Spelling suggestions: "subject:"binnovation policies"" "subject:"bionnovation policies""
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Drivers and effectiveness of regional innovation partnerships in Mediterranean less developed regionsBubbico, Rocco Luigi January 2011 (has links)
This work is based on the analysis of regional innovation policies and partnerships for innovation in EU 2000-2006 Objective 1 regions. The focus on the wide concept of innovation at European level and the international competitive challenges are pushing European regions to increase the effectiveness of local innovation policies, developing and strengthening their regional innovation systems in partnership with local actors. The research has the main aim to evaluate the contribution of regional innovation policies to regional development, identify levers and obstacles, analyse the structures of Regional Innovation Systems including processes of cooperation, assess the effectiveness of regional policy mix and finally evaluate the effectiveness of regional partnerships. The methodology of the research is based on a multiple case-study approach and on mixed methods. Four case studies have been selected: Puglia, Sardegna, Comunidad Valenciana and Region de Murcia. Overall, 104 semi-structured interviews have been carried out in the four regions, with regional administrators, innovation agency managers, entrepreneurs, technology centres managers and academics (involved in spinoffs or managers of collaborative/industrial research projects). The field work activities have been focused on documentation review, unstructured interviews and data collection. A database of policy interventions was created to analyse targets, beneficiaries and areas of intervention. An analysis of regional performance has been conducted to examine the socio-economical structure and regional innovation indicators. The findings show common patterns and issues in policy implementation and dilemmas in strategic choices. All case studies featured wide and multi-purpose strategies aimed at the quantitative growth of regional innovation systems and a higher degree of internal collaborations through the support to intermediate bodies. Innovation systems are taking shape: regional administrations made a significant effort but struggled to overcome structural limitations and external constraints affecting the innovation structure.
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Essays on technology and innovationLin, Mei 19 October 2009 (has links)
The IT age is marked by innovative approaches to the online commerce.
Technology as the core of innovation has undergone numerous evolutions
through the “creative destruction." Motivated by the phenomena and
the challenges in the technology-driven markets, I explore the economic role of innovation from different angles in the following essays.
Chapter 1 focuses on firms’ competitive strategies while constructing
novel business models in delivering online services. In particular, I am interested in their bundling of marketing services with the core business. In a game theoretic model, I derive competing firms' equilibrium strategies with choices between three business models, no ad-support, ad-support with the optional advertising strategy, and the mandatory advertising strategy, and find that competitive business models can be differentiation-driven or advertising driven depending on market ad aversion. Interestingly, mandatory advertising weakly dominates optional advertising under certain market conditions. My findings offer new insights to the bundling literature.
Chapter 2 examines the performance-based auction model in the iconic
online advertising innovation, keyword auctions. I analyze advertisers' decision of utilizing their existing reputation from a primary auction upon entering a new auction. The short-term and long-term setups are modeled for analyzing seasonal marketing in a new auction and branding a new product, in examining the impact of new market size, performance, and risk on advertisers' decisions. While an optimistic new market encourages reputation stretching, in the long-term setup it further depends on the performance difference between the two markets. A higher risk is found to induce stretching under intensive competition for both cases; in the long-term, stretching decision is determined by the market size.
