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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação e verificação da resistência aos sanitizantes dos microrganismos presentes na água destinada ao abastecimento público e em um sistema de purificação / Identification and verification of resistance to the sanitizers of microorganisms present in the water for public supply and a purification system

Martins, Alzira Maria da Silva 14 October 2002 (has links)
Água purificada para uso em ambientes de saúde e preparação industrial de produtos médico-odonto-hospitalar deve ter uma carga reduzida de contaminação microbiológica e pirogênio. As amostras analisadas foram coletadas em 13 (treze) diferentes estágios de um sistema de purificação de água, sendo isoladas 78 colônias. Para a identificação dos microrganismos foram utilizados: (i) identification system for non-enteric gram-negative rods (api 20 NE, bio Mérieux) e (ii) identification system for enteric and nonfermenter (BBL crystal, Becton Dickinson). De acordo com os resultados pode-se observar uma maior prevalência para Pseudomonas aeruginosa 32,05% (25 colônias dentre as 78 isoladas); Pseudomonas picketti 23,08% (18); Pseudomonas vesiculares 12,82% (10); Pseudomonas diminuta 11,54% (09); Flavobacterium aureum 6,42% (05); Pseudomonas fluorescences 5,13% (04); Acinetobacter Iwoffi 2,56% (02); Pseudomonas putida 2,56% (02); Pseudomonas alcaligenes 1,28% (01); Pseudomonas paucimobilis 1,28% (01), Flavobacterium multivorum 1,28% (01). A eficácia dos agentes sanitizantes utilizados para higienização dos diferentes pontos foi determinada pela concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e tempo de redução decimal (valor D). Como o hipoclorito de sódio é largamente utilizado na higienização do tanque de água de alimentação, tanque de estocagem da água purificada e nas linhas de distribuição aos pontos de uso, este foi testado frente a todos os microrganismos sendo observado menor resistência para Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (0.06%=600mg/L), quando comparada a P. aeruginosa isolada e identificada (O,25%=2500mg/L). O tempo de redução decimal (Valor D) da Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 foi de 4 minutos e o valor D da P. aeruginosa isolada e identificada e isolada in house foi de 9 minutos. / The samples of water, which were taken directly from the public distribution water tank and at twelve different stages of a typical purification system, were analyzed for the identification of isolated bacteria. The efficacy of the chemical sanitizers used in the stages of the system, over the isolated and identified bacteria in the sampling water, was valuated by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC and decimal reduction time (D-values). According to the miniature kits used in the identification, there was a prevalence of isolation by P. aeruginosa 32,05 % , P. picketti (Ralstonia picketti) 23,08%, P. vesiculares 12,82%, P. diminuta 11.54%, F.aureum 6,42%, P.fluorescens 5,13%, A.lowffi 2,56%, P.putida 2,56%, P. alcaligenes 1,28%, P.paucimobilis 1,28%, and F. multivorum 1,28%. The efficacy of the agents varied with the concentration and time of contact to reduce a decimal logarithmic (loglO) population (n cycles): (i) 0.5% citric acid (0= 4 min) for 30 min reduced n=7 cycles; (ii) 0.5% chloridric acid (0= 6 min) for 30 min reduced n= 4 cycles; (iii) 70% alcohol (0= 9 min) for 1.0 min (n=0.2 cycles); (iv) 0.5% sodium bisulphite (0= 6 min) for 90 min (n=14 cycles); (v) 0.4% sodium hydroxide (0= 8 min) for 30 min (n=3.0 cycles); (vi) 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (0=9 min) for 180 min (n = 19 cycles); (vii) mixture of hydrogen peroxide (2,2%) plus peracetic acid (0.45%), 0= 6 min, contact time of 180 min, reduced n = 32 cycles of the population. The sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6 was attained for the 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution applied in the water purified storage tank and distribution loop; and for the mixture of H2O2 plus peracetic acid, used in the reverse osmose and in the deionizator systems.

Conception de nouvelles surfaces à propriétés antibactériennes / Design of surfaces in order to achieve antibacterial properties

