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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Land Vehicle Navigation With Gps/ins Sensor Fusion Using Kalman Filter

Akcay, Emre Mustafa 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are sensors that are widely used for land vehicle navigation. GPS receivers provide position and/or velocity data to any user on the Earth&rsquo / s surface independent of his position. Yet, there are some conditions that the receiver encounters difficulties, such as weather conditions and some blockage problems due to buildings, trees etc. Due to these difficulties, GPS receivers&rsquo / errors increase. On the other hand, IMU works with respect to Newton&rsquo / s laws. Thus, in stark contrast with other navigation sensors (i.e. radar, ultrasonic sensors etc.), it is not corrupted by external signals. Owing to this feature, IMU is used in almost all navigation applications. However, it has some disadvantages such as possible alignment errors, computational errors and instrumentation errors (e.g., bias, scale factor, random noise, nonlinearity etc.). Therefore, a fusion or integration of GPS and IMU provides a more accurate navigation data compared to only GPS or only IMU navigation data. v In this thesis, loosely coupled GPS/IMU integration systems are implemented using feed forward and feedback configurations. The mechanization equations, which convert the IMU navigation data (i.e. acceleration and angular velocity components) with respect to an inertial reference frame to position, velocity and orientation data with respect to any desired frame, are derived for the geographical frame. In other words, the mechanization equations convert the IMU data to the Inertial Navigation System (INS) data. Concerning this conversion, error model of INS is developed using the perturbation of the mechanization equations and adding the IMU&rsquo / s sensor&rsquo / s error model to the perturbed mechanization equation. Based on this error model, a Kalman filter is constructed. Finally, current navigation data is calculated using IMU data with the help of the mechanization equations. GPS receiver supplies external measurement data to Kalman filter. Kalman filter estimates the error of INS using the error mathematical model and current navigation data is updated using Kalman filter error estimates. Within the scope of this study, some real experimental tests are carried out using the software developed as a part of this study. The test results verify that feedback GPS/INS integration is more accurate and reliable than feed forward GPS/INS. In addition, some tests are carried out to observe the results when the GPS receiver&rsquo / s data lost. In these tests also, the feedback GPS/INS integration is observed to have better performance than the feed forward GPS/INS integration.


MARCOS SOARES MOURA COSTA 26 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Quadrirrotores são veículos aéreos que possuem quatro rotores fixos e orientados na direção vertical. Devido à sua simplicidade mecânica frente aos helicópteros tradicionais, os mesmos têm se tornado cada vez mais populares nos meios de pesquisa, militares e, mais recentemente, industriais. Essa topologia de veículo data do início do século XX mas o desenvolvimento em escala só foi possível após a recente evolução e miniaturização dos sistemas eletrônicos embarcados, dos motores elétricos e das baterias. A movimentação desses veículos no espaço é possível graças à sua inclinação em relação ao solo e, para tal, é imprescindível obter e controlar corretamente a atitude do mesmo. As unidades de medidas inerciais (IMU) surgiram como uma solução para esse problema. Através da fusão dos dados obtidos com os sensores presentes nessas centrais (acelerômetros, girômetros e magnetômetro) é possível estimar a atitude do veículo. O presente trabalho apresenta soluções tanto para a estimativa quanto para o controle de atitude de quadrirrotor. Os modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos são validados em simulações numéricas e em testes experimentais. O objetivo é que as soluções propostas apresentem resultados positivos para que possam ser empregadas nos quadrirrotores em escala. / [en] Quadrotors are vehicles that have four fixed rotors in the vertical direction. Due to its mechanical simplicity compared to traditional helicopters, these vehicles have become increasingly popular in the research, military and, more recently, industrial fields. This type of vehicle first appeared in the early twentieth century, but the development of small-scale models was only possible after the recent evolution and miniaturization of embedded electronics, electric motors and batteries. A Quadrotor can fly in any direction by changing its inclination relative to the ground, so it is essential to calculate and properly adjust its attitude. The inertial measurement units (IMU) emerged as one solution to this problem. By merging the IMU sensors data, it is possible to estimate the vehicle s attitude. This dissertation presents solutions for both the estimation and the control of the vehicle s attitude. The developed mathematical models are validated with numerical simulations and experimental tests. The goal is that the presented solutions give enough good results so they can be used in small-scale Quadrotors.

