Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inputs"" "subject:"ínputs""
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Soil organic carbon dynamics in sugarcane crop in south-central Brazil / Dinâmica do carbono orgânico do solo na cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do BrasilAdriana Marcela Silva Olaya 17 July 2014 (has links)
Sugarcane cropping is an important component of the Brazil´s economy. As the main feedstock used to produce ethanol, the area occupied with this crop has meaningfully increased in the last years and continues to expand in order to attend to the national and international demand of this biofuel. Despite that it has been demonstrated that land-use transition into sugarcane can negatively impact the soil carbon (C) dynamics, little is known about the effect of those land use changes (LUC) processes on the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within particle-size classes, and how management practices in sugarcane can contribute to the C restoration. In this sense the main objective of this study was to evaluate through a modelling application the SOC dynamics in the sugarcane crop in response to LUC and different management scenarios. For a better understanding of LUC impact on C content in both particulate organic matter and mineral-associated fraction, we performed physical soil C fractionation in 34 study areas involving the three major land-use systems affected by sugarcane expansion. Also, biometric measurements were executed in sugarcane plant and ratoon crop in order to use those data in the model parameterization as well as to recalculate the payback time of the C debt through C conversion ratio reported in the literature. Finally, we parameterized and validate the CENTURY ecosystem model for sugarcane, pastures and annual cropland by using a data-set previously collected by the Laboratório de Biogeoquímica Ambiental (CENA-USP); then different scenarios of sugarcane management were simulated: i) SC1 - Green harvesting; ii) SC2 - Green harvesting plus organic amendments and iii) Green harvesting + low N inputs. Our results showed that the C content depletion for conversion from native vegetation and pastures to sugarcane is caused by C losses in the labile fraction (37%) as wells as in the stabilized pool associated to the mineral fraction (30%). Above and belowground biomass quantification indicated a total sugarcane carbon inputs ranging from 29.6 Mg C ha-1 to 30.6 Mg C ha-1. Considering a C retention rate of 13% we estimated net carbon changes of 0.58 to 0.6 Mg C ha-1 year-1, which contribute to reduce the payback times for sugarcane biofuel carbon debts in 3.3 and 1.2 years for Cerrado wooded and pasture conversions into sugarcane respectively. The modelling study supported the Century model as a tool to access the SOC dynamics following land-use conversion and different soil management in in sugarcane. Long-term simulations suggested that changes in the sugarcane harvest from burning to green harvesting increase the soil C stock in an average of 0.21 Mg ha-1 year-1; however the potential of C accumulation is still higher when organic amendments as vinasse and filter cake are add to the soil, with mean values varying between 0.34 and 0.37 Mg ha-1 year-1 in SC2 and SC1 respectively. By analyzing the SOC dynamic at each scenario simulated, we estimated a time span of 17 and 24 years for soil C restoration in clay and sandy soils under pastures with priority suitability (SC3). The number of years was projected to be higher in clay soils with regular suitability (40 years). / A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é uma comodity importante para a economia no Brasil. Como a principal matéria prima para a produção de etanol, a área plantada com esta cultura tem incrementado significativamente nos últimos anos e a tendência é de continuar se expandindo para atender a demanda nacional e internacional deste biocombustível. Embora tenha sido demostrado que a mudança de uso da terra (MUT) para cana-de-açúcar pode afetar negativamente a dinâmica do carbono (C) no solo, há pouca informação disponível acerca do impacto dessa MUT na distribuição do C nas frações da matéria orgânica do solo, e como as praticas de manejo da cana-de-açúcar podem contribuir para o acumulo de C no solo. Nesse contexto o principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar, através da modelagem matemática, a dinâmica do carbono orgânico do solo (COS) na cultura da cana-de-açúcar em resposta a mudança de uso da terra e diferentes cenários de manejo agrícola. Fracionamento físico para separar o C associado à matéria orgânica partícula (POM) do C ligado à fração mineral do solo (<53 um) foi realizado em amostras de solo de 34 áreas de estudo envolvendo os três principais sistemas de uso da terra afetados pela expansão da cana-de-açúcar. