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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies in Rhodium Catalyzed Intramolecular C-H Insertion of Amino Acid Derived α-Diazo-α-(substituted)acetamides and its Application to the Total Synthesis of <em>clasto</em>-Lactacystin β-Lactone

Flanigan, David L, Jr. 24 May 2004 (has links)
Lactacystin is a microbial metabolite isolated by Omura that exhibits neurotrophic activity in neuroblastoma cell lines. Lactacystin and especially its β-lactone analog are the first examples of non-polypeptide small molecules capable of specifically inhibiting the 20S proteasome. Various asymmetric total syntheses of lactacystin and its analogs have been reported. The total synthesis of clasto -lactacystin β-lactone is achieved using L-serine methyl ester as the starting material and the sole source of stereochemical induction. The success of this synthesis hinges on two featured transformations. The first key step involves formation of the γ -lactam core via rhodium (II) catalyzed intramolecular C-H insertion of the α-diazo-α-(phenylsulfonyl)acetamide intermediate. The methodology for this transformation has been developed and applied to the synthesis of highly functionalized stereogenic γ-lactams from natural α-amino acids. Three control elements that govern γ-lactam formation are described. This step is highlighted by the xvi simultaneous creation of two stereogenic centers of the γ-lactam core. The second key step involves the late stage aldol coupling for quaternary carbon formation and installation of the hydroxyisobutyl group. In all previously reported syntheses, this is the very first aspect which is addressed. The stereochemical outcome of this step is directed by the chiral environment of the enolate itself. Various attempts to achieve selectivity are explored and reported. Completion of the synthesis of clasto-lactacystin β-lactone requires 17 steps with an overall yield of 10%. Some general attempts for optimizing the synthetic scheme are discussed as well as the future direction of this research.

Design, Synthese und biologische Testung von KasA-Inhibitoren als potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Design, synthesis and biological testing of KasA-inhibitors as potential drugs against mycobacterium tuberculosis

