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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements : foster parents' and adolescents' perspectives

Mnisi, Rosina Mmamokete 02 1900 (has links)
As a social worker at the Desmond Tutu Child and Youth Care Centre in Gauteng province, the researcher noticed an increase in the number of applications for adolescents’ admission to the Centre due to a breakdown in their foster care placements. This raised a question regarding the factors contributing to this breakdown. The aim of the study was to develop an in-depth understanding of factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements from the perspectives of the adolescents who were fostered and from those of their foster parents. The qualitative research approach was used applying an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and was analysed according to the framework provided by Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). For data verification, Guba’s model (in Krefting (1990:214-220) was applied. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made about foster care involving adolescents. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

The fears expressed and coping mechanisms of a selected group of middle childhood South African children living in a children's home

Burkhardt, Kathe-Erla 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to establish normative data regarding the fears expressed by and coping mechanisms in a selected group of middle childhood children living in a children's home with respect to content, number, level and pattern of fears and the coping mechanisms as well as their perceived efficacy. Children living in a children's home were referred to as children who were removed from family care as a result of lawful intervention and were thus seen as a special population. The secondary aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the fears expressed were found with respect to the independent variables of a special population and gender. The three measuring instruments were the Free-Option Method (FOM), the Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised (FSSC-R) and the Coping Strategy (CS). The FOM was used to determine the content and number of fears, the structured FSSC-R to establish the content, number, level and pattern of fears and the CS to obtain the coping mechanisms used and their perceived effectiveness. A predominantly quantitative method of data collection was used. This was also true for the data analysis. In all three questionnaires were completed by 141 children living in a children's home (70 boys and 71 girls) in the Western Cape between the ages of 8 and 13. The three questionnaires comprised of the FOM, FSSC-R and the CS and were administered in the above-mentioned order. The content of fears based on the results of the FOM yielded only a few similarities upon comparison to the findings of a recent study by. More similarities were apparent upon comparison of the results of the FSSC-R implying that the structuredness of the measuring instrument plays a role in how universal childhood fears really are. The number as well as level of fear was higher for the children living in a children's home in comparison to the results of normative populations. This also holds true for the level of fear on all of the fear factors of the FSSC-R Gender differences that were apparent, were consistent with previous research with girls expressing a higher number and level of fears than boys. The girls in comparison to the boys also displayed a higher level of fear on all the five factors. The coping strategy most often used as well as perceived effective was the secondary coping strategy. This was followed by the primary coping strategy and finally the relinquished control coping strategy. Specific coping strategies, which were utilised, were support seeking and avoidance and these are associated with a higher level of intemalising symptoms. Overall, the coping strategies utilised were found to be effective in reducing the fear experienced. Only a few similarities were apparent upon companson of the results of the two measunng instruments, the FOM and the FSSC-R, emphasising the need for the development of an South African Fear Schedule. Lastly, recommendations for future studies are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die onderhawige studie was die insameling van ·normatiewe data omtrent die uitgesproke vrese van 'n geselekteerde groep kinderhuiskinders in die middelkinderjare met betrekking tot die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese en die hanteringstrategieë, sowel as die waargenome effektiwiteit daarvan. Kinders wat in kinderhuise woon is kinders wat van hulle gesinne verwyder is as gevolg van 'n wetlike ingreep en hulle word om hierdie rede as 'n spesiale populasie beskou. Die sekondêre doel van die onderhawige studie was om vas te stelof daar verskille was in die uitgesproke vrese met betrekking tot die onafhanklike veranderlikes van 'n spesiale populasie en geslag. Die drie meetinstrumente wat toegepas is, is die "Free Option Method" (FOM), die ''Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised" (FSSC-R) en die "Coping Strategy"(CS). Die FOM is gebruik om die inhoud en aantal vrese te bepaal, terwyl die FSSC-R gebruik is om die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese te bepaal. Die CS is gebruik om die hanteringstrategieë en hul effektiwiteit te bepaal. 'n Oorwegend kwantitatiewe metode van data insameling, sowel as dataverwerking is vir hierdie studie gebruik. Drie vraelyste is beantwoord deur 141 kinders (70 seuns en 71 meisies) tussen die ouderdomme van 8 en 13 jaar wat in kinderhuise in die Wes-Kaap woon. Die FOM, FSSC-R en die CS is gebruik en in hierdie volgorde toegepas. Die inhoud van vrese wat op die resultate van die FOM gebaseer is, het weining ooreengestem met die navorsingsbevindings van 'n onlangse studie. Meer ooreenstemming is gevind met betrekking tot die inhoud van vrese wat gebaseer is op die FSSC-R resultate. Dit impliseer dat die gestruktureerdheid van die meetinstrumente 'n rol speel in hoe universeel vrese is. Die aantal sowel as vlak van vrese, was hoër vir die kinders wat in 'n kinderhuis woon vergeleke met die resultate van normatiewe populasies. Die bogenoemde is ook van toepassing ten opsigte van die vlak van vrese op al vyf faktore van die FSSC-R. Geslagsverskille wat voorgekom het, is in ooreenstemming met ander navorsingsresultate waar meisies, in vergelyking met seuns, meer vrese sowel as 'n hoër vlak van vrese op al vyffaktore van die FSSC-R getoon het. Die hanteringstrategieë wat die meeste deur die kinders gebruik is is die sekondêre hanteringstrategieë. Dit is gevolg deur die primêre hanteringstrategieë en laastens die opgegeë beheer hanteringstrategieë. Spesifieke hanteringstrategieë wat gebruik is, is ondersteuning en vermyding. Hierdie strategieë word geassosieer met 'n hoër vlak van geïnternaliseerde simptome. Oor die algemeen is die hanteringstrategieë as effektief beskou in die vermindering van vrese. Daar was min ooreenstemming tussen die resultate van die twee vrees meetinstrumente, die FOM en die FSSC-R, wat die behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van 'n vrees meetinstrument vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede beklemtoon. Ten slotte word enkele riglyne vir toekomstige navorsing gegee.

Gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis

Lerwick, Susan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was undertaken to examine the possibility of rendering family reunification services from within children's homes. The goal of the study was to make recommendations with regard to the implementation of this service by children's homes. A literature study was undertaken to investigate the effect of a child's statutory removal, examine the existing government policy regarding children and families. The theory and unique characteristics of family reunification services were also investigated. The social workers from the four children's homes in the Western Cape that are managed by a commission of the Dutch Reformed Church were involved in the empirical study. The social workers each had to complete a questionnaire regarding their opinion about the rendering of family reunification services from within the children's homes. The results showed that the majority of the social workers were in favour of the rendering of family reunification services, but they felt that it should be undertaken in conjunction with the external organizations, that referred the children to them. Several obstacles in the rendering of this service was also identified by this study. It was also found that the majority of the children in the children's homes have been there for longer than two years, which further accentuated the necessity of this service. Based on the findings of the literature study, as well as the results of the empirical study recommendations were made regarding the implementation of family reunification services as a co-operative effort between the children's homes and other relevant external organizations. These recommendations are applicable to other children's homes with cognisance of their individual differences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: en Verkennende studie is onderneem om die moontlikheid te ondersoek vir die lewering van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis. Die uiteindelike doel was om aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van die implementering van hierdie diens binne die kinderhuis se werksaamhede. enLiteratuurstudie is onderneem om die effek van enkind se statutêre verwydering te ondersoek, asook die staat se beleid ten opsigte van kinders en gesinne. Ondersoek is ook ingestel na die teorie en die eiesoortige kenmerke van gesinsherenigingsdienste as intervensiemetode. Die maatskaplike werkers wat werksaam is by die vier kinderhuise in die Wes- Kaap wat onder beheer van die N.G. Kerk se Sinodale Kommissie vir die Diens van Barmhartigheid staan, is in die empiriese ondersoek betrek. Die maatskaplike werkers het elkeen en vraelys voltooi om hulopinie te verkry omtrent die haalbaarheid van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit kinderhuise. Die resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid maatskaplike werkers positief gesind is jeens die implementering van gesinsherenigingsdienste. Hierdie diens moet volgens die respondente egter nie alleen vanuit die kinderhuis onderneem word nie, maar in spanverband met die betrokke eksterne organisasies. Verskeie hindernisse in die uitvoering van hierdie diens is identifiseer. Daar is ook bevind dat die meerderheid van die kinders in die kinderhuise vir langer as twee jaar reeds in die kinderhuis se sorg verkeer, wat die noodsaaklikheid van die diens verder beklemtoon het. Op grond van die ondersoek en die reslutate is aanbevelings gemaak ten opsigte van die implementering van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis in samewerking met die betrokke eksterne organisasies. Die aanbevelings van hierdie ondersoek is van toepassing op kinderhuise in die algemeen met die nodige in ag neming van hul individuele verskille.

