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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Překážky zápisné způsobilosti ochranných známek v českém právu / Grounds for Refusal of Registration of Trade Marks under Czech Law

Poupě, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to provide general requirements for the registrability of trademarks and to analyse particular grounds for refusal of registration of trademarks according to czech law. The thesis is composed of four main chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of czech trademark law. Chapter One outlines brief history of the very first legislation dealing with trademarks and their registrability until recent days. Chapter Two is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis and also presents categories of trademarks. The chapter is subdivided into five parts. Part One deals wiht national trademarks, part Two focuses on international trademarks, part Three deals with well-known trademarks. The last part presents the Nice clasification established by the Nice Agreement. Chapter Three provides an outline of all absolute grounds for refusal of registration of trademarks under the czech law. The chapter concentrates on particular absolute grounds; the chapter is subdivided into ten parts, each of them dealing with one particular absolute ground. The chapter also illustrates the approach to decision-making by trial courts and practice of competent authorities. Chapter Four concentrates on all relative grounds for refusal of registration of trademarks under czech...

Patent - ochrana originality, nebo omezování konkurence ? / Patent, protection of originality or limitation of the competition ?

Kodad, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals mainly with the interface between patent law and competition law. The main objective is to provide the reader with a complex patent law overview and explanation of basic concepts related to intellectual property law, with a pivotal focus on patent law. In order to do so, author examines how national legislation contained primarily in Act no. 527/1990 Coll., On Inventions and Rationalization Proposals, as amended works and then analyzes Paris Convention and other treaties, which still remain to be the cornerstone of the international law. After introduction to a patent protection there are examined three of the most significant patent systems in the world - European Union, United States of America and Japan and their respective approaches to patent protection. In addition to exploring limits of a patent rights protection, there are explained doctrines relating to intellectual property rights, with closer attention to patents. Another objective of the work is the analysis of patent law's interface with the competition law. As part of this examination there is paid attention mainly to the abuse of a dominant position through the exercise of patent rights, essential facilities doctrine and FRAND licensing. In conclusion, the author tries to critically assess what the current problems...

Průmyslová práva k výsledkům tvůrčí činnosti a jejich ochrana / Industrial property rights to the results of creative activity and their protection

Raisová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Industrial property rights to the results of creative activity and their protection." This thesis reflects on Protection of Industrial Property as a part of a modern legal system which is getting more and more important in legal systems of all states. Protection of intellectual rights and industrial property became an integral part of the legal system in every developed country. In my work, I describe a wide range of Czech legislation governing the creative work in the field of industrial property. Very intense development in science and technology during the last decade caused growing importance of industrial property rights. Protection of industrial property is a very important framework of innovation stimulating research and development investment and transfer of knowledge from laboratory to the marketplace. It is clear that this course of economic life has received much attention not only in domestic law but also in international law. The protection of Industrial property rights is important for economical development at home as well as on an international level which led to establishing legislative protection in legal systems of individual countries as well as international treaties and agreements. While state and international legislature covers all aspects of intellectual...

Ochranné známky / Trade marks

Pelíšková, Radka January 2011 (has links)
Résumé Trademarks The topic of my diploma thesis is trademarks. The purpose of this work is to discuss the fundamental issues concerning trademarks including types of trademarks especially non- traditional ones, trademark registration application procedure in the Czech Republic and other related topics. A trademark is a designation which serves to differentiate products or services on the market. The purpose of a trademark is to distinguish goods and services of one producer from those of another. This designation helps consumers to find goods and services and to select the product that they want. Trademarks therefore become an integral part of our lives. Trademarks in the Czech Republic are governed by Act No. 441/2003 Coll., on Trademarks, Regulation No. 97/2004 Coll., concerning implementation of the Trademark Act and the protection of trademarks is ensured by Act No. 221/2006 Coll., on Enforcement of Industrial Property Rights. A trademark can only be a designation which can be graphically represented and which is capable of distinguishing products or services for which it is protected from other identical products or services on the market. A trademark therefore cannot exist on its own, but always in connection with certain products or services which it designates. An applicant submits a trademark...

