Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inhibitory"" "subject:"nhibitory""
371 |
Analyse und Expression der Komplementproteine Faktor H und Faktor I der Ratte / Analysis and expression of the rat complement proteins factor H and factor IDemberg, Thorsten 05 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Nikotinerger Einfluss auf die durch gepaarte assoziative Stimulation ausgelöste fokale inhibitorische Neuroplastizität bei Rauchern und Nichtrauchern / Nicotinergic impact on focal inhibitory neuroplasticity induced by Paired associative stimulation in smokers and non-smokersDrees, Anne 28 January 2014 (has links)
Nikotin gilt als die Abhängigkeit verursachende Komponente im Zigarettenrauch. Zudem hat Nikotin einen Einfluss auf die Ausbildung von lang anhaltenden kortikalen Erregbarkeitsveränderungen. Diese als neuroplastisch bezeichneten Veränderungen gelten als neurophysiologische Grundlage von Lern- und Gedächtnisprozessen.
Die kognitiven Fähigkeiten sind bei Rauchern im Nikotinentzug reduziert und bessern sich erst nach Nikotingabe wieder. Auch Nichtraucher zeigen verbesserte kognitive Leistungen nach Nikotingabe.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, in welchem Maße nikotinerge Acetylcholin-Rezeptoren bei der Induktion von inhibitorischen kortikalen Erregbarkeitsveränderungen im menschlichen Gehirn eine Rolle spielen. Daher führten wir Versuche mit dem für diese Rezeptoren spezifischen Liganden Nikotin durch. Wir untersuchten den Einfluss von schnell anflutendem Nikotin in Form von Nasenspray und eines kontinuierlich hohen Nikotinspiegels in Form eines Nikotinpflasters auf inhibitorische kortikale Erregbarkeitsveränderungen bei Rauchern und Nichtrauchern.
Für die Auslösung fokaler inhibitorischer Erregbarkeitsveränderungen verwendeten wir die gepaarte assoziative Stimulation (PAS). Mittels transkranieller Magnetstimulation wurden die kortikalen Exzitabilitätsveränderungen über die Änderung der MEP-Amplituden im Musculus abductor digiti minimi erfasst.
Ohne Nikotin hatten sowohl Nichtraucher als auch Raucher die Fähigkeit zur Ausbildung von inhibitorischen kortikalen Erregbarkeitsveränderungen, wobei diese bei Rauchern im Nikotinentzug deutlich schlechter ausgeprägt waren als bei Nichtrauchern. Bei Nichtrauchern wurden die inhibitorischen Nacheffekte der PAS durch Nikotin aufgehoben bzw. vermindert, während sie bei Rauchern initial kürzer anhielten, später jedoch erneut auftraten.
Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Nikotin eine wichtige Rolle bei der Ausbildung von inhibitorischen kortikalen Erregbarkeitsveränderungen spielt. Da diese als neuroplastisch bezeichneten Veränderungen als neurophysiologisches Korrelat für Lernvorgänge und Gedächtnis angesehen werden, lässt sich ein hierdurch vermittelter Einfluss von Nikotinabhängigkeit und Nikotinentzug auf kognitive Prozesse annehmen. Zudem nimmt Nikotin einen bedeutsamen Einfluss auf die durch zerebrale Stimulationsprotokolle wie die PAS ausgelösten Effekte.
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Kompiuterizuoto inhibicinio kontrolės ir laboratorinių testų vertė nustatant minimalią hepatinę encefalopatiją / Value of computerized inhibitory control test and blood tests in minimal hepatic encephalopathy diagnosisSavlan, Ilona 03 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kompiuterizuoto inhibicinio kontrolės testo (IKT), IL-6, amoniako bei įprastinių kraujo rodiklių vertę diagnozuojant kognityvinius sutrikimus sergantiems lėtinėmis kepenų ligomis.
Darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti kognityvinių sutrikimų dažnį, galimus rizikos veiksnius, palyginti IKT ir kraujo testų rezultatus lėtinio hepatito ir kepenų cirozės grupėse; nustatyti IKT bei IL-6, įprastinių kraujo testų vertę minimaliai hepatinei encefalopatijai (MHE).
