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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Online Evaluation System

Walters, Jeromie L. 13 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of Technological Barriers to Instructor E-Readiness in the Online Learning Environment

Gay, Glenda H. E. 01 January 2012 (has links)
A critical factor of e-learning success is the e-learning readiness of the online user. However, there is a scarcity of studies on online instructors' e-learning readiness (E-Readiness) in an online learning environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there were correlations among online instructor E-Readiness dimensions and factors at the design and delivery stages that affect system outcomes. In this study, the DeLone and McLean model was used as a framework for research to test E-Readiness with the System Design stage (comprising System Quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality), System Delivery stage (comprising System Use, and User Satisfaction) and Net Benefits stage (comprising Net Benefits). A total of 113 online instructors at a Caribbean university system completed a Web-based questionnaire containing previously validated and adapted items. The questions were answered using a five-point Likert scale and the survey results were analyzed using aggregates and linear regression statistical methods. The results revealed that the e-learning systems success score of the university was 4.07 out of 5 or 81.4%, while the E-Readiness score of online instructors was 4.53 out of 5, or 90.6%. Linear regression analysis showed that E-Readiness was a significant and positive predictor of the System Design, System Delivery, and System Outcome stages and their associated dimensions. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the constructs together accounted for 42.2% of the variance in Net Benefits. Of the six predictors in the model, User Satisfaction provided the largest unique contribution when the other predictors in the model were held constant. The other predictors in the model (System Quality, Service Quality, Information Quality, System Use and E-Readiness) were not statistically significant and provided no significant or unique contribution to Net Benefits. Further information is provided regarding factors affecting net benefits among online instructors using online learning environments. This information can be used to address online instructors' barriers to technology use.

Performance Evaluation of Community College Management Instructors Using Student Achievement as the Criterion

Jones, James McKernon 05 1900 (has links)
This study concerns the relationship between student evaluation of instruction and student achievement in the field of management at the community college level. Purposes of the study were to determine the subjective student evaluation of instructor performance in introductory classes of management, student achievement in the class upon completion of the course, and the relationship between the student evaluation of instructor performance and student achievement in knowledge of the course. The population studied was all 10 sections of the Principles of Management course taught by 8 instructors at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas during the fall semester of 1988. A pretest-posttest design was used to determine student achievement scores. The College Board provided sufficient copies of two versions of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests for Introduction to Management for the pretest and posttest. A special statistical technique using multiple regression was used to calculate an achievement score for each student that was adjusted for entry level knowledge. Student evaluations of instructor performance were paired with the achievement scores and grades students received from the instructor. Additional confidential demographic data was obtained about the students and the instructors. Major findings of the study concluded there is no significant relationship between the student achievement scores and student evaluation of instructor performance. There was a wide variance in correlation of student grades and student achievement scores when individual sections or individual instructors were examined. The overall correlation of grades and achievement scores was statistically significant and was the highest of any of the factors studied. The study recommends using more objective measures of student achievement in evaluating faculty performance.

Analýza didaktické interakce skupinové výuky lyžování dospělých / Analysis of Didactic Interaction in Group Skiing Lessons for Adults

Říha, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Title: Analysis of Didactic Interaction in Group Skiing Lessons for Adults Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to perform detailed analysis and comparison of the didactic teacher - student interaction during adult skiing lessons between two instructors with the same level of experience but different educational background. Methods: In our research we have employed a participant observation method using classification into a category system based on a standardised MADI (Modified Analysis of Didactic Interaction) technique. This includes 7 categories describing the forms of the teacher's behaviour, the didactic content of the lessons, didactic situations, and attitudinal characteristics. Results: The results of the study confirmed, among others, a higher incidence of the two most effective forms of teacher behaviour (correction and feedback information provision) in the instructor with pedagogical education, which was associated with a higher quality of the teaching process. Keywords: teaching, skiing, instructor, didactic interaction, analysis, ADI, MADI

Vliv metody Pilates na funkci hlubokého stabilizačního systému u profesionálních cvičitelů / Influence of Pilates method on the function of the deep stabilization system with professional instructors

Řeháková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of Pilates method on the function of the deep stabilization system with professional instructors Objectives: The main aim of the thesis was to prepare a test battery to evaluate HSSP activation of instructors of Pilates method. Subsequently, to evaluate the data obtained in testing phase and then conclude whether the statement that Pilates method positively affects the HSSP is true. As sub-goals, I aimed to find out the reason why they decided to become Pilates instructors, and to map the locations of training centers that provide courses of this method. Methods: In the thesis, practical testing according to test battery prepared for the specific purposes of this study was used. Questionnaire was used as well. In order to verify the truthfulness of the research hypotheses, the software Microsoft Excel version 2010 was used. In processing the data from the questionnaire survey, software Google Forms was used in addition to Microsoft Excel version 2010. The results were then processed into tables and charts. The thesis contains elements of experimental studies. Results: Data obtained from the test battery showed that the Pilates method has a positive influence on the HSSP of Pilates instructors. The data from the questionnaire survey showed that teachers completed the course...