Topf, Christine January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Tuberkulose, einer schwerwiegenden bakteriellen Infektionskrankheit, die am häufigsten die Lunge befällt. Die Entwicklung neuer Arzneistoffe gegen diese Erkrankung ist immens wichtig, da nach Angaben der WHO weltweit jährlich über 1 Million Menschen an den Folgen der Tuberkulose sterben, derzeit kein effizienter Impfstoff zur Verfügung steht und sich die Therapiemöglichkeiten auf wenige Arzneistoffe beschränken. Zudem steigt weltweit das Auftreten von arzneistoff- und totalresistenten Tuberkuloseformen. Tuberkulose wird vorwiegend durch das Mycobacterium tuberculosis erregt. Eine Besonderheit des M. tuberculosis stellt die mykobakterielle Zellwand dar, da diese durch einen hohen Anteil an Fettsäuren besonders wachsartig und dick ist. Die mykobakterielle Fettsäuresynthese unterscheidet sich signifikant von der Synthese eukaryotischer Fettsäuren. Daher besteht die Möglichkeit, Inhibitoren der mykobakteriellen Fettsäuresynthese als effektive und selektive neue Antituberkulotika zu entwickeln. Zielstruktur dieser Arbeit ist KasA (β-Ketoacylsynthase), ein Enzym der mykobakteriellen Fettsäuresynthese II, das die Kondensation zwischen der wachsenden Fettsäurekette und Malonyl-ACP katalysiert. Ein literaturbekannter KasA-Inhibitor ist Thiolactomycin, ein Thiolacton-Derivat mit einer schwachen inhibitorischen Aktivität (IC50: 242 µM; Kd 226 µM), für den eine KasA-Komplexstruktur verfügbar ist. Ziel der Arbeit war es, mittels computergestützten Wirkstoffdesigns neue Leitstrukturen für KasA-Inhibitoren zu entwickeln und davon abgeleitet Substanzbibliotheken kleiner Moleküle zu synthetisieren. Zur Bestimmung der In-vitro-Aktivitäten sollte KasA exprimiert und ein Assay etabliert werden. Theoretische und experimentelle Affinitäten sollten anschließend analysiert und bewertet werden. Zur Identifizierung neuer potenzieller KasA-Inhibitoren wurde mit Hilfe des Thiolactomycin-Bindemodus ein Pharmakophor-Modell erstellt. In diesem wurden die essentielle Wasserstoffbrücke zwischen den Histidinen und dem Carbonyl-Sauerstoff des Thiolactonrings, zwei hydrophobe Bereiche und ein verbindendes Strukturelement definiert und das Volumen des Pharmakophors begrenzt. Das Screening der Datenbank erfolgte mit GOLD4.0 und GOLDscore. Zur Identifizierung der 16 aussichtsreichsten Verbindungen wurden Rescorings mit ChemScore und sfc_score290m durchgeführt, sowie verschiedene physikochemische Deskriptoren und der errechnete Bindungsmodus einbezogen. Ausgewählte Verbindungen des Screenings wurden synthetisiert. Weitere Variationen wurden durch Einführung von Substituenten und Bromierung und Nitrierung der Grundgerüste erhalten. Zur biologischen Testung dieser Verbindungen konnte KasA in M. smegmatis exprimiert werden. Die Reinigung des Proteins erfolgte mittels Affinitäts- und Größenausschlusschromatographie. Affinitätswerte an KasA konnten mit einem Fluoreszenzassays bestimmt werden, da in jedem KasA-Monomer vier Tryptophane zur intrinsischen Fluoreszenz beitragen. Die Bindung eines Inhibitors in die TLM-Bindetasche führte zum Quenching der Fluoreszenz von KasA und konnte unter Berücksichtigung von Verdünnungs- und inneren Filtereffekten zur Berechnung der Dissoziationskonstante Kd herangezogen werden. Die In-vitro-Untersuchungen der Inhibitoren von KasA zeigten im Vergleich zu TLM eine Verbesserung der Affinität bis zu einem Faktor von 11, die beste Verbindung war das Nitroisatin-Derivat 2l (22.1 µM). Einen Hinweis auf Hemmung des Wachstums von Mykobakterien war für die Verbindungen 2e (5-Nitro-1-phenethyl-2,3-indolindion) und 3a (5,7-Dibrom-1-(4-chlorbenzyl)indolin-2,3-dion) ersichtlich. Die übrigen Verbindungen zeigten keine Aktivität, was dadurch bedingt sein kann, dass sie Substanzen nicht lipophil genug sind (clogP-Werte zwischen 1 und 3), um die mykobakterielle Zellwand zu durchdringen. Analog dem Docking im Rahmen des virtuellen Screenings wurde ein Docking mit GOLD4.0 und GOLDscore für die Substanzbibliothek durchgeführt. Verglichen mit den In-vitro-Affinitäten konnte eine gute Übereinstimmung in der Differenzierung der Substanzklassen gefunden werden. Da kleine Moleküle mit großer biologischer Aktivität zu bevorzugen sind, wurde die „ligand efficiency“, die inhibitorische Potenz unabhängig vom Molekulargewicht, für die Verbindungen berechnet. Für die Substanzbibliothek wurde eine gute Korrelation von „ligand efficiency“ und GOLDscore pro Schweratom erzielt (R2=0.65), beste Substanzgruppen waren monoalkylierte Uracil- und Isatin-Derivate. Der beste Wert wurde für das Isatin-Derivat 1a erzielt. Mit den erarbeiteten theoretischen und experimentellen Ergebnissen und den etablierten Methoden bietet diese Arbeit eine wichtige Grundlage, um erste „hits“ von KasA-Inhibitoren