Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intellectual property"" "subject:"ntellectual property""
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The (In)ability of the International Intellectual Property Regime to Adequately Protect Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Legal Analysis on the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Context of Sustainable DevelopmentMakipour, Sanam January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Writing in the Flow: Assembling Tactical Rhetorics in an Age of Viral CirculationEdwards, Dustin W. 14 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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International patent systems strength 1998-2011Papageorgiadis, Nikolaos, Cross, A.R., Alexiou, C. January 2014 (has links)
No / In this paper we report on a composite index of international patent systems strength for 48 developing and industrialized countries annually from 1998 to 2011. Building upon earlier indices we develop a conceptual framework informed by transaction cost theory and derive measures which emphasize the importance of enforcement-related aspects of the patent system of countries. Findings reveal harmonization of the regulative aspects of patent protection internationally in the post-TRIPs era but not of overall national patent systems. The index should inform studies on the relationship between national patent systems and a range of international business and other phenomena. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Foreign direct investment versus joint venturesLi, Yuting January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Economics / Yang M. Chang / This paper studies economic factors that affect a multinational’s decision between serving a foreign market via foreign direct investment (FDI) and setting up a joint venture (JV) with a local firm in the host country. The factors that we consider include the substitutability of products produced by competing firms, as well as the hotly debated intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection. In a simple North-South framework, we show that JV is the equilibrium market structure when the degree of R&D spillover is moderate, products are considerably substitutable, and IPRs strong. The government of South needs to maintain a minimum level of IRP to encourage an effective JV. For increasing social welfare, the South also needs to have a policy that limits foreign ownership in a JV.
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Legal analysis of fair dealing relating to music works in the digital environmentGroenewald, Louise 11 1900 (has links)
Many people might think that downloading music without paying for it is not a big issue. Copyright owners disagree with this kind of reasoning because to them, music is intellectual property with substantial commercial value. Copyright law is the primary form of protection for intellectual property and is based on the fundamental principle that copyright works cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the copyright owner.
During the late 90’s however, new technology made it possible for millions of people to download music from the Internet without the express consent of copyright owners. The mere act of downloading songs illegally violates the exclusive right of the copyright owner to reproduce the work. It has also created problems within copyright law that was not foreseeable in the 17th century when the Statute of Anne was enacted.
In law, there is always an exception to the rule and it is no different with copyright law. Although copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce their work, the general public has been granted exceptions to make fair dealing of copyright works for private or personal use, purposes of research, private study, criticism, review or for reporting current events in a magazine, newspaper or periodical, broadcasting or by using the work in a cinematograph film by virtue of s12 of the Copyright Act 98 of 1978.
However, the list of exceptions supra may be changed and/or extended, provided that it remains in line with the international conventions and agreements that South Africa is a member to. The three-step test is inter alia provided for in Art. 9(2) of the Berne Convention1 (Paris Text of 1971) and permit exceptions to the reproduction right of the copyright owner:
1) in certain special cases;
2) that do not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and;
3) that does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author/rights holder.
S17 provides that certain subsections of s12 shall apply mutatis mutandis with reference to sound recordings. However, s12(1)(a) is not one of the subsections mentioned in s17 which means that fair dealing in sound recordings for purposes of research or private study, or for personal or private use is NOT permitted.
Fair dealing however, is not absolute nor is it an easy doctrine to interpret. The legal interpretation and application of fair dealing has been fraught with complexity since the English courts first dealt with fair abridgement of literary works between the 17th and 18th century but this complexity has been compounded even more by new technology, especially in relation to music works.
The legal uncertainty of fair dealing with regard to music works is the reason why this comparative research has been undertaken in the jurisdictions of South Africa, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. Hopefully it will shed more light on the doctrine and lift the veil of confusion. / Jurisprudence / LLM
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Intellectual property management and protection : low intellectual property registration at universities : a case study of the Durban University of TechnologyBansi, Ramika 19 November 2012 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfillment for the requirements of the Degree of Master of Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the low rate of registration of IP rights such as patents, trademark and design rights at the DUT, through a survey conducted with the academic research staff. Managing IP at a University of Technology today has new dimensions with the implementation of the IP Act 51 of 2008. Stimulation of the development and commercialization of technology within South Africa may benefit the country and its citizens. The knowledge economy indicates that research, development and innovation are fundamental prerequisites for achieving and maintaining competitiveness and sustained growth.
