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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovative management of management innovation (IMMI)

Chaniadi, Frengky January 2014 (has links)
The rapid convergence of collaborative technologies, democratisation of digital communication and consumerisation of Smart Grid infrastructure (i.e.: smart metering and distribution substation automation) have faltered the efficacy of centralised command-and-control and its insular sub-culture. For complex firms in today's creative economy, this infers that management innovation (MI)—“an induced managerial capacity to search for novel ways to create value”, is rapidly becoming liabilities unless it is innovatively managed for overcoming the inertia of discontinuity opportunities. The raison d'être of this thesis is to investigate the generative managerial processes through which MI can be fostered for experimentation and innovatively managed for acceleration. It comprises four qualitative case studies that involved in-depth interviews, surveys, public records and archival documentaries of four Canadian energy and utilities organisations. The conclusions are fascinating both expected and unanticipated. I found that many, if not most, of the contemporaneous routines of pyramidal target-setting and benchmark-driven cultures are ubiquitously evident. Business planning and risk management still function, albeit the objects of those tenets are different. These quasi-objects include, but are not limited to, organic structures, web-enabled paradigm, pragmatic mindset of middle-down-up crowdsourcing and fragmented evaluation of efforts to evoke the innovative management of management innovation (IMMI). Further adjacent to the quest for driving renewed growth, a new governing dynamic is hinging upon the IMMI that forges a pattern for resiliency and sustainability. Managers capitalise on the epistemic IMMI to regain competitive advantage while enduring endogenous fiefdoms and exogenous disruptions. They catalyse information semantically, harness collective capability effectively, stage prolifically faster MI experimentations and accelerate the cycle of MI more pervasively. I henceforth propose a unified managerial process, dubbed the "Cloverleaf 4S Model" (Strategise—Synchronise—Steward—Sustain). Implicit in this approach, managers believe that their finely-tailored practices epitomise an evolutionary process of deliberate selection in the pursuit for distinctive MI capabilities and expanding authority dynamics in the managership. This allows for self-adaptive mechanisms shifting from silos to swarming as well as the indigenous aspects of IMMI practices—exaptation, cognitive flexibility, speed to adaptation and executional excellence. The implication of this study presents heuristical insights to managers in galvanising perennial innovation and unlocking their IMMI to build an agile, intelligent enterprise.

Idea Mining: Wissensmanagement und Text Mining im Innovationsprozess

Schieber, Andreas, Kruse, Paul 17 April 2014 (has links)
Motiviert durch den Erfolg des Web 2.0 und Social Media in vielen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens und der damit verbundenen Open-Innovation-Bewegung, die Kunden aktiv in den Innovationsprozess einbezieht, schlägt dieser Beitrag eine Integration von Wissensmanagement und Text Mining zur Verbesserung dieses Innovationsprozesses vor. Durch den beschriebenen Ansatz werden Kunden nicht nur motiviert, ihre Ideen und Bedürfnisse auf webbasierten Kommunikationsplattformen preiszugeben, sondern die entstehenden, textbasierten Daten können automatisiert ausgewertet und zur zielgerichteten und zeitnahen Weiterentwicklung der Produkte eingesetzt werden. Anhand zweier Anwendungsszenarien aus der Praxis werden das resultierende Prozessmodell dargestellt und dessen Potenziale veranschaulicht.:1 Einführung 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Forschungsziel 2 Beiträge im Forschungsfeld 3 Kundenorientierte Innovation 3.1 Der Innovationsprozess 3.2 Herausforderungen der Kundenintegration 4 Wissensmanagement 4.1 Anwendungspotenziale im Web 2.0 4.2 Anwendungspotenziale bei der Ideenfindung 5 Text Mining 5.1 Zielstellung und Datenquellen 5.2 Datenvorverarbeitung 5.3 Text-Mining-Verfahren und Anwendung 6 Der erweiterte Innovationsprozess 6.1 Integriertes Prozessmodell 6.2 Anwendungsszenarien 6.2.1 Dell’s IdeaStorm 6.2.2 My Starbucks Idea 7 Fazit und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis

A framework for exploiting electronic documentation in support of innovation processes

Uys, J. W. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The crucial role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage is widely recognised in industry today. Likewise, the importance of having the required information accessible to the right employees at the right time is well-appreciated. More specifically, the dependency of effective, efficient innovation processes on the availability of information has been pointed out in literature. A great challenge is countering the effects of the information overload phenomenon in organisations in order for employees to find the information appropriate to their needs without having to wade through excessively large quantities of information to do so. The initial stages of the innovation process, which are characterised by free association, semi-formal activities, conceptualisation, and experimentation, have already been identified as a key focus area for improving the effectiveness of the entire innovation process. The dependency on information during these early stages of the innovation process is especially high. Any organisation requires a strategy for innovation, a number of well-defined, implemented processes and measures to be able to innovate in an effective and efficient manner and to drive its innovation endeavours. In addition, the organisation requires certain enablers to support its innovation efforts which include certain core competencies, technologies and knowledge. Most importantly for this research, enablers are required to more effectively manage and utilise innovation-related information. Information residing inside and outside the boundaries of the organisation is required to feed the innovation process. The specific sources of such information are numerous. Such information may further be structured or unstructured in nature. However, an ever-increasing ratio of available innovation-related information is of the unstructured type. Examples include the textual content of reports, books, e-mail messages and web pages. This research explores the innovation landscape and typical sources of innovation-related information. In addition, it explores the landscape of text analytical approaches and techniques in search of ways to more effectively and efficiently deal with unstructured, textual information. A framework that can be used to provide a unified, dynamic view of an organisation‟s innovation-related information, both structured and unstructured, is presented. Once implemented, this framework will constitute an innovation-focused knowledge base that will organise and make accessible such innovation-related information to the stakeholders of the innovation process. Two novel, complementary text analytical techniques, Latent Dirichlet Allocation and the Concept-Topic Model, were identified for application with the framework. The potential value of these techniques as part of the information systems that would embody the framework is illustrated. The resulting knowledge base would cause a quantum leap in the accessibility of information and may significantly improve the way innovation is done and managed in the target organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van innovasie vir die daarstel van „n volhoubare mededingende voordeel word tans wyd erken in baie sektore van die bedryf. Ook die belangrikheid van die toeganklikmaking van relevante inligting aan werknemers op die geskikte tyd, word vandag terdeë besef. Die afhanklikheid van effektiewe, doeltreffende innovasieprosesse op die beskikbaarheid van inligting word deurlopend beklemtoon in die navorsingsliteratuur. „n Groot uitdaging tans is om die oorsake en impak van die inligtingsoorvloedverskynsel in ondernemings te bestry ten einde werknemers in staat te stel om inligting te vind wat voldoen aan hul behoeftes sonder om in die proses deur oormatige groot hoeveelhede inligting te sif. Die aanvanklike stappe van die innovasieproses, gekenmerk deur vrye assosiasie, semi-formele aktiwiteite, konseptualisering en eksperimentasie, is reeds geïdentifiseer as sleutelareas vir die verbetering van die effektiwiteit van die innovasieproses in sy geheel. Die afhanklikheid van hierdie deel van die innovasieproses op inligting is besonder hoog. Om op „n doeltreffende en optimale wyse te innoveer, benodig elke onderneming „n strategie vir innovasie sowel as „n aantal goed gedefinieerde, ontplooide prosesse en metingskriteria om die innovasieaktiwiteite van die onderneming te dryf. Bykomend benodig ondernemings sekere innovasie-ondersteuningsmeganismes wat bepaalde sleutelaanlegde, -tegnologiëe en kennis insluit. Kern tot hierdie navorsing, benodig organisasies ook ondersteuningsmeganismes om hul in staat te stel om meer doeltreffend innovasie-verwante inligting te bestuur en te gebruik. Inligting, gehuisves beide binne en buite die grense van die onderneming, word benodig om die innovasieproses te voer. Die bronne van sulke inligting is veeltallig en hierdie inligting mag gestruktureerd of ongestruktureerd van aard wees. „n Toenemende persentasie van innovasieverwante inligting is egter van die ongestruktureerde tipe, byvoorbeeld die inligting vervat in die tekstuele inhoud van verslae, boeke, e-posboodskappe en webbladsye. In hierdie navorsing word die innovasielandskap asook tipiese bronne van innovasie-verwante inligting verken. Verder word die landskap van teksanalitiese benaderings en -tegnieke ondersoek ten einde maniere te vind om meer doeltreffend en optimaal met ongestruktureerde, tekstuele inligting om te gaan. „n Raamwerk wat aangewend kan word om „n verenigde, dinamiese voorstelling van „n onderneming se innovasieverwante inligting, beide gestruktureerd en ongestruktureerd, te skep word voorgestel. Na afloop van implementasie sal hierdie raamwerk die innovasieverwante inligting van die onderneming organiseer en meer toeganklik maak vir die deelnemers van die innovasieproses. Daar word verslag gelewer oor die aanwending van twee nuwerwetse, komplementêre teksanalitiese tegnieke tot aanvulling van die raamwerk. Voorts word die potensiele waarde van hierdie tegnieke as deel van die inligtingstelsels wat die raamwerk realiseer, verder uitgewys en geillustreer.

