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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facing infinity in model checking expressive specification languages

Magnago, Enrico 18 November 2022 (has links)
Society relies on increasingly complex software and hardware systems, hence techniques capable of proving that they behave as expected are of great and growing interest. Formal verification procedures employ mathematically sound reasoning to address this need. This thesis proposes novel techniques for the verification and falsification of expressive specifications on timed and infinite-state systems. An expressive specification language allows the description of the intended behaviour of a system via compact formal statements written at an abstraction level that eases the review process. Falsifying a specification corresponds to identifying an execution of the system that violates the property (i.e. a witness). The capability of identifying witnesses is a key feature in the iterative refinement of the design of a system, since it provides a description of how a certain error can occur. The designer can analyse the witness and take correcting actions by refining either the description of the system or its specification. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, we propose a semantics for Metric Temporal Logic that considers four different models of time (discrete, dense, super-discrete and super-dense). We reduce its verification problem to finding an infinite fair execution (witness) for an infinite-state system with discrete time. Second, we define a novel SMT-based algorithm to identify such witnesses. The algorithm employs a general representation of such executions that is both informative to the designer and provides sufficient structure to automate the search of a witness. We apply the proposed techniques to benchmarks taken from software, infinite-state, timed and hybrid systems. The experimental results highlight that the proposed approaches compete and often outperform specific (application tailored) techniques currently used in the state of the art.

Few is Just Enough! : Small Model Theorem for Parameterized Verification and Shape Analysis

Haziza, Frédéric January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis considers the automatic verification of parameterized systems, i.e. systems with an arbitrary number of communicating components, such as mutual exclusion protocols, cache coherence protocols or heap manipulating programs. The components may be organized in various topologies such as words, multisets, rings, or trees. The task is to show correctness regardless of the size of the system and we consider two methods to prove safety:(i) a backward reachability analysis, using the well-quasi ordered framework and monotonic abstraction, and (ii) a forward analysis which only needs to inspect a small number of components in order to show correctness of the whole system. The latter relies on an abstraction function that views the system from the perspective of a fixed number of components. The abstraction is used during the verification procedure in order to dynamically detect cut-off points beyond which the search of the state-space need not continue. Our experimentation on a variety of benchmarks demonstrate that the method is highly efficient and that it works well even for classes of systems with undecidable property. It has been, for example, successfully applied to verify a fine-grained model of Szymanski's mutual exclusion protocol. Finally, we applied the methods to solve the complex problem of verifying highly concurrent data-structures, in a challenging setting: We do not a priori bound the number of threads, the size of the data-structure, the domain of the data to store nor do we require the presence of a garbage collector. We successfully verified the concurrent Treiber's stack and Michael & Scott's queue, in the aforementioned setting. To the best of our knowledge, these verification problems have been considered challenging in the parameterized verification community and could not be carried out automatically by other existing methods.

Infinite-state Stochastic and Parameterized Systems

Ben Henda, Noomene January 2008 (has links)
<p>A major current challenge consists in extending formal methods in order to handle infinite-state systems. Infiniteness stems from the fact that the system operates on unbounded data structure such as stacks, queues, clocks, integers; as well as parameterization.</p><p>Systems with unbounded data structure are natural models for reasoning about communication protocols, concurrent programs, real-time systems, etc. While parameterized systems are more suitable if the system consists of an arbitrary number of identical processes which is the case for cache coherence protocols, distributed algorithms and so forth. </p><p>In this thesis, we consider model checking problems for certain fundamental classes of probabilistic infinite-state systems, as well as the verification of safety properties in parameterized systems. First, we consider probabilistic systems with unbounded data structures. In particular, we study probabilistic extensions of Lossy Channel Systems (PLCS), Vector addition Systems with States (PVASS) and Noisy Turing Machine (PNTM). We show how we can describe the semantics of such models by infinite-state Markov chains; and then define certain abstract properties, which allow model checking several qualitative and quantitative problems.</p><p>Then, we consider parameterized systems and provide a method which allows checking safety for several classes that differ in the topologies (linear or tree) and the semantics (atomic or non-atomic). The method is based on deriving an over-approximation which allows the use of a symbolic backward reachability scheme. For each class, the over-approximation we define guarantees monotonicity of the induced approximate transition system with respect to an appropriate order. This property is convenient in the sense that it preserves upward closedness when computing sets of predecessors.</p>

