Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inserts"" "subject:"lnserts""
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The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of wide peening and cleaning (WPC) also known as fine particle peening on the surface properties and cutting performance of cemented carbide inserts. In WPC, the surface of the material is bombarded with millions of high-velocity fine shot generating a uniform layer of plastic deformation near the surface. The plastically deformed layer will have higher compressive residual stress levels, higher surface hardness, experience changes in surface morphology and changes in microstructure. Selecting suitable peening parameters is crucial for achieving proper results. In this study, tools are treated under different pressures varying between 0.2 to 0.4 MPa, and for different peening durations of 2.5 to 10 s.
The cutting performance of uncoated tools treated with WPC was examined while turning ductile cast iron and AISI 4140. To have a better understanding, the surface morphology, microstructure, surface roughness, cutting edge radius, residual stresses, and surface hardness were measured and discussed. The results are also compared with untreated tools. The compressive residual stresses were significantly higher after WPC. In addition, uncoated tools treated with WPC resulted in a 12-30% higher tool life over untreated tools.
Based on the findings outlined in this thesis, WPC can be recommended as a surface treatment on uncoated cemented carbide inserts for increasing tool life. Also, this study shows significant potential for using WPC as a pre-coating treatment for improving coating adhesion on cemented carbide cutting inserts. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Ventilation par mélange utilisant des dispositifs de diffusion munis d’inserts lobés : analyse des écoulements moteurs et du confort thermique induit / Mixing ventilation using air diffusion devices equipped with lobed inserts : airflow pattern and induced thermal comfort analysisBragança, Pierre 05 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la ventilation par mélange à haute induction pour le bâtiment au moyen de diffuseurs d’air innovants munis de promoteurs de tourbillons. Il s’agit d’inserts lobés, introduits au sein de diffuseurs d’air commerciaux, sans en modifier le processus de fabrication. L’innovation est née de travaux antérieurs et a fait récemment l’objet d’un brevet européen. Sa mise en situation à l’échelle 1 en conditions typiques de chauffage et de climatisation, constitue l’objectif premier des présents travaux. Par une démarche expérimentale, l’impact des inserts lobés sur la topologie de l’écoulement moteur, sur le confort thermique induit en zone d’occupation d’une cellule climatique thermiquement gardée, et sur les pertes de charges et le bruit générés, sont évalués. Les écoulements moteurs sont analysés par PIV 2D2C grand champ, et le confort thermique est évalué en zone d’occupation à l'aide d’un ensemble de capteurs ponctuels de vitesse et de température et du modèle PMV/PPD de Fanger. Les résultats montrent que les inserts lobés introduits dans le diffuseur, favorisent le mélange du jet qui en est issu avec l’air ambiant à traiter. Le confort thermique en zone d’occupation est amélioré de façon significative, par rapport au cas de référence du même diffuseur sans inserts. L’impact des inserts sur l’acoustique et les pertes de charges n’est pas significatif, ce qui valide l’innovation pour son application immédiate dans le bâtiment. En dernière partie, nous avons comparé la performance des diffuseurs innovants munis d’inserts lobés au diffuseur vortex, présenté sur le marché de la diffusion de l’air comme étant doté d’une grande capacité de mélange, suite à la mise en rotation du jet à l’aide d’ailettes profilées. Les résultats ont montré que l’encastrement au plafond du diffuseur vortex préconisé par le fabricant, dont il résulte l’adhérence immédiate du jet par effet Coanda, inhibe le mouvement de rotation escomptée, et sa performance dans ces conditions est inférieure à celle du diffuseur à inserts lobés. Il résulte de ce constat, la nécessité d’une installation du diffuseur vortex sur conduite apparente pour que sa performance soit réelle ; cela est envisageable pour des locaux commerciaux ou industriels de grande hauteur sous plafond. Les diffuseurs lobés encastrés au plafond, dont on a ainsi démontré la performance, sont parfaitement adaptés aux espaces de bureaux ou d’habitations de faibles hauteurs sous-plafond, et répondent par conséquent au réel besoin de la haute induction dans ce type de locaux. / This thesis deals with high-induction mixing ventilation for buildings using innovative air diffusers equipped with vortex promoters. These are lobed inserts, introduced into commercial air diffusers, without modifying the manufacturing process. The innovation was born from previous work and has recently been the subject of an European patent. The first objective of the present work is to conduct full scale experiments under typical heating and air conditioning conditions. By an experimental approach, the impact of the lobed inserts on the airflow and jet pattern, on the thermal comfort induced in the occupied zone of a thermally guarded climate chamber, and on the pressure drop and the noise generation. Airflow pattern is analyzed by large scale PIV 2D2C, and thermal comfort is evaluated in the occupied zone using a set of temperature and speed sensors and Fanger's PMV / PPD model. The results show that the lobed inserts introduced into the diffusers enhance the mixing between the jet and ambient air whose to be treated. The thermal comfort in the occupied zone is significantly improved, compared to the reference case of the same diffuser without inserts. The impact of the