Spelling suggestions: "subject:"insulating"" "subject:"consulating""
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Transiente de corrente elétrica em amostras de PVDF devido a água de volume / Transient of electric current of PVDF films due to water moleculesNeri Alves 24 March 1987 (has links)
Uma condutividade evanescente, dependente do tempo, tem sido detectada nos filmes de PVDF da BembergFolien. Após muitos ciclos de polarização e despolarização, a corrente de absorção torna-se fortemente reduzida, para o mesmo nível das correntes de despolarização. Esta condutividade é facilmente observada, aparecendo na corrente de polarização pela aplicação de altos campos. É observada recuperação em amostras deixadas em atmosfera úmida. Nós interpretamos estas observações como sendo uma limpeza, pelo campo elétrico, dos íons gerados por uma acentuação da dissociação de moléculas de água absorvida no volume, pela ação deste campo. / A time dependent evanescent conductivity has been detected in BembergFoliem PVDF films. After many polarization-depolarization cycles, the absorption current became strongly reduced, to the same level as the depolarization one. It is easily seen at higher fields by a bump appearing in the polarization current Recovering is observed in samples left in humid atmosphere. We have interpreted these observations as an electric field ion cleaning of an electric field enhanced dissociation of bulk absorbed water molecules.
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Estudo numerico e experimental sobre vidros termicosHenriquez Guerrero, Jorge Recarte 28 March 1996 (has links)
Orientador: Kamal Abdel Radi Ismail / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-21T13:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
HenriquezGuerrero_JorgeRecarte_M.pdf: 22581929 bytes, checksum: 43baa03f4d321404f2af400b3968e721 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1996 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem diferente em relação ao conceito de janelas termicamente efetivas, isto é, janelas que reduzem a energia transmitida para dentro ou fora de uma sala. A idéia é usar um painel de vidro duplo preenchido com material de mudança de fase (pcm), cuja temperatura de fusão é determinada por critérios de conforto térmico. A investigação inclui modelamento dos mecanismo de transferência de calor e radiação através do painel, caracterização ótica de janelas convencionais e compostas, e simulação numérica. As amostras incluem vidros comerciais simples de diferentes espessuras e painéis de vidro duplo de diferentes espessuras e espaçamento entre vidros, preenchidos com ar, pcm e finalmente pcm colorido. O modelo é unidimensional transiente e a simulação numérica foi implementada através do método de diferenças finitas na sua forma explícita. Dos resultados da simulação numérica e dos testes de caracterização óticos foram levantadas curvas de ganho térmico, distribuição de temperatura através do painel e evolução da temperaturas da superfícies interna e externas do painel ao longo de um período de 24 horas de forma a verificar o efeito do pcm no desempenho térmico da janela composta / Abstract: This work present a new concept for thermally effective windows, that is windows which reduce the energy transfer to and fIom the internal ambient. This idea behind this concept is to use a pcm fill in the gap between the two glass panels. The fusion temperature of the pcm is selected according to the thermal cornfort criterion. The investigation includes modeling of the mechanisms of heat transfer relevant to the window problem, the thermal radiation through the glass panels, the optical characterization of conventional and composite window configurations and finally the numerical simulation of these configurations. Because of the lack of information on the thermal and optical properties of national gla~s and specially on the composite configuration optical tests were realized to determine the transmittance and reflectivity of simple glass panels of different thicknesses and spacings, air and pcm filled glass panels and finally coloured pcm filled glass panels. The model is a transient one dimensional and the numerical solution is based upon explicit finite difference scheme. the numerical simulations and the optical tests realized allow the determination of the heat gain, the temperature distribution across the glass panels, the outlet and the inlet instantaneous surface temperatures and finally the overall thermal performance of any glass panels including the proposed system / Mestrado / Termica e Fluidos / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Desempenho termico da espuma poliuretana a base de oleo de mamona utilizada em componentes da edificação (subcoberturas) : estudo em Ilha Solteira, SP / Thermal performance of a castor oil foam as insulating material inside the roof : study case in the city of Ilha