Lungisisa Indlwla village : a social marketing case study on residential care for children

Mare, Marius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lungisisa Indlela Village is a non-profit organisation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It provides holistic residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children in order to “rescue a child, restore a life, raise a leader and release a star”. The village can house 1 000 orphans and the model used is long-term cluster foster care where the children will get a sense of belonging in a homely environment, modelling an African village lifestyle. The houses are built in clusters, each with eight homes surrounding a communal play area. Each home has a fully-trained house mother who may bring two biological children, and will be given up to six children through the Department of Social Welfare. Within a family environment, they will receive unconditional love, spiritual discipleship, care and nurturing. The Lungisisa Indlela Village School is a registered independent school which comprises a play-school, pre-school, primary school and secondary school. Lungisisa Indlela Village is assisting others who have the same vision to build villages in Pretoria, Benoni, Kimberley, Grahamstown, East London and George. The vision of Lungisisa Indlela Village is to build thousands of villages across Africa in order to turn one of the continent’s biggest problems into the solution. The research focus is on the discipline of social marketing. More specifically, how Lungisisa Indlela Village makes use of the principles of social marketing in order to gain support from the community, government, corporate organisations and churches. A case study approach was followed, whereby literature and in-depth interviews were used to compare Lungisisa Indlela Village’s current marketing activities to best practice social marketing principles. The aim of the research was not only to assist Lungisisa Indlela Village with their expansion, but also to assist other orphanages and cause-related marketing organisations in putting together a marketing plan to drive the desired behaviour in both South Africa and the rest of Africa (in countries facing similar challenges). The study, even though aimed at how Lungisisa Indlela Village compares to best practice social marketing principles, revealed that there are many other business and strategic issues to consider. These issues, however, inform how the marketing plan is executed. Leadership, governance, relationship with government and marketing the Lungisisa Indlela Village brand and solution are very important questions, issues and initiatives that need to be addressed before further expansion takes place. The author would like to encourage the reader to watch the following video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSnujMEumrc, before reading the rest of this paper.

The quality of life of three men with autism spectrum disorders living in a group home: a case study

Skinner, Kerry 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis focused on three adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are living in a group home in Cape Town. The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore and describe the three occupants' perceived quality of life and their experiences of living in the group home. The group home was established in 2005 as a pioneering project by Autism Western Cape, a regional non-profit organisation (NGO). It is designed for adults with high-functioning ASD who require low care. In this interpretative study, a multiple case study method of enquiry was used. The Personal Wellbeing Index – Intellectual Disability (PWI-ID), as developed by Cummins and Lau (2005), was used as the primary subjective outcome measure of quality of life. In addition, the study made use of participant observations undertaken during two semi-structured interviews with each participant and two focus group interviews. All three participants felt that they had enjoyed a higher level of quality of life, especially in the domain of 'personal relationships', since their arrival at the group home. However, they expressed a desire for more independence; a higher income; female companionship and better security at the home. These suggestions have been made available to the relevant sponsors of the housing project.

An educational psychologist's perspective in understanding the experiences of residential youth care workers

Carstens, Alison Lee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / As primary caregivers (such as residential youth-care workers) are the first teachers of children and spend much more time with the child than any other service provider, educational psychologists need to implement programmes that include primary caregivers in actively working with the youth in their care. This calls for educational psychologists to gain a rich understanding of the experiences of youth-care workers in order to work collaboratively in rehabilitating youth at risk within the youth’s ecosystem. The study attempts to explore the experiences of youth-care workers in residential facilities, using the ecosystemic perspective. A proposed outcome of the research is to contribute to the skills and interventions educational psychologists can use in collaborating with and supporting youth-care workers in residential facilities to rehabilitate youth who are at risk successfully. Qualitative research within the interpretive/constructivist paradigm was employed as the research design. Research was based at two residential facilities in an outlying area of Cape Town, from which four youth-care workers and two youths were drawn as a sample. The data was collected through six semi-structured interviews, observations over a 10-month period at one of the facilities, and photographs of youth-care workers and children. The review of literature and the findings of this research uncovered many experiences that appear to typify residential youth care. These experiences include the multifaceted nature of the role that youth-care workers fulfil in a residential facility; three types of emotional affect experienced by youth-care workers working in facilities; the significance of healthy youth-care worker-child relationships and the importance of these relationships in the successful rehabilitation of youth at risk; and the levels of support and training required in order to perform the task of successfully rehabilitating youth at risk in residential settings.

