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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DAS TREVAS À LUZ : os Canela a caminho do desenvolvimento sustentável / "OF DARKNESS THE LIGHT ": the Canela towards a development sustainable

Gomes, Francisco Ernesto Basílio 13 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T18:02:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO ERNESTO BASILIO GOMES.pdf: 601705 bytes, checksum: 333576dce67f604ffb5b9d395458823b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation analyses the Project of Combat to the Rural Poorness executed by the government of Maranhão State, in the period between 1998 and 2004, and its application to the indigenous people. The theoretical object to that dissertation is the comprehension of the relation between the government of Maranhão State and indigenous people. It was made the map of the conceptions of de poorness from the project trying to identify in what measure those conceptions contemplate the cultural diverseness of indigenous people. It is also analysed the relation between the perspective of the combat to the poorness associate to the tenable development used in the en forcement of the PCPR Ma. The theoretical mention of the research is inspired in the perspective of the postcolonial studies developed by cry authors like: Escobar (1996) Mignglo (2003) and Lander (2005). I tried to understand the poorness like representation according to Sousa s approach (2001). It also realized a fieldwork in the indigenous village from Escavaldo, from indigenous people Ramkokamekra/ Canela objecting to understand as it has related to the electrical energy, result of the PCPR Ma. Specifically trying to understand the cause of the choice in electrical energy as communal subproject of the combat to the poorness. / Esta dissertação faz uma análise do Projeto de Combate à Pobreza Rural (PCPR-MA) executado pelo Governo do Estado do Maranhão, no período entre 1998 e 2004, e a sua aplicação buscou apreender as relações entre o Governo do Estado do Maranhão e os povos indígenas. Procurou mapear as concepções de pobreza do Projeto, procurando identificar em que medida essas concepções contemplam as diversidades culturais dos povos indígenas. Analisa também a relação entre a perspectiva do combate à pobreza associado ao desenvolvimento sustentável, utilizada na execução do PCPR-MA. A análise está inspirada perspectiva dos estudos pós-coloniais , desenvolvida por autores como: Escobar (1996), Mignolo (2003) e Lander (2005). Toma como campo empírico as relações dos Canela com a eletrificação de sua aldeia, subprojeto do PCPR-MA.

Pari-cachoeira e Trinidad: convivência e construção da autodeterminação indígena na fronteira Brasil-Colômbia / Pari-Cachoeira and Trinidad: coexistence and construction of the self-determination indigenous in the border Brasil-Colômbia