zu neuen Leitstrukturen für Wirkstoffe gegen Mycobakterium tuberculosis zu entwickeln. / This work focused on the development of new antibiotics against tuberculosis, a severe bacterial infection mainly affecting the lung. Currently, according to the WHO more than 1 million people annually die from tuberculosis. Furthermore, the therapy is limited to inefficient vaccines and a small number of antibiotics, and complicated by multi- or even totally resistant mycobacterial strains occurring worldwide. Thus, new active compounds against tuberculosis are urgently needed. Tuberculosis is mainly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is characterized by a unique thick and waxy cell wall containing a high percentage of mycolic acids. Due to the fact that the biosynthesis of mycolic acids is not carried out in eukaryotes, it is a reasonable strategy to design inhibitors of the FAS II system as effective and selective antibiotics against mycobacteria. The enzyme of interest in our work is the β-keto-acyl ACP synthase (KasA), an elongating enzyme in the FAS II system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis which catalyses the condensation between the mycolic acid and malonyl-ACP. Recently, a crystal structure of KasA in complex with Thiolactomycin, a weak thiolactone-type inhibitor (IC50: 242 µM; Kd 226 µM), was solved. Aim of this work was to identify new potential lead structures for KasA-inhibitors by virtual screening. A library of small molecules was synthesized and tested for ability to inhibit KasA, therefore KasA was expressed. In silico and in vitro affinities were analyzed and compared. To identify new lead structures for potential KasA inhibitors, a pharmacophore model based on TLM was developed. This contained the essential H-bond between the carbonyl-oxygen of TLM with the histidines, two hydrophobic features and a linker feature between them. Additionally, volume constraints were applied to limit the size of molecules matching the pharmacophore model. Screening of a database of commercially available compounds was performed with GOLD4.0 and GOLDscore. 16 Promising structures were identified by implementation of rescorings with ChemScore and sfc_score290m, by calculation of physicochemical descriptors and by visual inspection of the predicted binding mode. Selected substances of the virtual screening were synthesized. Based on these substances the core fragments were varied by bromination and nitration. Via subsequent introduction of substituents a small library of compounds was created. For biological testings KasA was expressed in M. smegmatis. Purification of the protein was achieved by affinity and size exclusion chromatography. Dissociation constants were determined by a fluorescence assay: In each KasA monomer four tryptophanes cause intrinsic fluorescence, thus binding of inhibitors led to quenching of the fluorescence. Therefore, dissociation constants of ligands were calculated considering the dilution and inner filter effects. The in vitro studies of the KasA inhibitors showed, in comparison to TLM, a 11fold improvement of the affinity. The best inhibitor was the nitroisatine derivative 2l (22.1 µM). 2e (5-Nitro-1-phenethyl-2,3-indolindione) and 3a (5,7-Dibromo-1-(4-chlorbenzyl)indolin-2,3-dione) were able to inhibit the growth of mycobacteria. No other substances showed any antimycobacterial activity, which might be due to their low lipophilicity (clogP varies from 1 to 3), hence which hinders an efficient penetration through the highly lipophilic mycobacterial cell wall. In the future, the precise cause of this fact has to be determined to counteract with systematic structural modifications. The compound library was docked into KasA by using GOLD4.0 and GOLDscore with analogous settings as in the virtual screening. The analysis of the results showed an agreement between in vitro and in silico outcomes for the substance classes. As small molecules of high activity are preferred in drug development, ligand efficiencies of the inhibitors were calculated which describe inhibitory potency independent of molecular weight. A good correlation between ligand efficiency and GOLDscore per heavy atom was observed. Best ligand efficiencies were obtained by the classes of monoalkylated uracile- and isatine-derivatives, the best substance was the isatine-derivative 1a. Due to the established methods combined with computer-based and experimental results, this work provides an important foundation for the future development of first “hits” of KasA-inhibitors to new lead structures of new drugs against mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Bambi – Charakterisierung eines inhibitorischen BMP-Pseudorezeptors / Bambi - characterization of an inhibitoric BMP pseudoreceptor

