Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inhibitory"" "subject:"nhibitory""
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Investigação genética e funcional da produção de compostos antimicrobianos por bactérias oriundas da Antártica = Genetic and functional evaluation of production of antimicrobial compounds by bacteria from Antarctica / Genetic and functional evaluation of production of antimicrobial compounds by bacteria from AntarcticaFrança, Paula, 1987- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Fabiana Fantinatti Garboggini, Marta Cristina Teixeira Duarte / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T21:03:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Franca_Paula_M.pdf: 7905078 bytes, checksum: 6735b6d77cec7c206090abaa6e56fdfc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Os micro-organismos associados ao continente Antártico apresentam populações diversas e metabolicamente ativas, porém o potencial farmacológico dos compostos obtidos pelos micro-organismos é pouco conhecido. As bactérias são importante fonte de compostos utilizados atualmente como antimicrobianos, e as principais vias de biossíntese de muitos antibióticos são catalisadas pelos genes PKS (Polyketide Synthases) e NRPS (Non Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases). O presente estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação genética e funcional da produção de compostos antimicrobianos obtidos de bactérias isoladas na Baía do Almirantado, Antártica, a identificação taxonômica das bactérias que apresentaram tal potencial e a identificação do perfil químico dos compostos antimicrobianos. O total de 153 bactérias foi isolado do ambiente antártico, 127 isolados apresentaram pelo menos um dos genes PKSI, PKSII e NRPS. Estes foram identificados através do sequenciamento parcial do gene RNA ribossomal 16S e pertencem a 28 gêneros distintos, sendo representantes dos Filos Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria e Bacteroidetes. A avaliação funcional da produção de antimicrobianos foi realizada com o total de 76 isolados dos quais 30 isolados formaram halos de inibição frente a micro-organismos testes. Os extratos brutos obtidos foram avaliados quanto à concentração inibitória mínima (MIC) frente a oito micro-organismos não virulentos, e 18 extratos brutos apresentaram atividade inibitória, onde se destaca o extrato denominado E131, obtido da bactéria do gênero Streptomyces, que apresentou atividade bacteriostática frente S. aureus e M. luteus, e atividade bactericida frente a C. albicans e B. subtilis. Frente a micro-organismos isolados de amostras clínicas, 11 extratos brutos apresentaram atividade inibitória frente a quatro cepas de Neisseria meningitides, com MIC dos extratos brutos variando de 0,0313 mg.mL-1 até 2,0 mg.mL-1. O extrato E46, obtido da bactéria Pseudoalteromonas sp., destacou-se quanto à atividade inibitória observada frente às quatro cepas avaliadas. Frente à cepa B4, destacam-se a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos brutos obtido das bactérias Pseudoalteromonas sp. e Pseudomonas azotoformans CUG12536. Frente à cepa YUSA, destaca-se a atividade antimicrobiana observada pelo extrato bruto obtido da bactéria Marinilactibacillus sp., cuja atividade antimicrobiana foi relatada pela primeira vez neste gênero de bactéria. Os extratos brutos possuem em sua composição, compostos cuja atividade antimicrobiana é conhecida, como ácidos graxos e compostos cuja atividade antimicrobiana não está descrita na literatura. Os testes de fracionamento dos extratos frente a solventes de diferentes polaridades indicou que os extratos brutos são solúveis, em sua maioria, a solvente polar. Portanto, as bactérias isoladas da Antártica produzem compostos de interesse farmacológico e podem ser utilizadas como fonte de novos compostos. Tais resultados enfatizam a necessidade de mais estudos de bactérias associadas a ambientes extremos, como a Antártica / Abstract: Microorganisms associated with the Antarctic continent have various and metabolically active populations, but the pharmacological potential of compounds obtained by micro-organisms is poorly understood. Bacterias are an important source of compounds currently used as antimicrobial, major biosynthetic pathways of many antibiotics are catalyzed by the PKS genes (Polyketide Synthases) and NRPS (Non Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases). This study had the objective to genetic and functional evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, and the taxonomic identification of bacteria that had such potential and identification of the chemical profile of antimicrobial compounds. The total of 153 bacteria was isolated from Antarctic environment, among the isolates, 127 isolates showed at least one of the genes PKSI, PKSII and NRPS. These were identified by partial sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA gene and