Chapter 3 examines the connection between business cycles and innovation and offers insights for regulatory innovation policies. Combining endogenous market structure with the dynamic game framework, I study the Markov perfect equilibrium where heterogeneous firms choose their innovation rates. I find that increased per-capita income tends to improve aggregate innovation, while income inequality shocks may reduce innovation conditional on the market structure. I also find subsidies to dampen innovation incentives, and policies such as tax credits that reduce the variable R&D costs to have positive effects on innovation. / text
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Can a high-tech breakthrough approach deliver novel supply and demand solutions? : a study of digital cinema rolloutCulkin, Nigel January 2017 (has links)
Digitalization is the process of making digital everything that can be digitised to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities. However, difficulties exist in evaluating the value created by digital technology investments in organisations, industry structures, economies and society, at large. My dissertation illustrates how the distinct characteristics of digital technologies are implicit in an evolution from stable to fragile product innovation; while highlighting the need for a dynamic approach to entrepreneurial innovation within national innovation systems. The foundations for my work are bound up in the digitalization of value networks, and the context for this research is digital cinema - a process that began in 2000. Digital cinema offered a new value proposition to distributors and significant cost reductions for the US studios. With a reliance on a highly developed value chain to protect intellectual property, these studios sought to learn from the disruption digitalization caused to the music industry, by cultivating digital technology as an, incremental innovation, in replacing celluloid with bytes to project content to cinema audiences. Global digital cinema penetration in 2014 stood at 90 per cent of the total screen footprint. The dissertation assesses features of this digital rollout that have been under-explored; including the role digital technology has assumed in process and product innovation; and, the behavioural responses of both incumbents and new entrants during the diffusion and adoption phase. My dissertation is supported by eight published papers, which highlight the need for domestic policymakers to focus their attention on emerging entrepreneurial innovations; the utilisation of current knowledge and strategies for novel solutions in order to strengthen their respective national innovation systems. Taken together they help explain the creation, diffusion and adoption of digital cinema, explore the new content creation opportunities they support, and explain how three nations in particular have sought to innovate and reorientate themselves in relation to these novel phenomena. The wider implications of the findings of the project build on the innovation literature in examining the diffusion, adoption and knowledge acquisition during the rollout of digital cinema technology. These findings suggest a radically different reading of both disruptive innovations and national innovation systems than has been offered in previous accounts, viewing the digital cinema rollout as a case study of an increasingly mobile sector, in which technological factors retreat in importance behind entrepreneurial innovation as a key driving force in reaching audiences. Finally, in exploring the phenomenon of the digitalization of value networks I have made a significant contribution to knowledge in the design of an innovative mixed method; specifically in the area of field research - a qualitative data collection method designed for considering, observing, and interacting with individuals in their natural environments. Over time, I have established that digital cinema was capable of delivering novel supply and demand solutions - starting with a few unrelated scraps of data, through the establishment of personal networks with communities of practice (in the UK, US & Norway) to building rich, and complex quantitative data sets capable of measuring the entire diffusion and adoption phase of the digital cinema rollout, right across Europe.
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Regional innovation policies for new path development - beyond neo-liberal and traditional systemic viewsTödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela 27 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
How new regional growth paths emerge and what policy concepts are most adequate for nurturing their evolution constitute recurring themes in regional innovation and development studies. New industrial paths are often portrayed as the result of market-driven processes and Schumpeterian entrepreneurial efforts. This view goes along with a neoliberal policy approach that restricts the role of public interventions to setting up a suitable regulatory frame and supporting an entrepreneurial climate. The theoretical underpinnings and policy perspectives of this approach have been challenged by the innovation system literature, which offers a systemic view on the rise of new growth paths and advocates a more proactive role of public policy. This paper investigates the role of policy models beyond these traditional ones. We contrast different variants of systemic and multi-scalar policy concepts for new regional industrial path development. Our literature-based study shows that more recent models go beyond new path development and growth per se, paying more attention to the direction of innovation and change, and to policy approaches for achieving more sustainable forms of development. We scrutinize the theoretical and empirical bases of these new policy models and discuss why they are superior to neoliberal and older systemic ones.
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Social networks, collaborations and high-tech cluster formation in an emerging country : the case of biotechnology in ChileRomero, Carmen Veronica Clara Contreras January 2016 (has links)
Geographic clusters of firms have been extensively studied in different bodies of literature, but little attention has been paid to the process of cluster formation and its determinants. While focusing on the effects of clusters on innovations and on the productivity of firms, the literature has neglected the agency of entrepreneurs in cluster emergence. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on clusters by studying the role of personal networks and firm networks in three aspects of the emergence of clusters: 1) the early stages of formation; 2) the creation of business relations between firms; and 3) the creation of knowledge among clustered firms. The analysis was conducted using the biotechnology sector in four geographic regions of Chile as a case study. Data on firms was collected using in-depth interviews and a survey. The analysis of the data was carried out using content analysis, multilevel estimations and econometric analysis. The results reveal three main findings. First, the personal and business relations of entrepreneurs can determine the location decisions of firms. Second, personal relations are positively associated with the emergence of formal business relations between firms. Third, the number of personal and business connections a firm has positively affects its production of knowledge, measured as patent applications and scientific journals. These findings suggest that social networks within a cluster shape its emergence and development. The results also show that the different types of networks coexisting in a cluster - personal networks, business networks and research networks, among others - affect one another and determine the development of clusters. The implications of this research may be helpful for policy-makers, professional associations and cluster managers. Activities to foster personal interaction between members of a cluster and other key actors - universities, incubators, venture capital firms, government agencies, etc. - may generate collaborations between firms that would not otherwise emerge.