Israel Fontes Dutra 23 April 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação enfoca as contradições e conflitos da convivência dos Tukano de Pari- Cachoeira (Brasil) e Tuyuka de Trinidad (Colômbia) e a construção da autodeterminação indígena na fronteira Brasil-Colômbia, pois, mesmo depois da demarcação da Terra Indígena Alto Rio Negro em 1998, ficaram entrecortados pela fronteira. Este fato ameaça as relações de diversos matizes entre esses dois grandes povoados, a saber, prejudicam as relações de parentesco e circulação. Pari-Cachoeira é uma comunidade habitada pelo povo Tukano, do subgrupo Pãsi Põã, localizada no alto rio Tiquié, Uaupés, Brasil. Trinidad é habitada pelo povo Tuyuka, alto Tiquié, na Gran Resguardo Indígena Del Vaupés, Departamento Del Vaupés, Colômbia. No cenário da política indígena do rio Negro, Pari-Cachoeira se destaca por ser o lugar onde se originou o Movimento Indígena do rio Negro, no início da década de 70, que culminou na fundação da Federação das Organizações Indígenas do rio Negro (FOIRN), em 1987. E, Trinidad se destaca por estar situada em uma zona de conflito entre Governo colombiano e as Forças Armada Revolucionária da Colômbia (FARC), que ameaça a circulação e a autonomia indígena em território colombiano. A dissertação está constituída por quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta o contexto histórico dos indígenas do alto rio Negro e o movimento indígena na atualidade. Conjugo informações bibliográficas acadêmicas e as fontes orais dos sujeitos sociais da pesquisa. No segundo capítulo apresentamos uma abordagem teórica dos conceitos selecionados para a pesquisa, baseados em autores da geografia e ciências afins que estudam os povos e comunidades indígenas, soberania e autodeterminação, fronteira e circulação e o paradoxo da política: poder e liberdade, que também constitui o ser indígena. No terceiro capítulo enfatizamos as relações de convivência entre indígenas e não-indígenas e principalmente de Pari-Cachoeira e Trinidad , no qual destacamos os aspectos positivos e negativos da presença de missionários, militares e ONGs. No quarto capitulo apresentamos a fronteira viva, a importância e os desafios das relações de convivência entre indígenas de Pari-Cachoeira e Trinidad, que fortalecem a construção da autodeterminação indígena na faixa de fronteira, onde circulam constantemente para pescar, caçar, trabalhar nas roças, visitar seus parentes, participar de eventos culturais, políticos e esportivos. A análise de convivência e construção da autodeterminação desses povos na faixa de fronteira, tem o objetivo de chamar atenção da política externa brasileira e colombiana, para a necessidade de criar normas de convivência e mobilidade na fronteira entre os dois países em acordo com as lideranças locais , garantindo, então, a segurança desses povos para que se sintam livres e vivam de acordo com seus princípios e tradições sem perder a nacionalidade de ambos os países. A dissertação demonstra que a construção de autodeterminação indígena não significa a luta por um Estado independente, mas constitui a lógica de liberdade de gerir seus próprios interesses, de sustentabilidade das comunidades indígenas e de convivência familiar presente no relacionamento familiar entre os grupos; e que a presença indígena na Amazônia e na fronteira representa uma importância geopolítica para o Brasil e Colômbia. / This work focuses the contradictions and conflicts of the coexistence of Tukano de Pari Cachoeira (Brazil) and Tuyuka of Trinidad (Colombia) and construction of the selfdetermination indigenous in the border Brazil-Colombia, that even with the demarcation of the Indigenous Land Alto Rio Negro in 1998, they were interrupted by the border. This fact threatens the relationships of several shades among those two great towns, to know, the relationship relationships and circulation are harmed. Pari Cachoeira is an inhabited community for the people Tukano, of the subgroup Pãsi Põã, located in the Alto Rio Tiquié, Uaupés, Brazil. Trinidad is inhabited by the people Tuyuka, Alto Tiquié, in Gran Resguardo Indígena Del Vaupés, Department Del Vaupés, Colombia. In the scenery of the indigenous politics of the Rio Negro, Pari Cachoeira stands out for being the place where arose the Indigenous Movement of the Rio Negro, in the beginning of the decade of 70, that it culminated in the foundation of the Federation of the Indigenous Organizations of the Rio Negro (FOIRN), in 1987; and Trinidad stands out for being placed in a conflict area among Colombian Government and the Armed forces Revolutionary of Colombia (FARC), that threatens the circulation and the autonomy indigenous in Colombian territory. The work is constituted of four chapters. The first chapter presents the natives\' of the Alto Rio Negro historical context and the indigenous movement today. I conjugate bibliographical information of the academy and orals of the subject of the research. In the second chapter we turned a theoretical approach of the concepts selected for the research, based on authors of the geography and sciences that study the people and indigenous communities, sovereignty and self-determination, border and circulation and the paradox of the politics: to can and freedom, that also constitutes being indigenous. In the third chapter we emphasized the coexistence relationships among natives and no-indigenous. and mainly of Pari Cachoeira and Trinidad., in which detached the positive and negative aspects of the missionaries\' presence, military and ONGs. In the room I surrender presented the \"alive border\", the importance and the challenges of the coexistence relationships among natives of Pari Cachoeira and Trinidad, that strengthen the construction of the indigenous self-determination in the border strip, where they constantly circulate to fish, to hunt, to work at the countries, to visit their relatives, to participate in events cultural, political and sporting. With the coexistence analysis and construction of the self-determination of those people in the border strip, the objective is to call attention of the Brazilian and Colombian foreign policy, for the need to create coexistence norms and mobility in the border among the two countries In agreement with the local leaderships guaranteeing, then, the safety of those people so that if they feel free and live in agreement with their beginnings and traditions without losing the nationality of both countries. The study demonstrates that the construction of indigenous self-determination doesn\'t mean the fight for an independent State, but it constitutes the logic of freedom of managing their own interests, of the indigenous communities\' sustainability and of present family coexistence in the family relationship among the groups; and that the indigenous presence in the Amazonian and border represents an importance geopolitics for Brazil and Colombia.