belong to 28 different genera, with representatives of the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The functional evaluation of the production of antibiotic was conducted with a total of 76 isolates including 30 isolates that formed inhibition halos against test microorganisms. The crude extracts were evaluated as the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against eight non-virulent microorganisms, and 18 crude extracts showed activity, highlighting the so-called E131 extract, obtained from bacteria of the genus Streptomyces, which showed bacteriostatic activity against S. aureus and M. luteus, and bactericidal activity against C. albicans and B. subtilis. Faced with microorganisms isolated from clinical samples, 11 crude extracts showed inhibitory activity against four strains of Neisseria meningitides, with MIC ranging from 0.0313 mg.mL-1 to 2.0 mg.mL-1. The E46 extract obtained from the bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp., stood out as the inhibitory activity observed across the four evaluated strains. Faced with the strain B4, stand out the antimicrobial activity of crude extracts obtained from bacteria Pseudoalteromonas sp. and Pseudomonas azotoformans CUG12536. Against YUSA strain, Marinilactibacillus sp. crude extract showed antimicrobial activity, which was the first reported in this bacterial genus. The extracts have in their composition, antimicrobial compounds whose activity is known, such as fatty acids, and compounds whose antimicrobial activity is not described in the literature. Fractionation tests of extracts using solvents of different polarities, indicated that the crude extracts are soluble mostly the polar solvent. Therefore, the bacteria isolated from the Antarctic produce compounds of pharmacological interest and can be used as a source of novel compounds. These results highlight the need for more studies of bacteria associated with extreme environments, such as Antarctica / Mestrado / Microbiologia / Mestra em Genética e Biologia Molecular
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Tutela preventiva : urgência e simetriaMonteiro, Agnelo Limeira dos Milagres 22 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao_Agnelo_Limeira.pdf: 1081852 bytes, checksum: d362eb99c004730969e61b39fb242c5d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-10-22 / The thesis presented here is the result of an accurate
reading on the institutes that now guide the contemporary
Brazilian civil procedural law, based on the possibility of
irreparable harm or difficult to repair allied to technical summary of cognition and cognition in a future depth of proof when the need arises the stronge raction of the judiciary . Here is also a demonstration that the emergency wards while they are being used more oftem today , existed inourland , whether in the civil procedure code 1939 , with the coercive actions , whether in the current code of civil procedure , such as the inhibitory guardianship , the guardianship of the specific obligations of doing and not doing as well as the extravagant legislation such as
the warrant of preventive security , which demonstrates that our law enforcers , like lawyers , prosecutors , judges , have demonstrated a concern not only restore the heritage of those who were unfairly harmed , but to anticipate this event - the damage , so that even under jurisdiction arrives to suffer any injury , arming this jurisdictional out in search of a trust , an
instrument of coercion prior / A dissertação ora apresntada é resultado de uma leitura
apurada sobre os institutos que hoje norteiam o direito
processual civil brasileiro contemporâneo , baseados na
possibilidade de dano irreparável ou de difícil reparação
aliados à técnica de cognição sumária e numa futura cognição aprofundada da prova, quando houver necessidade de uma ação mais enérgica do poder judiciário . Aqui também é feita uma demonstração que as tutelas de urgência embora estejam sendo mais utilizadas hoje , já existiam em nosso ordenamento , seja no código de processo civil de 1939 , com as ações cominatórias, seja no código de processo civil atual , como por exemplo , da tutela inibitória , a tutela específica das obrigações de fazer e de não fazer, bem como na legislação extravagan e como é o caso do mandado de segurança preventivo, o que demonstra que os nossos aplicadores do direito , sejam advogados, procuradores, juízes, têm demonstrado uma preocupação em não só recompor o patrimônio de quem foi injustamente lesado , mas antecipar-se a esse evento o dano, para que o jurisdicionado sequer chegue a sofrer qualquer prejuízo , munindo este jurisdicionado que sai em busca de uma tutela , de um instrumento de coerção prévio