Last Known Tomorrow

Wormington, Larry J 20 December 2013 (has links)

”Social kompetens, lyhördhet och förmågan att inspirera” : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogiska färdigheter för en skidinstruktör i svensk skidskola

Gustafson, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för vilka pedagogiska färdigheter skidinstruktörerna värdesätter och anser vara centrala i deras arbete och varför. För att undersöka detta så har en fallstudie av en svensk skidskola utförts där skidskolans instruktörer blev intervjuade om vilka pedagogiska färdigheter de värdesatte och även hur den externa samt interna utbildningen upplevdes förhålla sig till dessa. Studiens resultat visar hur instruktörerna värdesatte social kompetens, lyhördhet och förmågan att inspirera som centrala pedagogiska färdigheter för en skidinstruktör. Genom en god förmåga i dessa färdigheter möjliggjordes skapandet av en god relation till elev under lektion och även tillämpning av rätt typ av undervisning som anpassas till eleven och situationen. Den externa utbildningen ansågs inte direkt utveckla dessa färdigheter utan hade snarare ett fokus på skidteknisk förmåga och förståelse. Utbildningen utvecklade dock indirekt färdigheterna genom interaktion med övriga deltagare och ett förebildskap av instruktören. Den interna utbildningen ansågs även den ha ett mer skidtekniskt fokus men också där utvecklades de värdesatta färdigheterna genom deltagande och interaktion mellan skidinstruktörerna. / The purpose of this study is to contribute a deeper understanding about what skills are valued by ski instructors and perceived as central in their line of work and, why. To this end, a case study was conducted of a Swedish ski school. Six ski instructors and one manager were interviewed about what skills they value, and about how the external ski instructor training they underwent were perceived in relation to those skills. The results show that social skills, perceptiveness and the ability to inspire were regarded as central skills for a competent ski instructor. By having this set of skills the instructor is able to create a good social relation to the student by using pedagogy and instruction adapted to the particular student and situation. The external education was not perceived as developing these skills directly; instead, it was perceived as a way of developing a technical understanding of skiing. The instructors however experienced that the education developed the valued skills indirectly through interaction with the participants as well as with the instructor acting as a role model. The workplace education was also perceived as having a ski-technical focus but also as developing the valued skills through participation and interaction between the ski instructors.

As experiências formadoras da docência : estudo das trajetórias formativas de professoras-cursistas do curso PEAD/UFRG