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas avaliações biométricas da cana-de-açúcar (cana planta e soca) que objetivaram a parametrização do modelo matemático assim como recalcular o tempo de reposição do debito de C gerado. Finalmente, o modelo CENTURY foi parametrizado e devidamente validado, para posteriormente proceder à simulação de diferentes cenários futuros de manejo da cana de açúcar: i) SC1 - Colheita de cana crua (sem queima); ii) SC2 - Colheita de cana crua e adição de adubos orgânicos (vinhaça e torta de filtro); iii) Colheita de cana crua e redução da adubação nitrogenada. Os resultados indicaram que a redução do conteúdo de C devido à conversão de vegetação nativa e pastagem para cana-de-açúcar foi causada pela perda de C tanto na fração lábil (37%) quanto na fração mais estável associada a fração mineral do solo (30%). A quantificação da biomassa aérea e radicular indicou entradas de C variando de 29,6 Mg C ha-1 a 30,6 Mg C ha-1, os quais resultariam em uma taxa de acumulo liquido de 0,58 a 0,6 Mg C ha-1 ano-1, que quando considerado contribui a redução do \"payback time\" do debito de C do etanol causado pela conversão de Cerrado e pastagem em 3,3 e 2 anos respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos no estudo de modelagem matemática suportaram o uso do modelo CENTURY como uma ferramenta para avaliar a influencia da MUT e das práticas de manejo na dinâmica do COS. As simulações em longo prazo sugeriram que a supressão da queima na colheita incrementa o estoque de C em 0,21 Mg ha-1 ano-1. No entanto o potencial de acúmulo de C é ainda maior quando adubação orgânica é realizada, com valores entre 0,34 e 0,37 Mg ha-1 ano-1 respectivamente. A análise da dinâmica do COS em cada cenário de manejo simulado permitiu estimar o tempo médio de recuperação do C do solo perdido pela MUT em áreas de pastagens. Os resultados indicaram um período de 17 anos para condições de cultivo sob solos argilosos e 24 anos para solos arenosos (SC3) em áreas de alta aptidão para expansão. O modelo projetou um maior número de anos em solo argiloso sob áreas de pastagem com aptidão média (40 anos).
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Caractérisation et quantification de la charge polluante anthropique et industrielle dans le bassin du Sebou / Characterization and quantification of anthropogenic and industrial inputs in the Sebou River basinHayzoun, Hanane 18 September 2014 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est d’évaluer l'impact des activités anthropiques sur le fonctionnement des systèmes aquatiques. L’impact des rejets urbains de Fès sur le Sebou, l'une des plus grandes rivières du Maroc, a été choisi pour cette étude. Les eaux usées domestiques et industrielles de la ville de Fès (~1M hab), véhiculées par son affluent l’oued Fès, sont rejetées dans le Sebou quasiment sans traitement. Deux sites du Sebou, en amont et en aval des rejets de la ville de Fès, et un site situé sur l’oued Fès ont été étudiés. Une campagne de prélèvement de carottes de sédiments et onze campagnes mensuelles de prélèvement d’eau et de matières en suspension (MES) ont été effectuées dans le but de quantifier les apports en nutriments, éléments traces métalliques (ETM) et carbone organique afin d’étudier la dynamique de ces polluants. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence une augmentation des concentrations de presque tous les éléments étudiés en aval de la ville de Fès aussi bien dans la colonne d’eau que dans les sédiments. L’étude des carottes sédimentaires a révélé une contamination modérée par les butylétains totaux (ΣBT) avec la prédominance du monobutyétain dans les trois sites d’étude et sur toutes les profondeurs. Les sédiments du Sebou, en amont de la ville de Fès se caractérisent par les teneurs les plus faibles en métaux alors que ceux de l’oued Fès présentent une forte pollution polymétallique, accentuée dans les sédiments de surface, ce qui reflète clairement la signature d'apports anthropiques récents résultant des rejets non traités de la ville de Fès. L’augmentation consécutive des teneurs des métaux dans les sédiments du Sebou en aval de la confluence Fès-Sebou traduit l'influence significative des particules polluées de l’oued Fès. Dans la colonne d’eau, les concentrations mesurées dans le Sebou en amont de la confluence Fès-Sebou sont proches des rivières naturelles, à l’exception de Cl-, Cr, Na+ et NO3- dont les concentrations traduisent des pollutions agricoles et/ou domestiques. En revanche, la signature anthropique des rejets de la ville de Fès apparait évidente dans les eaux de l’oued Fès qui montrent des concentrations très élevées en ETM dissous et particulaires. La majorité des ETM provenant des apports anthropiques subissent des changements importants de leur coefficient de distribution Kd et présentent un comportement non conservatif dans le mélange entre les eaux du Sebou et celles de l’oued Fès. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par le modèle WHAM qui permet de prédire correctement le fractionnement dissous/particulaire, du Cu, Pb et Zn. La spéciation chimique de ces éléments ainsi que leur répartition dissous/particulaire apparaissent significativement influencées par les conditions particulières (anoxie, forte contamination, teneurs importantes en matière organique) des eaux de l’oued Fès. Ces conditions sont aussi à l’origine du comportement non conservatif de la majorité des éléments lors d'un mélange Sebou/Fès, observé aussi bien dans la colonne d’eau que dans les sédiments. / The main goal of this PhD was to evaluate the impact of the anthropogenic activities (urban, industrial or agricultural activities) on aquatic systems. The Fez metropolitan area and its impacts on the Sebou River, the main Moroccan river, were chosen as a case study. The Fez agglomeration (~1M hab), is surrounded by the Fez River, receiving the wastewaters of this developing city and then flowing into the Sebou. This work was performed on two sites along the Sebou River (upstream and downstream from the confluence with Fez River), and one site in the Fez River, downstream from the Fez city. One sampling campaigns of sediment cores and eleven sampling campaigns were performed during low flow conditions to quantify nutrients, organic carbon and trace metals and to study the dynamic and the transport of trace elements in the Sebou and Fez rivers. The obtained results revealed a global increase of studied elements in the Sebou River from upstream to downstream sampling site, in both sediments and water column. A moderate level of contamination by butyltins was observed, with monobutyltin being the dominant species across all sites and depths. The lowest level of metal pollution was identified in the Sebou's sediments upstream Fez city. Whilst the Fez' sediments were heavily polluted and exhibited bottom-up accumulation trends, which clearly evidence recent inputs from the untreated wastewaters of Fez city. The increase of metal levels in Sebou downstream sediments reflects a significant contribution of polluted particles from the Fez River. Dissolved and particulate concentrations of most of the analyzed elements in the Sebou, upstream from Fez city, are close to the natural rivers, except Cl-, Cr, Na+ et NO3- probably due to untreated urban inputs from several small/medium-size towns located upstream Fez. In the opposite On the contrary, high dissolved and particulate trace metals concentrations in the Fez River clearly indicated strong anthropogenic inputs from Fez city. Most of the studied trace metals originated from anthropogenic sources, underwent significant changes of Kd and behaved non-conservatively in the Sebou/Fez waters mixing due to drastic changes of the waters quality (anoxic condition, high concentration, high organic matter content). Dissolved/particulate partitioning were correctly assessed by WHAM-VII modeling for Cu, Pb and Zn, depicting significant differences in chemical speciation in Fez River when compared to Sebou one.
