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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La disparition sur la scène sociale argentine : modalités de résistance à l’impunité / The social dramaturgy of forced disappearance in Argentina : ways to resist impunity

Verstraeten, Alice 12 April 2010 (has links)
Entre 1976 et 1983, la dictature militaire argentine orchestre la disparition d’environ trente mille personnes. Son but n’est pas seulement la mort, mais l’empêchement de toute forme de différence et de toute forme de résistance chez les vivants. Dans un parcours menant d’une esquisse de la terreur à une anthropologie des possibles résistances, cette thèse confronte la recherche à l’effacement, à la déliaison puis à la possible reconstruction. Elle apparaît comme une démarche exploratoire et impliquée, aux côtés de (sur)vivants qui sont parvenus à recréer des liens de sens et des liens sociaux et donc, à refaire émerger du politique. Leurs témoignages, déclinés autour de ceux des « Mères de la Place de Mai », ont permis une résistance par les mots, par les corps et par les images à l’indicible, l’invisible et l’irreprésentable. Au fil de l’émergence d’un réseau de lutte contre l’effacement des traces et des preuves de la disparition, avec en ligne de mire les objectifs utopiques de « mémoire, vérité et justice », les résistants développent une forme de paradigme indiciaire qui n’a de cesse de rappeler à l’anthropologie l’importance des détails et des petits liens. En comprenant le social comme un théâtre, nous parvenons à appréhender diverses modalités de mise en scène de la disparition qui, toutes, révèlent l’importance cruciale de l’articulation entre l’intime et le collectif dans la reconstruction du social.Parce que les gouvernements démocratiques ont perpétué les représentations sociales qui ont rendu possible cette extermination politique, la résistance est toujours soumise à de nouvelles défiances révisionnistes. Elle est toujours renouvelée. Les questions qu’elle soulève restent, quant à elles, toujours aussi brûlantes. / From 1976 to 1983 the military dictatorship in Argentina engineered the “disappearance” of an estimated thirty thousand people. Its aim was not merely to put people to death but to eradicate all forms of diversity and every trace of resistance in the living.By sketching the reign of terror and by proposing an anthropological analysis of the different possible forms of resistance, this thesis confronts the research to effacement, dismemberment and then to the possibilities of reconstruction. It is an explorative and involved research by the side of survivors who succeeded in reconstruct sense and social relationships and have thus contributed to a political renaissance. Their testimonies - with those of the “Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo” as a heart - are resisting to what is unspeakable, impossible to see and to portray: they are based on words, on bodies and on images. A network, whose utopian motto was “memory, truth and justice”, gradually emerged to fight against the concealment of every trace of evidence of the “disappeared”. Its members developed a form of indicative paradigm which serves as a constant reminder to the anthropologist of the importance of details and minor connections.If we see society as theatre we may understand the different ways the forced disappearance was staged, which illustrate the crucial importance of the links between the intimate and the collective in social reconstruction.The resistance network is still constantly subject to revisionist suspicion, because democratic governments have maintained the social representations which made this political extermination possible. Resistance has to bee constantly re-invented. The questions this movement raises are, for their part, still a burning issue.

Pour une nouvelle approche du "plus-que-parfait" en espagnol contemporain : unicité du signe, motivation, variations / Towards a new approach of the 'pluperfect indicative' in contemporary Spanish : unity of the sign, motivation, variations

