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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interferômetros recuperadores de baixa tensão de meia onda para sistemas interferométricos de luz branca utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos. / Low half wave voltage recovery interferometers for white light interferometry systems using electrooptic modulators.

Silva, Luiz Pinheiro Cordovil da 01 August 2011 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo e o desenvolvimento de interferômetros recuperadores com baixa tensão de meia onda utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos para serem aplicados em sistemas Interferométricos de luz branca. Ele dá continuidade às pesquisas do autor em seu mestrado, em que foi desenvolvido e testado um sistema de sensoriamento eletro-óptico capaz de medir diretamente tensões de até 69,4 kVRMS. Desta forma aperfeiçoa-se o sistema de processamento de sinais ópticos desenvolvendo um novo interferômetro recuperador, baseado em óptica integrada. Para o desenvolvimento do tema proposto, inicialmente foi feito uma revisão da literatura/bibliografia, baseada em livros, artigos e teses, visando identificar o \"estado da arte\" relacionado aos moduladores eletro-ópticos para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado à aplicação em vista. O estudo resultou na escolha de um componente em óptica integrada que foi aplicado numa configuração inédita em um protótipo de transformador de potencial óptico para medição de elevados níveis de tensão elétrica. As características de desempenho deste protótipo foram comparadas com as do protótipo previamente construído. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e fixa-se em âmbito nacional o domínio sobre as técnicas de construção de interferômetros recuperadores baseados em óptica integrada aplicáveis à recuperação de sinais ópticos em sistemas interferométricos para medição de altas tensões. / This work has as objective the study and development of low half-wave voltage recovery interferometers using electro-optical modulators to be applied to white light interferometric systems. This work is a continuation in the research carried out by the author to obtain his master degree, in which it was developed and tested an electro- optic sensing system capable to measure direct voltage to 69.4 kVrms. In the present work the optical signals processing system is improved by developing a new recovery interferometer based on integrated optics. To develop the proposed subject, initially a review of the literature, based on books, articles and thesis, has been done aiming to identify the State of the Art related to electro-optic modulators and helping to define the most suitable type of modulator for the desired application. The study resulted in the selection of an integrated optical device arranged in an unpublished configuration that was applied to a prototype of optical voltage transformer, intended to measure high voltage levels. The performance of this prototype was compared with a previous version. The results of this work increase the knowledge of the construction techniques of recovery interferometers based on integrated optic devices applicable to the recovering of optical signals in interferometric systems for high voltage measurement.

Ge/SiGe quantum well devices for light modulation, detection, and emission / Composants à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe pour la modulation, la détection et l’émission de lumière

Chaisakul, Papichaya 23 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des propriétés optiques et optoélectroniques autour de la bande interdite directe des structures à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe pour la modulation, la photodétection et l’émission de lumière sur la plateforme silicium. Les principaux composants réalisés sont : un modulateur optique en guide d’onde, rapide et à faible puissance électrique, basé sur l’Effet Stark Confiné Quantiquement, les premières photodiodes Ge/SiGe dont le comportement fréquentiel est compatible avec les transmissions de données à 40 Gbit/s, et la première diode à électroluminescence à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe, base sur la transition directe de ces structures et fonctionnant à température ambiante. Les caractérisations statiques et fréquentielles ont été réalisées sur l’ensemble des composants, qui ont tous été fabriqués avec la même structure épitaxiée et les mêmes procédés de fabrication. Des modèles théoriques simples ont ensuite été utilisés pour décrire analyser les comportements observés. Finalement les études menées permettent de conclure que les structures à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe sont un candidat de choix pour la réalisation d’une nouvelle plateforme photonique à haut débit, totalement compatible avec les technologies silicium. / This PhD thesis is devoted to study electro-optic properties of Gemanium/Silicon-Germanium (Ge/SiGe) multiple quantum wells (MQWs) for light modulation, detection, and emission on Si platform. It reports the first development of high speed, low energy Ge/SiGe electro-absorption modulator in a waveguide configuration based on the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE), demonstrates the first Ge/SiGe photodiode with high speed performance compatible with 40 Gb/s data transmission, and realizes the first Ge/SiGe light emitting diode based on Ge direct gap transition at room temperature. Extensive DC and RF measurements were performed on each tested prototype, which was realized using the same epitaxial growth and fabrication process. Simple theoretical models were employed to describe experimental properties of the Ge/SiGe MQWs. The studies show that Ge/SiGe MQWs could potentially be employed as a new photonics platform for the development of a high speed optical link fully compatible with silicon technology.

