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學校組織動態能耐評量指標建構與實證之研究 / The Dynamic Capabilities in Taiwan's Senior High Schools黃貞裕, Eng, Cheng Joo Unknown Date (has links)
5.就研究內容方面,可研究動態能耐與其他變項之關係。 / The dynamic capabilities approach is promising in terms of future research potential and as an aid to management endeavoring to gain competitive advantage in increasingly demanding environment. Dynamic capabilities identifying new opportunities and help organizations organize effectively and efficiently in regimes of rapid environments changes. The term ‘dynamic’ refers to the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing outer environment; the term ‘capabilities’ emphasizes the abilities in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources ,and functional competences to make the requirements of a rapidly changing environment.
The purpose of this study was to develop an inventory of dynamic capabilities that apply to the senior high schools and senior vocational schools in Taiwan. This research was conducted under two processes. At first, the fundamental indicators of the inventory were constructed under the groundwork of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was examined with several statistical methods such as reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that the self-constructed dynamic capabilities inventory was with good reliability and validity. Secondly, the inventory was sent to 996 senior high schools’ personnel in Taiwan and 690 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed by SPSS For Windows 12.0 version at .05 significant level. Statistical method such as descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were adapted to data analysis.
Major findings include the following:
1. The dynamic capabilities inventory that constructed by researcher is with fine reliability and validity and could measure schools’ dynamic capabilities with seven dimensions.
2. There is no difference between the dynamic capabilities of senior high schools and senior vocational schools.
3. The dynamic capabilities of the private schools are significantly higher that the public schools.
4. Schools that with longer history have greater dynamic capabilities.
5. The small- scoped schools have less dynamic capabilities.
6. Schools that located in remote area have less dynamic capabilities than the schools located in the city.
7. The perception of dynamic capabilities of male school personnel is significantly higher that the female school personnel.
8. Elder personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the younger personnel.
9. Personnel serve in administration sections have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the personnel who are not served in administrative sections.
10. Educational background is not a decisive element to the perception of dynamic capabilities.
11. The senior school personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities.
Based on the findings, several recommendations were made for the application of DCI-S, for the superior authorities, for the senior high/vocational schools as well as for further research.
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電子民主與政府APP─評估指標建構初探 / Electronic Democracy and Government Mobile Application (APP) ─ An Exploratory Study of Indicator Construction呂孟芩 Unknown Date (has links)
後者,細分出(1)互動及回覆內容品質、(2)有用性、(3)反應性、(4)效能感等四大次構面。其中,互動及回覆內容品質共有四項指標,如:主管單位回覆的資訊是充足的、主管單位的回覆是正確的;有用性共有三項指標,如:相較於臨櫃服務、1999與網頁版首長信箱,APP能更快速解決我陳情抱怨的問題、無須再透過其他系統或平台申辦帳號密碼,便可完成陳情抱怨程序;反應性共有六項指標,如:透過APP,政府機關能快速地接收到我的陳情、主管單位的回覆語氣與方式親切有禮;效能感共有三項指標,如:陳情通知或回覆的內容,讓我覺得主管單位了解我的困難及問題癥結、我認為主管單位的通知或回覆內容係針對我的需求與問題提供服務。總計有二大主構面、七大次構面,以及四十七項指標。同時依據每項指標對於APP意義程度上的差異,將指標區分為基本指標(must have)以及進階指標(good to have)兩種層次。
期望本研究建構的指標架構,除了可做為未來政府機關開發電子化決策參與APP的參考依據外,同時有助於主管機關改善及永續現行APP之經營與發展,並且強化APP的安全機制,邁向資訊開放及運用。後續研究可深入探討無障礙與安全性指標內容設計,待部分指標進一步操作化後,可運用德菲法讓指標項目具一致性,並採用AHP搭配深度訪談擬定指標權重,最終以大量發放問卷了解指標合適度以及了解APP的發展現況。 / The expansion of the Internet and the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs) have changed service deliveries of enterprises and government organizations. Many enterprises change the service model with creating a variety of APPs. Government organizations, meanwhile, provide multiple mobile services in order to maximize the competitive advantage of nations. A novel service model breaks restrictions on time and space, providing the opportunity of direct democracy for the public. Lately, the development of electronic government is entitled to extensive democracy, and electronic government becomes a new communication model.
