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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration of the island effect: Experimental validation of closed-loop focal plane wavefront control on Subaru/SCExAO

N’Diaye, M., Martinache, F., Jovanovic, N., Lozi, J., Guyon, O., Norris, B., Ceau, A., Mary, D. 13 February 2018 (has links)
Context. Island effect (IE) aberrations are induced by differential pistons, tips, and tilts between neighboring pupil segments on ground-based telescopes, which severely limit the observations of circumstellar environments on the recently deployed exoplanet imagers (e.g., VLT/SPHERE, Gemini/GPI, Subaru/SCExAO) during the best observing conditions. Caused by air temperature gradients at the level of the telescope spiders, these aberrations were recently diagnosed with success on VLT/SPHERE, but so far no complete calibration has been performed to overcome this issue. Aims. We propose closed-loop focal plane wavefront control based on the asymmetric Fourier pupil wavefront sensor (APF-WFS) to calibrate these aberrations and improve the image quality of exoplanet high-contrast instruments in the presence of the IE. Methods. Assuming the archetypal four-quadrant aperture geometry in 8 m class telescopes, we describe these aberrations as a sum of the independent modes of piston, tip, and tilt that are distributed in each quadrant of the telescope pupil. We calibrate these modes with the APF-WFS before introducing our wavefront control for closed-loop operation. We perform numerical simulations and then experimental tests on a real system using Subaru/SCExAO to validate our control loop in the laboratory and on-sky. Results. Closed-loop operation with the APF-WFS enables the compensation for the IE in simulations and in the laboratory for the small aberration regime. Based on a calibration in the near infrared, we observe an improvement of the image quality in the visible range on the SCExAO/VAMPIRES module with a relative increase in the image Strehl ratio of 37%. Conclusions. Our first IE calibration paves the way for maximizing the science operations of the current exoplanet imagers. Such an approach and its results prove also very promising in light of the Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) and the presence of similar artifacts with their complex aperture geometry.

Análise postural do endodontista na atividade clínica utilizando instrumentação rotatória e manual por meio da cinemetria, eletromiografia de superfície e checklists ergonômicos / Analysis of the endodontist posture using rotary and manual instrumentation applying kinemetry, surface electromyography and ergonomic checklists

Geraldo Celso da Silva Onety 22 December 2011 (has links)
Atualmente a ergonomia revela-se em todas as circunstâncias na prática odontológica, desde o local de trabalho a forma como os equipamentos são utilizados, onde variáveis importantes como a postura e o movimento são determinados pela tarefa e pelo posto de trabalho. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar, por meio da atividade muscular (eletromiografia), cinemetria, escalas ergonômicas (RULA e Checklist de Couto) e biofotogrametria, a postura de dezoito profissionais endodontistas, destros, com idade entre 25 e 60 anos (30 ± 3) durante o preparo químico-mecânico do sistema de canais radiculares dos molares 16 e 17, utilizando-se da técnica de instrumentação rotatória e da técnica de instrumentação manual, evidenciando os efeitos que a profissão odontológica e as posturas viciosas adotadas pelos profissionais endodontistas promovem durante as horas de trabalho nas cadeias musculares dos membros superiores e região de tronco. Baseado nos resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa pode-se concluir que as variações apresentadas nos valores eletromiográficos normalizados durante a execução das técnicas rotatória e manual sugerem que a ação dos músculos longuíssimo, deltóide anterior, deltóide médio, trapézio - fibras médias, bíceps braquial, tríceps braquial, braquiorradial e abdutor curto do polegar, propiciou adaptações musculares, com a finalidade de promover movimentos funcionais mais precisos. Na cinemetria computadorizada, observou-se que a técnica rotatória apresentou maior exigência postural do que a técnica manual, fato também evidenciado pela análise do posto de trabalho e biomecânica da atividade profissional. A análise estática da postura corporal (biofotogrametria) sugere que a atividade clínica do profissional endodontista pode contribuir para um desequilíbrio postural do quadrante superior do corpo. Concluiu-se que o profissional endodontista apresentou postura corporal comprometida, independente de trabalhar com a técnica rotatória e/ou manual. / Nowadays ergonomics has had different uses in dentistry, from the workplace to how equipments are used; where important variables, such as posture and movement, have been determined by the job and the work position. The objective of this research was to apply electromyography, kinemetry, ergonomic scales (RULA and Coutos checklist) and biophotogrammetry to analyze the posture of eighteen righthanded endodontists, aged between 25 and 60 years old (30 ± 3), during the preparation of the chemical-mechanical system of root canal of molars 16 and 17, using rotary and manual instrumentation, showing the effects of endodontists profession and vicious postures during hours of work on muscle chains of upper limbs and trunk. Based on the results it is possible to conclude that the variations showed in the electromyographic values normalized during the use of rotary and manual techniques, suggest that longissimus, anterior and middle deltoid, trapezium medium fibers, brachial biceps and triceps, brachioradialis and short abducent of the thumb, provided muscle adaptations in order to cause functional more accurate movements. In computer kinemetry the rotary technique was more postural demanding than the manual technique, that was also showed by the analysis of the work position and biomechanics of the profession. The static analysis of the body posture (biophotogrammetry) suggests that the professional activity of the endodontist can contribute for a postural imbalance of upper body. In conclusion, the endodontist presented compromised posture regardless the kind of technique he/she uses: rotary and/or manual.