Multi-body optimization method for the estimation of joint kinematics : prospects of improvement / Méthode d’optimisation multi-segmentaire pour l’estimation de la cinématique articulaire : propositions d’amélioration

Richard, Vincent 28 June 2016 (has links)
L'analyse du mouvement humain s'appuie généralement sur des techniques de suivi de marqueurs cutanés pour reconstruire la cinématique articulaire. Cependant, ces techniques d'acquisition présentent d'importantes limites dont les " artefacts de tissus mous " (i.e., le mouvement relatif entre les marqueurs cutanés et le squelette sous-jacent). La méthode d'optimisation multi-segmentaire viseà compenser ces artefacts en imposant aux trajectoires de marqueurs les degrés de liberté d'un modèle cinématique prédéfini. Les liaisons mécaniques modélisant classiquement les articulations empêchent toutefois une estimation satisfaisante de la cinématique articulaire. Cette thèse aborde des perspectives d'amélioration de la méthode d'optimisation multi-segmentaire pour l'estimation de la cinématique articulaire du membre inférieur,à travers différentes approches : (1) la reconstruction de la cinématique par suivi de la vitesse angulaire, de l'accélération et de l'orientation de centrales inertiellesà la place du suivi de marqueurs, (2) l'introduction d'un modèle articulaire élastique basé sur la matrice de raideur du genou, permettant une estimation physiologique de la cinématique articulaire et (3) l'introduction d'un modèle des artefacts de tissus mous " cinématique-dépendant ", visantà évaluer et compenser les artefacts de tissus mous simultanément avec l'estimation la cinématique articulaire. Ce travail a démontré la polyvalence de la méthode d'optimisation multi-segmentaire. Les résultats obtenus laissent espérer une amélioration significative de cette méthode qui devient de plus en plus utilisée en biomécanique, en particulier pour la modélisation musculo-squelettique / Human movement analysis generally relies on skin markers monitoring techniques to reconstruct the joint kinematics. However, these acquisition techniques have important limitations including the "soft tissue artefacts" (i.e., the relative movement between the skin markers and the underlying bones). The multi-body optimization method aims to compensate for these artefacts by imposing the degrees of freedom from a predefined kinematic model to markers trajectories. The mechanical linkages typically used for modeling the joints however prevent a satisfactory estimate of the joint kinematics. This thesis addresses the prospects of improvement of the multi-body optimization method for the estimation of joint kinematics of the lower limb through different approaches: (1) the reconstruction of the kinematics by monitoring the angular velocity, the acceleration and the orientation of magneto-inertial measurement units instead of tracking markers, (2) the introduction of an elastic joint model based on the knee stiffness matrix, enabling a physiological estimation of joint kinematics and (3) the introduction of a "kinematic-dependent" soft tissue artefact model to assess and compensate for soft tissue artefact concurrently with estimating the joint kinematics. This work demonstrated the versatility of the multi-body optimization method. The results give hope for significant improvement in this method which is becoming increasingly used in biomechanics, especially for musculoskeletal modeling

Controle de uma plataforma inercial estabilizada com três graus de liberdade. / Control of an inertial stabilized platform with three degrees of freedom.