The researcher undertook to explore reasons for low IP registration as a means to increase such activity at the DUT. This study adopted both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies with questionnaires distributed to full-time academic staff in selected departments.
Factors that contributed to the gap between academic research and intellectual property registration were examined. This study investigates activities relating to patent registration, as well as the academic performance of researchers at DUT.
The literature reviewed indicated that factors affecting low intellectual property right activities at the DUT may be a lack of awareness, implications of the ownership provisions, funding and an effective institutional arrangement for the management of intellectual property.
This study identified strengths and weakness of DUT‟s IP management system. It is envisaged that the findings of the study will contribute to increasing IP registration at the DUT, in particular, and other UoT‟s in general. Low IP registration can be attributed to lack of understanding and awareness of the ownership provisions of the IP Act. The study highlighted lessons to be learned from universities in other countries and how the DUT‟s system can grow into an efficient and effective means of promoting national innovation and economic growth. In an increasingly global world, the ability to invent, design and manufacture goods and services that people want is more vital to our future prosperity than ever.
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The Constitutional Property Clause and Immaterial Property InterestsKellerman, Mikhalien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The question that this dissertation addresses is which immaterial property interests may be
recognised and protected under the constitutional property clause and if so, under which
circumstances. The question originated in the First Certification case 1 where the court held
that the constitutional property clause is wide enough to include property interests that
require protection according to international norms. The traditional immaterial property
interests or intellectual property rights (patents, copyright, designs and trademarks) are
protected as property in private law on a sui generis basis. Since it is generally accepted that
the property concept in constitutional law includes at least property rights protected in private
law, it is relatively unproblematic to include intellectual property rights under the
constitutional property clause. In Laugh It Off v SAB International,2 the Constitutional Court
explicitly balanced the right to a trademark with the right to freedom of expression, which is
accepted as authority that at least trademarks may be recognised and protected as
constitutional property. The other intellectual property rights may most likely be recognised
and protected by analogy. Foreign law as well as international law also indicates that
intellectual property should be recognised and protected as constitutional property. However,
there are other, unconventional immaterial property interests that are not protected as
property in private law. Some are protected in private law, but not as property; others
originate in public law; and yet others are not protected yet at all. In terms of the
Constitution, South African courts may consider foreign law, but must consider international
law. This dissertation determines when these interests may be protected as constitutional
property by reference to foreign cases from German, American, Australian and Irish law;
regional international law, namely European Union cases; and international law. The
conclusion is that unconventional immaterial property interests may generally be protected if
they are vested and acquired in terms of normal law, have patrimonial value and serve the
general purpose of constitutional property protection. Property theories are also useful to
determine when immaterial property interests deserve constitutional protection, although
other theories may be more useful for some of the unconventional interests. The German
scaling approach and the balancing of competing interests is a useful approach for South
African courts to help determine the appropriate level of protection for specific immaterial
property interests without excluding some at the outset. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag waarmee hierdie verhandeling handel is of belange in immateriële goedere erken
en beskerm kan word in terme van die grondwetlike eiendomsklousule en indien wel, onder
watter omstandighede. Die vraag het sy ontstaan in die First Certification saak,3 waar die
Grondwetlike Hof beslis het dat die eiendomsklousule se omvang wyd genoeg is om belange
in eiendom in te sluit wat volgens internasionale norme beskerming verg. Sekere regte in
immateriële goedere word op ’n sui generis basis in die privaatreg beskerm, naamlik die regte
in tradisionele immaterieelgoederereg kategorieë of intellektuele eiendom (patente, kopiereg,