Blestel, Elodie 01 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la forme périphrastique había- + do/-to/-cho que la tradition grammaticale répertorie comme le « plus-que-parfait de l’indicatif », en espagnol contemporain. Après avoir interrogé les différentes approches auxquelles a donné lieu l’étude de cette forme verbale, nous en proposons un signifié unique en langue qui en subsume l’ensemble des manifestations discursives. Pour cela, nous adoptons les principes théoriques de la « linguistique du signifiant », laquelle postule l’unicité du signe linguistique – à un signifiant correspond un seul signifié, et inversement – et accorde la primauté à la lecture de la structure sémiologique du signifiant. Cette approche nous conduit à replacer había- + do/-to/-cho au sein des réseaux signifiants de l’espagnol, et à reconsidérer la structuration modale du système verbal de cette langue. Enfin, nous nous employons à décrire le fonctionnement discursif de la périphrase en syntaxe, dans l’élaboration de séquences narratives, d’une part, mais aussi dans les « cas limites » que représentent les emplois diatopiques en situation de contact de langue en Amérique (contact espagnol / guarani en particulier) / This study focuses on the periphrastic form había- + do/-to/-cho that the grammatical tradition identifies as the ‘pluperfect (past perfect) indicative’ in contemporary Spanish. After reviewing the different approaches to this verbal form, we provide a unique signified for this form that is able to subsume all its discursive manifestations. For this purpose, we adopt the theoretical principles of the ‘Linguistics of the signifier’, which postulates the unity of the linguistic sign – i.e. a signifier corresponds to a single signified, and vice versa – and gives priority to the semiological structure of the signifier. This approach leads us to reexamine había- + do/-to/-cho within the signifying networks of Spanish, and to reconsider the modal structure of the verbal system. Finally, we describe the discursive syntactic behaviour of the Spanish pluperfect, in the development of narrative sequences, but also in certain Latin American diatopic occurrences (contact Spanish / Guarani in particular) since they are ‘borderline case’ among the pluperfect discursive occurrences

Die verhouding tussen die christologie en etiek in die brief aan die Kolossense (Afrikaans)

Pienaar, Johannes P 29 July 2010 (has links)
The letter to the Colossians was written because of a false or heretic doctrine that threatened the absolute reign of Christ and the fullness of his redemptive action; it claimed the necessity of the inclusion of other redemptive practices such as asceticism and participation in ceremonial rites; robbing the believer of his/her freedom in Christ by lessening the fullness of his victory (Col 2:23). In stark contrast to this, Paul accentuates the absolute uniqueness of Christ (Col 1:12-20); assuring the congregation of the fact that they have died with Christ (Col 2:20), and have been resurrected with Him (Col 3:1). With these indicatives, he calls on the believers in Colossi to live new lives of triumph (Col 2:20-4:6). Excepting the introductory paragraph (Col 1:1-12) and the conclusion (Col 4:7-18), the letter is divided into three parts – Colossians 1:13 to 2:5; 2:6-23; and 3:1 to 4:2. The letter can also be divided into a movement in two parts; an indicative or fundamental part, and an imperative or exhortative part. But this division should not become too much of a focus as Paul's Christological declarations are also found in the exhortative part of the letter (Col 3:1-4:6), and ethical imperatives can be identified in the indicative/instructive part of the letter. In the introductory paragraph, the author expresses thanks to God for the faith of the Colossians; and prays that they may do the will of God, whilst growing in faith and the strength to persevere. The author also calls on the congregation to join him in his expression of thanksgiving, as it is God who has enabled them to become heirs of the light and life of his Kingdom. Accordingly, the first part of the letter tells the tale of their coming to faith – through Christ they were ripped from the darkness and placed under His reign. In the Christological confession that follows the precedence of the Son is described – He is the one who has restored peace and has brought about reconciliation between God and man. It is through Christ that the mysteries of God have been revealed; therefore true knowledge of life is to be found only in Christ. This serves as an exhortation for believers to stand firm in their faith, and in this way avoid being misguided by false doctrines. In the second part, believers are requested to live in close connection with Christ, as they died and were resurrected with Him. This identity in Christ should be the decisive factor in their lives, causing them to live a new life with Christ. In the third part, practical examples are given for when living connected to Christ; summed up with the exhortation to say and to do everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Thus, a logical progression can be identified in the letter; beginning with the reality of the Colossians faith and identity in Christ; and leading into a life lived in accordance with this connection to Christ; accentuating the interconnectedness of Christology and ethics. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

