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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Does the shoe type matter when prescribing custom-made foot orthoses? A comparison of peak plantar pressure in healthy subjects with custom-made foot orthoses in different shoe types.

Wennerholm, Erik, Gustafsson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: A common prescription in Prosthetic and orthotic clinics in Sweden is custom-made foot orthoses (CmFO). These must be placed in shoes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the shoe type will have an impact on the effectiveness of CmFO regarding plantar pressure (PP).  Method: PP data was collected during gait from two healthy participants while wearing two pairs of different shoe types, a stable walking shoe and a flexible canvas shoe, with CmFO and original shoe insoles (OSI) respectively. The in-shoe F-scan system was used for data collection. Results: Going from canvas shoe to walking shoe showed reduced peak PP with around 40% in the forefoot and 27-50% in the heel. The walking shoe increased midfoot pressure >90% for both participants compared to the canvas shoe. The use of CmFO reduced the peak PP in the heel by 35-41% in the walking shoe and 9-44% in the canvas shoe.  Conclusion: The CmFO reduced peak PP in the heel and spread the pressure to the midfoot in both types of shoes but had bigger impact in the walking shoe. The walking shoe with OSI generated lower peak PP under the forefoot and heel than the canvas shoe with CmFO. / Syfte: En vanlig förskrivning på ortopedtekniska kliniker i Sverige är individuellt formgjutna fotortoser vilka måste placeras i skor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida skotypen påverkar effekten av sådana fotortoser med hänsyn till plantartryck.  Metod: Data för plantartryck samlades in under gång från två friska deltagare bärandes två olika par av skor, en stabil Walking-sko och en flexibel canvassko, med individuellt formgjutna fotortoser respektive originalsulor genom att använda in-shoe  F-Scan systemet.  Resultat: Vid övergång från canvasskon till walking-skon minskade högsta plantartryck med ca 40% i framfot och 27-50% i hälen. Walking-skon ökade trycket i mellanfoten med över 90% för båda deltagarna jämfört med canvasskon. Användandet av individuellt formgjutna fotortoser sänkte högsta plantartryck i hälen med 35-41% i walkingskon och 9-44% i canvasskon.  Slutsats: De individuellt formgjutna fotortoserna sänkte högsta plantartryck i hälen och spred trycket mot mellanfoten i båda typerna av skor men hade en större påverkan i walking-skon. Walking-skon med originalsulor genererade lägre högsta plantartryck under framfoten och hälen än canvasskon med individuellt formgjutna fotortoser.

Rôle des afférences plantaires dans le contrôle postural et oculomoteur de sujets sains et de sujets avec Inefficience des Afférences Plantaires non symptomatique / Role of plantar afferents in postural and oculomotor control of healthy subjects and subjects with asymptomatic plantar extercoeptive inefficency