Kottmair, Mathias January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die TGF-β-Proteinfamilie umfasst eine Vielzahl von zumeist homodimeren sezernierten Liganden in höheren Tieren, die viele Vorgänge und Entwicklungen im Embryo wie im adulten Lebewesen über absolute oder graduelle Einflussnahme steuern. Die Signalweiterleitung ins Zytoplasma und den Nukleus erfolgt über promisk paarig rekrutierte Typ-I- und Typ-II-Rezeptoren, ehe vorwiegend rezeptorabhängig verschiedene SMAD-Proteine von Typ-I-Kinasen der Rezeptoren aktiviert werden, in den Kern translozieren und die Transkription induzieren. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt dieser Signalweiterleitung kann mittels verschiedener endogener Inhibitoren regulatorisch eingegriffen werden. Dem bisher einzig bekannten membranständigen Pseudorezeptor Bambi (BMP and Activine membrane bound inhibitor) wurde in vorangegangenen Arbeiten inhibitorisches Potential gegenüber dem BMP- und Activin-vermittelten Signalweg über Bindung an distinkte ligandenadressierte Rezeptoren zugeschrieben, wobei die genaue Wirkweise bislang noch vollkommen unklar war. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde initial ein Homologiemodell der extrazellulären Domäne von hBambi anhand der gelösten Kristallstruktur der extrazellulären Domäne von BR1A im gebundenen Zustand (PDB-ID: 1REW) erstellt. Anhand dieses Modells wurde eine Arbeitshypothese entwickelt und es gelang in der Folge, biologisch aktives rekombinantes Protein zum einen aus transfizierten Insektenzellen sowie aus der Renaturierung aus bakteriellen Einschlusskörpern in hinreichender Menge herzustellen und chromatographisch aufzureinigen. Nach einer vergleichenden Qualitätskontrolle beider Exprimate wurden mittels CD-Spektroskopie und analytischer Gelfiltration der Anteil der Sekundärstrukturelemente sowie der Oligomerisierungsgrad erfolgreich bestimmt. In SPR-Bindestudien wurde der Beweis erbracht, dass hBambi-ECD Affinität zu annähernd allen getesteten Liganden der BMP-/GDF-Gruppe, die den SMAD-1/-5-/-8-Signalweg aktivieren, zeigt. Bekannte Typ-I- und Typ-II-Bindungsmutanten von BMP-2 wurden ebenfalls von hBambi-ECD quasi wildtypisch gebunden. Verschiedene Rezeptorektodomänen sowie ActivinA wurden, wie bisher in der Literatur fälschlich angenommen wurde, hingegen nicht gebunden. Die propagierte Homooligomerisierung von Bambi wird überdies nicht über die extrazelluläre Domäne vermittelt. Eingesetzt in Stimulationsversuche mit BMP-responsiven Zellen wurde eine konzentrationsabhängige inhibierende Wirkung von freier hBambi-ECD auf die BMP-2-vermittelte Signalweiterleitung mit unterschiedlichen Nachweismethoden ermittelt, welche die Ergebnisse aus den SPR-Versuchen erfolgreich bestätigten. In einem weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene chimäre Konstrukte aus für Bambi- und BR1A-Domänen kodierenden Sequenzen kloniert, in HEK Ad293-Zellen zusammen mit BMP- und Activin-responsiven Reportergenkonstrukten transient transfiziert und Stimulationsversuche mit BMP-2 und ActivinA durchgeführt. Wildtypisches Bambi zeigte hierbei ein ambivalentes Verhalten in Bezug auf die Regulation des BMP-2-Signals: geringe Mengen wirken agonistisch, höhere Mengen antagonistisch auf die Ausbildung des Reporters. Im Fall von ActivinA zeigte sich hingegen kein antagonistischer Einfluss von Bambi. In den Experimenten mit chimären Varianten erfolgte durch die erhaltenen Daten die Eingrenzung der Bindestelle von hBambi-ECD an BMP-2 auf den Bereich der Typ-I-Bindestelle. Ein direkter Einfluss der intrazellulären Domäne auf den BMP-2-Signalweg wurde ausgeschlossen. Weiterhin konnte gerade in Versuchen mit einem Antikörper gegen BR1A-ECD eine weitere Eigenheit der Bindung von Bambi an den Liganden offenbart werden: so bildet das Konstrukt aus hBambi-ECD und der intrazellulären BR1A-Domäne mit zugehöriger GS-Box und Typ-I-Kinase einen korrekt in den signalaktiven heterohexameren Komplex rekrutierten funktionellen Typ-I-Rezeptor. Mit den in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnissen, nämlich der gelungenen Erstellung eines Herstellungsprotokolls der ECD, deren erfolgreich identifizierten Bindepartnern sowie der Charakterisierung der Bindung an BMP-2 ist der Grundstein für die Strukturaufklärung von hBambi-ECD gelegt, welche weitere Klarheit in die Funktionalität dieses Modulators der BMP-/GDF-vermittelten Signalweiterleitung bringen wird. Ebenso sind erste das Verständnis der ICD aufklärende Ergebnisse erzielt worden, die das Fundament für weitere Experimente und darauf folgende Kenntnisgewinne darstellen werden. / The protein family of TGF-β-proteins consists of a huge number of predominantly homodimeric secreted ligands in higher animals, regulating many processes and developmental procedures in embryonic and adult forms via absolute or gradual influence. Signal transduction to cytoplasm and nucleus occurs by the aid of promiscuous, pairwisely recruited type-I- and type-II-receptors, usually activating a variety of receptor-dependent nucleus-permissive SMAD-proteins by an intracellular kinase-phosphorylation-cascade. After translocation they induce transcription of bre-promoted genes. Every signal transduction step may be interfered by endogenous inhibitors. So far the known membrane-bound pseudoreceptor Bambi (BMP and activine membrane-bound inhibitor) is hypothesized to have inhibitory potential against BMP- and activin-mediated signaling pathway via binding of distinct ligand-dependent receptors. However, its proper function still remains unclear. At the beginning of this work a homology model of the extracellular domain of hBambi was built based on a solved 3D-structure of BR1A-ECD bound to its ligand (PDB-ID: 1REW). Upon this model a work hypothesis was issued and biologically active recombinant protein was obtained successfully, both from transfected insect cells and from refolding ex bacterial inclusion bodies in sufficient amount and purified by chromatography, respectively. After comparative quality control of both samples the degree of oligomerisation and secondary structure composition was analyzed via CD spectroscopy and analytical gelfiltration runs. Binding affinity towards nearly all ligands of BMP-/GDF-group assigned to SMAD-1/-5-/-8-signaling was shown for hBambi-ECD by SPR experiments. Known BMP-2-mutants lacking affinity for type-I- or type-II-receptors exhibited wildtype-like binding to hBambi-ECD, respectively. Contrary to the current opinion, neither various ectodomains of receptors nor ActivinA did show any specific binding. Moreover, proposed homooligomerisation of Bambi is not mediated via ECD. Introduction of hBambi-ECD into stimulation experiments on several BMP-responsive cells with differing detection modes yielded in concentration-dependent inhibition of BMP-2-signalling, confirming the results of SPR-attempts well. In a further part of this work various chimeric constructs consisting of Bambi- and BR1A-coding sequence were cloned and effectively co-transfected into HEK Ad293 cells together with plasmids coding for BMP- and Activin-dependent reporters. Stimulation experiments with BMP-2 and ActivinA provided insights into Bambi participation within cellular processes. Full length Bambi exhibited ambivalent behaviour with respect to BMP-2-signaling: small amounts have an agonistic effect, while increasing levels revert it into an antagonistic one with respect to reporter formation. Regarding ActivinA no antagonistic effect was observed. Assays with chimeric constructs led to a containment for Bambi-epitope to the type-I-binding-site of BMP-2. Direct impact of Bambi-ICD on BMP-2-signaling could be blackballed. Furthermore, attempts with an antibody against BR1A-epitope revealed another feature of Bambi-binding to the ligand: a construct of Bambi-ECD fused to intracellular BR1A-domain including kinase and GS-Box forms a functional type-I-receptor correctly orientated and incorporated into heterohexameric signaling-complex. Upon gained results within this work, namely the successful establishment of a purification protocol for the extracellular domain of hBambi, the identification of its binding partners as well as the characterization of a prominent binding partner the basis for successful structure determination of hBambi-ECD aiming to unravel the function of this modulator of BMP-/GDF-signaling is laid. Likewise, first knowledge of the ICD was acquired that will be the basis for further experiments leading to continuative scientific findings.

