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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Système informatique de capitalisation de connaissances et d'innovation pour la conception et le pilotage de systèmes de culture durables / A computing knowledge management system for exchanging and creative knowledge on sustainable farming

Soulignac, Vincent 11 October 2012 (has links)
L'agriculture doit évoluer vers une activité plus respectueuse de l'environnement tout en étant économiquement viable. Ce type d'agriculture, dite durable, requiert de nouveaux savoirs et savoir-faire. Or, nous montrons que la gestion des connaissances n’est pas suffisante en agriculture durable. Pour y remédier, nous proposons de développer un système informatisé de gestion des connaissances en agriculture. Nous l’appelons KOFIS. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que les méthodes de gestion de connaissances dans le monde industriel sont transposables en agriculture pour construire KOFIS. Notre travail parcourt les étapes qui suivent. Nous faisons un état de l’art sur la gestion des connaissances et sur son lien avec l’innovation. Nous discutons des acteurs potentiels de KOFIS et de leurs rôles respectifs. Puis, nous travaillons sur le patrimoine des connaissances en agriculture durable, sur la sélection des connaissances critiques ainsi que sur leur représentation dans l’outil. Les principales caractéristiques de l’architecture informatique de KOFIS sont décrites. In fine, le contenu de KOFIS est dynamique. Il capitalise de la connaissance et propose une démarche pour innover. KOFIS est un système socio-technique intégrant de nombreux acteurs, reposant sur un corpus de connaissances en partie codifié et sur des échanges informels organisés. Il permet une évolution partagée des connaissances du domaine. / Agriculture must evolve into a more environmentally-friendly approach, while remaining economically viable and socially interesting, which is necessary so that the process can be pursued in the long term, i.e that the process is sustainable. This type of agriculture is said to be sustainable. Sustainable agriculture has a systemic logic and therefore requires new types of knowledge and know-how. We show that knowledge is insufficiently managed in sustainable agriculture. We thus propose implement a knowledge management computing tool, which we called KOFIS. We make the assumption that the methods of management of knowledge in the industrial world are applied in agriculture to construct KOFIS. Our work followed the stages which follow. We make a state of the art on knowledge management and its bond with the innovating designs. After having presented some general information on knowledge, its typology and its cycle of management, we will move on its patrimonial management, then we will finish on the knowledge management for the innovative design. We discuss the potential actors of KOFIS and their possible implications. We deal with its contents, selection and form. At last, the main computing features of KOFIS are shown. The contents of KOFIS are dynamic. It capitalizes knowledge and also proposes a step to innovate. KOFIS is a sociotechnical system integrating numerous actors, based on a partially codified knowledge corpus and organized informal exchanges, generating a shared evolution of the domain knowledge.

Proposition d'une approche unificatrice pour la gouvernance des systèmes d'information / Proposition of a unified approach for the governance of information systems