Mobility and identification processes in indigenous and migrant children’s intercultural experiences of life in Argentina / Desplazamientos y procesos de identificación en las experiencias interculturales de vida de niños indígenas y migrantes en Argentina

Padawer, Ana, Diez, María Laura 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este trabajo aborda los procesos de identificación de niños indígenas y migrantes en Argentina, considerando la incidencia de los desplazamientos espaciales y las experiencias interculturales de vida. nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de cómo las identificaciones se vinculan con la movilidad de los niños y sus familias, a partir de dos investigaciones etnográficas sobre experiencias formativas de niños indígenas mbyà-guaraní de la provincia de misiones y migrantes de Bolivia en Buenos Aires.A partir de la reconstrucción de dos historias de vida, analizamos cómo los niños se integran en comunidades de práctica ligadas a la reproducción social en el contexto de desplazamientos, que implican experiencias distintivas en términos generacionales referidas a los procesos de escolarización, actividades productivas y dimensiones expresivas de la vida social. Las investigaciones realizadas nos permitieron advertir que los niños y niñas producen identificaciones en las que se tensionan visiones idealizadas de los territorios deorigen con procesos de transformación, dejando en evidencia las dinámicas intergeneracionales de definición de elementos demembresía de los que son parte activa. / In this paper we analyse migrants and indigenous ‘children identification processes in Argentina, considering the influence of special mobility and intercultural experiences of life in their sense of belonging. We consider how identifications and mobility by two ethnographic researches about formative experiences of mbyà- Guaraní children of misiones province and Bolivian migrants living in Buenos Aires.By two life stories, we analyse how children participate in communities of practice linked with social reproduction in contexts of mobility, which imply generation’s distinctive experiences referred to school, productive activities and expressive dimensions of social life. Our research shows the children are active producers of identifications where origin territories idealized images are stressed by transformation’s process, evidence of inter-generation’s dynamicsof membership’s definitions.

A Questão Ambiental no Sistema Público de Saúde sob a Ótica da Sócio-diversidade. Estudo de Casos de São Sebastião - São Paulo / The environment and health from the perspective of social diversity: Case Study in São Sebastião in São Paulo

Aurea Aparecida Eleuterio Pascalicchio 09 August 1994 (has links)
O modo particular de apreensão do mundo e práticas diversificadas relativas a vários grupos sociais devem ser considerados no planejamento e na execução de programas ambientais e de saúde. O estudo de caso no município de São Sebastião busca a expressividade de questões ambientais na política pública de saúde. A formação de um quadro referencial a partir desta pesquisa focaliza o governo estadual na gestão 86-90, os municípios e a percepção que a população tem dos serviços de saúde. A percepção da população e gerentes do sistema de saúde, associada à observação participante e dados oficiais, foi analisada através de 819 questionários e 29 histórias de vida, em 2 regiões de saúde e 6 municípios. A população indígena aparece como alteridade. A percepção dos médicos no município de São Sebastião foi pesquisada com 19 questionários estruturados incluindo 55% dos profissionais. Os dados traçam o mapa do papel da cultura nas políticas públicas de saúde frente á crise mundial dos anos 90 e dos paradigmas da ciência. A ciência ambiental aparece com destaque nesta discussão e suas dúvidas epistemológicas têm afinidade com o cenário conceitual na epidemiologia. As questões da ética são centrais e este reflexo é locus privilegiado no diagnóstico de saúde de uma população. A pretensão da pesquisa é evidenciar a importância da interdisciplinaridade, da participação democrática nas decisões, da diversidade cultural e do saber. / The particular approach about the world and cultural practices must be considered in planning health programs. The case study in São Sebastião is about environmental issues in public health policies. The frame of reference from this research focuses on the state government in the management 86-90, municipalities and the perception that people have of health services. The perception of the people and managers of the public health system, associated with participant observation and official documents, was analyzed by 819 questionnaires and 29 life histories in 2 health regions and 6 municipalities. The indigenous people appear as otherness. The perception of doctors in São Sebastião was investigated with 19 structured questionnaires including 55% of professionals. The role of culture in public health policies will face the global crisis of the 90s and the paradigms of science. Environmental science features prominently in this discussion and epistemological questions have an affinity with the conceptual approach in epidemiology. The ethical issues are central and that reflection is a privileged locus for the diagnosis of population health. The aim is demonstrate the importance of democratic participation in decision making, interdisciplinary, knowledge and cultural diversity.