Bedel, Sophie 08 December 2014 (has links)
La biocontamination des surfaces et les risques associés sont des enjeux majeurs économiques et de santé publique. Afin de limiter ou empêcher l’adhésion bactérienne, une des solutions possible consiste en la modification des propriétés des surfaces, afin de leur conférer les fonctions voulues. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude est de modifier des surfaces de types métallique (acier) ou polymère : poly(téréphtalate d’éthylène) par des glycomonomères ou des monomères bioactifs. La stratégie de modification des surfaces s’effectue en plusieurs étapes.La première étape permet d’incorporer des fonctions réactives sur les surfaces par traitement acide puis réaction avec la dopamine, ou par traitement plasma ammoniaque. Des fonctions hydroxyle et amine sont introduites. Par la suite un amorceur de polymérisation par transfert d’atome est greffé sur les surfaces. Les monomères sont synthétisés et leur polymérisation étudiée en solution, dans un premier temps dans les conditions de polymérisation radicalaire classique, puis par polymérisation par transfert d’atome. Les conditions optimales sont déterminées, puis les polymérisations sur surfaces effectuées. La dernière étape concerne l’étude des propriétés microbiologiques des surfaces synthétisées.Les glycopolymères protégés et déprotégés de galactose ainsi que les polymères de méthacrylate de gaïacyle et de méthacrylate de thymyle ont été synthétisés. Les monomères ont été polymérisés par polymérisation par transfert d’atome à partir de la surface, sur les surfaces d’acier et de poly(téréphtalate d’éthylène). Après chaque étape de modification de surface, les matériaux ont été systématiquement caractérisés par goniométrie et spectroscopie à photoélectrons X. Les surfaces d’acier fonctionnalisées par le glycopolymère présentent des propriétés anti-adhésives vis-à-vis de Bacillus subtilis, un effet plus marqué est observé après greffage du glycopolymère déprotégé. Les surfaces de poly(téréphtalate d’éthylène) quant à elles, possèdent des propriétés anti-adhésives leur du greffage du poly(méthacrylate de thymyle) vis-à-vis de Listeria monocytogenes, Staphilococcus aureus et Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Un effet anti-biofilm a également été mis en évidence vis-à-vis de Staphilococcus aureus.En parallèle des homopolymères d’ammonium quaternaire et des copolymères obtenus en incorporant les monomères bioactifs ont été synthétisés. Les propriétés antibactériennes sont testées en milieu planctonique vis-à-vis de Bacillus subtilis. Un degré de polymérisation égal à 78 et les groupements halogénoalcane : iodométhane ou bromoéthane permettent l’obtention de la concentration minimale inhibitrice la plus faible. La présence des monomères bioactifs permettent la diminution de la concentration minimale inhibitrice. Le résultat le plus intéressant est obtenu lors de l’incorporation d’un pourcent de N-(4-hydroxy-3-méthoxy-benzyl)-acrylamide. / Bio-contamination of surfaces and related risks are very important economically and for public health. To prevent this phenomenon, one solution is to modify the properties of the surfaces, in order to give them the wanted functionalities. The goal of this study is the modification of metallic surfaces (steel) or polymer surfaces: poly(ethylene terephtalate) with glycomonomers or bioactives monomers. To reach this objective, a multi-step strategy is applied.The first step enabled the incorporation of reactive species on the surfaces by an acid treatment followed by a reaction with dopamine, or by ammonia plasma treatment. Hydroxyl or amine functional groups are added. Then, an initiator of atom transfer radical polymerization is grafted on surfaces. Monomers are synthesized and conventional polymerization and atom transfer radical polymerization are studied. Optimal conditions are determined and polymerization on surfaces achieved. The last step is the study of the microbiological properties of the synthesized surfaces.Protected and unprotected galactose glycopolymers as well as gaiacyl methacrylate and thymyl methacrylate have been synthesized. Monomers have been polymerized by atom transfer radical polymerization directly to the steel or poly(ethylene therephtalate) surfaces. After each step, materials are analyzed by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry.Steel surfaces which are functionalized by a glycopolymer and tested in presence of Bacillus subtilis are found to have antiadhesive properties. A most important effect is observed with the unprotected glycopolymer. Poly(ethylene terephtalate) surfaces have antiadhesive properties in presence of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphilococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa when poly(thymyl methacrylate) is grafted. An antibiofilm effect is observed with Staphilococcus aureus.Simultaneously, quaternary ammonium homopolymers and copolymers by integration of bioactive monomers have been obtained. Their antibacterial properties are tested in planctonik conditions in presence of Bacillus subtilis. A degree of polymerization equal to 78 and alkyl halide groups: iodomethane and bromoethane enabled to obtain the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration. Bioactive monomers contributed to emphasize this decrease. The most decreasing effect is obtained when one per cent of N-(4-hydroxy-3-méthoxy-benzyl)-acrylamide is integrated.