Synthesis and biological testing of potential anti-tuberculosis drugs targeting the β-ketoacyl ACP synthase / Synthese und biologische Untersuchung von β-ketoacyl-ACP-Synthase-Inhibitoren als potentielle Antituberkulotika

Kesetovic, Diana January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
With 9.6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths in 2014, tuberculosis (TB) is alongside with AIDS the most deadly infection.‎ Foremost, the increased prevalence of resistant strains of M. tuberculosis among the TB-infected population represents a serious thread. Hence, in the last decades, novel drug targets have been investigated worldwide. So far a relatively unexplored target is the cell wall enzyme β-ketoacyl-ACP-synthase “KasA”, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the membrane impermeability and hence the cell ability to resist to the immune response and drug therapy. KasA is a key enzyme in the fatty acid synthase “FAS-II” elongation cycle, responsible for the extension of the growing acyl chain within the biosynthesis of precursors for the most hydrophobic constituents of the cell wall – mycolic acids. Design of the novel KasA inhibitors, performed in the research group of Prof. Sotriffer by C. Topf and B. Schaefer, was based on the recently published crystal structure of KasA‎ in complex with its known inhibitor thiolactomycin (TLM). Considering the essential ligand-enzyme interactions, a pharmacophore model was built and applied in the virtual screening of a modified ZINC database. Selected hits with the best in silico affinity data have been reported by Topf‎ and Schaefer‎. In this work, two of the obtained hits were synthesized and their structure was systematically varied. First, a virtual screening hit, chromone-2-carboxamide derivative GS-71, was modified in the amide part. Since the most of the products possessed a very low solubility in the aqueous buffer medium used in biological assays, polar groups (nitro, succinamidyl and trimethyl-amino substituent in position 6 of the chromone ring or hydroxyl group on the benzene ring in the amide part have been inserted to the molecule. Further variations yielded diaryl ketones, diaryl ketone bearing a succinamidyl substituent, carboxamide bearing a methylpiperazinyl-4-oxobutanamido group and methyl-malonyl ester amides. Basically, the essential structural features necessary for the ligand-enzyme interactions have been maintained. The latter virtual screening hit, a pyrimidinone derivative VS-8‎ was synthesized and the structure was modified by substitution in positions 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the pyrimidine ring. Due to autofluorescence, detected in most of the products, this model structure was not further varied. Simultaneously, experiments on solubilization of the first chromone-2-carboxamides with cyclodextrins, cyclic oligosacharides known to form water-soluble inclusion complexes, were performed. Although the assessed solubility of the chromone 3b/DIMEB (1:3) mixture exceeded 14-fold the intrinsic one, the achieved 100 µM solubility was still not sufficient to be used as a stock solution in the binding assay. The experiments with cyclodextrin in combination with DMSO were ineffective. Owing to high material costs necessary for the appropriate cyclodextrin amounts, the aim focused on structural modification of the hydrophobic products. Precise structural data have been obtained from the solved crystal structures of three chromone derivatives: the screening hit GS-71 (3b), its trimethylammonium salt (18) and 6-nitro-substituted N-benzyl-N-methyl-chromone-2-carboxamide (9i). The first two compounds are nearly planar with an anti-/trans-rotamer configuration. In the latter structure, the carboxamide bridge is bent out of the chromone plane, showing an anti-rotamer, too. Considering the relatively low partition coefficient of compound 3b (cLogP = 2.32), the compound planarity and correlating tight molecular packing might be the factors significantly affecting its poor solubility. Regarding the biological results of the chromone-based compounds, similar structure-activity correlations could be drawn from the binding assay and the whole cell activity testing on M. tuberculosis. In both cases, the introduction of a nitro group to position 6 of the chromone ring and the presence of a flexible substituent in the amide part showed a positive effect. In the binding study, the nitro group at position 4 on the N-benzyl residue was of advantage, too. The highest enzyme affinity was observed for N-(4-nitrobenzyl)-chromone-2-carboxamide 4c (KD = 34 µM), 6-nitro substituted N-benzyl-chromone-2-carboxamide 9g (KD = 40 µM) and 6‑nitro-substituted N-(4-nitrobenzyl)-chromone-2-carboxamide 9j (KD = 31 µM), which could not be attributed to the fluorescence quenching potential of the nitro group. The assay interference potential of chromones, due to a covalent binding on the enzyme sulfhydryl groups, was found to be negligible at the assay conditions. Moderate in vivo activity was detected for 6‑nitro-substituted N-benzyl-chromone-2-carboxamide 9g and its N-benzyl-N-methyl-, N‑furylmethyl-, N-cyclohexyl- and N-cyclohexylmethyl derivatives 9i, 9d, 9e, 9f, for which MIC values 20 – 40 µM were assessed. Cytotoxicity was increased in the N‑cyclohexylmethyl derivative only. None of the pyrimidine-based compounds showed activity in vivo. The affinity of the model structure, VS-8, surpassed with KD = 97 µM the assessed affinity of TLM (KD = 142 µM). Since for the model chromone compound GS-71 no reliable KasA binding data could be obtained, a newly synthesized chromone derivative 9i was docked into the KasA binding site, in order to derive correlation between the in silico and in vitro assessed affinity. For the 6‑nitro-derivative 9i a moderate in vivo activity on M. tuberculosis was obtained. The in silico predicted pKi values for TLM and 9i were higher than the corresponding in vitro results, maintaining though a similar tendency, i.e., the both affinity values for compound 9i (pKi predicted = 6.64, pKD experimental = 4.02) surpassed those obtained for TLM (pKi predicted = 5.27, pKD experimental = 3.84). Nevertheless, the experimental pKD values are considered preliminary results. The binding assay method has been improved in order to acquire more accurate data. Owing to the method development, limited enzyme batches and solubility issues, only selected compounds could be evaluated. The best hits, together with the compounds active on the whole cells of M. tuberculosis, will be submitted to the kinetic enzyme assay, in order to confirm the TLM-like binding mechanism. Regarding the in vivo testing results, no correlations could be drawn between the predicted membrane permeability values and the experimental data, as for the most active compounds 9e and 9f, a very low permeability was anticipated (0.4 and 0.7 %, respectively). Further biological tests would be required to investigate the action- or transport mode. / Mit 9.6 Millionen Neuerkrankungen und 1.5 Millionen Todesfällen im Jahr 2014 ist Tuberkulose (TB) neben AIDS die häufigste Todesursache unter Infektionskrankheiten.