Foisy, Arnaud 27 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise à évaluer le rôle des afférences cutanées plantaires dans le contrôle postural et oculomoteur en manipulant l’extéroception plantaire à l’aide de stimulations mécaniques plantaires fines. La 1ère étude a montré que des éléments médio-plantaires fins externes (EME) et surtout internes (EMI) améliorent la stabilité orthostatique et postériorisent le CPP de sujets jeunes et sains lors de mouvements des yeux. Ils ont aussi une action spécifique sur la vergence (pas sur les saccades) : les EMI augmentent l’amplitude phasique de divergence et diminuent la partie tonique, autrement dit agissent surtout sur la composante pré-programmée du mouvement ; alors que les EME agissent sur la convergence en augmentant son amplitude tonique, composante contrôlée sous influence de la rétroaction visuelle. Les inserts influent de manière directe sur le contrôle postural et oculomoteur par des voies spécifiques et indépendantes. La 2ème étude explique la variabilité des réponses des sujets de la 1ère. Nous avons mesuré leur degré d’utilisation des afférences extéroceptives plantaires par la méthode du Quotient Plantaire (QP = Surface CPP mousse / Surface CPP sol dur X 100). Un QP<100 suggère une Inefficience des Afférences Plantaires (IAP) : les sujets IAP ne présentent plus d’amélioration de leur stabilité ni aucune modification de la vergence avec les inserts plantaires. Nous proposons que cette situation soit non physiologique et relève d’un dysfonctionnement non douloureux latent des récepteurs plantaires, opposant les sujets IAP aux sujets ayant un QP normal. La 3ème étude a investigué les rapports entre l’utilisation des afférences plantaires et visuelles chez de jeunes adultes sains avec la méthode du QP et du Quotient du Romberg (QR). Elle mis en évidence l’existence d’une utilisation synergique des afférences visuelles et plantaires en vision de près, uniquement chez les sujets au QP normal. Les sujets IAP ont un QR plus bas que les sujets au QP normal, en vision de près et sur sol dur uniquement. Sur mousse, leur QR des sujets IAP augmente ; les yeux fermés, leur QP augmente, ce qui objective une asynergie visuo-podale. La 4ème étude, sur la même population, a montré qu’un EME bilatéral augmente l’esophorie, uniquement de loin et chez les sujets IAP. La 5ème étude a révélé l’influence de l’extéroception plantaire sur la perception de la Verticale Visuelle Subjective (VVS) sur la même population. Elle a montré une diminution de l’erreur vers la gauche de près chez les sujets au QP normal avec un EME droit, ainsi qu’une diminution de l’erreur absolue de loin chez les sujets IAP avec un EMI bilatéral. L’ensemble de ces travaux consolide au plan théorique l’importance des afférences plantaires aussi bien pour le contrôle orthostatique, le contrôle de la vergence, la perception de la VVS et l’alignement des yeux (phories). Ils démontrent que l’utilisation de ces afférences est variable selon les sujets et ont des implications cliniques pluridisciplinaires. / This thesis aims at assessing the role of plantar cutaneous afferents in postural and oculomotor control by manipulating plantar exteroception with thin mechanical plantar stimulations. The 1st study showed that lateral, and even more medial mid-foot plantar inserts (LAS / MAS) improve stability in quiet stance and induce a backward shift of the CoP of young healthy subjects during eye movements. They also have a specific action upon vergence (not saccades): MAS increase the phasic amplitude of divergence and decrease its tonic part, in other words they mainly act on the pre-programmed component of the movement; whereas LAS act upon convergence, increasing its tonic amplitude, which is under the influence of visual retroaction. The inserts have a direct influence upon postural and oculomotor control through specific and independent paths. The 2nd study explained the variability of the subjects’ answers of the former. We measured their degree of reliance upon plantar cutaneous afferents with the Plantar Quotient method (PQ = Surface CoP foam / Surface CoP firm gorund X 100). A PQ<100 suggest a Plantar Extercoeptive Inefficency (PEI): PEI subjects do not show any improvement of their stability or any modification of vergence with the inserts. We propose that this situation is non-physiological and results from a non-noxious latent dysfunction of the sole receptors, opposing the PEI subjects to those who have a normal PQ. The 3rd study investigated the relationship between the use of plantar and visual afferents in young healthy subjects with the method of the PQ and Romberg Quotient (RQ). It has evidenced the existence of a synergic use of visual and plantar afferents in close-distance vision, only among normal PQ subjects. The PEI subjects have a significantly lower RQ than the others only at close distance on firm ground. On foam, their RQ increases; eyes closed, their PQ increases, which objectifies a visual-podal asynergy. The 4th study, on the same population, showed that a bilateral LAS increase esophoria only at far distance and among the PEI subjects. The 5th study revealed the influence of plantar exteroception upon the perception of verticality on the same population. It has brought out a decrease of the leftward error at near distance among the normal PQ subjects with a right LAS, and a decrease of the absolute error at far distance among the PEI subjects with a bilateral MAS. Taken together, these studies support, from a theoretical point of view, the importance of plantar afferents for postural control as well as vergence control, SVV estimation and eyes alignment (phorias). They demonstrate that the use of these afferents depends on the subjects and have multidisciplinary clinical implications.