In order to realize the meaning of e-democracy and the development of governments’ online services, this research reviews the literature of electronic democracy. The author use three dimensions, including ‘electronic information’, ‘electronic service and consultation’, and ‘electronic decision making and participation’, to categorize APPs created by central and local governments. Base on the previous findings, this research selects electronic decision making and participation of APPs to construct indicators. The author reviews six types of literatures, including web service quality indicators, electronic government assessment, governmental service quality research, electronic commerce satisfaction, mayor's email-box satisfaction, and Internet resources to establish indicators of governments’ APPs. The framework and contents of indicators are revised by implementing two rounds in-depth interviews with the questionnaire.
According to empirical data, this research separate indicators into two dimensions, including System Quality and Citizen Participation & Service Quality. The System Quality has three sub-dimensions, including Visual Design, Ease of Use, and Security & Privacy. Visual Design has nine indicators, such as the accuracy of APPs’ title, the simplicity of APP, etc. Ease of Use has nineteen indicators, such as the response time less than three seconds, the simplicity of APPs’ functions, etc. Security & Privacy has four indicators, such as the authority of being acceptable, proper personal informations, etc.
The Citizen Participation & Service Quality has four sub-dimensions, including the Contents’ Quality of Interactions, Usability, Responsiveness, and Efficacy. The Contents’ Quality of Interactions has four indicators, such as the sufficiency of governments’ reply, the accuracy of governments’ reply, etc. Usability has three indicators, such as relative to APPs’ deal of speed than counters, 1999, and the mayor's email-boxes, applying for accounts directly in APP, etc. Responsiveness has six indicators, such as immediately response, courteous reply, etc. Efficacy has three indicators, such as understanding of the petition, customize services, etc. To sum up, indicators of government APPs have two dimensiosns, seven sub-dimensiosns and forty eight indicators. Base on those indicators, and this research further categorizes them into ‘must have’ and ‘good to have’.
This framework of indicators is expected not only becoming the reference for government organizations creating APPs in the future but also improving service quality of APPs nowadays. Moreover, it is important that having to strengthen APP’s security and privacy, then governments could open data from citizen complaints and use them to create new value. Future research could explore the disability and security aspects of indicators. Moreover, future research could consider operationalize a part of indicators, and then adopt Delphi and AHP to measure robustly the consistency and weighting of indicators. Finally, the author expects the follow-up studies could conduct questionnaires to realize the fitness for indicators and condition of APP’s development.
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Machinery Health Indicator Construction using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization of a Feed-forward Neural Network based on Distance / Maskin-Hälsoindikatorkonstruktion genom Multi-objektiv Genetisk Algoritm-Optimering av ett Feed-forward Neuralt Nätverk baserat på AvståndNyman, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Assessment of machine health and prediction of future failures are critical for maintenance decisions. Many of the existing methods use unsupervised techniques to construct health indicators by measuring the disparity between the current state and either the healthy or the faulty states of the system. This approach can work well, but if the resulting health indicators are insufficient there is no easy way to steer the algorithm towards better ones. In this thesis a new method for health indicator construction is investigated that aims to solve this issue. It is based on measuring distance after transforming the sensor data into a new space using a feed-forward neural network. The feed-forward neural network is trained using a multi-objective optimization algorithm, NSGA-II, to optimize criteria that are desired in a health indicator. Thereafter the constructed health indicator is passed into a gated recurrent unit for remaining useful life prediction. The approach is compared to benchmarks on the NASA Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation dataset and in regard to the size of the neural networks, the model performs relatively well, but does not outperform the results reported by a few of the more recent methods. The method is also investigated on a simulated dataset based on elevator weights with two independent failures. The method is able to construct a single health indicator with a desirable shape for both failures, although the latter estimates of time until failure are overestimated for the more rare failure type. On both datasets the health indicator construction method is compared with a baseline without transformation function and does in both cases outperform it in terms of the resulting remaining useful life prediction error using the gated recurrent unit. Overall, the method is shown to be flexible in generating health indicators with different characteristics and because of its properties it is adaptive to different remaining useful life prediction methods. / Estimering av maskinhälsa och prognos av framtida fel är kritiska steg för underhållsbeslut. Många av de befintliga metoderna använder icke-väglett (unsupervised) lärande för att konstruera hälsoindikatorer som beskriver maskinens tillstånd över tid. Detta sker genom att mäta olikheter mellan det nuvarande tillståndet och antingen de friska eller fallerande tillstånden i systemet. Det här tillvägagångssättet kan fungera väl, men om de resulterande hälsoindikatorerna är otillräckliga så finns det inget enkelt sätt att styra algoritmen mot bättre. I det här examensarbetet undersöks en ny metod för konstruktion av hälsoindikatorer som försöker lösa det här problemet. Den är baserad på