Solteira, BrazilLopes, Edmar Maria Lima 05 April 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Lucila Chebel Labaki / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T03:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lopes_EdmarMariaLima.pdf: 8612445 bytes, checksum: 69659b28ac6e14c5f71ca12f206444ac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O óleo de mamona após seu processamento e síntese, dá origem a uma poliuretana, termicamente compatível com as poliuretanas de origem petroquímica, mas com toxidade quase nula e baixa flamabilidade. A utilização da espuma de mamona é ecologicamente correta por tratar-se de uma fonte vegetal renovável, não tóxica durante o seu manuseio Através da experimentação de 4 (quatro) células-teste em escala 1: 1 foram utilizadas placas de espuma poliuretana de mamona, como isolante térmico em coberturas. A diferença entre as células-teste apresenta-se na localização das placas de resina poliuretana. Na quarta célula-teste (casa 4), está localizada a central de tomada dos dados. Na primeira (casa 1), a espuma poliuretana encontra-se em forma "sandwich", localizada entre as telhas de fibrocimento. A segunda (casa 2), não possui nenhum tipo de isolamento térmico - é a célula-teste utilizada como referência para este estudo e na terceira (casa 3), a espuma poliuretana é colocada diretamente sobre a laje. O trabalho teve como objetivo verificar comparativamente, a resposta térmica das coberturas utilizando a espuma poliuretana de mamona como isolante térmico na cobertura, englobando duas estações climáticas, final do verão e o inverno. Em diferentes períodos da pesquisa utilizou-se as telhas de fibrocimento em sua cor natural e com a telha pintada na cor branca. Foram registradas as temperaturas de bulbo seco, bulbo úmido e de globo internas e externas do ar e as temperaturas superficiais dos elementos construtivos componentes da cobertura. A análise dos dados foi feita comparando-se as temperaturas de cada uma das células - teste, com as temperaturas externas, tomadas por uma pequena estação meteorológica. O experimento foi desenvolvido na cidade de Ilha Solteira/SP, região noroeste do estado A célula-teste 1 (casa 1), que possui o isolante térmico em forma "sandwich " entre as telhas e com as telhas pintadas na cor branca, apresentou melhor desempenho térmico, para utilização no inverno-seco e, a célula-teste 3 (casa 3), com o isolante diretamente sobre a laje e com as telhas pintadas de branco, demonstrou melhor comportamento térmico no verão quente-úmido. / Abstract: The aim of this work is to describe an experimental study using castor oil foam as an insulating material inside the roof. The castor oil foam inside the roof is an appropriate natural recycled material as a passive cooling strategy as opposite to the burning of fossil fuels for air conditioning (AC) and mechanical ventilation. The expected result of this research is the possibility of contributing to improve thermal comfort and quality of life in the built environment. This experimental study is based on collecting data under real climate conditions of temperature and humidity to investigated the thermal performance in four test-cells with castor oil foam inside their roofs, in the city of Ilha Solteira located at northwest region of São Paulo State, in Brazil. In this research four test-cells constructions were used for data collection of ambient and surfaces temperatures with dimensions 3,00 x 2,00 x 2,50 m in real scale. The first test-cell was composed with insulating material like a sandwich. The second one with no insulating material was taken by reference. The third one was had insulating material on the flag and on the fourth was found the central of data collection. This work compared about the behavior in the test-cells applying castor oil foam on four different periods of the year: two on the summer and two in the winter. Results showed up the best thermal performance on the summer period was demonstrated on the test-cell no 3, presenting white roofing. Otherwise in the winter, the best thermal behavior was presented on the test cell no 1, with white roofing, too. / Universidade Estadual de Campi / Arquitetura e Construção / Doutor em Engenharia Civil