Makhlouf, Mohamed 04 June 2012 (has links)
La gouvernance des SI a été étudiée par les chercheurs et par les praticiens sous différents angles de vue. Du point de vue académique, des études ont été faites sur les structures de prise de décision, sur les facteurs impactants et sur les caractéristiques de la gouvernance des SI. Les praticiens se sont plutôt intéressés aux mécanismes de gouvernance de SI. Ainsi plusieurs approches et référentiels pour la gouvernance des SI ont vu le jour, ayant chacun des objectifs spécifiques (gestion de projet, gestion de service informatique, audit et contrôle de SI, maturité des processus, gestion de risques, qualité, etc.). Ces approches sont en général basées sur une vue processus. Comme elles affichent des objectifs différents, on peut observer, dans certaines grandes entreprises, des projets de mise en place simultanée et indépendante de plusieurs approches processus. Dans un tel cas, malgré les bénéfices apportés à l’entreprise par chacune des approches, on peut supposer que vont apparaître des problèmes de cohérence. Mais aucune étude ne semble avoir été faite pour savoir quels sont les apports et les conséquences d'une mise en place simultanée de différentes approches processus dans l'entreprise. De façon plus large, malgré la richesse de la recherche sur la gouvernance des SI, il n y a pas eu d’étude prenant la gouvernance des SI dans sa globalité et sous tous les angles de vue. Dans cette thèse, nous allons donc étudier la question suivante : Est-il pertinent d’adopter une approche globale de la gouvernance des SI ? Si oui, comment peut-on procéder ? Deux études sur le terrain chez deux grands opérateurs de télécommunications européens de deux ans chacune ont été menés. La première est une recherche-intervention en tant que observateur-participant complet, et la deuxième est une étude de cas avec une position d’observateur privilégié. Ces deux études ont permis d’apporter des éléments de réponses à cette question. La thèse est structurée de la façon suivante. D’abord, une étude approfondie de la littérature sur la gouvernance des SI (ch.1) a conduit à établir un méta-modèle unificateur de la gouvernance des SI (ch.2). La problématique (ch.3) et la méthodologie de recherche (ch.4) sont ensuite exposées. Puis, la première étude terrain teste la pertinence et la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une approche unificatrice de la gouvernance des SI : elle comporte une phase de diagnostic (ch.5) et une phase thérapeutique (ch.6). La seconde étude terrain permet d’explorer les conséquences d’une situation de mises en place simultanées et non coordonnées de plusieurs approches relevant de la gouvernance des SI : les données collectées sont décrites (ch.7) et analysées (ch.8). La thèse s’achève par la proposition du modèle GISUF « Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework», qui constitue une approche permettant de considérer la gouvernance des SI dans sa globalité. Après une première description de GISUF (ch.9), nous détaillons le système d’information sur lequel s’appuie la gouvernance, c’est-à-dire le référentiel de gouvernance (ch.10). Puis, nous décrivons le fonctionnement idéal d’une gouvernance globale unifiée à travers ses processus (ch.11). Enfin, nous exposons comment on peut mettre en place GISUF dans l’entreprise (ch.12). La conclusion indique les apports et les limites de la recherche / IS governance has been studied by researchers and practitioners from different angles. From the academic point of view, studies were made on the structures of decision making, the impacting factors, and the characteristics of IS governance. Practitioners are rather interested in the mechanisms of IS governance. Thus, several approaches and frameworks for IS governance have emerged, each with specific objectives (project management, service management, audit and control of IS, process maturity, risk management, quality, etc..). These approaches are generally based on a process view. As these approaches have different objectives, several process approaches simultaneous implementation projects can be observed in some large companies. In such case, despite the benefits of each of these approaches, we can assume that coherence problems will appear. Yet, no study has been conducted to find out what are the contributions and the consequences of several process approaches simultaneous implementation. More broadly, despite the richness of the research on IS governance, there has been no study that considers all the angles of view of the IS governance in a holistic manner. In this PhD, we will therefore consider the following question: Is it appropriate to adopt a holistic approach to IT governance? If so, how can we proceed? Two field studies at two major European telecommunications operators of two years each were conducted. The first is an action-research as a full participant-observer, and the second is a case study with a position of privileged observer. These two field studies permitted to answer this question. This thesis is structured as follows. First, a thorough review of the IS governance literature (ch.1) led to establish a unifying meta-model of IS governance (ch.2). The research problem (ch.3) and research methodology (ch.4) are then exposed. Then, the first field study tests the relevance and feasibility of establishing a unifying approach of IS governance: it consists in a diagnosis phase (ch.5) and a therapeutic phase (ch.6). The second field study explores the consequences of a situation where several IS governance approaches were implemented simultaneously and without coordination: the data collected are outlined (ch.7) and analyzed (ch.8). The thesis concludes with the proposed model GISUF "Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework", which is an IS governance holistic approach. After an initial description of GISUF (ch.9), we detail the information system on which governance is based, that is to say, the repository of governance (ch.10). Then, we describe the ideal operational functioning of the unified holistic governance through its processes (ch.11). Finally, we discuss how we can implement GISUF in an organization (ch.12). The conclusion shows the contributions and limitations of research

Habitat, aménagement et gouvernance locale en Palestine : le cas de Naplouse / Housing, planning and local governance in Palestine : Nablus case study