Desagregação do modo de entrada : internacionalização da cadeia global de valor das empresas exportadoras / Disaggregation of the mode of entry: internationalization of the global value chain of exporting companies

Marinho, Ana Paula Lopes 12 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-05-30T16:17:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Lopes Marinho_SEM CORREÇÃO.pdf: 1214456 bytes, checksum: d293fc6403b539cac1bc495ed4a5cdd7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-05-30T16:17:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Lopes Marinho_SEM CORREÇÃO.pdf: 1214456 bytes, checksum: d293fc6403b539cac1bc495ed4a5cdd7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-05-30T17:50:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Lopes Marinho_SEM CORREÇÃO.pdf: 1214456 bytes, checksum: d293fc6403b539cac1bc495ed4a5cdd7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-30T18:05:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Lopes Marinho_SEM CORREÇÃO.pdf: 1214456 bytes, checksum: d293fc6403b539cac1bc495ed4a5cdd7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-12 / This research deals with one of the theoretical approaches to international business to demonstrate how exporters are behaving in the foreign market. The main challenge of this study was to investigate the implementation of its new product development activities in other countries to see if part of the process can assume global configuration from the strategic combination of entry mode. The theories that were relevant to this empirical study highlight the theoretical advances on (1) the internationalization of the company's operations (Hymer, 1960; Vernon, 1966; Williamson 1971, 1975; Buckley & Casson 1976; Johanson & Vahlne 1977; Barter & Hesterly, 2008), which can be used to determine the value chain in the development of technology (Porter, 1990; Roter & Norman, 1990; Wen-Cheng et al., 2011; Casson et al., 2016) and (3) innovation and the evolution of models of innovation systems (Cooper, 1990, 2006, Von Zedtwitz, Birkinshaw, 2007; Keegan, 1997; Wheelwright & Clark, 1992a). The theoretical reference was selected with the purpose of combining the consistent aspects between them and integrating the approaches to the explanation of the phenomenon under analysis. The hypothesis considered is that the stages of conceptualization, development and testing of exporters' products can be carried out globally in a disaggregated way and not only in the local market. The type of the research is exploratory, quantitative approach, using the survey method. The results of this investigation showed that different mechanisms of interaction at different borders are enabling exporters to develop new product development practices in the exterior in a disaggregated way. Therefore, our main contribution is to present new theoretical perspectives that even the company classified as an exporter, that is, a beginner in the international market, can have advanced levels of internationalization in one of the stages of the value chain, in opposition to the literature of internationalization that defends the gradual entry into international markets. The study may contribute to the managers of the organizations to explore new product development activities in a decentralized way abroad. / Esta pesquisa trata uma das abordagens teóricas de negócios internacionais para demonstrar como as