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Migração de carga espacial em copolímeros P(VDF/TrFE) / Space charge migration in P(VDF/TrFE) copolymerHaroldo Naoyuki Nagashima 22 April 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo teórico que procura explicar a origem de um pico anômalo de corrente, observado na fase faraeletrica do copolímero P(VDF/TrFE), nos processos de descarga. Quando uma voltagem tipo V(t) = Vo S(t) é aplicado em materiais isolantes, correntes elétricas observadas em medidas, de carga-descarga decaem aproximadamente com T-n e obedecem ao principio da superposição linear (PSL). Esse comportamento e também observado em polímeros dielétricos. Entretanto, nos processos de descarga, acima da temperatura de Curie do copolímero p (VDF/TrFE), surge um pico anomalo de corrente que viola, aparentemente, o (PSL). Apresentamos um modelo de migração de cargas de espaço em presença de armadilhas, que pode ser responsável pelo pico de corrente e que estaria superposta a corrente de descarga da absorção dielétrica, conforme o modelo, durante os processos de carga, impurezas extrínsecas seriam varridas, pelo campo, do volume da amostra e ficariam, preferencialmente, presas em armadilhas de superfície. Nos processos de descarga, essas cargas se deslocariam em direção ao interior da amostra, devido a repulsão Coulombiana. Esse mecanismo de condução gera um pico de corrente. A aplicação do modelo, permitiu-nos inferir valores de parâmetros como a mobilidade dos portadores de carga e o tempo de transito. / A model based on space charge migration to explain an anomalous electric current peak on films of P (VDF/TrFE) copolymer in its paraelectric phase is presented. In general step-voltage current measurements of insulating polymeric materials obey the Principle of Linear Super-position. However, an unexpected anomalous peak was observed in discharge currents in measurements performed with P (VDF/TrFE) above the Curie temperature. We have assumed that space charges were dragged from the bulk of the sample by the external field during the charge measurement, and trapped close to the surface of the sample in a region where the concentration of traps would be very high. Two methods were developed to calculate the magnitude of the current peak: I) assuming a given space charge distribution during the discharge measurement, and II) considering the movement of thin discrete layers of charge under the influence of the internal field.
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Espumas poliuretânicas derivadas de óleo de mamona utilizadas na adsorção de bifenilas policloradas (PCBs) presentes em óleo mineral isolante / Polyurethane foam derived from castor oil used in adsorption polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) present in mineral insulating oilMarcio Antonio Ferreira Camargo 24 November 2010 (has links)
Os PCBs, do inglês Polychlorinated Biphenyls (bifenilas policloradas), é o nome genérico dado à classe de compostos organoclorados resultante da reação do grupo bifenila com cloro anidro na presença de catalisador. São tóxicos, persistentes, bioacumulativos e representam o risco de provocar efeitos nocivos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. Grandes quantidades de PCBs foram produzidos em vários países entre 1927 e 1977. Nos Estados Unidos a proibição ocorreu em 1977. Utilizados como fluidos dielétricos em transformadores elétricos e capacitores em todo o mundo, comercialmente conhecidos como Ascarel, dentre outras denominações, tais como Aroclor, Pyralene, Clorophen, Inerteen, Asbestol e Kneclor. Devido à alta toxicidade, a produção e comercialização dos PCBs foram proibidas no mundo todo a partir de 1980. No Brasil, transformadores que tiveram o óleo mineral isolante, contaminado por PCBs, estando em uso ou em armazenamento, segundo os critérios da Norma ABNT NBR 13882, a destinação final do óleo isolante deverá ser feita por incineração e ou descontaminação a valores inferiores a 50mg/kg. Neste trabalho realizado no Instituto de Química de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo, desenvolveu-se um procedimento para a descontaminação de óleo contaminado com valor conhecido acima de 50mg/kg, por percolação em coluna contendo espuma de poliuretano derivada de óleo de mamona, produzida pelo Laboratório de Química Analítica e Tecnologia de Polímeros (GQATP), obtendo-se uma redução de 55% dos níveis de PCBs em óleo contaminado. As espumas foram funcionalizadas com tiodiglicol e polissulfeto de amônio, obtendo-se respectivamente 24% e 11% de redução dos níveis de PCBs em óleo contaminado. Observou-se que a espuma de poliuretano produzida pelo GQATP, funciona como um adsorvente eficaz na remoção de PCBs, e que a utilização de n-hexano na dessorção da espuma, permite remover praticamente todos os PCBs adsorvidos. Portanto, esses tipos de espumas podem servir como adsorventes altamente eficazes na remoção dos PCBs presentes nos óleos minerais isolantes e, portanto, contribuir significativamente para a proteção do meio ambiente. / PCBs, (polychlorinated biphenyls), is the generic name given to the class of organochlorine compounds resulting from the reaction of the biphenyl group with anhydrous chlorine in the presence of catalyst. They are toxic, persistent, bioaccumulative and pose the risk of causing harm to human health and the environment. Large quantities of PCBs were produced in several countries between 1927 and 1977. In the United States the prohibition occurred in 1977. Used as dielectric fluids in electrical transformers and capacitors in the world, commercially