ontwerpe en handelsmerke). Dit is 'n algemene beginsel van grondwetlike eiendomsreg dat
die konsep van eiendom minstens belange insluit wat as eiendom in die privaatreg beskerm
word. In Laugh It Off v SAB International4 het die Grondwetlike Hof 'n handelsmerkreg
opgeweeg teen die reg op vryheid van uitdrukking en hierdeur implisiet erken dat minstens
handelsmerke en dalk ook ander intellektuele eindemsregte deur die eiendomsklousule erken
en beskerm kan word. Buitelandse reg sowel as internasionale reg dui aan dat intellektuele
eiendom grondwetlike beskerming behoort te ontvang. Buiten hierdie belange is daar ook
immaterieelgoederereg belange wat nie onder eiendomsreg beskerm word in die privaatreg
nie. Sommige van hierdie belange word wel in die privaatreg beskerm, maar dan onder ander
areas van die reg as eiendom; ander het hul oorsprong in die publiekreg; en die res word tans
glad nie beskerm nie. Die Grondwet bepaal dat howe buitelandse reg in ag kan neem en dat
hulle internasionale reg moet oorweeg. Die verhandeling se vraag word beantwoord met
verwysing na sake uit die Duitse, Amerikaanse, Australiese en Ierse grondwetlike reg;
streeks-internasionale reg van die Europese Unie; en internasionale reg. Die onkonvensionele
immaterieelgoederereg belange kan oor die algemeen beskerm word as eiendom indien daar
'n gevestigde reg is, die reg in terme van gewone reg verkry is en die belang die algemene
oogmerke van die grondwetlike klousule bevorder. Die teorieë oor die beskerming van
eiendom is van nut om te bepaal watter belange beskerm kan word, alhoewel sekere
onkonvensionele belange beter geregverdig kan word deur ander tipes teorieë. Die Duitse
metode om belange op te weeg kan van besonderse nut wees vir Suid Afrikaanse howe om te
bepaal watter vlak van beskerming spesifieke belange in immaterieelgoedere behoort te
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The development of a business model for the national intellectual property management officeSifunda, Pindiwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many countries recognise the importance of realising economic growth through the exploitation of research outputs culminating from publicly financed institutions. At the forefront of these countries is the United States of America which has seen increased commercialisation efforts made by its universities since the passing of its Intellectual Property (IP) legislation, the Bayh-Dole Act in the 1980s. The Act assigned IP rights to public institutions. Most countries have since followed suit and SA is likewise in the process of adopting similar legislation, namely the Intellectual Property Rights Bill (IPR Bill).
The Department of Science and Technology (DST), which is responsible for growing the knowledge base of the country, guided by the National R&D Strategy adopted in 2002, has developed a framework for IP rights emanating from publicly financed research. This will form the basis for IPR legislation, which is currently under review by Parliament. The legislation is similar to that adopted in the USA, with due consideration for local content. It also assigns IP rights emanating from publicly financed research to the recipient entities, that is, public institutions and small businesses. The legislation aims to stimulate inter alia a culture of patenting by public institutions. This has the potential to increase the commercialisation of these research outputs, as evidenced in other countries.
The abovementioned legislation refers to the establishment of a national agency, the National IP Management Office (NIPMO), which will have the responsibility of undertaking the administrative function set out in the legislation. This paper investigates a business model, as well as an institutional framework for NIPMO, taking into account the challenges of IP management in SA and abroad.
Desktop research was carried out for a better understanding of the status quo in the IP management landscape, both locally and abroad. This was followed by primary research by means of interviews in order to gain insight into the nature of local IP management offices, the challenges they are faced with and also the expectations of the planned National IP Management Office.
The literature survey indicated that many countries have come to realise the importance of developing their economies through exploitation of publicly financed research outputs. Most countries have since adopted IPR legislation to enable public research institutions to manage their IP, and commercialise their research outputs. There are still challenges faced by this system, which are similar across countries. These range from the financing required for the management and running of these office, limited capacity, and also traditional mindsets of researchers in putting greater value on publications than on patents.
Exploiting the information gathered, an environmental analysis in the form of SWOT and stakeholder analyses was carried out, which culminated in the development of a business model and a governance model.