Abushosha, Suhail 15 May 2013 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les villes Cisjordaniennes ont connu un développement urbain très dynamique mais cette urbanisation est aujourd’hui encadrée par des dispositifs législatifs et techniques hérités des périodes successives de colonisation qui ne sont plus adaptés à la ville contemporaine. Ce développement urbain anarchique s’est peu à peu inscrit dans les modes de pensée des acteurs locaux comme une nécessité justifiée par la situation géopolitique et ledéveloppement économique du pays. Le marché du logement s’est accru au point de devenir aujourd’hui une composante essentielle de la transformation des villes cisjordaniennes. Notre travail de recherche de six ans, dont les conclusions sont exposées dans cette thèse, a consisté à décrire puis analyser la réalité de ce marché qui soulève actuellement de nombreuses questions. En effet, le rythme soutenu de la construction de logements a laissé de côté des problématiques que nous avons souhaitées mettre en perspective ici. Ces processus interrogent tout d’abord la réalité et la cohérence de ce marché avec une offre qui doit correspondre à la demande tant sur le plan quantitatif que qualitatif. La situation du logement en Cisjordanie pose aussi la question de la structuration du tissu urbain qui transcende désormais les limites communales, les logiques foncières et les zones à risques. Enfin, se pose la question du cadre de vie pour les populations, le paysage urbain en devenir et la disparition d’une identité jusque là transmise en partie par l’habitat traditionnel. Ce travail de recherche appuyé par des entretiens et par la construction d’un véritable système d’informationsgéographiques a permis de vérifier l’adéquation entre d’un côté, le processus de production du logement et les volontés qui y sont associées, et de l’autre, la réalité du terrain et les enjeux réels du logement palestinien. L’absence de données géographiques et statistiques sur ce territoire nous a poussé à construire un outil complet d’analyse cartographique etdémographique permettant de décrire les phénomènes passés, d’analyser la situation présente et surtout de créer un modèle prospectif pour les horizons 2025 et 2050. A travers, le cas de la ville de Naplouse, il apparaît que les jeux d’acteurs constatés aujourd’hui, ne sont justifiés par aucune cohérence géographique ou démographique. A l’inverse, nous montrons ici que des logiques de marché intéressées sont à l’oeuvre, plaçant devant le fait accompli un cadrelégislatif et technique défaillant. Les conséquences, dès aujourd’hui visibles, constatées sur le terrain et cartographiées ici, interrogent sérieusement le caractère durable des villes cisjordaniennes. Ces résultats mettent en évidence un processus destructeur pour l’ensemble de l’armature urbaine de la Palestine et nécessite une réponse. La situation géopolitique et lagravité des risques identifiés nous poussent à proposer des préconisations pour la mise en place d’une véritable politique locale de l’habitat qui doit conditionner l'émergence d’une maîtrise urbaine. Portés par une gouvernance intercommunale à l’échelle de l’aire urbaine, nous décrivons un outil de planification et de programmation permettant à projet urbain depasser du marché du logement à la construction d’un véritable habitat / These last years, the West Bank cities knew a very dynamic urban development but this urbanization is framed(supervised) by legislative and technical devices(plans) inherited from the successive periods of colonization today which are not any more adapted to the contemporary city. This anarchy urban development joined little by little in the ways of thinking of the actors local as a necessity justified by the geopolitical situation and the economic development of the country. The market of the accommodation(housing) increased in the point of future today an essential component of the transformation(processing) of the West Bank cities. Our research work of six years, the conclusions of which are exposed(explained) in this thesis, consisted in describing then in analyzing the reality of this market which raises at present of numerous questions. Indeed, steady rhythm of the homebuilding left aside problems which we wished to put in perspective here. These processes question first of all the reality and the coherence of this market with an offer which has to correspond to the demand(request) both on the plan quantitative and qualitative. The situation of the accommodation(housing) in the West Bank also asks the question of the structuring of the urban fabric which transcends from now on the municipal limits, the land(basic) logics and the high-risk areas. Finally, asks itself the question of the living environment for the populations, the townscape to become and the disappearance of an identity to there there passed on(transmitted) partially by the traditional housing environment. This research work rested(supported) by conversations(maintenances) and by construction of a real system of geographical information allowed to verify the adequacy enter on one side, the process of production of the accommodation(housing) and the wills which are associated with it, and of the other one, the reality of the ground and the real stakes in the Palestinian accommodation(housing).The absence of geographical and statistical data on this territory urged to us to build a complete tool of cartographic and demographic analysis allowing to describe the past phenomena, to analyze the present situation and especially to create a forward-looking model for horizons 2025 and 2050. Through, the case of the city of Nablus, it seems that actors' games(sets) noticed today, are justified by no geographical or demographic coherence. On the contrary, we show here that interested logics of market are at work, presenting a fait accompli a failing legal and technical framework. The consequences, from today visible, noticed on the ground and mapped here, question seriously the long-lasting(sustainable) character of the West Bank cities. These results(profits) highlight a destructive process for the whole urban armature of Palestine and require an answer. The geopolitical situation and the gravity of the identified risks urge us to propose recommendations for the implementation of a real local politics(policy) of the housing environment which has to condition(package) the emergence of an urban control(master's degree). Carried(Worn) by an intermunicipal governance on the scale of the urban area, we describe a tool of planning and programming allowing urban project to depasser of the market of the accommodation(housing) in the construction of a real housing environment