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Adaptation Of Turkey To The European Union Research And Innovation Policies During The Accession PeriodAtmaca, Serkan 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the adaptation of Turkey to EU research
and innovation policies in the light of developments in within their own dynamics,
and within the framework of obligations of the accession period. A comparative
analysis of Turkish and EU policies is made by pointing out the weaknesses of
Turkey, which are supported by related indicators specifying the gap between EU in
research and innovation capabilities. In accordance with the findings of the
comparison of Turkey and EU, this study attempts to develop recommendations for
the reassessment of existing policy tools, and to propose new policy instruments
within organizational and institutional infrastructure, implementation and further
integration with EU in research and innovation. The evaluations highlight that
Turkey is experiencing problems in structuring and implementing its policy
instruments, rather than developing policy formulations.
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Da Big Science à Policy Innovation. Narrativas que evidenciam mudanças nos paradigmas que informam a política científica e tecnológica brasileira / Big Science to Policy Innovation: narratives that show changes in the paradigms that inform our science and technology policyLopes, Barbara Regina Vieira 16 January 2015 (has links)
As Narrativas Políticas são histórias que contêm começo, meio e fim; vilões e heróis; perdas e ganhos; e, sobretudo, uma moral (soluções políticas). E por que estes elementos narrativos são importantes nesse estudo? Por meio de sua análise, pudemos compreender aquilo que é considerado a pedra fundamental das articulações e mudanças políticas: As ideias e os interesses. A Política Científica e Tecnológica (PCT) brasileira apresentou distintas narrativas nas últimas décadas, os documentos oficiais de C&T da década de 1970, como o I e II Plano Nacional Básico de Ciência Tecnologia (PBDCT, 1972-74 e 1976-1979, respectivamente), tinham como meta, impulsionar a autonomia nacional em setores estratégicos e suprir a demanda de mão-de-obra qualificada para que o processo de industrialização nacional fosse finalizado. Todavia, á medida que a crise econômica aumentava na década de 1980, a C&T perdia a imagem de ferramenta para o progresso, desta forma, o fomento público foi retirado progressivamente e a Academia teve que seguir sem amplo amparo estatal dos Planos anteriores, como vimos no III PBDCT (1980-1985). O resultado desta falta de financiamento público à C&T foi catastrófico: Houve um verdadeiro desmonte no setor, ocasionada pela falta de recursos. A C&T não tinha espaço estratégico na Agenda pública. A situação foi, gradualmente, revertida quando Fernando Henrique Cardoso assumiu a presidência em 1995 e promoveu inúmeras reformas, entre elas, tentar tornar o setor de C&T mais eficaz, empreendedor e inovativo. Para isto, era preciso desenvolver rearranjos estatais, como os que foram postulados no PlanoPluriAnual (PPA, 1997), no Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, sobretudo, em sua terceira fase (III PADCT, 1998-2004), no Livro Verde (2001) e Livro Branco (2002). Estes documentos apontavam que as políticas públicas C&T estariam empenhadas em assumir novos desafios, convidar novos atores para sua fabricação e remodelar sua dinâmica de produção para atender um objetivo central: Produzir Inovações Tecnológicas por meio da interação universidade-empresa. Tal sinergia foi apresentada como peça-chave na transformação de conhecimento em riqueza, isto agregaria competitividade às nossas empresas, provocando uma nova inserção do Brasil nas relações comerciais internacionais. Essa seria a justificativa última para o financiamento público da ciência. Esta e demais premissas, também estavam presentes nos documentos de C&T&I de seu sucessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, como nos textos da Lei da Inovação (2004) 3º Conferência Nacional de C&T&I (2006) e Livro Azul (2010). Nosso estudo buscou analisar os elementos narrativos de todos os documentos citados e, ao analisa-los, pudemos concluir que desde 1995 o Paradigma que informa a Política Nacional de C&T é lastreado em pressupostos bem distintos daqueles vividos pelo auge do binômio na década de 1970. Acreditamos que esta reorientação se deve, sobretudo, pelo fato da Comunidade Científica ter absorvido, há quinze anos, o discurso da Inovação tecnologia empresarial como alternativa para manter-se no bojo do processo decisório da PCT, captar recursos e continuar a Pesquisa, instrumentos inviáveis nas décadas de 1980-90. / Policy Narratives are stories that contain \"beginning, middle and end\"; villains and heroes; losses and gains; and, above all, a moral (political solutions). And why these narrative elements are important in this study? Through its analysis, we understand what is considered the cornerstone of the joints of political changes: The ideas and the interests. The Science and Technology Policy (PCT) Brazilian showed distinct narratives in recent decades, the official documents of S & T in the 1970s, as the Basic I and II National Plan for Science, Technology (PBDCT, 1972-74 and 1976-1979, respectively), had as its goal, to boost national autonomy in strategic sectors and meet the demand for skilled labor for the national industrialization process was finalized. However, as