Spelling suggestions: "subject:"entegrated canprocess"" "subject:"entegrated 3.3vprocess""
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Searching textual and model-based process descriptions based on a unified data formatLeopold, Henrik, van der Aa, Han, Pittke, Fabian, Raffel, Manuel, Mendling, Jan, Reijers, Hajo A. January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Documenting business processes using process models is common practice in many organizations. However, not all process information is best captured in process models. Hence, many organizations complement these models with textual descriptions that specify additional details. The problem with this supplementary use of textual descriptions is that existing techniques for automatically searching process repositories are limited to process models. They are not capable of taking the information from textual descriptions into account and, therefore, provide incomplete search results. In this paper, we address this problem and propose a technique that is capable of searching textual as well as model-based process descriptions. It automatically extracts activity-related and behavioral information from both descriptions types and stores it in a unified data format. An evaluation with a large Austrian bank demonstrates that the additional consideration of textual descriptions allows us to identify more relevant processes from a repository.
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The Development of an Integrated Process Operation Management Systemypower@bigpond.com.au, Yvonne Power January 2004 (has links)
This project details the development of a new framework known as the Coordinated Knowledge Management method to enable complete task integration of all low and midlevel tasks for process industries. The framework overcomes past problems of task integration, which made it impossible to have a fully integrated system and with integration being limited to data acquisition, regulatory control and occasionally supervisory control.
The main component of the project includes the use of hierarchically structured timed place Petri nets, which have not previously been used for integrating tasks in intelligent process operations management. Tasks which have been integrated include all low-level tasks such as data acquisition, regulatory control and data reconciliation, and all mid-level tasks including supervisory control and most significantly the integration of process monitoring fault detection and diagnosis.
The Coordinated Knowledge Management method makes use of hierarchical timed place Petri nets to (i) coordinate tasks, (ii) monitor the system, (iii) activate tasks, (iv) send requests for data updates and (iv) receive notice when tasks are complete. Visualization of the state of the system is achieved through the moving tokens in the Petri net. The integration Petri nets are generic enough to be applied to any plant for integration using existing modules thus allowing the integration of different tasks, which use different problem solving methodologies.
Integrating tasks into an intelligent architecture has been difficult to achieve in the past since the developed framework must be able to take into account information flow and timing in a continuously changing environment. In this thesis Petri nets have been applied to continuous process operations rather than to batch processes as in the past. In a continuous process, raw materials are fed and products are delivered continuously at known flow-rates and the plant is generally operated at steady state (Gu and Bahri, 2002).
However, even in a continuous process, data is received from the distributed control system (DCS) at discrete time intervals. By transforming this data into process events, a Petri net can be used for overseeing process operations. The use of hierarchical Petri nets as the coordination mechanism introduces inherent hierarchy without the rigidity of previous methods. Petri nets are used to model the conditions and events occurring within the system and modules. This enables the development of a self-monitoring system, which takes into account information flow and timing in a continuously changing environment. Another major obstacle to integration of tasks in the past has been the presence of faults in the process. The project included the integration of fault detection and diagnosis a component not integrated into current systems but which is necessary to prevent abnormal plant operation. A novel two-step supervisory fault detection and diagnosis framework was developed and tested for the detection and diagnosis of faults in large-scale systems, using condition-event nets for fault detection and Radial Basis Function neural networks for fault diagnosis. This fault detection and diagnosis methodology detects and diagnoses faults in the early stages of fault occurrence, before fault symptoms propagate throughout the plant.
The Coordinated Knowledge Management method and the newly developed fault diagnosis module were developed in G21 and applied and tested on the Separation and Heating sections of the Pilot plant for the Bayer process at the School of Engineering Science, Murdoch University. Testing indicated that the use of an intelligent system comprising of Petri nets for integration of tasks results in improved plant performance and makes the plant easier to monitor increasing profits. The fault detection and diagnosis module was found to be useful in detecting faults very early on and diagnosing the exact location of faults, which would otherwise prove to be difficult to detect. This would also increase plant safety, reduce wastage and improve environmental considerations of the plant.
Gensym Corporation (1999). G2 Reference Manual (Version 5.0), Cambridge, MA. Gu, T. and P. Bahri (2002). A Survey of Petri Net Applications in Batch Processes, Computers in Industry, 47 (1), p. 99 111.