Iki šiol netirta ar pacientai, sergantys lėtiniu hepatitu ir kognityviniais sutrikimais, neturi analogiškų IKT rodiklių pakitimų, IL-6 koncentracijos padidėjimo kaip sergantieji kepenų ciroze ir MHE. Netirta kokie kraujo ar IKT rodikliai kognityvinius sutrikimus prognozuoja geriausia.
Į tyrimą įtraukti 62 sergantieji kepenų ciroze be hepatinės encefalopatijos, 73 lėtiniu hepatitu bei 53 sveiki asmenys. Tą pačią dieną buvo atliekami kraujo tyrimai, psichometriniai testai ir IKT.
Lėtinio hepatito grupėje kognityviniai sutrikimai nustatyti 54,8 %, о kepenų cirozės grupėje MHE ¬ 71,0 % tiriamųjų asmenų. Kognityvinius sutrikimus predisponuoja trumpesnė mokymosi trukmė, fibrozės laipsnis, dvigubas etiologinis veiksnys, amžius ir lytis įtakos neturi. Lėtinio hepatito grupėje kognityviniai sutrikimai koreliuoja su IKT rodikliais ir kepenų fermentų koncentracijos padidėjimu, o kepenų cirozių grupėje su IKT rodikliais ir IL-6 koncentracija kraujyje.
Kognityvinius sutrikimus sergant lėtiniu hepatitu ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to ascertain a value of computerized inhibitory control test (ICT), routine blood tests, peripheral blood ammonia and IL-6 concentration for diagnosis of cognitive disorders in patients with chronic liver diseases.
to assess a frequency of cognitive impairments and associated risk factors and to compare ICT and blood tests results in chronic hepatitis and cirrhotic patients;
to ascertain ICT, IL-6 and routine blood tests values for diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE).
Until now there were no studies performed whether chronic hepatitis patients with cognitive disorders have analogous ICT, IL-6 and other tests abnormalities as cirrhotic patients with MHE. It has not been studied which ICT and other tests results predict best the cognitive disorders in such patients.
62 cirrhotic patients without overt hepatic encephalopathy, 73 chronic hepatitis and 53 healthy individuals were enrolled. On the same day blood tests, psychometric and ICT tests were performed by every participant.
Cognitive disorders were detected in 54,8% of chronic hepatitis patients. In cirrhotic patients MHE was found in 71,0%. Cognitive disorders predispose shorter study time, the fibrosis score, double etiologic factor, while age and gender has no influence.
In chronic hepatitis patients the cognitive impairments correlate with ICT and elevated liver enzymes. In cirrhotic patients cognitive disorders correlate with ICT and IL-6 concentration.
Conclusion: the... [to full text]
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Value of computerized inhibitory control test and blood tests in minimal hepatic encephalopathy diagnosis / Kompiuterizuoto inhibicinio kontrolės ir laboratorinių testų vertė nustatant minimalią hepatinę encefalopatijąSavlan, Ilona 03 March 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to ascertain a value of computerized inhibitory control test (ICT), routine blood tests, peripheral blood ammonia and IL-6 concentration for diagnosis of cognitive disorders in patients with chronic liver diseases.
to assess a frequency of cognitive impairments and associated risk factors and to compare ICT and blood tests results in chronic hepatitis and cirrhotic patients;
to ascertain ICT, IL-6 and routine blood tests values for diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE).
Until now there were no studies performed whether chronic hepatitis patients with cognitive disorders have analogous ICT, IL-6 and other tests abnormalities as cirrhotic patients with MHE. It has not been studied which ICT and other tests results predict best the cognitive disorders in such patients.
62 cirrhotic patients without overt hepatic encephalopathy, 73 chronic hepatitis and 53 healthy individuals were enrolled. On the same day blood tests, psychometric and ICT tests were performed by every participant.
Cognitive disorders were detected in 54,8% of chronic hepatitis patients. In cirrhotic patients MHE was found in 71,0%. Cognitive disorders predispose shorter study time, the fibrosis score, double etiologic factor, while age and gender has no influence.
In chronic hepatitis patients the cognitive impairments correlate with ICT and elevated liver enzymes. In cirrhotic patients cognitive disorders correlate with ICT and IL-6 concentration.