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Níveis de inibição pré-sináptica durante a iniciação do passo em indivíduos com e sem bloqueio da marcha na doença de Parkinson: um estudo transversal / Presynaptic inhibition levels during step initiation in subjects with and without freezing of gait in Parkinson\'s disease: a cross-sectional studyJumes Leopoldino Oliveira Lira 06 November 2018 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar os níveis de inibição pré-sináptica (IPS) durante a iniciação do passo entre indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP) com bloqueio motor (BM), sem-BM (S-BM) e indivíduos saudáveis pareados pela idade (ISPI) e, possíveis correlações entre os níveis de IPS com as variáveis comportamentais (amplitude e tempo do ajuste postural antecipatório [APA]) e os escores do New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (NFOG-Q). A amostra foi composta por 22 indivíduos com BM e 12 S-BM (estágio 3 da DP avaliados no estado on da medicação). Dezesseis ISPI também foram incluídos no estudo. Todos atenderam os critérios de inclusão. Os indivíduos foram avaliados em dois dias. No primeiro dia, todos responderam uma anamnese e o Mini Exame do Estado Mental. Para os indivíduos com DP foi aplicada a escala de estadiamento da DP e a parte III da Escala Unificada de Avaliação da DP (UPDRS) e somente os indivíduos com BM foram avaliados com o NFOG-Q. No segundo dia, todos os indivíduos realizaram a tarefa iniciação do passo na plataforma de força AMTI para avaliação da amplitude e do tempo do APA com ou sem a evocação do reflexo-H na condição teste ou condicionado. O estimulador portátil Nicolet® Viking Quest da CareFusion foi utilizado para evocar o reflexo-H teste e condicionado. O estímulo elétrico foi evocado quando a amplitude do APA ultrapassasse 10 a 20% da linha de base. Todos indivíduos realizaram a tarefa iniciação do passo em 3 condições: 1) sem estímulo; 2) estímulo teste estimulação no nervo tibial; e 3) estímulo condicionado estimulação do nervo fibular antes (intervalo de 100 ms) da estimulação do nervo tibial. Nas três condições, os indivíduos foram instruídos a realizarem 15 passos, logo, 15 estímulos nas condições 2 e 3 de maneira aleatória. A ANOVA one way mostrou diferenças significantes nos valores de IPS entre os três grupos, onde os ISPI apresentaram valores maiores de IPS do que os outros dois grupos e, indivíduos S-BM apresentaram valores maiores IPS comparado aos indivíduos com BM (P<0,001), porém, todos os indivíduos deste último grupo apresentaram facilitação. Adicionalmente, amplitudes maiores e tempos menores do APA foram observados somente para os ISPI (P<0,05), além disso, não foram observadas diferenças entre essas variáveis para os dois grupos de DP (P>0,05). Em relação às correlações, especialmente para os indivíduos com BM, observamos que valores maiores de facilitação estão: fortemente associados com os escores maiores do NFOG-Q (r = -74; P<0,0001); moderadamente associados com as amplitudes menores do APA (r = 0,54; P<0,004); e fracamente associados com os tempos maiores do APA (r = -0,42; P<0,244). Por fim, houve uma forte associação entre as amplitude menores do APA e escores maiores do NFOG-Q (r = -,075; P<0,0001). Em conclusão, indivíduos com BM apresentam facilitação (ausência de IPS) durante a iniciação do passo e associada com deficiências na amplitude e tempo do APA e a severidade do BM. Isso indica que a medula espinhal tem participação na iniciação do passo e pode ser fortemente influenciada por alterações sensório-motoras / The aims of this study were to compare the presynaptic inhibition levels (PSI) in the step initiation between subjects with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) with freezing of gait (FoG), non-FOG (non-FoG), and age-matched healthy controls (HC) and, possible correlations between the PSI levels with the behavioral variables and the New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (NFOG-Q) scores. Twenty individuals with FoG, 12 individuals with non-FoG (stage 3 of PD assessed in the clinically defined on state), and 16 HC met the inclusion criteria. Subjects visited the laboratory for two days. On the first day, all of the subjects answered the anamnesis and the Mini-Mental State Examination. However, only in the subjects with PD were assessed the severity of disease and the motor symptoms (Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale part III [UPDRS-III], but the FoG severity was assessed only in the subjects with FoG. On the second day, all of the subjects performed the step initiation on the force platform (AMTI) to assess amplitude and time of anticipatory postural adjustment with or without evoking H-reflex in the test or conditioned condition. The constant-current stimulator (Nicolet® Viking Quest portable EMG apparatus, CareFusion) was used to evoke the H-reflex. The electrical stimulus was evoked when the APA amplitude exceeded 10 to 20% of the baseline. All of the subjects performed the step initiation in 3 conditions: 1) without stimulation of the nerve; 2) test stimulus stimulation of the tibial nerve; and 3) conditioning stimulus - stimulation of the fibular nerve before (100 ms interval) stimulation of the tibial nerve. At three conditions, subjects were instructed to perform 15 steps, thus, 15 stimuli at conditions 2 and 3 in a random order. The ANOVA one way showed significant differences in the PSI values between the three groups, where the ISPI presented higher values of PSI than the other two groups, and S-BM individuals had higher PSI values compared to individuals with BM (P<0.001), however all of the individuals with FoG presented facilitation. In addition, larger amplitudes and smaller times of APA were observed only for ISPI (P<0.05); in addition, no differences were observed between these variables for the two PD groups (P>0.05). In relation to correlations, especially for individuals with FoG, we observed that greater values of facilitation are: strongly associated with the higher NFOG-Q scores (r = -0.74; P<0.0001); moderately associated with the smaller APA amplitudes (r = 0.54; P<0.004); and weakly associated with higher APA times (r = -0.42, P<0.244). Finally, there was a strong association between the smaller APA amplitudes and higher NFOG-Q scores (r = -0.75, P<0.0001). In conclusion, individuals with FoG presented facilitation (absence of PSI) in the step initiation which was associated with deficits in amplitude and time of APA and FoG severity. This indicates that the spinal cord has participation in the step initiation that can be strongly influenced by the abnormal sensory motor
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Estudo da atividade inibitória da troponina I através de mutações sítio-dirigidas / Study of the inhibitory activity of troponin I by site-directed mutagenesisRonaldo Bento Quaggio 06 October 1994 (has links)
A troponina I (TnI) é a sub-unidade inibitória do complexo troponina, responsável pela regulação da contração do músculo esquelético. Foi demonstrado que sua ação inibitória sobre a Mg2+ATPase da actomiosina, deve-se principalmente à região entre os resíduos 96 e 116 (região do peptídeo inibitório). Para estudar o mecanismo de inibição a nível molecular, produzimos três mutantes na região do peptídeo inibitório através de mutações sítio-dirigidas. Substituímos os resíduos lisina 105 por ácido glutâmico (K105E), fenilalanina 106 por tirosina (F106Y) e arginina 113 por ácido glutâmico (R113E). As troponinas I mutantes foram expressas em E.coli, purificadas e ensaiadas em sua atividade inibitória, interações com os outros componentes do complexo regulatório e sua capacidade regulatória. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a mutação na posição 105 alterou a interação da proteína com a tropomiosina, diminuindo sua atividade inibitória e afinidade pela actina-tropomiosina. A substituição na posição 113 alterou a interação da proteína com a actina e com a actina-tropomiosina, também diminuindo a atividade inibitória na presença de tropomiosina e inviabilizando a inibição na ausência de tropomiosina. Já a substituição na posição 106 não produziu alteração detectável. Concluímos que o resíduo 105 faz parte do sítio de ligação da troponina I ao complexo actina-tropomiosina e que o resíduo 113 participa diretamente do mecanismo de inibição. Desta forma, definimos duas interfaces de interação da troponina I com o filamento de actina-tropomiosina, necessárias a ligação da troponina I ao filamento e inibição da ATPase. / Troponin I (TnI) is the inhibitory subunit of the troponin complex, responsible for the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction. It has been demonstrated that TnI\'s inhibitory action on Mg2+ATPase of actomyosin is due principally to the region between residues 96 and 116 (the inhibitory region). To study the inhibitory mechanism at the molecular level, we produced three mutants of the inhibitory region by site-directed mutagenesis. We substituted lysine 105 for glutamic acid (K105E), phenylalanine 106 for tyrosine (F106Y) and arginine 113 for glutamic acid (R113E). The TnI mutants were expressed in E. coli, purified and analyzed for their inhibitory activity, interaction with other components of the regulatory complex and regulatory capacity. The results indicate that the mutation in K105E modified the interaction of TnI with tropomyosin, reduced its inhibitory activity and actin-tropomyosin affinity. The mutant R113E displayed modified interaction with actin and actin-tropomyosin, reduced inhibitory activity in the presence of tropomyosin and essentially no inhibitory activity in the absence of tropomyosin. The mutant F106Y behaved essentially like wild-type TnI. We conclude that residue 105 is part of the site by which troponin I binds to the actin-tropomyosin and that residue 113 participates directly in the inhibitory mechanism. In this way, we have defined two interfaces between troponin I and the actin-tropomyosin which are necessary for binding TnI to the filament and to inhibit the actomyosin ATPase.