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Invoice Accuracy Analysis : In the Distribution and Logistics Chain at ERICSSON AB / Fakturanoggrannhetsanalys kopplad till Distribution och Logistik Kedjan inom ERICSSON ABKaffman, Gabriel, Kaffman, Michael January 2013 (has links)
Ericsson är ett världsledande telekommunikationsföretag som förhandlar två gånger per år med logistik tjänsteleverantörer, om priser och transportsträckor som är anslutna till logistisk nätverket. Förhandlingar resulterar i avtal och nya priser för den kommande perioden. Tidigare interna undersökningar visar att Ericsson har fakturerats högre, i jämförelse med de överenskomna priserna. Sammanlagt uppgår det till 7 - 8 siffrigt värde årligen. De tidigare interna undersökningarna identifierar överbetalningar, upptäckta med hänsyn till de uppsatta villkoren för accepterad överbetalningsmarginal i systemet. Inom denna studie skall fokus läggas på kostnader under de uppsatta kostnadsvillkoren i systemet. Genom detta redovisa kostnader som inte tas upp av den integrerade filtret i systemet.Uppdraget är att identifiera avvikelser kopplade till fakturaprocessen. Genom att identifiera uppkomna avvikelser, är målet att hitta främsta orsak för respektive avvikelse. Syftet är att finna en lämplig process för att förebygga framtida avvikelser. För att genomföra studien inom den uppsatta tidsramen, har avgränsning bestämts till att undersöka och analysera två stora logistikföretag. Dessa har anknytning till de tre länder som bidrog till flest överbetalningar under 2012. Teorier inom lean utveckling, processutveckling, supply chain management och EDI gentemot manuellt fakturaflöde, har studerats djupgående. Genom att kombinera en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie, har det empiriska resultatet lett till identifiering av de mest frekventa avvikelser, kopplade till fakturaprocessen.Resultat från den genomförda studien har legat till grund, för att föreslå konkreta förbättringar, kopplade till fakturaprocessen. En uppsättning av sju genomförbara och kostnadseffektiva förbättringar inom informationsflödet, arbetsmetodik samt processflödet presenteras.1. Produktifiering av logistiktjänster2. Integration av prislistor in till SAP One3. Plattform för kommunikation4. Tydliggör aktörers ansvarsområde5. Andon lösning för kvalitetssäkring inom fakturaprocessen6. LSP tilldelas Ericssonsfraktkalkylator7. Informationsutökning till Prime log från LSPSamlingen består av kortsiktiga förslag som kan implementeras omgående, samt långsiktiga förslag i förebyggande syfte. Presenterade förbättringar är anpassade till respektive angelägen aktör. Rekommendation är att implementera föreslagna förbättringar, för att minska/eliminera de redovisade avvikelserna. / A world leading telecommunication company, Ericsson negotiates twice a year with the logistics service providers, regarding prices and lanes connected to the logistics network. The negotiations results in agreements and new prices for the upcoming period. Previous internal studies reveal that Ericsson is being invoiced higher, compared to the agreed prices. The study reveals an overpayment value of 7 - 8 digits annually. Hence, revealing the overpayments detected by the set cost condition in the system. The conducted study will focus on the overpayments that are under the set cost condition in the system. By that, identifying the costs that are not been taken in consideration currently.The mission is to identify upcoming discrepancies, connected to the invoice process. By identifying upcoming discrepancies, the goal is to find the main reason for each detected discrepancy. By that, propose suitable processes for preventing future discrepancies.In order to investigate and conduct the required study, delimitation was made to analyse two major logistics providers. The study includes three targeted countries, which contributed to most discrepancies during 2012. Theories in lean development, process development, supply chain management and EDI vs. manual invoice flow have been studied in detail. By combining a qualitative and quantitative scientific approach, the empirical results have revealed the most upcoming discrepancies, connected to the invoice process.The result from the conducted study has been the main foundation, in order to suggest tangible improvements, connected to the invoice process. A set of seven tangible and cost efficient improvements, within the information flow, work methodology and process flow are presented.1. Productify Logistics Services2. Integration of Pricelists into SAP One3. Platform for Communication4. Stakeholder Clarification5. Andon Solution for Invoice Quality Assurance6. Provide LSP with Ericsson Freight Calculator7. Extended Information into Prime log from LSPThe collection consists of short term proposals that can be implemented immediately and long term proposals for preventive purposes. The proposed improvements are adapted to each involved stakeholder. Recommendation is to implement the proposed improvements, in order to reduce/eliminate the detected discrepancies.