Supervisory control of infinite state systems under partial observation / Contrôle supervisé des systèmes à états infinis sous observation partielle

Kalyon, Gabriel 26 November 2010 (has links)
A discrete event system is a system whose state space is given by a discrete set and whose state transition mechanism is event-driven i.e., its state evolution depends only on the occurrence of discrete events over the time. These systems are used in many fields of application (telecommunication networks, aeronautics, aerospace,...). The validity of these systems is then an important issue and to ensure it we can use supervisory control methods. These methods consist in imposing a given specification on a system by means of a controller which runs in parallel with the original system and which restricts its behavior. In this thesis, we develop supervisory control methods where the system can have an infinite state space and the controller has a partial observation of the system (this implies that the controller must define its control policy from an imperfect knowledge of the system). Unfortunately, this problem is generally undecidable. To overcome this negative result, we use abstract interpretation techniques which ensure the termination of our algorithms by overapproximating, however, some computations. The aim of this thesis is to provide the most complete contribution it is possible to bring to this topic. Hence, we consider more and more realistic problems. More precisely, we start our work by considering a centralized framework (i.e., the system is controlled by a single controller) and by synthesizing memoryless controllers (i.e., controllers that define their control policy from the current observation received from the system). Next, to obtain better solutions, we consider the synthesis of controllers that record a part or the whole of the execution of the system and use this information to define the control policy. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be used to control an interesting class of systems: the distributed systems. We have then defined methods that allow to control distributed systems with synchronous communications (decentralized and modular methods) and with asynchronous communications (distributed method). Moreover, we have implemented some of our algorithms to experimentally evaluate the quality of the synthesized controllers. / Un système à événements discrets est un système dont l'espace d'états est un ensemble discret et dont l'évolution de l'état courant dépend de l'occurrence d'événements discrets à travers le temps. Ces systèmes sont présents dans de nombreux domaines critiques tels les réseaux de communications, l'aéronautique, l'aérospatiale... La validité de ces systèmes est dès lors une question importante et une manière de l'assurer est d'utiliser des méthodes de contrôle supervisé. Ces méthodes associent au système un dispositif, appelé contrôleur, qui s'exécute en parrallèle et qui restreint le comportement du système de manière à empêcher qu'un comportement erroné ne se produise. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au développement de méthodes de contrôle supervisé où le système peut avoir un espace d'états infini et où les contrôleurs ne sont pas toujours capables d'observer parfaitement le système; ce qui implique qu'ils doivent définir leur politique de contrôle à partir d'une connaissance imparfaite du système. Malheureusement, ce problème est généralement indécidable. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, nous utilisons alors des techniques d'interprétation abstraite qui assurent la terminaison de nos algorithmes au prix de certaines sur-approximations dans les calculs. Le but de notre thèse est de fournir la contribution la plus complète possible dans ce domaine et nous considèrons pour cela des problèmes de plus en plus réalistes. Plus précisement, nous avons commencé notre travail en définissant une méthode centralisée où le système est contrôlé par un seul contrôleur qui définit sa politique de contrôle à partir de la dernière information reçue du système. Ensuite, pour obtenir de meilleures solutions, nous avons défini des contrôleurs qui retiennent une partie ou la totalité de l'exécution du système et qui définissent leur politique de contrôle à partir de cette information. Malheureusement, ces méthodes ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour contrôler une classe intéressante de systèmes: les sytèmes distribués. Nous avons alors défini des méthodes permettant de contrôler des systèmes distribués dont les communications sont synchrones (méthodes décentralisées et modulaires) et asynchrones (méthodes distribuées). De plus, nous avons implémenté certains de nos algorithmes pour évaluer expérimentalement la qualité des contrôleurs qu'ils synthétisent.