Medidor do teor de clorofila em plantas baseado em arquitetura microcontrolada / not available

Jadis de Santis Junior 20 April 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve um instrumento microprocessado para a avaliação de clorofila em plantas com a possibilidade da armazenagem de dados até 64 kbytes de 32 posições com tamanho de pixel de 1 a 16 cm2. O instrumento encontra várias aplicações na agricultura, principalmente onde o monitoramento é requerido. As principais aplicações estão em operações de fertilização e irrigação, onde o manejo de eventos são controlados pelas condições críticas como a disponibilidade de nitrogênio no solo. Resultados mostram que a operação individual ou em grupo dos sensores garantem uma adequada acurácia e resolução para aplicações agrícolas. O instrumento possibilita a fazendeiros, pesquisadores ou consultores a oportunidade do manejo localizado para sistemas de tomada de decisão. O instrumento é baseado em uma arquitetura dedicada baseada no microcontrolador 80535 e sua utilização proporciona redução de custos de processos agrícolas e redução de contaminação ambiental. / This work describes a microprocessed instrument for evaluation of chlorophyll in plants, and recording of data up to 64 kbytes at thirty-two positions with pixel size from 2 to 1.420 mm2. The instrument meets different applications in the agricultural science area, where monitoring is required. Also would apply to operations of fertilization and irrigation, where the management of events can be triggered by critical conditions such as soil nitrogen contents. Results have shown that characterization of the instrument and its individual sensors guaranteeing an adequate accuracy and resolution for agricultural application. It provides the farmer or consultant the opportunity to establish localized management rules for decision support systems. The instrument is based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices as well as the 80535 microcontroller. It may be operated in automatic or non-automatic mode.

Verification and science simulations with the Instrument Performance Simulator for JWST - NIRSpec / Vérification et simulations scientifiques avec le simulateur des performances de l’instrument JWST - NIRSpec