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Distributed Sensing and Observer Design for Vehicles State EstimationBolandhemmat, Hamidreza 06 May 2009 (has links)
A solution to the vehicle state estimation problem is given using the Kalman filtering and the Particle filtering theories. Vehicle states are necessary for an active or a semi-active suspension control system, which is intended to enhance ride comfort, road handling and stability of the vehicle. Due to a lack of information on road disturbances, conventional estimation techniques fail to provide accurate estimates of all the required states. The proposed estimation algorithm,
named Supervisory Kalman Filter (SKF), consists of a Kalman filter with an extra update step which is inspired by the particle filtering technique. The extra step, called a supervisory layer, operates on the portion of the state vector that cannot be estimated by the Kalman filter. First, it produces N randomly generated state vectors, the particles, which are distributed based on the Kalman filter’s last updated estimate. Then, a resampling stage is implemented to collect the
particles with higher probability. The effectiveness of the SKF is demonstrated by comparing its estimation results with that of the Kalman filter and the particle filter when a test vehicle is passing over a bump. The estimation results confirm that the SKF precisely estimates those states of the vehicle that cannot be estimated by either the Kalman filter or the particle filter,
without any direct measurement of the road disturbance inputs.
Once the vehicle states are provided, a suspension control law, the Skyhook strategy,
processes the current states and adjusts the damping forces accordingly to provide a better and safer ride for the vehicle passengers. This thesis presents a novel systematic and practical methodology for the design and implementation of the Skyhook control strategy for vehicle’s
semi-active suspension systems. Typically, the semi-active control strategies (including the Skyhook strategy) have switching natures. This makes the design process difficult and highly dependent on extensive trial and error. The proposed methodology maps the discontinuous
control system model to a continuous linear region, where all the time/frequency design
techniques, established in the conventional control system theory, can be applied. If the semiactive control law is designed to satisfy ride and stability requirements, an inverse mapping offers the ultimate control law. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology in the design of a semi-active suspension control system for a Cadillac SRX 2005 is demonstrated by real-time
road tests. The road tests results verify that the use of the newly developed systematic design methodology reduces the required time and effort in real industrial problems.
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Distributed Sensing and Observer Design for Vehicles State EstimationBolandhemmat, Hamidreza 06 May 2009 (has links)
A solution to the vehicle state estimation problem is given using the Kalman filtering and the Particle filtering theories. Vehicle states are necessary for an active or a semi-active suspension control system, which is intended to enhance ride comfort, road handling and stability of the vehicle. Due to a lack of information on road disturbances, conventional estimation techniques fail to provide accurate estimates of all the required states. The proposed estimation algorithm,
named Supervisory Kalman Filter (SKF), consists of a Kalman filter with an extra update step which is inspired by the particle filtering technique. The extra step, called a supervisory layer, operates on the portion of the state vector that cannot be estimated by the Kalman filter. First, it produces N randomly generated state vectors, the particles, which are distributed based on the Kalman filter’s last updated estimate. Then, a resampling stage is implemented to collect the
particles with higher probability. The effectiveness of the SKF is demonstrated by comparing its estimation results with that of the Kalman filter and the particle filter when a test vehicle is passing over a bump. The estimation results confirm that the SKF precisely estimates those states of the vehicle that cannot be estimated by either the Kalman filter or the particle filter,
without any direct measurement of the road disturbance inputs.
Once the vehicle states are provided, a suspension control law, the Skyhook strategy,
processes the current states and adjusts the damping forces accordingly to provide a better and safer ride for the vehicle passengers. This thesis presents a novel systematic and practical methodology for the design and implementation of the Skyhook control strategy for vehicle’s
semi-active suspension systems. Typically, the semi-active control strategies (including the Skyhook strategy) have switching natures. This makes the design process difficult and highly dependent on extensive trial and error. The proposed methodology maps the discontinuous
control system model to a continuous linear region, where all the time/frequency design
techniques, established in the conventional control system theory, can be applied. If the semiactive control law is designed to satisfy ride and stability requirements, an inverse mapping offers the ultimate control law. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology in the design of a semi-active suspension control system for a Cadillac SRX 2005 is demonstrated by real-time
road tests. The road tests results verify that the use of the newly developed systematic design methodology reduces the required time and effort in real industrial problems.