Conclusion: the... [to full text] / Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kompiuterizuoto inhibicinio kontrolės testo (IKT), IL-6, amoniako bei įprastinių kraujo rodiklių vertę diagnozuojant kognityvinius sutrikimus sergantiems lėtinėmis kepenų ligomis.
Darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti kognityvinių sutrikimų dažnį, galimus rizikos veiksnius, palyginti IKT ir kraujo testų rezultatus lėtinio hepatito ir kepenų cirozės grupėse; nustatyti IKT bei IL-6, įprastinių kraujo testų vertę minimaliai hepatinei encefalopatijai (MHE).
Iki šiol netirta ar pacientai, sergantys lėtiniu hepatitu ir kognityviniais sutrikimais, neturi analogiškų IKT rodiklių pakitimų, IL-6 koncentracijos padidėjimo kaip sergantieji kepenų ciroze ir MHE. Netirta kokie kraujo ar IKT rodikliai kognityvinius sutrikimus prognozuoja geriausia.
Į tyrimą įtraukti 62 sergantieji kepenų ciroze be hepatinės encefalopatijos, 73 lėtiniu hepatitu bei 53 sveiki asmenys. Tą pačią dieną buvo atliekami kraujo tyrimai, psichometriniai testai ir IKT.
Lėtinio hepatito grupėje kognityviniai sutrikimai nustatyti 54,8 %, о kepenų cirozės grupėje MHE ¬ 71,0 % tiriamųjų asmenų. Kognityvinius sutrikimus predisponuoja trumpesnė mokymosi trukmė, fibrozės laipsnis, dvigubas etiologinis veiksnys, amžius ir lytis įtakos neturi. Lėtinio hepatito grupėje kognityviniai sutrikimai koreliuoja su IKT rodikliais ir kepenų fermentų koncentracijos padidėjimu, o kepenų cirozių grupėje su IKT rodikliais ir IL-6 koncentracija kraujyje.
Kognityvinius sutrikimus sergant lėtiniu hepatitu ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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L'antibiorésistance acquise des bactéries de la glande mammaire et des intestins en fonction des traitements intramammaires de tarissement chez les bovins laitiersPoirier, Etienne January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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The therapeutic effect of LIF in EAE-associated axonal injuryAlexandrou, Estella January 2009 (has links)
Axonal degeneration is a major pathological feature of the central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS). This axonal degeneration has major consequences, as functional axonal regeneration in the CNS is largely absent. Cumulative axonal degeneration is the likely cause of the majority of progressive MS-related disability, and therefore, the need for novel neuroprotective therapies for MS exists. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS pathology, also produces axonal injury. In particular, the optic nerve and spinal cord are key sites of neuroinflammation in mouse EAE. By utilizing this model, the short term and long term effects of the putative neuroprotective cytokine, leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), were investigated in the optic nerve and spinal cord utilising a number of outcome measures of axonal dysfunction. These included MRI measures of water diffusivity along (ADC ||) and across (ADC┴) the optic nerves, serum levels of phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain subunit (pNF-H) and histological morphometric measures. LIF treatment reduced EAE grade and pNF-H plasma levels, decreased ADC┴, but had no effect on ADC ||, axon counts or inflammatory infiltration. / In contrast, genetic deletion of LIF and its sister cytokine ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), not only increased EAE grade and pNF-H levels, but also decreased optic nerve ADC|| and optic nerve and spinal cord axon densities. After reviewing current literature, we hypothesize that the target cell for endogenously upregulated LIF in EAE may be the neuron or axon, whereas the target cell for exogenously administered therapeutic LIF may be another cell type, possibly infiltrating macrophages and activated microglial cells. LIF antagonist treatment did not have any affect on EAE grade, pNF-H levels or MRI parameters. This lack of effect may be due to the inability of the LIF antagonist to enter the CNS, supporting the hypothesis that endogenous LIF has a centrally acting mechanism.