Dorner, Bernhard 10 May 2012 (has links)
Le télescope spatial James Webb (JWST) est le successeur du télescope spatial Hubble (HST). Il est développé en collaboration par les agences spatiales NASA, ESA et CSA. Le spectrographe proche infrarouge NIRSpec est un instrument du JWST. Le Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) a développé le logiciel de simulation des performances (IPS) de NIRSpec en vue de l’étude de ses performances et de la préparation de poses synthétiques réalistes. Dans cette thèse, nous vérifions certains algorithmes de l’IPS, en particulier ceux traitant des transformations de coordonnées et de la propagation en optique de Fourier. Nous présentons ensuite une interface simplifiée pour la préparation de « scènes » d’observation et un logiciel de traitement de données permettant d’extraire des spectres à partir de poses synthétiques afin de faciliter l’exploitation des simulations. Nous décrivons comment nous avons construit et validé le modèle de l’instrument par comparaison avec les données de calibration. Pour les transformations de coordonnées, le modèle final est capable de reproduire les mesures avec une précision 3 à 5 fois meilleure que celle requise pour la calibration spectrale. Pour la transmission globale notre précision est de 0–10% dans l’absolu et meilleure que 5% en relatif. Finalement, nous présentons la première simulation d’une observation de type « champ profond spectrographique » et nous explorons comment NIRSpec pourra être utilisé pour observer le transit de planètes extra-solaires. Nous déterminons en particulier la luminosité maximale des étoiles hôtes pouvant être observées et quels peuvent être les rapports signal sur bruit attendus. / The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a joint project by NASA, ESA, and CSA, is the successor mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. One of the four science instruments on board is the near-infrared spectrograph NIRSpec. To study the instrument performance and to create realistic science exposures, the Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) developed the Instrument Performance Simulator (IPS) software. Validating the IPS functionality, creating an accurate model of the instrument, and facilitating the preparation and analysis of simulations are key elements for the success of the IPS. In this context, we verified parts of the IPS algorithms, specifically the coordinate transform formalism, and the Fourier propagation module. We also developed additional software tools to simplify the scientific usage, as a target interface to construct observation scenes, and a dedicated data reduction pipeline to extract spectra from exposures. Another part of the PhD work dealt with the assembly of an as-built instrument model, and its verification with measurements from a ground calibration campaign. For coordinate transforms inside the instrument, we achieved an accuracy of 3–5 times better than the required absolute spectral calibration, and we could reproduce the total instrument throughput with an absolute error of 0–10% and a relative error of less than 5%. Finally, we show first realistic on-sky simulations of a deep field spectroscopy scene, and we explored the capabilities of NIRSpec to study exoplanetary transit events. We determined upper brightness limits of observable host stars, and give noise estimations of exemplary transit spectra.

Détection ultrasensible de molécules d'intérêts atmosphériques dans l'infrarouge lointain / Ultrasensitive detection of molecules of atmospheric interest in far infrared

Omar, Abdelaziz 08 September 2016 (has links)
La détection des polluants à l'état de trace est un enjeu important pour la surveillance de la qualité de l'air. La spectroscopie THz, permettant de sonder des régions spectrales riches en absorption moléculaire, est une technique appropriée pour une mesure de la pollution atmosphérique. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à développer et caractériser un spectromètre ultrasensible pour mesurer des molécules d'intérêt atmosphérique. On a mis en place un spectromètre THz utilisant une chaîne de multiplication de fréquence émettant jusqu'à 900 GHz. La sensibilité de détection a été optimisée et caractérisée. En collaboration avec l'IEMN, un spectromètre THz utilisant comme source un analyseur de réseau vectoriel émettant jusqu'à 500 GHz a été mis en place et caractérisé. On a démontré le potentiel de la spectroscopie THz à surveiller en temps réel l'évolution des concentrations de polluants gazeux lors d'une réaction chimique et à en déduire les constantes cinétiques. Le suivi des transitions rotationnelles du H2CO et CO d'une réaction de photolyze du formaldéhyde, a permis de déterminer les constantes cinétiques de réaction. La détection des radicaux est un défi en raison de leur forte réactivité. On a adapté la configuration de notre spectromètre afin d'optimiser la sensibilité et d'étudier la réaction de photolyse de l'acétaldéhyde utilisant la "photoactivation" par mercure. On a utilisé la modulation de fréquence et la modulation à effet Zeeman afin d'étudier le HCO. On a optimisé la sensibilité, quantifié HCO et mesuré plus de 200 raies d'absorption. Une étude spectroscopique du HCO est entamée afin d'optimiser les paramètres des bases de données internationales. / QThe detection of trace pollutants is an important issue for monitoring air quality. Terahertz spectroscopy, used to probe spectral regions rich in molecular absorption, is an appropriate technique for measuring atmospheric pollution. This work of thesis consisted in developing and characterizing an ultrasensitive spectrometer to measure molecules of atmospheric interest. A terahertz spectrometer was mounted using a frequency multiplication chain emitting up to 900 GHz. The detection sensitivity has been optimized and characterized. In collaboration with the IEMN, a terahertz spectrometer using a vector network analyzer transmitting up to 500 GHz as a source, has been set up and characterized. The potential of terahertz spectroscopy has been demonstrated to monitor in real time the evolution of concentrations of gaseous pollutants during a chemical reaction and to deduce the kinetic rates. Following the rotational transitions of H2CO and CO of a photolysis reaction of formaldehyde, kinetic reaction rates were determined. Detection of radicals is a challenge because of their high reactivity. The configuration of our spectrometer was adapted to optimize sensitivity and to study the photolysis reaction of acetaldehyde using "Photosensitization" by mercury. Frequency modulation and Zeeman effect modulation were used to study HCO. The sensitivity was optimized, quantified HCO and measured over 200 absorption lines. A spectroscopy study of HCO is initiated in order to optimize the parameters of the international data bases.