Discourses of Sami rights in the public debate of Sweden

Olofsson, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur urfolket Samernas rättigheter var beskrivna i den offentliga debatten i Sverige genom att analyser svenska artiklar. Under studien, olika konstruktioner av samiska rättigheter hittades, vilka har blivit analyserade genom metoden kritisk diskurs analys, specifikt den tre dimensionella modellen av Norman Fairclough. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av debatt-artiklar och nyhetsartiklar från olika tidningar och nyhetsbyårer i Sverige. Perspektivet i analysen var klargjord genom teorin om grupprättigheter. Resultatet visade, bland annat, hur diskussioner om ratificering av ILO-169konventionen har pågått under lång tid och att den har aldrig ratificerats. Detta är på grund av tvetydigheten i hur en kan säkra de samiska land rättigheterna samtidigt som att säkra den svenska statens ekonomiska intressen. / The purpose of this thesis was to study how the rights of the Indigenous Sami people were described in the public debate of Sweden through analysing Swedish articles. During the study, different constructions of Sami rights were found which have been analysed through the method of critical discourse analysis, specifically the three dimensional model by Norman Fairclough. The empirical material consisted of debate articles and news articles from different newspapers and news agencies of Sweden. The perspective of the analysis was clarified through the theory of group rights. The result showed, among other things, how discussions of the ratification of ILO 169-convention have been going on for a long time, and that it has never been ratified. This is due to the ambiguity in how to secure the Sami land rights at the same time as securing the Swedish state’s economical interests.

Empowerment through art : non-governmental organisations’ art projects’ contribution to empowerment ofmarginalised groups in Mexico City and San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Mexico

Baljkas, Ivana January 2021 (has links)
This study explores the ways marginalised groups can be supported in their empowerment process, and specifically how art projects organised by non-governmental organisations can contribute in the process. The focus is on prisoners and indigenous children and adults in Mexico City and San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Mexico who are involved in the organisations’ projects. Results from qualitative interviews with organisations’ staff are presented and discussed covering organisations characteristics and relationship with the clients as factors in supporting the clients in their empowerment. Involvement in art projects influenced participants’ self-awareness, self-confidence, sense of achievement, gender roles and the way they cooperate with each other. The findings also show art projects as a possibility for marginalised groups to tell about their own lives and by doing so change stereotypes about themselves. The discussion focuses on interpreting these effects of working with art projects as empowering factors. It is suggested that working with art and in the non-governmental sector can complement the welfare system and serve as an inspiration to finding other ways of achieving empowerment. A closer look at how the non-governmental organisations work and relate to their clients, shows a more equal relationship than the one within the welfare systems, which opens up for more options of supporting marginalised individuals through their empowerment processes. The results of this research are based on the perception of the organisation’s employees, not the users themselves.Therefore it would be interesting to continue research on this topic, interviewing the users in order to get the marginalized people’s perspective on the issue.