Geo-Locating Tweets with Latent Location Information

Lee, Sunshin 13 February 2017 (has links)
As part of our work on the NSF funded Integrated Digital Event Archiving and Library (IDEAL) project and the Global Event and Trend Archive Research (GETAR) project, we collected over 1.4 billion tweets using over 1,000 keywords, key phrases, mentions, or hashtags, starting from 2009. Since many tweets talk about events (with useful location information), such as natural disasters, emergencies, and accidents, it is important to geo-locate those tweets whenever possible. Due to possible location ambiguity, finding a tweet's location often is challenging. Many distinct places have the same geoname, e.g., "Greenville" matches 50 different locations in the U.S.A. Frequently, in tweets, explicit location information, like geonames mentioned, is insufficient, because tweets are often brief and incomplete. They have a small fraction of the full location information of an event due to the 140 character limitation. Location indicative words (LIWs) may include latent location information, for example, "Water main break near White House" does not have any geonames but it is related to a location "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 USA" indicated by the key phrase 'White House'. To disambiguate tweet locations, we first extracted geospatial named entities (geonames) and predicted implicit state (e.g., Virginia or California) information from entities using machine learning algorithms including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), and Random Forest (RF). Implicit state information helps reduce ambiguity. We also studied how location information of events is expressed in tweets and how latent location indicative information can help to geo-locate tweets. We then used a machine learning (ML) approach to predict the implicit state using geonames and LIWs. We conducted experiments with tweets (e.g., about potholes), and found significant improvement in disambiguating tweet locations using a ML algorithm along with the Stanford NER. Adding state information predicted by our classifiers increased the possibility to find the state-level geo-location unambiguously by up to 80%. We also studied over 6 million tweets (3 mid-size and 2 big-size collections about water main breaks, sinkholes, potholes, car crashes, and car accidents), covering 17 months. We found that up to 91.1% of tweets have at least one type of location information (geo-coordinates or geonames), or LIWs. We also demonstrated that in most cases adding LIWs helps geo-locate tweets with less ambiguity using a geo-coding API. Finally, we conducted additional experiments with the five different tweet collections, and found significant improvement in disambiguating tweet locations using a ML approach with geonames and all LIWs that are present in tweet texts as features. / Ph. D. / As part of our work on the projects “Integrated Digital Event Archiving and Library (IDEAL)” and “Global Event and Trend Archive Research (GETAR),” funded by NSF, we collected over 1.4 billion tweets using over 1,000 keywords, key phrases, mentions, or hashtags, starting from 2009. Since many tweets talk about events (with useful location information), such as natural disasters, emergencies, and accidents, it is important to geolocate those tweets whenever possible. Due to possible location ambiguity, finding a tweet’s location often is challenging. Many distinct places have the same geoname, e.g., “Greenville” matches 50 different locations in the U.S.A. Frequently, in tweets, explicit location information, like geonames mentioned, is insufficient, because tweets are often brief and incomplete. They have a small fraction of the full location information of an event due to the 140 character limitation. Location indicative words (LIWs) may include latent location information, for example, “Water main break near White House” does not have any geonames but it is related to a location “1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 USA” indicated by the key phrase ‘White House’. To disambiguate tweet locations, we first extracted geonames, and then predicted implicit state (e.g., Virginia or California) information from entities using machine learning (ML) algorithms (wherein computers learn from examples what state is appropriate). Implicit state information helps reduce ambiguity. We also studied how location information of events is expressed in tweets and how latent location indicative information can help to geo-locate tweets. We then used a ML approach to predict the implicit state using geonames and LIWs. We conducted experiments with tweets (e.g., about potholes), and found significant improvement in disambiguating tweet locations using a ML algorithm along with the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer. Adding state information predicted by our classifiers increased the ability to find the state-level geo-location unambiguously by up to 80%. We also studied over 6 million tweets (in three mid-size and two big collections, about water main breaks, sinkholes, potholes, car crashes, and car accidents), covering 17 months. We found that up to 91.1% of tweets have at least one type of location information (geocoordinates or geonames), or LIWs. We also demonstrated that in most cases adding LIWs helps geo-locate tweets with less ambiguity using a geo-coding Web application (that converts addresses into geographic coordinates). Finally, we conducted additional experiments with the five different tweet collections, and found significant improvement in disambiguating tweet locations using a ML approach wherein the features considered are the geonames and all LIWs that are present in the tweet texts.