Modeling and verifying dynamic evolving service-oriented architectures

Giese, Holger, Becker, Basil January 2013 (has links)
The service-oriented architecture supports the dynamic assembly and runtime reconfiguration of complex open IT landscapes by means of runtime binding of service contracts, launching of new components and termination of outdated ones. Furthermore, the evolution of these IT landscapes is not restricted to exchanging components with other ones using the same service contracts, as new services contracts can be added as well. However, current approaches for modeling and verification of service-oriented architectures do not support these important capabilities to their full extend.In this report we present an extension of the current OMG proposal for service modeling with UML - SoaML - which overcomes these limitations. It permits modeling services and their service contracts at different levels of abstraction, provides a formal semantics for all modeling concepts, and enables verifying critical properties. Our compositional and incremental verification approach allows for complex properties including communication parameters and time and covers besides the dynamic binding of service contracts and the replacement of components also the evolution of the systems by means of new service contracts. The modeling as well as verification capabilities of the presented approach are demonstrated by means of a supply chain example and the verification results of a first prototype are shown. / Service-Orientierte Architekturen erlauben die dynamische Zusammensetzung und Rekonfiguration komplexer, offener IT Landschaften durch Bindung von Service Contracts zur Laufzeit, starten neuer Komponenten und beenden von veralteten. Die Evolution dieser Systeme ist nicht auf den Austausch von Komponenten-Implementierungen bei Beibehaltung der Service-Contracts beschränkt, sondern das Hinzufügen neuer Service-Contracts wird ebenfalls unterstützt. Aktuelle Ansätze zur Modellierung und Verifikation Service-Orientierter Architekturen unterstützen diese wichtigen Eigenschaften, wenn überhaupt, nur unvollständig. In diesem Bericht stellen wir eine Erweiterung des aktuellen OMG Vorschlags zur Service Modellierung mit UML - SoaML - vor, die diese Einschränkungen aufhebt. Unser Ansatz erlaubt die Modellierung von Service Contracts auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsniveaus, besitzt eine fundierte formale Semantik für alle eingeführten Modellierungskonzepte und erlaubt die Verifikation kritischer Eigenschaften. Unser kompositionaler und inkrementeller Verifikationsansatz erlaubt die Verifikation komplexer Eigenschaften einschließlich Kommunikationsparameter und Zeit und deckt neben der dynamischen Bindung von Service Contracts sowie dem Austausch von Komponenten auch die Evolution des gesamten Systems durch das Hinzufügen neuer Service Contracts ab. Die Modellierungs- als auch die Verifikationsfähigkeiten unseres vorgestellten Ansatzes werden durch ein Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Bereich des Lieferkettenmanagements veranschaulicht.

Creating Correct Network Protocols

Wibling, Oskar January 2008 (has links)
Network protocol construction is a complex and error prone task. The challenges originate both from the inherent complexity of developing correct program code and from the distributed nature of networked systems. Protocol errors can have devastating consequences. Even so, methods for ensuring protocol correctness are currently only used to a limited extent. A central reason for this is that they are often complex and expensive to employ. In this thesis, we develop methods to perform network protocol testing and verification, with the goal to make the techniques more accessible and readily adoptable. We examine how to formulate correctness requirements for ad hoc routing protocols used to set up forwarding paths in wireless networks. Model checking is a way to verify such requirements automatically. We investigate scalability of finite-state model checking, in terms of network size and topological complexity, and devise a manual abstraction technique to improve scalability. A methodology combining simulations, emulations, and real world experiments is developed for analyzing the performance of wireless protocol implementations. The technique is applied in a comparison of the ad hoc routing protocols AODV, DSR, and OLSR. Discrepancies between simulations and real world behavior are identified; these are due to absence of realistic radio propagation and mobility models in simulation. The issues are mainly related to how the protocols sense their network surroundings and we identify improvements to these capabilities. Finally, we develop a methodology and a tool for automatic verification of safety properties of infinite-state network protocols, modeled as graph transformation systems extended with negative application conditions. The verification uses symbolic backward reachability analysis. By introducing abstractions in the form of summary nodes, the method is extended to protocols with recursive data structures. Our tool automatically verifies correct routing of the DYMO ad hoc routing protocol and several nontrivial heap manipulating programs.