Efeitos da exposição crônica à poluição atmosférica urbana sobre a receptividade uterina: estudo morfo-funcional do remodelamento celular do endométrio e expressão de fatores envolvidos na preparação para implantação embrionária / Effects of chronic exposure to urban ambient air pollution on uterine receptivity: morphofunctional study of the cellular remodeling of the endometrium and on the expression of factor involved in embryo implantation

Castro, Karla Ribeiro de 02 August 2013 (has links)
Evidências epidemiológicas associam diferentes fatores ambientais, tais como poluição e ingestão de alimentos contaminados, com desfechos gestacionais negativos e fertilidade diminuída em humanos. Não há duvidas de que a poluição do ar nos grandes centros urbanos é capaz de provocar desfechos negativos sobre a gestação: baixo peso ao nascer, prematuridade, perda gestacional, entre outros. Entretanto, poucos estudos foram conduzidos para avaliar um possível efeito da exposição à poluição ambiental particulada do ar sobre a saúde reprodutiva feminina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a exposição subcrônica a poluição atmosférica particulada da cidade de São Paulo é capaz de alterar a receptividade uterina à implantação embrionária. Para tanto, foram avaliados 3 grupos de fêmeas de camundongos (n=10), expostas cronicamente desde o período de desmame (PND21) até atingirem a idade reprodutiva (PND60) à duas concentrações de MP2,5 (600?g/m3 ou 1200ug/m3) ou ar filtrado. Diferentes parâmetros relacionados à fertilidade e a receptividade uterina foram avaliados. Nossos achados mostram que a exposição ao material particulado de origem veicular provoca alterações na ciclicidade estral prévia ao acasalamento, bem como um aumento no peso dos ovários. Avaliação da reserva folicular indica que há um aumento na quantidade de folículos médios associado à exposição a menor concentração de MP (p=0,04). A avaliação histopatológica do tecido uterino revelou que há aumentos na fração de volume das glândulas uterinas (600ug/m3; p=0,01); o epitélio glandular (p=0,001) e luminal (p=0,03) estão espessados e o diâmetro médio das glândulas uterinas foi maior nos grupos expostos ao MP (p=0,004). A análise qualitativa da distribuição de pinopódios no epitélio luminal por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão indica que há uma redução na presença destas estruturas. A avaliação da expressão de LIF por imunomarcação mostrou-se reduzida no epitélio luminal (p<0,001), nas glândulas (p<0,001) e estroma (p=0,004) nas fêmeas expostas ao MP, porém nenhuma diferença foi observada na expressão de MUC-1 (mucina). Entretanto quando avaliadas a expressão gênica de MUC-1 e LIF no tecido uterino e os níveis de IL-1beta e IL-6 no fluído uterino nenhuma diferença foi observada entre os grupos. Com base em nossos achados conclui-se que a exposição à poluição particulada do ar de origem veicular pode estar envolvida no aumento das perdas gestacionais e/ou implantacionais pelo comprometimento da receptividade uterina provavelmente pelo prejuízo do remodelamento uterino necessário a implantação / Epidemiological evidences have shown that environmental factors, such as environmental pollution and ingestion of contaminated food, are associated with negative gestational outcomes and decreased fertility in human. There is no doubt that exposure to air pollution in large urban areas are capable of impairing health (e.g. hypertension) and of aggravating preexisting diseases (e.g asthma). However, the effects of air pollution exposures on female reproductive health are lesser known. Previous experimental studies have shown that low birth weights are reduced and embryonic implantational index are reduced in animals exposed to ambient levels of air pollution. The aim of this study was to evaluate if sub chronic exposures to particulate air pollution before pregnancy and during the initial stages is capable to alter the uterine receptivity of mice. To test this, 3 groups of female mice were continually exposed from 21st to 60th postnatal day to either filtered or two different doses of concentrated ambient particles (MP2,5 - 600ug/m3 or 1200ug/m3) with the aid of a Ambient Particle Concentrator and different parameters associated with fertility and uterine receptivity were evaluated. Or data have shown that exposures to particulate air pollution from vehicular origin are associated to changes in estrous ciclicity, cycles are shorter and the number of days in estrous reduced. Evaluation of the follicular reserve also indicates that animals exposed to MP present an increased number of ovarian medium follicles (p=0.04). Histopathological evaluation of the uterine tissue revealed increases in the volume fraction of uterine glands (p= 0.01) of those animals exposed to 600ug/m3. The luminal (p= 0.03) and glandular epithelium (p= 0,001) are thicker and the uterine glands diameters (p=0,004) were greater in exposed animals. Qualitative analysis by transmission and scanning electron microscopy indicates that there is a reduction in the presence of pinopódios in the luminal epithelium of PM exposed females. The expressions of LIF assessed by immunohistochemistry in those females exposed to PM were reduced in the luminal epithelium (p<0,001), and in the glandular (p<0,001) and stromal compartments as well. However no differences in the expression of MUC-1 were seen. Gene expression of LIF and MUC-1 in the whole endometrium (qPCR) and the expression of IL-6 and IL-1beta in the uterine fluid did not show significant difference between the groups tested. In conclusion, our data have shown that exposures to ambient air particulate pollution can be associated with increased rates of implantational losses due to changes in the uterine receptivity related to factors involved in uterine remodeling for pregnancy