The LBTI Fizeau imager – I. Fundamental gain in high-contrast imaging

Patru, F., Esposito, S., Puglisi, A., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Arcidiacono, C., Antichi, J., Mennesson, B., Defrère, D., Hinz, P. M., Hill, J. M. 12 1900 (has links)
We show by numerical simulations a fundamental gain in contrast when combining coherently monochromatic light from two adaptive optics (AO) telescopes instead of using a single stand-alone AO telescope, assuming efficient control and acquisition systems at high speed. A contrast gain map is defined as the normalized point spread functions (PSFs) ratio of a single Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) aperture over the dual Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) aperture in Fizeau mode. The global gain averaged across the AO-corrected field of view is improved by a factor of 2 in contrast in long exposures and by a factor of 10 in contrast in short exposures (i.e. in exposures, respectively, longer or shorter than the coherence time). The fringed speckle halo in short exposures contains not only high-angular resolution information, as stated by speckle imaging and speckle interferometry, but also high-contrast imaging information. A high-gain zone is further produced in the valleys of the PSF formed by the dark Airy rings and/or the dark fringes. Earth rotation allows us to exploit various areas in the contrast gain map. A huge-contrast gain in narrow zones can be achieved when both a dark fringe and a dark ring overlap on to an exoplanet. Compared to a single 8-m LBT aperture, the 23-m LBTI Fizeau imager can provide a gain in sensitivity (by a factor of 4), a gain in angular resolution (by a factor of 3) and, as well, a gain in raw contrast (by a factor of 2-1000 varying over the AO-corrected field of view).

The LBTI Fizeau imager – II. Sensitivity of the PSF and the MTF to adaptive optics errors and to piston errors

Patru, F., Esposito, S., Puglisi, A., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Arcidiacono, C., Antichi, J., Mennesson, B., Defrère, D., Hinz, P. M., Hill, J. M. 12 1900 (has links)
We show numerical simulations with monochromatic light in the visible for the LBTI Fizeau imager, including opto-dynamical aberrations due here to adaptive optics (AO) errors and to differential piston fluctuations, while other errors have been neglected. The achievable Strehl by the LBTI using two AO is close to the Strehl provided by a single standalone AO system, as long as other differential wavefront errors are mitigated. The LBTI Fizeau imager is primarily limited by the AO performance and by the differential piston/tip-tilt errors. Snapshots retain high-angular resolution and high-contrast imaging information by freezing the fringes against piston errors. Several merit functions have been critically evaluated in order to characterize point spread functions and the modulation transfer functions for high-contrast imaging applications. The LBTI Fizeau mode can provide an image quality suitable for standard science cases (i.e. a Strehl above 70 per cent) by performing both at a time: an AO correction better than approximate to lambda/18RMS for both short and long exposures, and a piston correction better than approximate to lambda/8 RMS for long exposures or simply below the coherence length for short exposures. Such results, which can be applied to any observing wavelength, suggest that AO and piston control at the LBTI would already improve the contrast at near-and mid-infrared wavelengths. Therefore, the LBTI Fizeau imager can be used for high-contrast imaging, providing a high-Strehl regime (by both AO systems), a cophasing mode (by a fringe tracker) and a burst mode (by a fast camera) to record fringed speckles in short exposures.