Verification of networks of communicating processes : Reachability problems and decidability issues

Rezine, Othmane January 2017 (has links)
Computer systems are used in almost all aspects of our lives and our dependency on them keeps on increasing. When computer systems are used to handle critical tasks, any software failure can cause severe human and/or material losses. Therefore, for such applications, it is important to detect software errors at an early stage of software development. Furthermore, the growing use of concurrent and distributed programs exponentially increases the complexity of computer systems, making the problem of detecting software errors even harder (if not impossible). This calls for defining systematic and efficient techniques to evaluate the safety and the correctness of programs. The aim of Model-Checking is to analyze automatically whether a given program satisfies its specification. Early applications of Model-Checking were restricted to systems whose behaviors can be captured by finite graphs, so called finite-state systems. Since many computer systems cannot be modeled as finite-state machines, there has been a growing interest in extending the applicability of Model-Checking to infinite-state systems. The goal of this thesis is to extend the applicability of Model Checking for three instances of infinite-state systems: Ad-Hoc Networks, Dynamic Register Automata and Multi Pushdown Systems. Each one of these instances models challenging types of networks of communicating processes. In both Ad-Hoc Networks and Dynamic Register Automata, communication is carried through message passing. In each type of network, a graph topology models the communication links between processes in the network. The graph topology is static in the case of Ad-Hoc Networks while it is dynamic in the case of Dynamic Register Automata. The number of processes in both types of networks is unbounded. Finally, we consider Multi Pushdown Systems, a model used to study the behaviors of concurrent programs composed of sequential recursive sequential programs communicating through a shared memory.

Unfolding based verification of concurrent infinite-state systems

Trần, Thế Quang 19 June 2009 (has links)
Nous proposons une technique de dépliage pour vérifier les systèmes concurrents infinis bien structurés. Certaines propriétés d'intérêt comme la bornitude, la couverture et la terminaison sont décidables grâce à la bonne structure de ces systèmes. D'autre part, le dépliage réduit efficacement l'explosion combinatoire en exploitant l'ordre partiel entre les événements des systèmes concurrents. Nous proposons une modélisation par structure d'événements pour des systèmes bien structurés élémentaires, tels les compteurs et les files de communication. Le dépliage d'un réseau de structures d'événements étant une structure d'événements, nous proposons ensuite une approche hiérarchique à la modélisation et à la vérification des systèmes, qui préserve la bonne structure. Enfin, nous proposons une technique d'élimination des événements redondants. La mise en œuvre de notre approche dans l'outil ESU nous permet de conclure à son efficacité. / We propose an unfolding technique for verifying concurrent infinite-state systems that are well-structured. Some properties of interest such as boundedness, coverability and termination are decidable thanks to the well-structure of these systems. Moreover, the unfolding effectively reduces the combinatorial explosion by exploiting the partial order between events of concurrent systems. We propose a modelization using event structures for basic well-structured systems, such as counters and communication channels. As the unfolding of a synchronized product of event structures is an event structure, we obtain a hierarchical approach to modeling as well as to verifying systems, which preserves the well-structure. Finally, we propose a technique for eliminating redundant events. The implementation of our approach in the ESU tool allows us to conclude on its efficiency.

Model-Checking in Presburger Counter Systems using Accelerations

Acharya, Aravind N January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Model checking is a powerful technique for analyzing reach ability and temporal properties of finite state systems. Model-checking finite state systems has been well-studied and there are well known efficient algorithms for this problem. However these algorithms may not terminate when applied directly to in finite state systems. Counter systems are a class of in fininite state systems where the domain of counter values is possibly in finite. Many practical systems like cache coherence protocols, broadcast protocols etc, can naturally be modeled as counter systems. In this thesis we identify a class of counter systems, and propose a new technique to check whether a system from this class satires’ a given CTL formula. The key novelty of our approach is a way to use existing reach ability analysis techniques to answer both \until" and \global" properties; also our technique for \global" properties is different from previous techniques that work on other classes of counter systems, as well as other classes of in finite state systems. We also provide some results by applying our approach to several natural examples, which illustrates the scope of our approach.