the economic crisis grew in the 1980s, S & T lost its image as a \"tool\" to progress. In this way, the public support was withdrawn and the Academy had to follow on without extensive state support given by the earlier Plans, as we saw in PBDCT III (1980-1985). The result of this lack of public funding to the S & T sector was catastrophic: There was a real disassemble the sector, caused by lack of resources. The S & T had no strategic space in the public agenda. This situation was gradually reversed when Fernando Henrique Cardoso took office in 1995. The new President promoted numerous reforms, among them, the one trying to make the most effective use of S & T sector, as a tool for innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to reach this results, it was necessary to promote institutional rearrangements, which spelled out in the PlanoPluriAnual (PPA, 1997), in the Third phase of the Plan for Support of Scientific and Technological Development, mainly, the third step (III PADCT, 1998-2004) the Green Paper (2001) and White Paper (2002). These documents indicated that S & T policies would now be committed to take on new challenges, invite new players to reshape the dynamics of their production in order to meet a central goal: to produce technological Innovations through university-industry interaction. This synergy was presented as a key in transforming knowledge into wealth. And by doing that, science would add competitiveness to our companies, supporting a new insertion of Brazil in international market. This and other assumptions were also present in the documents of S & T & I of his successor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as the texts of the Innovation Law (2004) 3rd National Conference on S & T (2006) and Blue Book (2010). That said, our study investigates the narrative elements of any cited documents and to analyze them, we concluded that since 1995 the paradigm that informs the National Policy of S & T is backed by very different assumptions of those experienced by the binomial peak in decade 1970. we believe that this shift is due, above all, because the scientific community has absorbed fifteen years ago, the discourse of Innovation with half remain at the core of decision-making of the PCT, raise funds and continue the search, viable instruments in decades of 1980-90.
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Inovação na pequena empresa: desvendando conceitos, modelos e políticas de inovaçãoLima, Glessia Silva de 28 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Glessia Silva (glessiasilva@hotmail.com) on 2018-09-02T19:27:33Z
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Glessia Silva_Doutorado_Tese.pdf: 854731 bytes, checksum: 7a08fb930700cf1bb1ba6def1a45cc16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-09-06T15:51:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-28 / O campo de inovação se desenvolveu em torno de pesquisas aplicadas em grandes empresas e uso de P&D como fonte de inovação. Esse desenvolvimento levou a pressupostos de inovação pouco adequados ao contexto de inovação da pequena empresa. Dada essas considerações, defendemos a tese de que os pressupostos de inovação precisam ser revistos para comportarem a pequena empresa. Para isso tratamos de três aspectos principais: o campo de inovação, o contexto de geração de inovação na pequena empresa e as políticas de inovação. A tese foi desenvolvida no formato de três artigos. O primeiro artigo, disposto no Capítulo 1, é um ensaio teórico e tem como objetivo 'discutir como a pesquisa em inovação na pequena empresa pode ser operacionalizada'. O segundo artigo, disposto no Capítulo 2, é um estudo de caso múltiplo e tem como objetivo 'compreender como o gestor/dono gera inovação na pequena empresa'. O terceiro artigo, disposto no Capítulo 3, é um estudo documental e tem como objetivo analisar a adequação das políticas de inovação para o desenvolvimento da pequena empresa e do país. Como contribuição, os insights gerados nesta tese podem orientar a pesquisa em inovação na pequena empresa, melhorar a prática da inovação nessas organizações e orientar a formulação de políticas de inovação mais adequadas. / The field of innovation has developed around applied research in large companies and use of R & D as a source of innovation. This development has led to innovation assumptions that are not well suited to the context of small business innovation. Given these considerations, we support the thesis that innovation assumptions need to be revised to accommodate small business. In order to do this, we deal with three main aspects: the field of innovation, the context of generating innovation in small companies and innovation policies. The thesis was developed in the format of three articles. The first article, set forth in Chapter 1, is a theoretical essay and aims to 'discuss how innovation research in small business must be operationalized.' The second article, set out in Chapter 2, is a multiple case study and aims to 'understand how the manager/owner generates innovation in the small business.' The third article, presented in Chapter 3, is a documentary study and aims to analyze the adequacy of innovation policies for the development of the small business and the country. As a contribution, the insights generated in this thesis can guide innovation research in small enterprises, improve the practice of innovation in these organizations and guide the formulation of more appropriate innovation policies.