known as Ascarel, among other names such as Aroclor, Pyralene, Clorophen, Inerteen, and Asbestol Kneclor. Due to high toxicity, production and marketing of PCBs have been banned worldwide since 1980. In Brazil, transformers that had insulating mineral oil, contaminated with PCBs, while in use or in storage, according to the criteria of the Standard NBR 13,882, the final destination of insulating oil should be by incineration or decontamination and the values below 50mg/kg. In a previous work carried out at the Chemistry Institute of Sao Carlos - University of Sao Paulo, a procedure was developed for the decontamination of oil contaminated with known value above 50 mg / kg of percolation column containing polyurethane foam derived from castor oil produced Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (GQATP), resulting in a 55% reduction in the levels of PCBs in contaminated oil. Foams were functionalized with thiodiglycol and Ammonium polysulfide, yielding respectively 24% and 11% reduction in the levels of PCBs in contaminated oil. It was observed that the polyurethane foam produced by GQATP function as an effective adsorbent for removal of PCBs, and that the use of n-hexane desorption of the foam allows to remove virtually all PCBs adsorbed. So these types of foam can serve as highly efficient adsorbents for the removal of PCBs present in the insulating mineral oil, and thus contribute significantly to environmental protection.
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Etude de l’effet de la température sur les courants induits des matériaux isolants soumis à l’irradiation électronique dans un microscope électronique à balayage. / Study of the temperature effect on the induced currents of the insulating materials submitted to electron irradiation in the Scanning Electron Microscopy.Elsafi, Bassem 02 July 2013 (has links)
Les phénomènes de charge des isolants ont été étudiés à l'aide d'un MEB (Microscope Electronique à Balayage). L'effet de la température sur ces phénomènes a été également discuté. Cette étude concernera, plus particulièrement, la mesure des courants induits sous irradiation électronique (courants de conduction et de déplacement) et la détermination du rendement d'émission électronique secondaire. Notre travail est porté en premier lieu sur des échantillons de verre à base de silice. Nous avons prouvé que l'augmentation de la température fait diminuer la capacité de charge du verre. Les résultats sont expliqués par l'augmentation de la conductivité activée par la température qui tend à réduire la formation de la charge d'espace négative grâce à l'augmentation de la mobilité de porteurs de charge. Cette explication est confirmée par une augmentation dans le courant de fuite mesuré sur le verre en fonction de la température.La seconde partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l'étude de l'effet de la température sur le comportement du polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET) irradié avec les électrons. Nous avons montré que la température joue un rôle important dans la grande rétention de la charge accumulée à cause du un phénomène de repiégeage rapide qui se produit dans le volume de l'échantillon dans le cas de la relaxation de la charge. Nos résultats indiquent que le phénomène de «flashover» a lieu aussi bien en volume qu'au niveau de la surface de l'échantillon. L'émission électronique secondaire de ce polymère devient de moins en moins faible avec l'augmentation de la température. / The charging phenomena of insulators have been studied using a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). The temperature effect on these phenomena was also discussed. The study will cover, in particular, the measurement of the induced currents under electron irradiation (conduction current and displacement current) and determining the secondary electron emission yield. Our work is focused primarily on silica glass samples. We have shown that increasing of the temperature decreases the capacity of the glass. The results are explained by the increase in conductivity activated by temperature, which tends to reduce the formation of the negative space charge due to the increased mobility of charge carriers. This explanation is confirmed by an increase in the conduction current measured on the glass as a function of temperature.The second part of this work was devoted to the study of the temperature effect on the behavior of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) irradiated with electrons. We have shown that temperature plays an important role in the high retention of accumulated charge due to a rapid trapping phenomenon that occurs in the bulk sample in the case of the charges relaxation. Our results indicate that the "flashover" phenomenon occurs both in bulk and to the surface of sample. The secondary electron emission of the polymer becomes less weak with increasing temperature.