Efeitos do treinamento de força e do treinamento de força com instabilidade sobre os sintomas, funcionalidade, adaptações neuromusculares e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com doença de parkinson: estudo controlado e randomizado / Effects of strength training and strength training with instability on the symptoms, functionality, neuromuscular adaptations, and the quality of life of patients with parkinson\'s disease: a randomized controlled trial

Carla da Silva Batista 10 March 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar os efeitos de 12 semanas do treinamento de força (TF) com o treinamento de força com instabilidade (TFI) nos desfechos clínicos, na capacidade de produção de força muscular, nos mecanismos inibitórios espinhais e no volume total de treinamento (VTT) de indivíduos entre os estágios 2 e 3 da doença de Parkinson (DP). Para tanto, 39 indivíduos (testados e treinados no estado \"on\" da medicação) atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram randomizados em três grupos: grupo controle nenhum exercício (GC), grupo TF (GTF) e grupo TFI (GTFI). O GTF e o GTFI realizaram 12 semanas de TF orientado à hipertrofia, duas vezes por semana, em dias não consecutivos. Apenas o GTFI adicionou acessórios de instabilidade (e.g., BOSU®) ao TF que progrediram dos menos para os mais instáveis. Antes e após as 12 semanas foram avaliados os seguintes desfechos: a) clínicos - mobilidade (desfecho primário), sintomas motores, comprometimento cognitivo, medo de cair, equilíbrio, desempenho da marcha (distância, cadência e velocidade) em condições de dupla tarefa e qualidade de vida; b) capacidade de produção de força muscular - raiz quadrada média (RMS), mean spike frequency (MSF) e retardo eletromecânico (REM) dos músculos vasto lateral, vasto medial e gastrocnêmio medial; pico de torque, taxa de desenvolvimento de torque (TDT) e tempo de meio relaxamento (TMR) dos músculos extensores do joelho e flexores plantares; uma repetição máxima (1RM) dos membros inferiores e área de secção transversa do músculo quadríceps femoral (ASTQ) e; c) mecanismos inibitórios espinhais - inibições pré-sináptica e recíproca do músculo sóleus. O VTT foi avaliado durante o protocolo experimental para os exercícios agachamento, flexão plantar e leg-press. Do pré ao pós-treinamento, somente o GTFI melhorou todos os desfechos clínicos (P<0,05), os desfechos da capacidade de produção de força muscular (P<0,05) com exceção do TMR dos músculos extensores de joelho (P=0.068) e melhorou os desfechos dos mecanismos inibitórios espinhais (P<0,05). Houve diferenças significantes entre o GTFI e o GC no pós-treinamento para os seguintes desfechos: mobilidade, comprometimento cognitivo, equilíbrio, desempenho na marcha em condições de dupla tarefa (distância, cadência e velocidade), RMS de todos os músculos avaliados, MSF do músculo gastrocnêmio medial, pico de torque e TDT dos flexores plantares, pico de torque dos extensores de joelho, 1RM dos membros inferiores e inibições pré-sináptica e recíproca (P<0,05). Além disso, o GTFI apresentou melhores valores do que o GTF para os seguintes desfechos: desempenho na marcha em condições de dupla tarefa (distância e velocidade), RMS do músculo vasto medial, MSF do músculo gastrocnêmio medial, TDT dos flexores plantares e inibições pré-sináptica e recíproca (P<0,05). O GTFI apresentou um menor VTT comparado ao GTF (P<0,05). Por fim, nenhum efeito adverso foi observado. Em conclusão, somente o TFI melhorou os desfechos clínicos e foi mais efetivo do que o TF em promover adaptações neuromusculares mesmo com um menor VTT. Assim, o TFI é recomendado como uma inovadora intervenção terapêutica para minimizar os declínios na mobilidade e em um amplo espectro de deficiências, sem causar efeitos adversos em indivíduos com DP / The aim of this study was to analyze and to compare the effects of 12 weeks of strength training (ST) with strength training with instability (STI) on clinical outcomes, muscle-force-production capacity, spinal inhibitory mechanisms and the total training volume (TTV) of individuals between stages 2 and 3 of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). For this, 39 individuals (assessed and trained in the clinically defined \"on\" state) met the inclusion criteria and were randomized into three groups: non-exercising control group (CG), ST group (STG) and STI group (STIG). The STG and STIG performed 12 weeks hypertrophy-oriented ST, twice a week, on non-consecutive days. Only STIG added unstable devices (e.g., BOSU®) to ST that progressed from the less to the more unstable devices. Before and after 12 weeks were assessed the following outcomes: a) clinical - mobility (primary outcome), motor symptoms, cognitive impairment, fear of falling, balance, dual-task gait performance (distance, cadence, and, velocity), and quality of life; b) muscle-force-production capacity - root mean square (RMS), mean spike frequency (MSF), and electromechanical delay (EMD) of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and gastrocnemius medialis; peak torque, rate of torque development (RTD) and half-relaxation time (HRT) of the knee-extensors and plantar flexors; one repetition maximum (1-RM) of the lower limbs and quadriceps cross sectional area (QCSA) and; c) spinal inhibitory mechanisms - presynaptic inhibition and reciprocal inhibition of the soleus muscle. The TTV for each lower limb exercise (half-squat, plantar flexion, and leg-press) was determined during the experimental protocol. From pre- to post-training, only the STIG improved all of the clinical outcomes (P <0.05), the muscle-force-production capacity outcomes (P <0.05) with exception of the HRT of the knee-extensors (P = 0.068) and, improved the spinal inhibitory mechanisms outcomes (P <0.05). There were differences between the STIG and the CG for the following outcomes: mobility, cognitive impairment, balance, dual-task gait performance (distance, cadence, and speed), RMS all of the muscles assessed, MSF of the gastrocnemius medialis, peak torque and RTD of the plantar flexor, peak torque of the knee-extensors, 1RM of the lower limbs, presynaptic inhibition, and reciprocal inhibition at post-training (P <0.05). Moreover, the STIG showed better values than the STG for the following outcomes: dual-task gait performance (distance and speed), RMS of the vastus medialis, MSF of the gastrocnemius medialis, RTD of the plantar flexors, presynaptic inhibition, and reciprocal inhibition at post-training (P <0.05). The STIG showed a lower TTV than the STG (P <0.05). Finally, no adverse effects were observed. In conclusion, only the STIG improved all of the clinical outcomes and it was more effective than the STG to promote neuromuscular adaptations even the STIG has had a lower TTV than the STG. Thus, STI is recommended as a novel therapeutic intervention to minimize declines in mobility and in a wide spectrum of impairments without causing adverse effects in individuals with PD