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Perfil da Sensibilidade Microbiana de Bactérias Isoladas nos Olhos de Cães com Ceratoconjuntivite Seca / Profile of Bacteria Microbial Sensitivity Isolated in Dogs with Eyes Keratoconjunctivitis SiccaPereira, Carolina Silva Guimarães 06 May 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:53:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Carolina Silva Guimaraes Pereira.pdf: 713350 bytes, checksum: d2adc7dea782d58a041a7b1b5991ba9c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / This study aims to evaluate the microbial sensitivity profile of bacteria isolated from the eyes of dogs with keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). We evaluated 65 dogs (n=65) diagnosed with KCS and 30 healthy dogs (c=30) (control group). After diagnosis of KCS, conjunctival swabs were collected and the microbiological examinations performed under aerobic culture, antibiogram and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the antibiotics chloramphenicol, tobramycin, ofloxacin and moxifloxacin. With respect to the sensitivity to the tested antibiotics, polymyxin B, tobramycin and chloramphenicol obtained that highest percentages and tetracycline the lowest percentage. Regarding the results of the MIC, the fifteen most resistant strains of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and the fifteen most resistant strains of Gram-negative were selected. For S. pseudintermedius, tobramycin demonstrated the highest percentage of sensitivity and ofloxacin and moxifloxacin the lowest. For Gram-negative, ofloxacina and moxifloxacina demonstrated (100%) of sensitivity, tobramycin (93,3%) and chloramphenicol (80%). Three multi-resistant strains of S. pseudintermedius were detected, one with isolated sensitivity to cefazolin, another to vancomycin and another to polymyxin B and amikacin. Remission from bacterial infection was achieved after 15 days in 100% of the animals topically treated with antibiotics selected according to the sensitivity. The bacteria isolated from the eyes of dogs with KCS presented variable sensitivity to the tested antibiotics, according to the species considered. The emergence of quinolone-resistant strains of S. pseudintermedius, with higher prevalence detected in the eyes, reinforces the need to identify the bacteria involved and antimicrobial susceptibility profile, as secondary infections, can be an aggravating and perpetuating factor of KCS. / Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil de sensibilidade microbiana de bactérias isoladas dos olhos de cães com ceratoconjuntivite seca (CCS). Foram avaliados 65 cães (n=65) diagnosticados com CCS e 30 cães (c=30) hígidos para o grupo controle. Foram coletados swabs conjuntivais e realizados os exames microbiológicos cultura em aerobiose, antibiograma e concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) para os antibióticos cloranfenicol, tobramicina, ofloxacina e moxifloxacina. Com relação à sensibilidade dos antibióticos testados, a polimixina B, a tobramicina e o cloranfenicol obtiveram maior percentual, enquanto que a tetraciclina o menor percentual. Com relação aos resultados da CIM, foram selecionadas as quinze cepas mais resistentes dos Staphylococcus pseudintermedius e as quinze cepas mais resistentes dos Gram-negativos. Para S. pseudintermedius a tobramicina expressou maior percentual de sensibilidade e a ofloxacina e moxifloxacina menor. Para Gram-negativos, ofloxacina e moxifloxacina apresentaram (100%) de sensibilidade, tobramicina (93,3%) e cloranfenicol (80%). Foram detectadas 3 linhagens de S. pseudintermedius multirresistentes, sendo um isolado sensível à cefazolina, outro a vancomicina e outro a polimixina B e amicacina. Em 100% dos animais tratados topicamente com os antibióticos selecionados pela sensibilidade, obteve-se a remissão da infecção bacteriana após 15 dias. As bactérias isoladas de olhos de cães com CCS possuem sensibilidade variável frente aos antibióticos testados, de acordo com a espécie considerada. A emergência de linhagens quinolona-resistentes de S. pseudintermedius, agente de prevalência mais alta detectada nesses olhos, reforça a necessidade de identificação da bactéria envolvida e perfil de sensibilidade microbiana, visto que a infecção secundária, pode ser um fator agravante e perpetuante da CCS.
