ventures. The research work is divided into five chapters that are: Chapter 1. Theoretical framework, research is carried out through secondary sources where concepts of business incubators background, definitions, services, advantages, types, factors and dimensions are developed; In the same way, the variable of entrepreneurship and the relationship between both variables were studied; also, an analysis of the private universities sector of Metropolitan Lima. Chapter 2. Research plan, the problematic situation of the thesis is formulated, the main problem, specific problems, general objective and specific objectives, the initial hypothesis and specific hypotheses. Chapter III Research methodology population was defined, the sample for qualitative and quantitative research. Chapter IV Research Development, where the research was carried out through the in-depth interview and the questionnaire. Chapter V Analysis of Results, the analysis of the instruments is carried out. Concluding with the validation of the general and specific hypothesis based on the results obtained. / Tesis

Principales factores que facilitan la internacionalización de las Start-Ups en Perú

Padilla Gálvez, Diana Ivet, Pinto Franco, Diego Alonso 18 February 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis desarrolla la investigación enfocada en el fenómeno conocido como start-ups, donde Perú ha sido escenario del rápido crecimiento de este tipo de innovaciones y cómo algunos de ellos ya están alcanzando mercados internacionales. Precisamente, el foco de esta investigación es conocer de manera más profunda aquellos factores que han logrado facilitar a estos emprendedores el ingreso a mercados extranjeros. Es en este punto que se busca conocer el nivel de importancia que representa para las start-ups cada uno de estos factores. La investigación se desarrolla considerando distintos puntos de vista. Por un lado, se encuentran los expertos del ecosistema emprendedor, representantes de instituciones públicas y privadas que están directamente relacionadas con las start-ups y el desarrollo de su ecosistema. Por otro lado, se tiene a los mismos emprendedores que son los usuarios de todas estas herramientas generadas en dicho ecosistema y cómo eso llevó a que algunos pudieran lograr la internacionalización. A partir de este enfoque, se logró identificar una serie de factores claves que necesitaban ser validados por la población de start-ups peruanas a través de una encuesta de opinión. Esto con el objetivo de identificar a los principales factores y tener un aporte que sirva de guía para aquellos que pertenecen al ecosistema. Conocer si existen relaciones o patrones entre los factores y las características de las start-ups, a través de metodologías cuantitativas. Finalmente, la tesis expone todos los resultados obtenidos, las conclusiones, recomendaciones e incluso las limitaciones bajo las que se desarrolló la investigación, contribuyendo de esta manera con el ecosistema emprendedor para que este documento sirva como guía para investigaciones más profundas acerca de este fenómeno que cada vez tiene mayor importancia en el Perú. / This thesis develops research focused on the phenomenon known as start-ups, where Peru has been the scenario of the rapid growth of this type of innovation and how some of them are already reaching international markets. Precisely, the focus of this research is to know more deeply those factors that have managed to facilitate these entrepreneurs entering foreign markets. It is at this point that we seek to know the level of importance that each of these factors represents for start-ups. The research was developed considering different points of view. On one hand, there are experts from the entrepreneurial ecosystem, representatives of public and private institutions that are directly related to start-ups and the development of their ecosystem. On the other hand, we have the entrepreneurs who are the users of all these tools generated in this ecosystem and how that led some of them to achieve internationalization. Based on this approach, it was possible to identify a series of key factors that needed to be validated by the Peruvian start-up population through an opinion poll. This with the objective of identifying the main factors and having a contribution that serves as a guide for those who belong to the ecosystem. To know if there are relations or patterns between the factors and the characteristics of the start-ups, through quantitative methodologies. Finally, the thesis exposes all the obtained results, conclusions, recommendations and even limitations under which the research was developed, contributing in this way with the entrepreneurial ecosystem so that this document serves as a guide for deeper investigations about this phenomenon that it is increasingly important in Peru. / Tesis

Attitudes towards Business Plans

João, Domingos Herminio Chico January 2009 (has links)
Purpose - This paper aims to analyze different groups, such as venture capitalists’, banks’, governmental support agencies’ and incubator managers’ attitudes toward business plans. Approach – The interviews have been conducted within the following institutions: Jönköping Business Development (JBD, Handelsbanken and Swedbank, Jönköping, ALMI and NyföretagarCentrum (Government Support Agencies (GSAs) and Business Incubator Science Park Jönköping (BISPJ). The author has chosen to conduct the study within this the previous mentioned institutions because those are the ones who mostly demand a formal written BP from firms or potential businesses. Findings – it was found that all the institutions interviewed thinks that a formal written business plan is very important for the entrepreneurs to clarify goals and raise funds. They don’t see any direct negative sides with a business plan.  It was also found that the majority were of the opinion that a business plan does not need to be long. The funding decision is mostly based on the personal characteristics of the entrepreneur; it can be very hard for start-ups manager to convince the funds providers that they are the right people. The type of resources provided to the venture determines the need of follow-ups. It is done mainly based on the financial aspects while those who provide advice or assistance tend to not engage in follow-ups. Limitations - the study was conducted in the period when the many of the potential people to be interviewed were on holiday. The language was sometimes a limitation since English is not the first language neither for the interviewer nor the interviewees.

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