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Simulation of hybrid trickle bed reactor-reverse osmosis process for the removal of phenol from wastewaterAl-Obaidi, Mudhar A.A.R., Jarullah, A.T., Kara-Zaitri, Chakib, Mujtaba, Iqbal 19 March 2018 (has links)
Yes / Phenol and phenolic derivatives found in different industrial effluents are highly toxic and extremely harmful to human and the aquatic ecosystem. In the past, trickle bed reactor (TBR), reverse osmosis (RO) and other processes have been used to remove phenol from wastewater. However, each of these technologies has limitations in terms of the phenol concentration in the feed water and the efficiency of phenol rejection rate. In this work, an integrated hybrid TBR-RO process for removing high concentration phenol from wastewater is suggested and model-based simulation of the process is presented to evaluate the performance of the process. The models for both TBR and RO processes were independently validated against experimental data from the literature before coupling together to make the hybrid process. The results clearly show that the combined process significantly improves the rejection rate of phenol compared to that obtained via the individual processes.
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企業流程整合過程中之不穩定因子之管理─以績效獎勵制度為例 / The Management of Inflexibility in an Integrated Process--- Using Sales Compensation Process as an Example曾蕙婷 Unknown Date (has links)
The objective of this paper is to provide a foundation for understanding the management of inflexibility in an integrated process by using sales compensation process as a studied case. The majority of process integration studies have focused on the design and management of an efficient operation by taking the advantage of information technology. Little was known about the downsides of process integration. It is necessary to build deep knowledge about the management of integration inflexibility so that risks of integration failure can be minimized.
By summarizing literature and industry experiences of process integration and enterprise flexibility and inflexibility, three types of inflexibility are proposed. They are operational, organizational, and system inflexibilities. The sources of these inflexibilities can be categorized into two types: nature of IT-enabled integrating and technological barriers. These two sources of inflexibility, observed in the studied case, are interrelated and can correlatively affect business performance.
Companies that intend to apply process integration to their sales compensation process would aim for eliminating the risk of integration downsides by examining the sources of inflexibilities in the IT-enabled process. Only with a solid and thorough view of the system, could companies achieve their goals of rolling out the packaged service in the compensation plan process. This paper analyses the up and down sides of process integration and plans to provide guidance for further application of process integration packages.
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GLS detrending, efficient unit root tests and structural change / GLS para eliminar los componentes determinísticos, estadísticos de raíz unitaria eficientes y cambio estructuralPerron, Pierre, Rodríguez, Gabriel 10 April 2018 (has links)
We extend the class of M-tests for a unit root analyzed by Perron and Ng (1996) and Ng and Perron (1997) to the case where a change in the trend function is allowed to occur at an unknown time. These tests M(GLS) adopt the GLS detrending approach of Dufour and King (1991) and Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996) (ERS). Following Perron (1989), we consider two models: one allowing for a change in slope and the other for both a change in intercept and slope. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the tests as well as that of the feasible point optimal tests PT(GLS) suggested by ERS. The asymptotic critical values of the tests aretabulated. Also, we compute the non-centrality parameter used for the local GLS detrending that permits the tests to have 50% asymptotic power at that value. We show that the M(GLS) and PT(GLS) tests have an asymptotic power function close to the power envelope. An extensive simulation study analyzes the size and power in finite samples under various methods to select the truncation lag for the autoregressive spectral density estimator. An empirical application is also provided. / Extendemos los estadísticos tipo M para una raíz unitaria analizados por Perron y Ng (1996) y Ng y Perron (2001) al caso donde se permite que el cambio en la función de tendencia ocurra en un punto desconocido. Estos estadísticos (MGLS) adoptan el enfoque GLS para eliminar la tendencia desarrollado por Elliott et al. (1996) (ERS) siguiendo los resultados de Dufour y King (1991). Siguiendo a Perron (1989), consideramos dos modelos: uno que permite un cambio en la pendiente y otro que permite tanto un cambio en el intercepto como en la pendiente. Derivamos las distribuciones asintóticas así como el estadístico óptimo factible en un punto de la hipótesis alternativa (PT GLS) sugerido por ERS. También computamos el parámetro de no centralidad utilizado por el enfoque GLS local a la unidad con el fin de eliminar la tendencia que permite que el estadístico PT GLS tenga 50% de potencia asintótica en ese valor. Asimismo, se han tabulado los valores críticos asintóticos de los estadísticos. Mostramos que los estadísticos MGLS y PT GLS tienen una función de potencia asintótica cercana a la envolvente de potencia. Un estudio de simulación analiza el tamaño y potencia en muestras finitas bajo varios métodos para seleccionar la truncación para estimar la densidad espectral autorregresiva. Finalmente, también se presenta una aplicación empírica.