High Contrast Imaging in the Visible: First Experimental Results at the Large Binocular Telescope

Pedichini, F., Stangalini, M., Ambrosino, F., Puglisi, A., Pinna, E., Bailey, V., Carbonaro, L., Centrone, M., Christou, J., Esposito, S., Farinato, J., Fiore, F., Giallongo, E., Hill, J. M., Hinz, P. M., Sabatini, and L. 28 July 2017 (has links)
In 2014 February, the System for High contrast And coronography from R to K at VISual bands (SHARK-VIS) Forerunner, a high contrast experimental imager operating at visible wavelengths, was installed at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Here we report on the first results obtained by recent on-sky tests. These results show the extremely good performance of the LBT Extreme Adaptive Optics (ExAO) system at visible wavelengths, both in terms of spatial resolution and contrast achieved. Similarly to what was done by Amara & Quanz (2012), we used the SHARK-VIS Forerunner data to quantitatively assess the contrast enhancement. This is done by injecting several different synthetic faint objects in the acquired data and applying the angular differential imaging (ADI) technique. A contrast of the order of 5 x 10(-5) is obtained at 630 nm for angular separations from the star larger than 100 mas. These results are discussed in light of the future development of SHARK-VIS and compared to those obtained by other high contrast imagers operating at similar wavelengths.

Développement d’une vanne d’injection d’échantillons liquides pour la micro-chromatographie en phase gazeuse : applications à des problématiques industrielles / Development of liquid samples injection valve to equip micro- gas chromatography : some applications of industrial cases

Malicet, Vincent Ylane 07 July 2015 (has links)
L'amélioration du contrôle des procédés est un besoin industriel permanent. Depuis les années deux-milles se développe un nouveau concept d'analyse industrielle en ligne consistant à mettre en oeuvre des micro-systèmes standardisés modulaires implantés au plus près des procédés. La micro-chromatographie en phase gazeuse occupe une place de choix parmi l'ensemble des systèmes analytiques qualitatifs et quantitatifs utilisés pour le contrôle des procédés. Jusqu'à ce jour, cette technologie n'est utilisable que pour des échantillons gazeux. Le présent travail, effectué dans le cadre du FUI INNOVAL, a pour objectif de lever le verrou technologique que constitue l'injection des liquides dans les μ-GC. Après une étude approfondie des performances des vannes commerciales d'injection de liquide (HPLIS, ROLSI) nous avons développé, avec la contribution de la Sté SRA, une nouvelle vanne nommée OLIS. Des applications industrielles illustrant l'utilisation de ces vannes ont été ensuite étudiées. Nous pouvons citer l'analyse qualitative de coupes pétrolières légères et lourdes, l'analyse quantitative d'impuretés à l'état de trace dans une matrice lourde d'un précurseur de synthèse du nylon et enfin la quantification simultanée du CO/CO2 en phase gazeuse et liquide (solution aqueuse de monoéthanolamine). Cette dernière application a été réalisée grâce à un banc d'essai simulant l'opération de captage du CO2 émis par les installations sidérurgiques / Improving process control is a continuous industrial need. Since the early twothousand years, a new concept online industrial analysis consisting in implementing standardized modular micro-systems implanted as close processes appeared. The gas microchromatography occupies a special place among all the qualitative and quantitative analytical systems used for process control. Until today, this technology can only be used for gaseous samples. The present work aimed to help overcome the technological barrier that constitutes the injection of liquids in µ-GC. To this end, we conducted a comprehensive study of the performance of liquid injection valves HPLIS, ROLSI and OLIS. Two of them (HPLIS and ROLSI) gave satisfaction. The OLIS valve also gave satisfactory results but is still developing. Among the surveyed industrial applications demonstrating the use of these valves, we can quote the qualitative analysis of light or heavy petroleum fractions, quantitative analysis of impurities in trace amounts in a heavy matrix, and more elaborate way, simultaneous quantification of CO/CO2 gas and liquid phase during an absorption reaction of a mixture of these compounds with an aqueous solution of MEA