Regionalisation through economic integration in the Southern African Development Community SADC (SADC) / Amos Saurombe

Saurombe, Amos January 2011 (has links)
The regional economic community (REC) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) compri'ses 15 Southern African countries. The' economic and political aspects of regional integration in SADC dictate the pace of integration while the influence of a legal regime for regional integration remains at the periphery. While the SADC Treaty and its Protocol on Trade are clear about the priority of economic integration; the full implementation of SADC's economic integration is still yet to be realised using these legal instruments. Regional economic integration is also a priority at both continental and global level. The legal instruments applicable at these levels are those established through the African Union (AU) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) respectively. Analysis of these external legal instruments is relevant because SADC Member States are signatories to agreements establishing these organisations·. Thus, rules based trade in SADC should be understood from a regional, continental and global perspective where a community must have well-structured and managed relations between itself and other legal systems as a necessary condition for its effectiveness. These structured relations refers to a legal and institutional framework that defines the relations between community and national laws, spelling out the modalities for implementing community law in Member States, defines the respective competencies of the community and Member States and provide rule based systems for resolution of conflicts. In setting the scene for an in-depth discussion of the legal and institutional framework for regional economic integration in SADC, this study presents the history of SADC, its political and economic characteristics that have shaped the legal aspects of trade within the region, the continent of Africa and the world at large. Within this context, the definition of regional integration is presented from a general and international understanding but ultimately gets narrowed down to what it means for Africa and SADC. The discussion on the · theories behind regional economic integration gives understanding to the integration approach employed in the organisation. South Africa's economic and political leadership is critical in the realisation of economic integration; hence this study acknowledges that without South Africa's full commitment; regional economic integration will suffer .a setback. Besides the challenge of implementing rules based trade in SADC, this study also identifies a number of obstacles to SADC regional economic integration and multiple memberships are identified as a: major stumbling block. A comparative study of SADC's institutional framework with that of the E1;Jropean Union· (EU) is undertaken to establish the rationale behind SADC's choice of utilising the EU model of integration. This study establishes the critical role institutions play in the implementation of treaty obligations as established by the agreements. The main lesson from this comparative study is that the EU institutions are allowed to fulfill their obligations of implementing treaty provisions, while SADC institutions are handicapped. The future of SADC is presented within the context of a set of recommendations that identifies the tripartite free trade area (FTA) that includes the East Africa Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) as one of viable legal instrument for deeper integration in SADC and the continent of Africa. General recommendations are made on the need for reform of rules and principles that are necessary for the implementation of SADC Treaty regime as well as possible improvements that are important for the full realisation of regional economic integration. / PhD (Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Regionalisation through economic integration in the Southern African Development Community SADC (SADC) / Amos Saurombe