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Elaboration des émulsions natives issues des graines oléoprotéagineuses et transformation catalytique de la fraction lipidique en biolubrifiants écolabellisables / Elaboration of native emulsions from oilseeds and catalytic transformation of lipid fraction into ecolabelled biolubricantsVaca Medina, Guadalupe 12 July 2010 (has links)
Les recherches que nous présentons dans ce mémoire s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet européen IBIOLAB[1] qui vise à la création de biolubrifiants écolabellisables. Tout d'abord, une approche d'ingénierie inverse a été réalisée pour déterminer le rôle des tensioactifs natifs des graines oléoprotéagineuses dans la stabilisation des oléosomes dans l'eau. Ceci a permis par la suite une approche générique avec la mise en œuvre d'un procédé intégré qui permet la libération des lipides sous forme émulsionnée. Une étape optionnelle consiste en l'hydrolyse enzymatique in situ des triglycérides. L'activité de la lipase utilisée a été évaluée lors d'une étude d'estérification des acides gras avec différents alcools par une méthode de séparation triphasique (TPP three-phase partitioning). / The present work was performed within the framework of the European project IBIOLAB* which aims to create environmentally friendly biolubricants (able to be eco-labelled). First of all, a reverse engineering methodology was developed to understand the role of oilseed native surfactants in the stability of oil-bodies in water. Subsequently, using a general approach, it was possible to develop a process that allows releasing the lipid fraction into an emulsion. If an in-situ enzymatic hydrolysis of triglycerides is added to this process, an emulsion containing the free fatty acids will be obtained. The activity of the remaining lipase in the emulsion was used to study the esterification of free fatty acids with different alcohols using a three-phase partitioning method.
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Definición de una ontología integrada de procesos y recursos, para el desarrollo colaborativo de planes de procesoSolano García, Lorenzo 30 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] Process planning, as a link between design and manufacturing, is a key function to ensuring that the characteristics of manufactured products meet customer needs. Multiple factors converge in the tasks of manufacturing process planning. When these factors are combined with the diversity of possible strategies and approaches, they form a particularly complex scenario.
Moreover, the development of an environment increasingly competitive and globalized forces an increase of flexibility and agility of production systems. This has been especially critical in small and medium enterprises. In order to survive, these enterprises have had to improve their organization creating collaborative structures. Collaborative structures that take advantage of information and communication technologies, allowing overcome the difficulties caused by their location all over the world. An extreme case occurs in the virtual OKP (One-of-a-Kind Production) companies, in which the development of new products is the key process and it is subject to heavy demands of immediacy and diversity in terms of production. These demands can only be achieved through a close cooperation/collaboration between company partners.
Taking as a starting point the above, this thesis makes a contribution in the field of collaborative process planning. For this, an ontological approach is proposed. This ontology gives support and consistency to the co-planning tools used in creating process plans, especially in decision-making related to the optimal and dynamics resource allocation.
The first proposed ontology, the domain PPDRC (Product and Processes Development Resource Capabilities) ontology, is a generic ontology able to support any kind of process planning to be executed by intelligent agents in a collaborative context. Its generality is validated in this work, by means of its application to the process planning of the development process of products, processes and resources and its specialization, the MIRC (Manufacturing and Inspection Resource Capabilities) ontology, for machining and inspection process planning.