Estimation of agricultural soil erosion and surface water quality trends in the Cheney Lake watershed

Bontrager, Austin January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Nathan Nelson / Phosphorus and sediment runoff are the primary cause of eutrophication in Cheney Lake, the primary water source for Wichita, Kansas. Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as no-till farming practices and nutrient management can be implemented to reduce phosphorus runoff on high-risk agricultural fields. Past efforts have established BMP use in this watershed, although the effectiveness of these efforts has not been evaluated. The goals of this project were to identify any existing water quality trends in the Cheney Lake watershed, estimate the current distribution of erosion in the watershed, and evaluate the placement of BMPs with regards to field-scale erosion risk. Parametric, multi-linear regression and non-parametric, seasonal Mann-Kendall analyses were used to identify trends in the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Phosphorus (TP) of grab samples from the North Fork Ninnescah River. A Geographic Information System (GIS) model based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was used to estimate watershed-scale erosion, prioritize agricultural land for BMP placement, and evaluate existing placement of BMPs within the Cheney Lake watershed. No detectible trends were identified in the water quality data due to stream variability, frequency of sampling, or absence of actual improvement in water quality. Additional sampling must be done to detect any trends in the future. BMPs were implemented on 13% of prioritized field area, and 11% of non-prioritized field area. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields were placed on 14% of prioritized field area, and 5% of non-prioritized field area. No-till practices were implemented on 13% of prioritized field area, and 18% of non-prioritized field area. The top 20% eroding fields were identified given current conditions, and account for approximately 56% of the watershed-wide erosion. The GIS method has demonstrated utility in evaluating past erosion control measures for the watershed and in informing future decisions concerning BMP placement.

Development and Validation of a Scale for Measuring e-Government User Satisfaction

Obi, Marcel C. 01 January 2009 (has links)
As the number of electronic services provided by governments to their citizens has increased, so has the need for understanding whether citizens are satisfied with these services. A literature review indicated that, in the United States alone, several government entities, including federal, state, and local governments, have invested large amounts of resources to develop or introduce electronic government (e-Government) to their citizens. However, very little attention has been paid to developing a standard scale for measuring the intended benefits or for justifying the invested resources. The focus of this study was the development and validation of a scale for measuring e-government user satisfaction (EGUS) to close this gap. Through review of extant literature, a 9-dimensional structure with 86 items was extracted to measure EGUS. Then, a preliminary content validity study was conducted with a 10-member panel of experts, who examined the items to ensure the psychometric properties of the scale were theoretically and empirically sound. This process resulted in elimination of 14 items. The main study was conducted based on the remaining 72 items. Data was collected from 225 e-government users via Web-based survey to assess their experience with online engagement. The items were further subjected to iterative test of dimensionality, construct validity, and internal consistency reliability. The end result was a 9-dimensional scale structure with 67 items. The results of the study indicated that all nine dimensions of EGUS (information content, ease of use, accessibility, timeliness, efficiency, security, privacy, interactivity, and format) were significant in influencing e-government user satisfaction. Thus, this research model has resulted in the basis for development of a new instrument to measure user satisfaction within e-government domain and the groundwork for expanding research on user satisfaction studies within the e-government paradigm. Within the body of knowledge, it has revealed insight into the importance of end user satisfaction in electronic government research. The instrument could be used in various fields of study. E-government practitioners and citizens could also use it for better understanding of the benefits of e-government services over traditional government services. Government personnel could use it to justify investments.