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The identification of novel biomarkers in the development and progression of early prostate cancerRasiah, Krishan Kumar, St Vincent's, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The morphological premalignant changes in prostate epithelium such as high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) precede invasive prostate cancer (PC) by several decades. The overall aim of this project was to identify patterns of gene expression in HGPIN and early PC which increase our understanding of the early biology of PC and identify genes and pathways that correlate with an aggressive phenotype. A comprehensive tissue cohort of premalignant prostate lesions was collected in a tissue microarray (TMA) platform that was utilised for high-throughput validation of target genes. Using this unique resource, the expression of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN was assessed using immunohistochemistry in an initial candidate gene approach based on mouse models implicating PTEN in carcinogenesis. No significant difference in expression of PTEN was detected in premalignant and benign epithelium. A transcript profiling approach was undertaken by integrating laser capture microdissection, linear RNA amplification and oligonucleotide microarrays to perform a screen of matched patient samples of normal, HGPIN and PC cells. The expression patterns of two genes encoding secreted proteins, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and macrophage inhibitory cytokine (MIC-1) were validated using immunohistochemistry on TMAs representing the progression model of early PC. Increased expression of these proteins in PC was confirmed to occur early in the disease process and altered expression of NPY and MIC-1 was associated with worse clinical outcome. Further analysis of global gene expression patterns using a structured network knowledge base identified a notable aberration in the expression of extracellular matrix and extracellular matrix associated proteins in HGPIN and provided novel evidence for the role of this class of molecules in the development of PC. In summary, contrary to current dogma based on work in animal models, altered PTEN expression is unlikely to represent an important event in the development of malignancy in the human prostate. In contrast, the expression patterns and prognostic value of NPY and MIC-1 in HGPIN support their further evaluation as biomarkers for the development and progression of PC. The aberrant expression of genes and networks of genes detected in HGPIN will assist in further identification of biological pathways which may be targeted in therapeutic strategies against the development and progression of PC.
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The identification of novel biomarkers in the development and progression of early prostate cancerRasiah, Krishan Kumar, St Vincent's, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The morphological premalignant changes in prostate epithelium such as high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) precede invasive prostate cancer (PC) by several decades. The overall aim of this project was to identify patterns of gene expression in HGPIN and early PC which increase our understanding of the early biology of PC and identify genes and pathways that correlate with an aggressive phenotype. A comprehensive tissue cohort of premalignant prostate lesions was collected in a tissue microarray (TMA) platform that was utilised for high-throughput validation of target genes. Using this unique resource, the expression of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN was assessed using immunohistochemistry in an initial candidate gene approach based on mouse models implicating PTEN in carcinogenesis. No significant difference in expression of PTEN was detected in premalignant and benign epithelium. A transcript profiling approach was undertaken by integrating laser capture microdissection, linear RNA amplification and oligonucleotide microarrays to perform a screen of matched patient samples of normal, HGPIN and PC cells. The expression patterns of two genes encoding secreted proteins, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and macrophage inhibitory cytokine (MIC-1) were validated using immunohistochemistry on TMAs representing the progression model of early PC. Increased expression of these proteins in PC was confirmed to occur early in the disease process and altered expression of NPY and MIC-1 was associated with worse clinical outcome. Further analysis of global gene expression patterns using a structured network knowledge base identified a notable aberration in the expression of extracellular matrix and extracellular matrix associated proteins in HGPIN and provided novel evidence for the role of this class of molecules in the development of PC. In summary, contrary to current dogma based on work in animal models, altered PTEN expression is unlikely to represent an important event in the development of malignancy in the human prostate. In contrast, the expression patterns and prognostic value of NPY and MIC-1 in HGPIN support their further evaluation as biomarkers for the development and progression of PC. The aberrant expression of genes and networks of genes detected in HGPIN will assist in further identification of biological pathways which may be targeted in therapeutic strategies against the development and progression of PC.