“We the various races” : Developing Role theory: The Bakun dam case

Isaacson, Summer January 2019 (has links)
This descriptive essay aims to develop constructivist Role theory. Specifically, it examines the potential of applying role analysis to a case of two types of actors; marginalized citizens and their state decision makers. There has previously been little role analysis applied to domestic political settings, as opposed to internationally between states. Therefore, research has been encouraged in this area. The selected empirical case is the controversial Bakun hydroelectric dam project in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. It involves the resettlement of the marginalized indigenous Orang Ulu people and is driven by the Sarawak state government. By analyzing the role conceptions and norms of these actors, together with the concept of power, a new perspective on their relationship is developed. The successful application of Role theory in this new setting and case is a contributing point of the study. The role analysis is conducted using a qualitative critical text analysis method; an analytical framework is established with which the actors’ roles are retrieved from the text material. The results are then analyzed, and the conclusion of the case study is that the actors have incoherent conceptions of their roles and norms, leading to a conflict between the two in which the government has the upper hand due to (illegitimate) power structures.

Variation of active constituents in Euclea natalensis based on seedling stages, seasons, and fertilizers

Bapela, Mahwahwatse Johanna 26 June 2008 (has links)
Euclea natalensis A.DC. belongs to the Ebenaceae family, and is extensively distributed along the eastern coast of southern Africa. Many Euclea species are widely gathered by indigenous people because of their medicinal properties. Roots of these plant species are frequently used to treat respiratory complications such as chest pains, bronchitis, pleurisy and asthma. Ground root powder is topically applied in cases of leprosy and is used by some ethnic groups to treat toothache and headache. The bioactivity encountered is attributable to naphthoquinones, which are common phenolic compounds in the Ebenaceae family. Naphthoquinones isolated from E. natalensis (shinanolone, 7-methyljuglone, diospyrin, isodiospyrin and neodiospyrin) have exhibited a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The demand for these products will escalate due the amount of plant material required to further research. We need to explore techniques that can maximize their productivity. The present study was conducted on E. natalensis, in an attempt to establish if there exists any correlation between the accumulation of naphthoquinones and stages of seedling growth, seasonal fluctuations and application of fertilizers. A possible correlation between seedling growth stages and the accumulation of naphthoquinones (shinanolone, 7-methyljuglone and diospyrin) was investigated in seeds and seedlings of Euclea natalensis. In this study, the seeds represented the first stage, whereas the second seedling stage was defined as the stage when the radicles were about 6 cm long. The lengths of the seedlings at the third, fourth and fifth seedling stages were 9 cm, 12 cm and 16 cm respectively. Plant materials collected from the five seedling stages were separately extracted using chloroform and the naphthoquinones were then quantified by means of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Mobile phase of MeCN: H2O: AcOH (62.5: 32.5: 5) was used as an eluent in an isocratic mode and at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. Standard curves of each of the four compounds were obtained by making a series of dilutions in the concentration range of 22.5 µg/ml to 2.25 µg/ml. Ten microlitres of each dilution was injected three times into the HPLC, and the run time for each injection was 20 minutes. Calibration curves were then generated and used for the quantification of each compound. Shinanolone, which was the only naphthoquinone detectible in seeds, accumulated at variable rates (P<0.01) and no trend could be established between its synthesis and seedling growth. The content of shinanolone ranged from 87.5 mg/kg dry weight (dw) in seeds to a high mean value of 1047 mg/kg (dw) during the fourth seedling stage. A significant correlation (P<0.01) was found between the mean concentrations of 7-methyljuglone and seedling growth. 