José Batista de Oliveira Júnior 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma inercial autônoma com três graus de liberdade para aplicação em estabilização de sensores - por exemplo, gravimétricos estacionários e embarcados - podendo ser utilizada também para estabilização de câmeras. O sistema é formado pela Unidade de Medida Inercial, IMU, desenvolvida utilizando um sensor micro eletromecânico, MEMS - que possui acelerômetro, giroscópio e magnetômetros nos três eixos de orientação - e um microcontrolador para aquisição, processamento e envio dos dados ao sistema de controle e aquisição de dados. Para controle dos ângulos de inclinação e orientação da plataforma, foi implementado um controlador PID digital utilizando microcontrolador. Este recebe os dados da IMU e fornece os sinais de controle utilizando as saídas PWM que acionam os motores, os quais controlam a posição da plataforma. Para monitoramento da plataforma foi desenvolvido um programa para aquisição de dados em tempo real em ambiente Matlab, por meio do qual se pode visualizar e gravar os sinais da IMU, os ângulos de inclinação e a velocidade angular. Testou-se um sistema de transmissão de dados por rádio frequência entre a IMU e o sistema de aquisição de dados e controle para avaliar a possibilidade da não utilização de slip rings ou fios entre o eixo de rotação e os quadros da plataforma. Entretanto, verificou-se a inviabilidade da transmissão em razão da baixa velocidade de transmissão e dos ruídos captados pelo receptor de rádio frequência durante osmovimentos da plataforma. Sendo assim, dois pares de fios trançados foram utilizados fios para conectar o sensor inercial ao sistema de aquisição e processamento. / This work presents the development of a three-degree of freedom autonomous inertial platform for the use in sensors stabilization - for example, stationary and embedded gravimeters. It can also be used to stabilize cameras. The system is composed by the Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU, developed using a micro electromechanical sensor, MEMS - which has an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer in the three axes of orientation - and a microcontroller for data acquisition, data processing and data sending to the control and data acquisition system. To control the platform angles and its orientation, a digital PID controller was implemented using a microcontroller. It receives data from the IMU and provides the control signals using the PWM outputs that drive the motors to control the platform position. In order to supervise the platform operation, a real time data acquisition software was developed in Matlab, where IMU signals, inclination angles and angular velocities can be displayed and recorded. Data transmission via radio frequency between the IMU and the data acquisition and control system was tested in order to evaluate the possibility of not using slip rings or wires between the rotation axis and platform frames. This approach was unsuccessful due to the low speed of data transmission and to the noise that affected the radio frequency receiver during the platform\'s movements. In view of that wire was used to directly connect the inertial sensor to the acquisition and processing system.

Human Mo-cap System Based on Inertial Measurement Units / Human Mo-cap System Based on Inertial Measurement Units

Grzybowská, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť, zhotoviť a implementovať vlastný systém pre zachytávanie pohybu založený na inerciálnych meracích jednotkách. V rámci budovania teoretického základu bolo preskúmaných viacero metód, avšak primárne bola pozornosť venovaná samotnému inerciálnemu snímanu - jeho kladom a nedostatkom, kľúčovým vlastnostiam a jednotlivým komponentom potrebným pre zostrojenie systému na jeho báze. Tento úvodný zber informácií je nasledovaný fázami návrhu, zhotovenia a zhodnotenia, ktoré sa zaoberajú procesom vývoja a testovania daného riešenia. Hlavným prínosom realizácie systému je zostrojenie zariadení pre snímanie pohybu - jedná sa o malé, ľahké, batériovo napájané zariadenia, ktoré sú kompletne bezdrôtové, či už z hľadiska komunikácie s okolitým svetom, alebo vďaka napájaniu kompatibilnému so štandardom Qi.

Jednotka pro analýzu pohybu závodních plavců / Measuring unit for race swimmers motion analysis

Kumpán, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with a design of the computational method for the analysis of swimmers training with the use of an inertial measurement unit. The developed algorithm uses quaternion-based Unscented Kalman filter and merges accelerometer and gyroscope measurements. The proposed method enables analysis of velocity, acceleration and inclination of a swimmer. Verification of the method was based on an underwater video camera capturing and a tethered velocity meter.

9DOF senzor pro měření orientace zbraně v prostoru / 9DOF sensor for weapon orientation measurement

Růžička, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with multi-axis position sensors, their nature and individual parts and types of these sensors. It is outlined their historical origin and the most used modern types, such as micro-electro-mechanical sensors. Further, the properties of these sensors, error sources and their compensation are discussed. Output data formats are also discussed here, such as Euler angles, their calculation and applications. The selected sensor is implemented in the simulator electronics, and the graphical application demonstrates its functions.

Multiple Hypothesis Testing Approach to Pedestrian Inertial Navigation with Non-recursive Bayesian Map-matching

Koroglu, Muhammed Taha 22 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Comparing Wrist Movement Analysis Technologies / Jämförelse av Tekniker för Analys av Handledsrörelser