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Auswirkungen atmogener Stickstoffeinträge auf die Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik unterschiedlich stark stickstoffbelasteter WaldbödenScheuner, Thomas 20 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik in Waldböden unter dem Einfluß atmogener Stickstoffeinträge. Dabei wurden biotische und abiotische Schlüsselprozesse zweier unterschiedlich stark stickstoffbelasteter Waldböden des Nordwest- und Nordostdeutschen Tieflandes (Kreinitz und Thülsfeld) analysiert und miteinander verglichen. Um detaillierte Informationen über potentielle Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffumsätze zu erhalten, wurden die untersuchten Böden sowohl horizont- als auch tiefenstufenbezogen stratifiziert. Über einen Zeitraum von 14 Wochen wurden sämtliche Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffeinträge sowie -austräge zwischen den einzelnen Tiefenstufen beobachtet und analysiert. Nach Beendigung der Versuche wurden die einzelnen Bodenhorizonte mit spezifischen Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffextraktionsverfahren aufgeschlossen. Mit Hilfe dieser Versuchsanordnung war es möglich, eine vollständige tiefenstufenbezogene Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffbilanzierung für den Kreinitzer und Thülsfelder Boden zu erstellen. Zur Prüfung der Übertragbarkeit der Laborergebnisse auf aktuelle Standortbedingungen wurde ein Langzeitfeldversuch (ein Jahr) mit einer ähnlichen Versuchsanordnung am Standort Kreinitz durchgeführt. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden in dieser Arbeit erzielt: 1. Der TOC-Gehalt war der Hauptparameter, in dem sich der stark stickstoffbelastete Standort Thülsfeld von dem weniger stark stickstoffbelasteten Standort Kreinitz zu Beginn der Untersuchung deutlich unterschied. 2. Der KCl-extrahierbare mineralische Stickstoff (NminKCl) reagierte an beiden Versuchs-standorten am stärksten auf die Stickstoffdüngung und wurde mit Hilfe der Diskriminanzanalyse als Hauptsensitivitätsparameter für Stickstoffeinträge im Boden ermittelt. 3. Die Kreinitzer organische Auflage reagierte in bezug auf die mittelfristig umsetzbare Kohlenstoff- und Stickstofffraktion (Chwe, Nhwe) deutlich stärker auf die N-Einträge als die Thülsfelder Auflage. Infolgedessen besitzt die Kreinitzer Auflage ein höheres Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffmobilisierungspotential, die hochkomplexen organischen C- und N-Verbindungen in weniger komplexe Verbindungen abzubauen. 4. Der Thülsfelder Mineralboden 5. besitzt aufgrund der höheren Anteile des Nhwe am TN ein höheres Mobilisierungspotential für den kurz- und mittelfristig umsetzbaren Stickstoff (Nhwe) als der Kreinitzer Mineralboden. 6. Die für die Mikroorganismen verfügbaren Kohlenstoffquellen scheinen sich durch die historischen und die zusätzlich simulierten Stickstoffeinträge vom POC in der Sand-Braunerde zum WSOC und CKCl im Sand-Podsol zu verschieben. 7. Als verfügbare Stickstoffquelle nutzen die Mikroorganismen am Standort Kreinitz den PN, während sich für den Standort Thülsfeld keine eindeutige Stickstofffraktion als Hauptnahrungsquelle ermitteln ließ. 8. Sowohl in den Laborversuchen als auch im Freilandversuch führten die Stickstoffeinträge zur Verengung nahezu aller C/N-Verhältnisse in den untersuchten Extraktionsverfahren.
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Modelling of the resilient and permanent deformation behaviour of subgrade soils and unbound granular materialsSoliman, Haithem 03 October 2015 (has links)
Laboratory characterization of subgrade soils and unbound granular materials is an essential component of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (Pavement ME). The design thickness and performance of a pavement structure are highly dependent on the deformation behaviour of subgrade and granular material. Specifications for granular materials vary among transportation agencies based on the availability of materials, climatic conditions, and function. Specifications aim to provide durable materials that meet design requirements and achieve the target design life with cost effective materials.