La contractualisation du droit moral de l'auteur / The contractualisation of the moral right of the author

Raizon, Hélène 16 December 2014 (has links)
L’œuvre est le reflet de la personnalité de l’auteur. Dès lors, nul ne peut légitimement dissocier de l’œuvre l’esprit qui en est à l’origine, ni la dénaturer. A ce titre, L’article L. 121-1 du Code de la propriété intellectuelle dispose en son troisième alinéa que le droit moral de l’auteur d’une œuvre de l’esprit est inaliénable, de sorte que sa contractualisation semble exclue. Pourtant, l’étude des pratiques contractuelles montre, en réalité, que le droit à la paternité, ainsi que le droit au respect de l’œuvre, deux des prérogatives le constituant, font fréquemment l’objet de conventions. Ainsi, l’on peut en déduire que l’on assiste à une contractualisation du droit moral. Toutefois celle-ci ne s’opérera que de manière indirecte, soit à l’occasion d’une cession des droits patrimoniaux de l’auteur ou à l’occasion de la vente du support de l’œuvre ; soit par application du droit commun des contrats. / The work is the reflection of the personality of the author. From this, nothing may be legitimately dissociated or changed from the spirit of the original. To this end article L. 121-1 of the Code of intellectual property shews in its third paragraph that the moral right of the author of a work of the intellect is inalienable, in that contractualisation would seem to be excluded. All the same, the study of contractual practises shows, in reality, that the right of authorship as well as the rights in respect of the work, both of these constituant prerogatives, are often the subject of contract. Therefore one may deduce that it may be seen as a contractualisation of the moral right. Often this only operates in an indirect manner, as in a surrender of these rights of the author as in, perhaps, the sale of the work ; or by application of the common rights of contract.

Ochrana práv původních obyvatel Austrálie, zejména pak ve vztahu k médiím a právům duševního vlastnictví / Protection of rights of indigenous Australians in particular in relation to media and intellectual property rights

Černá, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis concentrates on legal protection of indigenous peoples in Australia. The topic itself is too wide, therefore it was shortened to predominantly concentrate on analysis of two up-to-date topics. These were, firstly, legal protection of indigenous peoples in relation to media and then, secondly, legal protection of indigenous peoples in relation to intellectual property rights. The paper is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter's goal is to introduce some parts of Australian history that are connected with Aboriginals to Czech readers. The topics discussed are, for example, colonization of Australia, genocide as perceived by international community, policy of assimilation, era of Stolen Generations etc. This chapter highlights a necessity of always dealing with current issues in proper historical context and, as it is found in the second chapter, also with deeper understanding of differences of indigenous culture. The second chapter is an outcome of the author's study stay at University of Queensland where she conducted a research on two topics connected with legal protection of indigenous peoples that were being currently discussed. The first topic was legal protection of indigenous peoples in relation to media connected with a discussion about The Freedom of Speech Bill 2014....

An Exploratory Study on the Factors Associated with Ethical Intention of Digital Piracy

Forman, Abbe Ellen 01 January 2009 (has links)
Each year billions of dollars are lost due to illegal downloading and copying of intellectual property. Individuals often perceive little or no consequences as a result of digital piracy. Research has shown that perceived consequences could be used to alter an individual's ethical intention to engage in digital piracy (INT). In addition subjective norm (SUN) may also contribute to INT. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the factors of perceived consequences and to assess their contribution, as well as the contribution of SUN, to INT. This predictive study developed a quantitative instrument to measure the contribution of the factors of perceived consequences and SUN on INT. In phase one of this study, an anonymous exploratory questionnaire was used to gather a list of perceived consequences. That list was combined with a list of perceived consequences found through an extensive review of the literature and a survey instrument was developed and used in phase two. After data cleaning, a total of 407 responses remained. Exploratory factor analysis incorporating principal component analysis (PCA) identified eight factors of INT: Personal Emotional Consequences (PEC), Freedom Consequences (FRC), Minor Consequences (MIC), Personal Freedom Consequences (PFC), Personal Moral Consequences (PMC), Network Access Consequences (NAC), Self Worth Consequences (SWC), and Industry Financial Consequences (IFC). A model was developed using Ordinal Logistic Regression to determine the contribution of the eight factors of perceived consequences and SUN on INT. PEC, PMC, and IFC as well as SUN were found to be significant contributors to INT. The Mann-Whitney U test determined that INT was the only factor that showed a significant difference for males. Additionally, gender was a significant contributor to FRC, MIC, PFC, PMC, SWC, and IFC. Each of these factors was more significant for females than males. The Kruskal-Wallis test determined that there were no significant differences in the factors of perceived consequences, SUN, and INT based on age or computer usage. Important contributions of this study include the identification of eight perceived consequence factors not previously known as well as the development of a unified predictive model, addressing all forms of digital piracy.

