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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maya/Mam spirituality in “El Redentor” United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee

De la Cruz Cutimanco, Goyo 22 May 2017 (has links)
This project presents an historical and sociological vision of indigenous Maya/Mam spirituality. The historical damage caused by the European invasion continues as modern exploitation that is causing a mass exodus towards the north. The project describes the survival of the Maya/Mam now living in the Metro District of The United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and attempting to combine their new Christian faith with their ancestral spirituality preserved for more than 500 years. To include the generation of indigenous people born in the Diaspora takes transformative leadership. Key words: indigenous, Maya/Mam, spirituality, leadership.

Coastal gentrification : the coastification of St Leonards-on-Sea

Shah, Preena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis advances knowledge of the diverse spatialities of gentrification by examining processes of change in coastal towns, drawing upon the case-study location of St Leonards-on-Sea, in the South East of England. Based on rich, empirical findings from semi-structured interviews, content analyses of local media sources, 2001 census data, and a household survey of 173 respondents, it is shown that processes of gentrification are unfolding in St Leonards. The findings suggest that it is beneficial to distinguish between coastal gentrification, and urban/rural gentrification. To emphasise this point, it is argued that there is merit in utilising the term coastification , in order to conceptualise the socio-cultural and economic transformations tied to in-migrants seeking the coastal idyll . The thesis disrupts some dominant theorisations of contemporary gentrification, identifying the presence of pioneer gentrifiers in a coastal town setting. It is contended that simply transferring the representations of urban gentrification to other socio-spatial locations along the urban-rural hierarchy is not a straightforward process. Therefore, gentrification-based regeneration policies should not be transferred in taken-for-granted ways from one location to another. A representation of coastification allows for a fuller appreciation of the effects of gentrification on coastal regeneration policies.

Expresiones culturales transnacionales de la Diáspora: los judíos italianos en Argentina y Uruguay durante y después del período fascista

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: After the implementation of the racial laws sanctioned by Mussolini in 1938, many Italians Jews looked for safe haven in Argentina and Uruguay. This research study aims to investigate the transnational cultural space that emerges as result of the Italian Jewish diaspora to the La Plata River during fascism. This phenomenon has not been fully addressed by contemporary Jewish Latin American Studies conducted in the US and in Latin America. This study attempts to illustrate how this particular diaspora is closely linked to the specific nature of the host countries, in particular, to the fact that these are countries with a strong immigration tradition and with a significant representation of Italians. This research emphasizes the transnational dimension of the experience, the phenomenon is approached from a regional perspective, encompassing two countries that share common cultural and historical roots, Argentina and Uruguay. The study is also rooted in a global perspective, linking the region with Italy in the context of the Europe of the time. On this basis, the study is guided by the following main assumption: The specific Italian diaspora generated original spaces of transnational cultural production that had an impact in the River Plate region and in Italy. This is done by studying some of the cultural manifestations of this multifaceted experience. This work is theoretically guided by an integration of perspectives emerging from cosmopolitanism, diasporic criticism and Bakhtinian dialogism. More specifically, when studying autobiographical texts, the research focused on critical essays on life narratives in general and on studies linking this discursive typology to the narratives of the Shoah, including the human capacity for resilience and adaptation in the face of adversity and trauma. The diaspora has created a prolific and unique body of transnational cultural expressions and, moreover, this particular diaspora has proved to be closely linked to the specific nature of the host countries. The findings make contributions to the field of Jewish Latin American Studies and Transatlantic Studies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2015

Managing Interorganizational Networks: Leadership, Paradox and Power. Cases from the U.S. Inmigration Sector

Saz Carranza, Angel 22 January 2007 (has links)
Aquest estudi qualitatiu empíric de quatre xarxes d'organitzacions no lucratives que promouen els drets dels immigrants als EUA vol contribuir a la bibliografia sobre gestió de xarxes centrant-se en dues tensions paradoxals inherents a la xarxa: unitat/diversitat i cooperació/confrontació. Així mateix, identifica quatre activitats fonamentals, activating, facilitating, framing, capacitating, com a fonts per generar unitat i mantenir la diversitat interna de la xarxa. Aquesta unitat i diversitat mencionades proporcionen poder a les xarxes, el qual es conceptualitza com a "power to" i té quatre bases principals: coneixement, recursos financers, legitimitat i accés. A més a més, l'estudi mostra que les xarxes utilitzen aquest poder, que elles mateixes han generat i a les quals es destina, juntament amb dues activitats més strategyzing, mobilizing per cooperar amb els actors estatals més poderosos i, al mateix temps, enfrontar-s'hi. Aquesta investigació, que utilitza com a eix principal les tensions paradoxals inherents a les xarxes, desenvolupa la bibliografia sobre gestió de xarxes, especialment sobre el lideratge i el poder de la xarxa, i té com a objectiu proporcionar als professionals reflexius un marc conceptual de referència. / Este estudio cualitativo empírico de cuatro redes de organizaciones no lucrativas que promueven los derechos de los inmigrantes en los EE. UU. pretende contribuir a la literatura de la gestión de redes centrándose en dos tensiones paradójicas inherentes a la red: unidad/diversidad y cooperación/confrontación. El estudio identifica cuatro actividades fundamentales, activating, facilitating, framing, capacitating, como fuentes para generar unidad y mantener la diversidad interna en la red. Dicha unidad y diversidad dan poder a las redes, conceptualizado como "power to", y que tiene, principalmente, cuatro bases de poder: conocimiento, recursos financieros, legitimidad y acceso. El estudio, además, muestra que las redes utilizan este poder generado por y para ellas, junto con dos otras actividades strategyzing, mobilizing para cooperar y enfrentarse a actores estatales mucho más poderosos. Usando las tensiones paradójicas inherentes a las redes como foco principal, esta investigación desarrolla la literatura sobre gestión de redes, en particular sobre el liderazgo y el poder de la red, y pretende proveer a los profesionales reflexivos de un marco conceptual de referencia. / This empirical qualitative study  of four interorganizational non-profit networks promoting immigrant rights in the US  contributes to the interorganizational network management literature by focusing on the management of two inherent paradoxical tensions: unity/diversity and cooperation/confrontation. Four leadership activities  activating, facilitating, framing, and capacitating  are found to generate unity and maintain diversity. Unity and diversity, together, build the networks' power: conceptualized as "power to" and as four power bases, namely, knowledge, financial resources, legitimacy, and access. In turn, the networks' power together with two other leadership activities  strategizing and mobilizing  is found to be used by the immigration non-profit networks to both cooperate with and confront powerful state actors. By using paradoxical tensions inherent to networks as its focus, this research further develops both the network leadership and network power literatures, and also aims at providing reflexive practitioners with a guiding conceptual framework.

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