Vliv proteinu HBx viru hepatitidy B na aktivaci MEK1/2-ERK signalizace a inhibici IFN typu I v hepatocelulární linii Huh7 / Effect of HBV protein HBx on activation of MEK1/2 signaling and inhibition of type I IFN in hepatoma cell line Huh7

Berehovska, Olena January 2019 (has links)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the major causes of chronic and cancerous liver disease. Elimination of HBV from chronically infected patients by recombinant interferon α (IFNα) monotherapy shows that the mechanisms of the innate immunity play an important role in suppressing viral infection. However, the mechanisms of recognition of the HBV genome and its escape from the mechanisms of natural immunity are still little known. One of the principal factors enabling the virus to escape from cellular restriction mechanisms is the HBx viral protein. HBx is a 154 amino acid pleiotropic multifunctional protein affecting transcription, signal transduction, cell cycle, protein degradation, apoptosis, and chromosomal stability in the host cell. Previous results from our laboratory have shown that activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway in plasmacytoid dendritic cells leads to inhibition of IFNα production. The aim of my work was to determine whether HBx activates the MEK1/2-ERK pathway and thus inhibits IFN type I production also in hepatocytes. For this purpose, I monitored HBx production in the Huh7 hepatoma cell line by transfecting the bicistronic plasmid pHBx- IRES-EGFP and Western blotting. Using the same method, I monitored activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway by ERK...

Sensory neuronal protection &amp; improving regeneration after peripheral nerve injury