Interferômetros recuperadores de baixa tensão de meia onda para sistemas interferométricos de luz branca utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos. / Low half wave voltage recovery interferometers for white light interferometry systems using electrooptic modulators.

Luiz Pinheiro Cordovil da Silva 01 August 2011 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo e o desenvolvimento de interferômetros recuperadores com baixa tensão de meia onda utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos para serem aplicados em sistemas Interferométricos de luz branca. Ele dá continuidade às pesquisas do autor em seu mestrado, em que foi desenvolvido e testado um sistema de sensoriamento eletro-óptico capaz de medir diretamente tensões de até 69,4 kVRMS. Desta forma aperfeiçoa-se o sistema de processamento de sinais ópticos desenvolvendo um novo interferômetro recuperador, baseado em óptica integrada. Para o desenvolvimento do tema proposto, inicialmente foi feito uma revisão da literatura/bibliografia, baseada em livros, artigos e teses, visando identificar o \"estado da arte\" relacionado aos moduladores eletro-ópticos para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado à aplicação em vista. O estudo resultou na escolha de um componente em óptica integrada que foi aplicado numa configuração inédita em um protótipo de transformador de potencial óptico para medição de elevados níveis de tensão elétrica. As características de desempenho deste protótipo foram comparadas com as do protótipo previamente construído. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e fixa-se em âmbito nacional o domínio sobre as técnicas de construção de interferômetros recuperadores baseados em óptica integrada aplicáveis à recuperação de sinais ópticos em sistemas interferométricos para medição de altas tensões. / This work has as objective the study and development of low half-wave voltage recovery interferometers using electro-optical modulators to be applied to white light interferometric systems. This work is a continuation in the research carried out by the author to obtain his master degree, in which it was developed and tested an electro- optic sensing system capable to measure direct voltage to 69.4 kVrms. In the present work the optical signals processing system is improved by developing a new recovery interferometer based on integrated optics. To develop the proposed subject, initially a review of the literature, based on books, articles and thesis, has been done aiming to identify the State of the Art related to electro-optic modulators and helping to define the most suitable type of modulator for the desired application. The study resulted in the selection of an integrated optical device arranged in an unpublished configuration that was applied to a prototype of optical voltage transformer, intended to measure high voltage levels. The performance of this prototype was compared with a previous version. The results of this work increase the knowledge of the construction techniques of recovery interferometers based on integrated optic devices applicable to the recovering of optical signals in interferometric systems for high voltage measurement.

Generation of Modulated Microwave Signals using Optical Techniques for Onboard Spacecraft Applications

Yogesh Prasad, K R January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with optical synthesis of unmodulated and modulated microwave signals. Generation of microwave signals based on optical heterodyning is discussed in detail. The effect of phase noise of laser on heterodyned output has been studied for different phase noise profiles. Towards this, we propose a generic algorithm to numerically model the linewidth broadening of a laser due to phase noise. Generation of microwave signals is demonstrated practically by conducting an optical heterodyning experiment. Signals ranging in frequency from 12.5 MHz to 27 GHz have been generated. Limitations of optical heterodyning based approach in terms of phase noise performance and frequency stability are discussed and practically demonstrated. A hardware-efficient Optical Phase Locked Loop (OPLL) is proposed to overcome these issues. Phase noise tracking performance of the proposed OPLL has been experimentally demonstrated. Phase noise values as low as -105 dBc/Hz at 10 KHz offset have been achieved. Optical modulators, owing to their extremely low electro-optic response time, can support high frequency modulating signals. This makes them highly attractive in comparison to their microwave counterparts. In this thesis, we propose techniques to generate microwave signals modulated at very high bit rates by down-converting the corresponding modulated optical signals to microwave domain. Down-conversion required for this process is achieved by optical heterodyning. The proposed concept has been theoretically analyzed, simulated and experimentally validated. Amplitude Modulated and ASK modulated microwave signals have been generated as Proof-of-Concept. Limitations posed by OPLL in generation of angle modulated microwave signals by optical heterodyning have been brought out. Schemes overcoming these limitations have been proposed towards generation of BPSK and QPSK modulated microwave signals. Integrated Optics (IO) technology has been studied as a means of implementation of the proposed concepts. IO components like Sinusoidal bends, Y-branch splitters and Electro-Optic-Modulators (EOMs) have been designed towards optical synthesis of modulated microwave signals. Propagation of modulated optical signal through these IO components has also been studied. An all-optic scheme based on Optical Beam Forming is proposed for transmission of QPSK modulated signal. Limitation of phase-shifting based approach, in terms of beam-squint, has been brought out. True-Time-Delay based approach has been proposed for applications demanding wide instantaneous bandwidth to avoid beam-squint. Algorithms / numerical methods required for analyses and simulations associated with the above-mentioned tasks have been evolved. This study is envisaged to provide useful insight into the realization of high-speed, compact, light-weight data transmitting systems based on Integrated Optics for future onboard spacecraft applications. This work, we believe, is a step towards realization of an Integrated Optic System-on-Chip solution for specific microwave data transmission applications.