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Characteristics of creepage discharges along ester-pressboard interfaces under AC stressYi, Xiao January 2012 (has links)
Ester liquids including natural ester and synthetic ester are considered as potential substitutes for mineral oil, due to their good biodegradability and high fire points. Although these liquids have been widely used in distribution and traction transformers, research efforts are required for the purposes of design and manufacture of high voltage and large power transformers which are filled by esters. Indeed, it would be risky to apply esters in large power transformers without thorough understandings of their behaviours in large gaps and/or when combined with pressboard insulation. Therefore, investigations of creepage discharges along the surface of pressboard in esters are vitally important and their behaviours should be compared with those of mineral oils. This thesis is aimed to investigate the creepage discharges along pressboard in esters and mineral oil under ac divergent electric field. Apparent charges, current signals and images of streamer channels were obtained synchronously to identify whether and how the introduction of pressboard surface would influence the inception and propagation of discharges as compared to tests in open gap. When over-stressed by higher voltages, the surface tracking along the pressboard-ester interface, triggered by sustaining creepage discharges, was studied and the evolutions of accompanying creepage discharge patterns were investigated. In these experiments, both esters and mineral oil impregnated pressboards were comparatively studied. The test results indicated that at the inception stage, the presence of pressboard or any other solid types in different liquids under test do not influence the PD inception voltages; in the propagation stage, solid surface tends to promote the development of discharges, especially those occurring in negative half cycles, and shifts more discharges towards the zero-crossing phase angles. This discharge promotion effect is much more evident in esters than in mineral oil, probably because of higher discharge intensity in esters and higher viscosity of esters. The space charge effect and the residual low density channel effect are proved as the mechanisms best explaining the influences of solids on creepage discharges. Under higher voltages, it was found that the impregnated pressboard is susceptible to discharge erosion characterized by “white and carbonized tree-shaped marks”, due to intense discharges occurring on or near the pressboard surface. The “white mark” appears at a lower voltage and propagates more easily on ester impregnated pressboard. The gaseous “white mark” channels will attract the subsequent discharges to follow the same discharge routes; the accumulative energy dissipation in these channels will then result in the carbonization of the channels. Once formed, the surface tree-shaped mark can continue to grow even under reduced voltage levels until it bridges the gap and causes the final flashover.