Growth and Characterization of Ti-Si-N Thin Films

Flink, Axel January 2008 (has links)
Utvecklingen inom materialforskningen går mot att framställa avancerade material vilka är skräddarsydda för olika tillämpningar. Detta har medfört att det blir allt mer populärt att belägga ytor med ett eller flera tunna lager med syfte att förbättra materialegenskaperna. Användningsområden för ytbeläggningar går att hitta inom allt från vardagliga produkter såsom teflonbeläggningar av stekpannor, förgyllning av smycken till avancerad halvledarteknik för att åstadkomma energieffektiva lysdioder. Det enskilt största tillämpningsområdet för tunna filmer är dock som skyddande skikt för verktyg inom skärande bearbetning. Utvecklingen går stadigt mot högre skärhastigheter och därmed ökade temperaturer, idagsläget kan området där verktyget och arbetsmaterialet är i kontakt nå temperaturer på mellan 800-1000 °C utan att förlora nämnvärt i styrka. Detta har gjorts möjligt genom att belägga skären med någon eller några μm (tusendels mm) av lämpligt keramiskt material i avseende att öka motståndskraften för nötning vid bearbetning vid höga temperaturer. I den här avhandlingen har tunna filmer studerats med det övergripande målet att förbättra egenskaper hos verktyg för skärande metallbearbetning genom att öka motståndskraften hos materialen mot mekanisk och kemisk nötning vid höga temperaturer. Materialsystemet som undersökts är Ti-Si-N, där tunna filmer av både legeringar och tvåfassystem har syntetiserats och egenskapskarakteriserats. Legeringarna är belagda med varierande Si-halt från 0 till 10 atomprocent och avsedda för att studera strukturella, termiska och mekaniska egenskaper. De framställdes med en teknik som kallas arcförångning, där man i ett vakuumsystem frigör högenergetiskt material i det här fallet av Ti och Si som förångas från en solid yta kallad target. Atomerna joniseras genom kollisioner med elektroner och reagerar på sin väg mot substratet med kvävgas. Väl framme vid substratet, kondenserar jonerna och bilder den tunna filmen. Filmerna består av två strukturtyper, den första är en fast lösning där Si atomer upp till 5 at.% ersätter Ti atomer i TiN. I det andra fallet så segregerar Si till korngränserna. Värmebehandlingsexperiment visar att Si bildar SiNx som kapslar in TiN-korn vid temperaturer upp till 1000 °C. Hårdhetstester visar att filmerna bibehåller sin hårdhet upp till 1000 °C tack vare fasomvandlingen. Även vid 1100 °C är hårdheten hög. Dessa skikt besitter alltså egenskaper som gör dem väldigt användbara inom tillämpningar för skärande bearbetning. Nanostrukturerade materials egenskaper beror på dess mikrostruktur snarare än på de grundämnen som ingår, detta exemplifieras av TiN-SiNx-nanokompositer bestående av nanokristallina TiN-korn inbäddade i några få atomlager SiNx, där materialegenskaperna helt och hållet beror på kornstorleken på TiN-kornen och tjockleken på SiNx-lagren. Ökas tjockleken på SiNx minskar hårdheten. Dessa filmer har mycket goda mekaniska egenskaper och är ett av de hårdaste materialen som finns. Nyckeln till den höga hårdheten hos skikten ligger i att bilda starka bindningar mellan TiN och SiNx. Hur dessa ser ut vet man dock inte eftersom strukturen på SiNx gränsytan inte är känd. Anledningen är att den är svår att avbilda på grund av dess krökta form och begränsade volym. I denna avhandling har TiN/SiNx multilager belagts, dvs. en lagrad struktur TiN alternerad med SiNx. Dessa filmer framställdes med sputtring, en teknik som liknar arcförångning men där man istället accelerera positivt laddade joner mot Ti och Si targets med en hög negativ potential som frigör Ti