The PPDRC ontology presents a number of particular characteristics, such as: social and agentive character of the resources involved in the process planning; the possibility for representing nonlinear process plans; the concept of resource capability based on its skills to perform a specific activity; or the fact that it has been built using concepts of foundational ontologies, facilitating the interoperability with other ontologies. The ontology is particularly effective for the establishment and validation of process plans based on the capabilities of the resources involved, allowing to maintain the information and knowledge about the capabilities of these resources. A knowledge that is enriched by inference from the data, predicates and rules that are part of the ontology.
On the other hand, the MIRC ontology is a proposal that has all the characteristics of PPDRC ontology and pays special attention to preparation activities of the resources, because they largely determine their capability to implement operation activities (machining and inspection). This is a characteristic that differentiates it from others, considering that preparation activities are critical to the correct selection and allocation of resources that should be considered during the validation of these process plans.
The thesis has been written on the basis of two articles that describe the aforementioned ontologies (PPDRC and MIRC) and they present two separate case studies which demonstrate their validity and scope. To facilitate the reading, this document contains some additional chapters. These additional chapters relate the general approach and the basis of the work, and discuss the results and future works. / [ES] La planificación de procesos, como nexo de unión entre el diseño y la fabricación, es un elemento clave para asegurar que las características de los productos fabricados satisfacen las necesidades del cliente. En las tareas de planificación del proceso de fabricación confluyen múltiples factores que, al conjugarse con la diversidad de estrategias y enfoques posibles, configuran un escenario particularmente complejo.
Por otra parte, la evolución de un entorno cada vez más competitivo y globalizado ha obligado a aumentar la flexibilidad y agilidad de los sistemas productivos. Esto ha sido especialmente crítico en las pequeñas y medianas empresas que para sobrevivir han tenido que organizarse creando estructuras de colaboración. Estructuras colaborativas que aprovechan las tecnologías de información y comunicación, y permiten salvar las dificultades originadas por la deslocalización. Un caso extremo se presenta en las empresas de tipo OKP (One-of-a-Kind Production) virtual, en las que el desarrollo de nuevos productos es el proceso clave y está sujeto a grandes exigencias de inmediatez y diversidad de producción, que solo pueden alcanzarse con una estrecha cooperación/colaboración entre los socios.
Tomando como punto de partida lo anterior, esta tesis realiza una aportación en el ámbito de la planificación de procesos colaborativa. Para ello se propone una ontología que da soporte y consistencia a las herramientas de co-planificación empleadas en la creación de planes de proceso, especialmente en la toma de decisiones vinculadas con la asignación óptima y dinámica de los recursos.
La ontología propuesta en primer lugar, ontología de dominio PPDRC (Product and Processes Development Resource Capabilities), es una ontología genérica capaz de soportar cualquier tipo de planificación de proceso que sea ejecutada por agentes inteligentes en un contexto colaborativo. Una generalidad que se valida en el trabajo, con su aplicación a la planificación del propio proceso de desarrollo de productos, procesos y recursos, y con la especialización de la misma, ontología MIRC (Manufacturing and Inspection Resource Capabilities), para la planificación de los procesos de mecanizado e inspección.
La ontología PPDRC presenta toda una serie de características singulares, como: el carácter social y agentivo de los recursos implicados en la planificación; la posibilidad de representar planes de proceso no lineales; el concepto de capacidad de recurso basado en sus habilidades para la realización de actividades; o la utilización de conceptos presentes en ontologías de base, que facilitan su interoperabilidad con otras ontologías. La ontología se muestra especialmente eficaz para el establecimiento y validación de planes de proceso en base a las capacidades de los recursos, al permitir mantener la información y conocimiento sobre sus capacidades. Un conocimiento que se enriquece por inferencia a partir de los datos, predicados y reglas que forman parte de dicha ontología.
Por su parte, la ontología MIRC es una propuesta que reúne todas las características de la ontología PPDRC y que presta una especial atención a las actividades de preparación realizadas sobre los recursos, pues éstas condicionan en gran medida sus capacidades para la ejecución de las actividades de tipo operación (mecanizado e inspección). Se trata de una característica que la diferencia de otras, al considerar que las actividades de preparación son claves para la correcta selección y asignación de los recursos y que deben considerarse durante la validación de estos planes de proceso.