Modelling of Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Photonic Structures / Modelling of Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Photonic Structures

Sterkhova, Anna January 2014 (has links)
V současnosti jsme svědky stále zvyšujících se nároku na rychlost přenosu a zpracování signálu a kapacitu pamet’ových zařízení. Proto se pozornost výzkumných pracovníku zaměřuje k plně optickým zařízením, která by mohla splnit zmíněné požadavky. Jednou z intenzívně zkoumaných možností je využití mikroprstencových optických rezonátoru. Při výzkumu je nutné využít numerických metod, které simulují šíření optického záření v dané struktuře. K tomuto účelu existuje celá rada metod, které se liší v efektivitě výpočtu, použitých aproximacích, i možnostech použití. Cílem této práce bylo vyvinout dvě jednoduché a praktické numerické metody pro modelování šíření pulzního záření v nelineárních vlnovodných strukturách. Přítom bylo požadováno, aby, na rozdíl od obecně známé a často využívané metody konečných diferencí v časové oblasti (FD-TD), bylo možné metody snadno aplikovat při studiu nelineárních struktur založených na mikroprstencových rezonátorech. Proto vyvinuté metody používají některé aproximace, zejména aproximaci pomalu proměnné obálky. Výhodou metod je vysoká rychlost a skromné požadavky na výpočetní zdroje. Obě metody vycházejí ze zkutečnosti, že naprostá většina nelineárních struktur založených na mikroprstencových rezonátorech se skládá ze dvou základních prvku: obyčejných vlnovodu a vlnovodných vazebních clenu. První metoda řeší vázané parciální diferenciální rovnice, které popisují šíření obálky pulzu ve struktuře. Přitom je použito tzv. „up-wind“ schéma vhodné pro parciální diferenciální rovnice popisující šíření vln. Druhá metoda vychází z první; rozdíl je v popisu vazby mezi dvěma vlnovody. Pokud se v první metodě uvažuje realistická vazba rozložená na určité délce, pak druhá metoda je založena na představě vazby nacházející se v jednom místě. Díky tomu je možné integrovat příslušné rovnice a dosáhnout výrazného urychlení výpočtu. Kvazianalytický charakter druhé metody umožňuje dále snadnou klasifikaci různých typu ustálených řešení. Vzhledem k těmto vlastnostem byla druhá metoda využita k výzkumu samovolné generace optických pulzu ve strukturách skládajících se z vázaných prstencových rezonátoru. Obě metody, které byly vyvinuty během této práce, představují rychlé a fyzikálně názorné alternativy k metodě FD-TD, a tak lze očekávat, že mohou hrát důležitou roli při výzkumu nelineárních vlnovodných struktur.