inserts on the acoustics and the pressure drop is not significant, which validates the innovation for its immediate application in buildings. Finally, we compared the performance of innovative diffusers with lobed inserts to the vortex diffuser, presented in the air diffusion market as a high mixing diffuser, because of the rotation generated by profiled fins. The results showed that when the diffuser is flush mounted to the ceiling, which is recommended by the manufacturer, the immediate attachment of the jet due to the Coanda effect inhibits the expected rotational movement. Its performance under these conditions is lower to that of the diffuser with lobed inserts. It follows from this finding that the installation of the vortex diffuser on a free pipe is necessary for its best performance ; this can be performed for high ceiling commercial buildings or industrial buildings. Ceiling flush mounted diffusers with lobed inserts, which we have demonstrated their performance, are perfectly suited for office spaces or homes with low ceiling heights, and therefore meet the real need for high induction in this type of buildings.
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The Effect of Variability in Substance Abuse and Dependence Terminology on Physicians' Prescribing DecisionsPhipps, Lisa Rochelle Burroughs 01 January 2006 (has links)
Prescription drug abuse is a continuing problem in the United States. Educating physicians on issues related to prescription drug abuse is a key factor in preventing and treating this problem. High variability has been found in substance abuse terminology in the literature, textbooks, and FDA-approved product labeling. This dissertation describes a survey study designed to address how the variability in substance abuse terminology, specifically package inserts, affects the prescribing decisions made by physicians.A random sample of 1008 physicians currently licensed and residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia received a letter of explanation, a self-administered questionnaire, and a follow-up reminder and thank you. To increase response rate, a second questionnaire was sent to non-responders. Prescribing decisions made by physicians were measured as three variables: comfort level with a prior physician's choice, likelihood of refilling the prescription, and likelihood of prescribing a drug or drug class as the first physician seeing a particular patient. Physicians were presented with four case scenarios which included package insert information and selected patient characteristics. Other factors affecting physicians' decisions in prescribing controlled substances include ideas about addiction, and characteristics of the physician, patient, disease state, and drug. The patient case scenarios and other items on the questionnaire addressed these covariates. Based on the number of deliverable questionnaires returned and included in analysis, the response rate was 32.3%. More physicians associated abuse, craving, drug-seeking behavior, psychological dependence, and withdrawal with addiction than with drug dependence, while more physicians felt that physical dependence and tolerance were necessary for drug dependence. The most frequently used sources for drug information were the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR), package inserts, and pharmacists. Four linear regression models were created for physician prescribing decisions. Physician, patient and package insert characteristics were all significant (p
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Avaliação da capacidade de carga no arrancamento de alças de içamento em lajes pré-moldadas de concreto. / Evaluable of strength in lifting handles at pull-out testing in precast concrete slabs.Penachio Júnior, José 12 April 2019 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, as alças de içamento de lajes pré-moldadas utilizadas em obras residenciais foram caracterizadas e ensaiadas à tração com o propósito de integrá-las ao sistema produtivo que conta com as lajes devidamente empilhadas no canteiro de obra e içadas ainda jovem até o pavimento. O centro de carga devido aos pontos de içamento deve coincidir com o baricentro da laje e o conjunto de pontos deve resistir aos esforços solicitantes, que no presente trabalho, destacam-se os momentos fletores máximos e punção em cada ponto. A segurança estrutural quanto à flexão foi avaliada pela resistência dos materiais, com base na flexão simples, e pela proposta de bielas e tirantes através da treliça 45º proposta por Morsch e que também foi utilizada para determinar a carga máxima a partir das tensões de tração na superfície cônica próxima ao ponto de içamento na tentativa de relacioná-la às cargas de punção calculadas por equações obtidas de normas, como ACI 318 e NBR 6118, e equação de resistência à carga de punção proposta por Muttoni em 2008. / In this research, the metallic inserts in concrete precast slabs to lift up, which are useful in residential buildings and this lifting system was characterized and took at evaluable of strength at pull-out testing with the purpose of integration into the productive system which contain the precast slabs produced in construction site. The loading center of group lifting inserts may coincide with center of mass in the slab and the set should resist efforts such as bending of the slab and punching shear at each lifting handle. The structural safety of concrete over bending has been evaluated by flexural stress on the across section no cracked concrete and also strut and tie model proposed by Morsch and which model has been suggested to determine the punching shear load on conical surface near by lifting insert in the precast concrete slab and compare with some codes, such as ACI 318 and NBR 6118, also Muttoni\'s punching shear load equation of 2008.