Trends in relation to the involvement of biological family in the lives of children in long-term residential care.

Goba, Fairhope Dumile. January 2009 (has links)
There are many challenges that face children in residential care. Among those challenges is the little or no interaction between the children in residential care and their biological family. This study investigated if biological family involvement in the lives of children in residential care had any effect on the children's development while they were in care. The study was a comparison between children with biological family involvement and children without any biological family involvement. The comparison focused on two main variables, namely, academic performance and behaviour characteristics. This was qualitative, multiple case study research where triangulation was used as a tool for collecting information. Ten children participated in this study i.e. five children with biological family involvement and five children without any biological family involvement. Data used in this study was collected from children, their housemothers and from children's files. Findings from this research indicated that there was a difference between children with biological family involvement and children without such family involvement in terms of academic performance and behaviour characteristics. Children with biological family involvement performed better academically and displayed fewer negative behaviour characteristic than children without biological family involvement. Findings also suggested there was a need for further research on this topic in order to find ways to assist children in residential care to develop optimally. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.

Factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements : foster parents' and adolescents' perspectives

Mnisi, Rosina Mmamokete 02 1900 (has links)
As a social worker at the Desmond Tutu Child and Youth Care Centre in Gauteng province, the researcher noticed an increase in the number of applications for adolescents’ admission to the Centre due to a breakdown in their foster care placements. This raised a question regarding the factors contributing to this breakdown. The aim of the study was to develop an in-depth understanding of factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements from the perspectives of the adolescents who were fostered and from those of their foster parents. The qualitative research approach was used applying an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and was analysed according to the framework provided by Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). For data verification, Guba’s model (in Krefting (1990:214-220) was applied. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made about foster care involving adolescents. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

Experiences of children heading families at Makhado Municipality in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Makhado, Princess Anne Sheilah 09 1900 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / The path of children heading families following the death of both parents takes many twists and turns, and a lot of support to face the challenging environment is needed. The path is not easy as compared to children with parents in terms of support and guidance. The purpose of the study was to determine the experiences of children heading families at Makhado municipality of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The objective of this study is to explore and describe the experiences of children heading families. Qualitative research approach with explorative, descriptive, contextual, interpretative phenomenological designs were used. Population of the study comprised of children heading families following the death of both parents, residing at Makhado municipality in Vhembe district of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to select the participants. The sample size of 20 participants was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim and translated from Tshivenda to English language. Tesch’s eight steps criteria was used to analyse data. The results of the study revealed that children heading families following the death of both parent’s experience various challenges and ineffective support from different community structures. The researcher ensured trustworthiness and ethical consideration were considered throughout the study. Recommendations were developed based on the findings of the study. Keywords: Child, Child headed families, Experience, Family, Parent / NRF

"What does that mean?" Objects of significance in residential programmes for young persons in South Africa

Molepo, Phineas Lesiba 30 June 2008 (has links)
Many young persons live under difficult circumstances. Factors including HIV/AIDS pandemic, exacerbate the need to place young persons into alternative placements. The new and the unknown can be frightening but carrying a faithful transitional object establishes therapeutic bridge between the old and known and the new and unknown. This study sought to explore South African child and youth care workers' awareness of young persons' objects of significance in residential care settings. The rational was that with greater awareness, important objects may become a more useful option for the promotion of young persons' well-being. The research confirmed that South African child and youth care workers are aware of the existence and importance of significant objects. It further revealed that young persons possess different objects of significance to which workers need to pay careful attention. / Research Institute for Theology and Religion / M.Tech. (Child and Youth Care)

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