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Electrical performance of ester liquids under impulse voltage for application in power transformersLiu, Qiang January 2011 (has links)
Ester liquids including both natural ester and synthetic ester are being considered as potential alternatives to mineral oil, due to their better environmental performance and for some liquids their higher fire point. Although these liquids have been widely used in distribution and traction transformers, it is still a significant step to adopt ester liquids in high-voltage power transformers because the high cost and severe consequence of a factory test failure and the high level of safety and reliability required in service for these units, tend to lead to a cautious approach to any step change in technology. Lightning impulse strength as basic insulation level is of importance for insulation design of power transformers and lightning impulse test is commonly required in the factory routine tests for high-voltage power transformers, so this thesis is aimed to investigate the electrical performances including pre-breakdown and breakdown of natural ester and synthetic ester under impulse voltage. Two types of field geometry were considered in the study, one is sphere-sphere configuration which represents the quasi-uniform fields inside a transformer and another is strongly non-uniform point-plane configuration which represents the situation of a defect or a source of discharge. In quasi-uniform field study, standard breakdown tests were carried out under negative lightning and switching impulse voltages. Influence of various testing methods on the measured lightning breakdown voltage was studied and the 1% lightning withstand voltage was obtained based on Weibull distribution fitting on the cumulative probability plot built up using the approximately 1000 impulse shots. As for strongly non-uniform field study, streamer propagation and breakdown event in ester liquids either with or without pressboard interface were investigated at various gap distances under both positive and negative lightning impulse voltages. A relationship between the results under lightning impulse and previously published results under step voltage was built up to predict the lightning breakdown voltage of ester liquids at very large gaps. The results indicated that impulse strengths of ester liquids for both breakdown and withstand in a quasi-uniform field, are comparable to those of mineral oil. In a strongly non-uniform field, streamers in ester liquids propagate faster and further, than in mineral oil at the same voltage level. Thus breakdown voltages of ester liquids are generally lower than those of mineral oil, which could be as low as 40% at a large gap distance of approximately 1000 mm. Introduction of parallel pressboard interface has no influence on the streamer propagation and thus does not weaken the breakdown voltage, but it tends to reduce the acceleration voltage particularly for mineral oil under positive polarity. Last but not least, a unique phenomenon of secondary reverse streamer (SRS) was observed in ester liquids, which occurs subsequently and well after the extinction of the primary streamer (PS) propagation within a single shot of impulse voltage and has the reverse polarity to the PS. The formation mechanism of SRS is explained mainly due to the reverse electric field induced by the residual space charges left by the PS.
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Electrical tracking over solid insulating materials for aerospace applicationsZhang, Lei January 2011 (has links)
The concept of More Electric Aircraft, where is to utilize the electrical power to drive more or all aircraft subsystem instead of conventional combination of pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical power, can be recalled to World War II. It has been proven to have more advantages for decades in terms of energy efficiency, environmental issues, logistics and operational maintenance. It can also enhance aircraft weight, volume and battle damage reconfigurability.Thanks to the new electronics technologies and the emergence of new materials, It becomes feasible for high power density electrical power components to drive the majority of aircraft subsystem. However, sustaining the transmission of hundreds of kilowatts of electrical power at low voltages is not feasible owing to the penalties incurred due to high cable weights and voltage drop may become critical. It is very easy to come up with the solution of the increase of voltage. However, higher voltage will introduce other problems such as the reliability of insulation coordination on the aircraft due to the increased probability of electrical discharge. For aircraft designers, it is very important to understand the rules of insulation coordination on the aircraft including determining clearance and creepage distances, and also have a clear investigation of the phenomena and mechanism of electrical discharges. Past research has identified a number of the concerns of operating electrical systems at higher voltages in an aerospace environment, especially for dimensioning of clearances. However, there is little study on dimensioning of creepage distances and relevantly flashover and electrical tracking on solid insulating material surfaces. This thesis firstly discusses the rules for determining clearances and creepage distances. The experimental validation work was done for breakdown in air gap and on the solid insulating material surfaces under dry condition so that some standard recommended values can be evaluated not only with theoretical values such Paschen's law. Suggestions of application of those standards were provided. Secondly, the complex electrical discharge under wet condition on solid insulating material surfaces was discussed. A mathematical model to predict this type of electrical failure -electrical tracking (the electrical discharges on solid insulation materials which will lead to physical damage in the materials) with the consideration of different environmental conditions including air pressure, ambient temperature, and pollution degrees was developed. A series of electrical tracking tests were carried out on organic materials to find out the mechanism of electrical tracking and validate the finding by the mathematic model. Finite element analysis simulations were also conducted to find out the background thermal transfer mechanism to support our explanation of those phenomena of electrical tracking. Different test techniques have ben developed for specific impact factors. Finally, the suggestions for utilization of the standards and feasible test techniques for electrical tracking under wet conditions were provided.