och Si. I multilagren varierades SiNx-lagrets tjocklek mellan endast några få atomlager för att göra en förenklad modell av gränsytan hos nanokompositen och med atomupplöst transmissionselektronmikroskopi samt hårdhetsmätningar konstateras sedan att de hårdaste filmerna var de där kristallin SiNx stabiliseras mellan TiNkorn. Vidare studerar jag SiNx/TiN ytor med sveptunnelmikroskopi och täthetsfunktionalteori (en kvantmekanisk simuleringsmetod). Mina resultat visar SiNx och bindningarna till TiN är mycket mer komplicerade än vad man tidigare trott, då de kan vara kristallina och anta komplexa rekonstruktioner. Detta bidrar till den starka bindningen mellan TiN och SiNx vilket i sin tur förklarar varför materialen blir så hårda. / Ti-Si-N and Ti-Al-Si-N thin solid films have been studied by analytical electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection analysis, nanoindentation, and ab initio calculations. I find that arc evaporated (Ti1-xSix)Ny films can be grown as cubic solid solutions up to x = 0.09 with a dense columnar microstructure. Films with higher Si content up to x = 0.20 assumes an extremely defect-rich, feather-like structure consisting of cubic TiN:Si nanocrystallite bundles with low-angle grain boundaries caused by thermodynamically driven Si segregation. Correspondingly, the N content in the films increases close to linear with the Si content from y = 1.00 (x = 0) to y = 1.13 (x = 0.20). Annealing of the films at 1000 °C yields a metastable crystalline SiNz (1.0 ≤ z ≤ 1.33) tissue phase in 0.04 ≤ x ≤ 0.20 films which is (semi)-coherent to TiN. These films are compositionally stable and exhibit retained hardness between 31-42 GPa up to 1000 °C. At 1100-1200 °C, the tissue phase amorphizes and all SiNz diffuse out of the films, followed by recrystallization of the cubic phase. Hard turning testing was performed on (Ti0.83Si0.17)N1.09. Analysis of the tool-chip interface prepared by focused ion beam revealed shear deformation in the film and an adhering layer consisting of the work-piece material and Si and N from the film. For (Ti0.33Al0.67)1-xSix)N (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.29) films the NaCl structure cubic (Ti,Al)N solid solution phase is predominant at low Si contents, which gradually changes to a dominating hexagonal wurtzite (Al,Ti,Si)N solid solution for 0.04 ≤ x ≤ 0.17. Additional Si results in amorphization. Annealing experiments at 600-1000 °C yields spinodal decomposition of c-(Al,Ti)N into c-AlN and c-TiN, with corresponding age hardening. The h-(Al,Ti,Si)N films exhibit precipitation of c- TiN with smaller volume than the host lattice, which results in tensile cracks formations and age hardening. Films with c-(Ti,Al)N perform best in turning applications, while films with h- (Al,Ti,Si)N form cracks and fail. Finally, I have characterized the nature of metastable crystalline SiNz phases and the interface between TiN(001) and SiNz. Magnetron sputtering was used to deposit TiN/SiNz(001) nanolaminate films with varying SiNz and TiN layer thicknesses. Maximum hardness is obtained when SiNz forms coherent interfaces with TiN. In addition, in situ surface analyses in combination with ab-initio calculations reveal that SiNz sub-monolayers grow epitaxially and form crystalline reconstructions on TiN(001) and TiN(111) surfaces. Phonon calculations predict that stoichiometric c-SiN is dynamically instable when the atoms are arranged in the NaCl and ZnS forms. However, c-Si3N4 can be stabilized with D022 or L12 ordered ZnS-like structures. These results have impact for the design of superhard nanocomposites and multilayer thin films.