7-Methyljuglone was quantified at a high mean level of 5003 mg/kg during the third seedling stage and was not detected in the seed samples. A positive correlation (P<0.01) was established between the concentration of diospyrin and seedling stages. Diospyrin was detected at an elevated mean concentration of 6182 mg/kg during the fifth seedling stage, which was higher than the other quantified naphthoquinones. Seasonal variation of naphthoquinones (shinanolone, 7-methyljuglone, diospyrin, isodiospyrin and neodiospyrin) was investigated from eleven plants of E. natalensis subsp. natalensis growing in natural populations, over a period of four seasons. The roots were harvested, dried, extracted and analysed as in the previous study. The mean levels of shinanolone and 7-methyljuglone were found to be uniform in all the seasons and no statistically significant variation could be found between seasonal changes and their mean concentrations. Accumulation of isodiospyrin and neodiospyrin varied significantly with seasonal changes (P<0.05). These two bioactive naphthoquinones were detected only in summer and autumn respectively, and not in winter. A statistically significant variation (P<0.05) was established between the levels of diospyrin and seasonal fluctuations. Diospyrin was detected at a mean concentration of 3190 mg/kg (dw) during spring, which was higher than the other naphthoquinones quantified in all four seasons. The effect of NPK fertilizers on growth performance and accumulation of naphthoquinones (shinanolone, 7-methyljuglone, diospyrin, isodiospyrin and neodiospyrin) in seedlings of E. natalensis grown in shade and under field conditions was investigated. Each group was subdivided into four subgroups, which were then subjected to four respective treatments of water-soluble foliar feed (2:1:2 (44) NPK) at three different concentrations. Treatments tested were as follows: Treatment 1 at 40 g/l, Treatment 2 and Treatment 3 at 20 g/l and 10 g/l respectively. The control group received only supplemental water. The first harvest was conducted after 6 months of application of fertilizers and the second one was done after 12 months of treatment. Roots and shoots were harvested and analysed separately. The naphthoquinones were quantified as previously described. The bioactivity of root extracts from seedlings was tested against Mycobacterium smegmatis and extracts with lower MIC were further tested on M. tuberculosis. Growth parameters differed between the two groups, with seedlings from the shadehouse showing more plant vigour than the field grown plants. No significant interaction could be established between the measured growth factors and treatment. A significant interaction (P<0.001) was found between Treatment 2 and shadehouse seedlings. Treatment 2 enhanced vegetative performance with the mean values of fresh weight of shoots and roots being twice as much as their respective control mean values. A significantly positive correlation was established between the concentration of shinanolone (P<0.01), isodiospyrin (P<0.05) and neodiospyrin (P<0.05) with fertilization from field-grown seedlings. Application of NPK fertilizers significantly (P<0.05) increased the accumulation of neodiospyrin in seedlings subjected to shadehouse conditions. The most potent naphthoquinone, 7-methyljuglone, was found to be abundant in all the extracts and was quantified at a high mean concentration of 10200 mg/kg from shadehouse seedlings. Root extracts of E. natalensis seedlings grown under field conditions were generally more active against the bacterial strain of M. smegmatis as compared to extracts acquired from roots of seedlings maintained under a shadehouse setting. A lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.78mg/ml against M. smegmatis was observed from the second harvest of field-cultivated seedlings of the control and Treatment 1 subgroups. The MIC values for shadehouse seedlings ranged from 1.6 to 6.3 mg/ml. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values from all the extracts tested were relatively higher than their respective MIC’s. Root extracts of E. natalensis were more active against M. tuberculosis and their MIC values were lower than the tested concentrations. Extracts acquired from field-grown seedlings were more active against M. smegmatis with a lowest MIC value of 0.78 mg/ml. Extracts from the control group and Treatment 1, which had less application of fertilizers were more active against strains of M. tuberculosis with MIC value of 10 µg/ml. This shows the selectivity of E. natalensis against the mycobacterial strain of M. tuberculosis. Based on the findings, synthesis and accumulation of naphthoquinones in E. natalensis is highly variable within individuals of the species investigated. Naphthoquinones accumulate in relatively higher amounts in roots of E. natalensis than in the aboveground structures, which validate their harvest by indigenous people. The concentration of shinanolone varied slightly and its production increased with seedling growth. The synthesis of 7-methyljuglone is independent of fertilisation as its accumulation was enhanced in seedlings subjected to control treatment. Neodiospyrin and isodiospyrin were always present in every sample obtained from the seedlings but they were not detectible in every profile of samples from mature plants. Diospyrin is the only naphthoquinone that was detected in every sample analysed and also quantified in high concentrations from mature plants harvested in spring. The study showed that depending on the requirement of a particular naphthoquinone for research, one could target the seasons and seedling stages recommended from this study. This study also showed that field-cultivated seedlings produced more potent naphthoquinones than the ones subjected to controlled environments. / Dissertation (MSc (Plant Science))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Human rights implications of the climate change regulatory framework on indigenous peoples’ lands in Africa