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As relações de comunicação no processo de produção na Gráfica Abril: inovações, criatividade e reconhecimento do uso de si na atividade de comunicação e de trabalho. / -Picciarelli Junior, Sérgio 27 October 2009 (has links)
O avanço das novas tecnologias, a informatização e a globalização vem alterando continuamente o perfil do trabalhador, as políticas de trabalho, os processos de produção e consequentemente as relações entre os indivíduos na sociedade. O ambiente de trabalho é campo privilegiado de discurso, formação ideológica, de desenvolvimento humano e influencia o andamento do cotidiano das demais instituições sociais. Nesse contexto a comunicação no mundo do trabalho deixa de ser tratada apenas como um sistema de informação e passa a fazer parte do acúmulo de capital. O objetivo dessa dissertação é demonstrar como a comunicação tornou-se base de organização dos processos de produção e como as relações de comunicação no nível da produção revelam o saber do trabalhador. / The advancement of new technology, computerization and globalization is changing continuously the profile of the worker, policy work, working processes and consequently the relationship between individuals in society. The work environment is ideal forum for speech, ideological training, human development and the progress of the daily influences of other social institutions. In this context the communication in the world of work no longer be treated only as an information system and becomes part of the accumulation of capital. The objective of this dissertation is to show how communication has become the basis for organization of production processes and relations of communication at the show the production of knowledge worker.
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Machining Chip-Breaking Prediction with Grooved Inserts in Steel TurningZhou, Li 09 January 2002 (has links)
Prediction of chip-breaking in machining is an important task for automated manufacturing. There are chip-breaking limits in maching chip-breaking processes, which determine the chip-breaking range. This paper presents a study of chip-breaking limits with grooved cutting tools, and a web-based machining chip-breaking prediction system. Based on the chip-breaking curve, the critical feed rate is modeled through an analysis of up-curl chip formation, and the critical depth of cut is formulated through a discussion of side-curl dominant chip-formation processes. Factors affecting chip-breaking limits are also discussed. In order to predict chip-breaking limits, semi-empirical models are established. Although the coefficients that occur in the model are estimated through machining tests, the models are applicable to a broad range of machining conditions. The model parameters include machining conditions, tool geometry, and workpiece material properties. A new web-based machining chip-breaking prediction system is introduced with examples of industrial applications.
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Tool Life and Flank Wear Modeling of Physical Vapour Deposited TiAlN/TiN Multilayer Coated Carbide End Mill Inserts when Machining 4340 Steel Under Dry and Semi-Dry Cutting ConditionsChakraborty, Pinaki 03 January 2008 (has links)
This study investigates the tool wear of advanced PVD TiALN/TiN multilayer coated end mill inserts when dry and semi-dry machining 4340 low alloy medium carbon steel. A factorial design of experiment setup consisting of two levels of speed, three levels of feed, two levels of depth of cut, and two levels of cutting conditions (semi-dry and dry) was used for the study. The combination of cutting conditions that gave the best response for different components of cutting force, cutting power, surface roughness and tool life were determined using MANOVA & ANOVA analysis and Tukey comparison of means test using MINITAB statistical software package. From a study of the Energy Dispersive X ray (EDX) analysis and primary back scatter images obtained from the worn out crater surface of the insert, it was observed that diffusion wear prevailed under both dry and semi-dry machining conditions. A tool life model was developed using multiple regression analysis within the range of cutting conditions selected. A model for flank wear progression was also developed using mixed effects modeling technique using S Plus statistical software package. This technique takes into account between and within work piece variations during end milling and produces a very accurate model for tool wear progression. This is the first time application of the mixed effects modeling technique in metal cutting literature.