La tesis se ha redactado en base a dos artículos, en los que se describen las mencionadas ontologías (PPDRC y MIRC) y se presentan sendos casos de estudio que constatan su validez y muestran el alcance de las mismas. Para facilitar su seguimiento, contiene unos capítulos adicionales, en los que se relata el planteamiento general y / [CA] La planificació de processos, com a nexe d'unió entre el disseny i la fabricació, és un element clau per a assegurar que les característiques dels productes fabricats satisfan les necessitats del client. En les tasques de planificació del procés de fabricació conflueixen múltiples factors, que al conjugar-se amb la diversitat d'estratègies i enfocaments possibles configuren un escenari particularment complex.
D'altra banda, l'evolució d'un entorn, cada vegada més competitiu i globalitzat ha obligat a augmentar la flexibilitat i agilitat dels sistemes productius. Açò ha sigut especialment crític en les xicotetes i mitjanes empreses, que per a poder sobreviure han hagut d'organitzar-se, creant estructures de col·laboració. Estructures de col·laboració que aprofiten les tecnologies d'informació i comunicació, i permeten salvar les dificultats originades per la deslocalització. Un cas extrem es presenta en les empreses de tipus OKP (One-of-a-Kind Production) virtual, en les que el desenrotllament de nous productes és el procés clau i està subjecte a grans exigències d'immediatesa i diversitat, que només poden aconseguir-se amb una estreta cooperació/col·laboració entre els socis.
Prenent com a punt de partida l'anterior, esta tesi realitza una aportació en l'àmbit de la planificació de processos col·laborativa. Per a això es proposa una ontologia que dóna suport i consistència a les ferramentes de co-planificació empleades en la creació de plans de procés, especialment en la presa de decisions vinculades amb l'assignació òptima i dinàmica dels recursos.
L'ontologia proposada en primer lloc, ontologia de domini PPDRC (Product and Processes Development Resource Capabilities), és una ontologia genèrica capaç de suportar qualsevol tipus de planificació de procés que siga executada per agents intel·ligents en un context col·laboratiu. Una generalitat que es valida en el treball, amb la seua aplicació a la planificació del propi procés de desenrotllament de productes, processos i recursos i amb l'especialització de la mateixa, ontologia MIRC (Manufacturing and Inspection Resource Capabilities), per a la planificació dels processos de mecanitzat i inspecció.
L'ontologia PPDRC presenta tota una sèrie de característiques singulars, com: el caràcter social i agentiu dels recursos implicats en la planificació; la possibilitat de representar plans de procés no lineals; el concepte de capacitat de recurs basat en les seues habilitats per a la realització de activitats; o la utilització de conceptes presents en ontologies de base, que facilita la seua interoperabilitat amb altres ontologies. L'ontologia es mostra especialment eficaç per a l'establiment i validació de plans de procés basant-se en les capacitats dels recursos, al permetre mantenir la informació i coneixement sobre les seues capacitats. Un coneixement que s'enriqueix per inferència a partir de les dades, predicats i regles que formen part de la dita ontologia.
Per la seua banda, l'ontologia MIRC és una proposta que reuneix totes les característiques de l'ontologia PPDRC i que presta una especial atenció a les activitats de preparació realitzades sobre els recursos, perquè estes condicionen en gran manera les seues capacitats per a l'execució de les activitats d'operació (mecanitzat i inspecció). Es tracta d'una característica que la diferència d'altres, al considerar que les activitats de preparació són claus per a la correcta selecció i assignació dels recursos i que han de considerar-se durant la validació d'estos plans de procés.