exportadoras estão se comportando no mercado externo. O principal desafio deste estudo foi investigar a execução de suas atividades de desenvolvimento de novos produtos em outros países para verificar se parte do processo podem assumir configuração global a partir da combinação estratégicas de modo de entrada. As teorias que se mostraram relevantes para este estudo empírico ressaltam os avanços teóricos sobre (1) internacionalização das operações da empresa (Hymer, 1960; Vernon, 1966; Williamson, 1971, 1975; Buckley & Casson, 1976; Johanson &Vahlne, 1977; 1990; Rugman, 1980; Dunning, 1981; Porter, 1990; Knight & Cavusgil, 2015), (2) cadeia de valor com ênfase em desenvolvimento de tecnologia (Porter 1986, 1990; Rozhan & Norman, 2011; Barney & Hesterly, 2008; 1990; Wen-Cheng et al., 2011; Casson et al., 2016) e (3) inovação e a evolução dos modelos dos sistemas de inovação (Cooper, 1990; 2006; Von Zedtwitz, 2015; Chesbrough, 2007, Hansen & Birkinshaw, 2007; Keegan, 1997; Wheelwright & Clark, 1992ª). O referencial teórico foi selecionado com o propósito de combinar os aspectos consistentes entre si e integrar as abordagens à explicação do fenômeno em análise. A hipótese considerada é de que as etapas de conceitualização, desenvolvimento e testes do produto das exportadoras podem ser realizadas globalmente de forma desagregada e não apenas no mercado local. O tipo da pesquisa é exploratória, abordagem quantitativa, utilizando-se o método survey. Os resultados desta investigação mostraram que diferentes mecanismos de interação em diferentes fronteiras estão possibilitando que as exportadoras realizemno exterior práticas de desenvolvimento de novos produtos de forma desagregada. Logo, nossa principal contribuição é apresentar novas perspectivas teóricas de que mesmo a empresa classificada como exportadora, ou seja, iniciante no mercado internacional, podem ter níveis avançados de internacionalização em uma das etapas da cadeia de valor, contrapondo a literatura de internacionalização que defende a entrada de forma gradual em mercados internacionais. O estudo pode contribuir com os gestores das organizações a explorarem no exterior as atividades de desenvolvimento de novos produtos de forma descentralizada.

Inovační řízení ve vybrané organizaci / Innovation Management in the Chosen Organization

UHLÍŘ, Ladislav January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Innovation Management in the Chosen Organization. The aim of this work was to evaluate the actual state of innovation management, to identify possible weaknesses of this and to propose changes which can improve the present state. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part there is a literary review of term connected with the topic of the thesis. There are descriptions of the terms like innovation, innovation management or innovation process. The practical part begins with the introduction of chosen organization. Then there is described a current state of innovation management in detail. The analysis of actual state of innovation management is based mainly on information obtained in interviews with the director of company and other staff. After that part, there are given some recommendations to improve current situation.

宜蘭縣國民小學校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Servant Leadership, School Internal Marketing, and School’s Innovation For Management in Elementary Schools of Yilan County