Some of the key recommendations that have been made in this study include the following: NIPMO should follow the proposed business model which outlines the different number of expertise and services that should be provided to ensure the sustainable administering of the IPR legislation. In order to be able to provide a much needed service and be accessible to the institutional technology transfer offices (TTOs), NIPMO should set up provincial offices to better assist the under-capacitated TTOs, as well as institutions without TTOs.
As skills are being developed in the area of IP Management, it should be considered to roll-out these regional offices incrementally, starting with areas that are in most need of these services, namely Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Eastern Cape. NIPMO should play a major role in monitoring and evaluating the implementation and the impact of the new legislation on the innovativeness of the country’s research environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie lande besef die belangrikheid van die verwesenliking van ekonomiese groei deur die benutting van navorsingsuitsette wat van staatsgefinansierde instellings afkomstig is. Die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) is aan die voorpunt van hierdie lande, met toenemende kommersialisering deur hierdie land se universiteite sedert die wetgewing oor Intellektuele Eiendom (IE) by wyse van die Bayh-Dole-wet in die 1980’s goedgekeur is. Hierdie wet het IE-regte aan regeringsinstellings toegeken. Die meeste lande het hierdie voorbeeld gevolg, en ook Suid-Afrika is tans besig om soortgelyke wetgewing goed te keur, naamlik die Wetsontwerp op Intellektuele Eiendomsregte (IER-wetsontwerp).
Die Departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (DWT), wat verantwoordelik is vir die uitbreiding van die land se kennisbasis en deur die Nasionale Navorsings- en Ontwikkelingstrategie wat in 2002 goedgekeur is, gerig word, het ’n raamwerk vir IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, ontwikkel. Dít sal die grondslag vorm van IER-wetgewing en die IER-wetsontwerp, wat tans deur die Parlement in hersiening geneem word. Die wetgewing stem ooreen met dít wat in die VSA goedgekeur is, en skenk behoorlike oorweging aan plaaslike inhoud. Dit ken ook IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, aan die ontvangerentiteite, naamlik staatsinstellings en klein besighede, toe. Die wetgewing is daarop gemik om onder andere ’n kultuur van patentering deur staatsinstellings te stimuleer. Dit bied die moontlikheid van verhoogde kommersialisering van hierdie navorsingsuitsette, soos in ander lande aangetoon.
Die bogenoemde wetgewing verwys na die stigting van ’n nasionale agentskap, die Nasionale IE-bestuurskantoor (NIMPO), wat daarvoor verantwoordelik sal wees om die administratiewe funksie, soos in die wetgewing gestipuleer, uit te voer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek ’n sakemodel asook ’n institusionele raamwerk vir NIPMO, wat die uitdagings van IE-bestuur in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland in aanmerking neem.
Literatuur oor die onderwerp is ondersoek om beter begrip van die status quo in die terrein van IE-bestuur, sowel plaaslik as in die buiteland, te verkry. Hierna het primêre navorsing deur middel van onderhoude gevolg, ten einde insig in die aard van plaaslike IE-bestuurskantore, die uitdagings waarvoor hulle te staan kom en ook die verwagtinge van die beplande NIMPO te verkry.
Die literatuuroorsig het getoon dat baie lande die belangrikheid van die ontwikkeling van hul ekonomieë deur die benutting van staatsgefinansierde navorsingsuitsette besef. Die meeste lande het intussen IER-wetgewing goedgekeur ten einde staatsnavorsingsinstellings in staat te stel om hul IE te bestuur, en om hul navorsingsuitsette te kommersialiseer. Hierdie stelsel kom steeds voor uitdagings te staan, soos ook die geval in ander lande. Hierdie uitdagings wissel van die finansiering wat nodig is vir die bestuur en werking van hierdie kantore en beperkte kapasiteit tot ’n tradisionele ingesteldheid van navorsers om groter waarde op publikasies as op patente te plaas.
Op grond van die inligting wat ingesamel is, is ’n omgewingsontleding in die vorm van SWOT- en belanghebberontledings uitgevoer, wat tot die ontwikkeling van ’n sake- en ’n beheermodel gelei het.