Saurombe, Amos January 2011 (has links)
The regional economic community (REC) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) compri'ses 15 Southern African countries. The' economic and political aspects of regional integration in SADC dictate the pace of integration while the influence of a legal regime for regional integration remains at the periphery. While the SADC Treaty and its Protocol on Trade are clear about the priority of economic integration; the full implementation of SADC's economic integration is still yet to be realised using these legal instruments. Regional economic integration is also a priority at both continental and global level. The legal instruments applicable at these levels are those established through the African Union (AU) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) respectively. Analysis of these external legal instruments is relevant because SADC Member States are signatories to agreements establishing these organisations·. Thus, rules based trade in SADC should be understood from a regional, continental and global perspective where a community must have well-structured and managed relations between itself and other legal systems as a necessary condition for its effectiveness. These structured relations refers to a legal and institutional framework that defines the relations between community and national laws, spelling out the modalities for implementing community law in Member States, defines the respective competencies of the community and Member States and provide rule based systems for resolution of conflicts. In setting the scene for an in-depth discussion of the legal and institutional framework for regional economic integration in SADC, this study presents the history of SADC, its political and economic characteristics that have shaped the legal aspects of trade within the region, the continent of Africa and the world at large. Within this context, the definition of regional integration is presented from a general and international understanding but ultimately gets narrowed down to what it means for Africa and SADC. The discussion on the · theories behind regional economic integration gives understanding to the integration approach employed in the organisation. South Africa's economic and political leadership is critical in the realisation of economic integration; hence this study acknowledges that without South Africa's full commitment; regional economic integration will suffer .a setback. Besides the challenge of implementing rules based trade in SADC, this study also identifies a number of obstacles to SADC regional economic integration and multiple memberships are identified as a: major stumbling block. A comparative study of SADC's institutional framework with that of the E1;Jropean Union· (EU) is undertaken to establish the rationale behind SADC's choice of utilising the EU model of integration. This study establishes the critical role institutions play in the implementation of treaty obligations as established by the agreements. The main lesson from this comparative study is that the EU institutions are allowed to fulfill their obligations of implementing treaty provisions, while SADC institutions are handicapped. The future of SADC is presented within the context of a set of recommendations that identifies the tripartite free trade area (FTA) that includes the East Africa Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) as one of viable legal instrument for deeper integration in SADC and the continent of Africa. General recommendations are made on the need for reform of rules and principles that are necessary for the implementation of SADC Treaty regime as well as possible improvements that are important for the full realisation of regional economic integration. / PhD (Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012


ANA HELENA VANNIER 10 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho buscamos um melhor entendimento dos limites e das limitações de emprego de um tempo verbal português: o pretérito perfeito composto (PPC) do modo indicativo. Com base na Semântica Funcional e por meio de um questionário aplicado tanto a falantes de português-língua materna quanto a aprendizes de português-língua estrangeira, testamos, basicamente: a (im)possibilidade de intercâmbio entre o PPC e o presente contínuo, a influência do valor semântico de verbos principais e de adjuntos adverbiais, e ainda, as noções de iteratividade e continuidade expressas pelo PPC. / [en] In this study we set better limits for the uses of a specific verb tense in Portuguese: the present perfect indicative. We developed our work on the basis of the theoretical apparatus of Functional Semantics. Native Portuguese speakers and learners of Portuguese as 2nd language completed a questionnaire. We tested basically if the present perfect and the present continuous could be used interchangeably, but also the influence of the semantic value of main verbs and adjuncts, and the verb aspect expressed by the present perfect.

Reálné rozdělení nemovitosti - zemědělské usedlosti / Real Estate Division - a Farmstead

Šťastný, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present diploma thesis ‘Practical Division of a Real Estate – Agricultural Farmstead‘ is concerned with actual division of an agricultural homestead in XXX, the district of Olomouc. Based on the local examination which has been performed and after analyzing documents acquired from the owners, conclusions were drawn as to the possibility of dividing the estate while adhering to the applicable regulations of the civil procedure, construction law, construction technology, operational technology and economy. Valid price guidelines were used to determine the price of the estate and a comparative price of the estate was also estimated. Both price levels were also determined for the individual parts established by the practical division of the estate. The thesis consists of two basic sections. The first section focuses on theory, explaining the problem of practical division of an estate and providing a description of work of a certified expert drawing up this type of expert opinion. The second section comprises a practical part, which contains the expert opinion on the actual division of the agricultural homestead in the town of XXX in the Olomouc district.

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