Jesus, Edilson Rosa Barbosa de 07 October 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi à obtenção de aço rápido tipo AISI M2 pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e a avaliação deste, quanto ao seu desempenho quando aplicado como ferramenta de usinagem. O material obtido foi laminado a quente com razões de redução de 50 e 72%, resultando em placas a partir das quais foram confeccionadas pastilhas intercambiáveis para realização de testes de usinagem. O desempenho das pastilhas obtidas a partir do material conformado por “spray" e laminado a quente, foi confrontado com o de pastilhas confeccionadas a partir de material processado convencionalmente (lingotamento convencional), e com material processado pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP). As variações do material obtido por conformação por “spray", assim como também os demais materiais, foram caracterizados química, física, mecânica e microestruturalmente. Adicionalmente, foram realizados testes de usinagem para avaliação de desempenho do material quando submetido a condições reais de trabalho. Os resultados da caracterização dos materiais evidenciaram o potencial da técnica de conformação por “spray", em possibilitar a obtenção de materiais com boas características e propriedades. Para as condições de processamento, conformação mecânica e de tratamentos térmicos aplicados neste trabalho, às análises dos resultados dos testes de usinagem revelaram um comportamento muito próximo entre todos os materiais de ferramenta utilizados. Procedendo a uma análise mais refinada dos resultados dos testes de usinagem contínua, foi verificado um desempenho ligeiramente superior para o material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP), seguido pelo material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia convencional, o qual apresentou uma vantagem mínima em relação ao obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e laminado com redução de 72%. Por fim, o desempenho inferior ficou por conta do material obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e laminado com redução de 50%, o qual apresentou os maiores valores de desgaste. / The aim of the present work was the obtention of AISI M2 high-speed steel by spray forming technique and the material evaluation when used as machining tool. The obtained material was hot rolled at 50% and 72% reduction ratios, and from which it was manufactured inserts for machining tests. The performance of inserts made of the spray formed material was compared to inserts obtained from conventional and powder metallurgy (MP) processed materials. The spray formed material was chemical, physical, mechanical and microstructural characterised. For further characterisation, the materials were submitted to machining tests for performance evaluation under real work condition. The results of material characterisation highlight the potential of the spray forming technique, in the obtention of materials with good characteristics and properties. Under the current processing, hot rolling and heat treatments condition, the analysis of the results of the machining tests revealed a very similar behaviour among the tested materials. Proceeding a criterious analysis of the machining results tests, it was verified that the performance presented by the powder metallurgy material (MP) was slight superior, followed by conventional obtained material (MConv), which presented a insignificant advantage over the spray formed and hot rolled (72% reduction ratio) material. The worst result was encountered for the spray forming and hot rolled (50% reduction ratio) material that presented the highest wear values.