avståndsmätning efter att ha transformerat indatat till ett nytt vektorrum genom ett feed-forward neuralt nätverk. Nätverket är tränat genom en multi-objektiv optimeringsalgoritm, NSGA-II, för att optimera kriterier som är önskvärda hos en hälsoindikator. Därefter används den konstruerade hälsoindikatorn som indata till en gated recurrent unit (ett neuralt nätverk som hanterar sekventiell data) för att förutspå återstående livslängd hos systemet i fråga. Metoden jämförs med andra metoder på ett dataset från NASA som simulerar degradering hos turbofan-motorer. Med avseende på storleken på de använda neurala nätverken så är resultatet relativt bra, men överträffar inte resultaten rapporterade från några av de senaste metoderna. Metoden testas även på ett simulerat dataset baserat på elevatorer som fraktar säd med två oberoende fel. Metoden lyckas skapa en hälsoindikator som har en önskvärd form för båda felen. Dock så överskattar den senare modellen, som använde hälsoindikatorn, återstående livslängd vid estimering av det mer ovanliga felet. På båda dataseten jämförs metoden för hälsoindikatorkonstruktion med en basmetod utan transformering, d.v.s. avståndet mäts direkt från grund-datat. I båda fallen överträffar den föreslagna metoden basmetoden i termer av förutsägelsefel av återstående livslängd genom gated recurrent unit- nätverket. På det stora hela så visar sig metoden vara flexibel i skapandet av hälsoindikatorer med olika attribut och p.g.a. metodens egenskaper är den adaptiv för olika typer av metoder som förutspår återstående livslängd.
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大學院校系所實際開課科目之 課程評鑑指標建構研究 / Curriculum evaluation of courses offered by the university department:Indicator construction study李文琪, LI, Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所建構出的大學院校系所實際開課科目課程評鑑指標共計十七條,除了作為各系所檢視與評鑑實際開課的參考,也提供未來相關研究在指標建構與課程評鑑研究的建議。 / Higher education evaluation is emphasis on administration evaluation, instruction evaluation or research evaluation, but ignores the curriculum evaluation on course offerings. Besides, from the opportunities of choosing courses by learners and from the point of view of courses planning, course offerings are the most substantial and can be examination directly from curriculum. Therefore, my research is focused on the course offerings in universities and to construct a curriculum evaluation indicator to help universities examine the effectiveness of the curriculum offered, in addition, to provide a comparison on evaluating the course offerings.
In order to complete this research, the following methods were used: research literature review, small expert panel, the questionnaire survey, and compiling opinions from scholars and experts in the field course. The researcher then adjusted the index by combining the data collected to construct the indicators for the higher education curriculum evaluation.
From this research at universities and colleges concerning curriculum evaluation, a total of seventeen indicators of curriculum evaluation were developed. These seventeen indicators not only can help universities examine the effectiveness of the curriculum offered, but also can help future educators plan their curriculum in an effective manner.
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中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Indicators Construction of Inservice Professional Development Course for School Principals張綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 中小學校長在職增能宜建立有系統化之課程指標作為參照。
(二) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程首重於領導知能與溝通決策。
(三) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程宜著重於學生適性發展。
(四) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程建構應參酌不同利害關係人意見。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the indicators of inservice professional development course for elementary and secondary school principals, which provide principals professional development support agencies and educational administration departments as a reference for planning principals inservice professional development course and policy related to professional growth and professional development. As for research method, by means of literature review, 22 indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals had been organized based on an expert survey, which survey 13 experts. Concept mapping questionnaire used to analyze experts' opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals. The main conclusions as below:
1. This study constructs an indicator system of inservice professional development course for school principals of 5 dimensions and 22 indicators in total. The 5 dimensions are: I. curriculum, teaching and student learning, which include 5 indicators. II. leadership knowledge, communication and decision making, which include 4 indicators. III. resource utilization and campus space planning, which include 5 indicators. IV. administrative practice and knowledge management, which include 5 indicators. V. school marketing and brand shaping, which include 5 indicators.
2. Leadership knowledge, communication and decision-making is the most important dimension of inservice professional development course for school principals.
3. Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most received expert attention.
4. The importance of different objects have their differences of inservice professional development course for school principals. Scholar think Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most important indicators. on the other hand, school principal think Adaptive learning, school leadership knowledge and practice, and school philosophy and development planning are the most important indicators.
According to the result, here are some recommendations as below:
1. It is advisable to establish systematic curriculum indicators as a reference for inservice professional development course for school principals.
2. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on leadership knowledge and communication and decision-making.
3. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on Adaptive learning.
4. Inservice professional development course for school principals should take into account the views of different stakeholders.
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