The effects of regulatory and financial policy instruments on innovative behavior / Experimental evidence

Brüggemann, Julia 25 February 2016 (has links)
Um politische Ziele wie Wirtschaftswachstum, geringe Arbeitslosigkeit und langfristige internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erreichen, wird die Förderung der nationalen Innovationstätigkeit als ein zentrales Element für erfolgreiche Wirtschaftspolitik angesehen. Diese Dissertation trägt zu der Diskussion über den Einfluss von regulativen und finanziellen Politikinstrumenten auf unternehmerische Entscheidungen bei, indem die Effekte von spezifischen Politikinstrumenten auf die individuelle Innovationstätigkeit und das Kooperationsverhalten analysiert werden. Es werden dabei die Effekte dreier Politikinstrumente – intellektuelle Eigentumsrechte, Innovationswettbewerbe und Subventionen – mit Hilfe von Laborexperimenten in einem neuen experimentellen Design untersucht, das im Kern eine Scrabble-ähnliche Wort-Suchaufgabe beinhaltet. Auf diese Weise können die individuellen Reaktionen auf die institutionellen Parameter im Rahmen eines sequentiellen Innovationsprozesses simuliert werden. Die Ergebnisse des ersten Experiments bezüglich intellektueller Eigentumsrechte zeigen, dass diese einen negativen Effekt auf das Auftreten sequentieller Innovationen haben. Die Wohlfahrt sinkt durch das Vorhandensein von intellektuellen Eigentumsrechten signifikant um 20 bis 30 Prozent, da eine geringere Anzahl und weniger wertvolle Innovationen erstellt werden. Im zweiten Experiment werden die Effekte von Innovationswettbewerben untersucht. Im Ergebnis sinkt in beiden untersuchten Wettbewerben die Kooperationsbereitschaft, jedoch haben Innovationswettbewerbe weder Einfluss auf die Kooperationsneigung der Individuen noch auf die gesamte Innovationsaktivität. Das dritte Experiment analysiert die Effekte von Subventionen auf das Innovationsverhalten und auf die Kooperationstätigkeit. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich ein substantielles Crowding-Out von privaten Investitionen und – je nach Subventionsart – keine positiven, bzw. sogar negative Effekte auf die Wohlfahrt. Im abschließenden Kapitel wird die aktuelle Literatur zur experimentellen Innovationsforschung zusammengefasst und ihre Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Insgesamt wird für eine pragmatische Nutzung von Laborexperimenten plädiert, um die Ergebnisse etablierter Methoden in der Innovationsforschung durch diesen methodischen Ansatz zu bereichern.