Análise da apropriação pública de bulas de medicamentos por usuários de uma unidade básica de saúde

Chenchi, Luiz Henrique 20 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:16:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5008.pdf: 3099649 bytes, checksum: 8fe6ad55e15aa378da407150ff2a97d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / This study aimed to analyze the public ownership of pharmaceutical inserts for users Health System in San Carlos - SP. The inserts are considered important technological instruments guidance in health, to warn about the appropriate use of information, ensuring their safety and rational use of medication. Therefore, it is deemed necessary scientific literacy in health of society as a way to participate in the construction of public policies governing the industry and understanding of the correct information for effective applicability. We used a qualitative method, applying a structured semi-structured interview to seventeen drug users a basic health unit in the city. Data analysis was based on the hermeneutic-dialectic, in five categories that emerged, focusing on understanding and criticism against the material. The profile of the subjects focused mostly on women with little schooling, elderly and prevalence of hypertension and diabetes as conditions for continuous medication. The content of the interviews showed that adherence to reading the leaflets is influenced by the font size and technical-scientific terms, aspects which are not attractive to the user / reader. Also, it was possible to identify which medical advice, habit and lack of time and not supply of leaflets in public pharmacy configured reasons that discourage reading. Still, it was noted that subjects assign value and importance revelantes say is the information contained in the inserts for the pharmacotherapeutic treatment. It was found that the participation of drug users in the public health area studied, the construction of policies governing the manufacture of small and leaflets is that they lack scientific knowledge in health that would guarantee them the right attitude in making decisions and ownership of the contents of them to proper use of medication. The education level and more accurate vision were described as important personal characteristics to read and interpret a bull and analyzed as justifications for lack of interest in the material. It was also observed that, for the subjects, large print and clearer information and lean key points noted in the constitution of a bull in order to make it an ideal mechanism guiding therapy. Therefore, it was suggested more effort of public agencies guiding public policy in the area and more active attitude as a citizen by the drug user. / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a apropriação pública de bulas de medicamentos por usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde em São Carlos SP. As bulas são consideradas importantes instrumentos tecnológicos de orientação em saúde, ao alertar sobre a utilização adequada da informação, garantindo sua segurança e o uso racional da medicação. Para tanto, julga-se necessária a alfabetização científica em saúde da sociedade, como forma de participar da construção das políticas públicas que regem o setor e compreensão correta das informações para efetiva aplicabilidade. Utilizou-se de método qualitativo, aplicando um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada a dezessete usuários de medicamentos de uma unidade básica de saúde do município. A análise dos dados baseou-se na hermenêutica-dialética, em cinco categorias que emergiram, enfocando a compreensão e crítica frente ao material. O perfil dos sujeitos se concentrou em mulheres em sua maioria, com pouco grau de escolaridade, idosos e prevalência de hipertensão e diabetes como condições para uso contínuo de medicamentos. O conteúdo das entrevistas mostrou que adesão à leitura das bulas é influenciada pelo tamanho da letra e termos técnico-científicos, os quais são aspectos não atraentes ao usuário/leitor. Também, foi possível identificar que a orientação médica, falta de hábito e tempo e não fornecimento das bulas na farmácia pública configuraram razões que desfavorecem a leitura. Mesmo assim, notou-se que os sujeitos atribuem valor de importância e dizem ser revelantes a informação contida nas bulas para o tratamento farmacoterapêutico. Foi verificado que a participação dos usuários de medicamentos, da rede pública de saúde da área estudada, na construção das políticas que regulamentam a confecção das bulas é pequena e que os mesmos carecem de conhecimentos científicos em saúde que lhes garantiriam a atitude correta na tomada de decisões e apropriação do conteúdo das mesmas para utilização adequada da medicação. O grau de escolaridade e visão mais apurada foram descritos como importantes características pessoais para ler e interpretar uma bula e analisados como justificativas para falta de interesse no material. Observou-se ainda que, para os sujeitos, letras maiores e informações mais claras e enxutas assinalaram aspectos primordiais na constituição de uma bula, a fim de torná-la um mecanismo ideal de orientação a terapia. Para tanto, foi sugerido mais esforço dos órgãos públicos norteadores de políticas públicas na área e mais atitude enquanto cidadão ativo por parte do usuário de medicamento.


Edilson Rosa Barbosa de Jesus 07 October 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi à obtenção de aço rápido tipo AISI M2 pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e a avaliação deste, quanto ao seu desempenho quando aplicado como ferramenta de usinagem. O material obtido foi laminado a quente com razões de redução de 50 e 72%, resultando em placas a partir das quais foram confeccionadas pastilhas intercambiáveis para realização de testes de usinagem. O desempenho das pastilhas obtidas a partir do material conformado por “spray” e laminado a quente, foi confrontado com o de pastilhas confeccionadas a partir de material processado convencionalmente (lingotamento convencional), e com material processado pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP). As variações do material obtido por conformação por “spray”, assim como também os demais materiais, foram caracterizados química, física, mecânica e microestruturalmente. Adicionalmente, foram realizados testes de usinagem para avaliação de desempenho do material quando submetido a condições reais de trabalho. Os resultados da caracterização dos materiais evidenciaram o potencial da técnica de conformação por “spray”, em possibilitar a obtenção de materiais com boas características e propriedades. Para as condições de processamento, conformação mecânica e de tratamentos térmicos aplicados neste trabalho, às análises dos resultados dos testes de usinagem revelaram um comportamento muito próximo entre todos os materiais de ferramenta utilizados. Procedendo a uma análise mais refinada dos resultados dos testes de usinagem contínua, foi verificado um desempenho ligeiramente superior para o material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP), seguido pelo material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia convencional, o qual apresentou uma vantagem mínima em relação ao obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e laminado com redução de 72%. Por fim, o desempenho inferior ficou por conta do material obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e laminado com redução de 50%, o qual apresentou os maiores valores de desgaste. / The aim of the present work was the obtention of AISI M2 high-speed steel by spray forming technique and the material evaluation when used as machining tool. The obtained material was hot rolled at 50% and 72% reduction ratios, and from which it was manufactured inserts for machining tests. The performance of inserts made of the spray formed material was compared to inserts obtained from conventional and powder metallurgy (MP) processed materials. The spray formed material was chemical, physical, mechanical and microstructural characterised. For further characterisation, the materials were submitted to machining tests for performance evaluation under real work condition. The results of material characterisation highlight the potential of the spray forming technique, in the obtention of materials with good characteristics and properties. Under the current processing, hot rolling and heat treatments condition, the analysis of the results of the machining tests revealed a very similar behaviour among the tested materials. Proceeding a criterious analysis of the machining results tests, it was verified that the performance presented by the powder metallurgy material (MP) was slight superior, followed by conventional obtained material (MConv), which presented a insignificant advantage over the spray formed and hot rolled (72% reduction ratio) material. The worst result was encountered for the spray forming and hot rolled (50% reduction ratio) material that presented the highest wear values.