McKay Hart, Andrew January 2003 (has links)
Peripheral nerve trauma is a common cause of considerable functional morbidity, and healthcare expenditure. Particularly in the ~15% of injuries unsuitable for primary repair, standard clinical management results in inadequate sensory restitution in the majority of cases, despite the rigorous application of complex microsurgical techniques. This can largely be explained by the failure of surgical management to adequately address the neurobiological hurdles to optimal regeneration. Most significant of these is the extensive sensory neuronal death that follows injury, and which is accompanied by a reduction in the regenerative potential of axotomised neurons, and in the supportive capacity of the Schwann cell population if nerve repair is delayed. The present study aimed to accurately delineate the timecourse of neuronal death, in order to identify a therapeutic window during which clinically applicable neuroprotective strategies might be adopted. It then proceeded to investigate means to increase the regenerative capacity of chronically axotomised neurons, and to augment the Schwann cells’ ability to promote that regenerative effort. Unilateral sciatic nerve transection in the rat was the model used, initially assessing neuronal death within the L4&amp;5 dorsal root ganglia by a combination of morphology, TdT uptake nick-end labelling (TUNEL), and statistically unbiased estimation of neuronal loss using the stereological optical disector technique. Having identified 2 weeks, and 2 months post-axotomy as the most biologically relevant timepoints to study, the effect upon neuronal death of systemic treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR 10, or 50mg/kg/day) or N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC 30, or 150mg/kg/day) was determined. A model of secondary nerve repair was then adopted; either 2 or 4 months after unilateral sciatic nerve division, 1cm gap repairs were performed using either reversed isografts, or poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) conduits containing an alginate-fibronectin hydrogel. Six weeks later nerve regeneration and the Schwann cell population were quantified by digital image analysis of frozen section immunohistochemistry. Sensory neuronal death begins within 24 hours of injury, but takes 1 week to translate into significant neuronal loss. The rate of neuronal death peaks 2 weeks after injury, and neuronal loss is essentially complete by 2 months post-axotomy. Nerve repair is incompletely neuroprotective, but the earlier it is performed the greater the benefit. Two clinically safe pharmaceutical agents, ALCAR &amp; NAC, were found to virtually eliminate sensory neuronal death after peripheral nerve transection. ALCAR also enhanced nerve regeneration independently of its neuroprotective role. Plain PHB conduits were found to be technically simple to use, and supported some regeneration, but were not adequate in themselves. Leukaemia inhibitory factor enhanced nerve regeneration, though cultured autologous Schwann cells (SC’s) were somewhat more effective. Both were relatively more efficacious after a 4 month delay in nerve repair. The most profuse regeneration was found with recombinant glial growth factor (rhGGF-2) in repairs performed 2 months after axotomy, with results that were arguably better than were obtained with nerve grafts. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the result found using both rhGGF-2 and SC’s in PHB conduits 4 months after axotomy. In summary, these findings reinforce the significance of sensory neuronal death in peripheral nerve trauma, and the possibility of its` limitation by early nerve repair. Two agents for the adjuvant therapy of such injuries were identified, that can virtually eliminate neuronal death, and enhance regeneration. Elements in the creation of a bioartificial nerve conduit to replace, or surpass autologous nerve graft for secondary nerve repair are presented.

Mindreading, Language and Simulation

DeChant, Ryan C 01 August 2010 (has links)
Mindreading is the capacity to attribute psychological states to others and to use those attributions to explain, predict, and understand others’ behaviors. In the past thirty years, mindreading has become the topic of substantial interdisciplinary research and theorizing, with philosophers, psychologists and, more recently, neuroscientists, all contributing to the debate about the nature of the neuropsychological mechanisms that constitute the capacity for mindreading. In this thesis I push this debate forward by using recent results from developmental psychology as the basis for critiques of two prominent views of mindreading. First, I argue that the developmental studies provide evidence of infant mindreading and therefore expose a flaw in José Bermúdez’s view that certain forms of mindreading require language possession. Second, I argue that the evidence of infant mindreading can also be used to undermine Alvin Goldman’s version of Simulation Theory.

Implication des biofilms dans la rhinosinusite chronique et l’évaluation des traitements avec un modèle in vitro

Bendouah, Zohra 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La chronicité de la rhinosinusite, sa résistance aux antibiotiques, et ses exacerbations aiguës laissent croire que les biofilms sont impliqués dans la rhinosinusite chronique. Objectifs : Nous avons évalué la capacité des bactéries Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylocoques à coagulase négative et Staphylococcus aureus à former des biofilms par un essai in vitro, et si cette capacité de formation a un lien avec l’évolution de la maladie. Nous avons évalué in vitro l’effet de la moxifloxacine, un antibiotique utilisé dans le traitement de la rhinosinusite chronique sur des biofilms matures de Staphylococcus aureus. Méthodes : Trent et une souches bactériennes ont été isolées de 19 patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique et qui ont subit au moins une chirurgie endoscopique des sinus. L’évolution de la maladie a été notée comme "bonne" ou "mauvaise" selon l’évaluation du clinicien. La production de biofilm a été évaluée grâce à la coloration au crystal violet. Nous avons évalué la viabilité du biofilm après traitement avec la moxifloxacine. Ces résultats ont été confirmés en microscopie confocale à balayage laser et par la coloration au LIVE/DEAD BacLight. Résultat et Conclusion : Vingt deux des 31 souches ont produit un biofilm. La production d’un biofilm plus importante chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Staphylococcus aureus était associée à une mauvaise évolution. Ceci suggère un rôle du biofilm dans la pathogenèse de la rhinosinusite chronique. Le traitement avec la moxifloxacine, à une concentration de 1000X la concentration minimale inhibitrice réduit le nombre des bactéries viables de 2 à 2.5 log. Ces concentrations (100 µg/ml - 200 µg/ml) sont faciles à atteindre dans des solutions topiques. Les résultats de notre étude suggèrent que l’utilisation de concentrations supérieure à la concentration minimale inhibitrice sous forme topique peut ouvrir des voies de recherche sur de nouveaux traitements qui peuvent être bénéfiques pour les patients atteints de forme sévère de rhinosinusite chronique surtout après une chirurgie endoscopique des sinus. / Introduction: The role of biofilms in chronic diseases is increasingly recognized. Chronic rhinosinusitis, with its chronic indolent course, resistance to antibiotics, and acute exacerbations, has an evolution that parallels that of other biofilm-related diseases. Objectives: 1-To develop an in vitro method to assess the biofilm formation capacity. 2- To determine whether biofilm-forming capacity of bacteria demonstrated in chronic rhinosinusitis has an impact on persistence of the disease following endoscopic sinus surgery. 3- To determine the in vitro activity of moxifloxacin against Staphyylococcus aureus in biofilm form. Method: Thirty-one bacterial strains recovered from 19 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis at least one year post-endoscopic sinus surgery. Evolution of disease was assessed by questionnaire and endoscopy as favorable or unfavorable. The bacteria were cultured on a 96-well culture plaque and a semi-quantitative method using crystal violet to quantify biofilm production was used. Confirmation of the effect of the antimicrobial agents on viability was performed with confocal laser microscopy, using a LIVE/DEAD BacLight staining. Results: Twenty-two of 31 samples produced a biofilm thicker or equal to the positive control. Biofilm formation was associated with a poor evolution for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, but not for coagulase-negative staphylococci. Biofilm treated with moxifloxacin at 1000X (0.1mg/ml – 0.2 mg/ml) gave a 2 to 2.5 log reduction in number of viable bacteria. Conclusion: We have shown that Crystal violet method is able to detect biofilm formation. There is a correlation between in vitro biofilm production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus and unfavorable evolution after endoscopic sinus surgery, suggesting a role for biofilm in chronic rhinosinusitis. Increased concentrations of moxifloxacin, easily attainable in topical solutions have a potential role in the management of biofilm infections.