Hanna, Markus, Cajander, Anton January 2023 (has links)
The wrist is a body part that can be used during repetitive movements in many work environments. There is a need to measure these movements in order to notice harmful repetitive movements in advance. There are many different ways to measure these movements, such as with the use of a depth camera. The goal of this study is to determine if this can be done with high precision compared to other technologies. In order to determine this, an application was created that used several different technologies and libraries to track and pinpoint the hand’s and forearm’s location in each frame. With these locations, together with timestamps from the frames, the angular velocity of the wrist could be calculated. The recordings were made in several different test cases with factors such as background, clothes and lighting changing in each test. In order to compare the depth cameras values, a golden standard had to be set. The depth camera’s recorded values were compared to the golden standard’s recorded values by displaying the values on a graph and by calculating the root mean squared error as well as the mean absolute error. The results indicated that a depth camera can be used to measure wrist movements relatively accurately, even with more advanced movements relative to this study. The result also showed that the depth camera had problems in some test cases. / Handleden är en kroppsdel som kan användas under repetitiva rörelser i många arbetsmiljöer. Det finns ett behov av att mäta dessa rörelser för att upptäcka skadliga repetitiva rörelser i förväg. Det finns många olika sätt att mäta dessa rörelser, till exempel med hjälp av en djupkamera. Målet med denna studie är att avgöra om detta kan göras med hög precision jämfört med andra teknologier. För att avgöra detta skapades en applikation som använder flera olika teknologier och bibliotek för att spåra och lokalisera handens och underarmens position i varje bildruta. Med hjälp av dessa positioner, tillsammans med tidsstämplar från bildrutorna, kunde vinkelhastigheten för handleden beräknas. Inspelningarna gjordes i flera olika testfall där faktorer som bakgrund, kläder och belysning ändrades i varje test. För att kunna jämföra djupkamerans värden behövdes en referensstandard fastställas. Djupkamerans inspelade värden jämfördes med referensstandardens inspelade värden genom att visa värdena på en graf och beräkna rotmedelkvadratfelet samt medelabsolutfelet. Resultaten indikerade att en djupkamera kan användas för att mäta handledsrörelser relativt noggrant, även med mer avancerade rörelser i förhållande till denna studie. Resultatet visade även att djupkameran hade problem i vissa testfall.

Domain Adaptation of IMU sensors using Generative Adversarial Networks

Radhakrishnan, Saieshwar January 2020 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles rely on sensors for a clear understanding of the environment and in a heavy duty truck, the sensors are placed at multiple locations like the cabin, chassis and the trailer in order to increase the field of view and reduce the blind spot area. Usually, these sensors perform best when they are stationary relative to the ground, hence large and fast movements, which are quite common in a truck, may lead to performance reduction, erroneous data or in the worst case, a sensor failure. This enforces a need to validate the sensors before using them for making life-critical decisions. This thesis proposes Domain Adaptation as one of the strategies to co-validate Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors. The proposed Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based framework predicts the data of one IMU using other IMUs in the truck by implicitly learning the internal dynamics. This prediction model along with other sensor fusion strategies would be used by the supervising system to validate the IMUs in real-time. Through data collected from real-world experiments, it is shown that the proposed framework is able to accurately transform raw IMU sequences across domains. A further comparison is made between Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and WaveNet based architectures to show the superiority of WaveNets in terms of performance and computational efficiency. / Autonoma fordon förlitar sig på sensorer för att skapa en bild av omgivningen. På en tung lastbil placeras sensorerna på multipla ställen, till exempel på hytten, chassiet och på trailern för att öka siktfältet och för att minska blinda områden. Vanligtvis presterar sensorerna som bäst när de är stationära i förhållande till marken, därför kan stora och snabba rörelser, som är vanliga på en lastbil, leda till nedsatt prestanda, felaktig data och i värsta fall fallerande sensorer. På grund av detta så finns det ett stort behov av att validera sensordata innan det används för kritiskt beslutsfattande. Den här avhandlingen föreslår domänadaption som en av de strategier för att samvalidera Tröghetsmätningssensorer (IMU-sensorer). Det föreslagna Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) baserade ramverket förutspår en Tröghetssensors data genom att implicit lära sig den interna dynamiken från andra Tröghetssensorer som är monterade på lastbilen. Den här prediktionsmodellen kombinerat med andra sensorfusionsstrategier kan användas av kontrollsystemet för att i realtid validera Tröghetssensorerna. Med hjälp av data insamlat från verkliga experiment visas det att det föreslagna ramverket klarar av att med hög noggrannhet konvertera obehandlade Tröghetssensor-sekvenser mellan domäner. Ytterligare en undersökning mellan Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) och WaveNet-baserade arkitekturer görs för att visa överlägsenheten i WaveNets när det gäller prestanda och beräkningseffektivitet.

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