La tesi s'ha redactat basant-se en dos articles, en les que es descriuen les mencionades ontologies (PPDRC i MIRC) i es presenten sengles casos d'estudi que constaten la seua validesa i mostren l'abast de les mateixes. Per a facilitar el seu seguiment, conté uns capítols addicionals, en els que es relata el plantejament general i les bases del treball, i es disc / Solano García, L. (2015). Definición de una ontología integrada de procesos y recursos, para el desarrollo colaborativo de planes de proceso [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58266
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Correlation between strategic objectives and operational plans of the University of South Africa with specific reference to the Directorate: Student Admissions and RegistrationsHarding, Richard Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
The major focus and question emanating from the research is: to what extent do the
operational action plans, policies, functions, procedures and activities as well as their
implementation within the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations correlate with
the strategic objectives of the University of South Africa (Unisa)? In alignment with the
above, the major challenge of the study was to identify adequate and appropriate
approaches to ensure appropriate correlation levels between strategic objectives and their
successful implementation relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and
The challenge of every Departmental Head is to turn theory into practice; to make
something happen and to translate strategic plans into real business results. This will be
accomplished only when there is synergy or connectivity between strategic and
operational planning towards effective implementation.
Various literature reviews and research topics on strategic management focus either on
strategic planning or strategic implementation as separate identities. Few publications
address the challenge of connecting the pursuit of strategic objectives with operational
plans. Even fewer literature reviews indicate the relationship or correlation levels between
strategic objectives and operational plans of an organisation; the desirable or appropriate
level thereof, to ensure the effective pursuit of strategic objectives. The outcomes of this
study could contribute to the identification of an appropriate approach and measurement
criteria to ensure connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and
operational plans relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations. By
doing this, the strategic objectives are effectively and efficiently promoted to those
responsible for carrying out the execution plan. The researcher has adopted a comprehensively-integrated-aligned-strategic-processmanagement-
approach as part of the standardised operational plans of the Directorate:
Student Admissions and Registrations so as to ensure more effective and efficient
(appropriate) correlation levels in respect of specific strategic objectives relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations due to a lack of correlation in some
The above approach represents a total view of an organisation‟s strategic management
and control systems and consists of the strategic planning, operational plans and resultsmanagement
plans. The mentioned approach will also consist of a measurement criterion
which identifies critical enablers, dependencies and drivers to ensure vertical and
horizontal alignment in respect of original planning (the what and why) with the
implementation plans (when, how and by whom).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). / Public Administration & Management / M.A. (Public Administration)
10 |
Correlation between strategic objectives and operational plans of the University of South Africa with specific reference to the Directorate : Student Admissions and RegistrationsHarding, Richard Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
The major focus and question emanating from the research is: to what extent do the
operational action plans, policies, functions, procedures and activities as well as their
implementation within the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations correlate with
the strategic objectives of the University of South Africa (Unisa)? In alignment with the
above, the major challenge of the study was to identify adequate and appropriate
approaches to ensure appropriate correlation levels between strategic objectives and their
successful implementation relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and
The challenge of every Departmental Head is to turn theory into practice; to make
something happen and to translate strategic plans into real business results. This will be
accomplished only when there is synergy or connectivity between strategic and
operational planning towards effective implementation.
Various literature reviews and research topics on strategic management focus either on
strategic planning or strategic implementation as separate identities. Few publications
address the challenge of connecting the pursuit of strategic objectives with operational
plans. Even fewer literature reviews indicate the relationship or correlation levels between
strategic objectives and operational plans of an organisation; the desirable or appropriate
level thereof, to ensure the effective pursuit of strategic objectives. The outcomes of this
study could contribute to the identification of an appropriate approach and measurement
criteria to ensure connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and
operational plans relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations. By
doing this, the strategic objectives are effectively and efficiently promoted to those
responsible for carrying out the execution plan. The researcher has adopted a comprehensively-integrated-aligned-strategic-processmanagement-
approach as part of the standardised operational plans of the Directorate:
Student Admissions and Registrations so as to ensure more effective and efficient
(appropriate) correlation levels in respect of specific strategic objectives relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations due to a lack of correlation in some
The above approach represents a total view of an organisation‟s strategic management
and control systems and consists of the strategic planning, operational plans and resultsmanagement
plans. The mentioned approach will also consist of a measurement criterion
which identifies critical enablers, dependencies and drivers to ensure vertical and
horizontal alignment in respect of original planning (the what and why) with the
implementation plans (when, how and by whom).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely
availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the
execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible
lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or
workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation
processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will
enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to
drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project
management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together
what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation
accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this,
duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment
between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus
falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect
of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the
right time). / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Public Administration)
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