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Modeling and Analysis of the Shot Peening Process : a Study of the Residual Stresses in an Insert using the Finite Element MethodTorkaman, Hamid January 2018 (has links)
Cutting tool inserts are often coated with thin layers either through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes. In order to have a better wear resistance cutting tools are mostly subjected to post-coating treatment processes. Shot peening is one of the processes that is used to improve the fatigue life of metallic components. In this study, the finite element (FE) method is employed to model the elastic-plastic deformation and development of residual stress distributions in a cutting tool after the impact of a shot medium. To carry out the work, CVD coated cemented carbide has been chosen to be the workpiece (insert), and the coatings of the chosen insert are Titanium Carbo Nitride (TiCN) and Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3). Aim of the study is to model a single impact in the shot peening process on a surface of a coated cemented carbide insert while simulating the plastic deformation of the materials. In addition, the objective of the study is also to understand and explain the mechanics of shot peening process and find applicable mechanical properties of the materials for FE modeling. Conjugately, the influence of shot peening process parameters (e.g. velocity, diameter or shape of the peening media) on residual stress distribution has been investigated and the results obtained were compared to the one observed from experiment. The modeling in the study is carried out both with and without initial residual stresses in the materials. The initial residual stresses are estimated by applying a thermal load to the model. The results show that the compressive residual stresses achieved while shot peening by an edge-shaped medium are significantly higher at the surface (i.e. in a coated layer) than compared to a globular medium. In contrast, it is observed that the compressive residual stresses in the cemented carbide are significantly higher and deeper when shot peened with globular medium than the edge-shaped medium. Furthermore, the results of parameteric study demonstrate that the smaller medium induces higher residual stresses at the surface (i.e. in a coated layer) than in the cemented carbide. In contrast, it is observed that the bigger medium induces less residual stresses at the surface (i.e. in a coated layer) and higher residual stresses deeper in the cemented carbide. Whereas, it is observed that the higher residual stresses at the surface (i.e. in a coated layer) and in the cemeneted carbide can be achieved simultaneously by shot peens having a higher velocity. Residual stress profiles modelled in this report correlate with data from previous studies. This study has been carried out at Sandvik Coromant, Edge and Surfaces department in Stockholm, Sweden.
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As relações de comunicação no processo de produção na Gráfica Abril: inovações, criatividade e reconhecimento do uso de si na atividade de comunicação e de trabalho. / -Sérgio Picciarelli Junior 27 October 2009 (has links)
O avanço das novas tecnologias, a informatização e a globalização vem alterando continuamente o perfil do trabalhador, as políticas de trabalho, os processos de produção e consequentemente as relações entre os indivíduos na sociedade. O ambiente de trabalho é campo privilegiado de discurso, formação ideológica, de desenvolvimento humano e influencia o andamento do cotidiano das demais instituições sociais. Nesse contexto a comunicação no mundo do trabalho deixa de ser tratada apenas como um sistema de informação e passa a fazer parte do acúmulo de capital. O objetivo dessa dissertação é demonstrar como a comunicação tornou-se base de organização dos processos de produção e como as relações de comunicação no nível da produção revelam o saber do trabalhador. / The advancement of new technology, computerization and globalization is changing continuously the profile of the worker, policy work, working processes and consequently the relationship between individuals in society. The work environment is ideal forum for speech, ideological training, human development and the progress of the daily influences of other social institutions. In this context the communication in the world of work no longer be treated only as an information system and becomes part of the accumulation of capital. The objective of this dissertation is to show how communication has become the basis for organization of production processes and relations of communication at the show the production of knowledge worker.
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Analýza silového zatížení stopkových fréz s PCD s ohledem na jejich ostření / Analysis of the force loading of the end mills with PCD considering their sharpeningTrčka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Measurement of the force loading is a significant type of measurement in mechanical engineering applied to analyse important aspects in the machining process. In addition to the determination of specific material constants, it is possible to analyse, for example, various machining strategies, geometries of tools or the degree of wear of the cutting edges of cutting tools. This master’s thesis deals especially with the last two mentioned aspects which are subjects of an experiment on end mills with PCD inserts sharpened by a different technology. In the introductory part the cutting forces are theoretically analysed along with their measurement possibilities and the technology of the production of the mills including their sharpening – WEDM and EDM-G. One chapter is concerned with the milling of plastic materials, as PVC was the material used for the workpiece during the experiment. The first experimental part is devoted to the analysis of sharpened tools followed by the measurement of forces using the piezoelectric dynamometer and the subsequent analysis of the influence of the different tool geometry. The last conducted experiment monitors how the overall cutting forces of individual end mills sharpened by different technology changed over specific milling time slots.
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