Caractérisation des propriétés microphysiques des nuages et de l'interaction aérosol-nuage en Arctique à partir de mesures in-situ au sol pendant la campagne CLIMSLIP-NyA, Svalbard / Characterization of the cloud microphysical and optical properties and aerosol-cloud interaction in Arctic from in situ ground-based measurements during the CLIMSLIP-NyA campaign, Svalbard

Guyot, Gwennolé 01 June 2016 (has links)
La région arctique est particulièrement sensible au changement climatique. Aux latitudes polaires, les nuages arctiques ont un effet important sur le bilan radiatif à la surface. La première partie de ce travail est constitué de l’intercomparaison instrumentale au sol à la station PUY en Mai 2013. Les mesures ont montré une bonne corrélation entre les diamètres effectifs et les distributions en taille des gouttelettes d’eau obtenus par les instruments, mais avec des biais systématiques sur les concentrations. Ces biais ont été reliés à l’estimation du volume d’échantillonnage et nous avons donc proposé une méthode consistant à normaliser les données par rapport à un instrument qui réalise des mesures intégrées. D’autre part, le FSSP et le FM ont fait l’objet d’expériences visant à évaluer l’influence de l’angle de déviation par rapport au vent extérieur et de la vitesse du vent. La seconde partie de ce travail a pour objet la campagne de mesure qui s’est déroulée à la station du Mont-Zeppelin, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, de Mars à Mai 2012 dans le cadre du projet CLIMSLIP. Une comparaison a été effectuée entre un cas « pollué », avec des masses d’air provenant d’Asie de l’Est et d’Europe, et un cas « propre », dont les sources d’aérosols sont majoritairement locales et ne dépassent pas l’Europe du Nord. Les résultats ont montré que le cas pollué possède des concentrations en BC, aérosols et gouttes plus élevées, un mode accumulation plus important, un diamètre de gouttes plus faible et une fraction d’activation plus élevée. Enfin, le premier et le second effet indirect des aérosols ont pu être quantifiés. / The arctic region is especially sensitive to climate change. At high latitudes, arctic clouds have an important effect on the surface radiative budget. The first part of this work consists in a ground based cloud instrumentation intercomparison in the PUY station in May 2013. The measurements showed a good correlation between the effective diameters and the droplet size distributions obtained by the instruments, but with a systematical bias on the concentrations. These biases have been relied to the assessment of the sampling volume and we thus proposed a methodology to standardize the data according to an ensemble of particles probe. Moreover, the FSSP and the FM have been the subject of experiments to assess the influence of the deflection angle according to exterior wind and the wind speed. The second part of this work is about the measurement campaign at the Mount-Zeppelin station, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, from March to May 2012 in the frame of the CLIMSLIP project. A comparison has been performed between a « polluted » case, with air masses coming from East Asia and Europe, and a « clean » case, where the aerosol sources are predominantly local and do not exceed the northern Europe. The results showed that the polluted case possessed higher concentrations in BC, aerosols and drops, an accumulation mode more important, weaker droplet diameters and higher activation fraction. Finally, the first and second aerosol indirect effects have been quantified.

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