Supervisory control of infinite state systems under partial observation / Contrôle supervisé des systèmes à états infinis sous observation partielle

Kalyon, Gabriel 26 November 2010 (has links)
A discrete event system is a system whose state space is given by a discrete set and whose state transition mechanism is event-driven i.e. its state evolution depends only on the occurrence of discrete events over the time. These systems are used in many fields of application (telecommunication networks, aeronautics, aerospace,). The validity of these systems is then an important issue and to ensure it we can use supervisory control methods. These methods consist in imposing a given specification on a system by means of a controller which runs in parallel with the original system and which restricts its behavior. In this thesis, we develop supervisory control methods where the system can have an infinite state space and the controller has a partial observation of the system (this implies that the controller must define its control policy from an imperfect knowledge of the system). Unfortunately, this problem is generally undecidable. To overcome this negative result, we use abstract interpretation techniques which ensure the termination of our algorithms by overapproximating, however, some computations. The aim of this thesis is to provide the most complete contribution it is possible to bring to this topic. Hence, we consider more and more realistic problems. More precisely, we start our work by considering a centralized framework (i.e. the system is controlled by a single controller) and by synthesizing memoryless controllers (i.e. controllers that define their control policy from the current observation received from the system). Next, to obtain better solutions, we consider the synthesis of controllers that record a part or the whole of the execution of the system and use this information to define the control policy. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be used to control an interesting class of systems: the distributed systems. We have then defined methods that allow to control distributed systems with synchronous communications (decentralized and modular methods) and with asynchronous communications (distributed method). Moreover, we have implemented some of our algorithms to experimentally evaluate the quality of the synthesized controllers. / <p><p>Un système à événements discrets est un système dont l'espace d'états est un ensemble discret et dont l'évolution de l'état courant dépend de l'occurrence d'événements discrets à travers le temps. Ces systèmes sont présents dans de nombreux domaines critiques tels les réseaux de communications, l'aéronautique, l'aérospatiale. La validité de ces systèmes est dès lors une question importante et une manière de l'assurer est d'utiliser des méthodes de contrôle supervisé. Ces méthodes associent au système un dispositif, appelé contrôleur, qui s'exécute en parrallèle et qui restreint le comportement du système de manière à empêcher qu'un comportement erroné ne se produise. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au développement de méthodes de contrôle supervisé où le système peut avoir un espace d'états infini et où les contrôleurs ne sont pas toujours capables d'observer parfaitement le système; ce qui implique qu'ils doivent définir leur politique de contrôle à partir d'une connaissance imparfaite du système. Malheureusement, ce problème est généralement indécidable. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, nous utilisons alors des techniques d'interprétation abstraite qui assurent la terminaison de nos algorithmes au prix de certaines sur-approximations dans les calculs. Le but de notre thèse est de fournir la contribution la plus complète possible dans ce domaine et nous considèrons pour cela des problèmes de plus en plus réalistes. Plus précisement, nous avons commencé notre travail en définissant une méthode centralisée où le système est contrôlé par un seul contrôleur qui définit sa politique de contrôle à partir de la dernière information reçue du système. Ensuite, pour obtenir de meilleures solutions, nous avons défini des contrôleurs qui retiennent une partie ou la totalité de l'exécution du système et qui définissent leur politique de contrôle à partir de cette information. Malheureusement, ces méthodes ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour contrôler une classe intéressante de systèmes: les sytèmes distribués. Nous avons alors défini des méthodes permettant de contrôler des systèmes distribués dont les communications sont synchrones (méthodes décentralisées et modulaires) et asynchrones (méthodes distribuées). De plus, nous avons implémenté certains de nos algorithmes pour évaluer expérimentalement la qualité des contrôleurs qu'ils synthétisent. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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