Novel Applications of Optical Diffraction Tomography: On-chip Microscopy and Detection of Invisibility Cloaks

Díaz Fernández, Francisco Javier 21 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La tomografía por difracción surge para mejorar las técnicas de imagen al considerar la naturaleza ondulatoria de la luz. Mientras que los primeros sistemas de imagen médica se basaban únicamente en fuentes sin difracción, este enfoque consigue mejorar la reconstrucción del índice de refracción de los objetos, lo que permite, por ejemplo, el estudio de estructuras subcelulares. Del mismo modo, la demanda de redes de telecomunicaciones cada vez más rápidas y seguras ha propiciado la aparición de la fotónica. Hace dos décadas, la combinación de estos dos campos dio lugar a los primeros sistemas de tomografía por difracción óptica (ODT), los cuáles han evolucionado rápidamente durante este siglo. En esta tesis, presentamos dos nuevas aplicaciones de la ODT. La primera está relacionada con el concepto del microscopio tomográfico de fase (TPM), una versión de la ODT que permite el estudio de células aisladas, con muchas aplicaciones biomédicas, como el diagnóstico y la prognosis del cáncer. Sin embargo, los sistemas TPM actuales son caros, pesados y complejos. Para resolver estos problemas, proponemos el concepto de TPM en chip. Con este fin, diseñamos una hoja de ruta hacia el primer dispositivo tomográfico integrado en el marco de la tecnología lab-on-a-chip (LoC), y desarrollamos los primeros pasos para ello: 1) Hasta ahora, sólo se han utilizado detectores planos para obtener los mapas de índice de refracción de los objetos estudiados en TPM, basados en la detección del campo difractado hacia delante. Sin embargo, los principios físicos fundamentales indican que medir también el campo difractado hacia detrás debería mejorar la resolución de las imágenes. Además, un detector plano no es la configuración óptima para el TPM en chip. En esta línea, hemos explorado la posibilidad de usar detectores circulares en este escenario, como una técnica más adecuada para las configuraciones en chip, demostrando al mismo tiempo que este enfoque proporciona una mejor resolución que el lineal. 2) Proponemos un esquema de TPM en chip basado en el uso de nanoantenas dieléctricas como fuente de luz y píxeles detectores ODT, y caracterizamos experimentalmente su comportamiento mediante microscopía óptica de campo cercano. En cuanto a la segunda aplicación, estudiamos el potencial de la ODT como nuevo paradigma en la detección de capas de invisibilidad realistas, una de las aplicaciones más importantes de los metamateriales. Hasta ahora, el scattering cross section (SCS) se ha utilizado como modelo de referencia para diseñar y observar la eficacia de estos dispositivos para ocultar objetos. En nuestro estudio, demostramos que la ODT puede detectar las capas de invisibilidad prácticas con una sensibilidad superior a la que ofrece el SCS, incluso a las frecuencias de trabajo óptimas. Además, es posible obtener una imagen representativa del tamaño y la forma de la capa, revelando claramente su existencia. Finalmente, se discuten las conclusiones extraídas de los resultados obtenidos. Además, se detallan las futuras líneas de trabajo para abordar los retos que no se han completado en esta tesis doctoral. / [CA] La tomografia per difracció sorgeix per millorar les tècniques d'imatge anteriors en considerar la naturalesa ondulatòria de la llum. Mentre que els primers sistemes d'imatge mèdica es basaven únicament en fonts sense difracció, aquest enfocament aconsegueix millorar la reconstrucció de l'índex de refracció dels objectes, la qual cosa permet, per exemple, l'estudi d'estructures subcelulars. De la mateixa manera, la demanda de xarxes de telecomunicacions cada vegada més ràpides i segures ha propiciat l'aparició de la fotònica. Fa dues dècades, la combinació d'aquests dos camps va portar als primers sistemes de tomografia per difracció òptica (ODT), els quals han evolucionat ràpidament durant aquest segle. En aquesta tesi, presentem dues noves aplicacions de la ODT. La primera està relacionada amb el concepte del microscopi tomogràfic de fase (TPM), una versió de la ODT que permet l'estudi de cèl·lules aïllades, amb moltes aplicacions en biomedicina, com el diagnòstic i prognosi del càncer. No obstant això, els sistemes TPM actuals són cars, pesats i complexos. Per resoldre aquests problemes, proposem el concepte de TPM en xip. Per fer-ho, dissenyem un full de ruta cap al primer dispositiu tomogràfic integrat en el marc de la tecnologia lab-on-a-chip (LoC), i desenvolupem els primers passos a aquest efecte: 1) Fins ara, només s'han utilitzat detectors plans per a obtindre els mapes d'índex de refracció dels objectes estudiats en TPM, basats en la detecció del camp difractat cap avant. No obstant això, els principis físics fonamentals indiquen que mesurar també el camp difractat cap endarrere hauria de millorar la resolució de les imatges. A més, un detector pla no és la configuració òptima per al TPM en xip. En aquesta línia, hem explorat la possibilitat d'usar detectors circulars en aquest escenari, com una tècnica més adequada per a les configuracions en xip, demostrant al mateix temps que aquest enfocament proporciona una millor resolució que el lineal. 