Impact du genre et du modèle sur les mécanismes d’épileptogénèse dans le cerveau immature

Foadjo Awoume, Berline 04 1900 (has links)
Les modèles kainate et pentylènetétrazole représentent deux modèles d’épilepsie du lobe temporal dont les conséquences à long terme sont différentes. Le premier est un modèle classique d’épileptogénèse avec crises récurrentes spontanées tandis que le second se limite aux crises aigües. Nous avons d’abord caractérisé les différents changements survenant dans les circuits excitateurs et inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe adulte de rats ayant subi des crises à l’âge immature. Ensuite, ayant observé dans le modèle fébrile une différence du pronostic lié au genre, nous avons voulu savoir si cette différence était aussi présente dans des modèles utilisant des neurotoxines. L’étude électrophysiologique a démontré que les rats KA et PTZ, mâles comme femelles, présentaient une hyperactivité des récepteurs NMDA au niveau des cellules pyramidales du CA1, CA3 et DG. Les modifications anatomiques sous-tendant cette hyperexcitabilité ont été étudiées et les résultats ont montré une perte sélective des interneurones GABAergiques contenant la parvalbumine dans les couches O/A du CA1 des mâles KA et PTZ. Chez les femelles, seul le DG était légèrement affecté pour les PTZ tandis que les KA présentaient, en plus du DG, des pertes importantes au niveau de la couche O/A. Les évaluations cognitives ont démontré que seuls les rats PTZ accusaient un déficit spatial puisque les rats KA présentaient un apprentissage comparable aux rats normaux. Cependant, encore une fois, cette différence n’était présente que chez les mâles. Ainsi, nos résultats confirment qu’il y a des différences liées au genre dans les conséquences des convulsions lorsqu’elles surviennent chez l’animal immature. / Kainate and pentylenetetrazole models represent two animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy in which long-term consequences differ. The first model is a classical model of epileptogenesis with spontaneous recurrent seizures while the second one is limited to acute seizures. We wanted to characterize the difference in changes which occur in excitatory and inhibitory systems of the hippocampus of adult males and females having suffered an episode of status epilepticus during the immature stage of life. Besides having noticed a difference between genders in the febrile model, our second objective was to see if this difference was also present in models using neurotoxins. Electrophysiology recordings indicated that KA and PTZ rats (both male and female) showed a hyperactivity of NMDA receptors in CA1, CA3 and DG pyramidal cells. Anatomical modifications causing hyperactivity were studied and results show a selective loss of specific GABA interneurons PV in the O/A layer of CA1 region of the hippocampus in KA and PTZ male rats. However in female rats, only the DG layer was slightly affected in PTZ while female KA presented losses in both DG and O/A layers. Cognitive evaluation indicated that only PTZ rats showed a spatial impairment since KA rats had a similar learning pattern as controls. However, once again, that difference was observed only in males and not in females. In summary, our results confirmed that there is a difference between genders regarding brain damages after having suffered an episode of status epilepticus during the immature stage.