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Nemrznoucí teplonosné kapaliny pro solární systémy / Non - freezing heat transfer liquids for solar systemsMikšík, František January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on proposition of non-freezing heat transfer fluid for solar systems. Fluid will be based on mixture of new available compound propane-1,3-diol with water and modern corrosion inhibitors. Then will be investigate, if this new compound is competetive to common used liquids like ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.
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Nemrznoucí teplonosné kapaliny na bázi glycerolu / Non - freezing heat transfer liquids on glycerol platformTrombik, Tomasz January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on proposition of non-freezing heat transfer fluid. Fluid will be based on mixture of propane-1,2,3-triol with water and modern corrosion inhibitors. Then will be investigate, if this new compound is competetive to common used liquids like ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.
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Izolace DNA z rostlinných tkání pro použití v polymerázové řetězové reakci / DNA extraction from plant tissues for polymerase chain reaction analysisTrojánek, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
Extraction of nucleic acids is an important step for all molecular biological studies. The process of isolation of plant DNA is complicated due to the presence of polyphenols, polysaccharides and other metabolites. They can be co-isolated with DNA and act as PCR inhibitors. The aim of this study was to compare CTAB extraction procedure, Qiagen DNA easy kit, direct homogenization, carboxyl-functionalised magnetic non-porous HEMA based microspheres and combination of the above mentioned methods for DNA isolation from different plants. The DNA was evaluated regarding concentration, purity and amplification in PCR. All methods provided DNA that could be used in downstream PCR applications. However, there were differences regarding yield, purity, labour intensiveness and cost. Combination of direct homogenization and magnetic microspheres coated by carboxyl groups was isolated DNA from various plants and plant foods in a quality suitable for convectional PCR, real time PCR and restriction analysis. This method is fast, simple and does not require work with harmful substances.
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Příprava a biochemická charakterizace proteasového inhibitoru equistatinu / Preparation and biochemical characterization of protease inhibitor equistatinPolatová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
Equistatin from the sea anemone Actinia equina contains a protein domain Eqd2 which inhibits aspartic peptidases and has not been characterized in detail. Recombinant Eqd2 was produced in the yeast expression system, and a protocol for its chromatographic purification was designed. The inhibitory specificity of Eqd2 was determined using a fluorescence inhibition assay, showing that Eqd2 is a highly selective inhibitor of cathepsin D-like and pepsin-like aspartic peptidases of family A1. Furthermore, size exclusion chromatography was used to analyze the Eqd2-peptidase complex and Eqd2 oligomerization in solution. Initial screening of crystallization conditions for Eqd2 was performed towards its structural analysis. This work provides important new information about Eqd2 as a unique type of natural inhibitors of aspartic peptidases. Its interaction mechanism can be exploited in the development of synthetic mimetics for regulation of medically important peptidases. (In Czech) Key words: peptidase inhibitors, proteolytic enzymes, activity and inhibition of enzymes, recombinant expression, protein purification, protein crystallization, equistatin
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Úloha inhibičních interneuronů při kódovaní komplexních zvuků sluchovou kůrou myši / The role of inhibitory interneurons in encoding of complex sounds by the auditory cortex of mouseTomáška, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Recent findings suggest, that perception of acoustic stimuli in the mouse auditory cortex relies on categorization of object-based representations. Local neuronal populations in L2/3 of the mouse auditory cortex reportedly exhibit a limited number (1-3) of stable modes of response, each possibly evoked by multiple complex sounds of variable acoustic features. Stimulation using linear intensity mixing of sounds evoking different response modes revealed an attractor-like dynamic of the underlying representation. These modes of response were hypothesized to represent the neural correlate of perceptual categorization. We have developed an experimental protocol enabling chronic two-photon imaging of the previously described population coding under awake conditions. Using this protocol we acquired data suggesting that the pattern of population activity underlying a mode of response, is stable during a week-long timeframe. We have also recorded the neural activity of a local subpopulation of somatostatin-positive inhibitory interneurons (SST+ INs) during abrupt changes in cortical representation. Our preliminary results suggest that local SST+ INs exhibit maximal firing when the neural correlate of a mode of response is exhibited by the surrounding population of principal cells. In addition, we observed a...
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