A Framework to Annotate the Uncertainty for Geospatial Data

Yang, Zhao 02 August 2012 (has links)
We have developed a new approach to annotate the uncertainty information of geospatial data. This framework is composed of a geospatial platform and the data with uncertainty. The framework supports geospatial sources such as Geography Markup Language (GML) with uncertainty information. The purpose of this framework is to integrate the uncertainty information of data from the application users and thereby ease the development of processing uncertainty information of geospatial data. Having well organized data and using this framework, the end-users can store the uncertainty information on the current geospatial data structure. For example, a GIS user can share the error information for environmental and geospatial data to others. We have also reported the enhanced geographic information system function.

När informationssystemen leder till dubbelarbete : En fallstudie av ärendehanteringen inom Huddinge kommun

Barton, Julia, Flygare, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Idag sker organisatoriskt administrationsarbete till stor del med hjälp av datoriserad teknik. Det finns dock en ineffektivitet i hur detta administrationsarbete går till i olika datasystem vilket lett till högre kostnad för mindre genererad nytta åt kunderna. Inom den offentliga sektorn är dessa kunder invånarna. Denna studie undersöker hur Huddinge kommun arbetar med ärendehantering i olika medieformer, vad som påverkar ärendehanteringen i och mellan medieformerna, samt vilka problem som uppstår i ärendeprocessen till följd av dessa. Studien tar upp hur socioteknik och människa-dator interaktion samverkar inom ramen för informationssystem och datahantering i förhållande till användarna och ärendehantering. Observationer och intervjuer har genomförts vid tre förvaltningar, samt Servicecenter på Huddinge kommun. Resultatet visar att ärendehanteringen inom kommunen är beroende av flera olika medieformer där informationssystemens användbarhet och funktionalitet påverkar hur säkert, konsekvent och tillförlitligt ärendehanteringen sker. Återkommande problem gällande dubbelarbete, oavslutade ärenden och inkonsekvent datainsamling och registrering av data kopplat till ärenden kan identifieras. Resultaten kan användas av Huddinge kommun vid kravställning och inköp av informationssystem ämnade för ärendehantering. Avgränsningar har gjorts gällande antalet representerade förvaltningsenheter inom kommunen. Övriga förvaltningsenheter kan använda sig av andra medieformer och ha andra erfarenheter gällande användning av dessa vid ärendehantering. / Today organizational management work is largely done with the help of computer technology. However, there are inefficiencies in how these management efforts are performed in various computer systems which has led to higher costs for less-generated benefits for customers. In the public sector, these customers are the residents. This study examines how the municipality of Huddinge works with case management in various forms of media, what influences the case management in and between these media forms and the problems that arise in the case process as a result of these. The study addresses how sociotechnology and human-computer interaction cooperate within the field of information systems and data management in relation to users and case management. Observations and interviews were conducted at three municipal administration units and the Service center in Huddinge. The results show that case management within the municipality is dependent on various forms of media, where the information systems usability and functionality affects how safe, consistent and reliable case handling takes place. Recurring problems regarding duplication of work, unfinished cases and inconsistent data collection and registration of data linked to case work can be identified. The results can be used by the municipality of Huddinge when defining requirements and purchasing information systems intended for case management. Limitations have been made regarding the number of represented administration units within the municipality. Other units within the municipality can use other forms of media, and therefore have other experiences regarding the use of these when working with case management.

Analýza personální práce / Possible applications of the personal module in enterprise information system

Valeš, Jaromír January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to become familiar with the personal module within the framework of enterprise information system DIALOG 3000S and subsequent suggestion of measure and procedure when implementing its functions in operation. First of all, it concerns the functions linked with the organizational structure and professions within integrated. Theoretical part is focused on general introduction of enterprise processes widely, then the issues of personal information system are analyzed, especially its integration to the enterprise information system as a whole. The practical part features introduction of the company Romotop, ltd. and information system DIALOG 3000S, firstly its integrated personal module. Then the actual situation of the module is analyzed and thus the reflections which function should be putted in operation and the way of the procedure.

Návrh informačního systému malé firmy / Proposal for small enterprise information system

Hampelová, Dominika January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this paper is a proposal of information system for e-shop LuxuryBags.cz (luxury goods rental and sale). In matter of fact it is a project focused on preparation of material for third party that would be able to implement new information system according to it for Luxury Bags s.r.o. Paper introduction is focused on process analysis and process optimalization, application part is based on information system and data base proposal. Conclusion is focused on implementation strategy proposal and final summary of key advantages.