The objectives of the research are to:
• evaluate resilient modulus of typical fine-grained soils under traffic loading.
• evaluate resilient modulus, permanent deformation, and permeability of typical unbound granular materials.
• evaluate the effect of moisture and fines fraction on the performance of unbound granular materials and subgrade soil.
• develop prediction models for resilient modulus to improve reliability of Level 2 inputs in the Pavement ME.
• provide test data in support of updating Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation specifications for unbound granular materials to improve the performance of pavement structures.
Resilient modulus tests were conducted on three types of subgrade soil (high plastic clay, sandy clay, and silty sand/sandy silt) at four levels of moisture content. Resilient modulus, permanent deformation and permeability tests were conducted on six gradations representing two types of granular material (100% crushed limestone and gravel) at two levels of moisture content. Prediction models were developed for resilient modulus and compared to the models developed under the Long Term Pavement Performance program. The proposed models provided more reliable predictions with lower root mean square error.
The deformation behaviour of the granular materials was classified according to the shakedown and dissipated energy approaches. Among the tested fines contents, limestone and gravel materials with optimum fines contents of 4.5% and 9%, respectively, had better resistance to plastic deformation and higher resilient modulus. The dissipated energy approach can be used to determine the stress ratio for the boundary between post compaction and stable zones from multistage triaxial testing. Result of permeability tests showed that the hydraulic conductivity of unbound granular material increased as the fines content decreased. / February 2016
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論垂直相關市場中之整併策略:以互補要素模型分析 / Merger Decisions in Vertically Related Market with Complementary Inputs謝宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用互補要素模型分析垂直相關市場中之整併策略,並討論在不同談判力下之各種均衡市場結構。當下游廠商所需生產要素之一為獨賣要素,另一由寡占廠商生產時,下游廠商與上游非獨賣要素廠商將視整併後談判力保存程度大小與獨占要素廠商進行補貼與否而決定是否進行垂直整併,上游獨賣要素廠商則會經由比較整併一家下游廠商和任由其他廠商垂直整併所能獲得之利潤,決定在下游廠商談判力較大的情況下併購下游廠商。而當上游非獨賣要素廠商談判力極小或極大時,上游獨賣要素廠商與下游廠商整併亦較為有利。 / This research investigates merger decisions in a vertically-related market with two complementary intermediate inputs by using the Nash bargaining model. The production of final good involves two complementary inputs, exclusive inputs and commonly available inputs. The downstream firms and the oligopolistic upstream firms would merge if the preservation of bargaining power after merger is large enough or the monopolistic input supplier subsidizes them to do so. The monopolistic input supplier compares the gains of merging a downstream firm and the profit of letting other firms integrate. The monopolistic supplier would merge a downstream firm when the bargaining power of the downstream firms is large. Also, merging with a downstream firm becomes more profitable for the monopolistic supplier if the bargaining power of oligopolistic upstream firms is extremely small or extremely large.
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Impact of a California Community College's General Education Information Literacy RequirementUsina, Phyllis 01 January 2015 (has links)
Budget cuts at a California community college prompted stakeholders to consider dropping the college's general education information literacy (IL) requirement. Broad institutional outcomes data showed learning gains, but no targeted assessment existed regarding the IL requirement's impact on those gains. This quantitative study used Astin and Antonio's Inputs-Environment-Outcomes (I-E-O) assessment model to address relationships among student characteristics of demographic and prior preparation (Inputs), the IL requirement (Environment), and student reports of information critical analysis behavior and confidence (Outcomes). Study participants were 525 students aged 18 years and older who had completed the IL course with a grade of 2.0 or better and volunteered to complete an anonymous survey. The majority of participants reported the IL requirement had a positive impact upon subsequent coursework, with 87% stating that taking it in the first or second term would be most helpful. Less preparedness for information critical analysis prior to the IL course was significantly correlated (r = -.35, r = -.38, p < .001) with higher reported frequency of 2 measures of information evaluation changes following completion of the course. The 3 hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the predictors of student demographic characteristics, prior student preparation, and IL course format contributed significantly to reported information critical analysis and confidence. The study's outcome was a white paper with recommendations to support completion of the IL course requirement early, continue the IL requirement, and repeat the study's survey in the future. Effective IL education promotes information evaluation behaviors essential to informed members of society.