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Fator inibitório da migração de macrófagos : envolvimento na regulação cardiovascular em ratos com hipertensão renalBarbosa, Rafaela Moreira 31 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-22T18:04:35Z
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DissRMB.pdf: 1290621 bytes, checksum: 3870f44730785bfd4b123df5cbec0b90 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-22T18:04:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DissRMB.pdf: 1290621 bytes, checksum: 3870f44730785bfd4b123df5cbec0b90 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-22T18:04:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DissRMB.pdf: 1290621 bytes, checksum: 3870f44730785bfd4b123df5cbec0b90 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T18:04:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DissRMB.pdf: 1290621 bytes, checksum: 3870f44730785bfd4b123df5cbec0b90 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / The high blood pressure levels reach about 22% of the world population, increasing the risk factors for coronary disease, heart attack and heart failure. Many studies have tried to understand the causes of hypertension and possible mechanisms to facilitate the treatment of hypertension. The central nervous system seems to play a key role in the development and maintenance of hypertension. Among the various brain areas, we can highlight the role of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), which is the primary site of visceral afferents. The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an intracellular inhibitory regulator of the actions of angiotensin II (ANG II) in the ANG II type 1 receptors. The spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and the rats with renovascular hypertension 2 kidney, 1 clip (2K1C) exhibit an increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system, increased sympathetic activity and reduced baroreflex function. We recently demonstrated that MIF overexpression in the NTS of SHRs lowers blood pressure of these animals and improved the function of the baroreflex. Therefore, in this study we tested if increased expression of MIF in the NTS of the 2K1C rats could alter the development of hypertension and improve the baroreflex function in these animals. For this, the left renal artery was partially obstructed in male Holtzman rats (150-180 g) using a silver clip (0.2 mm width) to induce 2K1C hypertension (n = 5-10/group) or sham surgery [normotensive rats (NT); n = 5-11/group] was performed. Three weeks after renal clip placement or sham surgery, rats received AAV2-CBA-MIF microinjections into the NTS to increase MIF expression in the area or AAV2-CBA-eGFP, which promoted the expression of GFP (enhanced green protein), which served as a control vector. Arterial pressure and heart rate were recorded by telemetry and baroreflex tests were performed. At the end of the experiments, the brains were harvested for immunohistochemistry RT-PCR. MIF injections into the NTS attenuated the hypertension in 2K1C rats from 2 weeks after viral transfection until the end of the experiment (4 weeks after viral transfection), (2K1C-MIF: 145 ± 7, vs. 2K1C-eGFP: 176 ± 9 mmHg; p < 0.05). MIF into the NTS also improved the reflex bradycardia (2K1C-MIF slope: -1.4 ± 0.3, vs. 2K1C-eGPF slope: -0.41 ± 0.3 bpm/mmHg; p < 0.05) and reflex tachycardia (2K1C-MIF slope: -4.7 ± 0.6, vs. 2K1C-eGPF slope: -1.7 ± 0.3 bpm/mmHg; p < 0.05). Baseline heart rate was decreased in 2K1C-MIF rats. In
contrast to 2K1C rats, MIF overexpressed in the NTS in normotensive rats produced no change in arterial pressure neither baroreflex function. As expected, the transduction of MIF in the NTS increased mRNA levels for MIF at the same site (NT-MIF: 3.80 ± 0.97, vs. NT-eGFP: 1.00 ± 0.16 fold change and 2K1C-MIF: 3.53 ± 0.68, vs. 2K1C-eGFP: 0.88 ± 0.09 fold change; p < 0.05). These results suggest that increased expression of MIF in neurons within NTS attenuates the hypertension and improves baroreflex function in 2K1C rats, possibly through anti-ANG II actions. / Os altos níveis de pressão arterial atingem cerca de 22% da população mundial, aumentando os fatores de risco para doenças coronarianas, infarto e falência cardíaca. Muitos estudos tentam entender as causas da hipertensão e os possíveis mecanismos que facilitem o tratamento da hipertensão. O sistema nervoso central parece ter um papel chave no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da hipertensão. Dentre as diversas áreas encefálicas, podemos destacar o papel do núcleo do trato solitário (NTS), que é o sítio