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Espumas poliuretânicas derivadas de óleo de mamona utilizadas na adsorção de bifenilas policloradas (PCBs) presentes em óleo mineral isolante / Polyurethane foam derived from castor oil used in adsorption polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) present in mineral insulating oilCamargo, Marcio Antonio Ferreira 24 November 2010 (has links)
Os PCBs, do inglês Polychlorinated Biphenyls (bifenilas policloradas), é o nome genérico dado à classe de compostos organoclorados resultante da reação do grupo bifenila com cloro anidro na presença de catalisador. São tóxicos, persistentes, bioacumulativos e representam o risco de provocar efeitos nocivos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. Grandes quantidades de PCBs foram produzidos em vários países entre 1927 e 1977. Nos Estados Unidos a proibição ocorreu em 1977. Utilizados como fluidos dielétricos em transformadores elétricos e capacitores em todo o mundo, comercialmente conhecidos como Ascarel, dentre outras denominações, tais como Aroclor, Pyralene, Clorophen, Inerteen, Asbestol e Kneclor. Devido à alta toxicidade, a produção e comercialização dos PCBs foram proibidas no mundo todo a partir de 1980. No Brasil, transformadores que tiveram o óleo mineral isolante, contaminado por PCBs, estando em uso ou em armazenamento, segundo os critérios da Norma ABNT NBR 13882, a destinação final do óleo isolante deverá ser feita por incineração e ou descontaminação a valores inferiores a 50mg/kg. Neste trabalho realizado no Instituto de Química de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo, desenvolveu-se um procedimento para a descontaminação de óleo contaminado com valor conhecido acima de 50mg/kg, por percolação em coluna contendo espuma de poliuretano derivada de óleo de mamona, produzida pelo Laboratório de Química Analítica e Tecnologia de Polímeros (GQATP), obtendo-se uma redução de 55% dos níveis de PCBs em óleo contaminado. As espumas foram funcionalizadas com tiodiglicol e polissulfeto de amônio, obtendo-se respectivamente 24% e 11% de redução dos níveis de PCBs em óleo contaminado. Observou-se que a espuma de poliuretano produzida pelo GQATP, funciona como um adsorvente eficaz na remoção de PCBs, e que a utilização de n-hexano na dessorção da espuma, permite remover praticamente todos os PCBs adsorvidos. Portanto, esses tipos de espumas podem servir como adsorventes altamente eficazes na remoção dos PCBs presentes nos óleos minerais isolantes e, portanto, contribuir significativamente para a proteção do meio ambiente. / PCBs, (polychlorinated biphenyls), is the generic name given to the class of organochlorine compounds resulting from the reaction of the biphenyl group with anhydrous chlorine in the presence of catalyst. They are toxic, persistent, bioaccumulative and pose the risk of causing harm to human health and the environment. Large quantities of PCBs were produced in several countries between 1927 and 1977. In the United States the prohibition occurred in 1977. Used as dielectric fluids in electrical transformers and capacitors in the world, commercially known as Ascarel, among other names such as Aroclor, Pyralene, Clorophen, Inerteen, and Asbestol Kneclor. Due to high toxicity, production and marketing of PCBs have been banned worldwide since 1980. In Brazil, transformers that had insulating mineral oil, contaminated with PCBs, while in use or in storage, according to the criteria of the Standard NBR 13,882, the final destination of insulating oil should be by incineration or decontamination and the values below 50mg/kg. In a previous work carried out at the Chemistry Institute of Sao Carlos - University of Sao Paulo, a procedure was developed for the decontamination of oil contaminated with known value above 50 mg / kg of percolation column containing polyurethane foam derived from castor oil produced Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (GQATP), resulting in a 55% reduction in the levels of PCBs in contaminated oil. Foams were functionalized with thiodiglycol and Ammonium polysulfide, yielding respectively 24% and 11% reduction in the levels of PCBs in contaminated oil. It was observed that the polyurethane foam produced by GQATP function as an effective adsorbent for removal of PCBs, and that the use of n-hexane desorption of the foam allows to remove virtually all PCBs adsorbed. So these types of foam can serve as highly efficient adsorbents for the removal of PCBs present in the insulating mineral oil, and thus contribute significantly to environmental protection.
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