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Synthèse d’observateurs intervalles à entrées inconnues pour les systèmes linéaires à paramètres variants / Unknown input interval observer for linear parameter varying systemsEllero, Nicolas 12 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la conception d’une classe particulière d’estimateurs d'état, les observateurs intervalles. L’objectif est d’estimer de manière garantie, les bornes supérieure et inférieure de l’ensemble admissible de l'état d’un système, à chaque instant de temps. L’approche considérée repose sur la connaissance a priori du domaine d’appartenance, supposé borné, des incertitudes du système (incertitudes de modélisation, perturbations, bruits, etc). Une classe d'observateurs intervalles à entrées inconnues est proposée pour la classe des systèmes Linéaires à Paramètres Variants (LPV). La synthèse des paramètres de l’observateur repose sur la résolution d’un problème d’optimisation sous contraintes de type inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI) permettant de garantir simultanément les conditions d’existence de l’observateur ainsi qu’un niveau de performance, soit dans un contexte énergie, soit dans un contexte amplitude ou soit dans un contexte mixte énergie/amplitude. Plus particulièrement, la performance de l'observateur repose sur une technique de découplage pour annuler les effets des entrées inconnues et une technique d’optimisation destinée à minimiser, au sens de critères de type gain L2et/ou gain L∞, les effets des perturbations sur la largeur totale de l’enveloppe de l'état du système LPV. La méthodologie de synthèse proposée est illustrée sur un exemple académique. Enfin, la méthodologie est appliquée au cas de la phase d’atterrissage du véhicule spatial HL20, sous des conditions de simulations réalistes. / This thesis addresses the design of a class of estimator, named interval obser-ver, which evaluates in a guaranteed way, a set for the state of the system at each instant of time. The proposed approach is based on a priori knowledge of bounded sets for the system uncertainties (modeling uncertainties, disturbances, noise, etc.). A methodology to design an interval observer is proposed for the class of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) Systems. The feasibility of the latter is based on the resolution of linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) constraints allowing to simultaneously get the existence conditions of the intervalobserver and a certain level of a priori given performance for the state estimation of the system. Specifically, the performance of the estimates is based on a decoupling technique to avoid the effects of unknown inputs and an optimization technique to minimize, in the L2 and/or L∞ gain sense, the effects of disturbances on the estimated interval length for the state of the LPV system. The design methodology is illustrated on academic examples.Finally, the methodology is applied on the landing phase of the HL20 shuttle.