primário das aferências viscerais. O fator inibitório da migração de macrófagos (MIF) é um regulador inibitório intracelular das ações da angiotensina II (ANG II) em receptores do subtipo AT1. Os ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) bem como os ratos com hipertensão renovascular 2 rins, 1 clipe (2R1C), exibem uma atividade aumentada do sistema renina-angiotensina, do sistema nervoso simpático e uma diminuição da função do barorreflexo. Recentemente demonstramos que a super-expressão de MIF no NTS de SHRs reduziu a pressão arterial destes animais bem como melhorou a função do barorreflexo. Portanto, neste estudo testamos se a expressão aumentada de MIF no NTS de ratos 2R1C poderia altenuar o desenvolvimento da hipertensão e melhorar a função do barorreflexo nestes animais. Para tanto, a artéria renal esquerda foi parcialmente obstruída em ratos Holtzman (150-180 g) utilizando um clipe de prata (0,2 mm de abertura) para induzir a hipertensão 2R1C (n = 5-10/grupo) ou a cirurgia fictícia [ratos normotensos (NT); n = 5-11/grupo] foi realizada. Três semanas após a inserção do clipe renal ou após a cirurgia fictícia, os ratos receberam microinjeções do vetor viral AAV2-CBA-MIF no NTS para aumentar a expressão de MIF na área ou de AAV2-CBA-eGFP, que promoveu a expressão de GFP (proteína fluorescente verde), que serviu como vetor controle. A pressão arterial e a frequência cardíaca foram registradas por telemetria e testes do barorreflexo foram realizados. Ao término dos experimentos, os encéfalos foram colhidos para imunohistoquímica ou RT-PCR. As microinjeções de MIF no NTS atenuaram a hipertensão em ratos 2R1C a partir de 2 semanas após a transfecção viral até o fim dos experimentos (4 semanas após a transfecção), (2R1C-MIF: 145 ± 7, vs. 2R1C-eGFP: 176 ± 9 mmHg; p < 0,05). MIF no NTS também melhorou a bradicardia reflexa (2R1C-MIF slope: -1,4 ± 0,3, vs. 2R1C-eGFP slope: -0,41 ± 0,3 bpm/mmHg; p < 0,05) e taquicardia reflexa (2R1C-MIF slope: -4,7 ± 0,6, vs. 2R1C-eGFP slope: -1,7 ± 0,3 bpm/mmHg; p < 0,05).
A frequência cardíaca basal foi diminuída em ratos 2R1C-MIF. Em contraste com os ratos 2R1C, MIF super-expresso no NTS de ratos normotensos não produziu alteração na pressão arterial ou na função do barorreflexo. Como esperado, a transdução de MIF no NTS aumentou os níveis de RNAm para MIF no mesmo local (NT-MIF: 3,80 ± 0,97, vs. NT-eGFP: 1,00 ± 0,16 número de vezes e 2R1C-MIF: 3,53 ± 0,68, vs. 2R1C-eGFP: 0,88 ± 0,09 número de vezes; p < 0,05). Estes resultados sugerem que a expressão aumentada de MIF nos neurônios do NTS atenua a hipertensão, melhora a função do barorreflexo em ratos 2R1C, possivelmente através de uma ação anti-ANG II. / FAPESP: 2013/02607-0
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Etude de l'impact de la protéine antimicrobienne humaine hCAP18/LL-37 sur le cancer du sein / Study on the impact of the human antimicrobial peptide hCAP18/LL-37 in the breast cancerZreika, Sami 15 December 2011 (has links)
Le peptide hCAP18/LL-37, une partie de la défense immunitaire innée, a maintenant été reconnu comme multifonctionnelle pour les cellules eucaryotes. Nos études démontrent sa contribution au développement du cancer, montrant qu'il est surexprimé dans la plupart des tumeurs mammaires humaines, active la signalisation la famille de ERBB et augmente le potentiel métastatique des cellules cancéreuses du sein. Notre comparaison des deux lignées du cancer du sein n'a pas révélé de récepteurs communs, mais une structure peptidique identiques mais de chiralité différente est pré requis pour le peptide dans toutes ses activités. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que LL-37 active indirectement des récepteurs transmembranaires en se liant à la membrane cellulaire. Des peptides tronqués dérivés de LL-37 inhibent ses activités et peuvent aider à concevoir une future thérapie anticancéreuse. / The peptide hCAP18/LL-37, part of the innate immune defense, has now been recognized as multifunctional for eukaryotic cells. Our studies demonstrate its contribution to cancer development, showing that it is overexpressed in most human breast tumors, activates ERBB signaling and increases the metastatic potential of breast cancer cells. Our comparison on two breast cancer lines did not reveal any common receptors but identical structural prerequisites for the peptide in all its activities. We hypothesize that LL-37 indirectly activates transmembrane receptors by attaching to the cellular membrane. Truncated derivatives inhibit its activities and may help to design a future anticancer therapy.
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