‎ Insbesondere die zunehmende Verbreitung resistenter Stämme von M. tuberculosis stellt eine ernste Gefahr dar. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde daher weltweit nach neuen möglichen Wirkstoff-Zielen gesucht. Bisher noch relativ unerforschtes Ziel ist das Zellwand-Enzym β Ketoacyl-ACP-Synthase "KasA", das eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Membran-Dichtigkeit spielt, und somit den Zellen ermöglicht, gegen den Immunabwehr und Arzneimitteltherapie Resistenz zu zeigen. KasA ist ein Schlüsselenzym in der Fettsäure-Synthase-(FAS-II)-Elongationsrunde, die für die Erweiterung der wachsenden Acylkette während der Biosynthese der Vorstufen der hydrophobesten Zellwand-Bestandteilen – der Mykolsäuren, verantwortlich ist. Das Design der neuen KasA-Hemmer, das im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Sotriffer von C. Topf und B. Schäfer durchgeführt wurde, basiert auf der kürzlich veröffentlichten Kristallstruktur von KasA im Komplex mit seinem bekannten Inhibitor Thiolactomycin (TLM)‎. In Anbetracht der essentiellen Ligand-Enzym-Wechselwirkungen wurde ein Pharmakophor-Modell erstellt und im virtuellen Screening einer modifizierten ZINC-Datenbank angewendet. Die ausgewählten “Hits“ mit den besten In-silico-Affinitätsdaten wurden in den Doktorarbeiten von Topf‎ und Schaefer‎ veröffentlicht. In Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei der erhaltenen “Hits“ synthetisiert und ihre Struktur systematisch variiert. Erste Modellstruktur, das Chromon-2-Carboxamid-Derivat GS-71‎. wurde zunächst in dem Amid-Rest modifiziert. Da die meisten Produkte (3a-p, 4a-k) eine sehr geringe Löslichkeit im wässrigen Puffermedium aufwiesen, wurden polare Gruppen in das Molekül eingefügt (Nitro, Succinamidyl- und Trimethyl-Amino-Substituenten in der 6 Stellung des Chromon-Rings, oder eine Hydroxyl-Gruppe am Benzolring im Amid-Teil. Weitere Variationen ergaben Diarylketone, ein Diarylketon mit der Succinamidyl Kette, ein Carboxamid mit dem Methylpiperazinyl-4-oxobutanamido-Substituenten und Methyl-Malonyl-Ester-Amide. Grundsätzlich wurden alle Strukturmerkmale notwendig für die Ligand-Enzym-Wechselwirkungen beibehalten. Die letztere Modellstruktur aus dem virtuellen Screening, das Pyrimidinon Derivat VS-8‎ wurde synthetisiert, und die Struktur wurde durch Substitution in den Positionen 2, 4, 5 und 6 des Pyrimidin-Rings modifiziert. Wegen Eigenfluoreszenz, detektiert in den meisten Produkten, wurde diese Modellstruktur nicht weiter variiert. Gleichzeitig wurden Experimente zur Solubilisierung der ersten Chromon-2-Carbonsäureamide mit Cyclodextrinen, cyclischen Oligosacchariden, die bekanntlich wasserlösliche Einschlusskomplexe bilden, durchgeführt. Obwohl die gemessene Löslichkeit des 3b/DIMEB (1:3)-Gemisches die intrinsische Löslichkeit um das 14-fache überschritt, war die erzielte Löslichkeit von 100 µM noch nicht ausreichend, um diese Lösung als Stammlösung im Assay zu verwenden. Die Experimente mit Cyclodextrin in Kombination mit DMSO waren unproduktiv. Aufgrund der hohen Materialkosten für die benötigten Cyclodextrinmengen wurden die Löslichkeit-Tests an dieser Stelle abgebrochen und eine strukturelle Modifizierung der hydrophoben Produkte stand in Vordergrund des Interesses. Genaue Strukturdaten wurden aus den aufgeklärten Kristallstrukturen von drei Chromon-Derivaten, der Modellstruktur GS-71 (3b), seiner Trimethylammoniumsalz (18) und dem 6‑Nitro-substituierten N-Benzyl-N-methyl-Chromon-2-Carboxamid (9i), erhalten. Die ersten beiden Verbindungen sind mit einer anti-/trans-Rotamer Konfiguration fast planar. Die Carbonsäureamid-Brücke der letzteren Struktur, die ebenso ein anti-Rotamer darstellt, wird aus der Chromon Ebene gebogen. Angesichts des relativ geringen Verteilungskoeffizientes der Verbindung 3b (clogP = 2.32), die Ebenheit des Moleküls und das damit verbundene enge Molekülpackung könnten die wesentlich schlechtere Löslichkeit begründen. In Bezug auf die biologischen Ergebnisse der Chromon-basierten Verbindungen, ähnliche Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehungen können aus dem Bindungs-Assay, sowie aus dem Ganzzellaktivitätstests auf M. tuberculosis gezogen werden. In beiden Fällen zeigte die Einführung einer Nitrogruppe in die Position 6 des Chromon-Rings und das Vorhandensein eines flexiblen Substituents im Amidrest einen positiven Effekt. In dem Bindungs-Assay war die Nitrogruppe in Position 4 des N-Benzyl-Rests ebenso vorteilhaft. Die höchste Enzymaffinität wurde im Falle des N-(4-Nitrobenzyl)-Chromon-2-Carboxamid 4c (KD = 34 µM), des substituierten 6-nitro-N-Benzyl-Chromon-2-Carboxamid 9g (KD = 40 µM) und des 6-Nitro-substituierten N-(4-Nitrobenzyl)-Chromon-2-Carboxamid 9j (KD = 31 µM), beobachtet, allerdings konnte sie nicht dem Fluoreszenzlöschungspotenzial der Nitrogruppe zugeschrieben werden. Das Assay-Störpotential der Chromonverbindungen aufgrund einer kovalenten Bindung an die Sulfhydryl-Gruppen des Enzyms zeigte sich in den Assay-Bedingungen als vernachlässigbar. Moderate in vivo-Aktivitäten wurden für den 6-nitro substituierten N‑Benzyl-Chromon-2-Carboxamid 9g und dessen N-Benzyl-N-Methyl- (9i), N‑Furfurylmethyl-(9d), N-Cyclohexyl- (9e) und N-Cyclohexylmethyl- (9f) Derivate, für denen die MIC-Werte zwischen 20 und 40 µM erhalten wurden (siehe Tab. 17). Die Zytotoxizität wurde erhöht nur im Falle des N-Cyclohexylmethyl Derivates. Keine der Pyrimidin-basierten Verbindungen wies eine Aktivität in vivo auf. Die KasA-Affinität der Modellstruktur VS-8 übertraf mit KD = 97 µM die gemessene Affinität von TLM (KD = 142 µM). Da für die Modell Chromon-Verbindung GS-71 keine zuverlässigen KasA Bindungsdaten erhalten werden konnten, ein neu-synthetisierte Chromon-Derivat 9i wurde in die KasA Bindungsstelle gedockt, um die Korrelation zwischen den In-silico- und In-vitro-Affinitätswerten abzuleiten. Für den 6-Nitroderivat 9i wurde eine mäßige Aktivität in vivo auf M. tuberculosis bestimmt. Die in silico-vorhergesagten pKi-Werte für TLM und 9i waren allgemein höher als die entsprechenden experimentellen Ergebnisse. Sie bewiesen allerdings eine ähnliche Tendenz, d.h. die beiden Affinitätswerte für die Verbindung 9i (pKi vorhergesagt = 6.64, pKD experimentell = 4.02) übertrafen die Werte von TLM (pKi vorhergesagt = 5.27, pKD experimentell = 3.84). Dennoch sind die experimentellen Affinitätsdaten nur als vorläufige Resultate zu betrachten, solange die Bindungsweise mittels des kinetischen Enzymassays verifiziert wird. Die Assay-Methode wurde verbessert, um zuverlässigere Daten zu erhalten. Aufgrund der Verfahrensentwicklung, den limitierten Enzymchargen und Löslichkeitsprobleme konnten nur ausgewählte Verbindungen bewertet werden. Die besten “Hits“, zusammen mit den Verbindungen, die auf den ganzen Zellen von M. tuberculosis aktiv waren, werden dem kinetischen Enzymtest vorgelegt. In Bezug auf die In-vivo-Testergebnisse, es konnten keine Korrelationen zwischen den vorhergesagten Membranpermeabilität-Werten und den experimentellen Daten gezogen werden, da bei den wirksamsten Verbindungen 9e und 9f nur eine sehr geringe Permeabilität erwartet wurde (zu 0.4 und 0.7 %). Weitere biologische Tests wären erforderlich, um das Wirkungsmechanismus oder die Transportweise zu untersuchen.