Machado, Juliana Brandão January 2013 (has links)
O mundo da vida cotidiana é o aqui e agora das relações humanas, que se apresenta à nossa interpretação, e onde se forjam as experiências formadoras. A tese analisa o mundo da vida das professoras-cursistas do curso de Graduação em Pedagogia na Modalidade a Distância, oferecido pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 2006 a 2010, no sentido de identificar e analisar as experiências formadoras da docência em relação às trajetórias de formação dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo. Os conceitos principais da tese são mundo da vida cotidiana, na perspectiva de Alfred Schütz, experiência formadora, de acordo com Marie-Christine Josso e cibersocialidade, na perspectiva de André Lemos. Mundo da vida cotidiana é o espaço das relações humanas que estabelecemos diariamente, a realidade emergente de nossas experiências, e onde se forjam os esquemas reflexivos da consciência, a ponto de transformar uma vivência em uma experiência que significa e demarca a trajetória de um sujeito. Experiência formadora constitui-se como a possibilidade de criar e recriar, no âmbito da formação, as significações a respeito do aprendido: aprendido a fazer, a ser e a pensar. A cibersocialidade se relaciona à vivência do cotidiano presentificado, em que emergem as relações na sociedade em rede. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida em duas etapas: a primeira, de abordagem quantitativa, investiga os usos do tempo das professoras-cursistas e mapeia o seu cotidiano. Na segunda etapa são analisadas as experiências formadoras da docência, a partir da seleção de rotinas-síntese de perfis típicos e atípicos da população analisada, totalizando oito sujeitos. As experiências formadoras foram analisadas a partir dos Portfólios de Aprendizagem das professoras-cursistas, recuperando as recordações-referência a partir dos seus itinerários de experiências individuais. Em relação ao mapeamento do cotidiano das professoras-cursistas observamos um cotidiano marcado por um contingente expressivo de ocupações, em que diminui o tempo de lazer e cuidados pessoais na medida em que aumenta o tempo de estudo. O imperativo de gênero demarca as relações estabelecidas no cotidiano das professoras-cursistas. Consideramos necessário o desenvolvimento políticas públicas voltadas à formação de professores considerando a formação como parte do trabalho remunerado. Em relação às experiências formadoras analisamos em profundidade os registros e percebemos que estas se relacionam com o mundo da vida cotidiana de cada professora-cursista, ultrapassando as fronteiras da universidade e da escola, na medida em que se relacionam com essas vivências. As recordações-referência apresentadas compuseram um rol de experiências formadoras destacadas para estes sujeitos. Na medida em que os oito sujeitos respondem às sínteses de reconhecimentos da população analisada no curso PEAD/UFRGS, apontamos as experiências analisadas acima como as experiências formadoras da docência para as professoras-cursistas do PEAD/UFRGS. Por fim, destacamos a importância de assumirmos a experiência formadora como forma de qualificar a formação de professores. / The world of everyday life is the here and now of human relations, and presents itself to our interpretation of the interpretation, and where they forge their formative experiences. The thesis examines the life world of teachers-students of the Course Undergraduate Education in Distance mode offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, between the years 2006 to 2010, to identify and analyze the formative experiences of teaching in relation to the trajectories of the subjects involved in the training process. The main concepts of the thesis is the world of everyday life, from the perspective of Alfred Schütz, formative experience, according to Marie-Christine Josso and ciber-sociality, in the perspective of André Lemos. World of everyday life is the space of human relationships we establish daily, the emerging reality of our experiences, and where they forge reflective schemes of consciousness to the point of transforming an experience into an experience that demarcates the meaning and trajectory of a subject. Formative Experience constitutes the ability to create and recreate, in the scope of training, the meanings of what was learned: learned to do, to be and to think. The ciber-sociality relates to the experience of everyday life made present in the relationships that emerge in the network society. The field research was conducted in two stages: the first, a quantitative approach, investigates the time-use of teachers-students and maps their everyday life. In the second stage analyzes the formative experiences of teaching, from the selection of routine-synthesis profiles of typical and atypical of the population analyzed, totaling eight subjects. The formative experiences were analyzed from the portfolios of the teachers-Learning course participants, retrieving memories-reference from their itineraries individual experiences. Regarding the mapping of everyday teachers, teacher students observe a daily marked by a large contingent of occupations, which reduces the time for leisure and personal care in that it increases the time of study. The imperative of gender demarcating relations. We consider it necessary to develop public policies aimed at training teachers considering training as part of paid work. Regarding formative experiences we analyze in depth the records and realized that they necessarily relate to the world of everyday life of each teachers-students, surpassing the boundaries of the university and the school. Memories-reference presented composed a list of formative experiences highlighted for these subjects. Insofar as the eight subjects respond to the syntheses of recognitions of the population analyzed in the course HDPE / UFRGS, pointed the experiences discussed above as the formative experiences of teaching for teachers, teacher students HDPE / UFRGS. Finally, we highlight the importance of formative experience as we assume the possibility of qualifying teacher training.

Student Satisfaction in Hybrid Courses

Elkins, Angie 01 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate student satisfaction in hybrid education courses as compared to the traditional face-to-face courses. This was done by focusing on 2 main factors involved in student satisfaction: student-instructor connection and student-faculty connection. Other factors such as the students’ level of technical experience and influence of outside forces such as jobs and families were also studied. Students at one community college in Appalachia were involved in this study. Forty-four students participated in this student. They survey included a Likert-type scale and had additional questions on the student’s prior experience in online and hybrid education as well as two open-ended questions regarding the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The survey contained 67 questions. Statistical analyses of the data revealed: (1) Students who felt more connected with their instructors were more likely to express satisfaction in their online or hybrid courses. (2) Students who felt more connected with other students were more likely to express satisfaction in their online or hybrid courses. (3) No significance in students’ opinions regarding having an in-person component in their hybrid courses. (4) Students who were more technologically experienced were more likely to express satisfaction with their online or hybrid courses. (5) A significant difference between the mean and students’ overall satisfaction with their hybrid courses showing that overall, students are not satisfied with their experiences. (6) A significant difference from the mean student instructor connectivity score showed that students do not feel connected with their instructors. (7) No significance between the mean and the student-student connectivity score. (8) A significant difference between the mean and the technology score showed that students were not experienced with the technology used in their hybrid courses. (9) A significant difference between the mean score and the students’ opinions of the course design showed that students do not feel that the course design helped them learn.

Producing Positive Perceptions: Effects of Video Production in Instructor Introduction Videos on Student Perceptions

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This mixed methods study examined instructor introduction videos for use in online learning. This study intended to identify the influence of video production value on student perceptions of student-instructor intent, specifically in the areas of perceived student-instructor communication and student-instructor connection. This study also examined which production style most accurately aligns student perceptions with instructor intent as well as which video production style is preferred by students. Using a set of production guidelines, an instructor produced two introduction videos; one of low production value, one of high production value. Student participants were surveyed on their perceptions of the instructor as featured in both videos. The instructor was interviewed using similar questions in order to identify instructor intent and compare instructor intent to student perceptions. Analysis of data showed that there was no statistical difference between video production value in students’ perceived student-instructor connection or student-instructor communication when compared to the instructor’s intent in the same areas. Data analysis also showed that a high production value was more accurate in portraying instructor intent, however a low production value was preferred by students and portrayed the instructor more positively. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2019

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