Savoir-faire traditionnels et biodiversité / Traditional know-how and biodiversity

Moustapha, Muriel 02 October 2018 (has links)
Les savoir-faire traditionnels ont été pendant longtemps considérés comme ayant peu d'intérêt. Leur reconnaissance internationale s'est faite à la conférence de Rio de 1992 à travers la convention sur la diversité biologique. Cette reconnaissance et la signature de l'accord sur la propriété intellectuelle de 1994 (ADPIC) ont entraîné de la part des pays du Sud (principalement) des questions auxquelles le droit et, plus particulièrement le droit de la propriété intellectuelle (DPI) ont du mal à répondre. La principale étant quel type de protection juridique apporter aux savoir-faire traditionnels et plus particulièrement à ceux liés à la biodiversité. Le DPI a non seulement du mal à cerner quels sont les droits et avantages à accorder aux détenteurs de ces savoirs, mais aussi et surtout, à cerner cette notion de savoir-faire traditionnel. Il a d'autant plus de mal à répondre aux questions soulevées par cette notion, que les débats juridiques sont le plus souvent dirigés par des intérêts économiques et politiques où s'affrontent deux conceptions très différentes de la protection juridique des savoir-faire traditionnels. Celle des Etats du Nord qui ont une conception privative du dpi, dont le but est de maîtriser ''l'utilisation scientifique et commerciale des savoirs traditionnels'' et celle des Etats du Sud qui ont une vision collective, communautaire de la protection de leurs savoirs dans le but de ''protéger l'intégrité des savoirs traditionnels''. La principale réponse apportée jusqu'à présent sur le plan international est le brevet, celui-ci semble, pourtant, peu adapté à ces savoir collectifs et ancestraux. En fait, derrière cette notion de savoir-faire traditionnel, se profile une question essentielle, celle de l'accès aux ressources génétiques et aux savoir-faire traditionnels. Ce travail a pour but d'explorer de nouvelles alternatives à la propriété intellectuelle. / The traditional know-how were considered for a long time as having not much interest. Their international recognition was made at the Rio Conference of 1992, through the Convention on Biological Diversity. This recognition and the signing of the Agreement on the Aspects of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights of 1994 (TRIPS) have led the countries of the South mainly, to raise questions to which the law and, more particularly the law of the intellectual property (DPI) are struggling to answer. The main question is to know the nature of the legal protection given to traditional know-how and more particularly to those related to biodiversity. The DIP not only has difficulty in identifying the nature of the rights and benefits to be granted to the holders of this knowledge, but above all, in identifying this notion of traditional know-how. The DIP struggle to address the issues as legal débats are generally lead by political and economical interests where two very different conceptions of the legal protection of traditional know-how confront each other. The one of northern states that have a private and utilitarian conception. That of northern states that have a private and utilitarian conception. The aim is, with DPI, to control the scientific and commercial use of know-how. The one of southern states that have a collective or even community vision of the protection of their knowledge in order to protect the integrity - spiritual, cultural and social - of traditional knowledge. The main international answer today is the certificate. However, this one doesn’t fit well these traditional collective and ancestral know-how. In fact, behind this notion of traditional know-how, there is a key issue, that of access to genetic resources and traditional know-how. The ambition assigned to this thesis (PhD) is to explore new alternatives to intellectual property, in order to find a regime appropriate legal framework for traditional know-how.

Employee engagement in implementation of change at merged companies and intellectual property commission

Marotola, Kganetsi Lawrence January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management (Public and Development Management) 2016 / The purpose - The study is to examine and understand the employee engagement approaches used in implementing change in CIPC, and how they engagement strategies could be improved to make the change implementation more effective and sustainable. Design, methodology and approach - The study used a qualitative research method, and institutional research case study design was used to gather individual experiences of employees about employee engagement practice pre, during and after the implementation of the merger. The findings – The paper identified that employee engagement approaches supporting fidelity goal orientation have been used in the case study. The change process has been hailed as not successful by the employees. However, proposal for improvement have been identified for consideration for future research. Research implication – the results of the study would add value to the case study organization by improving revitalizing the change management function and processes. It would serve as an empowering value as a source for employees and managers alike to understand the dual responsibility to communicate honesty. The practical implications- change can be owned and made sustainable by all those involved in the decision making and execution processes. This model of change appreciates people as sources of knowledge that contribute to the success of the organization. The model advocates for management to adopt a transparent and open approach to engagement, and disband the authoritative perspective to decision making. / MT 2018

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