Rôle des récepteurs glutamatergiques dans l'activité épileptiforme des interneurones inhibiteurs de l'hippocampe

Sanon, Nathalie T. 12 1900 (has links)
Les patients atteints d'épilepsie du lobe temporal (TLE) ainsi que les rats injectés à l'acide kaïnique (KA) exhibent des patrons pathophysiologiques similaires de crises, de sclérose de l'hippocampe et de perte de certains types neuronaux. Parmi les cellules atteintes dans le modèle KA du TLE on retrouve certains interneurones inhibiteurs du CA1. En effet, certains interneurones des couches oriens et alveus (O/A-IN) meurent suite à une injection de KA chez le rat, contrairement aux interneurones à la bordure des couches radiatum et lacunosum/moleculare (R/LM-IN) de la même région. Bien que cette perte soit empêchée par des antagonistes des récepteurs glutamatergiques métabotropes de groupe I (mGluR1/5), la cause de cette perte sélective des O/A-INs reste à être précisée. Au cours des travaux de cette thèse, nous avons effectué des enregistrements de patch-clamp en configuration cellule-entière en modes courant- et voltage-imposé couplés à l'imagerie calcique pour étudier les causes de la vulnérabilité sélective des O/A-INs dans ce modèle. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué les effets d'une application aiguë de KA sur les propriétés membranaires et calciques pour voir s'il y avait des différences entre les O/A-INs et R/LM-INs qui pourraient expliquer la vulnérabilité. Nos résultats montrent que les dépolarisations et variations de résistance d'entrée ainsi que les augmentations de calcium intracellulaire, dépendantes principalement des récepteurs -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasole propionic acid (AMPA), sont similaires entre les deux types d'interneurones suite à des applications aigües de KA. Ceci indique que l'effet aigu du KA sur les interneurones ne serait pas la cause de la vulnérabilité des O/A-INs. Dans un second temps nous avons comparé l'implication des sous-types de récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 dans l'activité épileptiforme des deux types d'interneurones évoquée dans un modèle de tranche désinhibée. Dans ce cas, nos données montrent un rôle important des mGluR1 et 5 activés synaptiquement lors des décharges épileptiformes et ce, de manière spécifique aux O/A-INs. Les courants synaptiques sous-tendant ces décharges impliquent des récepteurs ionotropes et métabotropes du glutamate. En présence d'antagonistes des récepteurs ionotropes glutamatergiques, les courants synaptiques sont biphasiques et formés de composantes rapide et lente. Les récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 sont différemment impliqués dans ces composantes: les mGluR5 étant impliqués dans les composantes rapide et lente, et les mGluR1 que dans la composante lente. Ces résultats indiquent que les mGluR1 et 5 contribuent différemment à l'activité épileptiforme, et spécifiquement dans les O/A-INs, et pourraient donc être impliqués dans la vulnérabilité sélective de ces interneurones dans le modèle KA. / Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients, as well as kainic acid (KA)-treated rodents, display similar pathophysiological patterns of behavioural seizures, hippocampal sclerosis and loss of certain neuronal types in the hippocampus. Among the cell types selectively vulnerable in the experimental KA model of TLE are certain inhibitory interneurons of the CA1 hippocampal region. Specifically, interneurons located in the oriens and alveus layers (O/A-IN) are lost following KA injections, whereas interneurons found in the radiatum/lacunosum-moleculare layers (R/LM-IN) are resistant. Although it has been shown that the group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1/5) inhibitors can block this cell loss seen in the KA model, the precise cause of the selective O/A-IN vulnerability remains to be clarified. In this thesis, we have performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings with simultaneous calcium imaging in an effort to elucidate the cause of the selective vulnerability of O/A-INs. We first determined the effects of acute KA applications on membrane properties and intracellular calcium rises in hippocampal slices to see if they might be different between O/A-INs and R/LM-INs. Our results reveal similar -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor dependent membrane depolarizations, input resistance variations and calcium reponses in these cells following KA applications, suggesting that acute KA actions may not cause the selective vulnerability of O/A-INs. Furthermore, we evaluated the contribution of mGluR1/5 to epileptiform discharges evoked in a disinhibited slice model, comparing responses between O/A-INs and R/LM-INs. Our data show an important role of synaptically activated mGluR1/5 during epileptiform discharges specifically in O/A-INs. In addition we show that the synaptic currents underlying these discharges involve ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors. In the presence of antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors, synaptic currents are biphasic and composed of fast and slow components. mGluR1 and mGluR5 are involved differently in these components with mGluR5 implicated in fast and slow components and mGluR1 in the slow component only. Our findings therefore suggest that mGluR1 and 5 contribute differently to epileptiform discharges, and do so specifically in O/A-INs, suggesting that their activation may contribute to the selective vulnerability of these interneurons in the KA model of TLE.

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