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Da Big Science à Policy Innovation. Narrativas que evidenciam mudanças nos paradigmas que informam a política científica e tecnológica brasileira / Big Science to Policy Innovation: narratives that show changes in the paradigms that inform our science and technology policyBarbara Regina Vieira Lopes 16 January 2015 (has links)
As Narrativas Políticas são histórias que contêm começo, meio e fim; vilões e heróis; perdas e ganhos; e, sobretudo, uma moral (soluções políticas). E por que estes elementos narrativos são importantes nesse estudo? Por meio de sua análise, pudemos compreender aquilo que é considerado a pedra fundamental das articulações e mudanças políticas: As ideias e os interesses. A Política Científica e Tecnológica (PCT) brasileira apresentou distintas narrativas nas últimas décadas, os documentos oficiais de C&T da década de 1970, como o I e II Plano Nacional Básico de Ciência Tecnologia (PBDCT, 1972-74 e 1976-1979, respectivamente), tinham como meta, impulsionar a autonomia nacional em setores estratégicos e suprir a demanda de mão-de-obra qualificada para que o processo de industrialização nacional fosse finalizado. Todavia, á medida que a crise econômica aumentava na década de 1980, a C&T perdia a imagem de ferramenta para o progresso, desta forma, o fomento público foi retirado progressivamente e a Academia teve que seguir sem amplo amparo estatal dos Planos anteriores, como vimos no III PBDCT (1980-1985). O resultado desta falta de financiamento público à C&T foi catastrófico: Houve um verdadeiro desmonte no setor, ocasionada pela falta de recursos. A C&T não tinha espaço estratégico na Agenda pública. A situação foi, gradualmente, revertida quando Fernando Henrique Cardoso assumiu a presidência em 1995 e promoveu inúmeras reformas, entre elas, tentar tornar o setor de C&T mais eficaz, empreendedor e inovativo. Para isto, era preciso desenvolver rearranjos estatais, como os que foram postulados no PlanoPluriAnual (PPA, 1997), no Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, sobretudo, em sua terceira fase (III PADCT, 1998-2004), no Livro Verde (2001) e Livro Branco (2002). Estes documentos apontavam que as políticas públicas C&T estariam empenhadas em assumir novos desafios, convidar novos atores para sua fabricação e remodelar sua dinâmica de produção para atender um objetivo central: Produzir Inovações Tecnológicas por meio da interação universidade-empresa. Tal sinergia foi apresentada como peça-chave na transformação de conhecimento em riqueza, isto agregaria competitividade às nossas empresas, provocando uma nova inserção do Brasil nas relações comerciais internacionais. Essa seria a justificativa última para o financiamento público da ciência. Esta e demais premissas, também estavam presentes nos documentos de C&T&I de seu sucessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, como nos textos da Lei da Inovação (2004) 3º Conferência Nacional de C&T&I (2006) e Livro Azul (2010). Nosso estudo buscou analisar os elementos narrativos de todos os documentos citados e, ao analisa-los, pudemos concluir que desde 1995 o Paradigma que informa a Política Nacional de C&T é lastreado em pressupostos bem distintos daqueles vividos pelo auge do binômio na década de 1970. Acreditamos que esta reorientação se deve, sobretudo, pelo fato da Comunidade Científica ter absorvido, há quinze anos, o discurso da Inovação tecnologia empresarial como alternativa para manter-se no bojo do processo decisório da PCT, captar recursos e continuar a Pesquisa, instrumentos inviáveis nas décadas de 1980-90. / Policy Narratives are stories that contain \"beginning, middle and end\"; villains and heroes; losses and gains; and, above all, a moral (political solutions). And why these narrative elements are important in this study? Through its analysis, we understand what is considered the cornerstone of the joints of political changes: The ideas and the interests. The Science and Technology Policy (PCT) Brazilian showed distinct narratives in recent decades, the official documents of S & T in the 1970s, as the Basic I and II National Plan for Science, Technology (PBDCT, 1972-74 and 1976-1979, respectively), had as its goal, to boost national autonomy in strategic sectors and meet the demand for skilled labor for the national industrialization process was finalized. However, as the economic crisis grew in the 1980s, S & T lost its image as a \"tool\" to progress. In this way, the public support was withdrawn and the Academy had to follow on without extensive state support given by the earlier