諶志銘, Chen, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣國民小學教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營之現況,比較不同背景變項之國小教師在三個變項間之差異情形,並探討國小教師在知覺三個變項間的關係,並進而分析國小教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷對學校創新經營之預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,以宜蘭縣國小教師為對象,共發出411份問卷,回收332份問卷,有效問卷為311份,回收後之問卷可用率為75.67%。調查所得資料以 SPSS 統計套裝軟體,進行相關統計方法處理分析。本研究獲致以下結果: 一、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導屬於中上程度,在「校長服務領導」八個層面,以「服侍」層面為最高;在知覺學校內部行銷屬於良好程度,在「學校內部行銷」五個層面中,以「參與賦權」層面最高;在知覺學校創新經營屬中上程度,在「學校創新經營」五個層面中,以「學生活動創新」層面最高。 二、不同年齡及不同學校地區之教師在知覺「校長服務領導」的程度上有顯著差異。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、教育程度、擔任職務、學校規模及學校地區之國小教師在學校內部行銷上無顯著差異。 四、不同年齡之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及 「校園環境創新」有顯著差異;不同服務年資之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及「校園環境創新」有顯著差異,而在學校創新經營整體也呈現顯著差異;不同學歷之國小教師在學校創新經營分層面「資源運用創新」有顯著差異。 五、不同學校規模之國小教師,在「課程教學創新」層面、「學生活動創新」層面、「資源運用創新」層面及「校園環境創新」層面,均有顯著差異。 六、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導、教師學校內部行銷、學校創新經營整體及各層面,兩兩之間均有顯著相關。 七、宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導與學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供國小校長、國小教師、教育行政機關及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:校長服務領導、學校內部行銷、學校創新經營 / The purpose of this study is to explore how elementary school teachers in the Yilan district perceive principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management. The thesis not only looks into whether and how teachers’ background matters, but also analyzes how they predict the three variables in question. This study conducted a survey-questionnaire by targeting on elementary school teachers in the Yilan district. A total of 411 questionnaires were distributed and 332 questionnaires were received. Among them, 311 were valid (75.67%). The data was analyzed through SPSS statistics, descriptive statistics, t-test, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple stepwise regressions. The findings of the study included: 1.Perceptions of principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, and school’s innovation management were respectively “above average”, “average” and “above average” in all aspects. The top priority each was “service”, “participation and empowerment”, and “student activity innovation” in the order. 2.Perception of principals’ servant leadership was found significantly different for teachers with different ages and from different school districts. 3.Perception of school internal marketing was found not significantly different for teachers with different genders, ages, service years, education levels, posts, and from schools with different sizes and districts. 4.Teachers with different service years perceived school’s innovation management significantly differently. More precisely, service year and age both made a significant effect on the perception of administration management innovation and campus environment innovation. Teachers with different education levels perceived resource use innovation significantly differently. 5.School size made a significant effect on the perception of curriculum and teaching innovation, student activity innovation, resource use innovation, and campus environment innovation. 6.Pairwise comparisons among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management were all significant. 7.Principals’ servant leadership was predictive of school’s innovation management, so was school internal marketing. Principals’ servant leadership plus with school internal marketing also predicted school’s innovation management. The results of this study provide an empirical basis for school principals, teachers and education administrators to make future investigations. Key words: principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, School’s innovation management.

國民小學教師創新班級經營之研究 / The Study of Innovation Classroom Management for Teachers in Taiwan Elementary School