Synthesis of [1,2,4]-Triazines as Kinase Inhibitors and of Novel Fluorine Capture Reagents for PET probes

Zhou, Fenger 02 July 2014 (has links)
ABSTRACT Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a tyrosine kinase receptor, which plays a pivotal part in the development of the central nervous system. Aberrant expression of full-length ALK occurs in neuroblastoma and chromosomal translocation or inversion of the ALK gene can generate novel fusion-ALK proteins that possess constitutive kinase activity and contribute to oncogenic processes. One of the well-studied fusion proteins is nucleophosmin (NPM-ALK), which draws a lot of attention for medicinal chemists to design small molecules as kinase inhibitors for this target. In this dissertation, [1, 2, 4]-Dihydrotriazine dimers as competitors of the lead compound NVP-TAE684 targeting NPM-ALK have been designed and synthesized. Molecular modelling studies show that those dihydrotriazine dimers have a great potential to be better kinase inhibitors. Chapter two describes imaging in the drug discovery and development arena. One of important imaging techniques is positron emission tomography (PET). PET is a radionuclide based molecular imaging technique, which can be used for early detection, characterization, "real time" monitoring of diseases, and investigation of the efficacy of drugs. Fluorine-18 (18F) based molecular probes for PET imaging still remain big challenging to prepare but have gained increased interest by radiochemists in the past two decades. In this study, a novel approach to introduce fluorine into a molecular probe has been discovered based on boron chemistry. A few novel fluorine capture reagents have been synthesized and described in this Chapter.

Tissue distribution and regulation of the granzyme B inhibitor, proteinase inhibitor 9

Hirst, Claire Elizabeth, 1971- January 2002 (has links)
Abstract not available

Acetylcholine and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Goble, Elizabeth A. January 2009 (has links)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition that can develop following exposure to a traumatic event involving actual or threatened death or serious injury. Responses include intense fear, helplessness or horror. Symptoms are characterised into clusters, described as re-experiencing, avoidance, and arousal. These symptoms, which are also evident in other conditions, have been associated with dysfunctions in the central acetylcholinergic system. Benefits from administering acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) to people suffering these symptoms have been demonstrated. Donepezil hydrochloride, a reversible inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, is used in the treatment of conditions with difficulties in cognitive function, but has not been used in PTSD. The aim of this thesis was to determine (1) whether there was a difference in the ACh system in people with PTSD and (2) whether administration of an AChEI would change the symtomatology. IDEX (I¹ ² ³ iododexetimide) has been useful in imaging muscarinic-ACh receptors using Single Photon Emission Computerised Tomography (SPECT) and was utilised to investigate whether cholinergic activity in PTSD is altered. One hundred and sixty eight potential subjects were screened and eleven PTSD subjects were enrolled in the IDEX SPECT study. Three healthy non-PTSD control subjects also completed the study. Due to technical complications only the data obtained from eight PTSD and two control subjects was available for analysis. Imaging data for 2 further healthy non-PTSD control subjects were obtained from another study. Sixteen subjects were enrolled in the donepezil open label study (assessed at baseline, Week 2, 6 and 10). Nine PTSD subjects completed the 10-week trial and seven withdrew prematurely (at or after Week 2) due to side effects or a worsening of PTSD symptoms. For the IDEX SPECT study, a voxel-by-voxel statistical analysis of the PTSD subject group versus the control group showed both areas of reduced and increased IDEX uptake. Significant clusters in the PTSD group with a reduced IDEX uptake centred around the bilateral hippocampus, left insula and right precuneus, while increased IDEX uptake appeared in the caudate head. For the donepezil study, in the per-protocol analysis (including only the 9 subjects that completed the protocol), all psychological assessments revealed a difference between the totals obtained at the Week 10 visit compared to those at the Baseline visit and the improvement was in the order of 51%. The intention-to-treat analysis (including all 16 subjects), a repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a mixed models approach showed that all psychological measures demonstrated statistically significant benefits of the treatment. All subjects who completed the protocol recounted considerable improvement in their overall PTSD symptom profile, which covered symptoms in each of the three clusters. The results of the IDEX SPECT study suggest that alterations in ACh binding in PTSD are evident and may begin to explain a part of the altered cognitive symptomatology apparent in this condition. The pilot open label donepezil trial provided some preliminary evidence that treatment with an AChEI can lessen the intrusions and distress associated with traumatic memories in people with PTSD. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1374974 / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2009

Inhibition of PDGF receptor signaling in tumor stroma : Effects on interstitial hypertension, drug uptake and therapeutic response