Fruticultura e desenvolvimento urbano do município de Louveira (SP) / Fruit culture and urban development in Louveira (SP) county

Harder, Isabel Cristina Fialho 01 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho consistiu em analisar a fruticultura do município de Louveira (SP), para verificar se houve uma real involução da área frutícola. Foram realizados levantamentos documentais e de informações sobre o desenvolvimento urbano municipal; análise de diversas leis municipais; entrevistas em diversos órgãos municipais e estaduais; organizações de dados sobre o município em órgãos governamentais e não-governamentais e; avaliação das variações e transformações ocorridas nas áreas frutícolas do município entre 2000 e 2005, por meio de mosaico ortofotográfico. No levantamento realizado nos períodos de 2000 e 2005 foram analisadas as seguintes classes de uso da terra: campo sujo; caqui; mata; desenvolvimento urbano, corpos d?água; outras frutíferas; pêssego e uva. No levantamento realizado, foram encontradas as seguintes espécies de frutíferas: acerola, ameixa, caqui, goiaba, laranja, lichia, macadâmia, manga, maracujá, pêssego, poncã e uva. As áreas de campo sujo mantiveram-se estáveis quanto a porcentagem de cobertura, sofrendo um aumento de 0,15%. O desenvolvimento urbano do município de Louveira teve um crescimento de 47,33%, ou seja, da área ocupada de 577,33 ha passou para 850,58 ha. As áreas de mata sofreram redução 22,37%. Em 2000 a área total ocupada pela fruticultura era de 604,66 hectares, já em 2005 essa área passou para 306,82 hectares, apresentando uma redução de 46,06% da área cultivada por espécies frutícolas. A cultura de caqui sofreu uma redução de 27,68% sendo, que, 2,42 ha foram suprimidos em prol do desenvolvimento urbano e 0,15 ha foram substituídos por outras culturas frutícolas. A classe responsável pela maior redução foi a área de campo sujo, indicando que houve abandono de área de produção dessa cultura. As áreas que eram cultivadas com a classe outras frutíferas perderam 36,24%, principalmente por abandono dessas áreas, e que cresceu 4,19% de seu total em áreas pertencentes a essa classe. A cultura do pêssego também reduziu em 22,09 ha, que se tornou campo sujo, e o desenvolvimento urbano foi responsável pela redução de 0,98 ha. Em 2000, área plantada de pêssego era de 25,88 ha e em 2005 passou a 6,23 ha. Para a classe de uva, em 2000 a área plantada era de 507,87 ha e em 2005 passou a ser de 257,48 ha, desse total 9,93 ha foram substituídos pelo desenvolvimento urbano; 239,62 foram abandonados. / This work shows and analyses the fruit culture in Louveira (SP), checking if there was a real involution of the area dedicated to the fruit culture. A survey was made of several laws and documents concerning the urban development; many government and non-government agents were interviewed. An evaluation of the fruit cultivated area was effected, comparing orthophotographic mosaics made in the years of 2000 and 2005.Analyses were concluded observing the following types of land use: caki, peach, grapes and other fruit cultures, as well as urban development, bush areas, dirty fields and water ponds. acerola, plum, caki, guava, orange, lichee, macadamia, mango, passion fruit, ponkan tangerines and grapes were object of observation. Urban development area increased 47.33%,from 577.33 ha in 2000 to 850.58 ha in 2005.Bush areas decreased 22.37%.The fruit producing area had an involution of 46.06%,i.e.,604.66 ha in 2000,against only 306.82 ha in 2005.Caki orchard areas decreased 27.68%,losing 2.42 ha for urban development and 0.15 ha for other fruit cultures. Dirty field areas gained more from the caki culture, indicating an abandonment of the purpose to grow this produce. Other fruit areas lost 36.24%, transformed in an increase of 4.19% of dirty fields .Peach culture lost 22.09 ha, which became dirty fields, while urban development was responsible for a 0.98 ha loss. In 2000, peach orchards occupied 25.88 ha; in 2005, only 6.23 ha. Grapes involution was from 507.87 ha to 257.48 ha during the same time. Urban development absorbed 9.93 ha of this culture, but other 239.62 ha were abandonned.

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