蘇芳嬅, Su,Fang-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間的關係。主要研究目的有五:(一)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營及班級經營效能之內涵與現況。(二)瞭解國民小學教師不同背景變項於創新班級經營上之差異情形。(三)瞭解創新班級經營之得分低、中、高三組教師於班級經營效能得分之差異情形。(四)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營與班級經營效能之相關情形。(五)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營對班級經營效能之預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣、基隆市、臺北市、臺北縣及桃園縣等北區五縣市之公立國民小學教師為研究對象,使用「國民小學教師創新班級經營量表」及「國民小學教師班級經營效能量表」為研究工具,共計發出問卷1200份,回收875份,有效問卷865份,問卷可用率為72.08%。所蒐集資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子單變量及多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關及多元逐步迴歸等方法進行統計分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國民小學教師創新班級經營表現良好,以「重新思考」表現最佳,而「重新指派」表現相對較弱。 二、目前國民小學教師班級經營效能良好,以「教師教學效能」最佳,而「教室領導技巧」相對較弱。 三、教師人口變項與學校環境變項中,性別、年齡、服務年資、任教年級、學校所在地及學校規模在創新班級經營上有差異性存在;然而,最高學歷在創新班級經營上並未呈現差異性。 四、不同創新班級經營程度之國民小學教師於班級經營效能上具有差異性。 五、國民小學教師之創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間具有中度的正向關聯。 六、國民小學教師之創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間具有顯著的典型相關。 七、國民小學教師之創新班級經營對班級經營效能具有正向的預測作用;其中, 教師「重新定量」作為乃影響其班級經營效能之關鍵因素。 最後,根據上述研究結果提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、國民小學、國民小學教師,以及後續研究參考。 / This study focused on the relationship between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school. The main purposes of this study include: 1. Investigating the concept and current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 2. Investigating the differences within teacher’s innovation classroom management of various teacher’s demographic variables and school environment variables. 3. Investigating the differences within classroom management effectiveness of low, middle and high teacher’s innovation classroom management degree. 4. Investigating the correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 5. Investigating the prediction of teacher’s innovation classroom management on classroom management effectiveness. The study was adopted by questionnaire survey method. The subjects were teachers from public elementary schools in Yi-Lang county, Kee-Lung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, and Tao-Yuang county. The researcher used“The innovation classroom management scale”and “The classroom management effectiveness scale” as instruments. The researcher distributed 1200 questionnaires, retrieved 875 ones, and obtained 865 valid ones. Therefore, the available rate of questionnaires was 72.08%. Acquired data were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings were found as follows: 1. The current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “rethink”, but by contrast poorly at “reassign”. 2. The current circumstance of teacher’s classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “teaching effectiveness”, but by contrast poorly at “leadership skills”. 3. There existed significant differences among gender, age, seniority, teaching grade, school location, and school size for teacher’s innovation classroom management, but did not exist significant differences within academic background. 4. There existed significant differences among low, middle, and high-level teacher’s innovation classroom management for teacher’s classroom management effectiveness. 5. There was moderate positive correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 6. There was a significant canonical correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 7. Teacher’s innovation classroom management could positively predict classroom management effectiveness. Furthermore, the best predictor for classroom management effectiveness was “reduce”. Eventually, some constructive suggestions based on the results were proposed for the educational administration agencies, teacher education institutions, elementary schools, elementary school teachers, and further research.

A inovação e sua representação por servidores da carreira de Gestão, Planejamento e Infraestrutura em Ciência e Tecnologia / The innovation and its representation by career management, planning and infrastructure servers within science and technology

Helenice Feijó de Carvalho 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve o propósito de investigar como a inovação é retratada por servidores da carreira de Gestão, Planejamento e Infraestrutura em Ciência e Tecnologia, pertencente ao Plano de Carreiras da área de ciência e tecnologia, a partir das representações sociais geradas por analistas em ciência e tecnologia e assistentes em ciência e tecnologia, em efetivo exercício nas instituições vinculadas ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, localizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os procedimentos de análise dos dados coletados foram realizados de acordo com a abordagem estrutural das representações sociais aplicados ao grupo de participantes e subgrupos formados por: analistas em ciência e tecnologia e assistentes em ciência e tecnologia, servidores com idade inferior a cinquenta anos e idade igual ou superior a cinquenta anos, e respondentes com e sem experiência no processo de implantação da inovação, respectivamente. Ao final, não foi identificada nenhuma diferença significativa entre as representações sociais do grupo e dos subgrupos, e constatou-se que os servidores relacionam a inovação à tecnologia, novidade, criatividade e mudança, indicando uma tendência de concebê-la sob um viés tradicional, voltado à ideia de inovação enquanto um novo objeto técnico; não se observou nas representações sociais, a presença de elementos associados à perspectiva sistêmica que considera a inovação como decorrência da interação entre todos os agentes envolvidos no processo. A pesquisa também examinou a opinião dos servidores acerca de alguns aspectos referentes à prontidão ao uso da tecnologia (inovação) e às dimensões constitutivas de uma ambiência inovadora: as respostas revelaram que o uso de novas tecnologias seria tão gratificante tanto quanto a aprendizagem sobre as mesmas como possibilidade, inclusive, de atualização profissional, e, ainda, que o reconhecimento da organização, o trabalho em equipe e com troca de conhecimento e aprendizagem, a comunicação entre líderes e grupos envolvidos nas atividades, bem como a criação de um espaço para compartilhar críticas e opiniões, seriam fatores habilitadores da inovação. Os resultados registrados podem contribuir para estudos e debates dedicados à gestão do processo de inovação e de pessoas, e, por conseguinte, da efetivação das políticas de inovação no contexto da administração pública federal