Návrh technologie výroby svorkovnice přístroje z plastu / Design of manufacturing technology for plastic terminal device

Adamiec, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis deals with design to produce terminal using the plastic injection molding. In the first part are theoretical information about injection molding and injection molding with inserts. The second part is a concrete design of production terminal which contains: injection mold design, calculation of the injection parameters, machine selection, technical and economic evaluation of production. Terminal is made of polyamide 66, inserts material is brass. Parts of injection mold assembly are selected from Hasco standards. The main parts of assembly are made of 1.2312 steel. Production cycle is placed on injection machine Allrounder 375 V from Arburg.

Untersuchungen an Verbindungselementen für Holzkonstruktionen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

Eckardt, Ronny 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden Berechnungsvorschriften für Insertverbindungen in Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoffen (WVC) mit dem Ziel erstellt, diese zur Auslegung und Nachweisführung in Anwendungen des Maschinenbaus zu verwenden. Nach Definition eines entsprechenden Anforderungsprofils erfolgt eine umfangreiche Darstellung des Standes der Technik. Dabei wird speziell auf die rechnerische Nachweisführung von Verbindungen im Bauwesen eingegangen, schwerpunktmäßig durch die im Eurocode 5 (DIN EN 1995) definierten Modelle für stiftförmige Verbindungsmittel. Im zweiten, praktischen Teil der Arbeit erfolgt die Durchführung und Auswertung umfangreicher Versuche. Dabei werden in einem ersten Schritt wesentliche Materialkennwerte der verwendeten Holzwerkstoffe bestimmt. Die zweite Gruppe der experimentellen Untersuchungen hat das Trag- und Verformungsverhalten vollständiger Insertverbindungen zum Inhalt. Dabei werden die unter statischen Aspekten wichtigen Einflussparameter auf die Tragfähigkeit bei Belastungen in Richtung sowie quer zur Stiftachse bestimmt und geometrische Vorzugsparameter ermittelt. Unter deren Zugrundelegung erfolgt eine Ausweitung der experimentellen Untersuchungen auf dynamische Lastfälle durch eine Ableitung von Wöhlerlinien bei Zugschwellbelastung. Auf Grundlage der durchgeführten Versuche werden Modelle zur Berechnung von Insertverbindungen nach den Methoden des Ingenieurholzbaus abgeleitet. Deren Anwendbarkeit wird an einem konkreten Beispiel in Form einer Transportrollenbahn für die Verwendung in der technischen Intralogistik demonstriert. / In this work, calculation fundamentals for insert fastenings in wood veneer composites (WVC) are developed with the aim to use them for the dimensioning and verification in mechanical engineering applications. After defining the functional requirements there is a comprehensive description of the best demonstrated available technology. The arithmetical verifications of connections used in civil engineering are thereby specifically addressed with the main focus on defined models for dowel type fasteners within Eurocode 5 (EN 1995). In the second part of the work comprehensive technical tests are implemented and evaluated. At first essential material properties of the used wood materials are determined. The following experiments contain the load bearing and deformation behavior of complete insert connections. The determination of important influencing parameters of the statical strength under axial and traverse loads is thereby involved, followed by an extension on dynamic load cases by a derivative of Woehler curves (stress - cycle diagram). Based on these experiments are models derived to provide calculation fundamentals to dimension insert connections. The practical applicability of the developed specifications is shown by dimensioning the connections of a roller conveyor made of WVC (technical logistics).