Jegede, Ademola Oluborode January 2014 (has links)
There is increasing certainty about the global reality of climate change and its negative effects on society. In Africa, owing to a way of life that is culturally and collectively dependent on land and its natural resources, actual and projected evidence shows that indigenous peoples are affected than other populations by the adverse impact of climate change. Indigenous peoples will also be adversely affected by the impact of climate change response measures, particularly adaptation process in accessing funds and the REDD+ mitigation initiatives on their land. Consequently, this thesis examines the extent of protection accorded to indigenous peoples‟ land tenure and use against the backdrop of relevant global, national and regional climate change regulatory frameworks. Using Zambia, Tanzania and Nigeria as case studies, the thesis finds that there is a trend towards inadequate protection of indigenous peoples‟ land tenure and use in the domestic climate change regulatory framework for addressing the adverse effects of climate change and response measures in Africa. The inadequate protection of land use and tenure has negative implications for indigenous peoples‟ participation, carbon rights (a new form of property rights in the forests) and benefit-sharing, as well their access to grievance mechanism and remedies. In response to the inadequacy, the thesis demonstrates that it is incompatible with the obligations of states and a breach of crucial rights guaranteed to indigenous peoples under regional human rights instruments. The thesis then highlights the potential in the regional climate change regulatory framework and particularly, the promotional, protective, interpretive and assembly entrusted functions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples‟ Rights (the Commission) as specific channels by which the regional application of human rights can protect the land rights of indigenous peoples in the context of climate change in Africa. Notwithstanding these potentials, reforms are necessary at the international, national and regional levels for effective protection of indigenous peoples‟ land rights in the context of climate change impact in Africa. These reforms include the reconceptualization of principles of „sovereignty‟, „country-driven‟ and „national legislation‟ at the international level, and at the national level, the creation of a new stand-alone regulatory framework or harmonisation of national legislation relating to climate change to respect indigenous peoples‟ land rights. At the regional level, there is need for an improved interaction between climate change related institutions and initiatives with human rights mechanisms and an official regional policy statement on the protection of indigenous peoples‟ land rights in the light of climate change impact in Africa. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Centre for Human Rights / LLD / Unrestricted

Samer i socialt arbete : Socialsekreterares kunskaper och erfarenheter av samer som klienter inom socialtjänsten

Kråik, Ida-Maria, Säll Hedberg, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine social workers’ knowledge and experiences of Sámi people as clients in social services. Four qualitative interviews were conducted with social workers from scattered parts of Sápmi in Sweden. Ethnic sensitivity, anti-discriminatory and systems-theoretical perspectives are the concepts and theoretical perspectives that were used to analyze the interviews. The informants’ experience that the background to Sámi clients’ issues can differ from the general population, that the Sámi clients can carry a historical oppression and have identity difficulties. Gaining trust, being flexible and finding a balance in assessment-dialogue are challenges in the meeting with Sámi clients expressed by the informants. Even though the informants have strategies to meet clients based on their profession, it appears that Sámi culture is a widely-conducted concept and that there is a need of knowledge of Sámi people and their history to ease the work with Sámi clients. / Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka socialsekreterares kunskaper och erfarenheter av samer som klienter inom socialtjänsten. Fyra kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med socialsekreterare som arbetar i spridda delar av Sápmi i Sverige. Etnisk sensitivitet, antidiskriminering och systemteori är de begrepp och teoretiska perspektiv som har använts för att analysera intervjuernas empiri. Informanterna upplever att bakgrunden till samiska klienters problematik kan skilja sig åt från majoritetsbefolkningen, att de samiska klienterna kan bära på ett historiskt förtryck och ha identitetssvårigheter. Att få tillit, vara flexibel och att hitta en balans i utredningssamtal är utmaningar i mötet med samiska klienter som uttrycks av informanterna. Även om informanterna har strategier för att bemöta klienter utifrån sin profession, framgår det att samisk kultur är ett brett begrepp och att det finns ett behov av kunskap om samer och deras historia för att underlätta arbetet med samiska klienter.

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