A inovação e sua representação por servidores da carreira de Gestão, Planejamento e Infraestrutura em Ciência e Tecnologia / The innovation and its representation by career management, planning and infrastructure servers within science and technology

Helenice Feijó de Carvalho 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve o propósito de investigar como a inovação é retratada por servidores da carreira de Gestão, Planejamento e Infraestrutura em Ciência e Tecnologia, pertencente ao Plano de Carreiras da área de ciência e tecnologia, a partir das representações sociais geradas por analistas em ciência e tecnologia e assistentes em ciência e tecnologia, em efetivo exercício nas instituições vinculadas ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, localizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os procedimentos de análise dos dados coletados foram realizados de acordo com a abordagem estrutural das representações sociais aplicados ao grupo de participantes e subgrupos formados por: analistas em ciência e tecnologia e assistentes em ciência e tecnologia, servidores com idade inferior a cinquenta anos e idade igual ou superior a cinquenta anos, e respondentes com e sem experiência no processo de implantação da inovação, respectivamente. Ao final, não foi identificada nenhuma diferença significativa entre as representações sociais do grupo e dos subgrupos, e constatou-se que os servidores relacionam a inovação à tecnologia, novidade, criatividade e mudança, indicando uma tendência de concebê-la sob um viés tradicional, voltado à ideia de inovação enquanto um novo objeto técnico; não se observou nas representações sociais, a presença de elementos associados à perspectiva sistêmica que considera a inovação como decorrência da interação entre todos os agentes envolvidos no processo. A pesquisa também examinou a opinião dos servidores acerca de alguns aspectos referentes à prontidão ao uso da tecnologia (inovação) e às dimensões constitutivas de uma ambiência inovadora: as respostas revelaram que o uso de novas tecnologias seria tão gratificante tanto quanto a aprendizagem sobre as mesmas como possibilidade, inclusive, de atualização profissional, e, ainda, que o reconhecimento da organização, o trabalho em equipe e com troca de conhecimento e aprendizagem, a comunicação entre líderes e grupos envolvidos nas atividades, bem como a criação de um espaço para compartilhar críticas e opiniões, seriam fatores habilitadores da inovação. Os resultados registrados podem contribuir para estudos e debates dedicados à gestão do processo de inovação e de pessoas, e, por conseguinte, da efetivação das políticas de inovação no contexto da administração pública federal

Produktová inovácia v oblasti mobilných aplikácií / Product innovation in mobile applications

Michaličová, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Aim of this master thesis is to determine whether the introduction of new functionality into mobile application based on existing competitive trends, can grant selected application a new position on the market. To evaluate the hypothesis we used data collection and feedback from users. Thesis shows introduces various aspects associated with product management in practice. The theoretical part defines the product management and mobile applications as products, product innovation and describes the methodology used within management of the product. The goal of the practical part is the selection process of the new functionality, which is corporate program, description of all aspects of the preparation of the functionality and consequently its development. Based on the data and the feedback from users we evaluate its contribution to the company Liftago and its new positioning on the market.

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