Hotel "Na vyhlídce" / The Hotel "On the View"

Brandýská, Veronika Unknown Date (has links)
The content of this bachelor work is the project documentation of the hotel On the View in Nový Hradec Králové. The build has three ground floors, without partial basement and it is roofed by flat roof with pea gravel. A build has 2 parts. First part si for guests and second part is for employees. The build has 2 entrance. In the first floor is reception with facility, toilet, restaurant with kitchen, food warehouses, untility room and background for employees. From a restaurant is access to the terrace. In the second and third floor are rooms for 34 guests (of which 2 for handicapped) and background for cleaning women. A Hotel has car park for guests with 13 places ( of which 2 fort handicapped) and car park for employees with 4 places. The construction system is mostly made of polished ceramic blocks Porotherm. Horizontal construction is made up as Porotherm ceiling with brick inserts MIAKO and ceramic-concrete ceiling beams. Part of the proposal is thermal engineering assessment, fire safety solutions and assessments in terms of acoustic and daylight.

Untersuchungen an Verbindungselementen für Holzkonstruktionen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

Eckardt, Ronny 19 December 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Berechnungsvorschriften für Insertverbindungen in Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoffen (WVC) mit dem Ziel erstellt, diese zur Auslegung und Nachweisführung in Anwendungen des Maschinenbaus zu verwenden. Nach Definition eines entsprechenden Anforderungsprofils erfolgt eine umfangreiche Darstellung des Standes der Technik. Dabei wird speziell auf die rechnerische Nachweisführung von Verbindungen im Bauwesen eingegangen, schwerpunktmäßig durch die im Eurocode 5 (DIN EN 1995) definierten Modelle für stiftförmige Verbindungsmittel. Im zweiten, praktischen Teil der Arbeit erfolgt die Durchführung und Auswertung umfangreicher Versuche. Dabei werden in einem ersten Schritt wesentliche Materialkennwerte der verwendeten Holzwerkstoffe bestimmt. Die zweite Gruppe der experimentellen Untersuchungen hat das Trag- und Verformungsverhalten vollständiger Insertverbindungen zum Inhalt. Dabei werden die unter statischen Aspekten wichtigen Einflussparameter auf die Tragfähigkeit bei Belastungen in Richtung sowie quer zur Stiftachse bestimmt und geometrische Vorzugsparameter ermittelt. Unter deren Zugrundelegung erfolgt eine Ausweitung der experimentellen Untersuchungen auf dynamische Lastfälle durch eine Ableitung von Wöhlerlinien bei Zugschwellbelastung. Auf Grundlage der durchgeführten Versuche werden Modelle zur Berechnung von Insertverbindungen nach den Methoden des Ingenieurholzbaus abgeleitet. Deren Anwendbarkeit wird an einem konkreten Beispiel in Form einer Transportrollenbahn für die Verwendung in der technischen Intralogistik demonstriert. / In this work, calculation fundamentals for insert fastenings in wood veneer composites (WVC) are developed with the aim to use them for the dimensioning and verification in mechanical engineering applications. After defining the functional requirements there is a comprehensive description of the best demonstrated available technology. The arithmetical verifications of connections used in civil engineering are thereby specifically addressed with the main focus on defined models for dowel type fasteners within Eurocode 5 (EN 1995). In the second part of the work comprehensive technical tests are implemented and evaluated. At first essential material properties of the used wood materials are determined. The following experiments contain the load bearing and deformation behavior of complete insert connections. The determination of important influencing parameters of the statical strength under axial and traverse loads is thereby involved, followed by an extension on dynamic load cases by a derivative of Woehler curves (stress - cycle diagram). Based on these experiments are models derived to provide calculation fundamentals to dimension insert connections. The practical applicability of the developed specifications is shown by dimensioning the connections of a roller conveyor made of WVC (technical logistics).

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