Op grond van die ontledings is belangrike aanbevelings gemaak, wat die volgende insluit: NIPMO moet die voorgestelde sakemodel volg, wat die hoeveelheid kundigheid en dienste stipuleer wat nodig is om die volhoubare uitvoering van die IER-wetgewing te verseker. Ten einde in staat te wees om ’n uiters noodsaaklike diens te verskaf en vir die institusionele tegnologie-oordragkantore (TOK’s) toeganklik te wees, moet NIPMO provinsiale kantore stig om TOK’s met ’n lae kapasiteit asook instellings sonder TOK’s beter te kan bystaan. Aangesien vaardighede in die veld van EI-bestuur nog ontwikkel word, moet oorweging daaraan geskenk word om hierdie streekskantore toenemend van stapel te laat loop deur te begin by gebiede wat hierdie dienste die nodigste het, soos Kwa-Zulu Natal en die Oos-Kaap. NIPMO moet ’n belangrike rol in die monitering en evaluering van die implementering en die impak van die nuwe wetgewing op die vernuwende aard van die land se navorsingsomgewing speel.
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Copyright and Social Media : A legal analysis of terms for use of photo sharing sitesLundell, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Before signing a contract, it is important to read and understand the terms in order to know what is being agreed to. However, it has been shown that this is not done to the same extent online. Even though users accept the terms of use for online services, the terms are rarely read, meaning that the user has no idea of what is agreed to. When it comes to social media sites, these have some sort of service for distribution of content, such as photographs. As these are considered creative works, they are most certainly protected by copyright. This means that copyright protection comes in question. As services are accessible from different nations, these need to comply with different kinds of legislation regulating the protection of copyright. The purpose of this study is to investigate the terms of use for specific online services available on the Internet for distribution of digital content and analyse the legal conditions in order to establish congruence with European and US copyright law. The sites legally gain rights to the content that is uploaded by the users. However, there seems to be some unclarity regarding the terms that potentially results in use of the sites that is not accepted. Further, there seem to be possible problems in protecting the moral rights of the authors due to the extent of the licences that is granted to some of the sites.
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Digitalising Korea : transformations and tensions : the case of audiovisual service trade and intellectual property rightsChoi, Eun-Kyoung January 2013 (has links)
Since the 1990s, South Korea has enthusiastically developed and applied digital technologies to every sector of economic and social life, and constructed the most intensively connected society in the world. This thesis explores the impact of Digital Korea on the country s cultural industries, focussing particularly on the main audio-visual industries of broadcasting and film. While the push to digitalise Korea has been enthusiastically pursued by successive national governments with the aim of ensuring that Korea maintains its status as a key world economy as the leading edge of capitalism shifts from an industrial to an information base, to fully understand the forms it has taken and its impacts national initiatives have to be placed in the wider context of shifts in the global trading system. With the rise of neo-liberalism across the globe and the perceived ineffectiveness of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in extending multi-lateral trade, both emerging and developed economies have increasingly embraced Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). In line with this trend, South Korea has signed FTAs with the USA, the European Union (EU) and The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This thesis explores the interplay between national initiatives and global trade through a detailed case study of the US-led FTA with South Korea (KORUS-FTA) focusing particularly on its implications for the Audiovisual Sector and the accompanying, and pivotal, debates around Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). The KORUS FTA simultaneously opened the Korean market to American audiovisual content and strengthened existing national IPR laws to match the provisions prevailing within the US. Both these moves were opposed within Korea on the grounds that they operated unequally, to the advantage of the US and the detriment of national production that had, in recent years, enjoyed considerable success in export markets, creating what came to be known as the Korean Wave . In addition utilising the extensive corpus of available public documentation the analysis presented here draws on two original research exercises: in depth interviews with experts in international trade and intellectual property rights, conducted in South Korea, the UK and Switzerland (in Geneva, at the WTO Forum 2008), and a web-based survey of a cross section of professionals working in the Korean broadcasting industry. The results obtained show that while Korean economists followed the government in arguing that signing the FTA with the US was essential if Korea was to remain a major player in the global economy, a majority of those working in the audiovisual sector believed that the terms of the agreement, particularly the imposition of US-style IPR laws, disproportionately favoured US interests and would weaken the strong position the sector had achieved in recent years and impede its future growth.
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