Plans, as we saw in PBDCT III (1980-1985). The result of this lack of public funding to the S & T sector was catastrophic: There was a real disassemble the sector, caused by lack of resources. The S & T had no strategic space in the public agenda. This situation was gradually reversed when Fernando Henrique Cardoso took office in 1995. The new President promoted numerous reforms, among them, the one trying to make the most effective use of S & T sector, as a tool for innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to reach this results, it was necessary to promote institutional rearrangements, which spelled out in the PlanoPluriAnual (PPA, 1997), in the Third phase of the Plan for Support of Scientific and Technological Development, mainly, the third step (III PADCT, 1998-2004) the Green Paper (2001) and White Paper (2002). These documents indicated that S & T policies would now be committed to take on new challenges, invite new players to reshape the dynamics of their production in order to meet a central goal: to produce technological Innovations through university-industry interaction. This synergy was presented as a key in transforming knowledge into wealth. And by doing that, science would add competitiveness to our companies, supporting a new insertion of Brazil in international market. This and other assumptions were also present in the documents of S & T & I of his successor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as the texts of the Innovation Law (2004) 3rd National Conference on S & T (2006) and Blue Book (2010). That said, our study investigates the narrative elements of any cited documents and to analyze them, we concluded that since 1995 the paradigm that informs the National Policy of S & T is backed by very different assumptions of those experienced by the binomial peak in decade 1970. we believe that this shift is due, above all, because the scientific community has absorbed fifteen years ago, the discourse of Innovation with half remain at the core of decision-making of the PCT, raise funds and continue the search, viable instruments in decades of 1980-90.
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Penser et gérer l'innovation en agriculture à l'heure du génie génétique : contributions d'une approche systémique d'innovations scientifiques dans deux filières agroalimentaires wallonnes pour l'évaluation, la gestion et les politiques d'innovationVanloqueren, Gaëtan 27 June 2007 (has links)
Les organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) suscitent en Europe une intense controverse depuis le milieu des années nonante, qui s'est cristallisée sur les risques pour la santé et l'environnement. Cette thèse postule que les OGM nous posent des questions plus larges sur l'innovation. Est-il par exemple possible d'évaluer la pertinence d'innovations, comme celle des OGM, pour tendre vers une meilleure politique et gestion de l'innovation ?
Une approche systémique a été développée pour progresser sur cette question. Elle poursuit trois axes: la compréhension de problèmes agronomiques, des stratégies actuelles pour les gérer et des possibilités d'innovations pour les résoudre à l'horizon 2015-2020. La partie empirique est basée sur des études de cas de couples problème/innovations dans deux filières agroalimentaires. Il s'agit de maladies problématiques en arboriculture fruitière (pommier) et en grandes cultures (froment d'hiver). Les données de quatre composantes sont intégrées : entretiens semi-dirigés, observation participante, revue de la littérature scientifique et analyse de la littérature grise des filières.
La gestion de l'innovation dans les filières est caractérisée par une vision de l'innovation à géométrie variable et par des situations de verrouillage technologique (lock-in). Sur un plan conceptuel, on peut distinguer dans la recherche agronomique plusieurs voies d'innovations (trajectoires technologiques) qui poursuivent des logiques distinctes et sont influencées par les déterminants d'innovation. Sur le plan méthodologique, des améliorations des méthodes d'évaluation des innovations sont avancées. Enfin, plusieurs politiques d'innovation adaptées sont proposées (comparaison des choix technologiques, prospective par scénarios).
Cette recherche aboutit à une réflexion sur les sciences agronomiques et à la mise en débat d'un nouveau champ disciplinaire : l'agronomie politique. Les propositions visent à ré-encastrer l'innovation dans les enjeux écologiques contemporains et dans les projets politiques et aspirations citoyennes.
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