Pietras, Kristian January 2002 (has links)
<p>The role of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in malignancies involves both autocrine and paracrine stimulation of cells within the tumor. The interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) is one of the forces that govern the transvascular flow of fluids. In both experimental and clinical cancers, the IFP is elevated and is thought to act as a barrier for delivery of drugs. Increasing evidence points to PDGF as a positive regulator of the interstitial fluid pressure in loose connective tissue. In this thesis, the effect of PDGF receptor inhibition on the tumor IFP, transvascular transport and efficacy of anti-cancer drugs is investigated.</p><p>All studies were performed using tumor models that display extensive tumor stroma and PDGF receptor expression restricted to stroma cells. Blocking of PDGF receptor signaling significantly reduced the tumor IFP in various tumor models. In parallel, pre-treatment with PDGF antagonists increased the tumor content of cytotoxic agents without affecting the uptake in other organs. Moreover, combination treatment with PDGF receptor inhibitors and chemotherapeutic agents dramatically enhanced the anti-tumor effects of the cytotoxic drugs, whereas treatment with only PDGF receptor inhibitors did not affect the growth of the tumors. Beneficial effects on the tumor reponse to radioimmunotherapy were also produced after concomitant administration of PDGF antagonists. Importantly, anti-angiogenic effects, changes in cell composition and increased tumor cell sensitivity to cytotoxic agents were ruled out as the cause for the synergistic effects. </p><p>Studies with different temporal scheduling of PDGF receptor inhibitors demonstrated a perfect correlation between a reduced IFP, an increased transvascular transport and an enhanced therapeutic effect of cytotoxic drugs, strongly suggesting that the phenomena are causally linked.</p><p>The studies presented herein illustrate for the first time the potential of cells in the stroma compartment as a target for efforts to treat cancer. In conclusion, a novel, possibly general, strategy to enhance the effects of conventional anti-cancer drugs has been identified.</p>

Tertiary Alcohol- or β-Hydroxy γ-Lactam-Based HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors : Microwave Applications in Batch and Continuous Flow Organic Synthesis

Öhrngren, Per January 2011 (has links)
Since the outbreak of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, the disease has cost the lives of over 30 million people, and a further 33 million are currently living with the HIV infection. With the appropriate treatment, HIV/AIDS can today be regarded as a chronic but manageable disease. However, treatment is not available globally and UNAIDS still estimates that there are currently 5000 AIDS-related deaths worldwide per day. HIV protease inhibitors (PIs) constitute one of the fundaments of HIV treatment, and are commonly used in so-called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), together with reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Although there are ten PIs on the market, there is still a need for novel structures. The rapid development of resistant strains, due to the high frequency of mutations, together with the commonly observed adverse effects of the drugs available, illustrate the need to develop new potent structures. Two novel scaffolds were investigated in this work. A tertiary alcohol-containing scaffold comprising a three-carbon tether, and a β-hydroxy γ-lactam-based scaffold were designed, synthesized and evaluated using enzyme- and cell-based assays. X-ray analyses of inhibitors from each class provided information on inhibitor–protease interactions. The inhibitors containing the tertiary alcohol provided at best an enzymatic inhibition (Ki) of 2.3 nM, and an inhibition in the cell-based assay (EC50) of 0.17 µM. The γ-lactam-based inhibitors exhibited better inhibition than the first series; the best values being Ki = 0.7 nM and EC50 = 0.04 µM. The second part of these studies involved the evaluation of a novel non-resonance continuous-flow microwave instrument. The instrument was validated regarding heating capacity, temperature stability and temperature homogeneity. A number of model reactions were performed with low- and high-microwave-absorbing solvents. It was found that the microwave heating source allowed rapid temperature adjustment, together with easily regulated, flow-dependent reaction times, providing an efficient tool for reaction optimisation.

Design and Synthesis of Acyclic and Macrocyclic Peptidomimetics as Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Protease

Lampa, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne disease affecting 130-170 million people worldwide. The causative agent, hepatitis C virus (HCV), infects the liver and is the major reason for chronic liver disease worldwide. The HCV NS3 protease, a key enzyme in the virus replication cycle, has been confirmed to be an important target for drug development. With the recent release of two HCV NS3 protease inhibitors onto the market and an arsenal of inhibitors in clinical trials, there are now hopes of finally combating the disease. However, the success of treatment relies heavily on the ability to overcome the emergence of drug-resistant forms of the protease. The main focus of this thesis was on designing and synthesizing novel inhibitors of the NS3 protease with a unique resistance profile. Efforts were also made to decrease the peptide character of the compounds, with the long-term goal of making them into more drug-like compounds. Special attention was devoted to developing inhibitors based on a phenylglycine in the P2 position, instead of the highly optimized and commonly used P2 proline. Around ninety acyclic and macrocyclic inhibitors have been synthesized and biochemically evaluated. P2 pyrimidinyloxy phenylglycine was successfully combined with an aromatic P1 moiety and alkenylic P1´ elongations, yielding a distinct class of HCV NS3 protease inhibitors. Macrocyclization was performed in several directions of the inhibitors via ring-closing metathesis. Only the macrocyclization between the P3-P1´ residues was successful in terms of inhibitory potency, which suggests that the elongated P1-P1´ residue is oriented towards the P3 side chain. The metathesis reaction was found to be significantly more dependent on the substrate than on the reaction conditions. It was also found that the P3 truncated inhibitors were able to retain good inhibitory potency, which initiated the synthesis and evaluation of a series of P2-P1´ inhibitors. The potential of the P3-P1´cyclized inhibitor and the smaller, acyclic P2-P1´ as new potential drug leads remains to be determined through pharmacokinetic profiling. Gratifyingly, all the inhibitors evaluated on A156T and D168V substituted enzyme variants were able to retain inhibitory potency towards these as compared to wild-type inhibition.

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