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Cultivo de morango em ambiente tipo telado, sob manejos diferenciados de irrigação e de fertilização orgânica, nas condições climáticas de Fortaleza, Ceará / Strawberry culture in greenhouse under different managements of irrigation and organic fertilization, in climatic conditions in Fortaleza, CearáLima, Francisco Aldiel January 2014 (has links)
LIMA, Aldiel Lima. Cultivo de morango em ambiente tipo telado, sob manejos diferenciados de irrigação e de fertilização orgânica, nas condições climáticas de Fortaleza, Ceará. 2014. 70 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola. 2014. / Submitted by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-06-29T17:13:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / The fruit of the strawberry (Fragaria x anamassa Duch.) Is enjoyed all over the world, with planting accomplished in several regions, a fact that occurs the existence of cultivars adapted to different climates. But in the Northeast there is a big challenge for producers and researchers, mainly due to high temperatures and evapotranspiration and low rainfall. Another challenge is the search for a less dependent on mineral inputs agriculture. Biofertilizers are presented as an important tool for crop production, being generated from natural product obtained from the fermentation of organic materials. In consequence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of irrigation and levels of bovine biofertilizer anaerobic fermentation under protected environment of the screenhouse type, in the climatic conditions in Fortaleza, Ceará. For this, the experiment was conducted in weather station at the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, from August to December 2012, protected under the greenhouse type environment. Experimental design was a randomized complete block in a split-plot design in that the irrigation was applied through drip (equivalent to 33.3, 66.6, 100, 133.3, 166.6% of class A evaporation measured in tank, ECA), constituted the main plots. The four levels of cattle biofertilizer (125, 250, 375 and 500 ml plant-¹ week-¹) were the subplots with four replications. Were evaluated gas exchange (photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration, and internal CO2 concentration; at 40 and 110 DAT), the biomass (dry matter of the roots, shoot and total), the variables of harvest (diameter, length, number,average fruit weight and yield) and postharvest (total soluble solid, pH , titratable acidity and soluble solid ratio / acidity). The dose of 375 mL plant-¹ week-¹ is presented as the best dosage for strawberry culture in Ceará. The functions generated for most variables depending on irrigation were quadratic polynomial, with the best irrigation depths near in the 100% of ECA. The irrigation depths equivalent to 126.92% of ECA and bovine biofertilizer dose of 375 mL plant-¹ week-¹, provides further development of biomass. It is recommended for maximum production a irrigation depths equivalent to 101.35% of ECA and a bovine biofertilizer dose of 375 mL plant-¹ week-¹. / O fruto do morangueiro (Fragaria x anamassa Duch.) é apreciado no mundo inteiro, sendo o plantio realizado em diversas regiões, fato esse que ocorre pela existência de cultivares adaptadas a diferentes climas. Porém na região Nordeste há um grande desafio aos produtores e pesquisadores, devido principalmente às temperaturas e evapotranspirações elevadas e a baixa pluviosidade. Outro desafio é a busca por uma agricultura menos dependente de insumos minerais. Os biofertilizantes apresentam-se como uma importante ferramenta para a produção vegetal, sendo gerados a partir de produtos naturais obtidos da fermentação de materiais orgânicos. Em consequência, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar os efeitos de lâminas de irrigação e doses de biofertilizante bovino de fermentação anaeróbica, sob ambiente protegido do tipo telado, nas condições climáticas de Fortaleza, Ceará. Para isso, o experimento foi conduzido na Estação Agrometeorológica da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), em Fortaleza, no período de setembro a dezembro de 2012, sob ambiente protegido do tipo telado. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, em que as lâminas de irrigação foram aplicadas via gotejamento (equivalentes a 33,3; 66,6; 100; 133,3; 166,6 % da evaporação medida no tanque classe A, ECA), constituíndo as parcelas. As quatro doses de biofertilizante bovino (125; 250; 375 e 500 ml semana-¹ planta-¹) foram as subparcelas, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as trocas gasosas (fotossíntese, condutância estomática, transpiração e concentração interna de CO2; aos 40 e 110 DAT), a biomassa (matéria seca da raiz, da parte aérea e total), as variáveis de colheita (diâmetro, comprimento, número, massa média dos frutos e produtividade) e de pós-colheita (sólido solúveis totais, pH, acidez titulável e relação sólido solúveis/acidez titulável). A dose de 375 mL semana-¹ planta-¹ apresenta-se como a melhor dosagem para a cultura do morangueiro no litoral cearense. As funções geradas para a maioria das variáveis em função das lâminas de irrigação foram polinomiais quadráticas, sendo as lâminas ótimas próximas a 100% da ECA. A lâmina de irrigação equivalente a 126,92% da ECA e a dose de biofertilizante de 375 mL semana-¹ planta-¹ proporciona o maior desenvolvimento da biomassa. Recomenda-se para uma máxima produção, uma lâmina de irrigação equivalente a 101,35% da ECA e uma dose de biofertilizante de 375 mL semana-¹ planta-¹.
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