2) Proposem un esquema de TPM en xip basat en l'ús de nanoantenes dielèctriques com a font de llum i píxels detectors ODT, i caracteritzem experimentalment el seu comportament en camp pròxim mitjançant microscòpia òptica de camp pròxim. Pel que fa a la segona aplicació, estudiem el potencial de la ODT com a nou paradigma en la detecció de capes d'invisibilitat realistes, una de les aplicacions més importants dels metamaterials. Fins ara, el scattering cross section (SCS) s'ha utilitzat com a model de referència per a dissenyar i observar l'eficàcia d'aquests dispositius per a ocultar objectes. En el nostre estudi, vam demostrar que la ODT pot detectar les capes d'invisibilitat pràctiques amb una sensibilitat superior a la que ofereix el SCS, fins i tot a les freqüències de treball òptimes. A més, és possible obtindre una imatge representativa de la grandària i la forma de la capa, revelant clarament la seua existència. Finalment, es discuteixen les conclusions extretes dels resultats obtinguts i es detallen les futures línies de treball per a abordar els reptes que no s'han completat en aquesta tesi doctoral. / [EN] Diffraction Tomography arises to improve previous imaging techniques by considering the wave nature of light. Whereas the first medical imaging systems relied only on non-diffracting sources, this approach results in an enhanced reconstruction of the object's refractive index distribution, allowing, for example, the study of subcellular structures. Likewise, the demand for increasingly faster and secure telecommunication networks led to the advent of photonics. Two decades ago, the combination of these two fields gave rise to the first optical diffraction tomography (ODT) systems, which have rapidly evolved during this century. In this thesis, we present two novel applications of ODT. The first one is related to the concept of tomographic phase microscopy (TPM), a version of ODT that enables the study of isolated cells, with many applications in biomedicine, such as the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. Nevertheless, current TPM systems are expensive, heavy, and cumbersome. To solve these issues we propose the concept of on-chip TPM. For this purpose, we design a roadmap towards the first integrated tomographic device in the frame of lab-on-a-chip (LoC) technology and develop the first steps to this end: 1) Until now, only flat detectors have been used to obtain the refractive index maps of the objects studied in TPM, based on the detection of the forward scattering. However, fundamental physical principles indicate that measuring also the backscattered field should improve the resolution of the images. Moreover, a flat detector is not the optimal configuration for on-chip TPM. In this vein, we have explored the possibility of using circular detectors in this scenario as a more suitable technique for on-chip configurations, demonstrating at the same time that this approach provides a better resolution than the linear one. 2) We propose a TPM on-chip scheme based on the use of dielectric nanoantennas as the ODT light source and detector pixels, and experimentally characterize their near-field behavior via scanning near-field optical microscopy. As for the second application, we study the potential of ODT as a new paradigm in the detection of realistic invisibility cloaks, one of the most important applications of metamaterials. Up to now, the scattering cross section (SCS) has been used as the gold standard to design and observe the effectiveness of these devices in hiding objects. In our study, we show that ODT can detect practical invisibility cloaks with a higher sensitivity than that offered by the SCS, even at the optimal working frequencies. Moreover, it is possible to obtain an image depicting the size and shape of the cloak, clearly revealing their existence. Finally, the conclusions drawn from the obtained results are discussed. In addition, future lines of action to address the challenges that have not been completed in this doctoral thesis are detailed. / Díaz Fernández, FJ. (2021). Novel Applications of Optical Diffraction Tomography: On-chip Microscopy and Detection of Invisibility Cloaks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180125

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